Re: [Vo]:CR39

2012-10-07 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:55 PM 10/7/2012, wrote:

While what you say is true, a track created by a single proton is not
necessarily indicative of neutrons, as the track could be caused by 
any reaction
producing a proton, or any charged particle for that matter. However 
the triple

track created by the C12 breakup is strongly indicative of fast neutrons.

Yes, the triple track is distinctive. However, if you have lots of 
small tracks, as protons will produce, in a place where no charged 
particle radiation would penetrate, you can be quite sure you are 
looking at neutron-caused proton knock-on.

In the experiment we ran, we had the following arrangement:
c = cathode wire, originally 250 micron diameter, plus plating, 
against the cell wall.

h = acrylic cell wall, 1/16". (about 1600 microns)
p = polyester LR-115 base material, 100 microns
d = detector layer, cellulose nitrate, 6 microns
cover piece of acrylic plastic holding down the films

that's four layers of LR-115, as two pairs, emulsion-to-emulsion

We would expect to find, aside from neutron-produced tracks, only 
background radiation from previous storage, plus radiation during the 
experiment. Charged particle radiation from the cathode would not 
penetrate the cell wall, nor the base layer. Ambient radiation would 
mostly fail to reach the detector material. (Particles carrying radon 
or other radioisotope could be trapped between the film laters, but a 
single alpha from them would only penetrate one detector layer. The 
hope was to look for coincident tracks on adjacent layers as clearly 
indicating tracks generated during the experiment, and only from two 
sources: the cathode, or cosmic radiation from outside the experiment.)

The detectors, etched, from our run, are remarkably free of clear 
tracks, all the way through the detector layer, while control chips 
exposed to Am-241 show brilliant, clear tracks.

(I expected to see much more background radiation; these detectors 
were stored in my refrigerator for more than a year before they were used.)

I am thinking of doing a wet experiment, i.e., with the LR-115 
immersed in the electrolyte, with various orientations. I don't know 
if LR-115 can handle the wet environment, but, hey, it still takes 
hot lye to develop it, might be worth trying. 

RE: [Vo]:CR39

2012-10-07 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 09:32 AM 10/7/2012, Jones Beene wrote:


The cross-section for alpha emission from carbon is way too small for the
explanation you suggest.

Apparently not. Triple tracks are not common, though. If you are not 
familiar with it, you should read the SPAWAR publications, including 
the Pamela Mosier-Boss report on "triple tracks" and her followup 
report. There are some beautiful images of triple-tracks, she creates 
them by combining images from two different focus depths, using a 
different color for each focus.

She concludes, ultimately, that the neutrons are at about 14 MeV.

It should be understood that she is talking about a very low neutron 
flux; these tracks have been accumulated for weeks.

Wiki sez: in the radiation detection application, CR-39 material is exposed
to proton recoils caused by incident neutrons. The proton recoils cause ion
tracks, which are enlarged by an etching process in a caustic solution of
sodium hydroxide. The enlarged ion tracks are counted under a microscope
(commonly 200x), and the number of ion tracks is proportional to the amount
of incident neutron radiation.

Yeah, that's what they say.

I'm seeing finer track images, in LR-115, using about 400X. 

Re: [Vo]:CR39

2012-10-07 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:07 PM 10/6/2012, wrote:

AFAIK fast neutrons are detected by the fact that they occasionally 
break a C12

nucleus into 3 alpha particles. It is the three alpha particles that produce
three cone shaped tracks in the CR39, with a common origin. Note that only
charged particles create tracks, because the tracks are formed from chemical
changes in the CR39 caused by the CR39 molecules being ionized, and only
energetic photons and charged particles cause ionization (not neutral

The triple tracks are pretty distinct; however, the routine usage of 
SSNTDs for neutron detection looks for proton tracks, created by 
proton knock-on from hydrogen-containing materials. In the SPAWAR 
triple-track report, the hydrogen would be in the CR-39 material itself.

SSNTDs, like CR-39 and LR-115, can also be used to detect slow 
neutrons by using a boron-10 (n,alpha) converter screen. However, 
while I have some boron-10 material, slow neutrons are not expected 
from codeposition experiments.

Of course, fast neutrons weren't expected either

These materials are not sensitive to "energetic photons," i.e., gamma rays. 

Re: [Vo]:CR39

2012-10-07 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:50 PM 10/6/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
CR39 is very hard to use. It is not for dummies or beginners. That's 
the take home lesson I learned after listening to 2 days of 
discussion on CR32 by experts.

CR39 is difficult to *interpret*. It's also a pain to etch. As 
normally used, CR39 is thick. As it is etched, deeper and deeper 
layers are shown. I think that a phase-contrast microscope is used, 
because CR39 is a clear plastic, one is essentially viewing pits on 
the surface. Focus is critical.

There is a reason people invented electronic particle detectors and 
stopped using the analog ones such as CR39. A lot of reasons, actually.

Actually, I think the solid state nuclear track materials like CR39 
are more recent than electronic detectors like Geiger counters. But 
I'm not sure.

I am not saying the old techniques are inferior, but they are 
harder. To say they are inferior would be like saying that RTDs are 
better than mercury thermometers. That is true in some ways but not 
so true in other ways. It is complicated.

SSNTDs are accumulating detectors, so they can integrate radiation 
over a long period of time. You can detect, with CR-39, radiation 
that would be indistiguishable from noise with electronic detectors.

There are instructions for using CR-39 in the Galileo project 
protocol documents.

The Galileo Project report has some images and comments about 
interpreting CR-39. In addition to the replication attempts reported 
by Krivit, there was an Earthtech replication.

Some work with CR-39 that I've seen used thin layers. I looked to see 
if I could find such material, but then I found LR-115.

LR-115 is a more recently invented nuclear track detector material. 
It is cellulose nitrate, and suffers damage from ionizing radiation 
like CR-39, and is etched with sodium hydroxide like CR-39, except 
that a lower concentration, lower temperature, and less time are 
required. The material contains a red colorant. It comes coated on a 
100 micron clear polyester base, and in 6 micron or 12 microns of 
detector thickness.

A track that penetrates the whole surface layer will then show up as 
clear against the red material.

I found it difficult to buy CR-39. I was able to buy LR-115 from 
Dosirad in France; I'm reselling the 6 micron material. For the kits, 
I cut it down to 1 x 1.5 cm pieces. I sell a 9 x 12 cm sheet for $30.

LR-115 has a different response to radiation than CR-39. Tracks at 
energies above about 4 MeV may not sufficiently ionize the material 
with LR-115, at least Pam Mosier-Boss indicated this in an email.

However, Am-241 sources from ionizing smoke detectors produce 
beautiful, clear tracks in CR-39.

Now, Axil asked about the detection of neutrons. Neutrons, of course, 
don't leave tracks in SSNTDs. However, passing through a material 
containing hydrogen (like the detector materials), neutrons will 
collide with and eject protons from their positions in the plastics. 
These protons leave tracks, and are used, then, to infer the presence 
of neutrons. Most of the tracks shown in the CR-39 images are rather 
obviously proton knock-on tracks.

SPAWAR, however, focused largely on rare triple-tracks, produced when 
a neutron impacts a carbon nucleus and breaks it into three alpha particles.

In the first experimental run with one of my kits, done by a high 
school student, there are no clear tracks that were produced. The 
material was placed such that *only* neutron-caused tracks would be 
likely. It is possible that proton knock-on tracks were not energetic 
enough to produce tracks all the way through the detector layer, and 
more work is needed to characterize and determine the best etching 
protocol. However, LR-115 is sold for neutron detection, and we did 
follow the standard etching procedure, so the most likely explanation 
of the results is that neutrons were not generated.

Nevertheless, it will be important to see some comparison results 
with LR-115 exposed to a known and calibrated neutron source.

(In this experiment, the detectors were a bit further away from the 
cathode wire than the back sides of the SPAWAR CR-39 chips that 
showed so many back-side tracks. It's possible that for some unknown 
reason we did not set up a nuclear reaction. As far as I know, this 
was the first attempt to replicate the SPAWAR neutron findings. There 
will be others. Deeper analysis of the detector chips, which were 
partly damaged from unknown causes, is proceeding.)

Back to CR-39, there has been work with thin layers of the plastic, 
created by evaporating solvent with the plastic dissolved in it. I 
think it's worth investigating that. It's been used to image 
radiation from biological cells that have been tagged with a 
radioistope, a radioautograph on a microscopic scale.

An advantage of creating detector material like this would be that it 
could be completely fresh, no problem 

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Daniel Rocha
I think it is cheaper to build a huge dam.

