
2020-12-15 Thread THELMA ANDERSON
Thanks Joe for those clips always enjoyed viewing old clips you must surf the 
net to find these things thanks for the research 

John 3:16 Thelma Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list

"The Andy Griffith Show Reunion"

2020-12-14 Thread Joe
This link is for a show I don't recall ever seeing or even hearing about -
it was called "The Andy Griffith Show Reunion", and was on the TLC Channel
in 1993. The quality of this video isn't the best, and some parts have been
clipped, but it's well worth watching anyway. Andy was the Executive
Producer. The ending is one that I think all TAGS fans will enjoy.

JOE from G.I.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Ben Weaver Round Up Reunion

2020-06-27 Thread Harriet Browder
A reunion of sorts with Ben Weavers Tol Avery and Will Wright on Maverick 
today. Episode "Rope of Cards".  No shoplifters or poorly made chairs were 
present in the court room. 🙂  I won't be a spoiler but you'll enjoy it when you 
catch it.

Harriet, the chicken thief, enjoying the many western series with TAGS actors
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Reunion on Perry Mason

2019-11-26 Thread Harriet Browder
Watched Perry Mason episode with a Mayberry reunion of sorts, in a murderous
manner Sue Ane Langdon (Nurse Mary) who gets kilt early on, Stuart Erwin
(Tom Silby) who did the killing, Dan Tobin (Gentleman Dan Caldwell) a
questionable son of a gun, and Willis Bouchey (Charlie or Hey Chuck
O'Malley) judging it all. And to top it off was Lassie's mama June Lockart
(94 years young now) who gets blamed. I think Lassie would have done well in
Mayberry, could have explained to Goober that dogs can't talk. Perry Masons
have a lot of moving parts.

Harriet, the chicken thief, who never shows up in old shows.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Class Reunion

2019-07-15 Thread Ken Anderson
I had the wonderful experience of attending my 55-year high school
reunion.  I attended a small school or our class was a very close-knit
group.  It was great to see so many friends from my growing up years.
However, it was a bittersweet night as we last a number of classmates since
our last reunion five years ago.

However, unlike Barney and Andy, I did not have to deal with any of my
former high school sweethearts.  I wasn't worried about breaking up any
marriages and I didn't have to spend time trying to remember who was who.

I was the entertainment again so I created a Remembering  1964 nostalgic
Powerpoint program.  It went over very well as I brought back a lot of
memories from our wonderful years together.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Reunion

2016-05-17 Thread DAVID QUINN

  This morning while watching MeTV I spotted a TAGS reunion. There was Andy 
playing Matlock speaking to his neighbor Les played by Don Knotts.

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man
WBMUTBB mailing list

Reunion Follow Up

2014-09-21 Thread Ken Anderson
I spent my Sunday afternoon reflecting upon my class reunion on Saturday.
Those of us there talked a lot about where we came from.  We all grew up in
the small town of under 1000 people and with the exception of one or two
classmates we all came from very modest families with one parent working
and we all lived in very simple older homes with very few luxuries.

So I decided it would be fun to use the marvels of the inter net and take a
look at the kinds of homes my classmates now live in.  So through the help
of Google Earth I took a tour of all their homes which took me all over
this great country of ours.  I was just amazed and really taken aback at
how most of my classmates are now living.  With the except of a few, most
are living in very nice large homes in very nice neighborhoods.  Some were
living in homes valued at over a half million dollars.  One classmate
living in one of these luxurious homes in Arizona never lived in anything
except a rental apartment while we were growing up.

How far we have all come in my generation.  I sometimes think I focus too
much on TAGS and the simplistic life that we see in our beloved Mayberry.
But when I see the affluence that is found among all my former humble
friends of my youth, I am so thankful that I can return to Mayberry
whenever I want so I can relive some of those very special times that will
be forever so important to me.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-09-21 Thread Ken Anderson
Well my friends, I managed to survive a very emotionally packed night at my
50 year high school reunion.  So much fun reliving old times with old
friends whom I have known since I was 6 years old.  A few tears were even
shed by this overemotional guy.  We were a class of 81 and we have lost
only 6 thus far, so we have indeed been very blessed in that regard.

