Re: Google Earth printing

2009-05-18 Thread Wez
I've used Window Capture before quite successfully. The benefits of 
the Capture Mode is you can use multiple screens to get a resolution 
that when shrunk is decent on a print rather than 72dpi. This is 
obviously limited to wide panorama style shots unless you wish to 
join multiples together. Turn off all the side bars and any other 
menus etc you can remove first.

I'm actually curious the resolution you could get...
2x 1920 1080P displays giving a width of 3840 pixels
in portrait A4 would give. 464 dpi at very best
in landscape A4 would give 349 dpi at very best

both of which are higher than I would have picked and very decent indeed.

Wesley Lamont

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Iphone Screenshot Download and iWorks Tutorial Question

2009-03-31 Thread Wez
Heya all,  Couple of unrelated questions that happened to have 
cropped up at the same time.

Firstly I'm trying to get a screenshot off my iPhone. The preview 
method works fine for photos to get them into the mac. The 
screenshots however appear in .png format greyed out and are unable 
to be touched. From what I can gather looking around I think its 
possible with iPhoto which I don't have installed. I could email the 
files if I had mail setup which I don't.

Secondly my Mother is trying to learn using the various mac programs 
and is after a iWorks Tutorial/walkthrough or the like. She is after 
a basic course which explains as much as possible she can run through 
at her own pace? Anyone know of a good place to look for such a 

Thanks for any help


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wanted: G5 Machines

2009-01-05 Thread Wez

Heya All,

Anyone know of any basic G5's for sale in Perth. I've been searching 
through the web and auctions and have come up with nothing. I'm after 
one or two G5 machines with a decent monitor if possible. Any 
directions off list would be fantastic. Have a great Week all. 

Wesley Lamont

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Re: Western Digital HD

2007-12-12 Thread Wez
I have three WD drives internally apart from the Apple one in my 
machine and resently purchased a MyBook 1.5TB

The MyBook has been working perfectly for about 2 weeks and has now 
lost the firewire controller.

Took it back to PLE who confirmed the Firewire controller seems dead. 
The drives themselves still have data on them fine which was a relief 
but I only have USB1 on my work machine.

So this has been my first hiccup with the WB brand and the drives 
themselves are still fine. I have no idea what happened to the 

The warranty will only cover the drive as a unit not the case which 
means how I have to find room to return the data to my machine and 
before I erase the drive and get it swapped for a new one.

This does make me wonder how useful this is going to be as a backup 
drive as a full 1.5 TB with any dead controller is going to be 
absoultely useless as I won't have the room to return the data


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Case Fan Replacement

2007-01-24 Thread Wez
Well Hardware problems are starting to crop up in the MDD G4 ;\ the 
G3 being good 8 years old is still running flawless however :)

Anyone know how to get a replacement Central Case Fan. Often Called a Blower.

12V 1.6 Amp Lower Fan Apple calls it I believe.

Apple is out of stock and no idea when then will get more in.

Does anyone know a place that may stock them (PLE doesn't, Jaycar 
doesn't, Altronics Doesn't, nor do the apple centres I've rung)

I'll have a look online to see if I can stumble upon anything. At the 
moment the computer is on its side and I can't really wait a couple 
weeks to do work again.


Monster Mac Stall

2006-04-05 Thread Wez

Something that i was told about and thought i would forward it on.

10am - 2PM


Apologies for any Cross postings...

As you probably know, PLC is an Apple Distinguished School and probably the
largest school user of Apple and associated equipment in WA.

We've unearthed a treasure trove in a recently demolished store room and are
ready to share the spoils!

The PLC Technology Centre is running a stall to sell a wide range of used Apple
and associated equipment in an effort to raise funds for our new Arts, Science
& Technology facility.

eg. Large numbers of iMacs (Candy colored G3, Rev B through to Blueberry and
Graphites etc), clamshell iBooks, scanners, networking equipment, several ZIP
drives etc and much more incl LCs etc. Huge range of power and associated
cables, SCSI etc... Netopia routers and all sorts of weird stuff

Nothing at the stall is over $50 and most items $10 or less - power 
cords only a

dollar or two!