2012/10/8 Axil Axil 

> The *Central Artery/Tunnel Project* (*CA/T*), known unofficially as the *Big
> Dig*, was a megaproject in Boston that rerouted the Central Artery
> (Interstate 93), the chief highway through the heart of the city, into a
> 3.5-mile (5.6-km) tunnel
> *The Boston Globe* estimated that the project will ultimately cost $22
> billion, including interest, and that it will not be paid off until 2038.
> What will it cost to move the world trade center, wall street in NY, all
> the airports on the east and west coasts, all the costal sea ports, the
> railroads, the highways, the water and sanitary goes on and on
> into the 1000's of billions.
> Cheers:  Axil
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 11:01 PM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:
>> Or possibly beneath the oceans, floating on the oceans or in the air if
>> energy is free...
>> We still need to deal with asteroid & dark matter strikes.  I think we
>> can head off the worst ones with gravitational redirection if we can detect
>> them early enough in space.  Although I think the biggest current problem
>> is the sun is pelting us with most of the dark matter during high solar
>> activity and that might be very hard to stop given the relatively short
>> distance & time.
>> My research is leading me to believe the 1811 comet was actually a
>> primordial black hole that tore up New Madrid, Ark.  for 3 months and was
>> witnessed by Napoleon and his troops  It triggered 7 years of extreme
>> volcanism and climate change as well.  It was observed for almost 10 months
>> in the sky before it or an orbital partner struck earth.  They get hotter
>> as they get smaller so they are easier to detect.
>> My research is also telling me we cannot stockpile any spent nuclear fuel
>> because at any given time orbital dark matter could cause it to go
>> critical.  Similar to the current events in Bayou Corne, LA.  with
>> underground storage of hydrocarbons only probably much worse.
>> Cold fusion seems to match most closely with hot dark matter which is
>> known to trigger beta decays.
>> Peurto Rico has had approx 900 mini earthquakes in the past six weeks and
>> they are continuing.  I am still looking for a low pressure system to move
>> in.
>> Stewart
>> Http://
>> On Sunday, October 7, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:
>>> In a few hundred years, the coastal nations of the world will be
>>> required to move their coastal cities inland 100 miles more or less to keep
>>> their cities above water. Robots cannot do that sort of construction.
>>> Cheers:   Axil
>>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Nigel Dyer  wrote:

 I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed,
> but some elements are already present.

 I do not think there is any technical reason why things will not go as
 far as I predict, or even farther to the "brain in the bottle" predicted by
 Orwell. However, social forces may prevent it. People may decide they do
 not want this. As Orwell shows, this might be a wise choice. Politics or
 greed may interfere. Civilization may suffer some catastrophe, and a new
 Dark Ages.

 If people such as Frank Close and Robert Park remain in charge of
 scientific research, they will succeed in stopping cold fusion. Such people
 at heart are opposed to all new ideas and all progress.

 To take a more extreme case, in the U.S. we are plagued with people
 such as Rep. Paul Broun on the House Science Committee. He "told a
 church-sponsored banquet in his home state of Georgia that the theories of
 evolution and the big bang are 'lies straight from the pit of hell.'" With
 enough leaders like that over a few centuries, I suppose the U.S. would
 gradually devolve into something resembling Afghanistan. I am not

 I assume that if Broun had his way, we would not teach these things in
 schools. In Texas they are working vigorously to eliminate them. This is
 like throwing acid into the faces of girls who try to learn to read, the
 way the Taliban does. You cannot have a high tech society run by lunatics
 who prevent people from learning the fundamental laws of science.

 . . . maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is digging
> trenches . . .

 What would be the point? In what sense would that be "work"? It would
 be a useless waste of time, and an insult. Even if the task had some
 purpose, we all know that a machine can do it far better. It would be like
 having people work in banks keeping accounts with a paper and pencil, doing
 arithmetic by hand. We all know that a computer costing a few hundred
 dollars can do more arithmetic in a single second than a person can do in a
 lifetime. That knowledge wou

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Axil Axil
The *Central Artery/Tunnel Project* (*CA/T*), known unofficially as the *Big
Dig*, was a megaproject in Boston that rerouted the Central Artery
(Interstate 93), the chief highway through the heart of the city, into a
3.5-mile (5.6-km) tunnel

*The Boston Globe* estimated that the project will ultimately cost $22
billion, including interest, and that it will not be paid off until 2038.

What will it cost to move the world trade center, wall street in NY, all
the airports on the east and west coasts, all the costal sea ports, the
railroads, the highways, the water and sanitary goes on and on
into the 1000's of billions.

Cheers:  Axil

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 11:01 PM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:

> Or possibly beneath the oceans, floating on the oceans or in the air if
> energy is free...
> We still need to deal with asteroid & dark matter strikes.  I think we can
> head off the worst ones with gravitational redirection if we can detect
> them early enough in space.  Although I think the biggest current problem
> is the sun is pelting us with most of the dark matter during high solar
> activity and that might be very hard to stop given the relatively short
> distance & time.
> My research is leading me to believe the 1811 comet was actually a
> primordial black hole that tore up New Madrid, Ark.  for 3 months and was
> witnessed by Napoleon and his troops  It triggered 7 years of extreme
> volcanism and climate change as well.  It was observed for almost 10 months
> in the sky before it or an orbital partner struck earth.  They get hotter
> as they get smaller so they are easier to detect.
> My research is also telling me we cannot stockpile any spent nuclear fuel
> because at any given time orbital dark matter could cause it to go
> critical.  Similar to the current events in Bayou Corne, LA.  with
> underground storage of hydrocarbons only probably much worse.
> Cold fusion seems to match most closely with hot dark matter which is
> known to trigger beta decays.
> Peurto Rico has had approx 900 mini earthquakes in the past six weeks and
> they are continuing.  I am still looking for a low pressure system to move
> in.
> Stewart
> Http://
> On Sunday, October 7, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:
>> In a few hundred years, the coastal nations of the world will be required
>> to move their coastal cities inland 100 miles more or less to keep their
>> cities above water. Robots cannot do that sort of construction.
>> Cheers:   Axil
>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>>> Nigel Dyer  wrote:
>>> I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed,
 but some elements are already present.
>>> I do not think there is any technical reason why things will not go as
>>> far as I predict, or even farther to the "brain in the bottle" predicted by
>>> Orwell. However, social forces may prevent it. People may decide they do
>>> not want this. As Orwell shows, this might be a wise choice. Politics or
>>> greed may interfere. Civilization may suffer some catastrophe, and a new
>>> Dark Ages.
>>> If people such as Frank Close and Robert Park remain in charge of
>>> scientific research, they will succeed in stopping cold fusion. Such people
>>> at heart are opposed to all new ideas and all progress.
>>> To take a more extreme case, in the U.S. we are plagued with people such
>>> as Rep. Paul Broun on the House Science Committee. He "told a
>>> church-sponsored banquet in his home state of Georgia that the theories of
>>> evolution and the big bang are 'lies straight from the pit of hell.'" With
>>> enough leaders like that over a few centuries, I suppose the U.S. would
>>> gradually devolve into something resembling Afghanistan. I am not
>>> exaggerating.
>>> I assume that if Broun had his way, we would not teach these things in
>>> schools. In Texas they are working vigorously to eliminate them. This is
>>> like throwing acid into the faces of girls who try to learn to read, the
>>> way the Taliban does. You cannot have a high tech society run by lunatics
>>> who prevent people from learning the fundamental laws of science.
>>> . . . maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is digging
 trenches . . .
>>> What would be the point? In what sense would that be "work"? It would be
>>> a useless waste of time, and an insult. Even if the task had some purpose,
>>> we all know that a machine can do it far better. It would be like having
>>> people work in banks keeping accounts with a paper and pencil, doing
>>> arithmetic by hand. We all know that a computer costing a few hundred
>>> dollars can do more arithmetic in a single second than a person can do in a
>>> lifetime. That knowledge would make the task a crushing burden.
>>> We must make a "human use of human beings" as N. Weiner put it. The
>>> problem is that the scope of human uses for human beings is getting
>>> nar

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread ChemE Stewart
Or possibly beneath the oceans, floating on the oceans or in the air if
energy is free...

We still need to deal with asteroid & dark matter strikes.  I think we can
head off the worst ones with gravitational redirection if we can detect
them early enough in space.  Although I think the biggest current problem
is the sun is pelting us with most of the dark matter during high solar
activity and that might be very hard to stop given the relatively short
distance & time.

My research is leading me to believe the 1811 comet was actually a
primordial black hole that tore up New Madrid, Ark.  for 3 months and was
witnessed by Napoleon and his troops  It triggered 7 years of extreme
volcanism and climate change as well.  It was observed for almost 10 months
in the sky before it or an orbital partner struck earth.  They get hotter
as they get smaller so they are easier to detect.