The group just loved my "Special Reunion Mayberry Presentation " I  did.  I
received a standing ovation and so many wonderful comments following.  Some
of the people there had not watched a TAGS episode since it was on TV back
in its hay day.  They especially enjoyed the clip of Barney and Ramona's
reunion and that beautiful quote "The tears on my pillow bespeak the pain
in my heart".

We had kept my presentation a secret and the looks I received when I
arrived in full uniform and gun belt was precious.  But word soon spread
that I was not a real policeman and that was when the fun began.

Time for me to purchase a new laptop.  I was unable to load any of my
videos and music clips at first and I was just sick as it would have ruined
the entire evening.  However, I was able to get off by myself and do some
work and was finally able to get things going.  Good thing I tested
everything out when I got there and before I was to begin.  Sometimes those
electronal marvels can be a real pain in the patoot.  I noticed the cord
they provided had thin wires so I suspect that was the problem.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

High School Reunion

2014-09-18 Thread
Ken and friends

If I may jump in on your subject of High School Class reunions

I just attended my 40 year.  I received a nice surprised about 3 weeks before 
the event when I was asked to Emcee the evening.  I guess they remembered me 
being a big joker, and the non-bashful type.

In my opening remarks I did refer to our favorite show.  I told them  that I 
did class reunion research by studying the Andy Griffith Show episodes about 
class reunions, which got a little bit of a chuckle.

I told them that I understood the main motivations for having and attending 
such see "who made it and who didn't".  Then I went on to 
speculate what that meant. I asked who didn't make it?..perhaps an individual 
who got arrested for stealing pop bottles shortly after high school, but I 
really focused on "who made it"  I went on to list these categories and 
recognize people who fit them.

Those who served in the military
Those who went into health care...and the benefit they had provided to mankind
Those who were preachers, teachers and social workers..and how they had really 
made a positive impact on society.
Then I went on to try to draw everyone in
Those who had raised children
those who had been faithful to a loved one
Those who had cared for their parents or other elders
Those who served their Church, Charity or community group

You have all made it, I said, by your positive contributions to society
You have made it because you helped your home town..and your home team

It was a great experience and seemed to really bring everyone together.  I 
interjected lots of humor and memories (like Beasto Mareasto  and Halcyon 
so my CAN go back home again and everyone made 
it and perhaps just a few did not

The Untrained Voice
Joe Gritton--Class of 1974


WBMUTBB mailing list

Upcoming Class Reunion

2014-09-13 Thread Ken Anderson
Next Saturday I will be attending my 50 year class reunion.  I am so
excited to return home and spend time with people that I grew up with.  I
will be having the privilege of giving my Mayberry Power Point presentation
to my classmates.  I have spent a lot of time this week tweaking it with
old school photos and music and video clips that will really personalize it
for my old friends.  This morning I received the list of those attending.
Needless to say I was very disappointed to find out that my former high
school girlfriend will not be there.  Oh well, at least I won't have to
worry about breaking up a marriage.  But it was sad to discover that less
than half our class will be coming.  Many of my former really good friends
have never attended any of our reunions every five years.  It seems they
were so ready to forget where they had come from. A number of them still
live in our hometown, yet they choose not to attend the reunion. As for me,
I treasure the memories of my childhood and youth and the small town where
I once lived as I realize how important they were in making me the person I
am today.  I think those who will not be there are missing so much.  I
realize one cannot turn back the clock, but I feel it is such a shame to
miss opportunities to spend time with old friends.

I just hope I don't break down and cry during my presentation.  Us
Andersons are so sensitive.

"The tears on my pillow bespeak the pain that is in my heart."

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry Reunion Shows on DVD

2014-07-12 Thread Brent Seguine

RETURN TO MAYBERRY (1986) @ Weaver's Dept. Store...