Do you have an older laptop that you have been searching for that power supply
or SCSI cable that you can no longer source? (We even have working Powerbook
1400s to sell for nearly nothing!)
Need a VGA dongle to replace the one you lost for any model of white Powerbook?
Lost the 'duck head' (the little white pin adaptor bit) that connects straight
onto you powerbook/iBook power adaptor?
Do you need a screen/keyboard/optical drive to repair that broken iBook you've
got in the cupboard, but were scared to death by the part cost when you went to
the Apple dealer to have it repaired?
Buy an old secondhand machine from the stall and use it for parts!
We have all this and more...

There are tons of OS9 software titles - PhotoShop, VR worx, FinalCut Pro v.1.0
etc as well as original Mac OS install packs and booklets etc for a wide range
of older models... Lots of earlier installers of OSX to suit this era of

Drop in to PLC , corner of View and McNeil Streets in Peppermint Grove -THIS

Please pass on to anyone you know who might be be interested...
Remember the early bird gets the worm, especially if its in an Apple!
Tell your friends, but get there before them!

Warm regards,

Brett Clarke
Director, Information Systems & Services
Apple Distinguished Educator, 2002

Presbyterian Ladies' College
14 McNeil Street

v   +61 8 9424 6483
f+61 8 9424 6466
m  0428 915 485

Re: The horrors of Ethernet cables

2006-01-24 Thread Wez
Buying a lot of cable and making your own really comes into its own 
when you are cabling either a long distance or large area. The cost 
of a reel and the tools to do it is far far less than buying cables. 
Look out for cheap prices too as i'm pretty sure when i did buy some 
for a client i had the at $1 for a 3m Cat5.

couple other things to add to the excellent recommendations so far..

The most common problems other then the above when
making your own cables are:

1.  not getting the cables in the right order.  You
can tell this before you crimp if your carefull

2.  not pushing the individual wires of cable to the
ends of the  connector when crimping.

3.  not having the individual wires at equal lengths
or close to it.

recommended when the main cable is stripped to fan out the inner 
wires, put them in the correct order and then trim the lot with 
scissors. That if lucky can be slid into the connector.

4.  cutting any of the individual wires.

make sure you are running of a correct diagram (check a few websites 
and make sure they all say the same thing - i don't have a diagram 
here or i would write it here). Actually just grab a working cable 
and work off that.

make sure you aren't running off a crossover diagram (used to create 
cables to connect computers directly without a hub/switch)

it may have been possible you got dud cables and never had a chance 
to create working ones.


as far as i know a t100 connection only uses 4 of the wires on the 
RG45 connection and the individual wires should be able to be put in 
any order as long as it corresponds at the other end. I've seen a 
couple made up cables that are done like this but it never looks very 

Re: Wanted: Bryce 5.5

2005-11-20 Thread Wez

Yeah got it from the place David mentioned.

Maybe it was being sold to DAV rather than Corel stopping support 
fully. I would happily see another version though at $100 for 5.5 
aint too shabby.


Wanted: Bryce 5.5

2005-11-19 Thread Wez
Anyone here got a copy of this they are willing to party with or 
knows a good place to get it.

As far as i know its been dropped from Mac support and will no longer 
be released so thought i better get the final copy since i like the 


Re: Size of PDFs created under OSX

2005-07-14 Thread Wez
Got some interest in this pdf compression so here are more tests... 
Tried, Word, OSX, Colour Sync, Acrobat, Distiller, Indesign and PDF 

236KB file
Word to pdf =   888KB
word to compresses pdf =276KB
word pdf to colour sync as mention before = 132KB
word pdf to indesign (72dpi, lowwest qual) =156KB
word pdf to pdfshrink ebook =   132KB
word pdf to pdfsrhink screen =  104KB
word pdf to colour sync black a white filter =  100KB
word pdf to Acrobat reduce file size option 336KB

The small initial file size as mentioned before doesn't do the file 
justice as the images are well jpeged.

- side note on image compression. deleted all images pdf from word 
was 88KB and run through colour sync stays at 88KB and PDF Shrink 
stays at 88KB

only way to make really tiny files is to avoid images and ornamental 
fonts or many different fonts. COlour Sync does seem to give very 
good results.

Robert Howells mentioned techniques to send the file from a website.


couldn't find the image compression filter Peder mentioned
distiller didn't touch the file as a word doc or a pdf but i don't 
know the application well.

Re: Size of PDFs created under OSX

2005-07-14 Thread Wez
pdf's are only small if you can compress the images and text to less 
than the original document. Fonts have to be embedded in pdf so if 
you use multiple ornamental fonts your pdf will most likely be 
bigger. The biggest issue you will face is no option to compress 
images well in Word. (i'm assuming there are images in a 2.6MB doc).

