Class generation warnings

2008-03-13 Thread Eleni Manou

Hi all,

when I generate classes I get the following warnings in each class (en  
example of my class in java is shown below

package com.mysql.eo;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class Accounts extends _Accounts {
  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Accounts.class);

Warnings are:

The serializable class Accounts does not declare a static final  
serialVersion UID field of type long


The field Accounts.log is never read locally

Then when I continue and run my project in a very simple component  
where I try to insert a record in database (mysql), while the primary  
key is inserted normally (automatically incremented) for each record  
all other fields appear null.

Can anyone explain this to me? Sorry, I am a newcomer in Eclipse/ 
WOLips and EOModeler.

Stavros ___
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Re: Class generation warnings

2008-03-13 Thread David LeBer

On 12-Mar-08, at 11:56 PM, Eleni Manou wrote:

Hi all,

when I generate classes I get the following warnings in each class  
(en example of my class in java is shown below

package com.mysql.eo;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class Accounts extends _Accounts {
  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Accounts.class);

Warnings are:

As the label implies, these are just warnings. They will not affect  
the functioning of your app.

The serializable class Accounts does not declare a static final  
serialVersion UID field of type long

I have this one disabled in Eclipse - Preferences - Java - Compiler  
- Errors/Warnings - Potential programming problems - Serializable  
class without serialVersionUID: Ignore

Or click on the little lightbulb icon in the gutter and select: Add  
default serial version ID


The field Accounts.log is never read locally

Again, just a warning.

If you are using Java 1.5 you can add @SuppressWarnings(unused) just  
above it in your code.

Then when I continue and run my project in a very simple component  
where I try to insert a record in database (mysql), while the  
primary key is inserted normally (automatically incremented) for  
each record all other fields appear null.

Can anyone explain this to me? Sorry, I am a newcomer in Eclipse/ 
WOLips and EOModeler.

Sound's like you have a bug.

Without seeing code I have no idea what it is.


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
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Re: Class generation warnings

2008-03-13 Thread David Avendasora


Those warnings don't have anything to do with the empty records in the  

Can you paste the code that you use to set the values? Also, in your  
Model, are the attributes of the Account entity flagged as Allows  
Null? If you _deselect_ that (basically, tell WO that a value _must_  
be set before trying to save it to the database) you will get a  
warning before WO ever tries to save the record stating that the  
attribute/relationship can not be null.

This should help you track down where the problem is.


On Mar 12, 2008, at 11:56 PM, Eleni Manou wrote:

Hi all,

when I generate classes I get the following warnings in each class  
(en example of my class in java is shown below

package com.mysql.eo;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class Accounts extends _Accounts {
  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Accounts.class);

Warnings are:

The serializable class Accounts does not declare a static final  
serialVersion UID field of type long


The field Accounts.log is never read locally

Then when I continue and run my project in a very simple component  
where I try to insert a record in database (mysql), while the  
primary key is inserted normally (automatically incremented) for  
each record all other fields appear null.

Can anyone explain this to me? Sorry, I am a newcomer in Eclipse/ 
WOLips and EOModeler.

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Re: WO WebStart problem

2008-03-13 Thread David Avendasora

Okay, some addition information on this issue:

The Servlet classpath files and web.xml file generated by the most  
recent WOProject Ant builds are at least _part_ of the problem (I'll  
document it) and by manually fixing the Classpath and web.xml files,  
I've gotten the error to change to:

[2008-03-13 10:05:59,926] http-8080-1 NSLog$Log4JLogger -  
Unable to get contents of file for uri.  file: /Library/WebServer/ 
JavaClient.jnlp; uri: /BakeryManagement_D2JavaClientUI/WebObjects/ 

It appears to be listing _two_ files there. One is in the /Library/ 
WebServer/Documents directory. This is a Servlet deployment sent to / 
Library/Tomcat/webapps/. Of course it can't find it in there. The  
second file seems to be the proper URL, but it can't find that either.

Any guesses?

On Mar 11, 2008, at 1:55 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Hi all,

WO 5.4.1, Eclipse 3.3.2, WOLips Nightly, OS X 10.5.2

I just recently migrated a Java Client application from 5.3 to  
5.4.1. Everything works just fine when building and launching the  
application from Eclipse using the WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true  

It opens the Java Client application just fine using the launch  
script, but if I bring up the web-page that has a hyperlink to the  
JavaClient.jnlp file, I get this error:

[2008-3-11 9:16:43 EDT] WorkerThread5  
Unable to get contents of file for uri.  file: /Library/WebServer/ 
JavaClient.jnlp; uri: /BakeryManagement_D2JavaClientUI/WebObjects/ 
[2008-3-11 9:16:43 EDT] WorkerThread5 /Library/WebServer/Documents/ 
JavaClient.jnlp (No such file or directory)

at Method)


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Re: Bug of the ComponentContent UTF-8

2008-03-13 Thread Yoshihiko Mori

Thank you for your helpful information.
I will try removing the encoding detection.



On 2008/03/13, at 3:12, Mr. Pierre Frisch wrote:

Ok I have had a look at it and what is broken is not the encoding  
but the encoding detection. Remove the encoding detection and all  
works correctly. The default encoding for Wo 5.4.x is UTF-8 anyway.

Pierre Frisch

On Mar 12, 2008, at 8:40, Yoshihiko Mori wrote:

Hi Pierre,

1. version of Java:
$java -version
java version 1.5.0_13
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13- 

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_13-119, mixed mode, sharing)

2. version of WebObjects: 5.4.1

3. version of MacOS X: 10.5.2

4. problems:
If I set the charset name to UTF-8 in the, I get  
unexpected characters in the String01 when I input any Japanese  
words in the TextField01 and click the SubmitButton01.

