Re: can't diffsplit

2007-06-01 Thread John Beckett

Eric Leenman wrote:

I'm having the same problem, and the three solutions don't
work for me.  In all the three solutions (and even the other
thread I started with your reply windo diffthis) doesn't work.
What happens is that one window folds the complete file to one
line.  The other window keeps the file open as it was.

Let's start from scratch. Say you have two files, old.txt and
new.txt, where they are similar but different. You run:

gvim -d old.txt new.txt

You should see the two files side-by-side. Groups of lines that
are identical are folded. Differences are highlighted. Each
vertical split has a fold column (grey by default) down the
left side.

Does the above work? When you follow Tony's advice, do you see
the same fold column in each split? If not, you need to switch
to the split missing the fold column and type ':diffthis'.

I was expecting somekind of Winmerge behaviour.

Winmerge can do some great stuff, but Vim differencing of
two file is better because Vim folds lines that are the same.


Re: VimWiki - Page Titles

2007-05-29 Thread John Beckett

Sebastian Menge wrote:

Put the list of 1500 tip titles in one file, one title per
line. Then edit that file to clean up the titles. Then run a
script to rename each tip to match the cleaned-up title.

One idea was that the editing can be done on the wiki. Just
edit the Errornames page :-)

Neat, but please give explicit directions if that's what you
want. There's not much point in my editing the titles if you
meanwhile are planning to use some other scheme.

Also, we (actually, you, because it looks like you're doing all
the work:), need to resolve the issue of exactly what is allowed
in a title, and we should agree on some general guidelines.

I think the Wikipedia style of prominently saying something like
this page should be titled xxx but due to technical
restrictions we can't do that is too ponderous (although
reasonable in their context).

Maybe we could have something more informal (if scriptable).
For example: tip 249 in your errornames might be:

Title = C - Quickly insert precompiler directives
 [I'm not very happy with this wording]
But first line of the tip might say:
 C/C++: Quickly insert #if 0 - #endif around block of code

stable regexes for 1500 pages are not easy to do

I'm glad it's you and not me! It's hardly reasonable to come up
with one script that correctly formats all of the existing
pages. I imagine a fair bit of manual tweaking will be needed.

If you gave me a couple of days over a weekend when it's quiet
here, I might be able to do a fair bit (I sent over 260 typos
to Bram which he incorporated in the 7.1 release, so I can
occassionally cope with tediousness).

OTOH we can all do that after the initial import. I can download
all 1500 tips from wikia, and determine if any still have html
(what will wikia do to html tags??), and fix them then.


Re: VimWiki - Page Titles

2007-05-28 Thread John Beckett

Sebastian Menge wrote:

Find the list (95 entries) here:

Thanks for the good start.
FYI there are a couple of lines with broken links:
157 160: 171: Do you know the g/ and g? commands?

Above gives:
 Vim Online Error
 Couldn't find tip 160. Are you sure it exists?

Im not sure howto proceed here. Should we
a) find better titles before the import

Yes! In option (b), you have to change every '/' to '__OR__', so
you may as well change the titles to something good now.

Can you readily do something like this: Put each tip in a
separate file on your disk. Name them tip0001, tip0002, etc.

Put the list of 1500 tip titles in one file, one title per
line. Then edit that file to clean up the titles. Then run a
script to rename each tip to match the cleaned-up title.

b) replace '/' by sth like '__OR__' and fix the whole
   title later?

Whatever works, but wouldn't this create a whole bunch of
problems? I don't understand the internals of wikis but I think
your suggestion would create 95 tips with URLs that will later
need to be manually edited. Not so easy, and probably involves
copying the content from the wiki to a new page, then deleting
the old page (I guess).

BTW: For the import I will now use WikipediaFS.

Wow - amazing.

How do you get the wiki format files from the VimTips web site?
If you're going to do the work, I don't need this answered, but
I'm thinking that you're going to need one of the scripts to
convert the existing html to wiki format.

I noticed that Charles Campbell's script does appropriate things
with common html codes like nonbreaking space. Probably all that
processing should be done before the files are uploaded?

With your scheme, you're going to get 1500 tip files on your
disk. It would be great if you could clean them as much as
possible before uploading. It would be pretty easy to find all
html markups and '' codes when the files are still on your

Easy, but time consuming. Let us know if you want some help.


Re: A performance question (utility included)

2007-05-25 Thread John Beckett

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

I've attached a patch to vim 7.1 which extends getfsize()

As I've mentioned, I think further testing will be needed before
patching Vim for 64-bit file lengths.

Here is a possible interim workaround to allow Dr.Chip's
LargeFile.vim script to accurately detect large files on many

Attached is a tiny C program to build a tool called filemeg.
 Example usage:  filemeg /path/to/file
 gives output:   42

which means that the specified file is 42 megabytes (actually,
any value from 42 to nearly 43).

I was going to work out how to adapt the LargeFile script to use
this tool, if the user sets an option to invoke it. But it's
taking too long because I don't know enough about Vim, so I'm
just presenting the tool at this stage.

People may like to check how filemeg works on various systems
and report back. I have tried it on files over 4GB on Fedora
Core 6 and Windows XP (x86-32 platform).

Putting something like this inside Vim would be a bit of a
nightmare IMHO because of the extraordinary range of supported
compilers, operating systems and hardware.

Adapting LargeFile.vim to work with filemeg:
- Compile the source and test running at command line.
- Put the executable in your path (better: in a Vim
 directory which the script could invoke somehow).
- Set a new script option to use filemeg.
- The script BufReadPre would call a new script function.
- That function would check the file size with:
   let result = system('filemeg /path/to/file')
- If result is a number, it is the file size in megabytes.
- Otherwise, result is Error... and the script should
 treat the file as large (or maybe not...).

I've attached the C source, and included it below for those who
don't mind a little wrapping.


/* Output length of specified file in megabytes.
* John Beckett 2007/05/25
* For Linux with LFS (large file support), and Win32.
* Output is suitable for reading by a script.
* Output is always one line.
* If any problem occurs, line starts with Error.
* Otherwise, line is the size of the specified file in megabytes.
* Size is a truncated integer (file of 3.9MB would give result 3).
* The size won't overflow a 32-bit signed integer (Error if it does).
* If argument is a directory, result is 0 (done by stat64()).

#if defined(__linux)
#elif defined(_WIN32)
# define off64_t__int64
# define stat64 _stati64

#include stdio.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   off64_t size, overflowmask;
   struct stat64 sb;
   if ( argc != 2 ) {
   puts(Error: Need path of file to report its size in megabytes.);
   return 1;
   if ( stat64(argv[1], sb) != 0 ) {
   puts(Error: Could not get file information.);
   return 1;
   size = sb.st_size  20;  /* 2^20 = 1 meg */
   overflowmask = 0x7fff;/* ensure 64-bit calculation */
   if ( (size  ~overflowmask) != 0 ) {
   puts(Error: File size in megabytes overflows 32-bit signed 

   return 1;
   printf(%d\n, (int)size);
   return 0;

Description: Binary data

Re: A performance question (patch included)

2007-05-25 Thread John Beckett

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

I'm also under the impression that ls itself uses fstat(),
so its not likely to be any more informative.

That's likely on some systems, but 'ls -l' gives correct results
for files over 4GB on Fedora Core 6 using x86-32.


Re: A performance question

2007-05-25 Thread John Beckett

Yakov Lerner wrote:

9-digit number can still be larger than 2^32-1, or than

Just for the record:
 2^30 = 1,073,741,824

So 999,999,999 (largest 9-digit number) won't overflow a 32-bit
signed integer.


Re: A performance question

2007-05-24 Thread John Beckett

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Sounds like the filesize is getting stored in a 32bit signed
number, and overflowing.

Yes, definitely.

