Re: How to configure the VIM to avoid the hassle

2007-02-09 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

frank wang wrote:

Thank you very much.

It is my .vimrc problem. It is cause by the following mapping:


I copied this mapping from internet, it will pop up the tab. Why it is
causing the problem. I do not know.


1. Bottom-posting is preferred in the Vim mailing lists.

2. Ctrl-[ is the Escape key. By remapping it, you remap anything starting by 
an Escape character. Depending on your 'timeout' 'timeoutlen' 'ttimeout' and 
'ttimeoutlen' settings, and on your keyboard interface, it may also override 
your and Fn keys.

Best regards,
Feminists say 60 percent of the country's wealth is in the hands of
women.  They're letting men hold the other 40 percent because their
handbags are full.
-- Earl Wilson

Re: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Frodak wrote:

--- Steve Hall wrote:

From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 12:54 pm
Steve Hall wrote:  

From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 11:58 am

I often have to paste from Word for Windows

into vim/gvim

(cygwin). Some characters don't transfer


It could just be a font issue, make sure your

gvim font supports

non-ASCII characters. (I find Courier New or

Andale Mono provide

extensive support.)

I checked this out. I'm using gvim, and neither of

the fonts you

mentioned are in the list available. I literally

have thousands of

fonts on my machine however, so how does it choose

which font are

available, and which are not? Is there a separate

dir for them?

So if you do

  :set guifont=*

you don't get a dialog displaying a list similar to
what you see when
you select a font in Notepad? I wonder if this is a
build issue, where
did you get your Vim?

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

I've just installed the standard Cygwin/X and gvim
package, and cutting and pasting from Word works fine.

My .vimrc sets "encoding=utf-8"

set guifont?

So the default font seems to be okay.  Still I don't
know if the fonts that GTK/X/gvim uses covers all
unicode codepoints (i.e. all the possible characters
in unicode).


IIUC, no font covers all the /possible/ codepoints in Unicode. Some fonts are 
better for Chinese, others for Arabic, others for Latin, etc.

You might try the following:

if has("multi_byte")
  if &encoding !~? '^u' " no change needed if already in Unicode
if &termencoding == ""
  let &termencoding = &encoding " avoid clobbering the keyboard encoding
set encoding=utf-8
  echoerr("Error: Mutibyte support not compiled-in")
if has("gui_running")   " 'guifont' doesn't work in the console
  if has("gui_gtk2")" GTK+2 but not GTK+1
set guifont=Courier\ New\ 10
  elseif has("gui_kde") " the obsolete kvim (6.2 or earlier)
set guifont=Courier\ New/10/-1/5/50/0/0/1/0
  elseif has("gui_photon")  " QNX Photon
set guifont=Courier\ New:s10
  elseif has("x11") " other X11 GUIs, including GTK+1
set guifont=*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-m-*-*
  else  " non-X11 GUIs (Windows, Carbon, ...)
set guifont=Courier_New:h10

Once gvim is loaded, you can use

:set guifont=

(assuming 'nocompatible' is set) to edit the font setting on the command-line.

Best regards,
Mathematicians do it in theory.

Re: auto-wrapping text

2007-02-09 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Brian Anderson wrote:


I have a simple question about text auto-wrapping. I've looked at the
help files, but haven't been able to find the answer to my question.

I have some files that have been auto-wrapping (inserting a line-break)
when the text gets to the end of the line, then moving down to the next

I don't know that I've changed anything but now on some files, the text
is not breaking. The 'set wrap' is enabled, so the text isn't scrolling
off the screen, but it is not putting in line breaks any more either.

Most of these files are LaTeX (.tex) files, but there is no line break
on new files that have no extensions.

Sometimes I change something, and the wrapping works again, but then
later stops. I make some changes, then it starts working again (for a
while), but then it stops again. I don't know what I'm changing, but I'd
like to find out.

How can I check this, and what settings do I need to make it go back to
automatic line breaks?

some settings are:

:set wrap
:set textwidth=80
:set wrapmargin=0



Automatic line breaks are added only when you type line longer than 
'textwidth', not when reading a file which already contains long lines.