If I set the charset name to UTF8, I get normal Japanese words.
When I was using WebObjects 5.3 on the MacOS X 10.4, the UTF-8  
was not a problem.
I think that this problem is not because of the ComponentContent  
considering the test which I did recently.

5. my new test code (I will send binary by another mail for you.) :

package com.hfsys.components;

import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse;

public class Main extends WOComponent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String testStr01, testStr02;

public Main(WOContext context) {

public WOComponent testSubmit(){
testStr02 = testStr01;
return null;

  /** Set Japanese Encoding **/
  public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest aRequest,WOContext  


  public void appendToResponse(WOResponse aResponse,WOContext  

  /** --Set Japanese Encoding **/


//- Main.html
		meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;  

webobject name=Form01
webobject name=TextField01/
webobject name=SubmitButton01/
webobject name=String01/

//- Main.wod
Form01: WOForm {}
String01: WOString { value = testStr02; }
SubmitButton01: WOSubmitButton { action = testSubmit; value  
= 保存; }

TextField01: WOTextField { value = testStr01; }

//- Main.woo
WebObjects Release = WebObjects 5.0;
encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding;

//- Main.api
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 standalone=yes?
wo wocomponentcontent=false class=Main



On 2008/03/12, at 2:02, Mr. Pierre Frisch wrote:

What is the problem exactly? The name should be UTF-8 with a  
dash. In Java 1.4 the API changed from encoding names to charset  
names. The charset name use the same convention as the Web. The  
encoding names are considered legacy by Sun but should still work  
for String conversion. Could give me more detail of exactly what  
the problem is? and which version of Java and WebObjects?

Thank you

Pierre Frisch

On Mar 11, 2008, at 8:59, Yoshihiko Mori wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Thank you for your advice.
This was not a bug.
I changed the character set name from UTF-8 to UTF8 in the  
parent Component code as follows and it seems that it went well.
In the past the UTF-8 was not a problem but it does not go well  

/** for UTF-8 **/
public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest aRequest,WOContext  


public void appendToResponse(WOResponse aResponse,WOContext  

/** **/



On 2008/03/12, at 0:05, Chuck Hill wrote:

Hello Mori,

On Mar 11, 2008, at 12:31 AM, Yoshihiko Mori wrote:

Dear all,
Dear developers.

I found a bug in the WOComponentContent.

It is as follows:

1. I set the Meta header in the Component as follows:
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;  

2. I sent a String of UTF-8 in the WOTextField in the WOForm in  
the WOComponentContent in the Component.

3. I got unexpected code and I found the following log include  
the context().request() log:


4. If the 

Sybase character set problem

2008-03-13 Thread Ricardo Legorreta
We are in the process to migrate a very old WO 4.5 system using  
Sybase. The Sybase server has as character set cp850 and in the  old  
EOModel WO 4.5 we added the databaseEncoding = NEXTSTEP instruction  
in the adaptor info. Everything worked fine.

Now we use WO 5.4 and JDBC (Sybase JConnect version 6.0) and nothing  
appear to display the non english characters correctly (e.g,  
á,é,í,ó,ú, ñ, etc) . I tried the CHARSET parameter in the JDBC  
URL(.e.g, jdbc:sybase:Tds:address/database? 
CHARSET=cp850JCONNECT_VERSION=6)  and many other options, none worked  

Does anybody had the same problem before?


Ricardo. ___
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String Qualifier for Number

2008-03-13 Thread Carter Wojcik
Hi All -

My users want to have the ability to search on a
Number attribute, but use String qualifiers such as
Contains ('*value*'), Begins With ('value*'), Ends
With ('*value').

I have a table named part that contains a primaryKey
named part_id (Number and exposed) and a String called

Is there a way to create an EOQualifier that
replicates the SQL in the example below?

Example: Select all parts with a part_id that begins
with 3.
select * from part where to_char(part_id) like '3%';



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Problem deleting an object with a flattened relationship

2008-03-13 Thread Greg Lappen


I am having a strange problem with our application on WebObjects 5.4  
(not sure if it was present on 5.3, just giving some background).

The error occurs when I attempt to delete an object which has a  
flattened relationship.  The error I get is:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: A valid global ID could not be  
obtained for entity named UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem, relationship  
named policies, primary key dictionary {policyID = 169; reportID =  
15; }.

FileLine#   Method  Package	4867	 
com.webobjects.eoaccess	4891	 
	com.webobjects.eoaccess	4944	 
com.webobjects.eoaccess	4970	 
com.webobjects.eoaccess	5882	recordChangesInEditingContext	 
com.webobjects.eoaccess	373	saveChangesInEditingContext	 
com.webobjects.eocontrol   3176saveChanges com.webobjects.eocontrol  26  deleteReport

The model classes involved are Policy, UnknownStatusPolicyReport, and  
UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem.  UnknownStatusPolicyReport is a  
subclass (using single-table inheritance) of Report.  A  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport has a to-many relationship to  
UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem, and UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem has a  
to-one relationship to Policy (each item in the report points to an  
insurance policy).  I defined a flattened to-many relationship on  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport called policies which is defined as  
items.policy.  I also set the delete rule on the  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport items relationship to Cascade so the  
UnknownStatusPolicyReportItems get deleted when the  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport is deleted.  The code that does the delete:

public WOComponent deleteReport() {
Session s = (Session) session();

return null;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciatedI am sure I'm missing  
something fundamental here about how EOF works.


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Re: Problem deleting an object with a flattened relationship

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

On Mar 13, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Greg Lappen wrote:


I am having a strange problem with our application on WebObjects 5.4  
(not sure if it was present on 5.3, just giving some background).