-Original Message-
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014
From: Tom Ballard 
To: "" S
ubject: Mayberry Reunion Shows on DVD 

Does anybody know if Return to Mayberry and Back to Mayberry is on DVD? If so, 
where can they be purchased? 

Tom B. A "Mayberry Squad Car"Owner. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Reunion Shows on DVD ?

2014-07-12 Thread Tom Ballard
Does anybody know if Return to Mayberry and Back to Mayberry is on DVD? If so, 
where can they be purchased? Thanks!

Tom B. 
A "Mayberry Squad Car"

Sent from my iPhone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Class Reunion

2013-05-08 Thread Ken Anderson
I just finished watching one of my favorite episodes, "The Class Reunion".
 It is one of my favorites as I can identify with Andy so much when he and
Sharon are debating about what size fish they wanted to be.  When I began
my teaching career in 1967 I made a very conscious decision that I would
never teach in a large town.  Growing up in a small village of 560 people I
knew that I wanted to spend my life in that type of setting.  My brother
and sister, however, could not wait to move out of our "hick town" and
neither was ever to return to a small town.  I, on the other hand, spend my
36 years of teaching in small towns.  Although I taught in four different
towns, none was larger than 1000 people.  Like Andy, I found what I wanted
in small towns and I did not need to move to a big city in order to find
what I already had.  I loved knowing all the people in town.  I loved
stopping in at the small diners and having coffee with my friends and
neighbors.  I enjoyed so much going to church on Sunday mornings and
sitting among my neighbors and students.  I enjoyed the small town
festivals, the bizarres ( some with bingo ) and I especially loved sitting
on my front lawn and greeting everyone who walked by.

Our car show and parade season has begun and we are getting many
invitations to attend various events.  Our number one consideration when we
decide whether or not to accept, is how big is the town.  We have turned
down some events at large towns and cities in order to attend a small town
festival in a town of 500 people.  But that is just who I am.  I have
nothing against larger towns.  Eau Claire is almost 70,000 and it is a
great place to live.  But my heart is still in the small towns everywhere.
At least when I dine out in small towns I don't have to point to the items
on my menus hoping to learn a couple of new words.
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Class Reunion show

2012-08-03 Thread Sandy St. Onge
What a wonderful day you had Aunt Bee of Orlando the first time
you saw the Class Reunion show.  So touching is your story.

Fun-Girl Skippy
Sandy in IN
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Barney Coming Home from their Reunion

2012-07-19 Thread Ken Anderson
Regarding Andy and Barney getting home from their class reunion when it was
light out, I have a theory on that.  Me thinks that after Andy took Helen
home he and Barney went over to Yancy and checked out the Gigolo Club and
they were just getting home the next morning. After all their class reunion
only had fruit punch to drink and even though a sax was added to the band,
the music still was not what I would call swinging. As a side note, I
always thought it would have been hilarious if Otis would have come to the
reunion and spiked the punch like he did at the courthouse.  That certainly
would have made an interesting episode.  Or seeing a class reunion is a
special occasion, perhaps the Morrison sisters could have provided the
beverage for the reunion.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-01-07 Thread (Ted) Theodoric of York
Does anyone know the exact dialog where Andy and Barney were trying to
figure who people were by looking in the yearbook and Andy was pointing out
about a certain fellow who was involved in a lot of sports and Barney says:
"Oh yeah, I remember now, he was always sweating!" One of my favorite TAGS

(Theodoric of York)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Class Reunion

2010-03-13 Thread DAVID QUINN

It is a slow Saturday morning, so I decided to flip over to TVLand in the hopes 
that Andy might be on.  Imagine my surprise when TVLand was showing some 
reality show called "First Love, Second Chance".  The premise is that high 
school sweethearts are reunited after 30 years or so.  So I kept on watching to 
see if they would have Sharon DeSpain and Andrew Taylor on the show.  No such 
luck, just a lot of people I did not know.