To reformat the current editfile, use


which means:

gg   go to top
gq   format the text passed over by the next {motion}
Ggo to bottom

see ":help gq"

Best regards,
God is not dead!  He's alive and autographing bibles at Cody's

Re: display aberrations on Mac

2007-02-09 Thread Kev
I had this problem when using a G4 Powerbook with Vim 7.  The issue 
began when I changed from the default font.
Unfortunately I do not have a fix for the problem, only a suggestion.  
Try different fonts including changing the font size.

Good luck,

Alan G Isaac wrote:

I'm using Vim 7 on a Macbook Pro (Intel) with OS X 10.4.8.
With gvim I'm seeing some aberrant display: the occasional 
character will only half or 3/4 drawn, and :redr does not
fix it.  (However moving the cursor across it in normal mode 
does fix it.)

Is this a known problem, and is there a fix?  (E.g., does
the most recently posted binary fix this?)

Thank you,
Alan Isaac


display aberrations on Mac

2007-02-09 Thread Alan G Isaac
I'm using Vim 7 on a Macbook Pro (Intel) with OS X 10.4.8.
With gvim I'm seeing some aberrant display: the occasional 
character will only half or 3/4 drawn, and :redr does not
fix it.  (However moving the cursor across it in normal mode 
does fix it.)

Is this a known problem, and is there a fix?  (E.g., does
the most recently posted binary fix this?)

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: searching for a string that has many '/' characters

2007-02-09 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-02-02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a string that has lots of forward slashes. I need to search it
> and delete it (e.g. unix path name).  I could use a backslash for
> everything forward slash and find it in vim. Is there a way I need not
> do that? For now, I use 'grep -n' to get the line number and then delete
> it. I don't actually type the string, I just use cut-and-paste!

In addition to the techniques mentioned by others, you could just 
search backwards instead of forwards, e.g.,


If searching backwards bothers you, you can change that to a forward 
search by just typing


Another technique would be to use the :grep command, e.g.,

:grep /path/to/file %

to search the current file, and use the quickfix commands such as 
:cn to traverse the list of matches.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: How to configure the VIM to avoid the hassle

2007-02-09 Thread frank wang

Thank you very much.

It is my .vimrc problem. It is cause by the following mapping:


I copied this mapping from internet, it will pop up the tab. Why it is
causing the problem. I do not know.


On 2/9/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have vim 7.0 installed on fedora. Each time after I starts the vim
> and press the movement key, j,k l, h, vim will automatically change to
> insert mode and add one empty line in it. I have to press ESC and u to
> undo it. How can I change this back to normal vim, so the j,k,l,h key
> is movement keys?
> Another annoying problem is with the arrow key, each time when I press
> the arrow key, it will change to insert mode and insert an empty line.
> How could I change this back to normal movement key?

A couple things to try:

1) try starting vim with

   vim -u NONE

to prevent any plugins from loading.  If things suddenly start
working, then you've got an errant plugin or config
setting/option that's causing trouble.  Use of :verbose and
:scriptnames can help to track down issues if this is the case.

2) from within you shell, issue

   bash$  echo $TERM

and then from within vim issue

   :echo $TERM

and see if they match.  These *should* be the same.  Either
you're resetting $TERM within vim, or your shell isn't setting it
properly for the terminal you're in.

Information for the results of these two tests should help move
in the right direction.  It might also help to know what terminal
app you're using (xterm, rxvt, console, etc) and what shell
you're using (bash, zsh, csh, etc).


Re: How to configure the VIM to avoid the hassle

2007-02-09 Thread Tim Chase
> I have vim 7.0 installed on fedora. Each time after I starts the vim
> and press the movement key, j,k l, h, vim will automatically change to
> insert mode and add one empty line in it. I have to press ESC and u to
> undo it. How can I change this back to normal vim, so the j,k,l,h key
> is movement keys?
> Another annoying problem is with the arrow key, each time when I press
> the arrow key, it will change to insert mode and insert an empty line.
> How could I change this back to normal movement key?