My research is also telling me we cannot stockpile any spent nuclear fuel
because at any given time orbital dark matter could cause it to go
critical.  Similar to the current events in Bayou Corne, LA.  with
underground storage of hydrocarbons only probably much worse.

Cold fusion seems to match most closely with hot dark matter which is known
to trigger beta decays.

Peurto Rico has had approx 900 mini earthquakes in the past six weeks and
they are continuing.  I am still looking for a low pressure system to move


On Sunday, October 7, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

> In a few hundred years, the coastal nations of the world will be required
> to move their coastal cities inland 100 miles more or less to keep their
> cities above water. Robots cannot do that sort of construction.
> Cheers:   Axil
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Jed Rothwell 
> > wrote:
>> Nigel Dyer > '');>> wrote:
>> I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed,
>>> but some elements are already present.
>> I do not think there is any technical reason why things will not go as
>> far as I predict, or even farther to the "brain in the bottle" predicted by
>> Orwell. However, social forces may prevent it. People may decide they do
>> not want this. As Orwell shows, this might be a wise choice. Politics or
>> greed may interfere. Civilization may suffer some catastrophe, and a new
>> Dark Ages.
>> If people such as Frank Close and Robert Park remain in charge of
>> scientific research, they will succeed in stopping cold fusion. Such people
>> at heart are opposed to all new ideas and all progress.
>> To take a more extreme case, in the U.S. we are plagued with people such
>> as Rep. Paul Broun on the House Science Committee. He "told a
>> church-sponsored banquet in his home state of Georgia that the theories of
>> evolution and the big bang are 'lies straight from the pit of hell.'" With
>> enough leaders like that over a few centuries, I suppose the U.S. would
>> gradually devolve into something resembling Afghanistan. I am not
>> exaggerating.
>> I assume that if Broun had his way, we would not teach these things in
>> schools. In Texas they are working vigorously to eliminate them. This is
>> like throwing acid into the faces of girls who try to learn to read, the
>> way the Taliban does. You cannot have a high tech society run by lunatics
>> who prevent people from learning the fundamental laws of science.
>> . . . maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is digging
>>> trenches . . .
>> What would be the point? In what sense would that be "work"? It would be
>> a useless waste of time, and an insult. Even if the task had some purpose,
>> we all know that a machine can do it far better. It would be like having
>> people work in banks keeping accounts with a paper and pencil, doing
>> arithmetic by hand. We all know that a computer costing a few hundred
>> dollars can do more arithmetic in a single second than a person can do in a
>> lifetime. That knowledge would make the task a crushing burden.
>> We must make a "human use of human beings" as N. Weiner put it. The
>> problem is that the scope of human uses for human beings is getting
>> narrower and narrower.
>> The problem was masterfully laid out by Orwell in "The Road to Wigan
>> Pier" (referenced above). Here is how I would describe it:
>> When only a person can do a task, and no machine is capable of it, is is
>> ennobling work. It gives purpose and meaning to life. When a machine can do
>> it far more cheaper, faster and better than a human, that same task then
>> becomes worse than slavery.
>> I do not see any easy solutions to this problem. I don't think it will go
>> away on its own.
>> Having said that, I think there are still many jobs that can only be done
>> by people, and that people on welfare should be given. For example, taking
>> care of elderly people or children, cleaning up and repairing parks and
>> public places, building houses for poor peo

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Axil Axil
In a few hundred years, the coastal nations of the world will be required
to move their coastal cities inland 100 miles more or less to keep their
cities above water. Robots cannot do that sort of construction.

Cheers:   Axil

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Nigel Dyer  wrote:
> I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed, but
>> some elements are already present.
> I do not think there is any technical reason why things will not go as far
> as I predict, or even farther to the "brain in the bottle" predicted by
> Orwell. However, social forces may prevent it. People may decide they do
> not want this. As Orwell shows, this might be a wise choice. Politics or
> greed may interfere. Civilization may suffer some catastrophe, and a new
> Dark Ages.
> If people such as Frank Close and Robert Park remain in charge of
> scientific research, they will succeed in stopping cold fusion. Such people
> at heart are opposed to all new ideas and all progress.
> To take a more extreme case, in the U.S. we are plagued with people such
> as Rep. Paul Broun on the House Science Committee. He "told a
> church-sponsored banquet in his home state of Georgia that the theories of
> evolution and the big bang are 'lies straight from the pit of hell.'" With
> enough leaders like that over a few centuries, I suppose the U.S. would
> gradually devolve into something resembling Afghanistan. I am not
> exaggerating.
> I assume that if Broun had his way, we would not teach these things in
> schools. In Texas they are working vigorously to eliminate them. This is
> like throwing acid into the faces of girls who try to learn to read, the
> way the Taliban does. You cannot have a high tech society run by lunatics
> who prevent people from learning the fundamental laws of science.
> . . . maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is digging
>> trenches . . .
> What would be the point? In what sense would that be "work"? It would be a
> useless waste of time, and an insult. Even if the task had some purpose, we
> all know that a machine can do it far better. It would be like having
> people work in banks keeping accounts with a paper and pencil, doing
> arithmetic by hand. We all know that a computer costing a few hundred
> dollars can do more arithmetic in a single second than a person can do in a
> lifetime. That knowledge would make the task a crushing burden.
> We must make a "human use of human beings" as N. Weiner put it. The
> problem is that the scope of human uses for human beings is getting
> narrower and narrower.
> The problem was masterfully laid out by Orwell in "The Road to Wigan Pier"
> (referenced above). Here is how I would describe it:
> When only a person can do a task, and no machine is capable of it, is is
> ennobling work. It gives purpose and meaning to life. When a machine can do
> it far more cheaper, faster and better than a human, that same task then
> becomes worse than slavery.
> I do not see any easy solutions to this problem. I don't think it will go
> away on its own.
> Having said that, I think there are still many jobs that can only be done
> by people, and that people on welfare should be given. For example, taking
> care of elderly people or children, cleaning up and repairing parks and
> public places, building houses for poor people in projects like "Habitat
> for Humanity" and so on. Some of this work is menial but at present no
> robot can do it, so it still has dignity.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Craig Haynie

On 10/07/2012 04:11 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> [...]
> Now think about the world 200 or 300 years from now. The cost of
> building food factories will be far cheaper. Robots will not only
> build and maintain the building, and operate all of the equipment,
> they will also bring in raw materials from all over the solar system.
> Intelligent computers will design improved versions of the factories
> and equipment. They will build or upgrade as many factories as needed
> without human intervention. The production cost of the food will be as
> cheap per kilogram as tap water is today.
> When we reach that stage, charging for food becomes ridiculous. It
> would be like standing on a street today charging pedestrians for the
> use of the sidewalk or drinking fountain, in units of $0.0001. It is
> no longer a moral issue. After hundreds of years of development, the
> food factories have become standard and commodified to the point where
> there is no risk, and no profit. They might as well be run as public
> utilities, like today's water fountains or escalators in railroad
> stations.
> [...]

With great wealth comes greatly decreasing prices. When things are so
cheap to make, then providing necessities to the less fortunate becomes
that much more easy for the philanthropists and private charities.

Today, people say that we have to threaten those who have money, with
violence, so that we can take some of their money to help those who are
less fortunate. But all we really do is institutionalize violence as a
solution to our social problems; then we wonder why society seems to
become more violent as we use this tool more and more.

Years ago, Immanuel Kant wrote that inter-personal morality cannot be
derived through reason alone. I just disagree...


Re: Success! Re: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field

2012-10-07 Thread John Berry
I have tried an additional test to rule out false positives and it seems to
have passed.
I made a coil of thin wire in the bucking bifilar form, and fed it from the
signal generator.
Only at high frequencies did any magnetic induction seem to occur,
sometimes a capacitive induction occurred, but I didn't find a wideband
magnetic induction as with the asymetric bucking bifilar.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:49 AM, John Berry  wrote:

> As the drift velocity concept made perfect sense and also created null
> results where one would think effects might have been seen.
> And since it also can be confirmed based on homopolar generators and other
> experiments I decided to go further with it.
> Could it impact time varying induction?
> Could a coil made of one thin and one thick strand, wound together and
> connected so as to produce zero net magnetic field still create a net
> induction due to the different drift velocities?
> I realized it was plausible, but I lacked the skill to do a decent
> analysis and I am unsure if anyone could, so I tried it, I got an extremely
> thin magnet wire (it was salvaged from the stator of a shaded pole fan
> motor from a microwave oven) and a very thick multi strand wire that can
> take serious amps, I connected the ends of each together and then wound
> this bucking bifilar coil on a cardboard tube, perhaps 30 turns.
> I then connected the thin and thick wires to my signal generator, and
> attached a handy air core coil I had lying around to my oscilloscope.
> Sure enough I got a signal!
> I thought it could just be electrostatic, but if I rotate the coil 90
> degrees the transformer action disappears! Even if and capacitive coupling
> is enhanced.
> So it isn't capacitive, it is actual inductive coupling from a
> non-inductive coil to an inductive coil!
> I thought that maybe the input waveform was passing through one wire and
> being reflected at the transition, however the signal input is connected to
> the thin and the ground is connected to the thick wire which makes a
> reflection less likely, furthermore I lowered the input frequency down to
> 1.5khz and it still worked!
> Therefore at this point I am reasonably sure that both wires
> are receiving approximately equal current.
> The only thing left to test really is what the level of induction compares
> to if a simple coil was to replace this one, if it turns out that at least
> 5 or 10 turns or more are required to match the inductive abilities of this
> coil then that would in my mind further indicate that the rectification is
> due to different drift velocities!
> This experiment has now taken longer to write about than assemble
> and perform!
> I encourage others who have appropriate equipment to give this one a shot.
> There is not guarantee but this could have an OU implication as this coil
> appears to create an inductive field, but would not receive induction, or
> would it?
> John

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
Nigel Dyer  wrote:

I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed, but
> some elements are already present.