Orville Hendricks - Mayberry's Butter and Egg Man - I know just where my high 
school sweetheart is - out in the kitchen fixing lunch.  Aint that right Martha?
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS Friends Reunion in July?

2010-03-02 Thread hyperauntjan1

I live in Lancaster, PA and will definitely be going to the Jim Nabors concert 
in July. Maybe if there are others from WBMUTBB going we could meet at the 
Cracker Barrell right across the street? We'd have to have some way of 
identifying ourselves to each other. Maybe the Lodge's password - was it root 
beer? I forget.


" It might be nice to see the old gang again!"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Joe's Reunion

2009-10-14 Thread Ken Anderson
Well said, Joe.  My mantra has always been, "One should never live in the 
past, but, I believe one should occasionally revisit it."  You did a great 
job sharing your revisit to your past.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Class reunion

2009-10-13 Thread Jdean46

In a message dated 10/13/2009 3:38:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Date:  Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:29:06 -0400
Subject: Class Reunion can go back and be with old friends,
and talk about the old  days.  Never miss a chance to do that!
Thanks for letting me  ramble
The Untrained Voice
Thanks for your reunion memories, Untrained Voice. Much like my own.  
Priceless, well written, really hit home.
Jimmy Dean

WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-10-13 Thread Cheryl
Wow,  Joe/Untrained Voice. You wrote so well about your reunion. I'll 
bet your column in the school paper was in there a lot more that "just 
that once" even if it was ahead of  its time and too controversial.

Marietta, GA
Who wishes she had a musical name...

WBMUTBB mailing list

Class Reunion

2009-10-13 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
This past weekend I went to my High School Class Reunion.  As I was
preparing to go, I,  of course, thought about the Reunion episodes on
our favorite show.

So I got out my yearbook (fortunately my wife didn't donate it to a
disease drive).  I made sure there were no notes about the tears on my
pillow.  I took a refresher course on names and faces..although after 35
years, surprisingly we looked a little different.  I kept it handy all
night to look up people I did not the Ralph Haynes, Nate
Bracey's  or Edna Thoges of the my class.

I was disappointed when I got there, and there was no live band with a
saxophone player.   Also no punch or classmate bartender..but they did
serve a nice meal and had good waitresses.  (No Cha cha cha either)

The main thing I was looking for, of course, was to find out "who made
it and who didn't."  Sadly those "who didn't" don't tend to go to events
like reunions where they are reminded of those "who did."  The nice
thing though is, after about 35 years..nobody cares.  We just like to
see each other happy.   We all grieved together one who had passed, and
all prayed together for a couple who had a child who was badly hurt.  At
this point in life, people are just people.  We all had to put on our
glasses to read the fine print in the yearbook  (and not select the name
with the wrong picture)

 I took a picture of my family so I didn't have to tell everyone "My
wife and I have two boys AND a girl".  There were some single and some
divorced there, but I don't know of any long lost lovers looking to
rekindle that old flame. Perhaps there were a few pondering what if?
What if they had started a different relationship..but I think we were
all happy with where we ended up, and who we married.

I was surprised to learn that about 40% of the class stayed right there
in our Little Mayberry-like community. (like Andy)  Those folks liked
seeing us out-of-towners, but I cherished seeing them all.  Something I
realized was: that no matter where you go, what esquire clubs you belong
to or what Walnut Hills Country Club you belong are always
still a member of your graduating class.  Everyone is equal in that
regard.  All the Ralph Haynes jocks, are long past their popular days,
and sadly some do not live up to the inflated expectations.   All of
Ellen Browns that nature "had been so good to"...could only so far on
good looks, and had to work and strive to succeed just like the rest of

As you might guess, I was neither athletic or pretty...but I did write a
pretty mean "Pickups and Splashes from Floor and pool."  I was a sports
editor of the newspaper and the yearbook..but I sure missed out on the
Philomathian Society, Volleyball clean-up crew and Tin Foil drive.

