[web2py] Re: Building a non-trivial SOAP service using web2py

2011-09-07 Thread David Mitchell

On 6 September 2011 19:13, David Mitchell  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm looking at using web2py to build a SOAP service to work as a test
> harness for an infrastructure upgrade we're planning.  Unfortunately, all
> the web2py SOAP info I've found has been trivial services such as adding 2
> numbers together - in my case, I need my SOAP server to be able to do
> something more complicated.
> The sort of complexity I need to build is something like
> http://www.webservicex.com/stockquote.asmx?WSDL
> When I query this service from suds, the code looks something like:
> >>> import suds
> >>> url = 'http://www.webservicex.com/stockquote.asmx?WSDL'
> >>> client = suds.client.Client(url)
> >>> print client
> Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ )  version: 0.4 GA  build:
> R699-20100913
> Service ( StockQuote ) tns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/";
>Prefixes (0)
>Ports (2):
>   (StockQuoteSoap)
>  Methods (1):
> GetQuote(xs:string symbol, )
>  Types (0):
>   (StockQuoteSoap12)
>  Methods (1):
> GetQuote(xs:string symbol, )
>  Types (0):
> >>> client.service.GetQuote('IBM')
> IBM166.989/2/20114:00pm0.00N/AN/AN/A200199.4B166.980.00%125.39
> - 185.6312.31513.56International
> Bus
> >>>
> I figure my web2py controller code to do this would look something like:
> from gluon.tools import Service
> service = Service(globals())
> @service.soap('GetQuote', returns={SOMETHING_HERE}, args={'symbol':str})
> def stock_quote(stock):
> "Return stock quote info - everything is hardcoded..."
> symbol = "IBM"
> last = 166.98
> date = '9/2/2011'
> quote_time = '4:00pm'
> change = 0.00
> #...
> def call():
> return service()
> I'm trying to work out what the 2 SOMETHING_HERE pieces should look like in
> the above code.
> Could someone please point me in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance
> Dave M.

[web2py] Building a non-trivial SOAP service using web2py

2011-09-06 Thread David Mitchell
Hello all,

I'm looking at using web2py to build a SOAP service to work as a test
harness for an infrastructure upgrade we're planning.  Unfortunately, all
the web2py SOAP info I've found has been trivial services such as adding 2
numbers together - in my case, I need my SOAP server to be able to do
something more complicated.

The sort of complexity I need to build is something like
When I query this service from suds, the code looks something like:
>>> import suds
>>> url = 'http://www.webservicex.com/stockquote.asmx?WSDL'
>>> client = suds.client.Client(url)
>>> print client

Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ )  version: 0.4 GA  build:

Service ( StockQuote ) tns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/";
   Prefixes (0)
   Ports (2):
 Methods (1):
GetQuote(xs:string symbol, )
 Types (0):
 Methods (1):
GetQuote(xs:string symbol, )
 Types (0):

>>> client.service.GetQuote('IBM')
- 185.6312.31513.56International

I figure my web2py controller code to do this would look something like:

from gluon.tools import Service
service = Service(globals())

@service.soap('GetQuote', returns={SOMETHING_HERE}, args={'symbol':str})
def stock_quote(stock):
"Return stock quote info - everything is hardcoded..."
symbol = "IBM"
last = 166.98
date = '9/2/2011'
quote_time = '4:00pm'
change = 0.00

def call():
return service()

I'm trying to work out what the 2 SOMETHING_HERE pieces should look like in
the above code.

Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance

Dave M.

