Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-30 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 Behavior for Enter in contenteditable in current browsers seems to be
 as follows:

 * IE9 wraps all lines in p (including if you start typing in an
 empty text box).  If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
 ps.  Shift-Enter inserts br.
 * Firefox 4.0 just uses br _moz_dirty= for Enter and Shift-Enter,
 always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)
 * Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
 you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a div.  Hitting Enter
 multiple times outputs divbr/div, and Shift-Enter always inserts
 * Opera 11.10 wraps in p like IE, but for blank lines it uses
 pbr/p instead of just p/p (they render the same).

 What behavior do we want?

I ended up going with the general approach of IE/Opera:

It turns out WebKit and Opera make the insertParagraph command behave
essentially like hitting Enter, so I actually wrote all the
requirements there (IE's and Firefox's behavior for insertParagraph
was very different and didn't seem useful):

The basic idea is that if the cursor isn't wrapped in a single-line
container (address, dd, div, dt, h*, li, p, pre) then the current line
gets wrapped in a p.  Then the current single-line container is
split in two, mostly.  Exceptions are roughly:

* For pre and address, insert a br instead of splitting the element.
 (This matches Firefox for pre and address, and Opera for pre but not
address.  IE/Chrome make multiple pres/addresses.)
* For an empty li/dt/dd, destroy it and break out of its container, so
hitting Enter twice in a list breaks out of the list.  (Everyone does
this for li, only Firefox does for dt/dd.)
* If the cursor is at the end of an h* element, make the new element a
p instead of a header.  (Everyone does this.)
* If the cursor is at the end of a dd/dt element, it switches to dt/dd
respectively.  (Only Firefox does this, but it makes sense.)

Like the rest of the spec, this is still a rough draft and I haven't
tried to pin corner cases down yet, so it's probably not advisable to
try implementing it yet as written.  As always, you can see how the
spec implementation behaves for various input by looking at

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-19 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 What about itemid and accesskey?  (There may be other examples that I'm
 forgetting right now).

accesskey is unlikely to occur in contenteditable, and duplicates are
technically allowed.  itemid is even less likely to occur in
contenteditable, and copying other microdata attributes on the element
will probably break the meaning of the microdata anyway (by making it
two items instead of one).  I'd prefer to avoid magic lists of
attributes if possible, because they tend to bitrot.  Although in some
cases I'm suspecting I can't avoid it.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:39 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
 I don't think we should convert anything on paste by default. Some
 contentEditable applications are designed as full-page editors; full pages
 are likely to break if divs are converted to ps or vice versa. I don't
 think any algorithm can reliably figure out whether a div is part of the
 page structure, or part of a series of paragraphs in every case (this is
 also why I vote for using ps). Cleaning up the code is good and necessary,
 but it should be left to authors, and I agree that access to the paste event
 is crucial here.

Good point.  I agree.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 8:11 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
 Furthermore, I think it makes no sense for the spec to pretend to have a hard 
 line against presentationalism (to the point of trying to define i and b 
 to mean something other than italic and bold) while supplying a built-in 
 mechanism for creating totally presentational markup.

Well, currently Ian is editing HTML5 and I'm editing the editing
commands spec, and I disagree with his hard line against
presentationalism, so . . . :)  (But really, the API is unavoidably

 In other words, I think the old IE behavior makes sense and I think the Gecko 
 and WebKit behaviors of creating a soup of br and style=... are 

The old IE behavior of b/i/etc. is required by default in the
current spec, with execCommand(styleWithCSS) available to toggle to
a span style= mode for those who want it.  (E.g., if you want to
validate, you'll need to switch it off before using commands like
foreColor that would otherwise generate font.)

 That libraries feel the need to fix e.g. Gecko output in JS to get more 
 IE-ish behavior is indication that the Gecko/WebKit approach isn't good.

No, it's just an indication that they want consistent output.  To make
Gecko match other browsers, document.execCommand(styleWithCSS,
false, false); document.execCommand(insertBrOnReturn, false, false);
works pretty well, but you can't do much to make other browsers match

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-18 Thread Ojan Vafai
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Aryeh Gregor

 On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
  Note that br and div affect UBA differently so we must consider what
  bidirectional text users want as well.
  For example, if we had div dir=rtlhello/div, and inserted br as in
  div dir=rtlhellobr/div, then we preserve the RTL directionality.
  we insert div on the other hand, div dir=rtlhello/divdiv/div,
  new paragraph will have the containing block's direction.
  This will be a tricky issue when people want to mix LTR/RTL paragraphs in
  the same editable region.

 If we had div dir=rtlhello/div, a new line should become div
 dir=rtlhellodiv/div/div, not div

Disagree. I think it should be come div dir=rtlhellow/divdiv
dir=rtl/div. Nesting seems really bad to me. It results in a more
complicated DOM that makes scripting against the resultant DOM extremely

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Aryeh Gregor simetrical+...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
  I think this is a problem that we should solve anyway, since we can't
  splitting nodes in the general case.  Once we have an algorithm for that,
  can just use it wherever necessary, right?
  You can look at the nsEditor::SplitNodeImpl algorithm used in Gecko here:
   I'm sure WebKit includes a similar algorithm...

 I've got an algorithm, but since it can cause problems, I'd prefer to
 use it only where really necessary.  So far I've gone to some pains to
 avoid it, and for inline markup I've succeeded across the board.
 E.g., if you run bold on

  b id=xfoo[bar]baz/b

 then in Firefox 4.0 and Opera 11.10 you get b id=xfoo/bbarb
 id=xbaz/b (duplicate id), in Chrome 12 dev you get b
 id=xfoo/bbarbbaz/b (id lost on one element), and in IE9 you get
 strongfoo/strongbarstrongbaz/strong (both id's lost).  The
 spec's algorithm produces span id=xbfoo/bbarbbaz/b/span,
 which I think preserves the markup about as well as you possibly
 could, although of course it's a bit longer.

