RE: PoE Load Tester Recommendation

2021-09-16 Thread Jennifer Minella
Yessir on the $$ - that’s why I suggested maybe borrowing one  They are worth 
the money 10x over for most organizations but it’s a hefty ask up front 
especially with tighter post-COVID recovery budgets.

Other dumb thing to check – sometimes when they punch down they accidentally 
mix and match A and B. It’s less common/likely but easy to check. If the switch 
isn’t Auto-MDIX you could try a crossover cable if the patching isn’t easily 

Additional info…  - super old blog post 
I wrote on this (and graphic MIA) - newer blog post 
from someone else with much more detail

Good luck!!

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Founder, Principal Advisor- Security Architecture
Viszen Security
919.539.2726 mobile/text<><>
Get free network security insights delivered to your inbox

From: Floyd, Brad 
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: PoE Load Tester Recommendation

Hey JJ,
Good to hear from you, thanks for the reply. It looks like (from the 
description) the LinkRunner G2 and above will do the actual PoE load test I’m 
looking for (not just repeating what LLDP/CDP is saying the capabilities are). 
The LinkRunner 10G also appears to test the NBASE-T / 802.3bz standard for 
M-Gig. I’ve had some new construction recently where most all APs in a building 
link up at 5 Gbps, but a couple only link up at 2.5 Gbps. I would like to be 
able to test for that too. However….. The $6k+ price tag is fairly steep.

Hopefully we can catch up again post-pandemic at WLPC soon. Is the domain 
change from CAD to Viszen a good thing? We can discuss offline if you prefer.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Jennifer Minella
Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] PoE Load Tester Recommendation

Hi Brad,
If your team or a friend has a NetAlly tool around, that would kill a few birds 
with one stone and provide detailed PoE reporting (among a million other 

Specifically, these are the wired products. Starting at the LinkRunner AT model 
and going up, those have various PoE validation capabilities, increasing in 
capability as you head up to the LinkRunner G2 and then EtherScope nXG (which 
also does WiFi testing and makes coffee for you).

Some of them can also be remotely controlled, so you can throw it to NOC, a 
tech, intern, whatever – and control it from the Interwebs.


Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Founder, Principal Advisor- Security Architecture
Viszen Security
919.539.2726 mobile/text<><>
Get free network security insights delivered to your inbox<>

From: Floyd, Brad>>
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 5:43 PM
Subject: PoE Load Tester Recommendation

Can anyone recommend a device to PoE load test network jacks? I have some jacks 
that pass the installer’s Category Certification, but are not passing the 
appropriate PoE to bring the APs online. I would like to be able to load test 
for 802.3af, 802.3at, and 802.3bt (at both 60W and 90W), as appropriate. I 
assume I would need to be able to set the load to apply (in Watts) and see the 
voltage level at the Powered Device. The u

RE: Multi sim 4G routers

2021-07-22 Thread Jennifer Minella
Hi Luke,
+1 on Cradlepoint but also here are some misc. other options assuming multiple 
APs (vs 1 single Remote AP).

  *   Talk to your Aruba team about some possible upcoming roadmap items which 
might be relevant to your needs. Ask if there might be APs and/or Gateways with 
LTE support. It may be there are options here but they may only support 1 
SIM/link but worth checking out.
  *   Use a SOHO/Branch firewall with multi SIM support (the Fortigates someone 
mentioned are great, I’m sure most firewall vendors have a similar solution).
  *   Depending on distance and LoS, you may be able to use a long haul 
wireless bridge back to a main connection (e.g. Siklu) or leverage longer-range 
private cellular- CBRS/PrivateLTE for remote/rural coverage (e.g. Celona / OnGo 
Alliance). Note CBRS is the band used for Private LTE in the US – in UK it’s 
different bands and even though I sat through an update on that yesterday I 
didn’t take notes on that  Both of these options would not require cellular 
service and therefore reduce ongoing costs, but may not be viable depending on 
location and distance.


Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Consulting Advisor, Network & Cyber Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Starting August 1st my role with the company will change to 
a part time contractor advisory role, and you may be working with other 
teammates for certain projects.

From: Luke Whitworth 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 9:54 AM
Subject: Multi sim 4G routers

Hi all,

We’ve got a requirement to support some learning spaces in remote locations.  
We use Aruba wireless so if we can have some remote APs there, we just need to 
work out how to backhaul them.  In the past I’ve resorted to a Raspberry Pi and 
a 4G USB dongle (as although some Aruba access points have USB modem support it 
was a nightmare that I gave up on).  However, for this people are wanting more 
bandwidth and resiliency, and a plug in and go solution.  I’ve found, which seemingly ticks lots of 
boxes but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with products / vendors 
in this area that they’d be happy to share?  Ideally we’d like multiple SIMs 
that we can load balance over, so we just plug in a few APs and live in hope 
that all users don’t associate with just one AP!



Luke Whitworth
Network Specialist
Information Services
Building 63 (IT) G46, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL
T: +44 (0) 1234 75 4007

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RE: Fortinet Wireless?

2021-07-20 Thread Jennifer Minella
Yep so... maybe one thing I should clarify - with Fortinet APs you don't need 
their switches for any of the WiFi portfolio. For the FortiGate-managed APs you 
DO need a Fortinet firewall, even if it's only purpose is to act as a 
"controller" or "gateway"; meaning you don't have to replace your existing 
firewall in that process if you don't want to.