A couple things to try:

1) try starting vim with

vim -u NONE

to prevent any plugins from loading.  If things suddenly start
working, then you've got an errant plugin or config
setting/option that's causing trouble.  Use of :verbose and
:scriptnames can help to track down issues if this is the case.

2) from within you shell, issue

bash$  echo $TERM

and then from within vim issue

:echo $TERM

and see if they match.  These *should* be the same.  Either
you're resetting $TERM within vim, or your shell isn't setting it
properly for the terminal you're in.

Information for the results of these two tests should help move
in the right direction.  It might also help to know what terminal
app you're using (xterm, rxvt, console, etc) and what shell
you're using (bash, zsh, csh, etc).


How to configure the VIM to avoid the hassle

2007-02-09 Thread frank wang


I have vim 7.0 installed on fedora. Each time after I starts the vim
and press the movement key, j,k l, h, vim will automatically change to
insert mode and add one empty line in it. I have to press ESC and u to
undo it. How can I change this back to normal vim, so the j,k,l,h key
is movement keys?

Another annoying problem is with the arrow key, each time when I press
the arrow key, it will change to insert mode and insert an empty line.
How could I change this back to normal movement key?



RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into �

2007-02-09 Thread Frodak

--- Steve Hall wrote:

> From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 12:54 pm
> > Steve Hall wrote:  
> > > From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 11:58 am
> > > >
> > > > I often have to paste from Word for Windows
> into vim/gvim
> > > > (cygwin). Some characters don't transfer
> properly.
> > > 
> > > It could just be a font issue, make sure your
> gvim font supports
> > > non-ASCII characters. (I find Courier New or
> Andale Mono provide
> > > extensive support.)
> > 
> > I checked this out. I'm using gvim, and neither of
> the fonts you
> > mentioned are in the list available. I literally
> have thousands of
> > fonts on my machine however, so how does it choose
> which font are
> > available, and which are not? Is there a separate
> dir for them?
> So if you do
>   :set guifont=*
> you don't get a dialog displaying a list similar to
> what you see when
> you select a font in Notepad? I wonder if this is a
> build issue, where
> did you get your Vim?
> -- 
> Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

I've just installed the standard Cygwin/X and gvim
package, and cutting and pasting from Word works fine.

My .vimrc sets "encoding=utf-8"

set guifont?

So the default font seems to be okay.  Still I don't
know if the fonts that GTK/X/gvim uses covers all
unicode codepoints (i.e. all the possible characters
in unicode).



Any questions? Get answers on any topic at  Try it now.

RE: Using (g)vim without installing it

2007-02-09 Thread Eric Leenman


> > Try downloading Steve Hall's self-installer from
> >

> > and telling it to install into a Vim folder under your "My
> > documents" folder.
> I tried just now. But when I select a different directory then the
> C:\Programs Files\vim they OK-button is grayed-out. So never came to
> an install.

This installer requires a "vim" subdirectory, make sure you create one
and point to it wherever you happen to install. (Among other things,
this ensures the uninstaller doesn't delete half your hard drive.)
Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]


Did just install it on my usb-stick and thats working.
Now following the earlier replies to use it on another pc.
Thanks again.

Search for grocery stores. Find gratitude. Turn a simple search into 
something more.

Re: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread Phil Edwards

On 2/9/07, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some characters don't transfer properly. Most annoyingly is that a
single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿

That's not actually a single quote; what you're seeing is Word's
"smart quote" feature, which tries to do begin- and end-quotes.  Like
`` and '' in TeX do, except outside the range of ASCII.

If you want to preserve the funky character and display it properly,
you need to make sure that your Vim is set up to use Unicode fonts.

If you want to throw out the funky character and use an actual single
quote, then you might have to do some kind of conversion in the paste
buffer.  I don't know exactly how those are implemented.

RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into �

2007-02-09 Thread Steve Hall
From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 12:54 pm
> Steve Hall wrote:  
> > From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 11:58 am
> > >
> > > I often have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim
> > > (cygwin). Some characters don't transfer properly.
> > 
> > It could just be a font issue, make sure your gvim font supports
> > non-ASCII characters. (I find Courier New or Andale Mono provide
> > extensive support.)
> I checked this out. I'm using gvim, and neither of the fonts you
> mentioned are in the list available. I literally have thousands of
> fonts on my machine however, so how does it choose which font are
> available, and which are not? Is there a separate dir for them?

So if you do

  :set guifont=*

you don't get a dialog displaying a list similar to what you see when
you select a font in Notepad? I wonder if this is a build issue, where
did you get your Vim?

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>Thanks for the feedback. Well, this is kind of over my head. I guess a better
>question is why can't vi handle that character (or others)? Is this an encoding
>thing? Both 'encoding' and 'fileencoding' are set to 'Latin1'. Could this be my
>problem? I would figure that vi would internally convert encodings before

I think it actually *can*, only you need to tell it what charset/font to use.

Probably Unicode or something more encompassing would be better.

Re: vim return code

2007-02-09 Thread Frodak

--- Martin Krischik wrote:

> Hello,
> I often use little vim scripts using "vim -E". Now
> like all executable 
> vim will return a result code after execution.
> And it is often "false" which I don't want. Does
> anybody know how to 
> influence the return value from "vim -E"?
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin Krischik
> mailto://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The exit code of 0 means that no errors occurred
during that vim session.

If you want vim to return a non-zero exit code then
try to perform a command that does not exists and then
when you quit vim will return a non-zero value.

But I don't understand the context of this question.



Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into �

2007-02-09 Thread Frodak

--- ben lieb wrote:

> I asked this question before, but it wasn't really
> resolved. I often
> have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim
> (cygwin).
> Some characters don't transfer properly. Most
> annoyingly is that a
> single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿
> Is there an easy way around this?

Word uses Unicode characters for a lot of the quoting
items.  My initial WAG is that your vim/gvim setup is
not able to display these is your current font, or
your setup is not able to handle unicode, etc.

I would ensure that your vim/gvim setup can actually
display unicode characters.  Mine can't so it always
displays these items as: ¿

Also remember when you cut and paste in windows the
applications can be doing some conversion for you.  

When you copy in windows, Word stores the clipboard
data in many different formats, when you paste the
application needs to pick one of these formats to get
the data from.

If you are using vim in a shell then the shell is
choosing the the format to use (e.g. the cmd shell
will choose system or something like that), if you're
using gvim (and therefore the X buffer system) I have
no idea what its going to pick.


TV dinner still cooling? 
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

Re: vim return code

2007-02-09 Thread Hugh Sasse
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Martin Krischik wrote:

> Am Freitag 09 Februar 2007 schrieb Charles E Campbell Jr:
> > :q  :wq  :q!   -- these are normal quits (:wq also writes)
> > :
> > :cq  -- quits, but Vim will return an error code
> >
> Thats exactly as far as I came without help. Now, what I was looking for 
> was "quit without error code" - or better, since there is allways an error 
> code, "quit with error code 'success'".

I don't know the answer to that, but...
> Currently Vim is seems to me that randomly chooses an error code to return - 
> which is not good for bash scripts running in "set -o errexit" mode.

... would something like 
( $(vim -E ...) || true ) 
solve this?  Given (starting in tcsh) :

brains hgs 17 %> bash3
brains hgs ~ 61 $ set -o errexit
brains hgs ~ 62 $ false
brains hgs 18 %> bash3
brains hgs ~ 61 $ set -o errexit
brains hgs ~ 62 $ ( false || true )
brains hgs ~ 63 $ exit
brains hgs 19 %>

> BTW: Any bash script author should at least consider to use "set -o errexit" 
> it is a really usefull debugging tool.

Well, you don't seem to get much in thw way of diagnostics from it, but
thank you for mentioning it.
> Martin

Re: vim return code

2007-02-09 Thread Martin Krischik
Am Freitag 09 Februar 2007 schrieb Charles E Campbell Jr:
> Martin Krischik wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I often use little vim scripts using "vim -E". Now like all executable
> >vim will return a result code after execution.
> >
> >And it is often "false" which I don't want. Does anybody know how to
> >influence the return value from "vim -E"?
> >
> :q  :wq  :q!   -- these are normal quits (:wq also writes)
> :
> :cq  -- quits, but Vim will return an error code

Thats exactly as far as I came without help. Now, what I was looking for 
was "quit without error code" - or better, since there is allways an error 
code, "quit with error code 'success'".