We enjoyed reminiscing about our Beasto Mareasto's and Monsters of the
second Floor.  We talked about our equivalent to the Remshaw place,
which we called the "Dead man's house"...and laughed about getting a car
stuck out front, hubcaps deep.  

Maybe someone met a new Flame, I don't know...Maybe someone was
broken-hearted over news that an old flame was off the market.  I just
drove home with pleasant memories and my school's fight song playing in
my head  just like Andy and Barney sung on the porch.

You can go back in time..but you can go back and be with old friends,
and talk about the old days.  Never miss a chance to do that!
Thanks for letting me ramble
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Class reunion

2009-06-28 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>I leave with mixed emotions.  Found out my high school 
sweetheart is now Mrs. Tom Byschinski. I hope Tom Byschinski, whoever he 
might be, doesn't have a jealous streak and I hope Sharon shows some 
restraint.  I don't want to wreck a marriage.<<<

Ken, do the tears on your pillow bespeak that pain that is in your heart?  I 
hope you don't spend two hours polishing your hat, only for heartaches!

But if Sharon doesn't seem to recognize you, don't worry.  She's only 
pretending.  Doesn't want to let out all that pent-up emotion and cause a scene.

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-28 Thread Ken Anderson
Well, my high school reunion was indeed an emotional packed evening.  I 
think I tried to put on airs and I failed miserably.  I tried to pull off a 
Barney but it just didn't work.
When they asked me where I was living, I told them that after I retired from 
teaching I bought myself a nice ranch.  Well, not exactly a lie.  We did buy 
a small three bedroom ranch on a corner lot.  Then one of my former 
girlfriends came up to me.  She had gained an enormous amount of weight and 
when she came up to me she whispered in my ear, "Just think Kenny, this all 
could have been yours."  I was speechless and didn't know what to say.  So I 
asked myself, "What would Barney do?"  And then it came to me.  Poetry.  So 
I whispered in her ear, "Tubby tubby two by four, can't get through the 
kitchen door."  I guess I should have chosen something different but that 
was just something I remembered from my childhood.  I think I read it in one 
of those childish classics.  Needless to say, the evening wasn't going too 
well. When we were finishing dinner they gave us dessert my wife asked what 
it was.  It was Boston Cream Pie.  Well, my wife said she had never heard of 
that, and of course I had to tell her that she had indeed heard of it as it 
was the new pie that came out after Boston became a city.  But the night 
wasn't a total loss.  I was chosen to be on the committee to help plan our 
50th in 2014, and let me tell you it is going to be one  real "bobby 

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

WBMUTBB mailing list

Reunion Time

2009-06-27 Thread Ken Anderson
Well friends, in about an hour I am heading back home for my 45 year high 
school reunion.  I leave with mixed emotions.  Found out my high school 
sweetheart is now Mrs. Tom Byschinski. I hope Tom Byschinski, whoever he 
might be, doesn't have a jealous streak and I hope Sharon shows some 
restraint.  I don't want to wreck a marriage.  I found my old Falconite 
yearbook and I plan to take it along so my wife can look up names in case we 
don't have yearbooks.  Sue hope she doesn't get the names and pictures mixed 
up.  Thank goodness my mother never gave mine to a disease drive.  I hear 
they resurrected an old three piece band for our high school years to play 
for us.  But the dance part won't last very late as band members have to 
check back into the nursing home by ten.  Guess I better press my suit and 
polish my hat as time is getting late.  I will give a full report on 
tomorrow's digest.

"Praise to you Dor-Abby High School, praise for ever more."

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Reunion

2008-10-07 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey you Mayberry Nuts--- In 2001 I had the great pleasure of going to nashville 
to a Mayberry Reunion.  It was held at Opryland Hotel (?).  I had a blast and 
was just wondering who else got to go.  I finally made my hubby take me.  We 
sat down to round tables where the waiters gave us cloth napkins.  We were 
first served bologna and cheese cubes and my hubby said "if this is all I get 
for 75. dollars, you've had it."  He was joking of course and we Did get more 
food than that.  But after the dinner and show there was a meet and greet.  
What a great day it was to enjoy being close up to the TAGS actors.  I know 
some got to go too.  It was a great day in Mayberry.