The longer story there is that in the last ~18 months we've seen the early 
stages of a shift towards what I call a converged edge. Here are some random 
bullets/thoughts on that-

  *   Converged edge means WiFi and LAN edge switches are being managed 
together more now (vs separate platforms)
 *   Aruba brough AOS then CX switches in to Central; Mist brought Juniper 
EX platform in; Fortinet moved from FortiAP cloud to FortiLAN cloud; Juniper is 
sunsetting Sky in favor of unified platform
  *   In addition most vendors are also rolling in a subset of their 
gateway/SD-WAN/SD-Branch security hardware to that central management as well
 *   Aruba modified legacy controllers to gateways for tunnel termination 
and firewall features now managed by Central; Mist recently rolled in Juniper 
SRX appliances; Fortinet obviously supports cloud firewall management
  *   Most of the convergence is of course moving to the cloud to leverage 
computing resource for AI, reduce CapEx, (plus offer a model for recurring 
revenue for the vendor which they love)
 *   Mist has IMO the strongest AI platform which simply can't run on-prem; 
Aruba is also touting their AIOps and Insights; Cisco has their new XDR 
platform available to digest and act on security data from licensed Cisco 
  *   Zero touch for WiFi is good-to-great across vendors, while Zero touch and 
centralized cloud-config for switching doesn't have parity among vendors; some 
are uber-easy, others are clunky and borderline useless

And because of this convergence and AIOps

  *   Pretty much ALL vendors have some extra secret sauce you get by combining 
the WiFi + Edge Switching - auto VLANs, mechanisms for micro segmentation for 
zero trust, data integration and correlation, troubleshooting, visibility, 
update coordination, security enhancements, etc.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Consulting Advisor, Network & Cyber Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Starting August 1st my role with the company will change to 
a part time contractor advisory role, and you may be working with other 
teammates for certain projects.

From: Lee H Badman 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)

Fortifantastic, JJ- thanks for sharing that. I know every solution is "better" 
when same vendor is used for switching and WLAN under the Single Glass of Pain 
paradigm, but I can't be the only one contemplating our WLAN future decoupled 
from the desire to also change out thousands of switches. Just shouldn't need 
to... would be nice to see more vendors seizing the "THIS is how we help you 
change WLAN systems without disrupting your LAN" opportunities. I like what I 
see in Fortinet presentations, but those are always so expansive and 
sll-inclusive you (I?) don't get the feel that Forti-Fi was meant to play on 
other LAN environments.


Lee Badman | Network Architect (CWNE#200)
Information Technology Services
(NDD Group)
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244
t 315.443.3003   e<> w
Campus Wireless Policy:

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Jennifer Minella
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 

Ah. Nope I haven't seen any larges ones yet. No truckloads of AI for you! Their 
go-to changed from (legacy MC) controllers to FG-managed, with cloud (AFAIK) in 
a distant 3rd . I may get in trouble for saying that, and it's likely changing 
as all the vendors are (as you noted) leveraging the cloud compute power for 
AI. Fortinet has a strong R team and process, puts most of their money back 
in to product development vs. marketing so they have that going for them and 
could certainly come of from behind in the WiFi arena.

I believe it is still free to create a cloud account and take it for a spin (at 
least with the UI) - FortiAP Cloud is now FortiLAN Cloud -
I will say in the lab our team has played with some o

RE: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)

2021-07-20 Thread Jennifer Minella
Ah. Nope I haven't seen any larges ones yet. No truckloads of AI for you! Their 
go-to changed from (legacy MC) controllers to FG-managed, with cloud (AFAIK) in 
a distant 3rd . I may get in trouble for saying that, and it's likely changing 
as all the vendors are (as you noted) leveraging the cloud compute power for 
AI. Fortinet has a strong R team and process, puts most of their money back 
in to product development vs. marketing so they have that going for them and 
could certainly come of from behind in the WiFi arena.

I believe it is still free to create a cloud account and take it for a spin (at 
least with the UI) - FortiAP Cloud is now FortiLAN Cloud -
I will say in the lab our team has played with some of the FortiSwitches and 
they have some neat features and have their place in the world, especially for 
highly distributed/branch office use cases. There's even what I'd call 
"NAC-light" built in - which is confusing when they have an actual FortiNAC 
product - but it's neat nonetheless.


Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Consulting Advisor, Network & Cyber Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Starting August 1st my role with the company will change to 
a part time contractor advisory role, and you may be working with other 
teammates for certain projects.

From: Lee H Badman 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)

Duh! Cloud. And buckets of AI. Truckloads full.

Lee Badman | Network Architect | CWNE #200
Information Technology Services
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244
t 315.443.3003   f 315.443.4325   e<> w<,1,YJRfe-URuUNKQ4jg_adjmEQVQSNAdlNTAe13moItABtftm8TUeFocJNuJEDQIZ-TUnsp8GM0ETfRaJf_EwyvXhJ8qxTPTIIQ7xOoGT6aMD5oLl8,=1_add=1>
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY<,1,qdD9q8WQBRUBgcou7pwI-dSEH-z4WdOEIrW9Z-dS8NeC01y23N8vgGSLCYbhD8EQhV3Y3j1PtBd_mkaDcNvbR8jYu218sNSjNf-DkOh_eQo,=1_add=1>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Jennifer Minella>>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 

Hey buddy! Which 'flavor' of Fortinet Wireless?

  *   Legacy controller /Meru
  *   Cloud
  *   Firewall-managed


Jennifer Minella, CISSP

Consulting Advisor, Cyber Security

Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<,1,CrUxd-DZhMQelCHcNRKflOFpueCLM3PYw0Khql8MF7Ne1o_MWYzpTQCxQQJ6ZGtIbpEkmNgNA7IYYLt7N9yhPKij6HRYZxuqlpX-w-BI0DNIbBwp=1><>

919.460.1313 Main Office

919.539.2726 Mobile/text


IMPORTANT UPDATES: August 1st my role with the company will change and you may 
be working with other teammates for certain projects.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of WIRELESS-LAN automatic digest system
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 5:00 PM
Subject: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)

[LISTSERV mailing list 


WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)
Table of contents:

  *   Fortinet Wireless? (3)

  1.  Fortinet Wireless?
 *   Fortinet Wireless? (07/16)
From: Lee H Badman>>
 *   Re: Fortinet Wireless? (07/16)
From: "Floyd, Brad">>
 *   Re: Fortinet Wireless? (07/16)
From: Lee H Badman>>

Browse the WIRELESS-LAN onl

RE: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)

2021-07-19 Thread Jennifer Minella
Hey buddy! Which 'flavor' of Fortinet Wireless?