 But to be honest, the only way to decide correct behavior here is to
 try figuring out what authors are using these extra attributes for,
 and what they expect to happen.  I can't imagine it's common to use
 id's in contenteditable, and I don't really know what the expected
 behavior is if you do.  Maybe we shouldn't worry about it.

We need to address this case. For example, Google Docs, before it stopped
using contentEditable, used IDs in the user-editable content to help scope
what data needed syncing. The Google Closure Editor uses classnames and data
attributes to store extra metadata (e.g. that a div is actually a container
for an image+caption widget). Also, we should be preserving inline styles.

We should copy all attributes and have a blacklist of uncopyable attributes.
ID is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that needs

 On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:
  On Thu, 12 May 2011 22:28:47 +0200, Aryeh Gregor
  * IE9 wraps all lines in p (including if you start typing in an
  empty text box).
  Can't reproduce. If I start typing in an empty body contenteditable,
  there's no p until I hit enter.

 Yes, but when you hit Enter it wraps the first line in a p too, not
 just the second line.  In WebKit it only wraps the second line in a

IMO, WebKit's behavior here is wrong. When you hit enter not in a block
context, it should put all the inlines + text in two separate divs.

 I don't really think we want to nest stuff here, it leads into weird
  and most likely werid layouts (think of an editable area with a
  for paragraphs/divs.)

 Adding margins to paragraphs and divs wouldn't behave very reliably
 unless they were inserted around text very consistently.  Otherwise
 you'd have some text indented and some not.  So I guess we can ask a
 further question: if we use div or p, do we want to try
 guaranteeing that all runs of text will be wrapped in the chosen
 element?  For instance, WebKit doesn't wrap in div very consistently
 at all, IE and Opera don't nest p inside li.  So you can't depend
 on all your text being wrapped in the element anyway.

Opera's behavior here seems right to me. If I understand correctly here's
what Opera does:
enter without a parent block: wrap everything in two block elements as
defined by the opera-defaultblock execCommand.
enter with a parent block: split the parent block
shift+enter: insert a BR
enter inside a header: breaks out of the header and inserts a block as per
the opera-defaultblock execCommand (this is just legacy we're stuck with
from IE5+)

I believe that most users expect the styling of the block to remain the same
when they hit enter. If you 

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-18 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Ojan Vafai wrote:
 Disagree. I think it should be come div dir=rtlhellow/divdiv
 dir=rtl/div. Nesting seems really bad to me. It results in a more
 complicated DOM that makes scripting against the resultant DOM extremely

If p is allowed as a block element, as it seems it will be (even if
not by default), the argument becomes stronger.  You can't nest the
p's, so you have to clone them, and you don't want to behave
inconsistently for divs and p's.  So I guess I agree.

 We need to address this case. For example, Google Docs, before it stopped
 using contentEditable, used IDs in the user-editable content to help scope
 what data needed syncing. The Google Closure Editor uses classnames and data
 attributes to store extra metadata (e.g. that a div is actually a container
 for an image+caption widget).

Do you have specific links to testcases I can look at and fiddle with?

 Also, we should be preserving inline styles.
 We should copy all attributes and have a blacklist of uncopyable attributes.
 ID is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that needs

accesskey, itemid, and name (on a) seem potentially problematic too.
 It's also possible that custom attributes, data-* or otherwise, might
be issues, depending on how they're used.  I guess in that case it's
better to duplicate it and let authors figure out the consequences if
it's wrong, than to destroy the info about what attributes it
originally had.

So probably it's okay to just blacklist id and a name.

 IMO, WebKit's behavior here is wrong. When you hit enter not in a block
 context, it should put all the inlines + text in two separate divs.

I agree.  In particular, this is the only thing that makes sense if
you're using something with margins or other style, like p.
Otherwise it will look weird to the user.  (I assume this is why
WebKit behaves differently from IE/Opera, because WebKit uses div
and IE/Opera use p by default.)

 Opera's behavior here seems right to me. If I understand correctly here's
 what Opera does:
 enter without a parent block: wrap everything in two block elements as
 defined by the opera-defaultblock execCommand.
 enter with a parent block: split the parent block
 shift+enter: insert a BR
 enter inside a header: breaks out of the header and inserts a block as per
 the opera-defaultblock execCommand (this is just legacy we're stuck with
 from IE5+)

There's more magic than that.  For instance, if you're in an li and
hit Enter twice, all browsers will create a new li on the first
Enter and then destroy it and move you outside the list on the second

 I believe that most users expect the styling of the block to remain the same
 when they hit enter. If you are in a paragraph with margins, hitting enter
 should give you two paragraphs with margins. However, I agree the the
 default expected behavior is that enter will insert a single linebreak,
 which is why I support DIV being the default block value.

But if we make p the default, it's pretty trivial for authors to set
its margins to 0.  If we make div the default, it's hard for authors
to add margins unless they're sure div isn't being used for anything
but line grouping.

 The tricky bit here is what to do when the user copy-pastes. I think we
 should convert P to DIV or vice versa as per whatever the defaultblock value
 is. We should also give an execCommand to allow the website to disable this

I don't know, maybe.  Copy-paste is its own kettle of fish that I'll
deal with later.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-18 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 11-05-18 2:46 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

Also, we should be preserving inline styles.
We should copy all attributes and have a blacklist of uncopyable attributes.
ID is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that needs

accesskey, itemid, and name (ona) seem potentially problematic too.
  It's also possible that custom attributes, data-* or otherwise, might
be issues, depending on how they're used.  I guess in that case it's
better to duplicate it and let authors figure out the consequences if
it's wrong, than to destroy the info about what attributes it
originally had.

I agree.

So probably it's okay to just blacklist id anda name.

What about itemid and accesskey?  (There may be other examples that I'm 
forgetting right now).

IMO, WebKit's behavior here is wrong. When you hit enter not in a block
Opera's behavior here seems right to me. If I understand correctly here's
what Opera does:
enter without a parent block: wrap everything in two block elements as
defined by the opera-defaultblock execCommand.
enter with a parent block: split the parent block
shift+enter: insert a BR
enter inside a header: breaks out of the header and inserts a block as per
the opera-defaultblock execCommand (this is just legacy we're stuck with
from IE5+)

There's more magic than that.  For instance, if you're in anli  and
hit Enter twice, all browsers will create a newli  on the first
Enter and then destroy it and move you outside the list on the second

Yes.  Overall, this seems like a pretty sane basis on top of which we 
can build the algorithm.


