[weewx-user] Re: can we run rtl_sdr on rasberry pi and weewx on debian server

2019-11-10 Thread Craig Thom
I've had a headless Pi 3 running WeeWX with rtl_sdr for two and a half 
years without a problem.  I had to add a pressure sensor to the Pi, but 
that was fun.

I just ran updates and rebooted it.  The last time I did that was in 
February, and it had run continuously since then.

On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 10:47:07 AM UTC-5, Luc Theoret wrote:
> Hi,
> I have raspberry pi running rtl_sdr  and it works great. The weewx 
> reporting part not so much.
> I have a debian server that I installed weewx on and seams to work but 
> there is no input as the input is from the raspberry pi
> could I aquire on the raspberry pi and send the data to weewx on the 
> server or could I acquire directly on the debian server?
> I am using an acurite 5-in-1 and 2 external sensors. the rtl_sdr seams to 
> work great. the weewx report does not.
> The data is in the mysql database.
> I would like to use the pi as a sdr sensor and not run weewx on the pi.
> Thanks,
> LTheoret

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[weewx-user] Re: Looking for reliable weather station -- reliably working with WeeWX

2018-05-18 Thread Craig Thom
I am also using an Acurite 5-in-1 (and eight additional sensors (including 
the lightning sensor)) connected to a Raspberry Pi.

rtl_sdr is the tuner, and rtl_433 uses rtl_sdr to receive and decode 
packets from known devices, including the Acurite ones.  Then the WeeWX SDR 
driver uses rtl_433 to read the data.

The only catch is that you lose the pressure sensor if you bypass the 
Acurite display or hub or Access, since that's where the pressure sensor 
is.  I bought a BMP280 breakout board and wrote a WeeWX service to read it 
(using i2c, because I couldn't get my SPI Python code to work, and I didn't 
want to use someone else's code).  It's possible there's a 433 MHz pressure 
sensor, which would be a lot easier.

On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 7:46:05 PM UTC-4, Max G wrote:
> :) OK, if I understand you correctly, there is a hardware interface of 
>> sort required between the weather station and the computer...
> I have got a 433MHz dongle... :) what software do you use do decode the 
> signal? Where does it run on? Raspberry? 

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[weewx-user] Re: WU API ?

2018-05-18 Thread Craig Thom
The free API key is good for a maximum of 10 calls per minute and 500 per 
day.  That's not enough for commercial use, or at least commercial use that 
could justify paying for a higher tier.

On Friday, May 18, 2018 at 4:01:56 AM UTC-4, Andrew Milner wrote:
> I shall wait and see.  I would expect them to continue to allow use of api 
> for your own weather station, but I can understand the reasons for 
> limitations (as there always have been) on the uses which used to be part 
> of other plans.  I am sure there are many 'users' who are really commercial 
> who are ripping off WU with there requests for data and trying to get the 
> data for free when they shouldn't be.
> So I'm not panicking just yet
> On Friday, 18 May 2018 10:49:36 UTC+3, gjr80 wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> You need to log out of WU, for non-WU user that page was the entry into 
>> the WU API, for logged in WU users it takes you to your analytics page. The 
>> non-WU users it now gives a blurb about The Weather Company 'series of data 
>> packages'. They are light on detail and whilst the don't indicate they are 
>> paid for they certainly don't indicate they are free either.
>> Other links of interest:
>> The wxforum.net thread:  http://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=34403.0
>> Thread in WU API Community forum:  
>> https://apicommunity.wunderground.com/weatherapi/topics/weather-underground-api-changes
>> See there is something in the API community thread about the smallest 
>> data package being $850 per month.
>> Gary

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[weewx-user] Re: Most reliable mini computer for weeWX?

2018-02-14 Thread Craig Thom
A few days later I'll also endorse the Raspberry Pi 3.  I've been running 
WeeWX on it for a year and haven't had any outages that weren't my own 

I should probably back up the micro SD card, since it's been in use for a 

This thing has not stopped working.  No outages.  Uptime runs from whenever 
I do an apt-get update to the next time (I always reboot after doing an 
upgrade because that's one of the times weewx crapped out, when I updated 
some system stuff).

I have no experience with other systems.  

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 2:38:36 PM UTC-5, Alec Bennett wrote:
> I've been running weeWX on a Beaglebone Black for about a year now, and 
> the thing has been freezing about once a month. It's running headless so is 
> hard to diagnose.
> I'm probably going to switch to a Pi, but thought I'd see if anyone has 
> any other suggestions for a very reliable mini computer that plays nice 
> with weeWX?

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[weewx-user] Re: FTP Issue

2018-01-08 Thread Craig Thom
sudo service weewx restart

works fine.  The one little problem I've seen is that, if you are using the 
SDR driver, it can come back up before rtl_433 has quit and is ready to go 
again, so weewx delays and tries again.

On Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 3:02:29 PM UTC-5, Dave Walker wrote:
> I just noticed something in your post, Vince.I have never used the 
> restart command. Am I missing something there?
> Dave W.
> On Sunday, 7 January 2018 13:59:50 UTC-6, Dave Walker wrote:
>> Yes...very careful with that.
>> I use sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start or stop depending on the context.

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[weewx-user] Re: Peet Brothers [Error no 2] ttyUSB0 issue

2018-01-02 Thread Craig Thom
Have you used this FTDI adapter in other situations or a different one?

I ask because there are apparently lots of counterfeit FTDI chips out 

On Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 10:33:25 PM UTC-5, Terry Hock wrote:
> Hi,
>I am trying to get the Peet Brothers Ultimeter 2100 working *reliably*. 
> The issues appears to be the serial-USB converter. The system can run 
> flawless for hours or at other times no more than 10 minutes and then weewx 
> stops updating. I have previously used an Accurite weather station with no 
> issues, so I am only changing the driver by using wee_config.
> Looking at the syslog file I get the following messages:
> ultimeter: driver version is 0.18
> ultimeter: using serial port /dev/tty/USB0
> import of driver failed: [Errorno2] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0: 
> [Errorno2] no such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
> engine: unable to load driver: [Errorno2] could not open port 
> /dev/ttryUSB0: no such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
>    Exiting. . .
> The USB-serial converter is an FTDI , which in the past I have found to 
> very reliable.
> weewx version: 3.7.1
> Raspberry Pi 2
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Terry

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[weewx-user] Re: SDR and Acurite 5-in-1 not reporting wind speed

2017-12-31 Thread Craig Thom
I know enough just to screw things up, so I'm probably wrong, and I have 
not updated sdr_433, but

I just looked through sdr.py, and, for the 5n1 sensor, the parse_text 
method has both "wind_speed" and "wind_speed_mph", but the parse_json 
method, which is decoding msg_type 49, does not.

I am not a programmer, but I bet adding it to this section of sdr.py would 
do the trick.  It couldn't hurt much, anyway.

if msg_type == 49: # 0x31
pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed') # mph?
pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
pkt['rain_counter'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'raincounter_raw')
pkt['wind_speed_mph'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_mph')

On Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 10:28:32 PM UTC-5, Greg Gowins wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I recently made the update to 3.8.0 and everything seems to be working 
> except wind speed.  It looks like maybe there was a name change in the 
> rtl_sdr (the -R number did also change from 39 to 40) but I've changed it 
> in the weewx.conf mapping, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
> Here's the changed weewx.conf mapping area:
> [SDR]
> # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
> # The driver to use
> driver = user.sdr
> log_unknown_sensors = True
> log_unmapped_sensors = True
> cmd = /usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -q -U -f433923000 -Fjson -R40
> [[sensor_map]]
> windDir = wind_dir.0832.Acurite5n1Packet
> windSpeed = wind_speed_mph.0832.Acurite5n1Packet
> outTemp = temperature.0832.Acurite5n1Packet
> outHumidity = humidity.0832.Acurite5n1Packet
> rain_total = rain_total.0832.Acurite5n1Packet
> strikes_total = strikes_total.56AF.AcuriteLightningPacket
> distance = distance.56AF.AcuriteLightningPacket
> #   extraTemp1 = temperature.566F.AcuriteLightningPacket
> #   extraHumid1 = humidity.566F.AcuriteLightningPacket
> [[deltas]]
> strikes = strikes_total
> rain = rain_total
> And here is what is in the log:
> Jan  1 03:21:35 raspberrypi weewx[18624]: sdr: MainThread: lines=['{"time" 
> : "2018-01-01 03:21:34", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 
> 2098, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" 
> : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.765, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : 
> "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 16}\n', 
> '{"time" : "2018-01-01 03:21:34", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", 
> "sensor_id" : 2098, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", 
> "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.765, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, 
> "wind_dir" : "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" 
> : 16}\n', '{"time" : "2018-01-01 03:21:34", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", 
> "sensor_id" : 2098, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", 
> "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.765, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, 
> "wind_dir" : "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" 
> : 16}\n']
> Jan  1 03:21:35 raspberrypi weewx[18624]: sdr: MainThread: 
> packet={'windDir': 337.5, 'rain_total': 0.16, 'usUnits': 1, 'dateTime': 
> 1514776894}
> Jan  1 03:21:35 raspberrypi weewx[18624]: sdr: MainThread: 
> packet={'windDir': 337.5, 'rain_total': 0.16, 'usUnits': 1, 'dateTime': 
> 1514776894}
> Jan  1 03:21:35 raspberrypi weewx[18624]: sdr: MainThread: 
> packet={'windDir': 337.5, 'rain_total': 0.16, 'usUnits': 1, 'dateTime': 
> 1514776894}
> If I change the weewx.conf mappings to use just the 
> wind_speed.0832.Acurite5n1Packet, then this is what I see in the logs:
> Jan  1 03:25:56 raspberrypi weewx[19036]: sdr: MainThread: 
> lines=['2018-01-01 03:25:51 Acurite lightning 0x56AF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
> 24.8 F 91 % RH Strikes 31 Distance 22 L_status 0x00 - c0  56  af  db  4d  
> d4  9f  96  f6 \n', '{"time" : "2018-01-01 03:25:53", "model" : "Acurite 
> 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 2098, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, 
> "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 7.823, 
> "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" 
> : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 16}\n', '{"time" : "2018-01-01 03:25:53", 
> "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 2098, "channel" : "A", 
> "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" 
> : 7.823, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : "NNW", 
> "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 16}\n', '{"time" 
> : "2018-01-01 03:25:53", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 
> 2098, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" 
> : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 7.823, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : 
> "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 16}\n']
> Jan  1 03:25:56 raspberrypi weewx[19036]: sdr: MainThread: 
> packet={'distance': 22.0, 'dateTime': 1514777151, 'usUnits': 

[weewx-user] Re: Help weewx.conf for station registry

2017-12-31 Thread Craig Thom
That station registry is just a collection of people running weewx.  That 
is independent of Weather Underground or any other site.

The section you want for Weather Underground is this one.  The station ID 
and station key (which you enter here as password) you from Weather 
Underground after you register your PWS.