  *   Legacy controller /Meru
  *   Cloud
  *   Firewall-managed

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Consulting Advisor, Cyber Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

IMPORTANT UPDATES: August 1st my role with the company will change and you may 
be working with other teammates for certain projects.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of WIRELESS-LAN automatic digest 
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 5:00 PM
Subject: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)

[LISTSERV mailing list manager]<>
[LISTSERV 15.0]<>

WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 15 Jul 2021 to 16 Jul 2021 (#2021-109)
Table of contents:

  *   Fortinet Wireless? (3)

  1.  Fortinet Wireless?
 *   Fortinet Wireless? (07/16)
From: Lee H Badman>>
 *   Re: Fortinet Wireless? (07/16)
From: "Floyd, Brad">>
 *   Re: Fortinet Wireless? (07/16)
From: Lee H Badman>>

Browse the WIRELESS-LAN online 

 by the LISTSERV Email List 

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RE: Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

2021-07-19 Thread Jennifer Minella
Just a quick but relevant clarification- “Non transferable” means not 
transferrable outside the organization. So, for example, a reseller can’t 
purchase it and then give it to someone else. One university can’t purchase it 
and then give it/transfer it to another university, etc. In the cases here, 
it’s the organization/school that owns the license, not the individual. They 
are not transferring it when using it internally.

Certainly I don’t think anyone on this thread is advocating for violating terms 
of use. Everyone is simply adjusting to a new licensing model and the original 
request was asking for alternatives specifically so they aren’t violating any 

The other clause is related to “leasing” the software out like VRBO. However a 
product manager and someone else at corporate has stated this is allowed with 
the hardware, so this is the only ambiguous statement (for me).

And if you look at the reply from NetAlly’s Director of Marketing in that same 
thread, you see it looks like they plan to address the confusion/ambiguity.

Hope that helps and I’ll verify this is correct just in case.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Consulting Advisor, Cyber Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Starting August 1st my role with the company will change and 
you may be working with other teammates for certain projects.

From: Samuel Clements 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

Great thread everyone - I love watching (and occasionally contributing) to all 
of the things that go on in the edu space! For my part, the licensing 
restrictions that people face using Ekahau products are also present in their 
competitors' products. For example, here is a twitter thread that highlights 
netally's TOS that includes very similar language to Ekahau:

Be careful about listening to what's said/advertised publicly compared to 
what's documented in the legal terms of service you're accepting when you click 
"I Accept" on any software anywhere.

As another brief word of caution - this is a public list and advocating 
software piracy and methods for circumventing Terms of Service is likely to be 
frowned upon by someone, somewhere. It's worth taking a moment in your replies 
to make sure you're not saying anything that could give the impression of 
impropriety - both on behalf of you individually, as well as the organization 
you work for.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 1:15 PM Matt Wierzgac>> wrote:
I don’t think Ekahau sends anything to the end user unless they seek support in 
the case of an issue.  When you send an email to support or call them, they 
always ask what product key your device is using, and if there is a different 
name on file for them vs. what was registered through the software, they whine 
about it and threaten to shut it down.  The only way around this is to use a 
company email address, that has a user name that isn’t suspicious of being 
generic, but the password being generic so all users using this account knows 
it so they can login. Just remember if calling upon support for that account, 
to tell them you are the person with the name on the email account.  Not ideal, 
but I understand why they do it.  If only they made a license for more than 1 
user that’s slightly higher in price to reflect this, but not as high as 
purchasing an entire new Ekahau license that’s $1200+


Matt Wierzgac
Engineering Manager

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of James Helzerman
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

Hi, how did they know it was a generic account?  Are they sending back 
information about the device it's on and mapping the login?  Or they just using 
some heuristic that looks to see if it may be a generic account such as sending 
emails to thT user account and getting no response.


On Sun, Jul 18, 2021, 10:56 PM Jason Cook>> wrote:
This frustrated us a bit too. Their licensing seems to be aimed primarily at 
Wifi professionals who use this all the time/profit from it as part of their 
business. Doesn’t really fit our environments at all.

Over the course of a year lets say at best we’d use this at .5 of an FTE (I’m 
probably overstating that, would prefer to use it more but we just don’t have 
There’s 5 people in our team. We aren’t going to pay for 5 licenses for 
something that is use so little… not at the license cost they have anyway.


RE: Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

2021-07-19 Thread Jennifer Minella
Coming from a company works with clients using these products & that sells 
several, here’s my opinion:

  *   Ekahau: I’m sad with the direction they’re going and echo the sentiments 
here- I believe in non-concurrent use which is how the rest of licensing 
usually works. There are times we move our own licenses between endpoints (same 
user). So their model is not sustainable for you guys with large teams nor even 
for us. Ekahau probably has the best training around, not only for their 
product but it includes the basic WiFi knowledge needed to do proper designs, 
regardless of the design product.
  *   NetAlly: We were unsure where/how the design and survey products were 
going to go- they let them kinda drift for a while but have re-energized 
development in these and while they may only be ~80% of what Ekahau has 
offered, the truth is most users (esp end users vs integrators) don’t need that 
other 20% of features AND their licensing is MUCH more flexible. The cloud 
service is free and really neat. You can remotely control the hand held 
devices, and everything syncs, etc. They also have a free viewer and ways to 
share. The downside is there is no equivalent of a Sidekick but if that’s not 
critical I’d recommend you check out their solutions.
  *   iBwave: Also a very neat product, but geared for environments outside of 
standard WiFi and is very very expensive and probably not as intuitive to use.

These are really the 3 mainstream products for WiFi design and survey.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
Consulting Advisory, Cyber Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Starting August 1st my role with the company will change and 
you may be working with other teammates for certain projects.

From: Paul Smith 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

Depends on your needs, for me as annoying as their licencing hounds have become 
since the acquisition there is nothing that remotely matches the Ekahau 
offering at this point. I’m sure the community annoyance is being noticed by 
the likes of NetAlly AirMagnet and iBwave though. I’d add those to your list to 

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of McClintic, Thomas
Sent: 19 July 2021 14:44
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

Thanks everyone for the feedback, it sounds like many of us are in the same 

We like Ekahau, but I’m always open to other options on any products we use. 
Here is a list of options I’m flirting with and would love to know if anyone 
has utilized them.

VisiWave - $849
TamoGraph  - $1399
Acrylic - $879 ($2199 perpetual)

I’ve used Acrylic products for personal use and the value was incredible.

We have had AirMagnet in the past and I feel the price they spend on R 
doesn’t justify the cost. If someone has recent experience and seen 
improvements with that software let me know. For around $4000 per seat I just 
don’t see the value.

