Re: Committee Position and ROM editor up for grabs

2002-02-06 Thread Reg Whitely
"Look down, for the response is at the top. The foot is at your head."
- 21st Century 'Think Differenter"


Sorry to see you're leaving us, albeit as a WAMUG office bearer. I 
look forward to your continued valued contributions to this list.



>Hi All!
>Just a quickie to let you all know that I will not be standing for
>re-election this year on the committee and I will be standing down as the
>editor of the ROM. As much as I have enjoyed doing both, I feel that I
>cannot offer the time that is required to effectively serve the WAMUG
>community via the committee or to get the ROM out in a timely and
>interesting fashion.
>Which does mean that both positions are up for grabs!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

WTB: Modem

2002-02-06 Thread Daniel

Hi All

I am after a cheap second hand modem for a friend on a shoestring 
budget. Would anyone have a 33.6 or better modem lying around they 
would like to part with. All reasonable offers looked at!

If you have one lying around you would like some extra dollars for 
please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call me on 0414 795 960.

Thanks heaps

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

RE: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Shay Telfer

Just my two cents (don't mean to offend anyone) but honestly guys, WAMUG is
a community established to help people, especially newbies. Let's not lose
focus here and start enforcing strict rules which make it difficult for
people to ask questions, for fear of a barrage of "but technically, you're
not correct" responses.

We're all Mac-loving users - let's get back to helping people solve their
Mac-related problems.

As the WAMUG Listmom, it ultimately falls to myself and the committee 
members to enforce the rules.

Speaking for myself at least, I have no intention of 'enforcing' the 
guidelines, and have already mailed Onno suggesting that they be 
re-worded in a more friendly manner. They are after all, guidelines, 
and not mandatory restrictions.

I am however quite grateful to Onno for having compiled them!

Now, I'm hoping we can get back to Mac related questions and answers :)

=== Shay Telfer 
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Sponsor WA's Solar Car
Opinions for hire [POQ] Sungroper

Committee Position and ROM editor up for grabs

2002-02-06 Thread Rod Lavington

Hi All!

Just a quickie to let you all know that I will not be standing for
re-election this year on the committee and I will be standing down as the
editor of the ROM. As much as I have enjoyed doing both, I feel that I
cannot offer the time that is required to effectively serve the WAMUG
community via the committee or to get the ROM out in a timely and
interesting fashion.

Which does mean that both positions are up for grabs!

Have you felt that meetings have not been as good as they were in previous
years? Do you feel that your voice is not being heard in the group? Time
to get on that soapbox and be part of the committee! They are looking for
fresh ideas, so if you feel inspired to enlighten us through your Mac
experiences, the committee would love to her from you!

What about the ROM editor's position? Be the Town Crier for the group!
Inform WAMUG of upcoming events, new links from around the Mac Globe,
specials from WAMUG sponsors. Don't like the current format? Change it!
This could be your chance to produce something that is meaningful and
informative to the WAMUG community.



RFC: Posting Guidelines - v0.4 - final?

2002-02-06 Thread Onno Benschop
Just as you're about to finalise, a flurry of messages with suggestions - 
please feel free to comment.

As a community, WAMUG is a group of people who send each other email, 
generally about Macintosh issues. The group is now so large that not 
everyone knows everyone else, so we've come up with the following 
suggestions for your valued contributions to this list. This is not a 
rule-book, but a suggestion which makes your questions and answers as 
helpful to as many people as possible.

Before posting a message to WAMUG:

1. Did you attempt to resolve the problem yourself?
2. Did you search the message archive for a similar problem?
3. Did you search the web for a similar problem?
4. Did you give your post a relevant, meaningful Subject?
5. It is good practice to include System Information where relevant.
6. It is good practice to show unsuccessful attempts at resolution.
7. It is good practice to include relevant URLs.

When you reply to a posting made by another person:

1. Did you only respond to the list - unless specifically asked otherwise?
2. Did you quote only appropriate parts of the message?
3. Did you attribute the quotes correctly?
4. It is good practice to put your response *below* the quoted part.
5. It is good practice to include relevant URLs.
6. It is good to be mindful of a future user who searches the archive.
7. If you don't *know*, then say that you're guessing.
8. If you're not sure, then say that you think so.
9. If your response is really a new post, adjust the Subject accordingly.

The Digest List:

As a subscriber, you can choose to receive each individual message, or a 
daily digest. If you receive the digested version of the list and respond, 
be sure to change the Subject of your response, otherwise other subscribers 
will not be able to follow the thread of conversation.