# This section is for configuring posts to the Weather Underground.

# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify a station (e.g., 'KORHOODR3') and password.
enable = true
station = KKYLOUIS186
# To guard against parsing errors, put your password in quotes:
password = "xxx"

# Set the following to True to have weewx use the WU "Rapidfire"
# protocol. Not all hardware can support it. See the User's Guide.
rapidfire = False

On Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 3:25:18 PM UTC-5, torre...@gmail.com wrote:
> Sorry l’m a total newbee. Got weewx going no problems from the DEB 
> package. Would like to register the station and post the data to Weather 
> Underground. I don’t understand how to get  weewx.conf to work. I have 
> changed directory to: 
> $ cd /etc/weewx 
> But now what? sudo wee_congif —reconfigure does not bring anything in the 
> following section of the user guide: [StdRESTful] 
> This is my first Raspberry Pi project, and don’t understand permissions 
> and the directories yet. Any basic references would be appreciated. I 
> bought “Exploring Raspberry Pi” by Derek Molly. This book isn’t really 
> helping too much, I think I need it dumbed down to start. 
> Thanks, Brandon 
> User Guide Section: 
> [StdRESTful] 
> This section is for configuring the StdRESTful services, which upload to 
> simple RESTful servers such as the Weather Underground, PWSweather.com, or 
> CWOP. 
> [[StationRegistry]] 
> A registry of weeWX weather stations is maintained at weewx.com. Stations 
> are displayed on a map and a list at http://weewx.com/stations.html 
> How does the registry work? Individual weather stations periodically 
> contact the registry. Each station provides a URL to identify itself, plus 
> other information such as the station type and weeWX version. No personal 
> information, nor any meteorological data, is sent. 
> To add your station to this list, you must do two things: 
> Enable the StationRegistry in weewx.conf by setting the option 
> register_this_station to True. Your station will contact the registry once 
> per week. If your station does not contact the registry for about a month, 
> it will be removed from the list. 
> Provide a station_url, either in section [Station], or in the 
> [[StationRegistry]] section. 
> The station_url is used to uniquely identify each station, so choose it 
> carefully before you set register_this_station to True. 
> [StdRestful] 
> [[StationRegistry]] 
> register_this_station = True 
> register_this_station 
> Set this to True to register the weather station.

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[weewx-user] Re: Acurite (ugh), and weewx ona RasbPi.

2017-12-29 Thread Craig Thom
I built a pressure and temperature sensor using a BMP280 connected directly 
to the Raspberry Pi and wrote a driver.  It's too close to the Pi and my 
other computers to give useful temperature readings.  I bought an indoor 
Acurite temperature/humidity sensor and use that for indoor temp and 
humidity.  Actually I bought four of them, so I have lots of indoor 
temperature and humidity.

On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 12:03:50 PM UTC-5, Andy wrote:
> I switched to the USB SDR receiver so no longer using the USB console 
> connection. This driver  and a 
> $10 receiver from aliexpress like this 
> .
> You lose pressure and inside temperature since you are only connecting to 
> the outside unit, but there are ways to solve that issue

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[weewx-user] Re: Redundant and self synchronizing database between two systems - which approach (MQTT ?) ?

2017-12-29 Thread Craig Thom
Is weewx running on the Raspberry Pi?

Weewx on my Raspberry Pi uses MySQL for logging data.  I use master/slave 
replication to duplicate they database on my Windows computer, but it would 
certainly work on a Linux computer.  When either is down it catches up when 
they are both back up.

Replication is a built in function of MySQL.

On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 2:46:03 AM UTC-5, Markus wrote:
> Hello,
> i am building up a Raspberry Pi based home made weather station at my 
> garden house.
> The data collecting script will be self written (more to this script here: 
> https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=22428.0 )
> For a stable system the RasPi will run with a industrial grade microSD 
> (Transcend High Endurance) and a UPS.
> The weather data will be collected locally on the RasPi but should also be 
> stored on my Linux server - both are connected via LAN.
> The Linux server is also responsible for visualizing the weather data.
> When the Linux server or the RasPi were down, they should synchronize to 
> the latest available data automatically when they up again.
> My question:
> Which approach may be a good solution (and easy maintainable) for this 
> requirements?
> May be a mqtt with two servers be used?
> I am happy for every proposal.
> Regards
> Markus

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[weewx-user] Re: catching up on Weather Underground after internet outage

2017-08-27 Thread Craig Thom
Well, never mind.  It was showing data for yesterday, but now there's a 
gap.  So I guess it doesn't automatically update, and I should run 

On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 12:35:42 PM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> It works.  I didn't even know this was a feature.  The only reference I 
> can find to it in the documentation is the "stale" setting for CWOP to 
> prevent catching up, since CWOP apparently only handles real time data.
> My internet service at home was down for a few hours yesterday, and today 
> I discovered that Weather Underground wasn't missing any data.  CWOP is, 
> and WOW is, but WU isn't, and it gave me my gold star back.
> I looked at the log at the default level, and I can see where the uploads 
> failed and when they started again, but there's no reference to catching up.
> I think this automatic catch up for Weather Underground is worth 
> mentioning as a feature in the documentation.  Or, if it's there, maybe a 
> mention in a more obvious place.  It's a selling point, especially to users 
> of Acurite sensors, who are accustomed to WU being their only archive.  We 
> weewx users have our own databases, so Weather Underground isn't as 
> important, but it's still a nice feature.

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[weewx-user] catching up on Weather Underground after internet outage

2017-08-27 Thread Craig Thom
It works.  I didn't even know this was a feature.  The only reference I can 
find to it in the documentation is the "stale" setting for CWOP to prevent 
catching up, since CWOP apparently only handles real time data.

My internet service at home was down for a few hours yesterday, and today I 
discovered that Weather Underground wasn't missing any data.  CWOP is, and 
WOW is, but WU isn't, and it gave me my gold star back.

I looked at the log at the default level, and I can see where the uploads 
failed and when they started again, but there's no reference to catching up.

I think this automatic catch up for Weather Underground is worth mentioning 
as a feature in the documentation.  Or, if it's there, maybe a mention in a 
more obvious place.  It's a selling point, especially to users of Acurite 
sensors, who are accustomed to WU being their only archive.  We weewx users 
have our own databases, so Weather Underground isn't as important, but it's 
still a nice feature.

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[weewx-user] Re: US eclipse coming - any weewx sites in the totality zone ?

2017-08-03 Thread Craig Thom
I wish I'd thought of that earlier.  I don't think I've got time to put 
together any mobile weather monitoring between now and then.

My home is at 96%, so I'll be recording that (at normal 5 minute 
intervals).  My eclipse watching spot is less than a mile off the center 
line, between the sweet spot and the point of longest duration.

On Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 1:54:58 PM UTC-4, vince wrote:
> With the big eclipse coming in a couple weeks I was curious if there are 
> any weewx sites, preferably with rapidfire and/or timelapse or video 
> cameras in the totality zone.   It would be pretty cool to have a movie of 
> the event with rapidfire temperature readings etc. as things progress.
> FWIW - I'll be driving down I-5 at oh-dark-thirty to somewhere below 
> Portland along with the rest of the west coast, hoping to find someplace to 
> view it, as my station near Tacoma isn't in the totality zone

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[weewx-user] Re: Adding data from homemade wireless sensors to weewx

2017-06-21 Thread Craig Thom
Thanks.  I'm using the sdr driver, so I'm leaning toward a service, and 
I've already got a little experience writing one.

On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 6:05:12 PM UTC-4, Neville Davis wrote:
> In getting the data into weewx.I have a number of different sensors 
> i2C one wire and data from a web sever (json) from my Airconditioner...all 
> being input to weewx.
> My basic method is to get data as a csv file by running scripts from boot 
> ( i have 3 of these files being generated in a ramdisk) and then I use 2 
> methods...a driver the get all the weather data and a weewx service to get 
> the data from the aircon. The following is a screen shot of the current 
> conditions.
> On Monday, June 19, 2017 at 10:43:33 PM UTC+10, Craig Thom wrote:
>> Thanks.  My question is really about getting the data into weewx, but 
>> I'll worry about that later.
>> After another message about the sensors themselves, I've decided to go 
>> with low power 915MHz radio using the mysensors org protocol.  I should be 
>> able to get many months from 3xAA batteries.  The parts are coming from 
>> China, so I've got a month or two to think about getting them into weewx. 
>>  It will probably be after the eclipse, since I'll be spending increasing 
>> time testing the hardware and software to photograph it.
>> So sensors through mysensors hub to MQTT broker, and then somehow into 
>> weewx.  In August.
>> On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 11:28:27 AM UTC-4, Paul Bartholdi wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> It could be good to have a look at "http://www.yoctopuce.com;. The 
>>> company is based in Geneva, Switzerland, but send products worldwide, with 
>>> typical Swiss high quality. They have extremely low power hubs usb --> 
>>> Ethernet, gsm or WiFi, which can put all the boards asleep and wake up only 
>>> on command from central PC. Boards include barometer, temperature(s), 
>>> humidity, light and many other possibilities not so much related to weather 
>>> station. Software exists for most high level languages (C, C++, Java, 
>>> Python, shell (bash) etc.).
>>> MQTT looks very interesting, but I had no time yet to play with it.  To 
>>> interface other programs with weewx data, I simply interrogate the database 
>>> (mysql).
>>> Hope this helps. Paul
>>> On Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 3:53:48 PM UTC+2, Craig Thom wrote:
>>>> tl;dr What's the best way of getting home brew wireless sensor data 
>>>> into weewx?
>>>> I plan to build a soil moisture (and temperature) sensor for my garden 
>>>> bed.  I'll likely build another for leaf wetness and UV index, because the 
>>>> sensors are cheap and it will be fun.
>>>> The question is how best to get this data to weewx.  I am already using 
>>>> the SDR driver for my Acurite 5-in-1 and additional sensors.
>>>> I could use a 433MHz transmitter.  I think, though, I'd have to decide 
>>>> on how to make a packet, then modify rtl_433 to recognize that packet, 
>>>> then 
>>>> modify SDR.py to use that new rtl_433 packet.  This seems pretty 
>>>> complicated.
>>>> Or, since these sensors will be within range of wifi, I could use an 
>>>> ESP2866.  This is attractive because the microcontroller for reading the 
>>>> sensor and processing the data is in the same package.  I really like this 
>>>> idea.
>>>> But how do I get the data to weewx?
>>>> Because the sensor will be running on batteries (and maybe solar cells 
>>>> for the UV/leaf wetness one), I do not want to turn on the wifi radio 
>>>> except when absolutely necessary, so weewx will not be able to initiate 
>>>> contact.
>>>> My first thought was to use ftp, so the sensor connects to an FTP 
>>>> server on my network, probably on the RPi running weewx, and dumps a file. 
>>>>  Then I could write a service within weewx to check for that file, read 
>>>> it, 
>>>> and add the data to the LOOP packet.
>>>> But I was reading through old discussions here, and I found one using 
>>>> MQTT as a source for weewx.  There was no resolution reached, other than 
>>>> some references to weeRT that I didn't really understand (and weeRT is a 
>>>> lot harder to Google than weewx).  
>>>> MQTT is a

[weewx-user] Re: Adding data from homemade wireless sensors to weewx

2017-06-19 Thread Craig Thom
Thanks.  My question is really about getting the data into weewx, but I'll 
worry about that later.

After another message about the sensors themselves, I've decided to go with 
low power 915MHz radio using the mysensors org protocol.  I should be able 
to get many months from 3xAA batteries.  The parts are coming from China, 
so I've got a month or two to think about getting them into weewx.  It will 
probably be after the eclipse, since I'll be spending increasing time 
testing the hardware and software to photograph it.