On a side note, both the compliance manager and our account manager are in the 
in the Philippines. In the past we had local team contacts, not sure where in 
the last few years that changed, but I find it interesting. All of my previous 
contacts are no longer with the company.

TJ McClintic

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Rick Brown
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Ekahau Licensing & Alternatives

In some ways having it tied to the Sidekick was better in that it did allow 
multiple users but not simultaneously.  The problem there was most IT policies 
on campuses these days don't allow multiple uses of a single device without it 
being tied to an individual login.   I certainly don't want to share my iPad.

 It would be good if they'd take a closer look at university users and 
determine a way to allow for multiple users but only the number of licenses 
purchased simultaneously.   This would mean that you couldn't work they files 
unless the Sidekick was present or if a license was not being used at the time.


On 7/18/2021 10:43 PM, Jason Cook wrote:
This frustrated us a bit too. Their licensing seems to be aimed primarily at 
Wifi professionals who use this all the time/profit from it as part of their 
business. Doesn’t really fit our environments at all.

Over the course of a year lets say at best we’d use this at .5 of an FTE (I’m 
probably overstating that, would prefer to use it more but we

RE: Lead time for Wi-Fi gear?

2021-05-21 Thread Jennifer Minella
IDK if this helps but the lead time will vary per manufacturer and model, 
depending on what they had in stock and their allocations internally and at 
various distributors. Behind the scenes, the manufacturers can do an allocation 
and hold for what they think are most critical needs. E.g. during the peak of 
COVID they prioritized healthcare end-users.

So some models may have already been built and get out the door quickly, while 
others were low inventory/high demand and therefore not in production yet due 
to the chip shortage.

Also worth noting, the status can change daily. Work with your VAR/reseller and 
they can usually get a bit more info via disti and/or the manufacturer. As 
always, mileage may vary. A valid and easy question is – what IS available and 
see if that suits your needs.

Good luck and happy Friday!

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Mike Atkins 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2021 10:24 AM
Subject: Lead time for Wi-Fi gear?

What's the word on lead time for your Wi-Fi gear?  We are primarily Cisco but 
have some Aruba and see ship times six months out.  Is that what everyone else 
is seeing?  I know some Meraki gear can be shipped within a week or so.  I just 
wanted to get a feel from the group as to what they hear on the street.


Mike Atkins
Infrastructure Architect
Office of Information Technology
University of Notre Dame
Phone: 574-631-7210

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RE: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

2021-04-21 Thread Jennifer Minella
Jeff – Yes, that’s exactly right for connections to apps/services - but what if 
we’re talking about an infected machine or malicious user? They’re not 
necessarily connecting to anything specific in terms of an application that 
would further auth them. That’s actually why I’m saying if it’s Internet-only 
and inter-station blocking is on then let them have at it, as long as the org’s 
legal team is OK with it. Otherwise, if they could access internal resources at 
the network level then those non-app based connections (L1-4) should be given 
some consideration and protection.

I don’t agree that there are enough breadcrumbs from the network admin side to 
identify a user on a device with anonymous login/auth. You’d need to either 
access data or artifacts on the device for that, or have some other means of 
traffic analysis on-network to try and piece that together. And some kind of 
extra special magic is needed if they’re on a device with private/randomized 

Very valid point of course on the stolen creds or stolen device with device 
certs. That’s just a risk but from a compliance/audit standpoint that’s a 
different risk than an open network.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Jeffrey D. Sessler 
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?


I would hope that the service itself has authorization/admittance controls vs 
relying on the user’s device and/or the particular network the device is in for 

I’d also argue that there is enough breadcrumbs about any given device to 
determine the user without the need for them to authenticate to wireless. Then 
again, the device could just as easily be stolen, or the user’s account could 
have been compromised, and the attacker self-enrolls his/her machine/uses the 
credentials to gain access.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Jennifer Minella
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

Oh my goodness. I forgot the biggest one – if you’re going to give that user or 
device access to internal resources/assets you probably want to know who it is 
– even if it’s printers, screen casting, etc. If the user or device has access 
to critical internal resources, then you definitely need to know who it is. 
From a infosec due diligence standpoint, it would be hard to argue a defense on 
that one if a significant event were to occur.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Jennifer Minella>>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

Ooh Lee what a great thread! I didn’t have a chance yesterday but catching up 

Here’s what I throw in the mix for consideration… (no recommendations just free 
flow thoughts)
Sorry this is long; WPA3 gets me really excited 

  1.  OWE/Open Enhanced (not technically part of WPA3 but #semantics) ONLY 
provides OTA encryption; it does nothing for authenticating the user to the 
network NOR the network to the user.
  2.  …that means you could use a guest portal experience, with or without user 
ID, and add encryption vs historically having to use a Pre-Shared Key or 802.1X 
for key exchanges and encryption.
  3.  If you care about who the user is, you can still use a portal with 
self-registration and whatever duration you feel is appropriate. Depending on 
how much you care, a self-registration portal may (or may not) be sufficient.
  4.  If you care about protecting the user/device against a MiTM or evil twin 
attack, then you probably prefer a mechanism that allows some type of 
authentication, which is typically mutual authentication (e.g. 1X).
  5.  Under WPA3, security is increased across the board and will be ongoing 
(not fixed). Including replacing Pre-Shared Key (PSK) with SAE- which 
looks/feels JUST like PSK to admins/users but further protects assets by using 
unique key derivations for each endpoint. So… if someone has the passcode they 
can get on, but they can’t decrypt any other traffic even if the endpoint(s) 
are using the same key. The list of enhancements goes on and on.
  6.  Does your organization require traceability of users for any internal or 
external policies or compliance?