Just running some quick tests here on my invoice doc (one page with 2 
pictures). (225kb file to start with)

save as PDF from print dialogue: 888kb file
compress PDF option: 278kb file.
PDF-X   :888kb

The problem here is i've already compressed the images as much as 
possible in photoshop so would require some pretty major work to get 
it smaller than 225kb. The pdf options don't allow to determine the 
resolution or compression of those two images and hence can't control 
the output size very well.

Distiller is the adobe PDF creation tool but i haven't seen what it 
can do with word document or if it works at all.

Indesign has some of the best pdf output options so without laying 
the document out in the i'm not sure what can be done.


before i had office reinstalled on this machine i managed to open a 
work document in imageviewer in 10.4. But can't seem to recreate that 
which may have led to more export options.

Re: Tiger

2005-07-14 Thread Wez

Solved Font issue from 10.3.8
Didn't solve audio problem which i'm still looking into from 10.3.7
Made Bluetooth worse
Stuffed up Printer drivers (which has been solved with some fiddling)

so one +, two -'s

Will try 10.4.2 to see if that solves bluetooth.


Re: 10.4 Problems

2005-07-07 Thread Wez
Apologies last email was suppose to be referring to the 10.4 problems 
from earlier


[no subject]

2005-07-07 Thread Wez
Completely right on the drivers Daniel. I had assumed they were being 
installed correctly and the system was overwritting them due to newer 
drivers in the system or incompatibility with the old drivers.

Anyway Through the printers menu there is a +/- button the + brings 
up the add more printers box which can be used to find more printers 
to install.

So the printing problem is now over.

Only audio and bluetooth adaptor to go :)


Another thing I've found with 10.4 is that if you've done a standard install
with Epson and Gimp drivers it sometimes "chooses" the Gimp Drivers over the
normal Epson drivers, so you loose all the features.
I did a couple of machines where they lost borderless printing. On closer
inspection of the Printer window in System Prefences it showed it was using
Epson -Gimp 1.1. What I actually had to do was go into the
"more Printers" and add the Epson printer in that way.
I didn't notice it first off as the Printer window was too small, so all I
could see what the Epson blahblah- part. (I could see the dash, which gave
it away once I realised that.)

So this might not be the answer, but worth a look. Expand the window out and
see what Epson driver it's using. :o)
If it says Gimp, then you'll find you're losing some of the features.

Hope that helps!

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Web:   <>

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10.4 Problems

2005-07-06 Thread Wez

Hey all.

Got a couple Problems in 10.4.1 that i'm hoping someone can help me with.

THe first one was introduced in 10.3.7 which was claimed by apple and 
macfixit to be fixed with the next major release (10.4). This hasn't 
happened and i can no longer find information about it so i assume 
the others who had the problem have had it fixed. The Problem:
The line-out on startup comes out at what appears to be a low bit 
rate (low quality and louder than normal). This can be fixed 
temporarily by removing the line-out jack and replugging it. This 
fixes the problem until next startup.

The next is a blue tooth adaptor not being active on startup. The 
machine recognises the device but when the system is booted the 
device is off and the only way to get that active is also to pull it 
out and plug it back in. This problem has only surfaced since 10.4 as 
10.3.8 worked as one would expect.

Lastly  an 830U printer drives can't get a drive to do borderless or 
reel-printing. I've got the latest drivers off the epson site, they 
install and restart the machine fine but don't allow me to install 
the other abilities of the printer. I've just sent a request to the 
epson people detailing the problem so should hear back from them soon 
(hope they don't just pass the problem as being: talk to apple). I 
think its possible the drivers aren't 10.4 compatible and the 
installed epson drivers with 10.4 orveride the epson ones.

Any help on any of these problems would be greatly appreciated. 
Pretty sure someone on here had the audio problem a while back too.


machine specs if desired:
MDD, dual 1.25 G4
fresh install (reformatted all HD's and very little installed now so 
heaps of room)

Stuff for Sale (machines, peripherals)

2005-06-17 Thread Wez

Some stuff for sale:

M$ Wireless, Optical Explorer Mouse $50 ONO
Apple Superdrive A04 (2X DVD burner)$50 ONO
Imac G3 333Mhz, 20GB HD, 192MB Ram  $300 ONO
G3 1Ghz, 9GBSCSI HD, 512MB Ram, VidIn, USB, Dual Mon Support, 17"mon 
	$600 ONO

Please let me know off list if anyone wants more details.