The error occurs when I attempt to delete an object which has a  
flattened relationship.  The error I get is:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: A valid global ID could not be  
obtained for entity named UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem,  
relationship named policies, primary key dictionary {policyID = 169;  
reportID = 15; }.


The model classes involved are Policy, UnknownStatusPolicyReport,  
and UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem.  UnknownStatusPolicyReport is a  
subclass (using single-table inheritance) of Report.  A  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport has a to-many relationship to  
UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem, and UnknownStatusPolicyReportItem has  
a to-one relationship to Policy (each item in the report points to  
an insurance policy).  I defined a flattened to-many relationship on  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport called policies which is defined as  
items.policy.  I also set the delete rule on the  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport items relationship to Cascade so the  
UnknownStatusPolicyReportItems get deleted when the  
UnknownStatusPolicyReport is deleted.  The code that does the delete:

public WOComponent deleteReport() {
Session s = (Session) session();

Is s.user().editingContext() == entity.editingContext()?


return null;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciatedI am sure I'm missing  
something fundamental here about how EOF works.


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Re: String Qualifier for Number

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Carter Wojcik wrote:

Hi All -

My users want to have the ability to search on a
Number attribute, but use String qualifiers such as
Contains ('*value*'), Begins With ('value*'), Ends
With ('*value').

I have a table named part that contains a primaryKey
named part_id (Number and exposed) and a String called

Is there a way to create an EOQualifier that
replicates the SQL in the example below?

Example: Select all parts with a part_id that begins
with 3.
select * from part where to_char(part_id) like '3%';


Add a new attribute called partIDAsString
Set the column to part_id
Set the datatype as string
Mark it as read only
Set the read format to to_char(%P)

Then make a qualifier on partIDAsString.



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Re: WO WebStart problem

2008-03-13 Thread Florijan Stamenkovic

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:33, David Avendasora wrote:

It appears to be listing _two_ files there. One is in the /Library/ 
WebServer/Documents directory. This is a Servlet deployment sent  
to /Library/Tomcat/webapps/. Of course it can't find it in there.  
The second file seems to be the proper URL, but it can't find that  

Any guesses?

Well, it sounds like the reference you have to the JNLP in your  
WebComponent is somehow screwed up. Maybe if you posted the component  
bindings, somebody would be able to see the problem more clearly...

Apparently (since you actually CAN open the JNLP through the launch  
script) this has nothing to do with the JC part of things. Maybe you  
can log how and where WOLips finds and launches the JNLP?

I'm just guessing here, WebStart is not really my thing...

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2008-03-13 Thread David LeBer

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Pascal Robert

Yeah, I can start organize WOWODC :-)

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

Ouch!  That is SOON.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Yeah, I can start organize WOWODC :-)

June 9 - 13


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Pascal Robert

I have last year's experience, so I can organize it faster :-)

Ouch!  That is SOON.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Yeah, I can start organize WOWODC :-)

June 9 - 13

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Schrag
See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as Perl,  
Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver standards-based  
in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:48 PM, David LeBer wrote:

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread David LeBer

On 13-Mar-08, at 4:58 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

I have last year's experience, so I can organize it faster :-)

If I drank coffee, it would have just squirted out my nose...

Ouch!  That is SOON.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Yeah, I can start organize WOWODC :-)

June 9 - 13

-- Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread David LeBer

On 13-Mar-08, at 4:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver standards- 
based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and  
iPhone OS.

The first rule of WebObjects, don't talk about WebObjects.
The second rule...


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Schrag

The first rule of WebObjects, don't talk about WebObjects.
The second rule...


I smell a WWDC 2008 T-Shirt :)


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread David LeBer

On 13-Mar-08, at 5:07 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

The first rule of WebObjects, don't talk about WebObjects.
The second rule...


I smell a WWDC 2008 T-Shirt :)

Sign me up!


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Miguel Arroz


  I thought you were used by now!


Miguel Arroz

On 2008/03/13, at 20:59, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver standards- 
based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and  
iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:48 PM, David LeBer wrote:

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Miguel Arroz

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver standards- 
based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and  
iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

WO is hard.  PHP is easy.  People expect Apple to equate with easy.   
Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make  
unmaintainable crap.



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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Simon McLean
You should put that quote on the front cover of Practical  
Webobjects  :-)


On 13 Mar 2008, at 21:14, Chuck Hill wrote:

Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make  
unmaintainable crap.

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread John Gregory

I realize this is a premature question, but...

Are we expecting WOWODC to be the Sunday before WWDC, like it was last  
year, or are there any plans to expand it to a multi-day event?

I'm eager to make my travel plans ASAP in an effort to try to save  
some money.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:14 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver  
standards-based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X,  
Windows, and iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

WO is hard.  PHP is easy.  People expect Apple to equate with easy.   
Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make  
unmaintainable crap.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Pascal Robert
It should be a two days event.  I don't know if it will be before or  
after WWDC, I have to check with the Marriott and the Parc 55 hotels.

I realize this is a premature question, but...

Are we expecting WOWODC to be the Sunday before WWDC, like it was  
last year, or are there any plans to expand it to a multi-day event?

I'm eager to make my travel plans ASAP in an effort to try to save  
some money.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:14 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver  
standards-based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X,  
Windows, and iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

WO is hard.  PHP is easy.  People expect Apple to equate with  
easy.  Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy  
to make unmaintainable crap.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve  
specific problems.