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

Reunion Episode

2008-07-11 Thread Ken Anderson
Aunt Bee in Orlando sure is right on when she speaks about the reunion 
episode.  I too have often wondered how little Barney and Andy must have 
stayed in contact seeing Barney was only in Raleigh.  I had a best buddy 
growing up and we were about as close as two boys could be without being 
brothers.  We even shared the same birthday.  We rarely see each other now 
but when we do it is a very emotional time for both of us. But that years 
have certainly caused us to drift apart.  After spending a few hours 
together the reality sets in that we are no longer the same person we once 
were.  We each developed new relationships and new interests and try as we 
might we cannot ever recreate that special bond that we once had.  Class 
reunions are really bittersweet as it is great to see old friends but the 
reality that they are now truly "old friends" can take its toll on the 
emotions.  That final scene with Andy and Barney in the car singing the 
Mayberry School Song really gets to me every time.  The same thing happens 
to me with the porch scene of Andy reading Barney's letter to Aunt Bee after 
he returns to Raleigh after his visit to Mayberry.

"The tears on my pillow speak the pain that is in my heart."\

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(Home) 715-839-8470
( Cell ) 715-210-1556

WBMUTBB mailing list

Reunion Special; TV Land Schedule

2008-03-21 Thread Dan Johnson
 > Message: 5 
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:06:20 -0400 
> From: "blueridgebiker" 
> Subject: Re: A Happy Find 
> To: "Tags" 
> Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252"; 
> reply-type=original 
> Hi, I am in Salisbury, close to Greensboro. 
> Could you please make me a copy of that thar tape. 
> I sure would appraciate it. 
> Tim 
Hey Tim,

I'd be happy to make a copy for you, but the only problem is I don't have a way 
of doing so at this time. Part of the reason I went looking through my old 
tapes was so I could start setting aside material I would eventually like to 
transfer to DVD. I figure by the end of the year I will have a DVD recorder and 
this is at the top of my list of things to transfer. Meanwhile, if there are is 
a Andy Griffith Re-run Watchers club in the Triad (or outling area), I'd be 
happy to bring this and screen it for the members. I've been wanting to hook up 
with such a group for quite some time now, and this would be a great chance to 
do just that. The only thing is I don't know how many folks taped this when it 
originally aired, although I think CBS ony ran this the one time. 

Also, since some other folks have already brought up the subject, I have to 
admit that I too have been less than thrilled with TV Land's recent decision to 
start running reality shows and movies non-stop. Sadly, they seem to be getting 
decent ratings with the reality route. Sadder still, TV Land used to be one of 
the few cable channels I actually watched. When all the other channels were 
running junk, I used to be able to depend on TV Land to come through with 
something good. Not so these days. I am beginning to think it might just be 
better to invest in DVDs and just ditch cable altogether. At least with DVDs 
you don't have episodes hacked to bits and there are no commericals. 

Greensboro, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-08-09 Thread weenie man

YES! Andy's old girlfriend looks SO much like Thel! I have always 
thought that!
Learn. Laugh. Share. Reallivemoms is right place!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-01-11 Thread keepsake68
Hi Mayberrians!

For some reason, Class Reunion was, at first, the most difficult episode to get 
into. However, I now have a different opinion. Just watching Andy and that lady 
sit outside and talk about "why they didn't make it" made me think of how 
special high school friends really were. These were the people who knew you 
before you encountered all the problems of the real world.  Also, watching 
Class Renuion made me think about my own 20th Class Reunion which will probably 
take place this  year. Not sure if I will attend or if it would even be worth 

Have any of you been to any of your class reunions?  If you did, briefly tell 
what was the most memorable thing about it.  Did you see old 

I guess I can say that Class Reunion is becomming one of my favorite episodes.  
I have watched this episode at least 3 times in the past week or two. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Class Reunion

2006-04-02 Thread Marilyn Gerber
If you didn't like this episode, you were not alone.  I remember reading
an interview with Betty Lynn and she hated it too.  She knew this would
be her last appearance on TAGS.