Please let me know what getfsize() is actually returning

The return value is the bit pattern for the low 32 bits of the
true 64-bit file size:
3,146,839,490 file actual size
   -1,148,127,806 returned by getfsize()

The sum of the absolute values is exactly 4G. I confirmed the
above with a file exactly 8G + 512 bytes (getfsize() said it was
512 bytes).

I was going to suggest that you treat a negative getfsize()
value as a large file (may as well do that even if the value is
-1 for an error indication).

I suppose that would be useful until some better solution is
implemented. I didn't propose it because it would be quite ugly
for the script to give results like this:
   3GB file is large
   5GB file is not large
   7GB file is large
   9GB file is not large

Another ugly (but accurate) workaround would be:
- Provide the source for a small executable called islargefile
 to do the calculation.
- Provide an option in the script to use the executable.
- Have the script execute system('islargefile xxx 123456').
 Return value 0 means no, 1 means yes, 2 means error
 (return is first character of system() string).

Need to work out how to pass arguments:
 xxx = path of file to be tested
 123456 = limit at which file is large


Re: A performance question

2007-05-24 Thread John Beckett

Yongwei Wu wrote:

Even FAT32 supports files much larger than 4GB.

Not true. FAT32 supports files up to 4 GB.

Sorry I shot my mouth off there - I realised my blunder about ten
minutes after sending. I haven't actually used a FAT32 partition
for over ten years, and was confusing the maximum size of a FAT32
partition with its maximum file size.

On NTFS of course, as you mentioned, the sky is the limit. I
have made files larger than 4GB, and have written a couple of
simple programs to work with such files, so my basic point is
valid. The Win32 API supports files much larger than 4GB.


Re: A performance question

2007-05-24 Thread John Beckett

panshizhu wrote:

Yes, but on all systems, vim script could not take 64-bit

I know that. My proposal is for a new Vim script function:
   islargefile({fname}, {limit})

which would return nonzero if the size of the file is greater
than the 32-bit signed {limit} argument.

Vim could easily handle the 64-bit arithmetic that is available
on several systems, so the proposed islargefile() would
accurately indicate whether the file size was greater than the
specified limit. The limit would be up to 2G - I don't think
there's any need to get cute and allow the caller to pass a
negative value which would then be treated as unsigned.


Re: A performance question

2007-05-24 Thread John Beckett

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

What about a different function to return, say, the number of
1K blocks (or the number of times 2^n bytes, with a parameter
passed to the function) that a file uses?

Yes, that's a much more general and better idea.

Since there's probably not much need for this, I think that
simplicity would be good. That is, have the function work in a
fixed way with no options.

Re Dr.Chip's LargeFile script: It occurs to me that another
workaround would be to use system() to capture the output of
'ls -l file' or 'dir file' (need an option for which).

Then do some funky editing to calculate the number of digits in
the file length. If more than 9, treat file as large.

I'm playing with a tiny utility to help the LargeFile script.
Bluesky: Its code (64-bit file size) could potentially be
incorporated in Vim. I'll post results in vim-dev.


Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread John Beckett

Peter Palm wrote:

Indeed, among other things, this disables the swap file for
'large' files, which should really speed up things.

I was going to report the following issue to vim-dev after I got
a chance to investigate it a little further, but it seems
appropriate to mention it now.

I did some work with a 3GB text file on Win32, using Vim 7.0 and
Dr.Chip's LargeFile.vim script from Tip 1506 above.

The result was really ugly. The script failed to notice that 3GB
was large because the Vim function getfsize(f) returned a
negative number.

Vim eventually opened the file and was able to search, etc. So
Vim doesn't rely on the code behind getfsize().

I started looking at what could be done to fix the bug, but have
had to leave it for another day. I was starting to think that it
wouldn't be too hard to use the extended functions available in
recent Win32 and Linux to get a 64-bit file size. Then maybe
provide a function to compare a 64-bit file size with a
specified 32-bit limit, so LargeFile.vim could work reliably.

I haven't checked getfsize() on 32-bit Linux yet, nor am I
sufficiently patient to try opening the 3GB file with Vim 7.1.


Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread John Beckett

panshizhu wrote:

As far as I know, Windows does not support files larger than
4GB. So its okay to use unsigned 32-bit for filesize in

It's not as bad as that! Even FAT32 supports files much larger
than 4GB.

The Win32 API includes function _stati64() to get a 64-bit file
size (the API really wants you to use GetFileSize(); _stati64()
is for old timers).

I was envisaging some new Vim script function like:
   islargefile({fname}, {limit})

which would return nonzero if the size of the file is greater
than the 32-bit signed {limit} argument.

On many systems, the calculation could use 64-bit integers.


Re: Vim Wiki - Tip Page Formatting Deadline

2007-05-22 Thread John Beckett

Sebastian Menge wrote:

[...very helpful summary for Vim Wiki...]

Thanks for keeping this moving. I'm happy with what you said,
but here are some comments. Please disregard all this and just
do it, if you can't stand my detail at the moment!

everything should fit on one page, no scrolling

That would be an aim, but clearly it can't be enforced by the
initial import (although it does mean that any information box
should be at the end of the tip).

2.) Drop the id for new tips, use old ids just to redirect.

Good, but let's have a specific example. How about:

---Current example---
Title:  Tip: #1 - the super star

---What we want---
Title:  The super star

The import script should change the tip title as above.
-Or- Do we want to keep the (obsolete!) tip number?

---Also have a redirect page---

Page content (I'm not sure if syntax is correct):

#REDIRECT [[the_super_star]]

---Example of new tip---
Title:  My great new tip
   (there would be no tip number and no redirect page)

3.) Use some scripting to keep ids, e.g. via a cron job that
tidies up each night or a javascript that uses a timestamp.

I think you are saying that this is not a good plan. I agree
that we cannot realistically have an automated process run on
someone's computer to edit wiki pages. We'll have to plan so
there is no need to automate adjustments.

Tony mentioned the possibility of a wiki robot, but I guess that
we would not be able to use such a feature, unless we knew a
friendly administrator (hi Martin!).

Layout issues of the template can be discussed in the
respective discussion page.

Let's not do that yet. I suggest we keep all discussion here
until the wiki is imported. After the first import, let's
discuss it here and agree yes. Once that is done, those who
are willing can discuss details on the wiki discussion pages.

Conversion of HTML in Tip-Text. This should be converted to
wiki markup in the long run.

Please - let's do it in the import script! Anything else would
be a heap of unrewarding and unending work. The script could
convert simple cases, and maybe flag awkward cases for manual

We have had three fantastic scripts (I think it's three) that
were produced very quickly. Someone needs to pick one and ask
the author if they are willing to make adjustments.

A problem are tips that contain URLs to external sites
(e.g. other tips)

Fix this in the import script as well:
- Links to tips should be adjusted to wiki format.
- Links to external sites should be converted to plain text
 for later review.

I like Martin Krischik's suggestion that we use the vi wikibooks
where he is an administrator. However, we would get really ugly
URLs - I think something like (one line!):

Maybe Martin has a suggestion to improve that.

I also saw a comment that wikia would provide additional
benefits over wikibooks (I don't quite understand this):
   a complete wiki, not just a bunch of pages

To do:
- Discuss here for, say, three more days.
- Import ten tips.
- Discuss for another three days.
- Import all tips.


Re: Vim Wiki - Tip Page Formatting Deadline

2007-05-17 Thread John Beckett

Martin Krischik wrote:

But do we need an id? - each tip will have a page name
which will be unique.

IMHO you are correct - we should NOT have a tip id.

I'm not sure what is feasible, but here is my ideal:
- Import current tip_nr into the template.
- Display tip_nr near the top of the tip, very modestly.
- When we're ready to abandon ids, stop displaying tip_nr.

Content first is makes Wikis successfull. The Vim Wiki
project is talking to much about ID numbers, templates,
organization etc. pp. without producing any content.

You're talking a lot of sense, Martin. However, someone is going
to import 1500 tips, so I can put up with a bit more planning.
But if there's no action before June, I think it would be
reasonable to despairg.