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-17 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.05.2011 21:20 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Markus  wrote:

I have seen content management systems where text editors tweak the enter
key to behave the same also in non-IE UAs (e.g. if you use Contenido with
TinyMCE, Firefox produces the same output as IE when you hit enter).

I mentioned one forum (vBulletin) which used to set margin to 0 on
paragraphs so that IE looked the same as non-IE browsers.  So it's an
argument for giving authors an option, maybe, but it doesn't help us
decide what the default should be.

This is very presentational thinking.

Correct.  This API was designed and is used presentationally, not
semantically.  Both authors and users want presentational formatting
here.  That's why it's called What You *See* Is What You Get.

Right, but this does not answer the question about the best standard 
behavior for the enter key. For real WYSIYWYG, it would be necessary to 
introduce a mechanism to apply some CSS separate from the surrounding 
page to the contenteditable element, so CMS or forum authors can provide 
the styles of the output page in the input element. (This is actually 
the case in iframe-based RTEs such as Kevin Roth's Cross-Browser RTE or 

I assume there are use cases for both generating ps and brs. The 
IE/Opera approach has the advantage of allowing both, which is perfect 
for text and basic HTML editing. From a WYSIWYG POV it might be best to 
offer both options, so authors are not encouraged to add server-side 
processing to change the output, which would break WYSIWYG.

If the behavior is settable, it might even be a good idea to leave the 
choice of the standard behavior to the UAs. Authors who have a reason to 
care can set their preferred behavior, while other authors might prefer 
to leave it as it was, so there is no change for their existing users.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-17 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 13.05.2011 12:00 schrieb Michael A. Puls II:

On Thu, 12 May 2011 16:28:47 -0400, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

Another problem with p is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it. I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things inside p that will break out of the p,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

I think the browser/editor just shouldn't allow that in this case. (Not
saying that it's easy to enforce it though.)

As an author or CMS implementor I'd be happy to see UAs solve this for 
me, creating a valid sequence of paragraphs.

OTOH, if you use divs in order to keep the output serializable, this 
might lead to kind of messy code.

Imagine a content of the contenteditable element like:


The user puts the caret to the end of the first line and clicks Enter. 
With a strict p/br behavior, this is a well-defined action, adding a 
new paragraph resp. inserting a newline. But if you go with divs, this 
will possibly mess up the code in a way that is hard to fix (though it 
is valid and serializable HTML).

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-17 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:04 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
 If the behavior is settable, it might even be a good idea to leave the
 choice of the standard behavior to the UAs. Authors who have a reason to
 care can set their preferred behavior, while other authors might prefer to
 leave it as it was, so there is no change for their existing users.

We can't leave the default behavior undefined for something like this.
 It affects interoperability, and there's no reason browsers should
differ (we can't make up our mind is not a good enough reason).

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 I completely disagree. As a user, I want semantics when I write my blog
 entry on WordPress so that I can tweak presentation afterwards.  e.g. I have
 frequently used em {font-style: normal; font-weight:bold;} strong
 {text-decoration:underline; font-weight: normal;} in the past.

Then the commands will completely break no matter what you do, because
they're tied to the CSS, not the HTML element.  For instance, in this
test case:

!doctype html
em { font-style: normal; font-weight: bold }
div contenteditableemHello/em/div
var text = document.querySelector(em).firstChild;
getSelection().collapse(text, 1);
getSelection().extend(text, 4);

Chrome 12 dev produces emHspan class=Apple-style-span
style=font-weight: normal;ell/spano/em.  If you change the
command from bold to italic, it becomes emHiell/io/em.
These commands are specifically presentational, tied to CSS rather
than HTML, which is reflected both in their name and function.

There are other commands that are semantic, like heading or
insertOrderedList.  But you definitely cannot sanely use em for bold
with this API.  We'd have to add new commands like emphasize to
allow that.

 And when I press enter, I want a paragraph separator NOT a line break.

WebKit outputs div, but a paragraph separator should be p.

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:26 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
 Imagine a content of the contenteditable element like:


 The user puts the caret to the end of the first line and clicks Enter. With
 a strict p/br behavior, this is a well-defined action, adding a new
 paragraph resp. inserting a newline. But if you go with divs, this will
 possibly mess up the code in a way that is hard to fix (though it is valid
 and serializable HTML).

Yeah, p has the advantage over div that div is used for lots of
things, and it might be nice to distinguish.  I don't know.  Since
there are no really good arguments I can see in any direction, I guess
it makes the most sense to standardize the plurality position, namely
some variant of IE/Opera (p on Enter and br on Shift-Enter), with
switches to allow authors to change from the default.  I added it as
an issue to the spec, and will probably look at it reasonably soon:;a=commitdiff;h=70be7878

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-17 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Aryeh Gregor simetrical+...@gmail.comwrote:

  On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
  I completely disagree. As a user, I want semantics when I write my blog
  entry on WordPress so that I can tweak presentation afterwards.  e.g. I
  frequently used em {font-style: normal; font-weight:bold;} strong
  {text-decoration:underline; font-weight: normal;} in the past.

 Then the commands will completely break no matter what you do, because
 they're tied to the CSS, not the HTML element.  For instance, in this
 test case:

No, I apply those CSS styles only on readonly published pages so my editor
isn't affected by those rules.

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 12.05.2011 22:28 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

Behavior for Enter in contenteditable in current browsers seems to be
as follows:

* IE9 wraps all lines inp  (including if you start typing in an
empty text box).  If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
ps.  Shift-Enter insertsbr.

This is what people know from MS Word, too, and thus it should be 
considered as a de-facto standard. I don't have current versions of 
other office text editors installed right now, but I assume they will 
behave the same, or at least provide a setting to make them behave like 

I have seen content management systems where text editors tweak the 
enter key to behave the same also in non-IE UAs (e.g. if you use 
Contenido with TinyMCE, Firefox produces the same output as IE when you 
hit enter).