So sensors through mysensors hub to MQTT broker, and then somehow into 
weewx.  In August.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 11:28:27 AM UTC-4, Paul Bartholdi wrote:
> Hello,
> It could be good to have a look at "http://www.yoctopuce.com;. The 
> company is based in Geneva, Switzerland, but send products worldwide, with 
> typical Swiss high quality. They have extremely low power hubs usb --> 
> Ethernet, gsm or WiFi, which can put all the boards asleep and wake up only 
> on command from central PC. Boards include barometer, temperature(s), 
> humidity, light and many other possibilities not so much related to weather 
> station. Software exists for most high level languages (C, C++, Java, 
> Python, shell (bash) etc.).
> MQTT looks very interesting, but I had no time yet to play with it.  To 
> interface other programs with weewx data, I simply interrogate the database 
> (mysql).
> Hope this helps. Paul
> On Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 3:53:48 PM UTC+2, Craig Thom wrote:
>> tl;dr What's the best way of getting home brew wireless sensor data into 
>> weewx?
>> I plan to build a soil moisture (and temperature) sensor for my garden 
>> bed.  I'll likely build another for leaf wetness and UV index, because the 
>> sensors are cheap and it will be fun.
>> The question is how best to get this data to weewx.  I am already using 
>> the SDR driver for my Acurite 5-in-1 and additional sensors.
>> I could use a 433MHz transmitter.  I think, though, I'd have to decide on 
>> how to make a packet, then modify rtl_433 to recognize that packet, then 
>> modify SDR.py to use that new rtl_433 packet.  This seems pretty 
>> complicated.
>> Or, since these sensors will be within range of wifi, I could use an 
>> ESP2866.  This is attractive because the microcontroller for reading the 
>> sensor and processing the data is in the same package.  I really like this 
>> idea.
>> But how do I get the data to weewx?
>> Because the sensor will be running on batteries (and maybe solar cells 
>> for the UV/leaf wetness one), I do not want to turn on the wifi radio 
>> except when absolutely necessary, so weewx will not be able to initiate 
>> contact.
>> My first thought was to use ftp, so the sensor connects to an FTP server 
>> on my network, probably on the RPi running weewx, and dumps a file.  Then I 
>> could write a service within weewx to check for that file, read it, and add 
>> the data to the LOOP packet.
>> But I was reading through old discussions here, and I found one using 
>> MQTT as a source for weewx.  There was no resolution reached, other than 
>> some references to weeRT that I didn't really understand (and weeRT is a 
>> lot harder to Google than weewx).  
>> MQTT is attractive because it's a standard, and other things could 
>> subscribe to the sensor data (like a home automation program, or something 
>> that will turn on the water to the garden bed).
>> I'd rather not start from scratch with the regular sensors; I'd like to 
>> keep using the sdr driver.
>> Is there some really obvious solution that I'm missing?  Is there code 
>> someone for producing Acurite-like radio packets so my sensors could just 
>> pretend to be a tower sensor or something?
>> (I was concerned about getting accurate numbers from a soil moisture 
>> sensor, because all my reading says it depends on soil type, and it needs 
>> to be calibrated, etc., but Davis doesn't do any of that calibration, and 
>> if just using relative moisture is good enough for them, it's good enough 
>> for me.)

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[weewx-user] Adding data from homemade wireless sensors to weewx

2017-06-13 Thread Craig Thom
tl;dr What's the best way of getting home brew wireless sensor data into 

I plan to build a soil moisture (and temperature) sensor for my garden bed. 
 I'll likely build another for leaf wetness and UV index, because the 
sensors are cheap and it will be fun.

The question is how best to get this data to weewx.  I am already using the 
SDR driver for my Acurite 5-in-1 and additional sensors.

I could use a 433MHz transmitter.  I think, though, I'd have to decide on 
how to make a packet, then modify rtl_433 to recognize that packet, then 
modify SDR.py to use that new rtl_433 packet.  This seems pretty 

Or, since these sensors will be within range of wifi, I could use an 
ESP2866.  This is attractive because the microcontroller for reading the 
sensor and processing the data is in the same package.  I really like this 

But how do I get the data to weewx?

Because the sensor will be running on batteries (and maybe solar cells for 
the UV/leaf wetness one), I do not want to turn on the wifi radio except 
when absolutely necessary, so weewx will not be able to initiate contact.

My first thought was to use ftp, so the sensor connects to an FTP server on 
my network, probably on the RPi running weewx, and dumps a file.  Then I 
could write a service within weewx to check for that file, read it, and add 
the data to the LOOP packet.

But I was reading through old discussions here, and I found one using MQTT 
as a source for weewx.  There was no resolution reached, other than some 
references to weeRT that I didn't really understand (and weeRT is a lot 
harder to Google than weewx).  

MQTT is attractive because it's a standard, and other things could 
subscribe to the sensor data (like a home automation program, or something 
that will turn on the water to the garden bed).

I'd rather not start from scratch with the regular sensors; I'd like to 
keep using the sdr driver.

Is there some really obvious solution that I'm missing?  Is there code 
someone for producing Acurite-like radio packets so my sensors could just 
pretend to be a tower sensor or something?

(I was concerned about getting accurate numbers from a soil moisture 
sensor, because all my reading says it depends on soil type, and it needs 
to be calibrated, etc., but Davis doesn't do any of that calibration, and 
if just using relative moisture is good enough for them, it's good enough 
for me.)

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[weewx-user] Re: MySQL server has gone away

2017-05-30 Thread Craig Thom
This is not an answer to your question, but, if you have root access to the 
database on the remote server, you can create one local to weewx and set up 
replication, with the weewx machine db the master and the remote one the 

Then you would just update the local one.  The remote db will automatically 
keep itself up to date.  If it is offline for a while, it will catch up 
when it gets back.

On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 10:22:16 PM UTC-4, Louis De Lange wrote:
> While there seem to be great excitement for the new meteotemplate 
> uploader, I previously wrote a service that updates my meteotemplate 
> database directly without an intermediate php script.  In the service i use 
> a ."getSql("INSERT INTO" statement.  This works really well and I even 
> resolved the dayrain issue that is now being discussed on another thread.
> There is one annoying bug and I dont know how to solve it.  My 
> meteotemplate install is located on a different server than weewx.  It can 
> sometimes happen that the meteotemplate server is temporarily unavailable. 
>  To overcome this scenario I use a "try" statement when inserting SQL data, 
> so that it will just skip the upload attempt if the MySQL server is not 
> available.  The bug is that the mysql insert command continue to fail after 
> the meteotemplate server becomes available again, and the only way to 
> correct it is to restart weewx. 
> The fail message is "Error (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')" and it 
> continues to be displayed after the meteotemplate server is back on line.
> Any ideas how to resolve this will be appreciated.
> Louis

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[weewx-user] Re: TE923 with Raspberry PI .. uptime info

2017-05-27 Thread Craig Thom
Thanks.  I must have done that during setup, because it's using all of my 
64GB card.

I've only been running a few months and my MySQL database is 27MB.  I have 
added a lot of columns, so that probably doesn't help.

On Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 10:08:44 AM UTC-4, Dennis slagers wrote:
> Having my weatherstation now +1 year and using the TE923 driver I was and 
> am using a rasberry pi to send the data to my website
> Initially I had a configuration issue: make sure you use piconfig to use 
> the full size of the SD card .. otherwise simple usage will cause the 
> device to be filled-up to 100%
> Fixing this solved 99% of all the issues
> The weewx database is now 21MB 
> uptime: 147 days on a raspberry pi 
> NB
> the only issue I had was that the USB was not properly initialized during 
> boot sometimes
> with some setttings changed on the pi I do not see it anymore
> https://www.aroundmyroom.com/2016/07/17/weatherstation-and-te923-usb-issues-on-a-raspberry-pi/
> enjoy .. maybe it helps others

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[weewx-user] Re: rtl-sdr configuration issue

2017-05-23 Thread Craig Thom
I am a relative newcomer, too, and am not involved in development or 
support of weewx, so I'm probably wrong, but, since no one has said 
anything,  here goes.

The IDENTIFIER string for FOWH1080Packet is "Fine Offset WH1080 weather 
station", and it appears that string is what is used to tell whether or not 
the packet is known.

So I think, but I am not sure, if you edit sdr.py and replaced your new 
string for the old then it will work.  It would probably be best to add a 
new parser for this new product string, but the string replacement would 
tell if I'm right or not.  Just back up sdr.py first.

On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 8:28:29 AM UTC-4, david wrote:
> Attached are log and configuration files after switching from the Fine 
> Offset LCD display to a Realtek USB dongle. Reason for change was a dead 
> display. 
> I followed the instructions from https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-sdr 
> with path modifications to suit my operating system - Mageia Cauldron. 
> The log attached shows that there are problems when the sdr driver 
> attempts to decode the data being received from the dongle. 
> As you can see there are errors where the data is seemingly displayed 
> correctly in one line then in the next throws a json parse error (extract 
> below) 
> It appears the problem may be coming from sdr.py as each of the problem 
> lines contain "sdr. MainThread lines []" 
> The command line in weewx.conf has been tried with various options and all 
> appear to return the same kind of error string. 
> Log excerpt: (CAUTION lines may wrap) 
> = starts about line 155 in attachment  
> May 23 19:06:03 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[] 
> May 23 19:06:06 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[] 
> May 23 19:06:11 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: lines=['{"time" : 
> "2017-05-23 07:06:08", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 
> Weather Station", "msg_type" : 0, "id" : 122, "temperature_C" : 14.400, 
> "humidity" : 77, "direction_str" : "NW", "direction_deg" : "315", "speed" : 
> 13.464, "gust" : 14.688, "rain" : 130.200, "battery" : "OK"}\n', '{"time" : 
> "2017-05-23 07:06:08", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 
> Weather Station", "msg_type" : 0, "id" : 122, "temperature_C" : 14.400, 
> "humidity" : 77, "direction_str" : "NW", "direction_deg" : "315", "speed" : 
> 13.464, "gust" : 14.688, "rain" : 130.200, "battery" : "OK"}\n'] 
> May 23 19:06:11 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: parse_json: unknown 
> model Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station 
> May 23 19:06:11 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: punt unrecognized 
> line '{"time" : "2017-05-23 07:06:08", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics 
> WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station", "msg_type" : 0, "id" : 122, "temperature_C" 
> : 14.400, "humidity" : 77, "direction_str" : "NW", "direction_deg" : "315", 
> "speed" : 13.464, "gust" : 14.688, "rain" : 130.200, "battery" : "OK"}#012' 
> May 23 19:06:11 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: parse_json: unknown 
> model Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station 
> May 23 19:06:11 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: punt unrecognized 
> line '{"time" : "2017-05-23 07:06:08", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics 
> WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station", "msg_type" : 0, "id" : 122, "temperature_C" 
> : 14.400, "humidity" : 77, "direction_str" : "NW", "direction_deg" : "315", 
> "speed" : 13.464, "gust" : 14.688, "rain" : 130.200, "battery" : "OK"}#012' 
> May 23 19:06:14 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[] 
> May 23 19:06:17 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[] 
> May 23 19:06:20 tidemark weewx[4070]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[] 
> = end = 
> David Taylor, Puniho 
> 'the place to be; beneath the Mountain, beside the Sea' 
> http://www.pwx.kiwi 
> ~ 
> whose computer uses linux/open source software, featuring 
> Mageia release 5 (Official) for x86_64, kernel 4.4.65-desktop-1.mga5 
> ~ 

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Acurite lightning sensor distance value

2017-05-22 Thread Craig Thom
Thanks.  I meant that I should add it, but now I don't have to.  I found 
the list in accum.py.