Re: Vim Wiki - Wiki Template Proposal

2007-05-17 Thread John Beckett

Martin Krischik wrote:

Well, on most Wikibooks comments are seldom cleaned up.
They are just left to rot. And since there are not on
the main page it does not matter.

I see what you mean. If that were to happen with the Vim wiki
then it would be really ugly (i.e. if junk comments were left
indefinitely on the main tip page).

Let's agree that in November (say), we could have a clean up.
Someone could post a message to with a list of
tips that contain extraneous comments. Give everyone 14 days
notice that the listed tips will be deleted if no one cares
enough about them to clean up the comments.

This suggestion is not for difficult cases where the tip is
worthwhile, but for various reasons it's hard to integrate
the comments. However, even in those cases, if we care enough
we should edit the comments for spelling and accuracy, and
should delete unhelpful comments.


Vim Wiki - Tip id and URL

2007-05-17 Thread John Beckett

It is important for us to have an easy way to refer to tips,
and the URL of each tip should be simple (and not wrap in an

Below is some detail for a proposal to achieve this.
What does everyone think?

Have a script scrape tip titles from the current Vim Tips.
Create a plain text file with fields (say tab-separated):

tip_id would initially be empty.

 Tip #1504: External commands on Windows

would give line (':' represents '\t'):
 1504::External commands on Windows

I would edit this file (or maybe split it over three
volunteers). We would manually insert a short tip_id by
abbreviating tip_name. For example:
 1504:win_external_cmd:External commands on Windows

We would manually confirm (with a script) that the 1500
tip_id fields are unique.

The script to import each tip would read the above file:
- Use tip_nr to read the current tip.
- Use tip_id to make the URL of the new tip.
- Ignore tip_name.

The example URL might be:

Perhaps a contents page could list all tips:
 win_external_cmdExternal commands on Windows

Where we might once have said see tip 1504, we would instead
say see tip win_external_cmd.


Re: vim 7.1 and cr/lf interpretation

2007-05-16 Thread John Beckett

Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:

In the programming language I currently write, using the
seperator string somewhere in the string I'm parsing gives a
new entry. So a string containing only a line seperator
char/pattern would have 2 entries, which in this case would
mean 2 lines. As I see now, this is handled differently in

Sorry to beat this really dead horse, but it's not Vim which
handles this differently! End-of-line has always been a
terminator, not a separator (as Tony explained earlier).

I've had a closer look at the file you attached:
- All lines end with CR LF, except for three lines.
- Two lines end with CR only.
- One line (the last) ends with LF only.


Re: Vim Wiki - Tip Page Formatting Deadline

2007-05-16 Thread John Beckett

Sebastian Menge wrote:

Therefore, I would vote for using tip-title == page-title and
let the categorization be done by [[Category:VimTip]]. Using
Wikipedia standards (CamelCaseIsUgly) we would get pages like
The Super Star and we could reuse the title in the template.
We would lose the tip-id for new tips.

Thinking about how a wiki works shows that keeping tip numbers
is doomed. First, there is no auto-increment id, and as you
point out, there is no reasonable way to automate fixes.

But more than that. I hope that the wiki tips really will be
edited and improved. Currently, there are lots of tips that are
of very marginal value, and there are several related tips.

I hope that unhelpful tips will be brutally deleted, and related
tips will be merged (if that doesn't make the new tip too big).
In other words, we should end up with many missing tip numbers.

If all tips are retained for nostalgic reasons, the usefulness
of the whole site will be reduced due to the growing amount of
cruft that would obscure the helpful tips.

Re the tip URL, what would you recommend for this:
List of text editors

Will it be possible to edit the URL of a link, in order to
simplify it? For example, I don't like:
Optimization (mathematics)

I've seen much worse URLs, but can't find one now.


Re: Vim Wiki - Wiki Template Proposal

2007-05-16 Thread John Beckett

Martin Krischik wrote:

We should not include comments on the content page!
That's what the discussion page is for.

You are very keen on that point, so I'm going into a bit of
detail about why I don't agree.

A wiki discussion page (as you know!) is intended for people to
discuss the future of the page. Does an error need fixing? Are
there points which need to be expanded? Is the content or style
inconsistent with overall guidelines?

Or, on the discussion page, I might ask why you reverted my
edits, and we could debate whether my wording was better than

We'll still need the above in a Vim wiki.

However, the Comments in Vim Tips are a different animal. Most
comments are fluff, and need to be deleted ASAP.

Many comments are very helpful, and their content needs to be
merged into the body of the tip. On some tips, a reader would
need a lot of persistence to work out what to do, because the
tip says X, some comment says Y, and another comment says Z.

I think I recall seeing cases where a comment points out that
the tip is hopeless because there's a better way of handling the
situation. We wouldn't want that comment hidden on the
discussion page (where a casual reader won't see it).

As I understand it, the whole point of moving Vim Tips to a wiki
is so that we can fix each tip so that there is one consistent
story on each page.

You are correct that having the comments on the main page will
be ugly. However, we hope that will be temporary. Perhaps I
should say that *I* hope it will be temporary because I see that
the proposed sample has a section for Comments.

I imagine editing the wiki will go like this:
- Import all tips with comments on main page.
- Edit important tips and clean them up completely.
- Edit nearly all tips to remove junk comments.
- Leave difficult cases for later.

I imagine there will be lots of difficult cases where
considerable effort would be needed to merge the comments.
In those cases, we would just leave the useful comments, perhaps
editing them where helpful.

Later (say in six months) we would discuss what to do with those
tips that still have unmerged comments. In some cases, it might
be very reasonable to leave comments on the main page. For
example, a tip might describe a scenario and its solution.
Then a comment might say that if you are running on a certain
platform, then a better approach would be something else.
It may never be worth fixing all tips to eliminate such
comments, yet you wouldn't want to hide that useful info on
the discussion page.

I think that following the above strategy would be much easier
for people editing a tip (easier than editing the main page and
the discussion page, because once a comment is dealt with, it
would have to be removed from the discussion page).

Also, seeing the old comments on the main page would be an
immediate reminder that the tip needs cleaning up.

Imagine the mess if comments were on the discussion page, then
someone edited the main page to include a few useful comments
from the discussion page, but failed to remove those comments.
It would then take herculean efforts to properly fix the tip,
and the discussion pages would have so much junk in them that
their function as a tip discussion would fail.


Re: vim 7.1 and cr/lf interpretation

2007-05-15 Thread John Beckett

Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:

Assuming that fileformat unix means 0x10 means open a new
line which seems to be the case (0x13 stays as ^M, 0x10 is
interpreted as a new line), shouldn't this mean that in the
last line there is a line break missing?

It's not important here, but for the record, 0x10 means hex 10,
which is decimal 16. That's not what you have.

The correct story is:
 ^M = Ctrl-M = 13 = 0x0d = CR = carriage return
 ^J = Ctrl-J = 10 = 0x0a = LF = line feed

A Unix format file has LF at the end of each line.
A DOS format file has CR LF at the end of each line.

Some stupid systems put nothing at the end of the last line.
That is what we see in your sample file (your last line has
no terminator).


Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-14 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Announcing:  Vim (Vi IMproved) version 7.1

Excellent - thanks.

Is someone going to post to a security list like full disclosure
that Vim 7.1 is available, and it overcomes a serious security

The issue has received a brief mention in relation to patches
for Vim 7.0, but now that a full release is available, perhaps
an announcement should be made.


Re: VimWiki - again - but with a brand new option

2007-05-10 Thread John Beckett

Tom Purl wrote:

Here's what I propose we do:
1. Finalize a tip formatting standard.
2. Use the best available script that supports this standard.
3. Update the best available script if necessary.
4. Revise the standard if necessary.
5. Convert a tips sample.
6. Review the sample and revise the script if necessary.