Resources to assist you:

Relevant System Information includes:
- OS (6, 7, 8, 9, X or Classic)
- Machine and Model (ie PowerBook 5300, iMac Flat Screen, etc.)
- Any peripherals involved (SCSI, FireWire, USB, Serial or ADB)
- Disk space / RAM / Extensions / Version numbers as related

Mailing List Archive

WAMUG home page

Web search engine

Apple Info Library

Apple Info Archive

Version Tracker


RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines

()/)/)()..ASCII for Onno..
|>>?  ..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---   ..Morse for Onno..

ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFC: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Onno Benschop

At 15:43 6/02/02 +0800, Phillip McGree wrote:

What *official* capacity do you have to create WAMUG policy such as this?

A subscriber.

Who authorised you to come up with this list of "rules"?

No one, this is not a list of rules, this is a Posting Guideline. If enough 
people like it, then the group as a whole has the benefit of it. So far 
I've had contributions and encouraging comment from 14 members. I was going 
to list them below, but then I figured that this would only start another 
discussion about who should and who should not be on the list.

So, I'll finalise the guidelines, post them to the list and if the members 
think that they will assist their postings, I suspect they will be placed 
on the WAMUG web-site, perhaps automatically mailed-out to new subscribers 
and perhaps a URL will be added to the footer of each message.

()/)/)()..ASCII for Onno..
|>>?  ..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---   ..Morse for Onno..

ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Darren Kam
Just my two cents (don't mean to offend anyone) but honestly guys, WAMUG is
a community established to help people, especially newbies. Let's not lose
focus here and start enforcing strict rules which make it difficult for
people to ask questions, for fear of a barrage of "but technically, you're
not correct" responses. 

I understand the purposes of the RFC and netiquette guidelines, but
enforcing too many rules has a negative effect on the confidence of people.
I know that many people (myself included) have taken this mailing list for
granted, and have started posting irrelevant messages and comments - hence
the reason for this little debate. But please let's not go overboard and
form distinct communities of people who follow the law by the word and do
not tolerate any form of misbehaviour, and those who feel ostracised for
"thinking different" <- pun intended :) 

We're all Mac-loving users - let's get back to helping people solve their
Mac-related problems.


Re: Back on topic: Edification x Reg

2002-02-06 Thread P.Trouchet

Dear Shay and other WAMUGgers > (:Yeah its a repeat!!)

I'd prefer not to be "edified", or should this be "edificated"?

I do ask a question on the WAMUG list from time to time, relating to
Apple computers and their use, at times on behalf of others.
Sometimes my question may be incorrectly spelt or even spelled, or
accidentally ungrammatical. Sometimes it may re-quest a question
already posed, but it is never-the-less genuine. I thank those of you
on the list who have ungratuitously responded to such calls for
advice. In the last year to me, this has ranged from text messages of
response, email attachments, software mailed to me by list members
who I have never met, small pieces of computers mailed to me in
padded bags from similar list members, and phone calls in the nether
regions of my sleep, offering immediate action, by way of scary 400
km motorcycle trips.

So, if sometimes I miss an archive "thread", or are away on holiday
when a particular discussion is taking place, please excuse me; but
also, please remember that the sum total of this list is an amalgum
of all of those who contribute to it. "You are what you say you are."

I guess that is why I joined it, and remain faithful to it.

Anyway, best wishes to all in WAMUG for 2002 from one of the Mid
Westerners. Remember, if you're ever up Geraldton way, send the
GMUGgers an email and we'll be here to welcome you.
Yours in thinking different,
"Hear Hear reg >> Well said & thanks to our overstressed 
volunteer official's As a matter of interest who are our "New Team" 
thankless job." Unless criticism is constructive or your'e prepared 
to take on the job your self >>
"Shutup" . I enjoy followins chat small minded as it sometimes 
seems to me. I shall cough my sub again
for privilege of being a member even if I don't get notices early 
enough to decide to take a 4 hour drive
so that I can attend meetings which I enjoy when I rarely do attend. 
WAMUG as it is is better than nothing.
& its nice to know there are others out there with same frustrations 
& interests. Ciao to all . > Philip

PS This year I promise to behave. Well I'll try anyway!