I'd strongly suggest to spec this behaviour, or at least provide some 
kind of setting to force it.

* Firefox 4.0 just usesbr _moz_dirty=  for Enter and Shift-Enter,
always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)
* Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
you hit Enter it wraps the new line in adiv.  Hitting Enter
multiple times outputsdivbr/div, and Shift-Enter always inserts
* Opera 11.10 wraps inp  like IE, but for blank lines it uses
pbr/p  instead of justp/p  (they render the same).

What behavior do we want?

A problem withp  is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break.  One
real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translatesp  and
div  to line breaks on the server side.  The usual convention in text
editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

This is very presentational thinking. If you write a text, it should be 
possible to produce paragraphs by default. If you use div instead of 
p, there would be extra coding needed to make paragraphs available.

Another problem withp  is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it.  I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things insidep  that will break out of thep,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

The same applies e.g. for list items, UAs have to solve this problem 
anyway. One approach that I could imagine is to close and re-open the 
paragraph (resp. list item) at the boundaries of the element which is 
put inside it.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.05.2011 15:33 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Am 12.05.2011 22:28 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

A problem withp is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break. One
real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translatesp and
div to line breaks on the server side. The usual convention in text
editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

I am sorry I overread this last sentence when writing my previous 
message. I have a swiss-german installation of Word 2007, I did not 
change the settings. Hitting enter produces paragraphs here, and applies 
the spaces above and/or below that are specified in the paragraph style. 
This is the behaviour I have known from Word for years. Maybe there are 
regional differences in the defaults of Word.

This is very presentational thinking.

Re-reading my message I am afraid this sentence could be read as an 
offense. There was absolutely no offense intended (I am sorry I had to 
go pick up my daughter and sent too quickly). I wanted to state that 
what CSS people apply should not matter to the question of creating p, 
div or br.

The vBulletin example shows that there is a use case for applying br. 
I state that there is a use case for applying p for enter and br for 

IMO an ideal solution would provide both (or, if there are use cases for 
div, all three) possibilities, settable with a flag or an attribute. 
The standard should be what office users expect from their everyday 

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-16 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 We're not going to add pretty-printing for the purposes of this spec, are

No, I didn't realize Boris wasn't talking about web-visible features.

 Sure, but how are we going to detect that?  Do you agree that they intend to
 add a paragraph most of the time?

Probably, yes.

 I think this is a problem that we should solve anyway, since we can't avoid
 splitting nodes in the general case.  Once we have an algorithm for that, we
 can just use it wherever necessary, right?

 You can look at the nsEditor::SplitNodeImpl algorithm used in Gecko here:
  I'm sure WebKit includes a similar algorithm...

I've got an algorithm, but since it can cause problems, I'd prefer to
use it only where really necessary.  So far I've gone to some pains to
avoid it, and for inline markup I've succeeded across the board.
E.g., if you run bold on

  b id=xfoo[bar]baz/b

then in Firefox 4.0 and Opera 11.10 you get b id=xfoo/bbarb
id=xbaz/b (duplicate id), in Chrome 12 dev you get b
id=xfoo/bbarbbaz/b (id lost on one element), and in IE9 you get
strongfoo/strongbarstrongbaz/strong (both id's lost).  The
spec's algorithm produces span id=xbfoo/bbarbbaz/b/span,
which I think preserves the markup about as well as you possibly
could, although of course it's a bit longer.

But to be honest, the only way to decide correct behavior here is to
try figuring out what authors are using these extra attributes for,
and what they expect to happen.  I can't imagine it's common to use
id's in contenteditable, and I don't really know what the expected
behavior is if you do.  Maybe we shouldn't worry about it.

 I don't really think we want to nest stuff here, it leads into weird markups
 and most likely werid layouts (think of an editable area with a margin-left
 for paragraphs/divs.)

Adding margins to paragraphs and divs wouldn't behave very reliably
unless they were inserted around text very consistently.  Otherwise
you'd have some text indented and some not.  So I guess we can ask a
further question: if we use div or p, do we want to try
guaranteeing that all runs of text will be wrapped in the chosen
element?  For instance, WebKit doesn't wrap in div very consistently
at all, IE and Opera don't nest p inside li.  So you can't depend
on all your text being wrapped in the element anyway.

 * If you give the inputp[foo]/p  to Chrome 12 dev and run
 insertOrderedList, it produces the DOM (expressed in XML)
 polli[foo]br //li/ol/p, which when you serialize to
 text/html and unserialize becomesp/polli[foo]br

 Firefox generates ollifoo/li/ol.

Yes, Firefox generates serializable DOMs in every p-related case
I've seen.  If you do createLink with value def on

  a href=abcbfoo[bar]baz/b/a

it produces a href=abcbfooa href=defbar/abaz/b/a, though,
which becomes a href=abcbfoo/b/aba href=defbar/abaz/b
when you serialize and unserialize it.  So the general problem of
unserializable DOMs occurs in some cases in all browsers.  That's not
a great reason by itself for not using p, but it's something to hold
against it.

 I guess I don't understand your reasoning.  If you're saying that existing
 implementations have bugs on this sort of thing, for sure, no discussion
 about that.  But I don't know if we can draw the conclusion that it's not
 possible to generate an HTML5 valid DOM if we used p.

It is possible, it's just more likely to cause bugs.

 I think the right way to decide between p and div is to ask ourselves
 this question: What is the correct element to use?.

Isn't that circular?

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 This is a very good point.  I know that p constitutes a UBA paragraph.
  Does the same apply to div as well?

All CSS block boundaries constitute UBA paragraph breaks:

User agents that support bidirectional text must apply the Unicode
bidirectional algorithm to every sequence of inline-level boxes
uninterrupted by a forced (bidi class B) break or block boundary. This
sequence forms the paragraph unit in the bidirectional algorithm.