Good. But to keep our discussion focussed, please do what you
did last time: Put a sample tip on a wiki page so we can agree
on its features. Please take Gene's advice and manually edit the
page to how you think it should look. Once the format is
agreed, we can ask for a script.

I recommend:
- Propose a format for the URL of each tip, as well as
 the format of the page.

- Omit the info box with author, date, tip rating, Vim version.
 It's too hard to maintain, and too intrusive.

- Keep the comments on the tip page, with a very simple
 comment heading in front of each, something like:
 -By UserName on March 8, 2001 14:51-

To make it easy to edit the page, the comment heading should be
a single line in the wiki source.

-Or- Put all the comments on the talk page, with the format as
above. However, that seems unnecessarily tricky to do in
practice (it doubles the number of pages we have to work with).

I favour putting the comments in the main page to make it easier
to clean up the tip. When we see a tip with old-style comments,
we would know that it needed an overhaul.

1. Let's use this mailing list to coordinate the project. 
All comments regarding wiki page format, however, should be

written to the talk section of the affected wiki page.

Please be more explicit. Will we use the vim or the vim-dev
list? How can we comment on the wiki page format on the talk
section? I think we should use the vim mailing list for all
discussions until a decision (your decision!) is made to
finalise the wiki site, format, and script.

Final suggestion: Please start a new thread (new subject) which
we will follow until everything is finalised, rather than
replying to this.

It would be great if you would consider what I and others have
written, then make a proposal with what you think.


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-05-04 Thread John Beckett

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

100 bytes is more than enough room to download and execute
a file that contains the real malicious code.

I actually agree that it is extremely unlikely that a length
check would make modelines more secure, but I'm being
argumentative because it's irritating to be authoritatively
assured that a length check would have no benefit in the future.

We just don't know whether some future vulnerability (perhaps
using a currently-unknown new feature) might be avoided with a
modeline length check.


Re: search pattern on sed or grep

2007-05-04 Thread John Beckett

Tim Chase wrote:

 C:\Temp find /?
No patterns other than fixed text

Since Windows 2000, there is also the findstr command.
It is not as clever as grep, but it supports patterns and is
able to efficiently handle big files.

In Vim:
:helpgrep findstr

At Windows command prompt:
findstr /?


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-05-03 Thread John Beckett

Matthew Winn wrote:

My objection to your idea is that it won't improve security by even
the tiniest bit. It's not defence in depth at all.

We've probably slugged this out enough, but I'm glad to have
another opportunity to promote the safe modelines message.

Bram has made the point that despite repeated modeline
vulnerabilities over several years, there are no known cases of
a malicious attack. We have only seen PoC and jokes.

I see the sense of that position - why put in a bunch of ugly
checking which is going to reduce features and upset some users?
Why do it if there are no known benefits?

My answer is essentially an appeal to a higher moral purpose.
There may never be in-the-wild exploits based on modelines, but
that would make it all the easier to direct a specific attack
against a targeted victim. The attacker would have a list of 10
or 20 slight security flaws in the victim's network. One of
those would be the fact that the victim uses Vim. An attacker
may use a Vim modeline as the coup de grace to fully own the
victim's network.

I find that situation offensive, and believe that modelines
should be REALLY fixed.

My claim is:
1. A modeline can execute untrusted code.
2. That is incredibly dangerous.
3. Any bugs in modeline handling should be fixed.
4. In addition, modelines should be sanity checked.

I think we agree on points 1-3.

I mentioned that the first step for point 4 should (IMHO) be
rejecting any modeline beyond some fairly small maximum size.

However, that was just the first part of my hoped-for sanity
check. After that, I would like the modeline to be examined to
determine whether there are any constructs that look
dangerous. I would reject any modeline with more than ten
backslashes, and would reject anything looking like an
expression or 'call'.

What I'd really like would be a separate sanity check that
verifies that the syntax in the modeline is boringly standard
'set' options for a declared whitelist of things that a modeline
is allowed to do. Note that this checking should NOT be done
only in the code that executes the modeline. The checking should
be an independent, prior step. That redundancy is likely to save
someone's foot in future years, when extra features are added.

My objection to your idea [to limit modeline length] is that
it won't improve security by even the tiniest bit.

You may be right. But if I were to accidentally execute malware,
I would prefer that the malware was short, rather than of an
essentially unlimited length. I agree that 100 bytes of malware
could do more damage than I could bear, but I would still
prefer that situation.

For example, 100 bytes of malware might be able to erase my
files, but perhaps it couldn't do something more sophisticated
like launching a hidden infiltration of my network.

I don't really know why I want to limit the modeline length.
That's the whole point of proper security measures. Just because
I can't think of a way that a long modeline might be bad, does
not mean that some attacker won't find a way, particularly in
five years after a bunch more stuff has been added to Vim.

That means that my modelines are quite long.

I'm a reasonable guyg. Let's take your longest modeline and
double it. That length should be the maximum allowed for a
modeline unless some new anything goes option is enabled.

Re Perl tainting: I think we essentially agree on this, although
I don't think Vim needs to mark an executable expression read
from a modeline as tainted. Vim should immediately reject any
modeline that might execute code (unless some new anything
goes option is enabled).


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-05-01 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

N times as safe still isn't 100% safe.

I am not claiming that sanity-checking a modeline before
execution would make it 100% safe. But there have been many
examples in other software where minor bugs have turned into
security disasters because some simple point that could have
been checked, wasn't.

While code is working correctly, a simple check is redundant,
and indeed is offensive because it lengthens and obscures the
code. But a few simple checks may prevent disaster at some
future time, when Vim is further developed.

The Google test (searching for past instances of trouble with
Vim's modeline) proves the case that future problems are likely.

Modelines are default off when you are root.
The mail filetype plugin also switches it off.

Good grief - I didn't know that. So you *have* got sanity checks
built in! I'll go and sit in the corner now, but thanks for
confirming that multiple layers of defence are desirable.


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-05-01 Thread John Beckett

Matthew Winn wrote:

If there was a security problem in Vim do you really think it
couldn't be exploited in 100 characters? That's a pretty shaky
foundation on which to build your security.

I am quite surprised at the lack of appreciation for the merits
of defense in depth here. I am not claiming that a length
limit would preclude damage, just that a modeline should be
sanity checked before execution, and a reasonable length would
be the first check.

It's certainly true that a modeline of 100 bytes could wreak
havoc on an unpatched Vim. But it is quite possible that a
future vulnerability might allow code to be injected from a
modeline, and limiting its length *might* make the attacker's
job harder.

It's sensational that Vim can process files with very long
lines, for the occasions we need that. But it would be absurd
for Vim to process a multi-megabyte modeline.

By all means abuse me for my cheeky suggestion to limit
modelines to 100 bytes, but while doing that you might agree
that some limit under 1MB should be enforced.

A web browser should be able to handle anything thrown at it
in a way that doesn't compromise security. _Every_ application
should be able to handle anything thrown at it in a way that
doesn't compromise security.

Even if a program is perfect now, a later change can introduce a
bug. Any program which can automatically execute untrusted code
should sanity-check the input as a separate step from
sandboxing. That is standard Security 101 stuff - not my idea.

What you're suggesting isn't much different from security
through obscurity.

Jargon is great, but not when it's misused.

Perl and Vim have exactly the same requirements: the need to
safely handle code taken from an untrustworthy source. It
makes no difference whether it comes directly from a network
or from a disk. (If, like me, you use Vim as your source
viewer for web pages, the need for the same level of security
is obvious.)

It doesn't matter, but for the record, Perl's tainting system is
not related to the scenario you describe. Perl wants to make
sure that untrusted input is not later used as the basis for
some expression that could do harm, such as executing SQL code.


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-04-30 Thread John Beckett

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Is folding really needed in a default modeline?

Folding may be useful in a modeline.
(Don't know what you call a default modeline.)

By default modeline I mean I would like Vim to be changed so
that its default behaviour is aggressively safe. If wanted,
there could be a new option to enable clever features, and a
user could choose to allow modelines with folding or expression
evaluation, etc.