Thanks again.

On Monday, May 22, 2017 at 10:55:00 AM UTC-4, Tom Keffer wrote:
> Added min, max, and count extractors. Commit 64dd684 
> <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/commit/64dd68465278e22cdd91b957706e547d79950724>.
> To appear in v3.7.2.
> -tk
> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 7:30 AM, Thomas Keffer <tke...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> There is no 'low' extractor, but one could certainly be added.
>> -tk
>> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 7:50 PM, Craig Thom <crai...@gmail.com 
>> > wrote:
>>> OK, so for the low value maybe I need to add a "low" accumulator type to 
>>> accum.py, and then I can use
>>> [Accumulator]
>>>   [[distance]]
>>> extractor = low
>>> But it won't be any time soon.  I need to get my eclipse hardware and 
>>> software sorted first.  Only three months to go.
>>> On Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 6:34:27 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
>>>> It appears that the "distance" value archived is the average of the 
>>>> values from each loop packet.  Since that value appears to be whatever the 
>>>> last distance was, even if that was a month ago, I don't think this is a 
>>>> useful number.  Here's an example:
>>>> The value reported at the start of the archive interval is 15.
>>>> There are, just for example, twenty packet loops in this interval.
>>>> There is a strike with a distance of 1 just before the loop packet.
>>>> The archive would then show 1 strike at a distance if 14.3.
>>>> I would rather see "distance" be the minimum value for the interval.
>>>> An alternative would be to make "distance" be the average for the 
>>>> strikes in the interval, but this would require two things:
>>>> Only counting the packets in which strikes_total changes, and
>>>> weighting the values by the number of strikes per loop packet 
>>>> (strikes_total delta).
>>>> So, I think I see how to do the minimum.  I could add a column 
>>>> "distanceMinimum", add self._mimimums, and write functions 
>>>> _calculate_minimum(self, pkt) and _calculate_minimums(label, newtotal, 
>>>> oldtotal). 
>>>> Would that be the best way?
>>>> Average distance per strike looks a lot trickier, since the values in 
>>>> some look packets wouldn't count, and the values of some would count more 
>>>> than others, and the distance value need not change for it to be useful.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "weewx-user" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com .
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[weewx-user] Re: Acurite lightning sensor distance value

2017-05-21 Thread Craig Thom
OK, so for the low value maybe I need to add a "low" accumulator type to 
accum.py, and then I can use

extractor = low

But it won't be any time soon.  I need to get my eclipse hardware and 
software sorted first.  Only three months to go.

On Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 6:34:27 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> It appears that the "distance" value archived is the average of the values 
> from each loop packet.  Since that value appears to be whatever the last 
> distance was, even if that was a month ago, I don't think this is a useful 
> number.  Here's an example:
> The value reported at the start of the archive interval is 15.
> There are, just for example, twenty packet loops in this interval.
> There is a strike with a distance of 1 just before the loop packet.
> The archive would then show 1 strike at a distance if 14.3.
> I would rather see "distance" be the minimum value for the interval.
> An alternative would be to make "distance" be the average for the strikes 
> in the interval, but this would require two things:
> Only counting the packets in which strikes_total changes, and
> weighting the values by the number of strikes per loop packet 
> (strikes_total delta).
> So, I think I see how to do the minimum.  I could add a column 
> "distanceMinimum", add self._mimimums, and write functions 
> _calculate_minimum(self, pkt) and _calculate_minimums(label, newtotal, 
> oldtotal). 
> Would that be the best way?
> Average distance per strike looks a lot trickier, since the values in some 
> look packets wouldn't count, and the values of some would count more than 
> others, and the distance value need not change for it to be useful.

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[weewx-user] Acurite lightning sensor distance value

2017-05-20 Thread Craig Thom
It appears that the "distance" value archived is the average of the values 
from each loop packet.  Since that value appears to be whatever the last 
distance was, even if that was a month ago, I don't think this is a useful 
number.  Here's an example:

The value reported at the start of the archive interval is 15.
There are, just for example, twenty packet loops in this interval.
There is a strike with a distance of 1 just before the loop packet.
The archive would then show 1 strike at a distance if 14.3.

I would rather see "distance" be the minimum value for the interval.

An alternative would be to make "distance" be the average for the strikes 
in the interval, but this would require two things:
Only counting the packets in which strikes_total changes, and
weighting the values by the number of strikes per loop packet 
(strikes_total delta).

So, I think I see how to do the minimum.  I could add a column 
"distanceMinimum", add self._mimimums, and write functions 
_calculate_minimum(self, pkt) and _calculate_minimums(label, newtotal, 

Would that be the best way?

Average distance per strike looks a lot trickier, since the values in some 
look packets wouldn't count, and the values of some would count more than 
others, and the distance value need not change for it to be useful.

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[weewx-user] Re: connect to wireless sensors in addition to a weather station

2017-05-20 Thread Craig Thom
And, since the antennas for these are monopoles, they will work much better 
when stuck on a piece of metal at least a foot in diameter.

On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 12:33:16 AM UTC-4, Andy wrote:
> https://m.aliexpress.com/s/item/32611544795.html this one works ok, as 
> said before antenna is weak link
> Andy

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[weewx-user] Re: connect to wireless sensors in addition to a weather station

2017-05-17 Thread Craig Thom
I think any DVB-T radio using those two chips will work.  As far as I can 
tell, the connector the antenna uses is the only real difference, and, if 
you plan to use the stock antenna, that's no big deal.

There's not a lot of Linux involved.  You need to install rtl_sdr and 
rtl_433, and then configure the weewx sdr driver.  When you are doing that, 
put in the paths requested.

One nice benefit of using SDR is that I am able to get my outdoor 
temperature and humidity from a sensor with much better location rather 
than the one built into my Acurite 5-in-1.  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 1:15:50 AM UTC-4, Jack Lix wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response!!  
> A google search for Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR isnt coming up with much. Ebay 
> has a a\\
> posting that looks the closest. Do you think that will work?
> Looks like I'll have to put my linux hat back on - its been on the shelf a 
> long time 

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[weewx-user] Re: Acurite Lightning Detector oddness

2017-04-29 Thread Craig Thom
>From this I gather that strikes_total is a seven bit number and is going to 
role, so I guess it's just a matter of aesthetics, and strikes_total is not 
going to be a useful number in the database;

It's only value is to let weewx generate strikes, and weewx seems to have 
handled the rollover without a problem.  So never mind.

dateTime, lightningStrikes, lightningStrikesTotal, lightningDistance
1493445600, 5, 9.23636363636364, 5
1493445300, 2, 6, 5
1493445000, 1, 4.27358490566038, 5
1493444700, 2, 3.14130434782609, 5
149300, 3, 62.1792452830189, 7.40566037735849
1493444100, 2, 124.346153846154, 7.17307692307692
1493443800, 3, 123.36, 7
1493443500, 4, 119.809090909091, 7


On Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 1:39:53 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> The total strikes I'm showing in my database don't match what's coming 
> from the sensor.
> This is the relevant entry in [sdr] [[sensor_map]]
> lightningStrikesTotal = strikes_total.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
> Here's what I've got in the database, and I have no idea why the total 
> isn't always a whole number:
> dateTime, lightningStrikes, lightningStrikesTotal, lightningDistance
> 1493442900, 2, 110.028571428571, 7
> 1493442600, 7, 102.776699029126, 6.0873786407767
> 1493442300, 1, 98.25, 5
> 1493442000, 9, 86.6132075471698, 5
> 1493441700, 6, 80.6796116504854, 5
> 1493441400, 7, 72.33, 5
> 1493441100, 8, 64.9393939393939, 5
> 1493440800, 9, 57, 5.72897196261682
> 1493440500, 3, 50.3142857142857, 7
> 1493440200, 6, 45.0943396226415, 7
> 1493439900, 5, 40.0106382978723, 7
> 1493439600, 6, 35.3, 5.9
> 1493439300, 9, 27.2380952380952, 4.51428571428571
> 1493439000, 7, 21.2169811320755, 4
> 1493438700, 11, 10.9126213592233, 4
> 1493438400, 10, 70.52083, 4.8125
> 1493438100, 17, 114.601941747573, 5.11650485436893
> 1493437800, 22, 94.4757281553398, 5
> 1493437500, 23, 71.3870967741936, 6.50537634408602
> 1493437200, 14, 52.24, 5.94
> 1493436900, 13, 40.0531914893617, 5
> Between the last two of the entries I stopped weewx and ran the sdr driver 
> alone piped to "grep lightning".  This is what I got.
> out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:38 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
> 67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 108 Distance 7 L_status 0x03 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
>  7d  6c  e7  53 \n']
> out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:38 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
> 67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 108 Distance 7 L_status 0x03 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
>  7d  6c  e7  53 \n']
> out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:38 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
> 67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 108 Distance 7 L_status 0x03 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
>  7d  6c  e7  53 \n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "model" : "Acurite 
> tower sensor", "id" : 7059, "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, 
> "humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : 
> "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 7059, 
> "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, "humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, 
> "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "model" : "Acurite 
> tower sensor", "id" : 7059, "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, 
> "humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : 
> "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "temperature" : 104.000, "humidity" : 63, "id" : 
> 155, "model" : "LaCrosse TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", "battery" : "LOW", "test" : 
> "No"}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "temperature" : 104.000, 
> "humidity" : 63, "id" : 155, "model" : "LaCrosse TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", 
> "battery" : "LOW", "test" : "No"}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", 
> "temperature" : 104.000, "humidity" : 63, "id" : 155, "model" : "LaCrosse 
> TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", "battery" : "LOW", "test" : "No"}\n']
> out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:46 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
> 67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
>  7d  ed  87  74 \n']
> out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:46 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
> 67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
>  7d  ed  87  74 \n']
> out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:46 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A 

[weewx-user] Acurite Lightning Detector oddness

2017-04-28 Thread Craig Thom
The total strikes I'm showing in my database don't match what's coming from 
the sensor.