I do not think there is any technical reason why things will not go as far
as I predict, or even farther to the "brain in the bottle" predicted by
Orwell. However, social forces may prevent it. People may decide they do
not want this. As Orwell shows, this might be a wise choice. Politics or
greed may interfere. Civilization may suffer some catastrophe, and a new
Dark Ages.

If people such as Frank Close and Robert Park remain in charge of
scientific research, they will succeed in stopping cold fusion. Such people
at heart are opposed to all new ideas and all progress.

To take a more extreme case, in the U.S. we are plagued with people such as
Rep. Paul Broun on the House Science Committee. He "told a church-sponsored
banquet in his home state of Georgia that the theories of evolution and the
big bang are 'lies straight from the pit of hell.'" With enough leaders
like that over a few centuries, I suppose the U.S. would gradually devolve
into something resembling Afghanistan. I am not exaggerating.

I assume that if Broun had his way, we would not teach these things in
schools. In Texas they are working vigorously to eliminate them. This is
like throwing acid into the faces of girls who try to learn to read, the
way the Taliban does. You cannot have a high tech society run by lunatics
who prevent people from learning the fundamental laws of science.

. . . maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is digging
> trenches . . .

What would be the point? In what sense would that be "work"? It would be a
useless waste of time, and an insult. Even if the task had some purpose, we
all know that a machine can do it far better. It would be like having
people work in banks keeping accounts with a paper and pencil, doing
arithmetic by hand. We all know that a computer costing a few hundred
dollars can do more arithmetic in a single second than a person can do in a
lifetime. That knowledge would make the task a crushing burden.

We must make a "human use of human beings" as N. Weiner put it. The problem
is that the scope of human uses for human beings is getting narrower and

The problem was masterfully laid out by Orwell in "The Road to Wigan Pier"
(referenced above). Here is how I would describe it:

When only a person can do a task, and no machine is capable of it, is is
ennobling work. It gives purpose and meaning to life. When a machine can do
it far more cheaper, faster and better than a human, that same task then
becomes worse than slavery.

I do not see any easy solutions to this problem. I don't think it will go
away on its own.

Having said that, I think there are still many jobs that can only be done
by people, and that people on welfare should be given. For example, taking
care of elderly people or children, cleaning up and repairing parks and
public places, building houses for poor people in projects like "Habitat
for Humanity" and so on. Some of this work is menial but at present no
robot can do it, so it still has dignity.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Open Source Papp Update

2012-10-07 Thread Ron Kita
Greetings Vortex-L,

Shock Wave Disc Engine:

Ron Kita, Chiralex

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> Russ tries helium in video 12.
> Cheers:Axil
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> If shockwave production is central to the Papp reaction,  it may be
>> possible to build a Papp generator without the need for a piston.
>> Here is my reasoning:
>> When the spark fires, a shock wave will form, expand, and travel down the
>> length of the tube. This wave is comprised of a shockwave front of both
>> electrons and ions. The electrons will move down the tube far faster than
>> the positive protons because they are 2000 times lighter.
>> This shockwave will produce a large electric current along the axis of
>> the tube parallel to its length.
>> This flow of electrons will produce a huge magnetic field that will be
>> emanated accorting to the right hand rule with the thumb pointing in the
>> direction of shockwave travel.
>> The magnetic field will circle the circumference of the tube and be
>> oriented parallel to it.
>> A network of a large number of thin copper wires can be arrayed along the
>> length of the tube on its outside surface and parallel to its length
>> direction, which also happens to be the direction of travel of the
>> shockwave.
>> The end of each element of this multi-wire mesh can then be connected at
>> the ends of each of these equally long elements to a common connector at
>> two opposing junctions just beyond each end of the tube.
>> This mesh of parallel wires can now convert the rapidly changing magnetic
>> flux as it expands and contracts to electric power that can be rectified
>> and stored in capacitors.
>> This power generated my the mesh can be added to the feedback power
>> produced by plasma collapse of the shockwave that is usually found in Papp
>> engines.
>> If the mesh of wires is thick enough, all the rapidly changing magnetic
>> flux lines can be converted to electricity at maximum efficiency without
>> the need for any mechanical moving parts.
>> Additionally from the perspective of experimentation, if magnetic field
>> lines can be detected when the Papp engine is fired, the production of a
>> shockwave will be both verified and quantified.
>> Cheers:Axil
>> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:46 AM, ecat builder wrote:
>>> Hi Vortex,
>>> Some updates on Papp development.. Which most of you know is a noble gas
>>> that is charged (by RF/spark) and drives a piston with an unexplained (?)
>>> force. Harvesting the force and residual energy to produce overunity power
>>> remains to be seen.
>>> An open source Papp Engine based on Bob's design is being built by a 26
>>> yr old whiz named Russ.
>>> He has made great progress in just a few weeks-- a cylinder based on
>>> Bob's test unit, spark generator, gas system, and more.
>>> I'm sure he'll be looking for ideas on how to mix and test noble gas
>>> mixtures.
>>> Bob is chiming in with feedback, which is great to see. The forum is at
>>> 12 pages and is filled with interesting tidbits.
>>> Here is a (self-taught?) Dannel Roberts and his visit to Bob's shop.
>>> Starting at 22:40 is Robert's theory of how the Papp engine creates a
>>> bang...
>>> Chuck (a LENR replicator) received his Popper Kit from John. It contains
>>> 15 pages of design/build notes and has a signal generator to drive 2
>>> included spark coils.
>>> Bob Rohner has also produced a few new movies, one warning of the
>>> potential dangers of building a popper.. another showing the system running
>>> without a coil, dispelling the thought that the coil could be the source of
>>> the force, showing that compressed air is not used.
>>> All very interesting, but a lot of power is going in (300 joules?) so a
>>> lot of work, luck, and miracles may still be needed.
>>> - Brad

Re: [Vo]:Progress from the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (Celani replication)

2012-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
Today I was in touch with Celani and some others in this project. They are
cooperating, planning together, and exchanging information. That is
excellent news.

This could be better than Rossi, even though Rossi's reaction appears to
have some technical advantages over what Celani has accomplished so far.
When many researchers start to work on Celani's approach, or some other
Ni-H approach, I expect they will soon catch up with Rossi.

In other words, I do not think that a technical advantage means much at
this stage. In particular, the size of the device makes no difference at
all. 15 W is every bit as promising as 500 kW. Once the reaction can be
controlled, scaling up should be easy. After you publish a paper or patent
showing the control parameters there will probably be 50,000 engineers
worldwide capable of scaling up, and most of them will do this far better
than Rossi did.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Eric Walker
On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Nigel Dyer  wrote:

I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed, but
> some elements are already present.   The first twenty years of my working
> life were spent automating the production of telephone exchange equipment,
> which resulted in many 1000s of people who used to work on the production
> lines being made redundant.  Many of them still do not have jobs, and the
> area is now one of the most deprived areas in the UK.  A small number of
> people (such as myself) were paid a lot more to do the continuing design
> work, until we were made redundant when the production and design was moved
> to China.
> So yes we need a new economic system to distribute the wealth in a
> workable way as people like me continue to make millions of people
> redundant, or maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is
> digging trenches, rather than sitting at home watching daytime TV.

We must add some context to your account.