But the only long-term safe procedure is to have Vim *default*
to work with only very restricted modelines (set tab and other
options - no way to even get near executing code).

I am wondering what the lack of comment on this topic indicates.
Do you understand that another modeline vulnerability could
allow the next file you open to overwrite all files under your
home folder? Or it might overwrite all sectors on your disk, if
you have sufficient privilege.

How about if you go to another computer that you rarely use.
Would you be happy using Vim on that computer?
Network admins in secure environments should be prohibited
from using Vim.

If I am overlooking something, or am overly alarmist, please
tell me. For anyone new to this, enter following in Google:
vim vulnerability modeline

I just noticed that the fourth hit features Ciaran McCreesh who
discovered a vulnerability in January 2005.


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-04-29 Thread John Beckett

Matthew Winn wrote:

I don't like the idea of preventing modelines over 100 bytes.

I imagine (haven't looked) that a modeline has no hard limit to
its length. So multi-megabyte modelines are probably handled by
Vim. That's potentially offering attackers extraordinary power.

Would someone who wants a modeline longer than 100 bytes please
show us an example. How about a 200-byte limit?

Modelines are enabled by default, and are very useful for things
like setting tabs. So most people, and all new installs, will
have modelines enabled. It's very poor security practice to
offer a rich auto-execution environment with a single line of
defence (the sandbox).

This discussion reminds me of the days of the Code Red
vulnerability in IIS (Microsoft web server), and of the
years of repeated vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer.

The IIS and IE developers just couldn't bring themselves to
build in limits to what their wonderful software could do.
But a web site might need a 100KB URL with hundreds of '../'

Furthermore, what am I supposed to do if I want a long,
complicated but legitimate modeline?

I would like a default high security setting for handling
modelines. If people want modelines that do complex stuff, I
would recommend setting a new anything goes option.

I like Perl's approach to untrustworthy data. It's flagged as
tainted at the point it is read, and anything derived from it
is also flagged as tainted.

Perl has to have that system because part of its intended usage
is to handle data entered into web pages. It's pretty complex
and has taken years to get right.

Vim is a text editor - it should not automatically execute code
in any old file that I might accidentally open.


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-04-28 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

That's pretty nasty.  I'll make a patch right away.

Thanks. However, perhaps the modeline concept needs
more safety - defence in depth.

Perhaps modelines should only allow a VERY limited set
of operations by default (even more restricted than now).

Googling for 'vim feedkeys joke' shows April 1 joke with
the following (I've replaced vim with vvv):

vvv: foldmethod=expr:foldexpr=feedkeys(

I'm too lazy to unobfuscate this, but one glance tells you
that modelines should not be fixed - going down that path
is likely to give a new vulnerability every year.

Instead, modelines should be SEVERELY limited by default.
Total length  100 bytes.
No expressions; no function calls; no execution.
Treat a double-quoted string as if in single quotes.
Is folding really needed in a default modeline?


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-04-28 Thread John Beckett

Tomas Golembiovsky wrote:

today somebody came to #vim, and pasted some modeline (containig
joke or such).

Thanks for raising that issue. I found the April 1 joke with Google.

I actually noticed that posting (seeing Vim while browsing a security
list caught my attention), but there's so much waffle out there that I
didn't pay any attention to the point of the message.


Re: feedkeys() allowed in sandbox

2007-04-28 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Perhaps modelines should only allow a VERY limited set
of operations by default (even more restricted than now).

Sure, simply use :set nomodeline.

I'm suggesting defence in depth. My vimrc might have
':set nomodeline', but what if I make a mistake? What if I'm
using some other machine where I'm not sure what's in vimrc?
What if I use the -u option? And there are probably other
scenarios where a simple oversight could cause me to execute
a modeline in an untrusted file.

What if I want modelines (but never to do more than set a few
options like tabs).

Even setting 'textwidth' to 2 may already be considered
harmful, or at least annoying.

I don't mind being occasionally irritated with a stupid
modeline. But I really don't want an editor to execute code
when I open a file. Change volatile settings - no problem.
Execute - no thanks.

Perhaps we can add yet-another-option to completely disable
setting some options from the modeline.

Modelines should default to be safe (safe by design, AND safe
because of defence in depth). If another option were added, it
should be to allow expressions or other features that are
potentially unsafe (not disallow unsafe features).

Potentially unsafe means we're pretty sure it IS safe, but
(for example), it's simply not worthwhile allowing a modeline
longer than 100 bytes because if another vulnerability were
ever found, we don't want to make it easy for the attacker.

It's better to make sure the sandbox works as it should.

Of course, but bitter experience shows that defence in depth is
the best strategy. Vim has a lot of very clever features that
are too complex to ever be secure, when executing a modeline
from an untrusted source.


Re: Vim freezes system ?!

2007-04-24 Thread John Beckett

Tim Chase wrote:

Or even a quality :s command instead of a function:

Thanks - I occasionally need to split a line into equal-length blocks
and your command is excellent. Your posts are very valuable.

However, for anyone trying this, 'r' should be '\r'.



Re: VimTips Wiki: New Direction

2007-03-07 Thread John Beckett

Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:

why don't we discuss that here:

You and I started talking on that discussion page. I just wanted to say
(to everyone) that now I think all comments would be better made here.

I totally agree with you on the need to omit most comments.

One change: if it matters, we could reserve a line (or two) for a list
of contributors.

This needs a decision. I favour the simple approach of omitting all
names, but if that is too brutal, I like your idea of adding a list of
contributors - it could be several lines, at the END of the tip.


Re: VimTips Wiki: New Direction

2007-03-07 Thread John Beckett

Brian McKee wrote:

One of the first things I was thinking about mirrors the above comments. 
TipsSandbox/Tip_1:_the_super_star has a bunch of thanks for the  
great tip! type comments with more useage info interspersed.  I  
think those 'great tip' comments go to a separate page, while the  
'use # or % instead' kind of comments need to be edited into the  
actual tip itself.

But why keep the 'great tip' comments?

The friendly atmosphere of the current Vim Tips web site is rather
nice, but why put all the work of moving it to a wiki unless you
make the tips more helpful?

Unhelpful tips and unhelpful comments should be omitted.


Re: VimTips Wiki: New Direction

2007-03-07 Thread John Beckett

A few fundamental decisions need to be made so the conversion script
can produce a result that minimises future effort.

How will tips be found? Can there be a contents page? If so, the
script should generate a suitable list, perhaps for hand-tweaking.

Currently, the URL of the sample tip has form:

One of the following would be better:

In thinking about the tip URL, consider how tips should evolve.
Would tips simply be added, so potentially there could be fifty
independent tips on searching? Or (particularly with important
topics like searching), would we hope that one day there would be
a single search tips page with links to tips on different aspects
of searching.

The sample tip starts with an info box:
   as of Vim (version)

As has been mentioned, the info box is pretty intrusive. The page
should start with the tip. Maintaining the data in the box seems
unecessarily difficult to me - can we omit it? We can't maintain the
rating. If retained, move the box to the end of the tip.

What will be done with the comments? As several people have noted,
many of the comments are not helpful for a potential user of a tip.
I think that eventually some brutal editing should omit most
comments. Ideally, we would incorporate useful comments into the
tip. Meanwhile, we could delete unhelpful comments while retaining
and rewording and reordering helpful comments.

If people agree that comments should be severely edited, I suggest
that the script should make the job easier by omitting the By...
On... box and replacing it with a simple tip separator. Using 'edit
this page' shows that currently each By... On... box occupies
eight source lines.

It might be helpful to temporarily retain the author and date by
replacing the By... On... box with a single source line (normal
text), something like this:
 -{By sample user on March 8, 2001 14:51}-

I don't see any benefit from moving the comments to the discussion
page. Why set up the wiki in the first place unless there is an
intention to improve the tips? The discussion page should be
restricted to serious pondering of what editors should do with this
tip, and with related tips. The Great tip comments are just noise.