[web2py] Re: Using multiprocessing in web2py

2011-03-01 Thread David Mitchell

On 27 February 2011 20:32, David Mitchell  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've read through the message archive and there seems to be a fairly clear
> message: don't using the multiprocessing module within web2py.
> However, I'm hoping I might have a use case that's a bit different...
> I've got an app that basically does analytics on moderately large datasets.
>  I've got a number of controller methods that look like the following:
> def my_method():
> # Note: all data of interest has previously been loaded into
> 'session.data'
> results = []
> d = local_import('analysis')
> results += d.my_1st_analysis_method(session)
> results += d.my_2nd_analysis_method(session, date=date)
> results += d.my_3rd_analysis_method(session)
> results += d.my_4th_analysis_method(session, date=date)
> results += d.my_5th_analysis_method(session, date=date)
> return dict(results=results)
> The problem I have is that all of the methods in my 'analysis' module, when
> run in sequence as per the above, simply take too long to execute and give
> me a browser timeout.  I can mitigate this to some extent by extending the
> timeout on my browser, but I need to be able to use an iPad's Safari browser
> and it appears to be impossible to increase the browser timeout on the iPad.
>  Even if it can be done, that approach seems pretty ugly and I'd rather not
> have to do it.  What I really want to do is run all of these analysis
> methods *simultaneously*, capturing the results of each analysis_method into
> a single variable once they've finished.
> All of the methods within the 'analysis' module are designed to run
> concurrently - although they reference session variables, I've consciously
> avoided updating any session variables within any of these methods.  While
> all the data is stored in a database, it's loaded into a session variable
> (session.data) before my_method is called; this data never gets changed as
> part of the analysis.
> Is it reasonable to replace the above code with something like this:
> def my_method():
> import multiprocessing
> d = local_import('analysis')
> tasks = [
> ('job': 'd.my_1st_analysis_method', 'params': ['session']),
> ('job': 'd.my_2nd_analysis_method', 'params': ['session',
> 'date=date']),
> ('job': 'd.my_3rd_analysis_method', 'params': ['session']),
> ('job': 'd.my_4th_analysis_method', 'params': ['session',
> 'date=date']),
> ('job': 'd.my_5th_analysis_method', 'params': ['session',
> 'date=date']),
> ]
> task_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
> for t in tasks:
> task_queue.put(t['job'])
> result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
> for t in tasks:
> args = (arg for arg in t['params'])
> worker = multiprocessing.Worker(work_queue, result_queue,
> args=args)
> worker.start()
> results = []
> while len(results) < len(tasks):
>     result = result_queue.get()
> results.append(result)
> return dict(results=results)
> Note: I haven't tried anything using the multiprocessing module before, so
> if you've got any suggestions as to how to improve the above code, I'd
> greatly appreciate it...
> Is introducing multiprocessing as I've outlined above a reasonable way to
> optimise code in this scenario, or is there something in web2py that makes
> this a bad idea?  If it's a bad idea, do you have any suggestions what else
> I could try?
> Thanks in advance
> David Mitchell

[web2py] Using multiprocessing in web2py

2011-02-27 Thread David Mitchell
Hello everyone,

I've read through the message archive and there seems to be a fairly clear
message: don't using the multiprocessing module within web2py.

However, I'm hoping I might have a use case that's a bit different...

I've got an app that basically does analytics on moderately large datasets.
 I've got a number of controller methods that look like the following:

def my_method():
# Note: all data of interest has previously been loaded into
results = []
d = local_import('analysis')
results += d.my_1st_analysis_method(session)
results += d.my_2nd_analysis_method(session, date=date)
results += d.my_3rd_analysis_method(session)
results += d.my_4th_analysis_method(session, date=date)
results += d.my_5th_analysis_method(session, date=date)
return dict(results=results)

The problem I have is that all of the methods in my 'analysis' module, when
run in sequence as per the above, simply take too long to execute and give
me a browser timeout.  I can mitigate this to some extent by extending the
timeout on my browser, but I need to be able to use an iPad's Safari browser
and it appears to be impossible to increase the browser timeout on the iPad.
 Even if it can be done, that approach seems pretty ugly and I'd rather not
have to do it.  What I really want to do is run all of these analysis
methods *simultaneously*, capturing the results of each analysis_method into
a single variable once they've finished.

All of the methods within the 'analysis' module are designed to run
concurrently - although they reference session variables, I've consciously
avoided updating any session variables within any of these methods.  While
all the data is stored in a database, it's loaded into a session variable
(session.data) before my_method is called; this data never gets changed as
part of the analysis.

Is it reasonable to replace the above code with something like this:

def my_method():
import multiprocessing
d = local_import('analysis')

tasks = [
('job': 'd.my_1st_analysis_method', 'params': ['session']),
('job': 'd.my_2nd_analysis_method', 'params': ['session',
('job': 'd.my_3rd_analysis_method', 'params': ['session']),
('job': 'd.my_4th_analysis_method', 'params': ['session',
('job': 'd.my_5th_analysis_method', 'params': ['session',

task_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
for t in tasks:

result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()

for t in tasks:
args = (arg for arg in t['params'])
worker = multiprocessing.Worker(work_queue, result_queue, args=args)

results = []
while len(results) < len(tasks):
result = result_queue.get()

return dict(results=results)

Note: I haven't tried anything using the multiprocessing module before, so
if you've got any suggestions as to how to improve the above code, I'd
greatly appreciate it...