Currently Vim is seems to me that randomly chooses an error code to return - 
which is not good for bash scripts running in "set -o errexit" mode.

BTW: Any bash script author should at least consider to use "set -o errexit" 
it is a really usefull debugging tool.


Martin Krischik

Description: PGP signature

RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>I asked this question before, but it wasn't really resolved. I often
>have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim (cygwin).

>Some characters don't transfer properly. Most annoyingly is that a
>single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿

>Is there an easy way around this?

Iirr, M$W uses directional squotes/dquotes, so you're not in fact getting plain 
ol' char 27H, but something >80H.

Iirr, it folds down to ^R when 7-bitted (see that a lot in viing saved emails 
that people send with those weirdo characters), so that's 80H + 12H == 92H, no?

Might be an option on M$W to save-as-DOS-text or something, or turn *off* 
"smart-quotes", or something along those lines.

I try to not use M$W except at gunpoint, so can't really tell you more than 
that as far as M$W options, etc., but that's what I strongly suspect is 

Helps any?

RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into �

2007-02-09 Thread Steve Hall
From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 11:58 am
> I asked this question before, but it wasn't really resolved. I often
> have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim (cygwin).
> Some characters don't transfer properly. Most annoyingly is that a
> single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿
> Is there an easy way around this?

It could just be a font issue, make sure your gvim font supports
non-ASCII characters. (I find Courier New or Andale Mono provide
extensive support.)

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

Re: paste staircasing

2007-02-09 Thread Hugh Sasse
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Ben K. wrote:

> Hi,
> Whenever I paste something into vim, it gets staircased. Is there a way to
> avoid copy/paste being staircased even when I have ai, cin or si turned on? I

Yes, set paste.  See 
:he paste
for more on this.  Also 
:he pastetoggle
is good

I have in my .vimrc:

nmap  :exe ":undo|:set paste|:normal .:set nopaste"
set pastetoggle=

The first line of which is to redo a botched paste, the second of
which is to make the  key turn this on an off.  For me that only
works in inset mode.  Maybe someone can improve on this.

> Since "pasting" usually has dedicated or no keystrokes (shift+insert/control+v
> or middle/right mouse button), is there a way for me to tell vim that ai, cin,
> or si should not interfere when I do pasting?

I think the above will do what you want.
> I mostly work on unix platforms, so unix-only solution also works for me.

This works in vim6 and 7.  Definitely 7, pretty sure about 6.
> Thanks.
> Ben K.
> Developer

paste staircasing

2007-02-09 Thread Ben K.


Whenever I paste something into vim, it gets staircased. Is there a way to 
avoid copy/paste being staircased even when I have ai, cin or si turned 
on? I usually need the options and it's cumbersome to turn them off only 
for pasting and on again after pasting.

770 | EPSY435,STAT303,EHRD489 |
 900 | CPSC110,CPSC206 |

If I open the file with vi (not vim) and paste the same, it does not happen.

770 | EPSY435,STAT303,EHRD489 |
900 | CPSC110,CPSC206 |

Since "pasting" usually has dedicated or no keystrokes 
(shift+insert/control+v or middle/right mouse button), is there a way for 
me to tell vim that ai, cin, or si should not interfere when I do pasting?

I mostly work on unix platforms, so unix-only solution also works for me.


Ben K.

Pasting into gvim from word: ' tu rns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread ben lieb
I asked this question before, but it wasn't really resolved. I often
have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim (cygwin).

Some characters don't transfer properly. Most annoyingly is that a
single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿

Is there an easy way around this?

Re: vim return code

2007-02-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Martin Krischik wrote:


I often use little vim scripts using "vim -E". Now like all executable 
vim will return a result code after execution.