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread David Elliott

Hi Mike,

I assume Apple figures that it has introduced about as many people as  
it can to the OS X specific technologies that enable rapid application  

I think the plan now is to grab the people using existing cross- 
platform technologies and get them onto Macintosh by illustrating that  
a Mac makes a better developer's platform than the alternatives.  That  
gets more developers using Macs so the barrier to exploring the OS X  
specific technologies is lowered.

An unbelievable number of people using open source technologies on the  
server are currently developing on Windows machines.  It seems to me  
that Apple is trying to get as many developers buying and using Apple  
hardware as possible.  Even Windows (e.g. ASP.NET) developers are  
using Macs now and just running Visual Studio in VMware Fusion.   
Running Windows, particularly Vista, on Fusion is in many ways  
superior to running it on a whitebox system.

So the focus of WWDC seems to be to bring in new developers.  We've  
already been sold on Apple so we're going to get less marketing until  
Apple itself develops something new and exciting, which it hasn't been  
doing lately aside from the iPhone.  Or rather I'm sure that Apple has  
been developing new and exciting things but they aren't at the salable  
stage yet.  Marketing WO is not really worth it to Apple at this point  
and WWDC is all about marketing developer technologies.


On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver standards- 
based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and  
iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:48 PM, David LeBer wrote:

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:14 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

WO is hard.  PHP is easy.  People expect Apple to equate with easy.   
Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make  
unmaintainable crap.

Come on, Chuck... don't be so condescending... I understand that a  
large part of WOF attraction is it snob, elitist appeal, but still...  
no reason to belittle everything else...

Plus... producing truly unmaintainable crap is not as straightforward  
as it sounds... with or without WOF...

How To Write Unmaintainable Code
-- Roedy Green

Big Ball of Mud
-- Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder

In any case, even the best of intention can turn into a unmitigated  
disaster in the blink of an eye:

How a beautiful software system becomes Frankenstein
-- Andriy Solovey


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread David den Boer

Hi Chuck,

See my signature below (and thank you!):

On Mar 13, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver  
standards-based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X,  
Windows, and iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

WO is hard.  PHP is easy.  People expect Apple to equate with  
easy.  Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy  
to make unmaintainable crap.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make  
unmaintainable crap.

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Jake Kauth

On 13 Mar 2008, at 21:14, Chuck Hill wrote:
Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make  
unmaintainable crap.

hee hee

A corollary:

There's more than one way to make unmaintainable crap with Perl.


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Schrag
I recognize that Apple has nearly zero incentive to market WO and that  
it has but a tentative association with selling Xserves.  I'm  
completely a realist about this.  I'm not asking for them to give WO a  
marketing budget, because it honestly doesn't make sense.  I just find  
it to be really unfortunate that it doesn't even make the list.


On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:30 PM, David Elliott wrote:

Hi Mike,

I assume Apple figures that it has introduced about as many people  
as it can to the OS X specific technologies that enable rapid  
application development.

I think the plan now is to grab the people using existing cross- 
platform technologies and get them onto Macintosh by illustrating  
that a Mac makes a better developer's platform than the  
alternatives.  That gets more developers using Macs so the barrier  
to exploring the OS X specific technologies is lowered.

An unbelievable number of people using open source technologies on  
the server are currently developing on Windows machines.  It seems  
to me that Apple is trying to get as many developers buying and  
using Apple hardware as possible.  Even Windows (e.g. ASP.NET)  
developers are using Macs now and just running Visual Studio in  
VMware Fusion.  Running Windows, particularly Vista, on Fusion is in  
many ways superior to running it on a whitebox system.

So the focus of WWDC seems to be to bring in new developers.  We've  
already been sold on Apple so we're going to get less marketing  
until Apple itself develops something new and exciting, which it  
hasn't been doing lately aside from the iPhone.  Or rather I'm sure  
that Apple has been developing new and exciting things but they  
aren't at the salable stage yet.  Marketing WO is not really worth  
it to Apple at this point and WWDC is all about marketing developer  


On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as  
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver  
standards-based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X,  
Windows, and iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:48 PM, David LeBer wrote:

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Simon McLean
No, no, no!! Come on, Chuck, please be condescending. I laughed my  
socks off at the last quote.


On 13 Mar 2008, at 21:30, Petite Abeille wrote:

Come on, Chuck... don't be so condescending...

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Re: WO WebStart problem

2008-03-13 Thread David Avendasora
I don't think the launch script is actually calling the JNLP. It just  
calls the actual java class directly from the server, as opposed to  
the JNLP file doing it.

Here's all the Component and Java stuff involved:

Main.html page:



JavaClientLink: WOHyperlink {
href = javaClientLink;

public String javaClientLink() {
return WOJavaClientComponent.webStartActionURL(context(),

Which Calls JavaClient component:




JavaClientComponent: WOJavaClientComponent {
applicationClassName =  

applicationName = Bakery Management Admin;
applicationDescription = Bakery Management Admin Application;
downloadClientClasses = noDownloadClientClasses;
vendor = David Avendasora, Best Maid Cookie Company;

package com.bestmaid.bakeryManagement.server;

import com.webobjects.appserver.*;

public class JavaClient extends WOComponent {

public JavaClient(WOContext context) {

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:41 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:33, David Avendasora wrote:

It appears to be listing _two_ files there. One is in the /Library/ 
WebServer/Documents directory. This is a Servlet deployment sent  
to /Library/Tomcat/webapps/. Of course it can't find it in there.  
The second file seems to be the proper URL, but it can't find that  

Any guesses?

Well, it sounds like the reference you have to the JNLP in your  
WebComponent is somehow screwed up. Maybe if you posted the  
component bindings, somebody would be able to see the problem more  

Apparently (since you actually CAN open the JNLP through the launch  
script) this has nothing to do with the JC part of things. Maybe you  
can log how and where WOLips finds and launches the JNLP?