Re: VimTips Wiki: New Direction

2007-03-07 Thread John Beckett

Paul Irofti wrote:

Back-ups are better made on the server side. For mediawiki a regular
sqldump (maybe added in crontab) is all that is necessary.

Good. But can we actually do that? I thought we were planning
to use a system where we have no access to the server except
via a wiki interface.


Re: VimTips Wiki: New Direction

2007-03-07 Thread John Beckett

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Moving the tip body to a wiki page and the comments to its talk page can 
(IIUC) be automated. /Then/ the tip author (or maintainer, etc.) can 
archive the talk page, remove empty comments (of the great tip kind), 
refactor useful comments into the tip body, etc.

My feeling is that it would be more helpful to the editor if all the 

were put underneath the tip, as at present. That seems much less effort
when refactoring to me.

Someone needs to try this to compare the two approaches.


Re: VimTips Wiki: New Direction

2007-03-05 Thread John Beckett

Tom Purl wrote:

I looked into the anti-spam features of Wikibooks, and they basically do
the basics: blacklists for abusers and easy rollbacks.  So the top 2% of
spammers/vandalizers will be blocked, and it will be easy for the admins
to roll back the problems created by the outher 98%.

Wikibooks sounds good.

I wonder if it would be worth looking for a volunteer to occasionally take
a snapshot of the wiki as an emergency backup. Presumably wget or
similar would be adequate, or maybe there is an easy way to get the
mediawiki source.

Such a backup might be useful in a few weeks, and then perhaps monthly.


Re: VimTips - Google Wiki Usefulness

2007-02-24 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

I think this puts too much burdon the volunteers that become an admin.
And it defeats the easy of use of a wiki.

I was suggesting that people who have a tip, or a change, would
email it to a Vim mailing list, where it would be massaged by the
community, then posted to the wiki by an admin. Yes, that would
burden the admins, and is against the spirit of a wiki.

However, as I understand the Google wiki, a person wanting to post
a tip would need to have a Google ID, and would have to mail an
admin, and the admin would have to add the new person as an admin,
then reply to the mail.

That's also a pain for an admin, and is not really easy use of a wiki
either. And which admin would be emailed?


Re: VimTips - Google Wiki Usefulness

2007-02-23 Thread John Beckett

I like the concept of using the Google wiki. In addition to the Google
is Good factor, there is the likelihood of very high reliability and zero
cost. Also, it seems appropriate due to Bram's work.

As has been pointed out, spam is a really big threat, and will get
worse (more automated) every year. I don't see why we should ask
anyone here to take on the job of manually removing junk. The
problems of using the Google wiki may be a benefit in the future.

How about this concept: Use the Google wiki with a dozen admins.
Those admins are likely to be here, and either have a Google ID or
would be willing to get one.

Create a new mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or use an existing list
with a convention that the subject should start with vimtip.

On the wiki, explain how to post a tip by emailing the tip to the
agreed mail account. That would require the user to join the list.
Alternative: Have an automated account that forwards any mail
including vimtip to the agreed mailing list.

A discussion here would then massage the tip and decide its fate.
Perhaps it is too similar to an existing tip, or perhaps it should be
incorporated into an existing tip. After a week, a kind wiki admin
would post the final tip to the wiki.

No spam on wiki.
Each posted tip will be massaged and worthwhile.
Tips on similar topics could be arranged together.

Someone with a tip doesn't have to worry if it's good
(it will only be posted if the community likes it).
That might encourage tippers.

No WYSIWYG editing (might be a benefit - uniform style).
Burden on community to edit tip within a few days
(and likelihood of unresolved arguments).
Burden on admins to post tip.

Some tippers will be offended when their work is edited
or rejected. That might discourage tippers.


Re: tips project

2007-02-21 Thread John Beckett

Tom Purl wrote:

I just checked the Google Code site (,
and couldn't find a Vim or VimTips project.  I'd try creating it, but I
feel like someone more official to the project should do so.  I think
someone should do it before someone else takes the name (like some
malicious Emacs user :), even if the tips conversion script isn't done

Otherwise, I'd be happy to do it and brag to my dorky friends about how
integral my efforts are to the Vim project ;)

Tom: Were you thinking of creating the conversion script? And copying
the web site tips into the wiki?

Does anyone know of some docs that might assist in this process?
Does a wiki have a bulk import, or is it a matter of emulating what a
person would type?


Re: tips project

2007-02-21 Thread John Beckett

Tom Purl wrote:

I just checked the Google Code site (,
and couldn't find a Vim or VimTips project.  I'd try creating it, but I
feel like someone more official to the project should do so.  I think
someone should do it before someone else takes the name (like some
malicious Emacs user :), even if the tips conversion script isn't done

Otherwise, I'd be happy to do it and brag to my dorky friends about how
integral my efforts are to the Vim project ;)

Tom: Were you thinking of creating the conversion script? And copying
the web site tips into the wiki?

Does anyone know of some docs that might assist in this process?
Does a wiki have a bulk import, or is it a matter of emulating what a
person would type?


Re: tips project

2007-02-17 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Using the project name VimTips would be good.

Everyone here is used to the name Vim Tips so VimTips sounds good, but on 
a wiki I suggest that the name should be just Vim.

It seems logical to me that a Vim Tips wiki would start with a (brief) page 
outlining what Vim is, then have links to other information. Links would 
include for core information, and a contents page for the wiki 

To be useful, the existing Vim Tips should be structured into some logical 
order (tips on navigation, search, status line, fonts, tags, etc). Perhaps 
the existing structure of Vim Help could be used.

OTOH the perfect is the enemy of the good, so perhaps you just want to move 
all tips as is, then have people slowly massage them into a coherent set of 
useful tips.

The wiki tips project would only be helpful after some severe editing IMHO. 
Some tips should simply be omitted (or held under a section with a name 
suggesting deprecation, like Old Tips). Other tips should be combined. 
Unfortunately these steps would involve author angst.

One good feature of the current Tips web site is that each tip is clearly 
written by a specific person who is prominently credited. That gives the 
author a good reason to correct errors and make updates. Traditionaly that 
would not be done in a wiki, and there may be some loss.


Re: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread John Beckett

Andy Wokula wrote:

Currently there is much spam in recent comments:

Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a
feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.

But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers don't
care if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to their
search ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.

Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a simple
logon or at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-22 Thread John Beckett

Robert Lee wrote:

What is wrong with SCP/SFTP? If these are not available,
externally encrypt the file. You can even make a vim macro
to do the job IIRC.

Text editors don't do encryption and never should.

I promise to stop posting when everyone else does!

SCP etc just encrypts the traffic when copying a sensitive file to
another machine. After backups are taken and stored, and various
other stuff happens, your sensitive file can end up in quite a lot
of places. Defence-in-depth means you have to encrypt the actual
secret (the file, or the secret parts of the file).

As Tony pointed out, Vim can encrypt a file. That is good because if
you rely on scripts and what-have-you, there can be temp files, and
files left over when something crashes. It's much better if Vim
handles the decryption and encryption for you - much more
convenient, and reliable, and a lot more secure.

I can see that my EncryptLine proposal doesn't have any support.
Fair enough - I accept the judgement. But the idea is not stupid.
When you document tricky stuff on a network, you end up with a file
where normal file-access security is good enough to protect 95% of
the content. What about the passwords in the document? You really
need to encrypt the file to protect them, but that means you have to
decrypt the file (enter its key) everytime you need to extract some
fact (like an IP address).

I have actually implemented my EncryptLine on an obsolete editor and
it works really well - but only because I have a need for it.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-21 Thread John Beckett

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
IMHO it is important that function keys (with the exception of F1 = :help) 
should by default _not_ have preset functions in Vim, in order that they 
be safely available for whatever mappings any user would want to assign to 
them, without competing with existing functions. There aren't so many keys 
that users can safely use as the {lhs} of a mapping with no fear that it 
will collide with an existing function.