Is introducing multiprocessing as I've outlined above a reasonable way to
optimise code in this scenario, or is there something in web2py that makes
this a bad idea?  If it's a bad idea, do you have any suggestions what else
I could try?

Thanks in advance

David Mitchell

[web2py] Suggested web2py layout for iPhone/iPad?

2010-11-20 Thread David Mitchell
Hello all,

Is there a suggested web2py layout for rendering on an iPhone or iPad?

Obviously the screen size is a significant constraint on the iPhone; is
there a layout that renders along the lines of the iWebkit (
http://iwebkit.net) framework, which is optimised for the iPhone?

Thanks in advance

Dave M.

[web2py] How to upload/process data file in GAE?

2010-10-22 Thread David Mitchell
Hello group,

This seems like a particularly stupid question, but I just can't work out
how to do it...  It's not a web2py-specific issue; I just happen to be using

I've got an app underway where I need to upload a set of large-ish (up to
1Mb) CSV files initially, then small updates (<1kb) periodically after that.

Running web2py on a non-GAE environment, I could just upload the file, have
web2py save it to disk, then process the disk copy once it finishes
uploading.  I want to parse the file in its entirety to ensure there were no
problems with it before loading it into the database.  I could happily
process the uploaded files via cron; the data isn't particularly

However, with GAE, there's no file system access, so I can't upload the file
and save it before processing it.  I'd rather not process the file without
first parsing it, if there's a reasonable way to do so.

Has anyone dealt with this problem before?  Is there a simple/elegant
solution that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance

Dave M.

Re: [web2py] Re: Learning Management System survey

2010-10-20 Thread David Mitchell
My mother's a teacher, who has "challenges" with the ownership of the
content she creates.  Legally, she owns the content, and should control
where and how it's made available; however (as I understand it), current
systems act as though the school owns all content *and* are structured such
that copies of the content need to be made in order for it to be used in
separate areas within the application.  The system used at her school
essentially assumes that the ownership of the content transfers to the
school at the moment the content is entered into the system, which is
legally doubtful at best.

I'd regard it as at least HIGHLY desirable that content created by users of
the system can be encrypted using a public/private key pair by the user, who
holds a private key that is (optionally?) not stored on the system itself.
 The content creator should then control who has access to the content, and
for how long, and control should be granted only after the private key is
entered; it should NOT be accessible to anybody at the whim of the system
manager (or school principal).  Following that logic further, the mechanisms
for viewing the content should presumably make it difficult to copy/paste
the content; maybe locked-down PDFs is a sensible format, but I'm not

At the very least, if a system manager is going to make user-generated
content broadly accessible, then there should be a warning displayed along
the lines of "You're about to make this content available to people not
explicitly approved by the content creator.  Please check the legal
implications of doing this before proceeding".

Not sure if my mother's situation is unusual or not, but it's definitely an
issue in jurisdictions where content creators own the content they create,
which I assume would be the norm.


Dave M.

On 30 September 2010 04:22, Jose Hurtado  wrote:

> That is main reason i am learning web2py :)
> Features...hmmm... i see 3 points of view:
> 1. Student. what i want as a student?
>  - Autonomy, i should use it whenever i want, without schedules
> constrains.
>  - A nice experience, interactivity, keep me engaged.
>  - Use of advanced technologies to improve my learning.
>  - Progressivity, i dont want to learn step to step, not walls to
> jump.
>  - Keep track of my progress.
> 2. Teacher.
>  - Customization of a course, included contents
>  - Improvement of contents, each time i teach a lesson i get feed back
> from the students to improve it
>  - Changing the course when it is in progress
>  - A good set of contents to include on my course
>  - A good set of quizzes to test/examine the level of my students
>  - A good set of activities/exercises for my students so they can
> train and practice as much as the want
>  - Control. A good report system. i want to know what happens, how is
> doing each student...
> 3. Content creator
>  - Tools to easy create content.
>  - All type of contents: text, audio, video, diagrams (interactive),
> quizzes, exercices and activities.
>  - Blocks of contents, i may not want to create a full course(or
> book), but i may create a very nice "lesson" that could be used on
> courses.
> there is another point of view:
> 4. Organization, the University/company/organization.
>  - Control of teachers/students/courses/departments
>  - Calendar and schedules.
>  - Economic Management
>  - Reporting
> A quick look :)
> On 28 sep, 16:01, mdipierro  wrote:
> > Once again... who here is interested in a web2py based Learning
> > Management system?
> > What features would you like to see?
> >
> > Massimo