I'm just guessing here, WebStart is not really my thing...


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

On Mar 13, 2008, at 2:39 PM, Jake Kauth wrote:

On 13 Mar 2008, at 21:14, Chuck Hill wrote:
Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to  
make unmaintainable crap.

hee hee

A corollary:

There's more than one way to make unmaintainable crap with Perl.


WWAPDD?  What would a Perl developer do?

Perl: an abomination upon software development.

Chuck and not a great fan of Perl syntax


Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:40 PM, Simon McLean wrote:

No, no, no!! Come on, Chuck, please be condescending. I laughed my  
socks off at the last quote.

If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete  
themselves upon execution

-- Robert Sewell

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Perl: an abomination upon software development.

Java is the most distressing thing to happen to computing since MS-DOS
-- Alan Kay
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Strange servlet behaviour with WOSession subclass

2008-03-13 Thread Jeff Smith

Hi All,
Just a quick question for anyone out there deploying with Tomcat  WAR  
files.  I have an existing application that runs fine under the  
standard WO deployment on Xserve (10.4/WO5.3) and I've spend the last  
week or so getting it into 10.5/Eclipse/WOLips so that I can deploy to  
Tomcat/Linux.  Both running Sun Java 1.5.  Using the latest Eclipse/ 
WOLips on 10.5 along with the latest 5.4 WO.

The really crazy thing is that although it compiles and runs fine in  
my Eclipse/WOLips dev environment, once it gets to the servlet  
container (via a .war file) it complains about not being able to find  
my keys/methods/instance vars in Session.  They're certainly in there,  
so before I go tearing through the app to debug, has anyone seen  
anything like this during servlet/war deployment?  My bindings are of  
the session.keyname type and I believe it's actually trying to use  
WOSession instead of my subclass.

Thanks for any help or points in the right direction!!


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Pierce T. Wetter III

Perl: an abomination upon software development.

Chuck and not a great fan of Perl syntax

 Ya know, I used to feel like Perl was well, line noise.

 Then I read Effective Perl Programing.

 And I realized, Perl isn't line noise.

 It's math. Yeah, there's a lot of symbols and stuff, but math has  
lots of symbols and stuff. The whole regular expression thing makes  
the line noise problem worse, but regular expressions just look like  

 I think people judge Perl a bit unfairly. It grew out of awk/sed/sh  
scripting, and its way better then any of those other options. I would  
much rather maintain a .pl script then a .sh script. At least with  
Perl I don't have to figure out the eval command every time I want to  
add two numbers together.

 So if I want to parse a text file, mangle the data in it, and spit  
out another text file, I use perl.

 If I want to write a .sh script that has any branching at all, I use  
perl instead.

 The real problem with perl is that people use it for programs  than  
about 2 pages of source. That's where you start getting into trouble.  
At that point, use Python, cause it can do the same regular expression  
stuff, and you end up with decent code at the end.

 So perl? Great tool, but its duct tape. Don't build your house out  
of it.



 Meanwhile, Ant still sucks.

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Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Peter Thompson
Can the following behaviour be explained please.
We have an attribute defined in our model as:

Name - endDate
Column - END_DATE
External Type - timestamp
Allows Null - unchecked
Data Type - Timestamp - NS Timestamp T

When I generate SQL this attribute gets the following SQL generated:


While I can understand the default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP why does it add
the on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP?  Can this behaviour be switched off?
Peter Thompson

Senior Developer/Architect

Run The Red  



M:  + 64 21 241 3266  /  + 64 27 441 3255

DDI:  + 64 4 801 2806

P: +64 4 384 6880  F: +64 4 384 6875

Skype: peterwgtnnz

PO Box 11-703,

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Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand 


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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Miguel Arroz


  [ Everyone fighting around about programming languages ]

  Came on guys, you have some years of experience, you should know  
better: this all sucks. Period.

  Now, back to the subject, what makes me really pissed off is seeing  
Apple promoting other technologies like perl and python and RoR and  
whatever, and not their own. It's not just a oh they should market  
that thing. It's that, if I *pay* to go to an Apple conference, if I  
go to an **Apple** conference, I ***want*** to see Apple stuff. If I  
wanted to see RoR or perl on any of that crap, I would go to the  
matching conference.

  I hope we don't end like last year (or 2006? I don't recall) when  
people asked about WO on the Web Server session and the 37 signals guy  
said yeah, you want to talk about WO in every session, next question  
please. Oh, I'm sorry, I though I was on an Apple conference...

  Anyway, it's the same thing every year. At least we don't see  
people running around screaming Oh my god, they have killed it! any  


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

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Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Schrag

When I generate SQL this attribute gets the following SQL generated:
`END_DATE` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update  
While I can understand the default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP why does it  
add the on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP?  Can this behaviour be  
switched off?
Entity Modeler doesn't generate SQL, it uses EOF.  What version of WO,  
what database, what plugin?

ms ___
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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Q
Is there the possibility this year of making the course material,  
videos etc available for purchase by people who don't attend?

WO doesn't really seem to be very important to apple from a WWDC  
perspective, and I don't think they are too concerned about WO  
specific information being made public outside WWDC, so perhaps Pierre  
could help out in this regard if NDA's are likely to be an issue.

On 14/03/2008, at 6:49 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Yeah, I can start organize WOWODC :-)

June 9 - 13


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Quinton Dolan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia (GMT+10)
Ph: +61 419 729 806

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Gavin Eadie
Actually, I believe I've noticed a slight up-tick in the number of  
'novice' WebObjects users in the WebObjects and WOLips/Wonder mailing  
lists.  If this is not my imagination, there's still people out there  
joining our platform .. Gavin

On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:30 PM, David Elliott wrote:

I assume Apple figures that it has introduced about as many people  
as it can to the OS X specific technologies that enable rapid  
application development.