While you were working hard, the effects of which were to put in place a
new technology that ended up making thousands of people redundant, there
was a captain of industry who was working harder and more cleverly than
you, directing the show and making sure that you and others of your kind
were on the straight path.  Because of the benefit that his brilliance
brought to society in the form of increased productivity, despite all of
the layoffs and the attendant economic stagnation in your area that
followed upon his decisions, he was no doubt compensated manyfold what you
were paid.  In the UK, the government no doubt recouped some of the money
that were required for the police force and the fire department and so on,
which were essential to making this endeavor possible.  In the US, this
additional dimension of the question is largely elided, and the executive
is understood to have achieved all that has been accomplished by the sweat
of his own brow, thereby richly earning the fruits of this remarkable
redistribution of wealth from the many thousands that were laid off to him
and the shareholders of the company.


Success! Re: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field

2012-10-07 Thread John Berry
As the drift velocity concept made perfect sense and also created null
results where one would think effects might have been seen.
And since it also can be confirmed based on homopolar generators and other
experiments I decided to go further with it.

Could it impact time varying induction?

Could a coil made of one thin and one thick strand, wound together and
connected so as to produce zero net magnetic field still create a net
induction due to the different drift velocities?

I realized it was plausible, but I lacked the skill to do a decent analysis
and I am unsure if anyone could, so I tried it, I got an extremely thin
magnet wire (it was salvaged from the stator of a shaded pole fan motor
from a microwave oven) and a very thick multi strand wire that can take
serious amps, I connected the ends of each together and then wound this
bucking bifilar coil on a cardboard tube, perhaps 30 turns.

I then connected the thin and thick wires to my signal generator, and
attached a handy air core coil I had lying around to my oscilloscope.
Sure enough I got a signal!

I thought it could just be electrostatic, but if I rotate the coil 90
degrees the transformer action disappears! Even if and capacitive coupling
is enhanced.

So it isn't capacitive, it is actual inductive coupling from a
non-inductive coil to an inductive coil!

I thought that maybe the input waveform was passing through one wire and
being reflected at the transition, however the signal input is connected to
the thin and the ground is connected to the thick wire which makes a
reflection less likely, furthermore I lowered the input frequency down to
1.5khz and it still worked!

Therefore at this point I am reasonably sure that both wires
are receiving approximately equal current.

The only thing left to test really is what the level of induction compares
to if a simple coil was to replace this one, if it turns out that at least
5 or 10 turns or more are required to match the inductive abilities of this
coil then that would in my mind further indicate that the rectification is
due to different drift velocities!

This experiment has now taken longer to write about than assemble
and perform!

I encourage others who have appropriate equipment to give this one a shot.
There is not guarantee but this could have an OU implication as this coil
appears to create an inductive field, but would not receive induction, or
would it?


Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Nigel Dyer
I am not sure that it will go anything like as far as you believe Jed, 
but some elements are already present.   The first twenty years of my 
working life were spent automating the production of telephone exchange 
equipment, which resulted in many 1000s of people who used to work on 
the production lines being made redundant.  Many of them still do not 
have jobs, and the area is now one of the most deprived areas in the 
UK.  A small number of people (such as myself) were paid a lot more to 
do the continuing design work, until we were made redundant when the 
production and design was moved to China.
So yes we need a new economic system to distribute the wealth in a 
workable way as people like me continue to make millions of people 
redundant, or maybe people would prefer to be in work, even if it is 
digging trenches, rather than sitting at home watching daytime TV.


On 07/10/2012 22:16, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Not just food, either. Hundreds of years from now, if you decide to tear
down your house and build a brand new one, it will take less human effort
than it now takes to deliver a pizza. The raw materials will be dirt-cheap.
I mean literally as cheap as a dumptruck of dirt. For common elements such
as carbon or iron, replicator machines will produce all objects at about
the same cost per kilogram. (Assuming there is no industrial scale

Overall I suppose a new house will cost a few hundred dollars and take a
week to deliver.

Regarding my projected cost of food, I said food will cost roughly as much
as tap water today. I mean that water is the main ingredient of all food.
Also, I mean it will take about as much machinery and human intervention as
tap water takes. Tap water costs  ~$1 per 500 gallons, or 4,000 lbs, or
1800 kg. The average person eats 5 lbs per day, so it comes to $0.50 per
year. Okay, I may be off by a factor of 100, but it still will not be worth
the effort to charge people $50 per year.

Earlier I estimated that the total cost of supplying all necessities will
be roughly equivalent to supplying tap water today. We use a lot of tap
water in the U.S. The cost is $335 per year. I figure this will be roughly
the cost of providing all of the necessities of life, such as food, rent
for a reasonable amount of space, internet access, travel around the solar
system, and so on. People who want to live in sprawling mansions or who
want to commute every month to Mars may have to pay more, out of pocket.

If we ask people to work to earn this money, and we pay them today's
average salary, they will work for 3 days per year. That's absurd for
several reasons:

1. Why bother?

2. Who is going to remember how to do a useful task that you perform only a
few days a year? I guess if we are talking about cooking a Thanksgiving
turkey I can remember how to do it, but that is not something anyone would
pay me to do today. I am sure household robots in 500 years will do a
better job cooking turkeys than I ever could. Something you do 3 days a
year is a ritual, not a job.

3. What work are people going to do in competition with robots? Consider
that 3 days of robot labor will cost a few pennies at most.

I cannot imagine people doing intellectual tasks such as city planning in
competition with supercomputer cogitation. People will make decisions about
how we want our cities and transportation networks to look, and where to
build a new airport, but computers will handle all the technical details. I
doubt anyone will even understand the technology.

There will still be important jobs for some people in the future. We will
need decision makers, movers and shakers and politicians. Someone has to
decide where to build the new airport, even if the machines handle all
technical details. You can have any house you want in a week for a few
hundred dollars, but there will still be zoning regulations and neighbors
will still complain about houses.  We will need parents, teachers and
artists. We cannot let our children be raised by machines.

I doubt there will be any doctors or gourmet cooks. I am certain there will
be no taxi drivers, factory workers or farmers. Probably they will be gone
in 50 years. The sooner the better. If you don't think so, you probably
have not driven a taxi or worked on a farm.

Having people do most kinds of work in the future would be like paying Post
Office employees to deliver paper transcriptions of e-mail messages in
today's world. That would be an absurd waste of time and resources. It
would be such an annoyance for everyone, it would not even constitute
"make-work." No one could even pretend there is a use for it. Having people
do such idiotic tasks would be an insult to everyone involved, most of all
the workers. It would be like paying people to dig holes with shovels and
fill them up all day long.

Putting aside economics, this world of the future will be an enormous
challenge for the reasons described by George Orwell in "The Road to Wigan
Pier." See:

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

> Intelligent computers will design improved versions of the factories and
> equipment. They will build or upgrade as many factories as needed without
> human intervention. The production cost of the food will be as cheap per
> kilogram as tap water is today.

Not just food, either. Hundreds of years from now, if you decide to tear
down your house and build a brand new one, it will take less human effort
than it now takes to deliver a pizza. The raw materials will be dirt-cheap.
I mean literally as cheap as a dumptruck of dirt. For common elements such
as carbon or iron, replicator machines will produce all objects at about
the same cost per kilogram. (Assuming there is no industrial scale

Overall I suppose a new house will cost a few hundred dollars and take a
week to deliver.

Regarding my projected cost of food, I said food will cost roughly as much
as tap water today. I mean that water is the main ingredient of all food.
Also, I mean it will take about as much machinery and human intervention as
tap water takes. Tap water costs  ~$1 per 500 gallons, or 4,000 lbs, or
1800 kg. The average person eats 5 lbs per day, so it comes to $0.50 per
year. Okay, I may be off by a factor of 100, but it still will not be worth
the effort to charge people $50 per year.

Earlier I estimated that the total cost of supplying all necessities will
be roughly equivalent to supplying tap water today. We use a lot of tap
water in the U.S. The cost is $335 per year. I figure this will be roughly
the cost of providing all of the necessities of life, such as food, rent
for a reasonable amount of space, internet access, travel around the solar
system, and so on. People who want to live in sprawling mansions or who
want to commute every month to Mars may have to pay more, out of pocket.

If we ask people to work to earn this money, and we pay them today's
average salary, they will work for 3 days per year. That's absurd for
several reasons:

1. Why bother?

2. Who is going to remember how to do a useful task that you perform only a
few days a year? I guess if we are talking about cooking a Thanksgiving
turkey I can remember how to do it, but that is not something anyone would
pay me to do today. I am sure household robots in 500 years will do a
better job cooking turkeys than I ever could. Something you do 3 days a
year is a ritual, not a job.

3. What work are people going to do in competition with robots? Consider
that 3 days of robot labor will cost a few pennies at most.

I cannot imagine people doing intellectual tasks such as city planning in
competition with supercomputer cogitation. People will make decisions about
how we want our cities and transportation networks to look, and where to
build a new airport, but computers will handle all the technical details. I
doubt anyone will even understand the technology.