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
 This is what people know from MS Word, too, and thus it should be considered
 as a de-facto standard. I don't have current versions of other office text
 editors installed right now, but I assume they will behave the same, or at
 least provide a setting to make them behave like that.

I'm almost sure that wasn't the standard in older versions of Word,
like 1997.  I don't have any on hand to test, though.
Writer (3.2.1, Ubuntu 10.10 version) inserts only a single line break
when you hit Enter.

 I have seen content management systems where text editors tweak the enter
 key to behave the same also in non-IE UAs (e.g. if you use Contenido with

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Simon Pieters
On Thu, 12 May 2011 22:28:47 +0200, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

Behavior for Enter in contenteditable in current browsers seems to be
as follows:

* IE9 wraps all lines in p (including if you start typing in an
empty text box).

Can't reproduce. If I start typing in an empty body contenteditable,  
there's no p until I hit enter.

If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
ps.  Shift-Enter inserts br.
* Firefox 4.0 just uses br _moz_dirty= for Enter and Shift-Enter,
always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)
* Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a div.  Hitting Enter
multiple times outputs divbr/div, and Shift-Enter always inserts
* Opera 11.10 wraps in p like IE, but for blank lines it uses
pbr/p instead of just p/p (they render the same).

It doesn't render the same. Empty ps should be collapsed per CSS. (Dunno  
what IE does.)

What behavior do we want?

A problem with p is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break.  One
real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translates p and
div to line breaks on the server side.  The usual convention in text
editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

Opera 11.10 has introduced  
document.execCommand('opera-defaultblock','','div') to switch to using  
divs instead of ps. ('p' is also allowed to switch back.) Apparently  
WebKit considers implementing this as well.

Another problem with p is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it.  I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things inside p that will break out of the p,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

The problem with br is that it's a pain to deal with.  It forces you
to deal with lines as sequences of adjacent sibling nodes instead of
as a single node.  Also, sometimes br doesn't do anything, like
(usually) a single br at the end of a block box, but when you add
something after it it suddenly starts doing something.  If lines
aren't wrapped in block elements, then whenever you have to move
around some text, you need to be sure that you check that you're not
removing a br or failing to move one and thereby running two lines
together, or leaving an extra br someplace so there are now two in a
row.  I've seen bugs to this effect in multiple browsers, where they
don't insert a br when they should (but behave fine with div/p),
and have made the mistake a lot myself.

So my current thought is to demarcate lines with divs consistently,
only using br when there are multiple line breaks in a row.  This is
unlike any current browser, since everyone uses br at least for
Shift-Enter.  If this is the way we want to behave, then I'll also
have commands normalize nearby brs to divs where it makes things
easier, like I normalize other types of markup.

Feedback appreciated.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Michael A. Puls II
On Thu, 12 May 2011 16:28:47 -0400, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

Behavior for Enter in contenteditable in current browsers seems to be
as follows:

* IE9 wraps all lines in p (including if you start typing in an
empty text box).  If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
ps.  Shift-Enter inserts br.
* Firefox 4.0 just uses br _moz_dirty= for Enter and Shift-Enter,
always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)
* Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a div.  Hitting Enter
multiple times outputs divbr/div, and Shift-Enter always inserts
* Opera 11.10 wraps in p like IE, but for blank lines it uses
pbr/p instead of just p/p (they render the same).

I think the br is a filler so that there's something for the user to  
click and focus on to get the insertion point inside the p. IE use  
nbps; for this instead. Opera has a bug where you have to press ENTER  
then backspace and then enter again to get rid of the br at the end of  
the element sometimes.

If the default content (innerHTML more or less) of the contentEditable  
element is divbr/div (like in, Opera will  
use DIVs when pressing enter (and br when pressing shift + enter).

A problem with p is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break.

Ideally, users should realize that it's an editable part of a web page and  
that pressing ENTER once closes the current paragraph and starts a new  
one. They should also realize that the margins are part of the paragraphs,  
which causes them to be visually separated from other elements and that  
they don't need to do that manually by pressing ENTER again. These are not  
textareas or plain text editors after all.

Another problem with p is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it.  I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things inside p that will break out of the p,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

I think the browser/editor just shouldn't allow that in this case. (Not  
saying that it's easy to enforce it though.)

What behavior do we want?

p makes the most sense ideally. However, if the editor needs to pose as  
a line-based text editor, br makes the most sense. But, p styled with  
0 margins or div would be better than br if there's a desire to group  
lines. If there is a desire to group lines, p will still be a little  
more semantic, but div will be easier as it can rely on default styles  
and doesn't have the unserializable dom issue. But, either way, p/p or  
div/div will still be used for blank lines, which doesn't seem ideal.

So my current thought is to demarcate lines with divs consistently,
only using br when there are multiple line breaks in a row.

So, if I type Line 1 and press ENTER twice and then type Line 3, I'd  

divLine 1brbr/div
divLine 3/div



Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 It's used when serializing: things with _moz_dirty are prettyprinted even if
 the serialization is trying to preserve the original whitespace layout of
 the HTML in general.

 The fact that it's an actual content attribute is a bug dating back to when
 there was no other good way to associate state to an element in Gecko; we
 just need to fix that.  See

So it's an attribute that affects serialization in a nonstandard way?
What sort of serialization does it affect?  I just tested innerHTML,
and I found it stripped the attribute, but it didn't seem to add any
whitespace around br, ol, or li.

If you're going to add pretty-printing, doesn't it make more sense to
just add the text nodes directly to the DOM?  You're going to have to
deal with the extra nodes anyway as soon as the content round-trips to
a server.

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 But it also has the semantic property of being a paragraph, which is an 
 advantage I think.

Only if the user intends it to be a paragraph.  Usually they'll intend
that, but you don't know.  p is semantically inappropriate for
marking up the lines of a poem or address, for instance.

 There is also one more question to answer.  If we're already in a block level 
 element, what should happen when pressing Enter?  For example, for div 
 class=foobar|/div, what should happen after pressing enter?  I think the 
 sane thing to do is to create div class=foobar/divdiv 
 class=foo|/div (since the div might be styled on the page, and not 
 preserving the block's tag or class attr would take that away.