This is the relevant entry in [sdr] [[sensor_map]]
lightningStrikesTotal = strikes_total.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket

Here's what I've got in the database, and I have no idea why the total 
isn't always a whole number:

dateTime, lightningStrikes, lightningStrikesTotal, lightningDistance
1493442900, 2, 110.028571428571, 7
1493442600, 7, 102.776699029126, 6.0873786407767
1493442300, 1, 98.25, 5
1493442000, 9, 86.6132075471698, 5
1493441700, 6, 80.6796116504854, 5
1493441400, 7, 72.33, 5
1493441100, 8, 64.9393939393939, 5
1493440800, 9, 57, 5.72897196261682
1493440500, 3, 50.3142857142857, 7
1493440200, 6, 45.0943396226415, 7
1493439900, 5, 40.0106382978723, 7
1493439600, 6, 35.3, 5.9
1493439300, 9, 27.2380952380952, 4.51428571428571
1493439000, 7, 21.2169811320755, 4
1493438700, 11, 10.9126213592233, 4
1493438400, 10, 70.52083, 4.8125
1493438100, 17, 114.601941747573, 5.11650485436893
1493437800, 22, 94.4757281553398, 5
1493437500, 23, 71.3870967741936, 6.50537634408602
1493437200, 14, 52.24, 5.94
1493436900, 13, 40.0531914893617, 5

Between the last two of the entries I stopped weewx and ran the sdr driver 
alone piped to "grep lightning".  This is what I got.

out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:38 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 108 Distance 7 L_status 0x03 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  6c  e7  53 \n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:38 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 108 Distance 7 L_status 0x03 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  6c  e7  53 \n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:38 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 108 Distance 7 L_status 0x03 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  6c  e7  53 \n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "model" : "Acurite 
tower sensor", "id" : 7059, "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, 
"humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 
05:12:39", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 7059, "channel" : "B", 
"temperature_C" : 22.300, "humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n'
, '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" 
: 7059, "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, "humidity" : 63, 
"battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", 
"temperature" : 104.000, "humidity" : 63, "id" : 155, "model" : "LaCrosse 
TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", "battery" : "LOW", "test" : "No"}\n', '{"time" : 
"2017-04-29 05:12:39", "temperature" : 104.000, "humidity" : 63, "id" : 
155, "model" : "LaCrosse TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", "battery" : "LOW", "test" : 
"No"}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:39", "temperature" : 104.000, 
"humidity" : 63, "id" : 155, "model" : "LaCrosse TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", 
"battery" : "LOW", "test" : "No"}\n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:46 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  ed  87  74 \n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:46 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  ed  87  74 \n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:46 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  ed  87  74 \n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:48", "model" : "Acurite 
tower sensor", "id" : 15335, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 22.800, 
"humidity" : 61, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 
05:12:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15335, "channel" : "A", 
"temperature_C" : 22.800, "humidity" : 61, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n'
, '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" 
: 15335, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 22.800, "humidity" : 61, 
"battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:54 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x01 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  ed  27  14 \n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:54 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x01 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  ed  27  14 \n']
out: ['2017-04-29 05:12:54 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 
67.3 F 85 % RH Strikes 109 Distance 7 L_status 0x01 - c0  6f  af  55  50 
 7d  ed  27  14 \n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:56", "model" : "Acurite 
tower sensor", "id" : 7059, "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, 
"humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 
05:12:56", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 7059, "channel" : "B", 
"temperature_C" : 22.300, "humidity" : 63, "battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n'
, '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:56", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" 
: 7059, "channel" : "B", "temperature_C" : 22.300, "humidity" : 63, 
"battery" : 1, "status" : 132}\n', '{"time" : "2017-04-29 05:12:56", 
"temperature" : 104.000, "humidity" : 63, "id" 

[weewx-user] Re: Weewx and Raspbian

2017-04-23 Thread Craig Thom
JADP, but I installed Raspbian jessie lite (8) on a Raspberry Pi 3 and 
installed weewx using the .deb package, and it worked without having to 
make any changes.

On Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 3:26:34 AM UTC-4, Andrew Milner wrote:
> weewx works just fine on rpi with Jessie.  I have never install using the 
> .deb package (because it was not available when I first got weewx, and I 
> had got used to the old locations of files), but weewx installed via setup 
> worked out of the box on the last rpi3 I set up.  No need to learn systemd 
> - just following the instructions is all you need to know!!

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Acurite not so accurate on sunny days

2017-04-17 Thread Craig Thom
The weewx driver is here: https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-sdr

I don't think it's complete, and there were some things I had to work out, 
but you can search for the answers here.

One thing to keep in mind is that the pressure sensor for my Acurite 
system, and probably all the others, is in the display.  If you bypass the 
display, you'll have to find another source for pressure.

rtl_sdr is the Linux driver for the radio, and rtl_443 receives and decodes 
the transmissions from the sensors.

http://www.rtl-sdr.com/ has general info on using sdr receivers based on 
the RTL2832U chip, which I guess is intended to be used for direct digital 
TV broadcasts in other countries.  That means the radio and antenna you buy 
on ebay probably comes with TV watching software that will NOT work in the 

But once you've got the radio and the software installed, it's all a matter 
of tweaking it to get it working.

On Monday, April 17, 2017 at 4:42:31 PM UTC-4, Tony Turner wrote:
> Craig that sounds pretty interesting. I assume this should be another 
> topic because I want to know more about the SDR. I have a very old Acurite 
> unit that does not have a USB interface but it's REALLY accurate. It would 
> be nice to be able to intercept the signal and use it with weewx. I assume 
> you find the frequency the sensors are transmitting and somehow tell the 
> WeeWx driver to use those signals??? If you don't mind sharing how all that 
> works I'd love to know>
> Thanks,
> Tony

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[weewx-user] Re: N/A in direction of maximum wind

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
N/A for the gust direction was the fix.  To undo the fix apply the config 

On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 2:23:20 PM UTC-4, Nicolas Cazan wrote:
> Okay, but today's driver update contains the fixes, or should we do them 
> manually?

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[weewx-user] Re: weewx no longer syncing with display

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
Assuming it's an Acurite display (you didn't say), you'll need to change 
the USB mode from 2 to 4.  It defaults to 2 when it loses power.

On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 3:06:58 PM UTC-4, gary s wrote:
> I had the battery on my main display unit go bad.  I replaced the 
> batteries and now cant get weewx syncing to the display.
> I have dont a factory reset on the display, resynced the outside unit, How 
> do I get the PC sync back? Any weewx diag tools to debug?
> Gary

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[weewx-user] Re: Odd results from Acurite Lightning Sensor

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
That fixed the problem.

The strikes count seems to be reset every archive period.  Is this the 
expected behavior?  Is there an easy way to product a daily total or a 

dateTime,   lightningStrikes, lightningDistance
1492366200, 5,4.45360824742268
1492365900, 6,8
1492365600, 2,8
1492365300, 3,8.92307692307692
1492365000, 1,16.0816326530612
1492364700, 0,17
1492364400, 0,17
1492364100, 1,15.7142857142857
1492363800, 0,8

On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 11:08:54 AM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
> be sure that you set the right accumulator for any counters that you add 
> to the database schema.
> given the names you chose, in your weewx config file, do something like 
> this:
> [Accumulator]
> [[lightningStrikes]]
> extractor = sum
> this is for weewx 3.7 and later.  pre-3.7 requires a line of python code 
> for each observation.
> m

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[weewx-user] Re: Odd results from Acurite Lightning Sensor

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
I haven't done that, so that's the answer, I assume.

and I had just modified sdr.py to try to see what was happening:

def _calculate_delta(label, newtotal, oldtotal):
delta = None
if newtotal is not None and oldtotal is not None:
if newtotal >= oldtotal:
delta = newtotal - oldtotal
loginf("%s updated:"
   " new: %s old: %s" % (label, newtotal, oldtotal))
loginf("%s decrement ignored:"
   " new: %s old: %s" % (label, newtotal, oldtotal))
return delta

I may leave that in, anyway.  We've got another thunderstorm forecast for 
this afternoon.

Thanks for the reply.

On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 11:08:54 AM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
> be sure that you set the right accumulator for any counters that you add 
> to the database schema.
> given the names you chose, in your weewx config file, do something like 
> this:
> [Accumulator]
> [[lightningStrikes]]
> extractor = sum
> this is for weewx 3.7 and later.  pre-3.7 requires a line of python code 
> for each observation.
> m

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"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[weewx-user] Re: Odd results from Acurite Lightning Sensor

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
Even more info:

>From syslog

Apr 16 06:29:21 weatherpi weewx[7601]: sdr: MainThread: deltas is {
'lightningStrikes': 'lightningStrikesTotal', 'rain': 'rain_total'}
Apr 16 06:29:23 weatherpi weewx[7601]: sdr: MainThread: packet={
'lightningDistance': 4.0, 'outHumidity': 79.0, 'dateTime': 1492338563, 
'outTemp': 62.4, 'lightningStrikesTotal': 39.0, 'usUnits': 1}

On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 6:29:00 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> I got a strike recorded (but not heard) while I was editing weewx.conf.
> That last byte keeps changing.  Now it's "74".
> 2017-04-16 06:26:11 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  a6  44 
>  b6*
> 2017-04-16 06:26:11 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  a6  44 
>  b6*
> 2017-04-16 06:26:11 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  a6  44 
>  b6*
> 2017-04-16 06:26:19 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:19 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:19 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:51 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:51 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:51 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84 
>  77
> 2017-04-16 06:26:59 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84 
>  f6
> 2017-04-16 06:26:59 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84 
>  f6
> 2017-04-16 06:26:59 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84 
>  f6
> 2017-04-16 06:27:07 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 
> % RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84 
>  f6
> On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 6:26:07 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
>> This is what I've got in weewx,conf for the device:
>> [SDR]
>> [[sensor_map]]
>> lightningDistance = distance.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
>> lightningStrikesTotal = strikes_total.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
>> [[deltas]]
>> lightningStrikes = lightningStrikesTotal
>> These are my last few archive entries:
>> dateTime,   lightningStrikes,lightningDistance
>> 1492337700, 0.00961538461538462, 5.70192307692308
>> 1492337400, 0

[weewx-user] Re: Odd results from Acurite Lightning Sensor

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
I got a strike recorded (but not heard) while I was editing weewx.conf.

That last byte keeps changing.  Now it's "74".

2017-04-16 06:26:11 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  a6  44  b6*
2017-04-16 06:26:11 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  a6  44  b6*
2017-04-16 06:26:11 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  a6  44  b6*
2017-04-16 06:26:19 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:19 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:19 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:51 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:51 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:51 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 80 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  50  50  4e  27  84  77
2017-04-16 06:26:59 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84  f6
2017-04-16 06:26:59 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84  f6
2017-04-16 06:26:59 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84  f6
2017-04-16 06:27:07 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.6 F 79 % 
RH Strikes 39 Distance 4 L_status 0x00 - c0  6f  af  cf  50  4e  27  84  f6

On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 6:26:07 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> This is what I've got in weewx,conf for the device:
> [SDR]
> [[sensor_map]]
> lightningDistance = distance.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
> lightningStrikesTotal = strikes_total.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
> [[deltas]]
> lightningStrikes = lightningStrikesTotal
> These are my last few archive entries:
> dateTime,   lightningStrikes,lightningDistance
> 1492337700, 0.00961538461538462, 5.70192307692308
> 1492337400, 0,   7
> 1492337100, 0.0340909090909091,  7.89772727272727
> 1492336800, 0,   12
> 1492336500, 0.0102040816326531,  12
> I stopped weewx so I could run rtl_433 directly.  I didn't get any strikes 
> while I was running it, but here are some of the results (rtl_433 -R 39 -F 
> json | grep lightning)
> 2017-04-16 06:22:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.9 F 77 
> % RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4d  50  d1  a6  44 
>  36
> 2017-04-16 06:22:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.9 F 77 
> % RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4d  50  d1  a6  44 
>  36
> 2017-04-16 06:22:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.9 F 77 
> % RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4d  50  d1  a6  44 
>  36
> 2017-04-16 0

[weewx-user] Odd results from Acurite Lightning Sensor

2017-04-16 Thread Craig Thom
This is what I've got in weewx,conf for the device:

lightningDistance = distance.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
lightningStrikesTotal = strikes_total.6FAF.AcuriteLightningPacket
lightningStrikes = lightningStrikesTotal

These are my last few archive entries:

dateTime,   lightningStrikes,lightningDistance
1492337700, 0.00961538461538462, 5.70192307692308
1492337400, 0,   7
1492337100, 0.0340909090909091,  7.89772727272727
1492336800, 0,   12
1492336500, 0.0102040816326531,  12

I stopped weewx so I could run rtl_433 directly.  I didn't get any strikes 
while I was running it, but here are some of the results (rtl_433 -R 39 -F 
json | grep lightning)

2017-04-16 06:22:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.9 F 77 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4d  50  d1  a6  44  36
2017-04-16 06:22:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.9 F 77 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4d  50  d1  a6  44  36
2017-04-16 06:22:27 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.9 F 77 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4d  50  d1  a6  44  36
2017-04-16 06:22:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.0 F 78 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4e  50  48  a6  44  ae*
2017-04-16 06:22:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.0 F 78 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4e  50  48  a6  44  ae*
2017-04-16 06:22:35 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.0 F 78 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4e  50  48  a6  44  ae*
2017-04-16 06:22:43 Acurite lightning 0x6FAF Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 62.0 F 78 % 
RH Strikes 38 Distance 4 L_status 0x02 - c0  6f  af  4e  50  48  a6  44  ae*

There may be more lightning today, so I'll turn on debugging.