Re: [web2py] Commenting WSDLs under web2py SOAP

2010-10-17 Thread David Mitchell
Cool, thanks Mariano.

On 17 October 2010 05:33, Mariano Reingart  wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 9:58 PM, David Mitchell 
> wrote:
> > Hello group,
> > I'm having a lot of fun working with web2py's SOAP functionality - thanks
> to
> > Massimo and Mariano Reingart for doing the work to put this together.
> > However, there's one point I'm struggling with right now:
> > I'd really like it if the published WSDL for my SOAP services included a
> few
> > helpful hints.  For example, I'd like the current fragment in the WSDL
> >
> > 
> >   
> >
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >
> > to look something like
> >
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >
> > 
> >
> > Is there a relatively straightforward way I can present comments in the
> > WSDL?
> Dave, sorry but there isn't a easy way to do that now, and, in fact, I
> think I haven't seen any WSDL with that comments.
> But you can use the html documentation generated by
> web2py/pysimplesoap, where comments are output in sample xml messages:
> http://code.google.com/p/pysimplesoap/wiki/Web2Py
> You could even edit the wsdl with an xml editor and use it, it should
> work either.
> Best regards,
> Mariano Reingart
> http://www.sistemasagiles.com.ar
> http://reingart.blogspot.com

Re: [web2py] Re: running web2py on Android?

2010-10-14 Thread David Mitchell
LOL - "root the android" has a meaning in my part of the world that is
apparently not universal.

Let's just say that many lonely geeks may be pining for this to become a
viable option at some point in their lives...

Dave M.

On 15 October 2010 14:58, Thadeus Burgess  wrote:

> You will need to root the android, install a real shell like bash, install
> dev tools, install python, create an app that will launch a web2py app.
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
>> N810 -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0fsjGVIGPU
>> 2010/10/14 mdipierro 
>> Some people here have need running on windows CE, iPhone, N800 and
>>> Android. I am not sure what has been tried but if it starts it should
>>> work fine since all required modules are imported at the beginning.
>>> On Oct 14, 7:58 pm, Darcy Clark  wrote:
>>> > I found a June 2009 post to this group on running web2py on Android ?
>>> > Just wondering if anyone else has tried this since with any success ?.
>>> > Cherrypy seems to run on Android [http://www.defuze.org/archives/228-
>>> > running-cherrypy-on-android-with-sl4a.html]. I don't have an Android
>>> > phone to try it myself, but I do find the idea of running web2py on a
>>> > phone somewhat interesting.
>> --
>> http://rochacbruno.com.br

[web2py] Commenting WSDLs under web2py SOAP

2010-10-14 Thread David Mitchell
Hello group,

I'm having a lot of fun working with web2py's SOAP functionality - thanks to
Massimo and Mariano Reingart for doing the work to put this together.

However, there's one point I'm struggling with right now:


I'd really like it if the published WSDL for my SOAP services included a few
helpful hints.  For example, I'd like the current fragment in the WSDL

to look something like

Is there a relatively straightforward way I can present comments in the WSDL?

Thanks in advance

Dave M.

Re: [web2py] Re: Install pyodbc in standalone web2py

2010-09-09 Thread David Mitchell
Thanks Massimo - that'd be very welcome.  I've installed pyodbc on several
occasions to use with web2py, and it'd be very handy to have it bundled

Now about that CouchDB interface... ;->


Dave M.

On 4 September 2010 02:40, mdipierro  wrote:

> We are considering making pyodbc part of the standard distribution. It
> is going to take a little way since the process of building binary
> distribution and is a little cumbersome.
> On Sep 3, 11:27 am, jrpfinch  wrote:
> > I am using web2py.exe from the command line instead of a proper
> > installation of python as I have no access to my registry.  Is it
> > possible to install pyodbc to such an instance of web2py?