RE: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

2021-04-21 Thread Jennifer Minella
Oh my goodness. I forgot the biggest one – if you’re going to give that user or 
device access to internal resources/assets you probably want to know who it is 
– even if it’s printers, screen casting, etc. If the user or device has access 
to critical internal resources, then you definitely need to know who it is. 
From a infosec due diligence standpoint, it would be hard to argue a defense on 
that one if a significant event were to occur.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Jennifer Minella 
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

Ooh Lee what a great thread! I didn’t have a chance yesterday but catching up 

Here’s what I throw in the mix for consideration… (no recommendations just free 
flow thoughts)
Sorry this is long; WPA3 gets me really excited 

  1.  OWE/Open Enhanced (not technically part of WPA3 but #semantics) ONLY 
provides OTA encryption; it does nothing for authenticating the user to the 
network NOR the network to the user.
  2.  …that means you could use a guest portal experience, with or without user 
ID, and add encryption vs historically having to use a Pre-Shared Key or 802.1X 
for key exchanges and encryption.
  3.  If you care about who the user is, you can still use a portal with 
self-registration and whatever duration you feel is appropriate. Depending on 
how much you care, a self-registration portal may (or may not) be sufficient.
  4.  If you care about protecting the user/device against a MiTM or evil twin 
attack, then you probably prefer a mechanism that allows some type of 
authentication, which is typically mutual authentication (e.g. 1X).
  5.  Under WPA3, security is increased across the board and will be ongoing 
(not fixed). Including replacing Pre-Shared Key (PSK) with SAE- which 
looks/feels JUST like PSK to admins/users but further protects assets by using 
unique key derivations for each endpoint. So… if someone has the passcode they 
can get on, but they can’t decrypt any other traffic even if the endpoint(s) 
are using the same key. The list of enhancements goes on and on.
  6.  Does your organization require traceability of users for any internal or 
external policies or compliance? This could be for security reasons, compliance 
with IP and digital rights, or other needs. One Uni org I’ve worked with 
successfully stopped a student from a suicide attempt when the student posted 
online- they physically located the person and saved them from what they were 
about to do… There are a lot of things to consider and every org is different.
  7.  Whether or not portal acceptable use and/or user ID/registration is 
needed is a hotly-debated topic and has a lot of “it depends”. I recently asked 
several CISOs, lawyers, auditors, and cyber security friends at the FBI.
 *   The CISOs feel it’s “window dressing” except that per …
 *   …Lawyers, there may be some legal protection if a user compromised 
while on your network comes after you (e.g. policy says “org not responsible 
for anything resulting from use of their network”).
 *   The FBI says they need “something” to open a case and prosecute (e.g. 
Acceptable Use clause or access banner).
 *   In Europe (I’m told) orgs providing public internet access fall under 
ISP laws, and therefore must be diligent about registration/acceptable use/etc. 
By policy/compliance they have stricter rules for requiring accountability and 

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Enfield, Chuck>>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

I’ve been floating this idea to IT leadership for years, with no interest on 
their part.  We implemented an open guest network with no rate limiting about 
18 months ago, so now any student who doesn’t want to onboard doesn’t have to.  
I figured that would get the bosses asking why we bother to authenticate on the 
other SSID, but still no.  It’s ironic that the people who constantly stress 
the importance of customer experience and regularly complain to me about the 
onboarding experience can’t be bothered to consider obvious alternatives.  I 
wouldn’t be so disappointed if we discussed the pros and cons and they came to 
a different conclusion than I have, but it sounds so radical to them that they 
don’t even care to discuss it.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 

RE: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

2021-04-21 Thread Jennifer Minella
Ooh Lee what a great thread! I didn’t have a chance yesterday but catching up 

Here’s what I throw in the mix for consideration… (no recommendations just free 
flow thoughts)
Sorry this is long; WPA3 gets me really excited 

  1.  OWE/Open Enhanced (not technically part of WPA3 but #semantics) ONLY 
provides OTA encryption; it does nothing for authenticating the user to the 
network NOR the network to the user.
  2.  …that means you could use a guest portal experience, with or without user 
ID, and add encryption vs historically having to use a Pre-Shared Key or 802.1X 
for key exchanges and encryption.
  3.  If you care about who the user is, you can still use a portal with 
self-registration and whatever duration you feel is appropriate. Depending on 
how much you care, a self-registration portal may (or may not) be sufficient.
  4.  If you care about protecting the user/device against a MiTM or evil twin 
attack, then you probably prefer a mechanism that allows some type of 
authentication, which is typically mutual authentication (e.g. 1X).
  5.  Under WPA3, security is increased across the board and will be ongoing 
(not fixed). Including replacing Pre-Shared Key (PSK) with SAE- which 
looks/feels JUST like PSK to admins/users but further protects assets by using 
unique key derivations for each endpoint. So… if someone has the passcode they 
can get on, but they can’t decrypt any other traffic even if the endpoint(s) 
are using the same key. The list of enhancements goes on and on.
  6.  Does your organization require traceability of users for any internal or 
external policies or compliance? This could be for security reasons, compliance 
with IP and digital rights, or other needs. One Uni org I’ve worked with 
successfully stopped a student from a suicide attempt when the student posted 
online- they physically located the person and saved them from what they were 
about to do… There are a lot of things to consider and every org is different.
  7.  Whether or not portal acceptable use and/or user ID/registration is 
needed is a hotly-debated topic and has a lot of “it depends”. I recently asked 
several CISOs, lawyers, auditors, and cyber security friends at the FBI.
 *   The CISOs feel it’s “window dressing” except that per …
 *   …Lawyers, there may be some legal protection if a user compromised 
while on your network comes after you (e.g. policy says “org not responsible 
for anything resulting from use of their network”).
 *   The FBI says they need “something” to open a case and prosecute (e.g. 
Acceptable Use clause or access banner).
 *   In Europe (I’m told) orgs providing public internet access fall under 
ISP laws, and therefore must be diligent about registration/acceptable use/etc. 
By policy/compliance they have stricter rules for requiring accountability and 

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Enfield, Chuck 
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

I’ve been floating this idea to IT leadership for years, with no interest on 
their part.  We implemented an open guest network with no rate limiting about 
18 months ago, so now any student who doesn’t want to onboard doesn’t have to.  
I figured that would get the bosses asking why we bother to authenticate on the 
other SSID, but still no.  It’s ironic that the people who constantly stress 
the importance of customer experience and regularly complain to me about the 
onboarding experience can’t be bothered to consider obvious alternatives.  I 
wouldn’t be so disappointed if we discussed the pros and cons and they came to 
a different conclusion than I have, but it sounds so radical to them that they 
don’t even care to discuss it.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Lee H Badman
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 10:09 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] WPA3/OWE as campus solution?