Re: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Greg Hosking
Could we just presume that everyone will follow all the guidelines, except
the 'revolutionaries' who will dissent in respect of law #4?

if this is the only violation of these holy commandments, I dare say even
Onno will be happy



>> It's all good, but I do find it difficult to conform to:
>>> 4. You put your response *below* the quoted part.
>> I often don't do this because I assume that people are already following the
>> thread, and just want to see my response at a quick glance. Right or wrong,
>> it's just personal preference.
> I wish people would read the RCF. It's more than just a personal preference.
> It's the way things are supposed to be done.
> RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines

Re: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Doug Wilson
on 6/2/02 3:26 PM, Darren Kam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It's all good, but I do find it difficult to conform to:
>> 4. You put your response *below* the quoted part.
> I often don't do this because I assume that people are already following the
> thread, and just want to see my response at a quick glance. Right or wrong,
> it's just personal preference.

I wish people would read the RCF. It's more than just a personal preference.
It's the way things are supposed to be done.
RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines

Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.

RE: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Darren Kam
It's all good, but I do find it difficult to conform to:
> 4. You put your response *below* the quoted part.

I often don't do this because I assume that people are already following the
thread, and just want to see my response at a quick glance. Right or wrong,
it's just personal preference.


RFC: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-06 Thread Onno Benschop

Any more comments before I publish this as the final version?

When posting a new message, ensure that:

1. You have attempted to resolve the problem yourself.
2. You have searched the message archive for a similar problem.
3. You have searched the web for a similar problem.
4. Your post has a relevant, meaningful Subject.
5. It is good practice to include System Information where relevant.
6. It is good practice to show unsuccessful attempts at resolution.
7. It is good practice to include relevant URLs.
8. You spell checked your message.

When responding to a message, ensure that:

1. You only respond to the list - unless specifically asked otherwise.
2. You quote appropriate parts of the message.
3. You attribute the quotes correctly.
4. You put your response *below* the quoted part.
5. Your response will be helpful to a future user who searches the archive.
6. It is good practice to include relevant URLs.
7. If you don't *know*, then say that you're guessing.
8. If you're not sure, then say that you think so.
9. If your response is really a new post, adjust the Subject accordingly.

The Digest List:

As a subscriber, you can choose to receive each individual message, or a 
daily digest. If you receive the digested version of the list and respond, 
be sure to change the Subject of your response, otherwise other subscribers 
will not be able to follow the thread of conversation.

Resources to assist you:

Relevant System Information includes:
- OS (6, 7, 8, 9, X or Classic)
- Machine and Model (ie PowerBook 5300, iMac Flat Screen, etc.)
- Any peripherals involved (SCSI, FireWire, USB, Serial or ADB)
- Disk space / RAM / Extensions / Version numbers as related

Mailing List Archive

WAMUG home page

Web search engine

Apple Info Library

Apple Info Archive

Version Tracker

RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines

()/)/)()..ASCII for Onno..
|>>?  ..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---   ..Morse for Onno..

ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Memory sizing

2002-02-06 Thread Severin Crisp
I recently added extra RAM to my upgraded 7600 crate to give a total 
of 640MB (4 x 128MB and 4 x 32MB) with the latest addition being 2 x 
Total memory comes up correctly as 640MB under About This Computer 
and all is fine except for various 1,2, 3, and 10 error messages.
Using TechTool Pro to check the RAM all comes up fine but I notice 
that in the picture it gives of what is in what slot six are fine 
with the correct memory displayed but one pair of 128MB DIMMs show as 
each being 3712MB, though TT Pro gets the total correct at 640MB. 
All modules are correctly interleaved and GURU says you can go to 
1024MB in this chassis. Swapping the modules identifies this with 
specific DIMMs not slots. Has anyone got any comments on this one 

Severin Crisp
Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, C Phys, FAIP

15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
Phone (08) 9842 1950 (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
Fax (08) 9842 9650 (Int'l +61 8 9842 9650)
email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web pages

Re: Telstra Broadband

2002-02-06 Thread hinchlif

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 03:36 AM, Bob wrote:

> Although long overdue, it is pleasing to read that Telstra broadband
> support staff are to receive training about OSX from Apple.

Don't quite know what this article is on about. I have been using 
Telstra broadband in MacOS X since I0.0 was released with absolutely no 
problems whatsoever.

It's nice to know that Telstra staff will receive training, but it's 
hard to know just how extensive this will need to be. Perhaps the main 
thrust will be to cure them of "thinking in Windows".

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer Services FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Western Australia Phone (618) 9332 6482 Fax (618) 9332 0913

Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]