[For Sale] 21" Mon, Orange Imac, 1ghz G3 mac

2005-04-07 Thread Wez
I got three that i'm just not using so feel free to make an offer on 
any of them.

Orange Imac
192MB upgraded memory
6MB upgraded vid memory
tray CD rom (laptop style)
$300 ONO

21" CTX Ultra Screen Monitor
huge viewable (over 50cm diagonal)
Dual inputs for two computers
Dual cables provided (both VGA)
USB Hub inbuilt (4 usb down stream, 1 upstream)
exxcellent condition (will need large desk)
$375 ONO

Upgraded 7600
1Ghz G3 processor (new powerlogix processor)
512MB EO ram (another 4 slots still free)
9GB SCSI Hard drive (another bay free)
Dual monitor machine (6meg ATI card on board, 16MB Voodoo 3 card)
USB card installed
Vid In Audio In/Out (watch TV on your computer)
$675 ONO

Email me off list if there are any questions or more details are requested.

Wesley Lamont

Re: Clicking Drive of Doom

2005-03-23 Thread Wez
What is with IBM inability to make HD's i've heard so many stories 
about IBM drive failure its not funny.

So little recommendation... Stay away from Hitachi IBM drives :)


Re: Clicking Drive of Doom

2005-03-22 Thread Wez
That sounds like a head crash i'm afraid. Usually the final word in 
dead hard drives ;\ Had it happen three times to different external 
SCSI IBM drives before i decided to never touch IBM again.

I may be possible to hit the drive to get the heads mobile again 
though you are looking for a real professional to even think about 
that one. You will probably have to pay for data backup and some very 
high price (i had to just bin my drives when they crashed). Data 
recovery will probably have to remove the platters and use a deckstar 
controller to get the info off.

If it ever does work briefly start backing up onto anything cause the 
drive is still in  a very bad shape.


I've heard an old story of mac techies sitting down a Mac Classic 
with crashed heads on a swivel chair and spinning it very fast then 
stopping it abruptly to get the heads to move again. I think the 
comedy of that story was walking into a room with two techies learing 
over a mac classic on a swivel chair and spinning it like mad.. NOW 

Re: 10.3.8 Audio Problems

2005-03-03 Thread Wez
Yeah smae prob here with MDD G4 which you were refering too. i 
haven't gone to 10.3.8 but they did mention that it didn't fix the 
problem. (and the problem i'm assuming you mean low hertz rate audio 
on startup)

I haven't actually looked up any solution as i just unplug and replug 
my audio cable and they fixes it.

but they did mention that 10.4 will fix all the problems they were 
having in the late 10.3. So the cynical side of me thinks they are 
either introducing probs or nto fixing them to encourage sales of 
10.4 but then again that would be very cynical right :)

let me know how you go with the driver as that i didn't try



2005-02-18 Thread Wez

Yeah we'll need more info than that to suggest full solutions.

I'm guessing you are printing vector images in  Indesign (from 
illustrator or flash?)

Photoshop doesnt' handle importing vector images so it rasterises 
them (which is the pixelation) you should however be able to adjust 
the quality of the rasterisation (the high DPI you choose the smaller 
and smaller the pixels are until they are unnoticeable).

now the grainy issue i'm not sure about. If you are doing gradients 
or patterns in vector can be rendered badly in different applications 
(the usual one is banding in gradients) but grainy i haven't come 

give us more info on the file, images in that file, apps used to 
create those images and we may come up with a solution


Domain Registrars Info

2005-02-16 Thread Wez
Was just having a look up .au registrars and came across a website 
listing a pile of retailers and resellers and their respective prices.

So it has a good list for those people asking just a while back. ohh 
and yeah Melbourne IT is on the top in terms of price (not in a good 

Prices vary from $50 - $140 for and and cheaper for 
.org, .id and .asn


Re: Domain name registration question

2005-02-02 Thread Wez

Chuck in my 2c

I had a very cheap domain registrar in Australia (was $15 or there 
abouts for a couple years i think)

They ended up going under and screwing me over rather well. After a 
lot of trouble i ended up getting the domain again off the provider 
they sold all their domains too and i've had way better service with 
them. (boy that was painful though to start)

I think cheapest prices are down to sub $10US if you look on the web 
(not .au of course as they are way dearer)

So couple things to note.