Re: [web2py] Re: PAPERBACK web2py book

2010-08-17 Thread David Mitchell
Hi Massimo,

Any chance of an EPUB format?

I've promised myself I won't buy any more technical books in dead-tree
format, and PDFs are just too hard to read on my ebook reader.


David Mitchell

> >
> > > On Aug 13, 5:36 pm, mdipierro  wrote:
> >
> > > > The 3rd edition of the book is finally available in paperback.
> >
> > > >
> http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/web2py-(3rd-edition)/12199578
> >
> > > > The 3rd edition has 40% more text and it is 30% cheaper than the 2nd
> > > > edition.
> >
> > > > Massimo

Re: [web2py] Re: Looking for web2py AJAX "recipes"

2010-06-16 Thread David Mitchell
Thanks GoldenTiger,

Looks like http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/85 addresses
my 1st requirement, and
http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/86 addresses my 2nd
requirement.  Still looking for solutions to the other two, but these get me
off to a flying start!


Dave M.

On 16 June 2010 12:45, GoldenTiger  wrote:

> http://www.web2pyslices.com is usefull for me
> On 15 jun, 23:48, David Mitchell  wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've got a bunch of AJAX pages to create, with tasks like:
> > - pick a selection from a drop-down list
> > - based on that selection, populate another drop-down list
> >
> > - start typing in a text field
> > - with each character typed, do a search in a DB table for fields
> matching
> > the string typed and display options for selection
> >
> > (not quite AJAX, but close)
> > - enter a date in a date field
> > - constrain other date fields on the same form so that they must be
> either
> > before or after the first-entered date
> >
> > - allow someone to enter a long random string into a field, or press a
> > "Generate random string" button to have the string populated with
> suitable
> > random characters
> >
> > Is there anything like an "AJAX recipes" page for web2py out there?
> >  Googling didn't come up with anything useful, but I thought some of
> these
> > are pretty common tasks and someone may have gathered code samples
> together
> > to demonstrate how it is done in web2py.
> >
> > Thanks and regards
> >
> > Dave M.

[web2py] Looking for web2py AJAX "recipes"

2010-06-15 Thread David Mitchell
Hello all,

I've got a bunch of AJAX pages to create, with tasks like:
- pick a selection from a drop-down list
- based on that selection, populate another drop-down list

- start typing in a text field
- with each character typed, do a search in a DB table for fields matching
the string typed and display options for selection

(not quite AJAX, but close)
- enter a date in a date field
- constrain other date fields on the same form so that they must be either
before or after the first-entered date

- allow someone to enter a long random string into a field, or press a
"Generate random string" button to have the string populated with suitable
random characters

Is there anything like an "AJAX recipes" page for web2py out there?
 Googling didn't come up with anything useful, but I thought some of these
are pretty common tasks and someone may have gathered code samples together
to demonstrate how it is done in web2py.

Thanks and regards

Dave M.

Re: [web2py] Re: Documentation on moving common code into modules?

2010-06-15 Thread David Mitchell
Thanks everyone,

Didn't work for me for a while, then I rewired my brain from "Ruby-mode" to
"Python-mode" and was off and running!

Dave M.

On 15 June 2010 10:48, weheh  wrote:

> +1 regarding Yarko's suggestion. Putting common code into modules is
> probably the easiest way to have it visible to all controllers. It
> seems a little kludgy at first, but you get used to it. The one thing
> to be aware of is that models get executed in alphabetic order. So you
> may want to stick a number or letter at the beginning of the model
> name, like A_, B_, C_, etc. to control order of execution. Like I
> said, a little kludgy, but you get used to it. You will not have this
> issue if you use the modules approach.

[web2py] Documentation on moving common code into modules?

2010-06-14 Thread David Mitchell
Hello all,

I'm at early days in my 1st serious web2py project, and I've got a few bits
of code that are common to multiple different controllers.

I want to move these code blocks into their own separate code module so they
can be maintained at a single place, but I can't find any documentation
about how to structure such a module nor how to call it from my controllers.

Any tips or URL pointers?

Thanks in advance

Dave M.