It was sad for all concerned.

Oh, and too, I remember seeing a sign about the Green River Ordinance
being inforced in my hometown of Argonia, Kansas.  It stood right at the
city limit.  Need to drive through again and see if it's still there.

Marilyn Gerber

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Barney loses Thelma Lou at the high school reunion

2006-03-31 Thread Tim Allen
Subject: Barney loses Thelma Lou at the high school reunion
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I watched that episode this week, and as much as I like TAGS, I've always
disliked that episode, not for the fact that Thelma Lou married (frankly
Barney deserved it for abandoning her). But rather for Barney abruptly
getting over his grief because a woman he barely knew (Nettie) came on to
him. It's shallow writing and it makes it seem as Thelma Lou and all those
years together meant nothing to Barney. 
Doug Gibson
Ogden, UT
Yes sir, you have beat the game chapter

I recognize that there are some huge TAGS fans in this area.  Additionally,
I also am a huge TAGS fans.  So much so that when my children were still in
their cribs (they are now 17 and about to enter college) I would play TAGS
episodes recorded on cassette tapes instead of lullabies.  I also remember
from the forum rules that we are to keep things positive and discuss the
better things regarding TAGS.  However...

First, let me say that I believe TAGS is the absolute best Television has to
offer.  Yet with that said, there is one TAGS episode that I will probably
not be watching again.

I happened to watch the above mentioned episode just last night on a local
cable access channel and was very disappointed in the story line.  I even
knew what was going to happen and it still aggravated me.  I will never
understand why this episode was written as it was.  The former gentleman's
remarks are absolutely correct.

The look on Barney's face at the very moment Thelma Lou introduces her
husband is without a doubt one of the lowest moments of any TAGS scenes. 

When I need an uplifting moment, I turn to TAGS.  This particular episode is
not very uplifting.  It is way to true to life.  I'll be stickin' to my
beloved B&W episodes.

Enjoy the forum...

Tim Allen
Alabaster, Alabama

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Barney loses Thelma Lou at the high school reunion

2006-03-31 Thread K . Darden
I can't help it - I am partial to Nettie. Alberta Walker who played 
Nettie went on to play Flora Malherbe who was Goober's girlfriend in 
the color episodes. If Barn hadn't had a little chemistry with Nettie, 
then Goober might have never had Flora as a girlfriend! But I have to 
agree, it was a rather shallow flip flop for Barney


> Subject: Barney loses Thelma Lou at the high school reunion
> I watched that episode this week, and as much as I like TAGS, I've 
> always disliked that episode, not for the fact that Thelma Lou married 
> (frankly Barney deserved it for abandoning her). But rather for Barney 
> abruptly getting over his grief because a woman he barely knew 
> (Nettie) came on to him. It's shallow writing and it makes it seem as 
> Thelma Lou and all those years together meant nothing to Barney.
> Doug Gibson

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney loses Thelma Lou at the high school reunion

2006-03-30 Thread Doug Gibson
I watched that episode this week, and as much as I like TAGS, I've always 
disliked that episode, not for the fact that Thelma Lou married (frankly Barney 
deserved it for abandoning her). But rather for Barney abruptly getting over 
his grief because a woman he barely knew (Nettie) came on to him. It's shallow 
writing and it makes it seem as Thelma Lou and all those years together meant 
nothing to Barney. 
Doug Gibson
Ogden, UT
Yes sir, you have beat the game chapter

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Mayberry reunion

2006-03-25 Thread wade c
What set was the Mayberry reunion show filmed at, california universal studios 
  The show where ernest t did the loch nest monster trick in the lake.
  Is there any pictures from behind the scenes or after the filming of the set.
  Is the set still erected or like the original set get torn down.
  From one dog out in the rain here in ohio

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