Do you need a .au? if that's what you are after
Can you afford to lose that domain name if it all goes really wrong?

And i think what you are paying for is the quality of service. A good 
server where you can change domain details readily is critical. 
Automated systems work fine for me.


probably go with recommendations i think as a best starting point

Re: 10.3.7 Is Out- Beware!

2004-12-16 Thread Wez
I tried a few way back when i first started X but haven't used them 
since i'm afraid

the ones i have heard are recommended are Cocktail and a couple 
others i cant' recall the name of.

Recommended tips for installing any system are repair permissions on 
the drive (using disk utils), run a cleaning util such as cocktail 
and then put the combo updater on.

hope you get your machine back in order


Re: 10.3.7 Is Out- Beware!

2004-12-16 Thread Wez
I also might add a warning for people that haven't clean their system 
in a long time. I dont' think i have even cleaned (using utils or 
clean install) since 10.2 days and eventually there is going to be 
some issue with old files being corrupt.

10.3.7 will probably be perfect on any clean install but it is always 
a risk to take with any updated system software.

If you really need to new abilities or new fixes then you can take 
the risk otherwise dont' risk losing your system if you really aren't 
going to gain any benefit. Admittedly i'm usually very impressed with 
most of apples update and probably got a bit overconfident in my 
computer being problem free.


Re: 10.3.7 Is Out- HELP!!

2004-12-16 Thread Wez
Well now you got me worried as 10.3.6 caused some major issues with 
my machine and i would hope 10.3.7 would fix them (had the bad audio 
bug and startup lag upwards of 5 minutes on my work machine).

WHat i would suggest we both need is a full clean install. You need 
to start your computer off the CD (10.3) (hold down the 'c' key) and 
then do a archive and install of that.

Well to ease your mind that the hardware side is all ok i would 
recommend jsut getting it to boot off any Apple X cd you can find.

My guesses are a pro would do the clean install, go through your old 
archives to get any settings they can and try to bring the new one 
back to being the same as  the old one. Of course it should be nice 
and clean though


ps I am a sucker for punishment so i'll probably go 10.3.7 anyhow. :)

ps2. It is usually recommended going the combo updater for any system 
updates but this is usually a much fatter file (think 10.3.6 was 
90odd meg)

Re: Monitor for Powerbook -- advice wanted

2004-12-09 Thread Wez
I would agree with the others on both LCD being nto good on the cheap 
side (apple ones i've been quite impressive with colour wise- and i'm 
sure other third party high end lcd's are similar)

Does he want to be able to move around the monitor as well as the 
laptop? If he wants something mobile then that may limit the range to 
LCD's and 17" CRT monitors.

If he doesn't want to move then do look out for the quokka specials 
as Mark said. I got some IBM 21" monitors for $350 each for graphics 
work and they are actually beating the G520 i purchsed new for >$2000.

I cant' comment on the new CRT qualities though as i haven't looked 
into them at all. I would say and new monitor will be fine for a 
while. They may die a bit quicker but second hand better monitors 
have already lost some of their life span.


Re: os9 Network puzzler

2004-02-25 Thread Wez

Thanks to those who checked things out for me

indeed Rob was right with the Shareway IP extension which solved the 
prob. I assumed it was something tricky i didnt' know as i've been 
networking these machines for ages.

Thanks to anyone who looked into it for me :)


Check that the shareway IP personal extension is turned on in extensions
manager. Then you can use go to connect to the IP address of the OS9mac
(assuming it has one).

os9 Network puzzler

2004-02-24 Thread Wez

Seeing if any other mac users can shed some light on this prob.

Got a G4 running Panther 10.3.2 and a G3 running 9.2.2

The G3 can see the G4's dropboxes just fine, but the G4 can't see 
anything on the network of the G3.

Now i assumed this prob was from Panther since before that i can the 
G4 seeing the G3 but not vice versa. But after trolling through lal 
the settings i can i can't seem to find anyway to get it active.

The only thing i can find is an option on the G3 under File Sharing 
which is "enable file sharing clients to connect via tcp/ip" which is 
greyed out and i can't enable it.

So anyone have any idea why i can't enable that option? I've tried 
deleting preferences to no avail, restart the computer change 
options, apple talk activity etc etc  but can't get that option 
available no matter what i do.

Got me well stumpted since i thought i had no probs networking OS9 machines


WTB Sony Monitor

2003-08-30 Thread Wez

Anyone know of anyone selling a Sony G520 monitor?