One more for you all- anyone contemplating ditching 802.1X for the BYOD side of 
your WLAN (not managed laptops and “business” clients) and simplifying with 
OWE/WPA3? Like… the open network that’s actually moderately secure leveraging 
the latest security options?


Lee Badman | Network Architect (CWNE#200)
Information Technology Services
(NDD Group)
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244
t 315.443.3003   e<> w
Campus Wireless Policy:<

RE: Wi-Fi and Covid

2021-04-01 Thread Jennifer Minella
Piggy backing on Lee, Felix and all the others... as someone who works for an 
organization that sells this stuff- WiFi location services are (IMO) useless 
(or nearly useless) for this type of contact tracing. The best you'll get (per 
the manufacturers) is "a region" which is going to be a large square footage 
(not a single room) and not even necessarily on the same floor of the building. 
Nor even IN the building (could be outside) etc.

Having said that, if you want to try it, as someone noted there are plugins for 
not only Splunk but I know Aruba has an overlay they're offering for free and 
Cisco has something that I hesitate to say is free but might be. So if you have 
time and resources and wanted to play, you have some no-cost options.

The best location solutions that may be integrated in to APs are BLE-based and 
out of that, the level of accuracy will always be orders of magnitude better 
than WiFi location but will vary depending on the other end - standard BLE 
chirping from things is not accurate. A BLE tag and/or phone with BLE and an 
app will be quite accurate.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Jerry Bucklaew 
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: Wi-Fi and Covid

We had the same discussions and the same conclusion, wifi is not good for this. 
  One reason is  you can't trust the result.  You can't say a person was in a 
certain building because they may have forgot their phone, not registered yet.  
 You can't say a person was not in a building because many devices registered 
to a person are stationary and connect even when the person is not there.  So 
any data you pull is inconclusive at best.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Dan Lauing
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wi-Fi and Covid

I don't believe Wi-Fi is a good technology for this. It's nice when you can 
reuse existing overhead, but I don't think 2.4/5/6 radio is the answer. You're 
just begging for false positives.

On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 2:47 PM Seth Bean>> wrote:
We ducked this by explaining our wireless design was created for coverage, not 
security/triangulation, which is true.  Many of our buildings do not have the 
capability to do triagulation because of AP positions.  We didn't even get into 
the privacy item, which was honestly a relief.

Seth Bean
Administrator of Networks and Telecommunications
APA Union Chapter President
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

375 Church Street
North Adams,
MA 01247
"National Top Ten
Public Liberal Arts College"
2020-2021 US News & World Report

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Lee H Badman 
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wi-Fi and Covid

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of MCLA. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Several vendors are trying to monetize COVID... the Wi-Fi part (in my opinion) 
falls apart fairly quickly in spots when you start talking it through for 
contact tracing- and usually to do it you may have to buy things you don't have 
to round out the system.


Lee Badman | Network Architect (CWNE#200)

Information Technology Services
(NDD Group)
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244

t 315.443.3003   e<> w<>

Campus Wireless Policy:<

RE: Aruba AP2xx vs. AP5xx apples-to-apples

2021-02-08 Thread Jennifer Minella
Martin, thanks for sharing the KB link. For context – that is not an Aruba 
issue, it was due to wireless NIC drivers, I think they were primarily Intel 
and maybe one other- but it was the client that was unable to see any SSIDs 
that were set to also broadcast for Wi-Fi 6. That happened with every AP brand 
and is/was resolvable only by updating the client drivers or disabling WiFi 6 
on the infrastructure side.

as for the model comparison, I’m eager to hear about everyone’s experience if 
they’ve tested it. There are a few other nuggets I’ll throw out while we wait 
for that feedback. Some of my more propeller-hat-minded WiFi friends are going 
to undoubtedly slap me for some gross over-simplifications but I’m happy to 
elaborate (as I’m sure others are) if more technical detail is of interest.
Here’s my best TL:DR attempt…

  1.  WiFi Standards: In general when you move to newer WiFi technology based 
on newer standards, there should be an expectation that your AP density will 
actually increase, which I realize may feel counter-intuitive. The higher data 
rates correlate to much shorter distances and have a steeper fall off.
  2.  5GHz vs 2.4GHz: Due to differences in the technology and the radio 
aperture, 5GHz Wi-Fi doesn’t “go as far” as legacy 2.4GHz WiFi. If I dive in to 
this it may start a coup so I’ll leave it at that, but this is another reason 
we tell customers to expect higher AP density as they move towards more 5GHz 
clients. All that being said, the 5GHz of WiFi 5 and the 5GHz of WiFi 6 will be 
same/similar from a layer 1 perspective, but you have the higher data rates 
(closer range requirements) with WiFi 6 now.
  3.  RF Profiles in AOS 8: Unrelated to the WiFi technology itself, but 
something Aruba-specific you may encounter is that if you are also moving from 
AOS 6 to 8 as you add 500-series APs, it is highly likely even custom converted 
RF profiles, specifically radio power, will somehow vanish- or the default is 
used, which is possibly lower than your current/prior deployment. I’ve seen 
this a few times so check that out – obviously if the radio power or range is 
different you may get wildly different results from a client-perspective. How 
AOS 8 handles profiles is also different depending on whether a MM is in use 
,or not, and there are some settings which may be set one place but are 
superseded another. So be sure to check what’s actually being used, not what’s 
set in the controller(s).
  4.  Other testing: Some of the other testing will be hard to compare apples 
to apples because you’re talking about a Wave 1 ac AP compared to a WiFi 6/ax 
AP. So airtime utilization and things like that can also vary widely with the 
technology, client capabilities, and ambient RF (from SSIDs in the airspace 
plus non-WiFi interference). Some/most of that (throughput, RSSI, roaming, 
etc.)  is very client-driven as well. However it would be interesting to see 
those results if anyone has tested.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Martin Reynolds 
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Aruba AP2xx vs. AP5xx apples-to-apples

Hi Jason,

We have not had the opportunity to do the apples to apples comparison that you 
have but in a few new installs we have run into this issue which you may have 
already seen but in case, here you go.for reference sake at time we 
were running code but are now on (the upgrade was not related 
to the below post)


On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 1:12 PM Jason Trinklein>> wrote:
In the early days of Aruba's AP5xx series, I heard rumblings in peer 
institutions and on Educause about the AP5xx series having poor RF properties 
compared to the AP2xx and AP3xx series. For example, when replacing an AP315 
with an AP515, signal coverage was worse, sometimes bad enough to cause service 
loss in distant locations.