I've avoided splitting elements whenever possible, because it's a
minefield.  What if it were div id=foo?  What if it were div
class=foo but the class applied some styles like borders that you'd
change if you duplicated it?  What if it were div data-foo=bar?
What if there was a script handler attached to the element?  Sometimes
you have to do it anyway, but I don't unless there's no other way.

In this case, I'd say it should become div
class=foobarbr|/div, or div class=foobardiv|/div/div,
or div class=foobarp|/p/div, as the case may be.

 Would you elaborate, please?  Specifically, are you saying that in it's 
 inferior to div in this regard?

Yes, much inferior.  div can contain any block elements.  p cannot
contain almost anything else: div, ol, ul, dl, p,
blockquote, etc., etc. cannot be put inside it at any nesting level.
 So there's a greater risk of bugs.  For instance:

* If you give the input p[foo]/p to Chrome 12 dev and run
insertOrderedList, it produces the DOM (expressed in XML)
polli[foo]br //li/ol/p, which when you serialize to
text/html and unserialize becomes p/polli[foo]br
* If you give p[foo]/p to Opera 11.10 and run indent, it produces
pblockquote[foo]/blockquote/p, which becomes
p/pblockquote[foo]/blockquotep/p after round-tripping
through text/html.
* If you give ollidiv[foo]/divbar/li/ol to IE9 and run
outdent, you get pdiv[foo]/divbar/p, which round-trips to
p/pdiv[foo]/divbarp/p.  (I didn't find a simpler scenario
where it produced such DOMs, to its credit.)

My algorithms contain bugs like this too, which I try to fix as I find
them.  I didn't find any in Firefox yet, I don't think, but it would
be hard to avoid them across the board.  Of course we want to behave
correctly even if there are ps in the input for whatever reason, but
not producing ps ourselves would at least mitigate the impact of
such bugs.

 br is considered to be the standard way of representing line breaks, which 
 are part of the content.  About the problems that you're mentioning, I think 
 we need to address them anyways, since brs might already be in the content 
 even without having them assigned to Shift+Enter.

Yeah, I guess so, unless we normalized aggressively.

 I think we want to keep using brs, but I'm not convinced if div is a 
 better choice than p.

I'm not completely decided at this point, but am now leaning toward
br.  Currently my spec uses br where some type of break is needed
(e.g., de-indenting an inline node when that would make it the sibling
of some other inline node), because that's the shortest markup in
simple cases.

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:
 On Thu, 12 May 2011 22:28:47 +0200, Aryeh Gregor
 * IE9 wraps all lines in p (including if you start typing in an
 empty text box).

 Can't reproduce. If I start typing in an empty body contenteditable,
 there's no p until I hit enter.

Yes, but when you hit Enter it wraps the first line in a p too, not
just the second line.  In WebKit it only wraps the second line in a

 It doesn't render the same. Empty ps should be collapsed per CSS. (Dunno
 what IE does.)

Peculiar.  An empty p will leave a blank line equal to the height of
its top or bottom margin, whichever 

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Aryeh Gregor simetrical+...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm not completely decided at this point, but am now leaning toward
 br.  Currently my spec uses br where some type of break is needed
 (e.g., de-indenting an inline node when that would make it the sibling
 of some other inline node), because that's the shortest markup in
 simple cases.

Note that br and div affect UBA differently so we must consider what
bidirectional text users want as well.

For example, if we had div dir=rtlhello/div, and inserted br as in
div dir=rtlhellobr/div, then we preserve the RTL directionality.  If
we insert div on the other hand, div dir=rtlhello/divdiv/div, then
new paragraph will have the containing block's direction.

This will be a tricky issue when people want to mix LTR/RTL paragraphs in
the same editable region.

I guess I'm leaning toward using br by default.  If any
 implementers feel strongly, now would be a good time to speak up.

I strongly feel that we should default to div for the backward
compatibility.  And this is the preferred paragraph separator in many Google
products as far as I know because div allows developers to easy apply style,
add class, etc... to a paragraph.  And there seems to be a long history of
browsers inserting inserting p/div on Enter and inserting br on Shift+Enter
(on Windows), and changing that behavior will confuse users who are used to
this behavior.

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 5/13/11 1:26 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

So it's an attribute that affects serialization in a nonstandard way?

Far as I can tell, yes.

What sort of serialization does it affect?

Gecko has way too many serialization modes, most of them not web-exposed 
(to support writing decent HTML editors and the like).  See the various 
flags in

The _moz_dirty flag affects most of those modes, but see below.

I just tested innerHTML,
and I found it stripped the attribute, but it didn't seem to add any
whitespace aroundbr,ol, orli.

innerHTML uses OutputRaw which ensures that no prettyprinting happens 
ever, no matter what, even if a gun is held to the serializer's head. 
In particular, it overrides the _moz_dirty flag.

Similar for copy/paste.

I would suspect that there is no web-observable serialization behavior 
that depends on _moz_dirty.

If you're going to add pretty-printing, doesn't it make more sense to
just add the text nodes directly to the DOM?

Dunno; I didn't write the editor and don't have much experience with its 

You're going to have to deal with the extra nodes anyway as soon as the content 
round-trips to
a server.

This code exists for an HTML editor.  There's no round-tripping 
involved.  You're just editing some HTML.


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 Note that br and div affect UBA differently so we must consider what
 bidirectional text users want as well.
 For example, if we had div dir=rtlhello/div, and inserted br as in
 div dir=rtlhellobr/div, then we preserve the RTL directionality.  If
 we insert div on the other hand, div dir=rtlhello/divdiv/div, then
 new paragraph will have the containing block's direction.
 This will be a tricky issue when people want to mix LTR/RTL paragraphs in
 the same editable region.

If we had div dir=rtlhello/div, a new line should become div
dir=rtlhellodiv/div/div, not div
dir=rtlhello/divdiv/div.  As far as I understand it, we don't
have interop on bidi handling for br, so that's an argument against

Test-case courtesy of Aharon Lanin:

א --br-- ב

In IE and WebKit the arrows point right, in Gecko and Opera they point
left.  With a div, they point right in all browsers.