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Acurite not so accurate on sunny days

2017-04-14 Thread Craig Thom
Software Defined Radio.  The way I am using with weewx is with a USB tuner 
built for DVB-T TV broadcasts in other countries (but not the U.S.) that 
use the RTL2832U chipset.  People discovered that these tuners could cover 
a much larger range than DVB-T and have been using them for receiving all 
kinds of stuff, including the 433 MHz signals used by wireless weather 
sensors (and a lot of other stuff in the home).

rtl_sdr handles controlling the radio, and rtl_433 decodes packets from 
known devices.  The weewx sdr driver uses rtl_433 to get the packets of 
information directly from the weather sensor.

The radio receivers are available for $10-$20 all over the place online. 
 Since they were intended for TV in other countries the antenna connection 
is often unusual, but that doesn't matter if you are using the antenna that 
comes with it.

My antenna is a monopole, so it needs to be sitting on a piece of metal to 
work best.  It's magnetic, so I've just got it stuck to the side panel of 
an old computer.

On Friday, April 14, 2017 at 12:31:23 PM UTC-4, Tony Turner wrote:
> On Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 6:32:27 PM UTC-5, Andy wrote:
>> (snip) I am also using the SDR and a Honeywell sensor from Craigslist 
>> free section.
> Maybe I'm just dumb but what is and SDR?? 

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Acurite not so accurate on sunny days

2017-04-13 Thread Craig Thom
Maybe my fan isn't running, since I've got the dual solar panel version. 
 I'll figure it out Sunday.

The sensor on my front porch must be getting some light around 6 pm, 
because it gets too high then.  Maybe I should figure out a way to get 
weewx to use the lower of the two temperature sensors to eliminate the sun 

On Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 7:32:27 PM UTC-4, Andy wrote:
> I bought the cover with the dual solar panels to help with the hot sunny 
> days in the Sacramento area. First dual panel cover failed and they sent me 
> an entire 5n1 with a dual solar panel after this post 
> https://support.acurite.com/acurite/topics/outside-temp-to-high
> The dual solar panel keeps the 5n1 closer to ambient, but not quite close 
> enough.  I am also using the SDR and a Honeywell sensor from Craigslist 
> free section.

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[weewx-user] Re: Acurite not so accurate on sunny days

2017-04-12 Thread Craig Thom
Not that I know of, although some people have added solar cells to make the 
fan in the 5-in-1 spin faster.

Since I'm using SDR, I've decided to remap temperature and humidity to be 
read from a different sensor (the lightning one, in this case).  I thought 
I had picked a good spot, but the temperature still spiked at around the 
time the sun would be shining in that area (just later than it did on the 

I am going to find another spot for it tomorrow. I may also buy or build a 
little enclosure for it.

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 12:33:38 PM UTC-4, Tony Turner wrote:
> I have an Acurite 01525A1 connected by USB to an OrangePI ONE running 
> Armbian Ubuntu Xenial and weewx v3.6.2. When the weather is cloudy the 
> temperature seems to be relatively accurate compared to my old weather 
> station and other stations close to me. But on really sunny days when the 
> sun comes up over the trees (around 2 pm) my temperature starts to read 
> high, it varies but lets say 6 to 8 degrees. I mounted it according to 
> Acurite's instructions... 5 feet above the ground in a location that is 
> clear of trees and other obstructions. I assume they intended for it to be 
> out in the open where rain and wind will not be blocked. Anyway, it's 
> impossible to know if the crazy little fan is working since I'm always at 
> work when it messes up. I notice it because weather underground takes it 
> down because of inaccurate date (I assume that's why it stops appearing on 
> their map). Is there a way to correct this? Maybe based on the UV from the 
> solar cell? Does anyone else have this issue?
> Thanks,
> Tony

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[weewx-user] Re: sdr drive Acurite 5-in-1 rain doesn't seem to be reporting - preliminary

2017-04-11 Thread Craig Thom
Thank you for your reply.

The problem was that I had not included

rain = rain_total

In my defense, [[deltas]] wasn't mentioned in the README.  I found it in 
the sdr.py file itself.

Nine tips of the bucket just produced "rain" of 0.0694

It seems obvious in retrospect that this was needed.

On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 1:16:00 PM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 12:40:16 PM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
>> My display shows 0.38" of rain today.
>> rtl_433 show an increase of raincounter_raw from 704 to 734 while I was 
>> away (at  0.01" per tick that's 0.3", but "rainfall_accumulation" is still 
>> 0.
> the sdr driver only looks for raincounter_raw
> please run weewxd directly, then tip the rain bucket.  post the LOOP/REC 
> data from before and after the bucket tip.
> also post the [SDR] stanza from your weewx configuration.
> m

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[weewx-user] Re: sdr drive Acurite 5-in-1 rain doesn't seem to be reporting - preliminary

2017-04-11 Thread Craig Thom
My display shows 0.38" of rain today.

rtl_433 show an increase of raincounter_raw from 704 to 734 while I was 
away (at  0.01" per tick that's 0.3", but "rainfall_accumulation" is still 

It appears to be the SDR driver, right?

{"time" : "2017-04-11 12:35:54", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" 
: 1730, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", 
"message_type" : 49, "wind_speed" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 180.000, 
"wind_dir" : "S", "rainfall_accumulation" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 734}

On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 8:26:13 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> And it's always possible a bird has built a nest in my rain gauge, I 
> guess.  I'll check that later, too.
> On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 8:23:07 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
>> It's raining lightly now, so I can't be sure, but other nearby stations 
>> and the airport not far away are showing accumulation, but I'm not.
>> I've got to go to work now.  When I get home, I'll pour some rain in the 
>> sensor and see what happens.
>> I think the problem is with rtl_433.  Here's the output (with added 
>> carriage returns):
>> {"time" : "2017-04-11 08:13:06", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", 
>> "sensor_id" : 1730, "channel" : "A",
>> "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed" : 
>> 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 202.500,
>> "wind_dir" : "SSW", "rainfall_accumulation" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 
>> 706}
>> In my weewx database I've got 0 for rainRate and null for rain.
>> I have
>> rain_total = rain_total.06C2.Acurite5n1Packet
>> in my [[sensor_map]]
>> I have set debug = 2
>> I will do more research when I got home later.

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[weewx-user] Re: sdr drive Acurite 5-in-1 rain doesn't seem to be reporting - preliminary

2017-04-11 Thread Craig Thom
And it's always possible a bird has built a nest in my rain gauge, I guess. 
 I'll check that later, too.

On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 8:23:07 AM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> It's raining lightly now, so I can't be sure, but other nearby stations 
> and the airport not far away are showing accumulation, but I'm not.
> I've got to go to work now.  When I get home, I'll pour some rain in the 
> sensor and see what happens.
> I think the problem is with rtl_433.  Here's the output (with added 
> carriage returns):
> {"time" : "2017-04-11 08:13:06", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", 
> "sensor_id" : 1730, "channel" : "A",
> "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed" : 
> 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 202.500,
> "wind_dir" : "SSW", "rainfall_accumulation" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 
> 706}
> In my weewx database I've got 0 for rainRate and null for rain.
> I have
> rain_total = rain_total.06C2.Acurite5n1Packet
> in my [[sensor_map]]
> I have set debug = 2
> I will do more research when I got home later.

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[weewx-user] sdr drive Acurite 5-in-1 rain doesn't seem to be reporting - preliminary

2017-04-11 Thread Craig Thom
It's raining lightly now, so I can't be sure, but other nearby stations and 
the airport not far away are showing accumulation, but I'm not.

I've got to go to work now.  When I get home, I'll pour some rain in the 
sensor and see what happens.

I think the problem is with rtl_433.  Here's the output (with added 
carriage returns):

{"time" : "2017-04-11 08:13:06", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" 
: 1730, "channel" : "A",
"sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed" : 
0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 202.500,
"wind_dir" : "SSW", "rainfall_accumulation" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 706

In my weewx database I've got 0 for rainRate and null for rain.

I have

rain_total = rain_total.06C2.Acurite5n1Packet

in my [[sensor_map]]

I have set debug = 2

I will do more research when I got home later.

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[weewx-user] Re: meteostick driver issues with wind direction and wee_device

2017-04-09 Thread Craig Thom

On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 8:08:19 AM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
> [StdCalibrate]
> [[Corrections]]
> windDir = windDir + 180 if windDir < 180 else windDir - 180
> I think you could also use 

windDir = (windDir + 180) % 360

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[weewx-user] Barometric pressure accuracy

2017-04-09 Thread Craig Thom
About twenty-six hours ago I got my BMP280 pressure sensor up and running. 
 Now the barometric pressure calculated by weewx is within 0.02 inHg of 
what the airport less than two miles away reports as sea level pressure. 
That's closer than what my Acurite display shows.

Go team!

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[weewx-user] Re: Added sensors to weewx and Pi

2017-03-30 Thread Craig Thom
Never mind.  I've got it.  If I'm going to be using the SDR driver for 
everything but this one sensor, I should create a service that runs in the 
data_services period that binds to weewx.NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD .  That way I 
don't have to write anything to disk .

Now I just need to learn Python.  That should be fun.