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

On Mar 13, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Q wrote:

Is there the possibility this year of making the course material,  
videos etc available for purchase by people who don't attend?

That was always the plan.  However... we had a large number of A/V  
technical problems.  Development skill apparently does not carry over  
to A/V skills.  The results were less than fully satisfactory.  We  
should be prepared this year.

WO doesn't really seem to be very important to apple from a WWDC  
perspective, and I don't think they are too concerned about WO  
specific information being made public outside WWDC, so perhaps  
Pierre could help out in this regard if NDA's are likely to be an  

This is Apple.  Secrecy and NDAs are always an issue.  They pay full  
attention to WO in this area.  I think Pierre's hands are pretty  
firmly tied in what he can say.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Pascal Robert

Le 08-03-13 à 18:57, Chuck Hill a écrit :

On Mar 13, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Q wrote:

Is there the possibility this year of making the course material,  
videos etc available for purchase by people who don't attend?

That was always the plan.  However... we had a large number of A/V  
technical problems.  Development skill apparently does not carry  
over to A/V skills.  The results were less than fully  
satisfactory.  We should be prepared this year.

I can resume the A/V problems to this:

- DON'T EVER USE a PowerBook G4 as a iMovie capture station

- it's even worse to use a PowerBook G4 as a iMovie capture station  
AND a AirPort Base Station

- wired microphones are a PITA

- bad lengthy VGA cable is BAD

WO doesn't really seem to be very important to apple from a WWDC  
perspective, and I don't think they are too concerned about WO  
specific information being made public outside WWDC, so perhaps  
Pierre could help out in this regard if NDA's are likely to be an  

This is Apple.  Secrecy and NDAs are always an issue.  They pay  
full attention to WO in this area.  I think Pierre's hands are  
pretty firmly tied in what he can say.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Fwd: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Schrag

Begin forwarded message:

From: Peter Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: March 13, 2008 6:49:07 PM EDT
Subject: RE: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

WO 5.3, MySQL, WoLips

] On Behalf Of Mike Schrag

Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 11:40 a.m.
To: AppleWO List
Subject: Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?
Importance: High

When I generate SQL this attribute gets the following SQL generated:
`END_DATE` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update  
While I can understand the default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP why does it  
add the on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP?  Can this behaviour be  
switched off?
Entity Modeler doesn't generate SQL, it uses EOF.  What version of  
WO, what database, what plugin?


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Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Schrag
Are you sure timestamp is the correct external type?  I seem to  
recall that timestamp on mysql actually is a last modified stamp?   
hazy memory, though.


On Mar 13, 2008, at 7:09 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Peter Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: March 13, 2008 6:49:07 PM EDT
Subject: RE: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

WO 5.3, MySQL, WoLips

] On Behalf Of Mike Schrag

Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 11:40 a.m.
To: AppleWO List
Subject: Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?
Importance: High

When I generate SQL this attribute gets the following SQL generated:
`END_DATE` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update  
While I can understand the default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP why does it  
add the on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP?  Can this behaviour be  
switched off?
Entity Modeler doesn't generate SQL, it uses EOF.  What version of  
WO, what database, what plugin?


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Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Andrew Lindesay

Yes; I think that should be datetime for MySQL.


Are you sure timestamp is the correct external type?  I seem to  
recall that timestamp on mysql actually is a last modified stamp?   
hazy memory, though.


WO 5.3, MySQL, WoLips

Andrew Lindesay
technology :
business :

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[SOLVED] RE: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Peter Thompson
Yes your are correct.  From the MySQL manual:

A TIMESTAMP column is useful for recording the date and time of
an INSERT or UPDATE operation. By default, the first TIMESTAMP column in
a table is automatically set to the date and time of the most recent
operation if you do not assign it a value yourself. You can also set any
TIMESTAMP column to the current date and time by assigning it a NULL
value. Variations on automatic initialization and update properties are
described in Section, TIMESTAMP Properties .

Learning something new everyday!
Many thanks for your help!

com] On Behalf Of Mike Schrag
Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 12:12 p.m.
To: AppleWO List
Subject: Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

Are you sure timestamp is the correct external type?  I seem to recall
that timestamp on mysql actually is a last modified stamp?  hazy memory,


On Mar 13, 2008, at 7:09 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Peter Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: March 13, 2008 6:49:07 PM EDT
Subject: RE: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

WO 5.3, MySQL, WoLips

com] On Behalf Of Mike Schrag
Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 11:40 a.m.
To: AppleWO List
Subject: Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?
Importance: High

When I generate SQL this attribute gets the
following SQL generated:

`END_DATE` timestamp NOT NULL default

While I can understand the default
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP why does it add the on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP?
Can this behaviour be switched off?

Entity Modeler doesn't generate SQL, it uses EOF.  What
version of WO, what database, what plugin?


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[SOLVED] RE: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

2008-03-13 Thread Peter Thompson
Yes agreed.


-Original Message-
com] On Behalf Of Andrew Lindesay
Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 12:16 p.m.
To: AppleWO List
Subject: Re: Entity Modeler - Strange Behaviour?

Yes; I think that should be datetime for MySQL.


 Are you sure timestamp is the correct external type?  I seem to  
 recall that timestamp on mysql actually is a last modified stamp?   
 hazy memory, though.
 WO 5.3, MySQL, WoLips

Andrew Lindesay
technology :
business :

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Simon McLean
WO doesn't really seem to be very important to apple from a WWDC  

I agree. For us non-US based developers I just can't see it's worth  
the cost and effort to go to WWDC...