But this is an argument against using br at all, even for Shift-Enter.

 I strongly feel that we should default to div for the backward
 compatibility.  And this is the preferred paragraph separator in many Google
 products as far as I know because div allows developers to easy apply style,
 add class, etc... to a paragraph.  And there seems to be a long history of
 browsers inserting inserting p/div on Enter and inserting br on Shift+Enter
 (on Windows), and changing that behavior will confuse users who are used to
 this behavior.

Gecko has never done this, so there can't be very bad back-compat
issues (any more than any standardization here poses).  Having Enter
and Shift+Enter produce exactly the same visual effect but different
markup, as WebKit does, seems very confusing.  If we were to go with
div, it should be across the board, with no brs produced at all.

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 innerHTML uses OutputRaw which ensures that no prettyprinting happens ever,
 no matter what, even if a gun is held to the serializer's head. In
 particular, it overrides the _moz_dirty flag.

 Similar for copy/paste.

 I would suspect that there is no web-observable serialization behavior that
 depends on _moz_dirty.

Hmm, okay.  So it's not an issue I have to care about.  (Although of
course when I eventually write a real test suite, this will make Gecko
fail lots of tests.  But everyone will fail pretty much all the tests
at first anyway, given the state of contenteditable today, so . . .)

 This code exists for an HTML editor.  There's no round-tripping involved.
  You're just editing some HTML.

In web content, pretty much the only reason people have HTML editors
is so they can submit the content to a server, presumably using
innerHTML.  The story for non-web-exposed stuff is of course
different, but it's not relevant to specs.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 5/13/11 3:26 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

א --br--  ב

In IE and WebKit the arrows point right, in Gecko and Opera they point

I _think_ we consider that a bug in Gecko.

Hmm, okay.  So it's not an issue I have to care about.  (Although of
course when I eventually write a real test suite, this will make Gecko
fail lots of tests.

Sure; I did say we need to make that attribute go away. ;)


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 I _think_ we consider that a bug in Gecko.

It does violate a should in HTML5, added a while back in reply to that bug:

A br element should separate paragraphs for the purposes of the
Unicode bidirectional algorithm.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 11-05-13 2:25 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I just tested innerHTML,
and I found it stripped the attribute, but it didn't seem to add any
whitespace aroundbr,ol, orli.

innerHTML uses OutputRaw which ensures that no prettyprinting happens
ever, no matter what, even if a gun is held to the serializer's head. In
particular, it overrides the _moz_dirty flag.

Similar for copy/paste.

I would suspect that there is no web-observable serialization behavior
that depends on _moz_dirty.

I think that's true, as we don't expose pretty printed serialization of 
the DOM to the web to the best of my knowledge.


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 11-05-13 1:26 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

If you're going to add pretty-printing, doesn't it make more sense to
just add the text nodes directly to the DOM?  You're going to have to
deal with the extra nodes anyway as soon as the content round-trips to
a server.

We're not going to add pretty-printing for the purposes of this spec, 
are we?

Only if the user intends it to be a paragraph.  Usually they'll intend
that, but you don't know.p  is semantically inappropriate for
marking up the lines of a poem or address, for instance.

Sure, but how are we going to detect that?  Do you agree that they 
intend to add a paragraph most of the time?

I've avoided splitting elements whenever possible, because it's a
minefield.  What if it werediv id=foo?  What if it werediv
class=foo  but the class applied some styles like borders that you'd
change if you duplicated it?  What if it werediv data-foo=bar?
What if there was a script handler attached to the element?  Sometimes
you have to do it anyway, but I don't unless there's no other way.

I think this is a problem that we should solve anyway, since we can't 
avoid splitting nodes in the general case.  Once we have an algorithm 
for that, we can just use it wherever necessary, right?

You can look at the nsEditor::SplitNodeImpl algorithm used in Gecko 
 I'm sure WebKit includes a similar algorithm...

In this case, I'd say it should becomediv
class=foobarbr|/div, ordiv class=foobardiv|/div/div,
ordiv class=foobarp|/p/div, as the case may be.

I don't really think we want to nest stuff here, it leads into weird 
markups and most likely werid layouts (think of an editable area with a 
margin-left for paragraphs/divs.)

Would you elaborate, please?  Specifically, are you saying that in it's inferior 
todiv  in this regard?

Yes, much inferior.div  can contain any block elements.p  cannot
contain almost anything else:div,ol,ul,dl,p,
blockquote, etc., etc. cannot be put inside it at any nesting level.
  So there's a greater risk of bugs.  For instance:

* If you give the inputp[foo]/p  to Chrome 12 dev and run
insertOrderedList, it produces the DOM (expressed in XML)
polli[foo]br //li/ol/p, which when you serialize to
text/html and unserialize becomesp/polli[foo]br

Firefox generates ollifoo/li/ol.

* If you givep[foo]/p  to Opera 11.10 and run indent, it produces
pblockquote[foo]/blockquote/p, which becomes
p/pblockquote[foo]/blockquotep/p  after round-tripping
through text/html.

Firefox generates p style=margin-left: 40px;foo/p.

* If you giveollidiv[foo]/divbar/li/ol  to IE9 and run
outdent, you getpdiv[foo]/divbar/p, which round-trips to
p/pdiv[foo]/divbarp/p.  (I didn't find a simpler scenario
where it produced such DOMs, to its credit.)

A better form for output is divfoo/divdivbar/div I think 
(Firefox handles this very badly: ollifoobar/li/ol).

My algorithms contain bugs like this too, which I try to fix as I find
them.  I didn't find any in Firefox yet, I don't think, but it would
be hard to avoid them across the board.  Of course we want to behave
correctly even if there areps in the input for whatever reason, but
not producingps ourselves would at least mitigate the impact of
such bugs.