There will still be important jobs for some people in the future. We will
need decision makers, movers and shakers and politicians. Someone has to
decide where to build the new airport, even if the machines handle all
technical details. You can have any house you want in a week for a few
hundred dollars, but there will still be zoning regulations and neighbors
will still complain about houses.  We will need parents, teachers and
artists. We cannot let our children be raised by machines.

I doubt there will be any doctors or gourmet cooks. I am certain there will
be no taxi drivers, factory workers or farmers. Probably they will be gone
in 50 years. The sooner the better. If you don't think so, you probably
have not driven a taxi or worked on a farm.

Having people do most kinds of work in the future would be like paying Post
Office employees to deliver paper transcriptions of e-mail messages in
today's world. That would be an absurd waste of time and resources. It
would be such an annoyance for everyone, it would not even constitute
"make-work." No one could even pretend there is a use for it. Having people
do such idiotic tasks would be an insult to everyone involved, most of all
the workers. It would be like paying people to dig holes with shovels and
fill them up all day long.

Putting aside economics, this world of the future will be an enormous
challenge for the reasons described by George Orwell in "The Road to Wigan
Pier." See:

Starting here:

"The function of the machine is to save work. In a fully mechanized world
all the dull drudgery will be done by machinery, leaving us free for more
interesting pursuits. So expressed, this sounds splendid. It makes one sick
to see half a dozen men sweating their guts out to dig a trench for a
water-pipe, when some easily devised machine would scoop the earth out in a
couple of minutes. . . ."

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:CR39

2012-10-07 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 7 Oct 2012 07:32:37 -0700:
Hi Jones,
>The cross-section for alpha emission from carbon is way too small for the
>explanation you suggest.
>Wiki sez: in the radiation detection application, CR-39 material is exposed
>to proton recoils caused by incident neutrons. The proton recoils cause ion
>tracks, which are enlarged by an etching process in a caustic solution of
>sodium hydroxide. The enlarged ion tracks are counted under a microscope
>(commonly 200x), and the number of ion tracks is proportional to the amount
>of incident neutron radiation.

While what you say is true, a track created by a single proton is not
necessarily indicative of neutrons, as the track could be caused by any reaction
producing a proton, or any charged particle for that matter. However the triple
track created by the C12 breakup is strongly indicative of fast neutrons.
>-Original Message-
>AFAIK fast neutrons are detected by the fact that they occasionally break a
>nucleus into 3 alpha particles. It is the three alpha particles that produce
>three cone shaped tracks in the CR39, with a common origin. Note that only
>charged particles create tracks, because the tracks are formed from chemical
>changes in the CR39 caused by the CR39 molecules being ionized, and only
>energetic photons and charged particles cause ionization (not neutral
>Robin van Spaandonk

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
Craig Haynie  wrote:

> When people
> respect others, and do not threaten violence against them to achieve
> desired social and political goals, then the resulting economic system
> is capitalism.

I believe you are missing the point. I am talking about the future, not the

At present, if you were to go to a farm and take away the crops by force,
that would morally wrong. The farmer worked hard and risked his own capital
to grow that food. So you are correct: capitalism is called for. The farmer
should be allowed to sell the fruits of his labor on the open market.

Now think about how the world will be in 100 years. There will be no
farmers. All manual labor will be done by robots. There will probably be no
farms; everything will be grown in indoor food factories. The cost of the
food will be a factor or 10 or more cheaper than it is now. It will still
be morally wrong to barge into a food factory and take what you want,
because a corporation will have set up the factory, and invested capital
and R&D in it.

Now think about the world 200 or 300 years from now. The cost of building
food factories will be far cheaper. Robots will not only build and maintain
the building, and operate all of the equipment, they will also bring in raw
materials from all over the solar system. Intelligent computers will design
improved versions of the factories and equipment. They will build or
upgrade as many factories as needed without human intervention. The
production cost of the food will be as cheap per kilogram as tap water is

When we reach that stage, charging for food becomes ridiculous. It would be
like standing on a street today charging pedestrians for the use of the
sidewalk or drinking fountain, in units of $0.0001. It is no longer a moral
issue. After hundreds of years of development, the food factories have
become standard and commodified to the point where there is no risk, and no
profit. They might as well be run as public utilities, like today's water
fountains or escalators in railroad stations.

Grave moral problems in one era can become trivial technical issues in the
next, thanks to scientific progress. A century ago, and even 20 years ago,
it was difficult for us to provide all students with up-to-date textbooks.
It cost society money, and it was a moral issue. Should we see to it that
all children got the latest version of textbooks? Was it morally right to
have some public schools in South Carolina with 40-year-old textbooks,
while others had up-to-date textbooks? Now, with the Internet, we could
easily give every child on planet earth the latest textbooks at a trivial
cost. I expect the schools in South Carolina still use 40-year-old
textbooks, but there is no technical reason why they should. There is no
reason why we should charge the parents or schools or anyone else for these
books. The authors and editors have to be paid, but we do not need
publishers. The total payment for the author per book can be a few
pennies. Excellent textbooks and lessons are available for free everywhere
on earth already. See:

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread LORENHEYER
BTW, I have a problem with YOUR NAME and YOU  HAH  HAH  HAH !!!   

<< SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL!!! >>  from ; Damn-yell   >>

<< Spoken like a true NAZIS ... with liberty & justice for all (the 
damned) !! 
BTW, I JUST received this email moments ago, and all I can say is that THIS 
is what   " True Freedom" is all about  

 day To You...

How are you doing todayIt have been some couple  of days now i have
not receive any E-mail from you in regard to the Loan you intend to get
from our company that we have already processed, but it seems as if you
don't need this loan any more if you insist we can still cancel this
transaction okay.

  You know how bad you need this loan If i may ask do you still need
this loan?I will want you to get back to me as soon as possible so that we
can proceed further So if you need this loan,...get back to me as soon
as possible.
Waiting for your Email,


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 7:51 PM,  wrote:

> Hello ILLegal Loan scam operator.  Tracked down your so-called business,
> and as I suspected, you are a fraud. You're email originated from Mt. View
> -
> Los Angeles CA.  I know exactly where you live, and you are currently 
> persued by the authorities. You will soon likely be back in your cage, 
> you belong. I will come & visit you and make sure you are being treated
> inhumanely, just like you. 

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread LORENHEYER
BTW Jojo, you wouldn't happen to be related to the KilamaJARO family with a 
pile of (illbegotten) money the size of a Mountain... AND, the so-called 
"Intelligent Design" that you are supposedly have a "third" degree-in isn't 
just an attempt to impress the more educated professional intelligent people 
types here and/or those that are legally occupying and/or living & working in 
this country?   

  I'm also interested in what you think about "Black Holes" 
which as we all know, suck so hard that nothing, not even white-light can 
escape it?  I'd also like your opinion of Dark Energy, as it too seems to be 
up of alot of BS, and simply can't be good for any civilization in this 
universe and/or any other one.  
again I must (again) address your proudly professsed and/or proclaimed (third) 
degree working knowledge of "Intelligent Design", of which, you're obviously 
a strong advocate of, if not totally committed to,,, because, you've been 
around so long, and know that opur DNA is 99% monkey and therefore can be the 
only explanation for your wonderous glorious being... and/or you of course 
are trying to get everyone to empathize, sympathize and/or feel ed compelled 
to donate to your just cause, which is..??? 

And also, just how many alias screenames and/or accounts and/or people w/ 
similar intentions w/ any endless number of pitches not just here but amost 
everywhere in the world, are you invoved with?  You see, I have this 
insatiable desire to learn just  who's who, and/or, whats what.  And, how long 
you been working your way into all the websites out there, while earning the 
trust & confidence in the unsuspecting participants, who then allow you to 
persuade them how knowledgeable you are?  
 Halleuliah !!...  Praise Be To 
The Designer !!... and, what was it again?.  Oh yeah, I remember...  
it's that you The Great Designer, of acquiring some rather impressive amounts 
of $$$,$$$,$$$.$$  thruout the land have a greater purpose for all of us who 
realize how important it is to live by certain rules and/or viable means of 
government, by which, we can live truly free w/o the fear of being Ruled by 
a wannabe Dictator, like the one currently misoccupying this Countries  ILL 
FADED White House! 

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Eric Walker

On Oct 7, 2012, at 12:11, Alain Sepeda  wrote:

> funny to see american discuss politics, because it is like looking at europe 
> in a mirror.

Unfortunately, I would hesitate to call it a discussion over here.  It's more 
like a death match.  There are very few willing to engage in a rational 
discussion of the various positions and mostly ad hominem attacks and emotional 
appeals using charged language.  What it finally comes down to these days is a 
prolonged contest of wills between irreconcilable views of the role of society.


Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread LORENHEYER
Spoken like a true NAZIS ... with liberty & justice for all (the damned) !! 

<< SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL!!! >>  from ; Damn-yell   

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Alain Sepeda
extreme and idealistic systems are often bad...
It is often hard for thos in the system to admit it, and roland benabou
have made a paper about that : "belief in a just world and redistributive

what is sure is that human species is a social animal, and like many
primate, and even more because we understand higher level of concept and
compute better (when motivated to), human love justice, and are even ready
to lose so they can punish unfair facts.

It has been measured, for humans of many culture and some primates.

It has also been shown that unfairness and inequality block growth, and
cause violence. even if surprisingly it is not necessarily violence by the
poor. (terrorist are often higher class, because ideology is expensive for
the brain, and poor focus their energy on survival)

funny to see american discuss politics, because it is like looking at
europe in a mirror.

note tha both our system are falling apart for opposite reason.
as said in the article, both our system have the same "social mobility",
with only minor and non intuitive difference (germany is the most fair,
italy the least and US in the middle)

2012/10/7 Craig Haynie 

> Jed may think he's writing about economics, but he's actually writing
> about morality and politics, because people pursue their economic
> policies in their quest for morality.
> For instance, Venezuela is falling apart.
> Venezuela is falling apart.
> Another experiment in socialism leads to where every other experiment
> has led. That people continue to try this social experiment, is
> evidence that people will follow their moral conscience despite all
> the empirical evidence in the world against it. People desperately
> need to discover morality, and not just any morality, but the only
> morality possible which is universal and treats everyone equally. This
> the key: morality must be universal, and the only moral principle
> possible which treats everyone as equals, is the non-aggession
> principle. All others break universality in some way, shape, or form,
> and create extra-moral agents, like governments, which create the
> moral rules which we are all then required to follow. When people
> respect others, and do not threaten violence against them to achieve
> desired social and political goals, then the resulting economic system
> is capitalism.
> Craig

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread Daniel Rocha


> The "True" people of this Country have been, are being, and/or will
> continue (?) to be   worked & played and/or by the leeches & parasites
> that plague
> all Countries with anykind of wealth A huge number of various
> call/screen names w/ yahoo, gmail, hotmail accounts (among others) are
> generally all
> apart of the same group or effort to swindle, con, defraud, influence,
> swindle, lie, scam, and/or blab endlessly their way into your life, while
> making
> you believe they are honest, ethical, fair-minded, normal good people, like
> you & me.
>Now, I simply must take this opportunity to thank these one & the same
> individuals (posing as human beings) for making themselves (in)obvious
> about
> their intentions so please try to remember that "they're" everywhere
> working & playing "us" like the naive gullible fools, we are.
>   Thank you all for
> your time, and your trust, sense of decency, and the sharing spirit  of
> donating your wealth or any money you have, or may come across, and/or
> last but not
> least, your soon-to-be demise as all good things must come to an end!
> Sincerely   L.H. 

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread LORENHEYER
The "True" people of this Country have been, are being, and/or will 
continue (?) to be   worked & played and/or by the leeches & parasites that 
all Countries with anykind of wealth A huge number of various 
call/screen names w/ yahoo, gmail, hotmail accounts (among others) are 
generally all 
apart of the same group or effort to swindle, con, defraud, influence, 
swindle, lie, scam, and/or blab endlessly their way into your life, while 
you believe they are honest, ethical, fair-minded, normal good people, like 
you & me. 

   Now, I simply must take this opportunity to thank these one & the same 
individuals (posing as human beings) for making themselves (in)obvious about 
their intentions so please try to remember that "they're" everywhere 
working & playing "us" like the naive gullible fools, we are.   

  Thank you all for 
your time, and your trust, sense of decency, and the sharing spirit  of 
donating your wealth or any money you have, or may come across, and/or last but 
least, your soon-to-be demise as all good things must come to an end!   
Sincerely   L.H. 

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread LORENHEYER
Lets see now, after my interpreting or translating Jojo's many messages 
concerning the ill ways of Liberalism in these United States of America, I 
believe I have a fairly clear understanding of intentions.  Now, seeing how you 
have stated at least several time that you live outside of this Country, it 
has literally forced me into thinking that you might be associated with a 
group of thoughtful caring loving giving heart tugging sobbing emotional sad 
unfortunate misgivings and/or stories about Nigerians and their struggles and 
therefor the reason why you have been offering up various $ums of 
inheritence money among other scemes that lure or entice gullible people in 
Country into giving up as much of theirs, to get it? .  

 I can onl assume that those on the "left" don't contribute 
nearly as much as those on the "right" to your rightous just nobel cause.   
All I can say is that " I guess it serves them right for being so 
gullible,,, but, that still doesn't make it right, you know.  And BTW, you know 
in these difficult ecomical times things are getting much tighter, so maybe 
you need to to budget yourself just like everyone else. Also, Obama in the 
Out House, uh, I mean  White House can only serve as a "lesson" to enlighten 
all of the gullible giving fools that occupy this Country.  So, best regards 
to you & yours in the furture, and please take what I say to heart, and try 
to be more understanding... (Ha!!!).  

Re: [Vo]:Alchemy in the Post

2012-10-07 Thread kulintsov

This report is intended to be misinformation.

Technology is already exists and produces the precious metals from the 
cheap materials. For example, there is a patent by Dr. Champion about 
conversion of silver to gold:
and an older one

It has evolved much more and now there is promo video:

Links about development and history

Washington post is trying to divert attention from research that seems 
to be real.

On 10/05/2012 11:37 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

Vid caption:

"This microbial magician, named Cupriavidus metallidurans, when placed
in a minilab full of gold chloride, a nasty toxin, gobbled up the
poison and, in about a week, processed it out as 24-karat nuggets of
the precious yellow metal."

Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-07 Thread Craig Haynie
Jed may think he's writing about economics, but he's actually writing
about morality and politics, because people pursue their economic
policies in their quest for morality.

For instance, Venezuela is falling apart.

Venezuela is falling apart.

Another experiment in socialism leads to where every other experiment
has led. That people continue to try this social experiment, is
evidence that people will follow their moral conscience despite all
the empirical evidence in the world against it. People desperately
need to discover morality, and not just any morality, but the only
morality possible which is universal and treats everyone equally. This
the key: morality must be universal, and the only moral principle
possible which treats everyone as equals, is the non-aggession
principle. All others break universality in some way, shape, or form,
and create extra-moral agents, like governments, which create the
moral rules which we are all then required to follow. When people
respect others, and do not threaten violence against them to achieve
desired social and political goals, then the resulting economic system
is capitalism.


RE: [Vo]:CR39

2012-10-07 Thread Jones Beene

The cross-section for alpha emission from carbon is way too small for the
explanation you suggest.

Wiki sez: in the radiation detection application, CR-39 material is exposed
to proton recoils caused by incident neutrons. The proton recoils cause ion
tracks, which are enlarged by an etching process in a caustic solution of
sodium hydroxide. The enlarged ion tracks are counted under a microscope
(commonly 200x), and the number of ion tracks is proportional to the amount
of incident neutron radiation.

-Original Message-

AFAIK fast neutrons are detected by the fact that they occasionally break a
nucleus into 3 alpha particles. It is the three alpha particles that produce
three cone shaped tracks in the CR39, with a common origin. Note that only
charged particles create tracks, because the tracks are formed from chemical
changes in the CR39 caused by the CR39 molecules being ionized, and only
energetic photons and charged particles cause ionization (not neutral


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: DC - DC EM induction? Re: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field

2012-10-07 Thread fznidarsic

When electrons change velocity, that change in velocity propagates in
> their electric field as a bend, a distortion, this bending
> predicts precisely the EMF that a time varying current creates

-Original Message-
From: John Berry 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:32 am
Subject: DC - DC EM induction? Re: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field

I have been thinking about this a bit more.

John take a look at this.


Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread Randy Wuller

The Wealth of the US is owned by a small portion of its citizens.  It doesn't 
seem out line that those who own it pay for it. 

Instead it seems you would prefer that those who have little or no ownership in 
the assets of this country pay the country's bills.