For the record, I don't want function keys to be mapped by default. I am
suggesting that there should be a really simple (preferably built-in) way to
invoke a sample set of mappings for a C programmer.

For example, I could then send someone an email telling them to download
Vim and enter command :set template=cprogram (or whatever). I could
then advise the new user (a C programmer, not a dummy) that they can do
(whatever) to grep stuff, and (whatever) to use ctags. You would then have
one more converted Vim user!

As a final comment, I would recommend that any such template should
include mappings:
- Clear search highlights and the message line.
- Search for highlighted text.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-21 Thread John Beckett

Marc Weber wrote:

Make an easy way to encrypt a secret within a line.
Then you can have a simple text file to document stuff, with
embedded secrets. On reading, you only need to enter a key if you
want to see a secret.

I don't think this should be a general vim feature either.
Yet another idea to solve this:
Why not use syntax and set forgground/background color to the same value
to hide the text? Then you don't even notice that there is text.

OK - I'm convinced that EncryptLine is not wanted!

However, I want the secret to really be encrypted because I use
a system to copy my data files from machine to machine for
backups. The encryption is to protect the secret if someone
somehow gets access to the file.


Re: Odp: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

I personally recommend to create the following as $HOME/_vimrc
(or $HOME/.vimrc) immediately after first installation, and to
add tweaks as one gets going:

Good advice, as always, Tony. But I am trying to crack a different

In the BOF talk, Bram really was asking for ideas on what would make
new users flock to Vim.

These days there are a lot of really good editors. No one is going
to spend a couple of hours methodically working through vimtutor
(sorry Bram!). A new user is just going to try Vim as an editor. If
the default Vim behaviour confuses or upsets the user, Vim will
never be used again.

I sense an attitude here that it's just the luser's loss if they
don't learn how to use Vim. Fair enough, but there should be a way
for a non-vi user to enter a command telling Vim I'm one of those
95% of people who use a modern PC - please switch to a useful mode.

I had the experience of advising a very competent programmer who got
a job working on virtual memory in the Linux kernel (previously he
had only dabbled in Linux, and had developed under Windows).

At the time, we couldn't meet, and I was restricted to providing
advice via email. Let me tell you, it is pretty well impossible to
convince someone to use Vim via email. The guy wanted to do stuff
right now, and I would send some 100-line email with instructions on
how he could do this and that to vimrc, and then everything would be

One problem was how search highlighting is persistent (which is
great), but it is very distracting to some people when you want to
turn your attention to another issue. Telling him how to map a key
to do ':nohl' is just unnecessary mumbo jumbo.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

Make an easy way to encrypt a secret within a line.

[Really complex scheme to implement this.]

Why is it not enough to simply implement a function that
encrypts/decrypts a range of text, much like g? ROT13s a
range of text?

Because the scheme needs to be simple to use. Once you have
that, you have the danger that you will accidentally encrypt or
decrypt twice ... then you can lose data. You need some safety
checks from a carefully-written program ... although I suppose
you could incorporate all that in your hypothetical function.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wwrote:

Suggested new feature:
Make an easy way to encrypt a secret within a line.

This is very a specific feature.  You should implement this in a script,
this doesn't sound like something Vim should support internally.

OK. I just thought I would mention the concept because I find it
useful, and AFAIK it's a novel idea that might have appealed.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

2.  Don't write down passwords at all - use phrases that you remember
3.  Don't write down passwords where other people might walk by and
see what you're typing

Let's not start a religious war, but FWIW many authorities have changed
their mind and no longer advocate the don't write down a password advice.

In particular, any network admin simply has to record passwords and other
sensitive information - you can't reliably remember more than two or three
passwords, particularly when you're not using them often.

There are many password safe utilities for this, but I like a simple text
file with the secrets encrypted, yet easily viewable (without changing the 


Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Mostly PageUp and PageDown do the reverse of each other.  If you
mean that the cursor has moved, that is a completely different thing.

I'm not sure what completely different thing adds. I'm just trying
to respond to your call for suggestions on how to make Vim more
attractive to new users. I know a couple of people who don't like
the fact that, in Vim, PageUp does not reverse PageDown.
Naturally I am talking about the cursor moving.

Switching off search highlighting is part of the tutor.  People who
skip the vimtutor are going to run into trouble anyway.

OK - but you could make Vim more attractive if (when enabled
by some new option) pressing Escape in Normal mode cleared
search highlights and cleared the message line.

I do agree that good defaults are important.  But backwards
compatibility is also important.  It's not always easy to make
a choice.

Suggestion: Provide a simple way for a user to invoke a
standard set of predefined mappings. In fact, there could
be various predefined themes that insert useful settings
into vimrc.

Then, I could write an email to a friend saying
Run gvim and do stuff to select a theme.
Then you can press F11 to do clever thing.
For example, perhaps F11 = :cn, Shift-F11 = :cp.

Naturally there would be a lot of different opinion on what
should be included. Anything would be better than the current
situation where I have to convince a prospective new user
to become a guru before they can use some of Vim's
brilliant features.


Re: Odp: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

Perhaps a better way is to leave 'hlsearch' off and provide a binding
that toggles it on and off.  That way you don't get the distracting
highlighting until you actually request it.

OK but I imagine most people would like hlsearch on while they
are searching (I certainly do).

I am trying to make a slightly different point:
1. Bram has asked for ideas on how to popularise Vim.
2. I think better default behaviour would be best.

IMHO it is quite idiotic that Vim has the really great feature of
globally highlighting searches, but the user has to learn how to
map keys to make it work in a sensible way. I suppose there
are people who don't mind the distracting highlights once
they've finished looking at them, but I'm pretty confident that
most people here have a mapping to deal with the situation.

All of what I am saying it totally irrelevant if there is no desire
to popularise Vim.


Re: Odp: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

I sense an attitude here that it's just the luser's loss if they
don't learn how to use Vim. Fair enough, but there should be a way
for a non-vi user to enter a command telling Vim I'm one of those
95% of people who use a modern PC - please switch to a useful mode.

Easy Vim and mswin.vim were written for exactly that purpose, and
IMHO they cripple Vim to almost complete _un_usefulness. Vim is a
very powerful editor, but to be able to use it, you need at the very
least to understand the difference between Normal mode and Insert
mode. To use it like the fine tool it is, you need to study, just
like one needs to study to become a concert pianist. If you're one
of those 95% of users who need to be led by the hand by their OS and
editor, and are too dumb for a modal editor, go use Notepad and
stop bugging us.

I accidentally said mode with the unintended suggestion that I was
whining about Normal mode etc. Sorry. I totally agree that a Vim
user has to work with Vim, and not try to pretend it is something
different. Normal and Insert modes are fine by me.

By a useful mode I meant a more accessible implementation of core
features. Take searching. Incremental search and global search
highlighting are sensational. But new users are going to want to
turn the highlighting off (gedit has a menu item for this). It's
obvious that most people are going to want a key mapping. So why not
provide a standard mapping? OK, I can understand that you may not
want the standard mappings enabled by default. So provide some new
command to enable them.

Why not just type :noh at the keyboard then, if you can't
use a mapping?

Are you suggesting this in the context of my proposal to improve
the experience for new Vim users, in order to popularise Vim?
There has to be an EASY way to turn off search highlights!


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

In particular, any network admin simply has to record passwords and other
sensitive information - you can't reliably remember more than two or
passwords, particularly when you're not using them often.

I don't understand what you're trying to say in the first part of your

I promise the list that I won't post about this again, but FWIW I'm not
telling you how I work, I'm describing how most people in the business
say they work (from talking to people, and following lists etc).

Most networks have lots of devices which require accounts.
A router, a firewall, a mail server, ten other servers, etc. Then there
are your various email accounts - some important, some junk.
Single sign-on can integrate many, or even most of these. But not all.
So, most network admins need to record all the account details,
possibly with notes, e.g. just how do you log on to that wireless
access point that you last configured six months ago.