Simon ___
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Re: String Qualifier for Number

2008-03-13 Thread shaun

Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Carter Wojcik wrote:

Hi All -

My users want to have the ability to search on a
Number attribute, but use String qualifiers such as
Contains ('*value*'), Begins With ('value*'), Ends
With ('*value').

I have a table named part that contains a primaryKey
named part_id (Number and exposed) and a String called

Is there a way to create an EOQualifier that
replicates the SQL in the example below?

Example: Select all parts with a part_id that begins
with 3.
select * from part where to_char(part_id) like '3%';


Add a new attribute called partIDAsString
Set the column to part_id
Set the datatype as string
Mark it as read only
Set the read format to to_char(%P)

Then make a qualifier on partIDAsString.

Interesting approach. I hope it works.

The other day I was trying to do exactly the same thing as descibed by 

I used the Wonder RegExQualifier class as a base for my own EOQualifier 
implementation and created the sql as required calling to_char(id)
it was all going well up until it actually had to do the fetch, thats 
when JDBCColumn in the JDBCAdaptor classes got in the way and spoiled 
the fun; it checks that the object type provided matches the models type 
 but '%1001%' is NAN so it throws an Exception. I'm not sure if there 
is somethign i can do to get around this or not?

At that stage i figured i needed to try something else. Your idea above 
is next in line.

 - shaun

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Q

On 14/03/2008, at 8:57 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Q wrote:

Is there the possibility this year of making the course material,  
videos etc available for purchase by people who don't attend?

That was always the plan.  However... we had a large number of A/V  
technical problems.  Development skill apparently does not carry  
over to A/V skills.  The results were less than fully satisfactory.   
We should be prepared this year.

WO doesn't really seem to be very important to apple from a WWDC  
perspective, and I don't think they are too concerned about WO  
specific information being made public outside WWDC, so perhaps  
Pierre could help out in this regard if NDA's are likely to be an  

This is Apple.  Secrecy and NDAs are always an issue.  They pay full  
attention to WO in this area.  I think Pierre's hands are pretty  
firmly tied in what he can say.

Yes, although I didn't mean to infer that apple doesn't care about WO  
from an NDA perspective, more that if there was a potential issue  
preventing the content from being made available there are people who  
could potentially help expedite or coordinate the necessary official  
announcements to make things legit.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  


Quinton Dolan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia (GMT+10)
Ph: +61 419 729 806

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Florijan Stamenkovic
To fuel the flames of righteous rage, the word iPhone is used 33  
times on the web page. More times then Mac, Apple, computer, life,  
develop*, and possibly even more times then punctuation symbols.

Maybe we should all just stop programming, get an iPhone, move to the  
Caribbean, and multi-touch ourselves into paradise :)


On Mar 13, 2008, at 16:48, David LeBer wrote:

June 9 - 13

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Hill

On Mar 13, 2008, at 6:16 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

To fuel the flames of righteous rage, the word iPhone is used 33  
times on the web page. More times then Mac, Apple, computer, life,  
develop*, and possibly even more times then punctuation symbols.

Maybe we should all just stop programming, get an iPhone, move to  
the Caribbean, and multi-touch ourselves into paradise :)

Now THAT sounds like a Tshirt for Mike to make: I multi-touch myself.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread David Avendasora

Best. Quote. Ever.

Especially when said with the scorn and derision that I think it was.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 9:16 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

multi-touch ourselves into paradise

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Q

On 14/03/2008, at 9:05 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Le 08-03-13 à 18:57, Chuck Hill a écrit :

On Mar 13, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Q wrote:

Is there the possibility this year of making the course material,  
videos etc available for purchase by people who don't attend?

That was always the plan.  However... we had a large number of A/V  
technical problems.  Development skill apparently does not carry  
over to A/V skills.  The results were less than fully  
satisfactory.  We should be prepared this year.

I can resume the A/V problems to this:

- DON'T EVER USE a PowerBook G4 as a iMovie capture station

- it's even worse to use a PowerBook G4 as a iMovie capture station  
AND a AirPort Base Station

You might want to take a simple approach next time,  use real video  
cameras running off A/C adapters, record to tape then suck it into  
your edit station later using firewire.

- wired microphones are a PITA

Minidisc players were good for this years ago, when you could still  
buy them. I don't know what devices are usually used these days, but  
you could record the audio stand alone and mix it back in later using  
the camera audio to sync things together.

- bad lengthy VGA cable is BAD


Quinton Dolan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia (GMT+10)
Ph: +61 419 729 806

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Re: WWDC 08

2008-03-13 Thread Gordon Belray


I'd offer to record the event, but I'm not sure if I'll make it down.

Is there the possibility this year of making the course  
material, videos etc available for purchase by people who don't  

That was always the plan.  However... we had a large number of A/ 
V technical problems.  Development skill apparently does not  
carry over to A/V skills.  The results were less than fully  
satisfactory.  We should be prepared this year.

I can resume the A/V problems to this:

- DON'T EVER USE a PowerBook G4 as a iMovie capture station

- it's even worse to use a PowerBook G4 as a iMovie capture  
station AND a AirPort Base Station

You might want to take a simple approach next time,  use real video  
cameras running off A/C adapters, record to tape then suck it into  
your edit station later using firewire.

I normally use a good DV cam with XLR audio in, there's often an  
audio line out that you can plug straight into. I rarely use tapes  
anymore, I record straight to Quicktime on my laptop using Wirecast  
and firewire to the camera. Wirecast allows for an array of scene  
selections including the presenter's desktop, you can do this  
wirelessly through a local network.