We are considering our next wifi upgrade to 802.11ax and are thinking about 
performing an apples-to-apples wifi survey by surveying our 2xx APs in-place, 
then performing the same survey with 5xx APs in-place. Has anyone performed 
such an apples-to-apples comparison with Ekahau, measuring RSSI, throughput, 
jitter, and latency? Any comparisons of airtime utilization using EyePA or 

If anyone has experience they can share to help us make a data-driven and 
informed decision, I'd be appreciative.

In a broader question - for those who have moved from .ac to .ax, have you seen 
measurable increases in quality of service to your community?


Jason Trinklein
Information Technology Services - Infrastructure
Clark Univer

RE: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

2021-02-03 Thread Jennifer Minella
There’s a fine, grey line between optimal security and usability 

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Tim Cappalli 
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

Jennifer, this has been extensively discussed on this list for the past few 
months which I why I said that nothing has changed since those conversations. 
This current thread makes it seem like more changes are coming in Android on 
February 15th which is NOT the case. There have been no changes since the 
December update and I'm not aware of any other changes in the Android 11 code 

RE: Apple already does this: Android is the only operating system that requires 
a properly configured supplicant. Apple's TOFU model does not result in a 
proper configuration.

RE: wildcard, from the bottom of the message:

For example:

If the RADIUS server certificate’s Common Name = Connect to 
these server names should be

If the RADIUS server certificate’s Common Name = Connect to these server names should be 
* or *

They're recommending wildcard subject name matching if the environment uses a 
non-standard configuration. This is poor guidance and will result in credential 
compromise via MitM.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Jennifer Minella>>
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 17:25
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

I may disagree with some of the other feedback here…  I think this is a big 

It sounds like Google will be enforcing proper server validation for 
802.1X-secured networks, based on what Trent sent originally. I believe Apple 
already has been enforcing this for a bit.

If my guess is correct (I’ll try to find a link) then what it means is – after 
this update, you can’t tell the endpoint to ignore or bypass the server 
certificate for 802.1X (any EAP method).

The impact of this is…

  *   If you’re organization has any endpoints that have been configured to use 
a secured network but are ignoring the server’s certificate – then that will 
STOP working suddenly at the update.
  *   This setting (ignore/don’t validate server cert) is not ideal but it’s 
prevalent especially for things like BYOD or HED device onboarding, testing, 
etc. It should be fixed but this is one of those things that could have a huge 
widespread impact if the endpoints/networks aren’t configured properly now.
  *   Typically proper settings for secured 1X networks are pushed through GPO, 
MDM, or an onboarding process through vendor tools (can be a server-based tool 
or a client-based config assist tool). If that wasn’t done then the endpoints 
may not have the server certificate installed and trusted, and if that’s the 
case they will just cease to work after the device upgrade.

Tim it’s not referencing a wildcard cert; they’re still using the specific FQDN 
for the COMMON NAME. The article references the connect to domains as a 
different field which is not the certificate CN.. ?

Yeah, here are some links…

·A reddit article I hope is accurate b/c I only skimmed it<>

The security patch for Android 11 (QPR1) will remove the "Do not validate" 
option under "CA certificate" for EAP server certificate validation to prevent 
misconfiguration resulting in credential leaks. This is very good news from a 
security standpoint!

·Secure W2 article with the setting in reference to WPA3 (which removes 
several less-secure options for confgs)<

RE: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

2021-02-03 Thread Jennifer Minella
Aruba added the ClearPass QuickConnect app/tool recently - specifically to 
allow end users to easily provision secure/1X networks. It's obviously geared 
for BYOD but perfect for HED. I don't know how well it works, it's relatively 
new. Have y'all seen it used anywhere?,1,PbDzKBXmgYWw5ZSEl0LejlGZKeAtDuH2fFD6rMFPbgTc4EIC37SzOLJ6oeHa6GHVcZCfvdpROSroTWjH20472Y4nq-qHt99yV14dkj3iwOiOww,,=1

>From the datasheet:
How it works Aruba's exclusive cloud-hosted provisioning utility lets IT create 
a ClearPass QuickConnect deployment package with all necessary endpoint 
variables. It can then be run from a web server or distributed via a USB 
storage device or CD.The cloud-hosted utility also lets IT quickly create and 
distribute new packages that contain configuration changes as your network 
changes. For example, IT can quickly push out SSID changes and support new 
features in a timely and transparent manner.

Supported supplicants* Windows native supplicant - Vista and 7* Macintosh 
native supplicant* iPhone, iPad and iPod native supplicants* Android native 

Supported EAP methods** PEAP - EAP-MSCHAPv2, EAP-GTC, EAP-TLS* EAP-TLS* 

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.,1,7ibcnlS3iFZVLjlthdWrn6ymfGDpuJi7tEYiEA0nrf_RQnI4PRd90IQMbUcMS1eRlDw3ljDz4O1tae_orokmFBqy1ImABenp0gV9I7q6N6V7JKmDrLIGu0U,=1<,1,LdSsRbpNN0u1AS7ZoHOWef--Qhz36MFwNKgp5Keu0n-of0wgh0w4wwMkBV5Ig-409dpf-W6jAlS57yBs8zH-FYXXX2eTbYko_eSAzRpoR3bLJA,,=1><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Michael Holden 
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

We've seen much the same.
A Pixel 2XL and a Pixel3XL fully updated, the 2XL had the Don't Validate 
option, but the Pixel3XL did not.

We added the CA cert to a subpage on the guest captive portal for ease of 
access to the Wireless device, and provided some instructions for the devices.
The workflow to manually add the Wireless Trust was a bit flaky too with Modify 
Settings not really working.