This is after all another way to look at it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 7, 2012, at 2:15 AM, Jojo Jaro  wrote:

> My friend, I think you should be the one seeking professional help.  For ... 
> How could one consider THEFT to be a trivial matter.  How would you feel if I 
> stole your life savings?  Hey, to save us the trouble, why don't you just 
> send me your life savings so that I can have more "discretionary" spending.
> And Income Redistribution is THEFT.  It is not individual theft as we would 
> understand;  NO, Income Redistribution is "Institutional Theft".  The very 
> government sworn to protect your rights is the one stealing from you. 
> And just because MORE people want to redistribute Bill Gates' income, that 
> makes it correct and moral, right?  That, my friend, makes you a communist.
> Communism is characterized by mob-rule.   Whatever, the majority wants goes, 
> without regard for the rights of the minority.  Income Redistribution is mob 
> rule.
> Jojo
> PS, You have no idea how much I give to charity and church work.  So, don't 
> presume to lecture me about basic human relationship, compassion and charity. 
>  I give out of my free will.  That is the essence of human choice God gave 
> us.  Forcing me to give to lazy bums in Wisconsin so that he can buy a new 
> HDTV is neither basic human relationship, nor compassion nor charity.
> BTW.  I am probably giving more and will give more to charity and church work 
> than your whole lifetime income.
> - Original Message -
> From: Daniel Rocha
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012 2:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized
> I am not doing an analogy at all. I am just talking about logic  If A has 
> something in common with B, it does not follow that A=B.
> I hope this issue of redistribution does not affect your personal life. It's 
> something really trivial to understand and it is behind basic human 
> relationships, like compassion and charity. If you cannot see in that way, 
> your mind must be full of paranoia and you should seek a professional 
> counseling.
> 2012/10/7 Jojo Jaro 
>> You say this with such hutzpah and authority as if this analogy were really 
>> appropriate.
>> You analogy is faulty and I reject it.  It does not even follow basic 
>> logical reasoning at all.
> -- 
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread Daniel Rocha
No, I don't your church people buying HDTV, specially the pastor and his co

2012/10/7 Jojo Jaro 

> **
> BTW.  I am probably giving more and will give more to charity and church
> work than your whole lifetime income.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: DC - DC EM induction? Re: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field

2012-10-07 Thread John Berry
I have seen a possible (read probable) flaw in this DC induction.
As the electrons in the faster section are more pancaked, there is a
reduced side field, which means that there would be an increased
longitudinal force outside of the wire pushing against the bend created by
the acceleration, the 2 effects would cancel perhaps entirely.

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 6:32 PM, John Berry  wrote:

> I have been thinking about this a bit more.
> I have been doing more analysis, I have concluded that if the velocity of
> a charge is doubled the effective magnetic force it creates is quadrupled.
> I am very clear that this is so.
> Furthermore by doing a complete analysis I found that while this is so, if
> you have the previously mentioned coil with a thin and fat wire in series
> creating equal and opposite ampere turns you can't generate any field
> besides a slight motional E-field that would not be varied by velocity.
> I also established that rotating a coil as would occur with the rotor
> winding on an alternator would not lead to any change, I actually wrote
> this up to work it out but no one wants to read paragraphs about how Ampere
> was right after all.
> I also tried other ideas such as charged wires but that made no difference.
> However drift velocity does have a real effect on the voltage generated by
> a homo-polar generator.
> And so naturally does the movement along the wire which is how a homopolar
> generator works.
> Anyway I have come up with a very interesting idea!
> When electrons change velocity, that change in velocity propagates in
> their electric field as a bend, a distortion, this bending
> predicts precisely the EMF that a time varying current creates.
> If you had wire that changed wire thickness and hence electron velocity in
> sections you should get a constant bend in the electric field outside those
> locations.
> This could be increased by having a multi turn coil that has thick wire
> sections laid over other thick sections and thin sections laid over other
> thin sections and critically having the transition locations laid over one
> another.
> This could increase it quite well, then it may also be possible to collect
> this emf in hopefully a multi-turn coil.
> This is as far as I am aware totally unrecognised, and yet
> an entirely plausible way to create a DC induction from a DC current with
> no moving parts or interconnections.
> However it could be likened possibly to a thermocouple, wonder if such a
> change in thickness could act like a Peliter junction?
> This seems like a test worth trying!
> BTW one option could theoretically be to take a multiturn coil of constant
> thickness and apply a magnetic field so as to create zones slowed by the
> Hall effect increasing resistance in those sections, this could still
> produce such an EMF although it would not be ideal.
> John
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 5:45 AM, Harvey Norris  wrote:
>> Perhaps the best issue to be noted is the spinning electromagnet
>> manifested as a field of a car alternator. No where do I see it mentioned,
>> except in my own research: that there is a correct direction for the DC
>> field currents to be in harmony with the rotation. This only stands to be
>> common sense where it comes to drift velocity, for the field rotation and
>> its current to be delivered from non moving slip ring contacts; one method
>> will deliver current in agreement with the drift velocity direction, while
>> the other will detract from it showing as a reduced stator voltage. There
>> are numerable proofs that counter the remanent magnetism and parametric
>> case as the cause for power output without field energization. Here is some
>> further scribbling of notes never sent when this subject last came up
>> Once when I was more naive I thought about the magnetic field surrounding
>> a wire broken by a capacitor coupling device.  As I visualized the magnetic
>> field due to the current, I began to think that there must be a gap or
>> discontinuity since no real current is flowing within the capacitor.
>> Between the plates there is only an electric field that is changing as
>> charge is being added or subtracted from the plates of the capacitor.
>> Now I will explain something that NO ONE has ever answered!
>> It even bothers the theorists who explain it away as a heating loss of
>> wires or something. Or they say it was lost as the magnetic field around
>> the wires connecting the parts. The big dummies never even considered that
>> it was lost as the magnetic field movement around the capacitor itself!
>> Thus they have not thought to put in special collectors of this lost
>> energy; and then reconvert that lost energy back into another capacitor.
>> Let me know if you think this can be done.
>> I have two equal C values. I charge one up and find the joules of energy
>> contained in it. Now I take the other unused C value and allow one to
>> charge up the other to equilibrium. Now I compare the tot

Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-07 Thread Jojo Jaro
My friend, I think you should be the one seeking professional help.  For ... 
How could one consider THEFT to be a trivial matter.  How would you feel if I 
stole your life savings?  Hey, to save us the trouble, why don't you just send 
me your life savings so that I can have more "discretionary" spending.

And Income Redistribution is THEFT.  It is not individual theft as we would 
understand;  NO, Income Redistribution is "Institutional Theft".  The very 
government sworn to protect your rights is the one stealing from you. 

And just because MORE people want to redistribute Bill Gates' income, that 
makes it correct and moral, right?  That, my friend, makes you a communist.

Communism is characterized by mob-rule.  Whatever, the majority wants goes, 
without regard for the rights of the minority.  Income Redistribution is mob 


PS, You have no idea how much I give to charity and church work.  So, don't 
presume to lecture me about basic human relationship, compassion and charity.  
I give out of my free will.  That is the essence of human choice God gave us.  
Forcing me to give to lazy bums in Wisconsin so that he can buy a new HDTV is 
neither basic human relationship, nor compassion nor charity.

BTW.  I am probably giving more and will give more to charity and church work 
than your whole lifetime income.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012 2:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

  I am not doing an analogy at all. I am just talking about logic  If A has 
something in common with B, it does not follow that A=B.

  I hope this issue of redistribution does not affect your personal life. It's 
something really trivial to understand and it is behind basic human 
relationships, like compassion and charity. If you cannot see in that way, your 
mind must be full of paranoia and you should seek a professional counseling.

  2012/10/7 Jojo Jaro 

You say this with such hutzpah and authority as if this analogy were really 

You analogy is faulty and I reject it.  It does not even follow basic 
logical reasoning at all.

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Open Source Papp Update

2012-10-07 Thread Axil Axil
 I found a YouTube video that might explain what is going on in the popper
that you can try at home.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:46 AM, ecat builder wrote:

> Hi Vortex,
> Some updates on Papp development.. Which most of you know is a noble gas
> that is charged (by RF/spark) and drives a piston with an unexplained (?)
> force. Harvesting the force and residual energy to produce overunity power
> remains to be seen.
> An open source Papp Engine based on Bob's design is being built by a 26 yr
> old whiz named Russ.
> He has made great progress in just a few weeks-- a cylinder based on Bob's
> test unit, spark generator, gas system, and more.
> I'm sure he'll be looking for ideas on how to mix and test noble gas
> mixtures.
> Bob is chiming in with feedback, which is great to see. The forum is at 12
> pages and is filled with interesting tidbits.
> Here is a (self-taught?) Dannel Roberts and his visit to Bob's shop.
> Starting at 22:40 is Robert's theory of how the Papp engine creates a
> bang...
> Chuck (a LENR replicator) received his Popper Kit from John. It contains
> 15 pages of design/build notes and has a signal generator to drive 2
> included spark coils.
> Bob Rohner has also produced a few new movies, one warning of the
> potential dangers of building a popper.. another showing the system running
> without a coil, dispelling the thought that the coil could be the source of
> the force, showing that compressed air is not used.
> All very interesting, but a lot of power is going in (300 joules?) so a
> lot of work, luck, and miracles may still be needed.
> - Brad