I presently have monitors dying left right and center and need a new 
one. Apparently Sony no longer produce CRT's so they should be 
getting rid of the old ones quite cheap but apparently no one seems 
to have got any ones cheap.

i'm happy with a second hand one if someone is upgrading to a LCD or 
the like. I think the G520 is still my favorite monitor. Actually a 
good auction site in WA would be good as well. That i'll have a look 

Thanks for any help


Imac Battery

2003-04-11 Thread Wez

Hey All

My Mothers Imac has recently lost its date and time settings at 
startup constantly. Now i assume that is just the battery needing 
replacing (i've never had to replace a battery in any mac i have 
known thus far which is odd now i think about it)

So where is a good place information on the battery (the manual is 
useless just stating the battery may need to be installed by a 
professional or not)

And who sells these?


Toast Media Error

2003-03-06 Thread Wez
Thought i heard someone mention this before but i couldn't find 
anything through the lists.

Toast has now started giving me Media errors which i have never had 
in my years and years of using toast with Pioneer media. It has only 
just started after firmware upgrade and 10.2.4

Anyone know of anything relating to this.

Here is the actual error message: It appears after the CD has 
apparently burnt and seems then to have no problem doing a 
verification on the CD either.

Roxio only recommends latest OS (i have) Latest toast update (i have) 
and latest firmeware (burner is only a few months old) and try 
different media (used the same brand for years and same media fine 
for ages of late)

Sense Code : 0x30, 0x06


More stolen stuff

2003-01-17 Thread Wez
Might as well put the stuff i got taken on teh list in case anyone 
hears of anything.

Got our new house broken into 2 days into the move. ;\

Stuff that god nicked:
3 external Hard Drives (all SCSI) two in apple cases and one in an 
unmarked case

1 external CDR SCSI - Teac mechansism 12x4 (before the days of CDRW)

they Didnt' take any of my computers though which was very lucky for me ;\

other things which aren't apple but amy crop up are:
Sony receiver amp
Omni DVD player
Solid Subwoofer
Pair B&W 602 bookshelf speakers
Linear Design floor standing 3 way speakers
5 cd wallets with all my mp3's, adn work for the last few years 
(thank christ i have a backup elsewhere)

Any information on any of that would be greatly appreciated.


G4 450 for sale

2002-10-22 Thread Wez
Looks as though i better sell off my old machine since now i barely 
touch the old one :)
What is the address for mac sales page anyone? I only know this list 
as my main one.

G4 450 upgraded 7600


Here are all the specs:

Powerlogix G4 processor upgrade G4 450
512 meg interleaved fast page Dimms (4x128dimms) 4 slots still free
Internal External SCSI interface
9 gig internal SCSI HD
External case with two drives in it (2gig and a 1 gig i think) with 
cables power etc

On board video card
Vid/Audio In (plug in VCR to watch telly :)
Audio out
Mic in
Voodoo 3 2000 (16meg) running for second monitor or primary one if 
only one monitor is used

USB card installed
adb mouse and keyboard

think that's all

There is a second 18gig SCSI drive which i ordered form the US but i 
have never got it to run so if anyone thinks they can fix it you can 
ask more details about it

feel free to ask any questions


Re: How to fake a monitor...

2002-05-04 Thread WEZ!
get any dongle that converts from vga to anything. most dongles will 
make the computer think it has a monitor attached.

Many people have had this problem not realising this happens. If you 
have dual monitor systems to get back to true single monitor system 
you have to remove any dongles or attachments otherwise the computer 
will still be sending signal through the dongle to non-existent 


RE: Wanted: oops

2001-11-04 Thread WEZ!

Damn missed the 'reply to all' again :(

sorry all..

Surprised the message only got sent to me despite having wamug in the 
to list as well. ohh well


RE: Wanted:

2001-11-04 Thread WEZ!

Thanks for the offers. Got terminator now so that is fine

the vram i will have to get more info on. As far as i know its 1meg 
Dimms for 7500-9600 series machines.

on apple they read them as SGRAM but nothing else. They may just be 
small SGRAM dimms that they use now for proper memory. See what types 
you have.

The BNC cable seems way to dear to me. I'm sure i've seen them for 
$30 new although that was cheap. I wouldnt' really have wanted to pay 
more than $20 so i can understand if you won't want to sell it for 

I'll have a look online for vram info if that is still not enough