I guess I don't understand your reasoning.  If you're saying that 
existing implementations have bugs on this sort of thing, for sure, no 
discussion about that.  But I don't know if we can draw the conclusion 
that it's not possible to generate an HTML5 valid DOM if we used p.

I think the right way to decide between p and div is to ask 
ourselves this question: What is the correct element to use?.

Anyway, at this point I'm againstp  because of the margin and
serializability issues, and undecided betweenbr  is
harder to deal with, but we have to deal with it regardless, and it's
both logical and succinct.div  is closer to what most browsers
output by default (wrapping elements instead of usingbr), but it
adds more clutter, and all browsers do outputbr  by default in some
cases.  I guess I'm leaning toward usingbr  by default.  If any
implementers feel strongly, now would be a good time to speak up.

The margin is a presentation issue, which can be fixed by adjusting the 
document style.  It _may_ even be desired in some cases.  As I said 
above, if we just generate the correct markup, we don't need to worry 
about serializability.


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 11-05-13 1:48 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Aryeh Gregorsimetrical+...@gmail.comwrote:
Note that br and div affect UBA differently so we must consider what
bidirectional text users want as well.

For example, if we haddiv dir=rtlhello/div, and inserted br as in
div dir=rtlhellobr/div, then we preserve the RTL directionality.  If
we insert div on the other hand,div dir=rtlhello/divdiv/div, then
new paragraph will have the containing block's direction.

This will be a tricky issue when people want to mix LTR/RTL paragraphs in
the same editable region.

This is a very good point.  I know that p constitutes a UBA paragraph. 
 Does the same apply to div as well?

I strongly feel that we should default to div for the backward
compatibility.  And this is the preferred paragraph separator in many Google
products as far as I know because div allows developers to easy apply style,
add class, etc... to a paragraph.  And there seems to be a long history of
browsers inserting inserting p/div on Enter and inserting br on Shift+Enter
(on Windows), and changing that behavior will confuse users who are used to
this behavior.

I agree that we should use br for Shift+Enter, but I'm not sure if I 
agree with your rationale on using div for Enter.  Backwards 
compatibility is not a strong argument if you consider Gecko for 
example.  And I'm not sure if we need to comply with what Google web 
properties expect.  The result of the final spec is going to be 
different to what each browser implements today, so web apps might need 
to change anyway.  Furthermore, such web products would not work 
correctly in Gecko if the code is expecting divs today.


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-13 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

 On 11-05-13 1:48 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Aryeh
 Note that br and div affect UBA differently so we must consider what
 bidirectional text users want as well.

 For example, if we haddiv dir=rtlhello/div, and inserted br as in
 div dir=rtlhellobr/div, then we preserve the RTL directionality.
 we insert div on the other hand,div dir=rtlhello/divdiv/div,
 new paragraph will have the containing block's direction.

 This will be a tricky issue when people want to mix LTR/RTL paragraphs in
 the same editable region.

 This is a very good point.  I know that p constitutes a UBA paragraph.
  Does the same apply to div as well?

Yes.  Any block element will do.

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 5/12/11 4:28 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

* Firefox 4.0 just usesbr _moz_dirty=  for Enter and Shift-Enter,
always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)

It's used when serializing: things with _moz_dirty are prettyprinted 
even if the serialization is trying to preserve the original whitespace 
layout of the HTML in general.

The fact that it's an actual content attribute is a bug dating back to 
when there was no other good way to associate state to an element in 
Gecko; we just need to fix that.  See


Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: p or br or div?

2011-05-12 Thread Ehsan Akhgari
 * IE9 wraps all lines in p (including if you start typing in an
 empty text box). If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
 ps. Shift-Enter inserts br.
 * Firefox 4.0 just uses br _moz_dirty= for Enter and Shift-Enter,
 always. (What's _moz_dirty for?)
 * Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
 you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a div. Hitting Enter
 multiple times outputs divbr/div, and Shift-Enter always inserts
 * Opera 11.10 wraps in p like IE, but for blank lines it uses
 pbr/p instead of just p/p (they render the same).
 What behavior do we want?
 A problem with p is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
 so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break. One
 real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
 0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translates p and
 div to line breaks on the server side. The usual convention in text
 editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
 Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

But it also has the semantic property of being a paragraph, which is an 
advantage I think.

There is also one more question to answer.  If we're already in a block level 
element, what should happen when pressing Enter?  For example, for div 
class=foobar|/div, what should happen after pressing enter?  I think the 
sane thing to do is to create div class=foobar/divdiv 
class=foo|/div (since the div might be styled on the page, and not 
preserving the block's tag or class attr would take that away.

 Another problem with p is that it's very easy to create
 unserializable DOMs with it. I've seen cases where at least some
 browsers will put things inside p that will break out of the p,
 and I've done it myself by mistake too.

Would you elaborate, please?  Specifically, are you saying that in it's 
inferior to div in this regard?

 The problem with br is that it's a pain to deal with. It forces you
 to deal with lines as sequences of adjacent sibling nodes instead of
 as a single node. Also, sometimes br doesn't do anything, like
 (usually) a single br at the end of a block box, but when you add
 something after it it suddenly starts doing something. If lines
 aren't wrapped in block elements, then whenever you have to move
 around some text, you need to be sure that you check that you're not
 removing a br or failing to move one and thereby running two lines
 together, or leaving an extra br someplace so there are now two in a
 row. I've seen bugs to this effect in multiple browsers, where they
 don't insert a br when they should (but behave fine with div/p),
 and have made the mistake a lot myself.

br is considered to be the standard way of representing line breaks, which are 
part of the content.  About the problems that you're mentioning, I think we 
need to address them anyways, since brs might already be in the content even 
without having them assigned to Shift+Enter.

 So my current thought is to demarcate lines with divs consistently,
 only using br when there are multiple line breaks in a row. This is
 unlike any current browser, since everyone uses br at least for
 Shift-Enter. If this is the way we want to behave, then I'll also
 have commands normalize nearby brs to divs where it makes things
 easier, like I normalize other types of markup.

I think we want to keep using brs, but I'm not convinced if div is a better 
choice than p.

Ehsan Akhgari