There are many password safe utilities for this, but I like a simple
file with the secrets encrypted, yet easily viewable (without changing

Which defeats the whole point of having multiple passwords, as if
someone figures out the master password then the other passwords will
also be available.

Given that you're going to reveal the password to anyone with
a knife, there doesn't seem to be much point in having bullet
proof security. I'm sure many people do as you suggest, but
take it from me that many other people do not use the same
password on their firewall and their mail server etc.

So it's better to use one good password/passphrase
and stick with it.

Diceware is a really nice system:


Re: Odp: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

Well, hlsearch only kicks in /after/ you've completed your search,
whether you're using 'incsearch' or not.  I once thought this was a
nice feature, but I've realized that I rarely need to have other
matches highlighted.  I mean, either I've found what I want using
'incsearch', or  I have failed to find the text location that I
wanted, and highlighting the other matches won't really help much.
Narrowing your search using 'incsearch' is often a lot quicker than
doing a quick search and pressing 'n' a bunch of times to get to the
right match.

What you describe works well in many circumstances. But I find
that the global highlighting is invaluable when programming. Built-in
to Vim is the fact that pressing * searches for the current word.
Programmers love this. IMHO they would appreciate a simple
way to clear the highlights _and_ the message line when turning
attention to something else. Searching for non-existent junk is just
too distracting to my mental process.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Ilya Bobir wrote:
If you think that you can provide a better defaults for novice users you 
can just write a script that will adjust vim the way you see it and ask 
Bram to add it into the distribution along with a note in the tutor

OK. Perhaps that would handle the issue. I don't care how it's done,
my aim is just to make the suggestion that to popularise Vim, it would
be helpful to provide easily-accessible and well-thought-out defaults
for some of Vim's more clever features.


Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

No, I don't want that.  Pressing ESC is to get back to Normal mode,
it should not have side effects like this.

OK. But my suggestion was not that ESC would go to Normal mode _and_
clear highlighting. My proposal was that if I start in Insert mode,
then press ESC I would be in Normal mode (as normal :), but if I
press ESC again then highlighting and message text would be cleared.

I'm happy so long as you've heard my idea. A couple of people here
seem to think that _I_ want these suggestions. Not at all. I'm
fluent in Vim and don't need any of my proposals for myself. But my
recent experience of trying to make Vim attractive to a programmer
moving into Linux showed me that some simple changes to Vim might
make it a lot more attractive to new users.

You appear to assume that what you want is what everybody wants.

No! For posterity let me record that I am not one of those people.
I'm only making these suggestions because I know you want to
promote Vim usage, and some way to easily invoke a
pre-defined set of behaviour for a modern PC would help IMHO.

Imagine how many exceptions we need to handle in the
documentation: if you use theme X then this doesn't work
and you need to type XYZ.

I take your point and agree. But I will make one final suggestion:
Do not hide how Vim works. Tell users about vimrc, and what a
mapping is, etc. People who would use Vim are smart, and can
instantly understand that there is a config file, and that keys can
be mapped. But a new user will probably not want to take the time to
work out the details and their optimum settings right now.

Take the wonderful quickfix window (which I use mainly for vimgrep).
Using quickfix with ':copen' etc just doesn't work for me. I don't
mind typing a few commands, but in this situation, the commands
interfere too much with my thoughts. Once I mapped keys for :copen,
:cn and :cp, quickfix was a magnificent feature.

My vague concept about a theme is that it would insert text into
vimrc. The user would be told this, and they could modify the text
to taste. Right now, it is pretty easy to get BufExplorer working,
and then \be is the default key sequence to start it. That's like
what I am proposing for other killer features of Vim.

You can always tell someone to download your script and use it.

There are too many tips and scripts already. I was hoping (*not* for
me!) to integrate some of the best work procedures into one or two
pre-defined behaviours.


BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-17 Thread John Beckett

Sorry I'm late, but I just listened to the Vim BOF session that Bram
mentioned three months ago.

In the talk, Bram sounded quite evangelical with regard to promoting
Vim usage, and he asked for suggestions on how he should best spend
his limited time in working towards a new version (Vim 8).

I am posting this introductory message with my response, plus a
second message describing a feature I would like (EncryptLine).

The best way to expand Vim usage IMHO would be to work out better
default settings to improve the first hour of contact. In addition,
perform necessary fixups, but resist new features.

If I were starting Vim usage now, I would probably abandon it as
soon as I discovered that pressing PageUp did NOT reverse the effect
of PageDown. I still hate that! Vim has many wonderous features, but
I imagine that many people don't stay to find them because of
irritations like PgUp/PgDn.

Highlighting all matches when searching is excellent, but there
needs to be a way for a new user to turn it off. I map Space for
this, however, it would be better to press Escape to clear
highlights and message text (if Escape is pressed while in Normal
mode, remove search highlights and clear any message). Maybe also
have a way for this feature to be turned off.

I won't say more now. If Bram feels that improved defaults would be
worth investigating, a discussion here would probably be best.
OTOH people who dream in Vim script may not be the best source of
ideas on how Vim should be configured to win new converts.


BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-17 Thread John Beckett

Suggested new feature:
Make an easy way to encrypt a secret within a line.
Then you can have a simple text file to document stuff, with
embedded secrets. On reading, you only need to enter a key if you
want to see a secret.

Example lines before encryption:

server12 { admin topsecret } any text
mybank { account 123456789 pin 1234 }

Example lines after encryption:

server12 {~8vP09fb3+Pn6+/z9/v8AAwocSE9cDYPAYJUThgE} any text
mybank {~afSDKoy9saGMCZ91x6F7pHkwdzEcMBoGCSqGSIb3DQEJ}

When viewing a file with encrypted secrets, it doesn't matter if
others are shoulder surfing. You only need to get rid of onlookers
for the short time it would take to enter a key and view a secret in
the message line (which would not change the file).

I implemented this scheme in an obsolete editor many years ago,
and offer the suggestion in case it appeals to Bram. However, as
noted in my Suggestions message, I think new features should be
resisted in favour of fixups, so I won't be offended if this is

A more detailed description of the proposal follows.

A secret is entered between {  and } on a single line.
There is a space after the opening brace.

The encrypted result is stored as base64 text, with ~ inserted as
the first character. The space (plaintext) and tilde (ciphertext)
are safety checks so text is not encrypted or decrypted twice.

These commands would be required:

EnterKey - Prompt user to enter a key for encryption/decryption.
EncryptLine - Encrypt text inside braces on the current line.
DecryptLine - Reverse EncryptLine.
ShowSecret - Show decrypted secret in the message line.

EnterKey prompts the user and allows them to enter a key (no echo).
The key is hashed, and the hash is retained in memory for this
session. It can be cleared by using EnterKey to enter a blank key.
The hashed key is used for any subsequent encryption and decryption.

EncryptLine checks that the current line contains {  (with space),
followed by }. It then uses the hashed key to encrypt the text
between the braces, then replaces that text in the current line with
a base64 encoded form of the ciphertext.

EncryptLine inserts a tilde (~) after the first brace. This is a
safety mechanism so you won't accidentally encrypt a line twice.

EncryptLine inserts a small amount of random padding (salt). The
padding is of variable length so the length of the secret is not
known to intruders. However, there is only a small amount of padding
so the result is fairly compact.

ShowSecret decrypts the secret in the current line, and displays the
plaintext in the message line. The file is not changed. There should
be an easy way to put the plaintext in the clipboard, and an easy
way to blank the displayed secret.

DecryptLine reverses EncryptLine, changing the current line. It does
nothing (apart from display an error) if the result is not
reasonable (the ciphertext must be a tilde followed by base64, and
the decryption should satisfy certain sanity checks, and should
yield printable text starting with a space). This is a safety check
to avoid losing data if the wrong key is used to decrypt.