On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 5:52:25 PM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> Forgive me for being stupid, but this is all new to me.
> It's the last step, getting the data to weewx, that I'm fuzzy on.  Do you 
> import the csv file with wee_import?
> I am going to play with reading my Acurite (and other) wireless sensors 
> using SDR, which means I can eliminate their display system, but that means 
> I lose the pressure sensor.
> (My RTC is sitting on top of the i2c pins, so I think I'm going to try 
> using SPI, but that's a different issue, and I'm going to try and fail 
> before asking for help with that.)
> My main question is how to get the data to weewx so it then gets archived 
> with all the other data.
> On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 7:25:33 AM UTC-5, Neville Davis wrote:
>> I have recently updated the weewx wiki with some mods to scripts. I am 
>> now using a 180 instead of the 280...it failed on me and I had a 180 lying 
>> around. I also now have UV operational and working on a responsive skin. 
>> The wiki has a link to my station
>> Use any scripts as needed.
>> Neville 

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[weewx-user] Re: Added sensors to weewx and Pi

2017-03-30 Thread Craig Thom
Forgive me for being stupid, but this is all new to me.

It's the last step, getting the data to weewx, that I'm fuzzy on.  Do you 
import the csv file with wee_import?

I am going to play with reading my Acurite (and other) wireless sensors 
using SDR, which means I can eliminate their display system, but that means 
I lose the pressure sensor.

(My RTC is sitting on top of the i2c pins, so I think I'm going to try 
using SPI, but that's a different issue, and I'm going to try and fail 
before asking for help with that.)

My main question is how to get the data to weewx so it then gets archived 
with all the other data.

On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 7:25:33 AM UTC-5, Neville Davis wrote:
> I have recently updated the weewx wiki with some mods to scripts. I am now 
> using a 180 instead of the 280...it failed on me and I had a 180 lying 
> around. I also now have UV operational and working on a responsive skin. 
> The wiki has a link to my station
> Use any scripts as needed.
> Neville 

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[weewx-user] Weather Underground intermittently showing "--" for "Pressure" with Acurite and Rapidfire enabled in 3.7.0.

2017-03-13 Thread Craig Thom
The data in the MySQL archive (now that it's working) show good values for 
Pressure, but Weather Underground shows gaps of up to an hour with 
"pressure" of "--" in both graph and table.  I noticed it when I got up 
this morning and saw that as the current data.

This is not a deal breaker, since I wasn't using Rapidfire before.

Weather Underground was offline several hours yesterday and seems to have 
changed some things, since it's now actually possible to delete data, 
instead of going through the motions only to find it's still there.

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[weewx-user] Re: RTC vs NTP on Raspberry Pi 3

2017-03-13 Thread Craig Thom
I am using a RPi 3 and an RTC.  As noted, it's not for accuracy; it's for 
what happens when you reboot it, in the brief period between the time weewx 
starts and ntp sets the clock.

The clock was cheap and only took a few minutes to set up.

On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 4:38:54 PM UTC-4, Francisco Puig wrote:
> Anyone here is using an RTC (hardware) on a raspberry pi ? I'm trying to 
> find data of if this is really necessary for the reports accuracy even when 
> the pi is connected to the internet using the raspbian pre-configured NTP.

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error

2017-03-12 Thread Craig Thom
I had neither binlog_format statement in my.conf, using instead the 
default, which I think is "STATEMENT".

It works for me with either ROW or MIXED.

My database replication is still broken, but it's late, and I'll worry 
about that in a couple of weeks after I get back from vacation.  I'll 
probably just trash it and start over.

On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 11:47:51 PM UTC-4, Clay Jackson wrote:
> Hi, Craig – I had exactly the same issue!   I’m actually using MariaDB 
> (the “real” OpenSource database derived from MySQL). 
> I fixed it by stopping maria, editing the my.cnf file (/etc/mysql/my.cnf) 
> and changing the line that read
> binlog_format = row
> to
> binlog_format = mixed
> and then restarting maria
> I honestly have NO idea what that does – that’s tomorrow’s research 
> project.
> Clay Jackson
> *From:* weewx...@googlegroups.com  [mailto:
> weewx...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *Craig Thom
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 12, 2017 7:48 PM
> *To:* weewx-user <weewx...@googlegroups.com >
> *Subject:* [weewx-user] Re: 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error
> I forgot to say I installed initially and upgraded using the .deb package 
> using apt-get
> I saved my old weewx.conf and am now using the new one.  I then edited it 
> for all the personal data and site updates and restarted weewx.
> Next I change the database to MySQL if this works.
> On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 10:18:45 PM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> I am running on Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi.
> I kept my old weewx.conf file.
> The only edit I made was to set Wunderground Rapidfire to 'TRUE', but 
> after I set it back to false I got the same error.
> This log was captured after I rebooted the Pi.
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: retrying..
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using configuration file /
> etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Loading station type AcuRite 
> (weewx.drivers.acurite)
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: acurite: driver version is 0.24
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: acurite: R2 will be decoded using 
> sensor constants
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 
> 0x1
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: wxcalculate: The following values 
> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
> dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=
> prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, 
> maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=
> prefer_hardware, inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter
> =prefer_hardware, cloudbase=prefer_hardware
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: wxcalculate: The following 
> algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Archive will use data 
> binding wx_binding
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Record generation will be 
> attempted in 'hardware'
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using archive interval of 
> 300 seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' 
> to database 'weewx'
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
> summaries
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
> forecast version 3.2.14
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
> interval=3600 max_age=604800 winddir_period=1800 pressure_period=10800 
> hemisphere=NORTH lower_pressure=950.0 upper_pressure=1050.0
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: StationRegistry: Station 
> will be registered
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: Wunderground-RF: Data for 
> station KKYLOUIS186 will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for station 
> HEDORAH will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: CWOP: Data for station 
> FW0615 will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: WOW: Data for station 
> cf9ccbbc-a8f8-e611-93ff-0003ff599b64 will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Starting up weewx version 
> 3.7.0
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
> exception in engine:
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:

[weewx-user] Re: 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error

2017-03-12 Thread Craig Thom
Yes, I was using MySQL, and I changed nothing in MySQL.  The only thing I 
changed was upgrading weewx.  The MySQL server is on the same machine as 

I got it working, but it did require a change to my MySQL configuration, 
the configuration that was working fine before the weewx upgrade.  So 
something in weewx changed.

On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 11:44:57 PM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
> craig,
> were you using mysql before you upgraded to weewx 3.7.0?
> is the mysql server on the same computer as weewx?
> m

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[weewx-user] Re: 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error

2017-03-12 Thread Craig Thom
I fixed it by added 

binlog_format = 'ROW'

to my mysql configuration.  However, this has broken my database 
replication.  I'll work on that.

It's because of binary logging, which nobody who beta tested this was 
probably doing.  Logging is necessary for replication.

On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 11:09:14 PM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> 3.6.2
> I started with the new weewx.conf and made changes one at a time, testing 
> each one.
> Everything is fine until I change
> [DataBindings]
> [[wx_binding]]
> from database = archive_sqlite to archive_mysql
> I used the default values when I set it up, so all the schema,table, user 
> name, password, etc., stuff is the same.
> On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 10:44:55 PM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
>> craig,
>> what version of weewx were you running before you upgraded to 3.7.0?
>> m

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[weewx-user] Re: 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error

2017-03-12 Thread Craig Thom

I started with the new weewx.conf and made changes one at a time, testing 
each one.

Everything is fine until I change



from database = archive_sqlite to archive_mysql

I used the default values when I set it up, so all the schema,table, user 
name, password, etc., stuff is the same.

On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 10:44:55 PM UTC-4, mwall wrote:
> craig,
> what version of weewx were you running before you upgraded to 3.7.0?
> m

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[weewx-user] Re: 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error

2017-03-12 Thread Craig Thom
I forgot to say I installed initially and upgraded using the .deb package 
using apt-get

I saved my old weewx.conf and am now using the new one.  I then edited it 
for all the personal data and site updates and restarted weewx.

Next I change the database to MySQL if this works.

On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 10:18:45 PM UTC-4, Craig Thom wrote:
> I am running on Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi.
> I kept my old weewx.conf file.
> The only edit I made was to set Wunderground Rapidfire to 'TRUE', but 
> after I set it back to false I got the same error.
> This log was captured after I rebooted the Pi.
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: retrying...
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using configuration file /
> etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Loading station type AcuRite 
> (weewx.drivers.acurite)
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: acurite: driver version is 0.24
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: acurite: R2 will be decoded using 
> sensor constants
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 
> 0x1
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: wxcalculate: The following values 
> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
> dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=
> prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, 
> maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=
> prefer_hardware, inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter
> =prefer_hardware, cloudbase=prefer_hardware
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: wxcalculate: The following 
> algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Archive will use data 
> binding wx_binding
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Record generation will be 
> attempted in 'hardware'
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using archive interval of 
> 300 seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' 
> to database 'weewx'
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
> summaries
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
> forecast version 3.2.14
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
> interval=3600 max_age=604800 winddir_period=1800 pressure_period=10800 
> hemisphere=NORTH lower_pressure=950.0 upper_pressure=1050.0
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: StationRegistry: Station 
> will be registered.
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: Wunderground-RF: Data for 
> station KKYLOUIS186 will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for station 
> HEDORAH will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: CWOP: Data for station 
> FW0615 will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: WOW: Data for station 
> cf9ccbbc-a8f8-e611-93ff-0003ff599b64 will be posted
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Starting up weewx version 
> 3.7.0
> Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
> exception in engine:
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   (1665, 'Cannot execute 
> statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = 
> STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based 
> logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level 
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   Traceback (most recent 
> call last):
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 880, in main
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   engine.run()
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 201, in run
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   self.dispatchEvent(
> weewx.Event(weewx.POST_LOOP))
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 223, in dispatchEvent
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   callback(event)
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 571, in post_loop
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   self._software_catchup
> ()
> Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
> "/u

[weewx-user] 3.7.0 with MySQL quitting with database error

2017-03-12 Thread Craig Thom
I am running on Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi.

I kept my old weewx.conf file.

The only edit I made was to set Wunderground Rapidfire to 'TRUE', but after 
I set it back to false I got the same error.

This log was captured after I rebooted the Pi.

Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: retrying...
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using configuration file /etc/
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Loading station type AcuRite (
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: acurite: driver version is 0.24
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: acurite: R2 will be decoded using 
sensor constants
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x1
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: wxcalculate: The following values 
will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=prefer_hardware, 
windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=
prefer_hardware, humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms 
will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Archive will use data binding 
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Record generation will be 
attempted in 'hardware'
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using archive interval of 300 
seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to 
database 'weewx'
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
forecast version 3.2.14
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
interval=3600 max_age=604800 winddir_period=1800 pressure_period=10800 
hemisphere=NORTH lower_pressure=950.0 upper_pressure=1050.0
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: StationRegistry: Station will 
be registered.
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: Wunderground-RF: Data for 
station KKYLOUIS186 will be posted
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for station 
HEDORAH will be posted
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: CWOP: Data for station FW0615 
will be posted
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: WOW: Data for station cf9ccbbc-
a8f8-e611-93ff-0003ff599b64 will be posted
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Starting up weewx version 3.7.
Mar 12 22:03:56 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
exception in engine:
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   (1665, 'Cannot execute 
statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = 
STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based 
logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level 
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   Traceback (most recent call 
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 880, in main
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   engine.run()
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 201, in run
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   self.dispatchEvent(weewx
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 223, in dispatchEvent
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   callback(event)
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 571, in post_loop
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   self._software_catchup()
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 638, in _software_catchup
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   self.engine.
dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD, record=record, origin=
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 223, in dispatchEvent
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   callback(event)
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 591, in new_archive_record
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:   dbmanager.addRecord(
event.record, accumulator=self.old_accumulator)
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/manager.py", line 240, in addRecord
Mar 12 22:05:27 weatherpi weewx[608]:  

[weewx-user] Re: weewx publishing data it knows is wrong, I think.