[web2py] Re: [web2py:37718] Re: Web2py and MongoDB

2010-04-15 Thread David Mitchell
Bump - is there any new news on adding MongoDB (or CouchDB) support to

Massimo hinted that it might appear in mid-late February earlier in this
thread, but if there's been any more announcements since then I've missed
them.  (That's the downside of an active mailing list; there's so many
topics I'm interested in that I tend to just skim the email headers these
days when I'm pressed for time...)

Thanks and regards

Dave M.

On 23 December 2009 12:40, Pystar  wrote:

> Hi Massimo,
> Is there anything I can do to help? I am really interested in helping
> getting Web2py support MongoDB.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "web2py-users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py?hl=en.

Re: [web2py:36837] Re: Cron and Windows service

2009-12-08 Thread David Mitchell
I've used pycron in the past and found it extremely reliable.  Haven't tried
it with web2py, but it's probably worth a look

2009/12/9 Brian M 

> It certainly would be nice to have cron working under the windows
> service. I could use Windows scheduled tasks and curl, but was
> thinking that it would be nice to have the whole thing controlled/
> managed by web2py.
> I don't really have any objection to the web2py cron being in its own
> service.
> ~Brian
> On Dec 8, 8:32 pm, mdipierro  wrote:
> > How important is this to you? It should not be too difficult to add
> > it. It is just that I think cron and regular web2py should be
> > considered two different services.
> >
> > On Dec 8, 7:18 pm, Brian M  wrote:
> >
> > > Cron doesn't work when running windows as a service?! :( Well that
> > > just screwed up my plans - I'm working on a reporting app that will
> > > rely fairly heavily on regularly pulling in external data and figured
> > > the built-in cron would handle that.
> >
> > > Is it all forms of cron that don't work with web2py running as a
> > > windows service or just the hard cron? In other words, does soft cron
> > > still work?
> >
> > > ~Brian
> >
> > > On Dec 4, 9:52 am, mdipierro  wrote:
> >
> > > > There is a logical problem. the web server andcronare two processes
> > > > and therefore they should be threated as two different services or
> > > > there should be a mechanism to start and stop them both. Right now
> the
> > > > windows service only handles the web service.
> >
> > > > Thecroncode needs some cleanup because right now it is spread over
> > > > multiple modules. I'd rather do the cleanup before addingcronto win
> > > > service.
> >
> > > > Massimo
> >
> > > > On Dec 4, 4:32 am, SergeyPo  wrote:
> >
> > > > > Hello,
> >
> > > > > I am having problem withcron. My crontable:
> >
> > > > > */5   *   *   *   *  root *default/getcaptypes
> >
> > > > > Controller method 'default/getcaptypes' works fine when you call it
> > > > > directly. It works fine when called bycronwhen web2py is running as
> > > > > console. But it is not working when I start web2py as windows
> > > > > service.
> >
> > > > > Options file contains:
> >
> > > > > extcron = None
> > > > > nocron = None
> >
> > > > > Where else should I look?
> >
> > > > > Sergey
> --
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[web2py:35457] Re: Working with NoSQLs?

2009-11-16 Thread David Mitchell
OK, I've found one big plus of MongoDB vs. CouchDB.

It looks fairly straightforward to run MongoDB from a USB key, whereas it's
pretty painful to do so with CouchDB.  As I frequently move stuff between
multiple workplaces, that's a very big tick for me.


Dave M.

2009/11/17 David Mitchell 

> Thanks for the reply Massimo,
> The main reason I've used CouchDB to date was that it was the first of this
> class of databases that I stumbled upon.  I've found it extremely powerful
> and a good fit for what I was doing, but it may be that others such as
> MongoDB are as good or better - I simply found something that worked for me
> and stuck with it, without bothering to investigate other options.
> Regards
> Dave M.
> 2009/11/16 mdipierro 
>> The DAL supports GAE. I would like to add support to MongoDB. You can
>> already use any NODB but you have to use their native API instead of
>> the web2py database abstraction layer.
>> Any reason to give a preference to CouchDB over MongoDB?
>> Massimo
>> On Nov 15, 8:49 pm, David Mitchell  wrote:
>> > Hello everyone,
>> >
>> > I've done a bunch of work recently with CouchDB on Ruby, and now there's
>> an
>> > interesting article on using Python with Redis athttp://
>> simonwillison.net/2009/Oct/22/redis/
>> >
>> > Is there any work being done to have web2py work with these, or other,
>> > "NoSQL" databases?  Right now, I really don't have time to look at what
>> > would be involved and contribute myself - something to do with having
>> way
>> > too much work to finish before kids, school holidays, Xmas all demand
>> 100%
>> > of my attention ;-> - but I'm interested to know whether anyone is
>> actively
>> > looking at it.
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance
>> >
>> > Dave M.
>> >>

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[web2py:35447] Re: Working with NoSQLs?