- wired microphones are a PITA

Minidisc players were good for this years ago, when you could still  
buy them. I don't know what devices are usually used these days,  
but you could record the audio stand alone and mix it back in later  
using the camera audio to sync things together.

Post-production is BAD.

- bad lengthy VGA cable is BAD


Gordon Belray
Information Architect and Imaging System Manager
Information Technology Services Robarts Library
416.946.8617cell: 416.427.7007

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2008-03-13 Thread Gustavo Pizano
Finally I finished the tutorial.. heheh I understood most of what I  
did, I will read more to get clear what I didn't.
Pity what I read about the WWDC08, are they trying to bury the WO  
framework? anyway.. I will keep learning becuae I LOVE developing on a  
mac, and more when it with its own FW.


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Re: FInally

2008-03-13 Thread David LeBer

On 13-Mar-08, at 10:56 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:

Finally I finished the tutorial.. heheh I understood most of what I  
did, I will read more to get clear what I didn't.
Pity what I read about the WWDC08, are they trying to bury the WO  
framework? anyway.. I will keep learning becuae I LOVE developing on  
a mac, and more when it with its own FW.

Oh, don't pay any attention to the snarky comments. They start this  
time every year.

The WO Community is infinitely stronger and more cohesive then anytime  
in recent memory and the frameworks are far from dead.

So you picked a good time to join us.


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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OpenLaszo WebObjects

2008-03-13 Thread Daniel Brajkovic

If anyone can answer the questions on my post, that would be great.

Well, when I started investigating what tools I was going to use to  
develop my site, I discovered OpenLaszlo. Of the free tools I have  
investigated so far, it is by far the easiest and quickest way to  
develop a very attractive front end. And it's completely object-orient  
which should make WebObjects folks feel right at home. Furthermore, it  
deploys as a JSP. It gets better and better. Well almost...

OpenLaszlo has several ways to get data into its front end. It can  
read XML files and through JSP servlets it can access any JDBC  
database from what I could tell. Now for a WebApp where the user just  
retrieves information (e.g. real estate listings), one could create a  
WO app with DirectAction methods that return XML. Great!

However, I would imagine that's not the best way to make a fully  
interactive app. Well, according to the OpenLaszlo (OL)docs, they  
have a Java-RPC. From what I can tell, your OL app (since it is a  
servlet itself) can access the objects of other Java classes as long  
as the classes are in the the OL app folder. Unfortunately, I'm not a  
Tomcat, J2EE, JSP (whatever) expert...heck, I'm barely a novice. So I  
have no idea how one would actually accomplish this.

But the thought of it is surely exciting. Instead of worrying about  
SOAP or XML, being able to directly access our WO Objects would be the  
greatest thing since sliced bread. If anyone who has done this or  
might have an dea of how to do it. Please post a step-by-step  
tutorial. You would be my saviour and when I sell my app to Google for  
$832 million, I'll make sure you get a piece of the pie!

Daniel Brajkovic
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2008-03-13 Thread Ken Foust


Lets face it.  Apple had the best mousetrap with WO.  They did not  
maintain it and now have a big void

relying on opensource.  No enterprise - Just bring on the Trinkets.
Pretty disgusting and still looking at this site once and a while -  
Apple has created a nightmare - but they don't really care
just buy a iphone and move on.   They know they can be very bad and  
still be better than windows.   They will probably let Sun up

with their visual web program which just may come back to haunt them.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 3:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: WWDC 08 (David den Boer)
  2. Re: WWDC 08 (Jake Kauth)
  3. Re: WWDC 08 (Mike Schrag)
  4. Re: WWDC 08 (Simon McLean)
  5. Re: WO WebStart problem (David Avendasora)
  6. Re: WWDC 08 (Chuck Hill)
  7. Re: WWDC 08 (Petite Abeille)
  8. Re: WWDC 08 (Petite Abeille)
  9. Strange servlet behaviour with WOSession subclass (Jeff Smith)
 10. Re: WWDC 08 (Pierce T. Wetter III)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 21:33:53 +
From: David den Boer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: WWDC 08
Cc: AppleWO List
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Chuck,

See my signature below (and thank you!):

On Mar 13, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

See how to use built-in and optimized web technologies such as
Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL, deliver
standards-based in-house applications to Safari on Mac OS X,
Windows, and iPhone OS.

Seriously, Apple. WTF.

WO is hard.  PHP is easy.  People expect Apple to equate with
easy.  Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy
to make unmaintainable crap.



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Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make
unmaintainable crap.

-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:39:15 -0700
From: Jake Kauth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: WWDC 08
Cc: AppleWO List
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On 13 Mar 2008, at 21:14, Chuck Hill wrote:

Sure, you make unmaintainable crap with PHP, but it is easy to make
unmaintainable crap.

hee hee

A corollary:

There's more than one way to make unmaintainable crap with Perl.



-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:39:16 -0400
From: Mike Schrag [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: WWDC 08
To: AppleWO List
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

I recognize that Apple has nearly zero incentive to market WO and that
it has but a tentative association with selling Xserves.  I'm
completely a realist about this.  I'm not asking for them to give WO a
marketing budget, because it honestly doesn't make sense.  I just find
it to be really unfortunate that it doesn't even make the list.


On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:30 PM, David Elliott wrote:

Hi Mike,

I assume Apple figures that it has introduced about as many people
as it can to the OS X specific technologies that enable rapid
application development.

I think the plan now is to grab the people using existing cross-
platform technologies and get them onto Macintosh by illustrating
that a Mac makes a better developer's platform than the
alternatives.  That gets more developers using Macs so the barrier