2017-03-05 Thread Craig Thom
Yes, I read something about Rapidfire not working with Acurite sensors 
until 3.7 is released.  I decided to stay with the stable release, although 
third beta looks promising.

I am showing a strong signal from the station to the display whenever I 
look, so, if it drops out on occasion, I'm not confident in getting that 
fixed.  I think it could be handled, though, if I could get weewx to 
recognize that it doesn't have good data and not upload it to other 
services.  I'd rather have a missing entry than a bad one.

I have turned on the debugging, and every thing is being logged, including 
every file it sends via ftp.

As additional info, here's the MySQL row for the time in question.  It's 
getting the inside temperature from the display, so it appears to be 
getting something.  It didn't get the indoor humidity, but I guess it never 
does. rxCheckPercent is 0, and it was 87.5 in the previous row, but it's 
usually 100 (and has been 100 in the almost two hours since the event).

Thanks again for looking at it.  This isn't a huge deal; it's more of a 
suggestion about how an archive interval without valid data is handled.

# dateTime, usUnits, interval, barometer, pressure, altimeter, inTemp, 
outTemp, inHumidity, outHumidity, windSpeed, windDir, windGust, 
windGustDir, rainRate, rain, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, ET, radiation, 
UV, extraTemp1, extraTemp2, extraTemp3, soilTemp1, soilTemp2, soilTemp3, 
soilTemp4, leafTemp1, leafTemp2, extraHumid1, extraHumid2, soilMoist1, 
soilMoist2, soilMoist3, soilMoist4, leafWet1, leafWet2, rxCheckPercent, 
txBatteryStatus, consBatteryVoltage, hail, hailRate, heatingTemp, 
heatingVoltage, supplyVoltage, referenceVoltage, windBatteryStatus, 
rainBatteryStatus, outTempBatteryStatus, inTempBatteryStatus
'1487707200', '1', '5', NULL, '29.34394857875', '29.8745177625901', '78.98', 

On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 4:31:35 PM UTC-5, mwall wrote:
> craig,
> you should only get an empty record if there are no loop packets for an 
> entire archive interval.  if that happens, that means you're getting a loss 
> of signal for 5 minutes at a time.
> watch the database to see if there is a pattern to the empty records, then 
> see if you can correlate local radio interference to those times.
> the acurite hardware sends partial packets.  as you have seen, wu 
> rapidfire does not handle partial packets properly.
> m

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[weewx-user] Re: weewx publishing data it knows is wrong, I think.

2017-03-05 Thread Craig Thom
Thanks.  It's happened three times in four days, so it could be a while 
before it happens again.

I noticed because I've got Weather Underground up on my second monitor, 
just sitting there, and I noticed it was showing null data, as it did when 
I enabled Rapidfire (it is no longer) and was sending partial packets (I 
think that's what happens, right?)

I checked the matching entries in the MySQL database, and they show rows of 
null at those times

I'll set the debugging, but it seems that if there's no valid data during 
an archive interval (I've got it set for the default 300 seconds) then 
nulls get recorded.

On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 3:45:41 PM UTC-5, mwall wrote:
> On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 3:36:37 PM UTC-5, Craig Thom wrote:
>> I'm getting an error in syslog that says weewx isn't getting good data 
>> from my Acurite sensor, but it then puts null values in the database and 
>> publishes them to the generated Web pages, Weather Underground, etc.  There 
>> may be value in storing them in the database, but could the uploads be 
>> skipped if weewx knows it's not good data?
> if you want to see exactly what weewx is uploading, set debug=2 in your 
> weewx configuration, then restart weewx.
> the 'ignoring stale data' means exactly that.  weewx got some data from 
> the console, but the signal strength indicator shows that the console has 
> not communicated with the sensors, so the data weewx got from the console 
> cannot be trusted, so weewx ignores it.  i'm pretty sure you do not want 
> that junk polluting your database.
> if you want to track the bogus data, just grep the log file for every 
> 'stale data' message and save the bytes.
> as for skipping uploads, there is not a direct connection between R1 
> messages and what gets uploaded.  the uploads you have configured happen on 
> each archive interval, and send an archive record.  each R1 message is one 
> of many R1 and R2 messages that are aggregated into a single archive record.
> m

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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[weewx-user] Re: sqlite to mySql problem

2017-03-01 Thread Craig Thom
It's a desktop PC running Windows 10.  It's on most of the time, but I was 

I don't remember the steps I did to get the MASTER/SLAVE replication going, 
other than step by step having to learn what everything meant.

Here are a few tips:

If you are running mysql on a Raspberry Pi or any other computer with only 
one network interface, you don't have to bind MySQL to any ip address. 
 Just comment that out.  I switched from the ethernet port to wifi, which 
changed the ip address, and suddenly it was unable to connect to the 

Make sure MySQL allows remote access.  if the slave can't connect, it won't 

Schema is a synonym for database.

Then just type everything in the way it says in the instructions.  You'll 
need to create an account on the master (where weewx is running), but it 
only needs access to the weewx schema.  

The instructions are very clear about what to do, but they aren't good at 
explaing to a novice what's going on.

First, you turn on logging on the master.

Then you pause the master.

Then you get the offset into the log file.

Then you mysqldump the database out.

Then you import it into the slave mysql.

Then you tell the slave who the master is, what the name of the log file 
is, and what the offset is.

Then you unpause the master, and boom.

Oh, the last thing I forgot was to restart mySQL on my computer.  Then it 
started copying the data over.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 8:34:12 PM UTC-5, pon...@gmail.com wrote:
> Am I right in thinking your main Windows PC is a laptop? Would be great if 
> you wrote up step by step instructions for anything not already documented 
> -- the stuff you had to Google (the Master Slave stuff esp).

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[weewx-user] Re: bad Accurate rain data

2017-02-28 Thread Craig Thom
I'm getting the same issue, and, since the display is not showing the 
phantom rain spike, I assume it's in the USB communication.  I've ordered a 
shorter USB cable with ferrite cores, but, in the mean time, since I'm 
using US measurements, I added

   rain = 0, 0.4, inch

Is that correct, or should I use mm to avoid a decimal value?

weewx did not give an error when I ran it, as it did when I got the syntax 

On Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 8:43:04 PM UTC-5, mwall wrote:
> On Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 8:33:27 PM UTC-5, Jerry Simonowits wrote:
>> [wasn't sure if this belonged in the development group or here, so 
>> posting to both places]
> please do not do that.
>> I’ve got an Accurate 5-in-1, with the sensor at the top of a tower (100 
>> feet or so) and the console in a blockhouse on the bottom. The console is 
>> in USB mode 4, and attached to a computer running CentOS with WeeWX running.
>> Today we had a line of severe thunderstorms so out team went back to 
>> check what was reported. Wind/Temp/Humidity/Wind Vector information all 
>> seem to be correct. However, the rain amount is showing up with rain last 
>> night when we had clear conditions and a HUGE number for rain today.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/weewx-user/KRQtrkPb65Q
> m

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[weewx-user] Re: "not reporting" after power outage

2017-02-27 Thread Craig Thom
Did you check syslog to see if weewx is giving you any errors?

$tail -f /var/log/syslog

You can stop and restart weewx in another SSH terminal window so you don't 
miss anything in the tail window.

A couple of times, after I've rebooted, weewx has been unable to 
communicate with my 1035 display.  What fixed it was unplugging the USB 
cable and plugging it back in.  syslog was clearly showing the 
communications error.

On Monday, February 27, 2017 at 4:57:53 PM UTC-5, Steve Dulmes wrote:
> Hello, 
> My Acurite station has been reporting flawlessly to the Weather 
> Underground for quite a while. Last Friday we had a short power outage in 
> the middle of the night and now it won't connect anymore. I'm using a 
> raspberry pi 3. 
> I stopped and started weewx to hopefully reset the connection. No go.
> I checked the weewx.conf file, and it's same as it should be. Did another 
> stop and start. Still won't work.
> Any ideas are appreciated.
> Thanks very much for your time.
> Steve

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[weewx-user] Re: sqlite to mySql problem

2017-02-27 Thread Craig Thom
I ran into the same issue last week when I was installing weewx for the 
first time (on my first RPi).  It went smoothly after that.  I have MySQL 
Workbench installed on my main Windows PC, so I'm able to connect it and 
confirm it is racking up the rows (after creating a user for myself with 
remote access).

I also have MySQL installed on my desktop PC, so I set up MASTER SLAVE 
replication.  That wasn't nearly as easy, and it took a lot of Googling and 
many missteps, but now I've got a duplicate of the weewx database/schema on 
my Windows PC, where it gets backed up automatically to my backup server 
and to Carbonite.  After the PC has been off, when I turn it on MySQL 
catches up on the data it missed.  

I'm a little let down that, after a few days of receiving and installing 
the weather station, setting up a Raspberry Pi, installing weewx, getting 
mySQL running smoothly, and registering a domain name for the Web pages 
generated by weewx, I'm done.  Everything is working perfectly; there's 
nothing else for me to do, and I was having so much fun.

On Monday, February 27, 2017 at 5:33:12 PM UTC-5, Eric Gammeter wrote:
> I will need some time to see how it runs now that python-mysqldb has been 
> added.  Thanks much! 
> On Monday, February 27, 2017 at 4:13:28 PM UTC-5, Eric Gammeter wrote:
>> Getting .py errors when I attempt to switch from sqlite to mySql 
>> database.  I do not know where to look next.  Any comments/suggestions 
>> would be appreciated.  Thanks /E

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Frustrating install of Weewx on Raspberry Pi 2

2017-02-24 Thread Craig Thom
I wish I'd found that a week ago.  I installed lynx on my RPi3 and got it 
that way. I had installed Raspbian without a GUI.

On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 5:41:02 PM UTC-5, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
> You probably need to go down a more 'auto' path.
> Open a terminal then visit http://weewx.com/docs/apt-get.htm and go 
> through the steps outlined there.
> Cheers
>  Glenn
> rorpi - read only raspberry pi + weewx: now with scripts 
> On 24 February 2017 at 09:08, Andy Lodge  > wrote:
>> i think i'm falling at the first hurdle :(   how do i actually download 
>> the package to the pi in the first place?
>> dpkg -i weewx_3.6.2-1_all.deb
>> gets the same error you had...
>> i know the package is here though: 
>> http://weewx.com/downloads/weewx_3.6.2-1_all.deb
>> On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 17:32:58 UTC, Sathish Durai wrote:
>>> Is there any help for my install of whew on Raspberry Pi 2;
>>> here is what get when i follow the instruction from 
>>> http://www.weewx.com/docs/debian.htm 
>>> Here is what i get on screen command line...
>>> *pi@ActPi*:~ $  sudo dpkg -i whew_3.6.2-1_all.deb
>>> dpkg: error proceeding archive whew_3.6.2-1_all.deb (--install):
>>> cannot access archive: No such file or directory
>>> Errors were encountered while processing:
>>> Weewx_3.6.2-1_all.deb
>>> *pi@ActPi:~ *$
>>> -- 
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