And it is often "false" which I don't want. Does anybody know how to 
influence the return value from "vim -E"?

:q  :wq  :q!   -- these are normal quits (:wq also writes)

:cq  -- quits, but Vim will return an error code

Chip Campbell

RE: How do I replace text with a new line?

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>>  :s/^V^C/\r/ <-- ctl-V ctl-C is shorter,
>>  else the "\%x03" will work fine
>>should do what you want.

>Thanks very much.  Yes that is what I needed.  And the text I'm 
>playing with came from some serial data and has STX ETX wrapping the 
>real data.  I was getting rid of the STX and trying to convert the 
>ETX to end of line.

No worries.  Eg, if you wanted to do everything in one shot, could do
something like


to bracket the text in quotes, get rid of the ^B/^C, *and* add the
newline at the end.

If more'n one occurrences happen in a line, then you could probably
prefix it with "\{-}" for non-greedy (ie, minimal) matching, and trail
the command with a 'g' to do it multiply on each line if needed.

>And since I'm on a windows machine, Yakov suggested ^Q instead of ^V. 

Only if you got 'mswin.vim', which I killed off in a hurry before I even
heard everyone's advice here to trash it.  :D

That's so you can use things like ^C/^X/^V (copy/cut/paste) and the ^V
would trash the literal prefix for a character.  As well as lobotomise
'vim' to do windowsy things, which is generally something you *don't*
want.  Kinda like putting a slushbox in a Ferrari...

>Molon Labe...

Yeh, "Come and *take* it...".

Love the story...

RE: searching for a string that has many '/' characters

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>I have a string that has lots of forward slashes. I need to search it
>and delete it (e.g. unix path name).  I could use a backslash for
>everything forward slash and find it in vim. Is there a way I need not
>do that? For now, I use 'grep -n' to get the line number and then
>it. I don't actually type the string, I just use cut-and-paste!


:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/with/lots/of/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@replace/[EMAIL 

will do it.  Also '#' instead of '@', whatever spins yer wheels.  Either
of those always worked for me, so never "experimented" as to what other
chars (even alphabetic, numeric, etc.) will work or what's too magic.

auto-wrapping text

2007-02-09 Thread Brian Anderson


I have a simple question about text auto-wrapping. I've looked at the
help files, but haven't been able to find the answer to my question.

I have some files that have been auto-wrapping (inserting a line-break)
when the text gets to the end of the line, then moving down to the next

I don't know that I've changed anything but now on some files, the text
is not breaking. The 'set wrap' is enabled, so the text isn't scrolling
off the screen, but it is not putting in line breaks any more either.

Most of these files are LaTeX (.tex) files, but there is no line break
on new files that have no extensions.

Sometimes I change something, and the wrapping works again, but then
later stops. I make some changes, then it starts working again (for a
while), but then it stops again. I don't know what I'm changing, but I'd
like to find out.

How can I check this, and what settings do I need to make it go back to
automatic line breaks?

some settings are:

:set wrap
:set textwidth=80
:set wrapmargin=0



Re: editing function argument lists

2007-02-09 Thread Tom Whittock

Hi Marc.

The EasyHtml idea is an interesting one, I could take over an entire
buffer (window) and put the list editing commands in there, but I am
used to dealing with registers and motions in the standard vim sense;
I'm not sure how well I would adapt to a new layout. I think I would
also have to add list modification maps in the main buffer anyway, in
order to keep the edit efficient, so the list on the left sort of
becomes redundant...

As you say, it'd take a lot of work to get that running smoothly, so I
don't think I'll go down that route.

Thanks for the suggestion, anyway.

No Recognition of

2007-02-09 Thread j.hofmann

if I source the following in a script, the  is recognized literally
and not as the CR-Key.
So if I click the menu, the :source command appears on the bottom line
with a literal  instead of carrying the command out.
(Works normally on other installations.)

Why that?

silent 11nmenu &statt-werk\ SQL\ formatieren.sql0\ bis\ sqln\ erzeugen
:source $VIMRUNTIME\macros\sql0bissqln.vim

Thank You


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