2009-11-16 Thread David Mitchell
Thanks for the reply Massimo,

The main reason I've used CouchDB to date was that it was the first of this
class of databases that I stumbled upon.  I've found it extremely powerful
and a good fit for what I was doing, but it may be that others such as
MongoDB are as good or better - I simply found something that worked for me
and stuck with it, without bothering to investigate other options.


Dave M.

2009/11/16 mdipierro 

> The DAL supports GAE. I would like to add support to MongoDB. You can
> already use any NODB but you have to use their native API instead of
> the web2py database abstraction layer.
> Any reason to give a preference to CouchDB over MongoDB?
> Massimo
> On Nov 15, 8:49 pm, David Mitchell  wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I've done a bunch of work recently with CouchDB on Ruby, and now there's
> an
> > interesting article on using Python with Redis athttp://
> simonwillison.net/2009/Oct/22/redis/
> >
> > Is there any work being done to have web2py work with these, or other,
> > "NoSQL" databases?  Right now, I really don't have time to look at what
> > would be involved and contribute myself - something to do with having way
> > too much work to finish before kids, school holidays, Xmas all demand
> 100%
> > of my attention ;-> - but I'm interested to know whether anyone is
> actively
> > looking at it.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Dave M.
> >

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[web2py:35414] Working with NoSQLs?

2009-11-15 Thread David Mitchell
Hello everyone,

I've done a bunch of work recently with CouchDB on Ruby, and now there's an
interesting article on using Python with Redis at

Is there any work being done to have web2py work with these, or other,
"NoSQL" databases?  Right now, I really don't have time to look at what
would be involved and contribute myself - something to do with having way
too much work to finish before kids, school holidays, Xmas all demand 100%
of my attention ;-> - but I'm interested to know whether anyone is actively
looking at it.

Thanks in advance

Dave M.

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[web2py:34992] Re: Join web2py wave

2009-11-09 Thread David Mitchell
Could you please invite me too?


Dave M.

2009/11/10 mdipierro 

> This is really nice. Hope you do not mind, I posted a link on reddit/
> programming.
> On Nov 9, 2:41 pm, hcvst  wrote:
> > Hi Vidul,
> >
> > the wave's now athttp://
> wavedirectory.appspot.com/init/default/wave/676f6f676c65776176...
> >
> > But I guess I should add the old query string method again too.
> >
> > Regards,
> > HC
> >
> > On Nov 9, 7:58 pm, Vidul Petrov  wrote:
> >
> > > I got "Internal Error" while tryinghttp://
> wavedirectory.appspot.com/init/default/wave?w=googlewave.com%2...
> >
> > > On Nov 4, 8:54 am, hcvst  wrote:
> >
> > > >
> http://wavedirectory.appspot.com/init/default/wave?w=googlewave.com%2...
> >
> > > > A public wave to discuss wave development on web2py.
> >
> > > > HC
> >
> >
> >

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[web2py:34631] Re: Bulk loading data into web2py database?

2009-11-04 Thread David Mitchell
Thanks guys, I'm on my way now!

Next question - is there a standard directory under my application that I
should use to hold these scripts?  At the moment, I'm putting them under
web2py/applications/my_app/private, but I'm not sure that that's the
appropriate path.



2009/11/5 mdipierro 

> even better. For info:
> web2py.py -h
> or
> web2py.py -S yourapp -M -R yourscript.py
> >

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[web2py:34561] Bulk loading data into web2py database?

2009-11-04 Thread David Mitchell
Hello group,

I'm just getting started with web2py, so please be gentle...

Now that I've got a model defined within web2py, I need to load up a huge
pile of reference data for my application - we're talking several hundred
thousand records.  Is there a way I can write Python code that runs from the
command line, but can access web2py's database abstraction layer?  I figure
it must be possible, but I've tried Googling and come up empty.

Thanks in advance


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