The instruction set that appeared to work as of the current (January 2021) 
Android software release on the Pixel 3XL not tested on Pixel 4/4a/5:

1.  Download the CA cert from the ClearPass Guest Captive Portal Page

2.  Go to Settings

3.  Network & Internet

4.  Wi-Fi

5.  Wi-Fi preferences

6.  Advanced

7.  Install Certificate

8.  Choose the Certificate downloaded in the first step

9.  Name the Certificate

10.   Connect to the Secure SSID

a.  Change the Certificate from System Certs to the Certificate name 
entered in the previous step

b.  Domain to 

c.  Identity as the username

d.  Password as the user's password

e.  Connect

11.   Confirm Wireless is connected to the WPA2-Enterprise SSID

a.  You may have to forget and add network as the Modify Setting on the 
SSID does not appear to work properly as of January, 2021 Android Software 

There is a QR code that can be created for PSK networks, has anyone seen if 
this is possible for WPA2/3-Enterprise?

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Tim Cappalli 
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 12:54
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

Screenshot please.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Walter Reynolds>>
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 12:46
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

Can someone explain something to me?

I have a Pixel 3 that I did a factory rest on.  Next I did all the updates 
needed and it is running Android 11.  The build number is RQ1A.210205.004 which 
includes the latest security patch for the phone.

When I go to configure a WPA2 Enterprise network I still have the "Don't 
validate" option.

What am I missing here?

Walter Reynolds
Network Architect
Information and Technology Servi

RE: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

2021-02-01 Thread Jennifer Minella
I may disagree with some of the other feedback here...  I think this is a big 

It sounds like Google will be enforcing proper server validation for 
802.1X-secured networks, based on what Trent sent originally. I believe Apple 
already has been enforcing this for a bit.

If my guess is correct (I'll try to find a link) then what it means is - after 
this update, you can't tell the endpoint to ignore or bypass the server 
certificate for 802.1X (any EAP method).

The impact of this is...

  *   If you're organization has any endpoints that have been configured to use 
a secured network but are ignoring the server's certificate - then that will 
STOP working suddenly at the update.
  *   This setting (ignore/don't validate server cert) is not ideal but it's 
prevalent especially for things like BYOD or HED device onboarding, testing, 
etc. It should be fixed but this is one of those things that could have a huge 
widespread impact if the endpoints/networks aren't configured properly now.
  *   Typically proper settings for secured 1X networks are pushed through GPO, 
MDM, or an onboarding process through vendor tools (can be a server-based tool 
or a client-based config assist tool). If that wasn't done then the endpoints 
may not have the server certificate installed and trusted, and if that's the 
case they will just cease to work after the device upgrade.

Tim it's not referencing a wildcard cert; they're still using the specific FQDN 
for the COMMON NAME. The article references the connect to domains as a 
different field which is not the certificate CN.. ?

Yeah, here are some links...

  *   A reddit article I hope is accurate b/c I only skimmed it
The security patch for Android 11 (QPR1) will remove the "Do not validate" 
option under "CA certificate" for EAP server certificate validation to prevent 
misconfiguration resulting in credential leaks. This is very good news from a 
security standpoint!

  *   Secure W2 article with the setting in reference to WPA3 (which removes 
several less-secure options for confgs)


Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Hurt,Trenton W. 
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

Ok thanks as always for clarification as ive been seeing android 11 on campus 
and they work with our current eap tls onboard workflow.  I wasn't sure if 
something else was coming on feb 15th that would cause some issue with this 

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Tim Cappalli
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of our organization. Do not click 
links, open attachments, or respond unless you recognize the sender's email 
address and know the contents are safe.
This is a bit misleading IMO. There are no further changes in Android 11 after 
the December update.

Seems like this is specific to Secure W2's product.

As a general best practice, you should be using a single EAP server 
certificate, signed using a PKI in your control, across your all your RADIUS 

It is very poor practice to use a wildcard for EAP subject name matching. I'm 
very disappointed to see vendors making that recommendation.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Hurt,Trenton W.>>
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 16:46
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021


I just received the following from securew2 about some additional security 
changes coming to android 11.

This action will need to take place before the upcoming Android application 
update that is planned for February 15th, 2021.

As you may already be aware, Google mandates server validation to be properly 
configured for WiFi from Android version 11. This means that any 802.1X WiFi 
configuration without the following two settings will fail to connect.

1.  Server Validation

2.  Connect to these server names

For more information about these configurations, please read below.

What is Server 

RE: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 31 Jan 2021 to 1 Feb 2021 (#2021-21)

2021-02-01 Thread Jennifer Minella
Ya know... at least for now, if you have the cable drops and ports to support 
it, (you already know this but sharing for everyone else) you can convert an 
Aruba campus AP to Instant mode and manage it locally and/or with Airwave 
without using a controller license. For Airwave of course you'd still need an 
AW license but if you were just going to have a few to move around as-needed 
that would be low overhead. As long as they're not servicing clients and 
they're just being used to scan-only that should work fine.

And like Frank said, if you're looking for basic specan, then as long as it has 
2.4 and 5 radios you're good. I'd just make sure you're keeping it under 
software support to keep the code up to date to update capabilities and keep 
security vulns patched. Or, put them on a different network not routed to 
production assets and not even worry about that if they go out of support.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of WIRELESS-LAN automatic digest 
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 5:00 PM
Subject: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 31 Jan 2021 to 1 Feb 2021 (#2021-21)

[LISTSERV mailing list manager]<>
[LISTSERV 15.0]<>

WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 31 Jan 2021 to 1 Feb 2021 (#2021-21)
Table of contents:

  *   Wireless Segmentation and NAC
  *   Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors (2)
  *   [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors
  *   android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021 (3)

  1.  Wireless Segmentation and NAC
 *   Re: Wireless Segmentation and NAC 
From: "Curtis, Bruce">>
  2.  Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors
 *   Re: Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors (02/01)
From: Jennifer Minella>>
 *   Re: Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors (02/01)
From: "Miller, Keith C">>
  3.  [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors
 *   Re: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Dedicated IDS/IPS 
monitors (02/01)
From: "Sweetser, Frank E.">>
  4.  android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 2021
 *   android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 
2021 (02/01)
From: "Hurt,Trenton W.">>
 *   Re: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 
2021 (02/01)
From: Tim Cappalli>>
 *   Re: android 11 upcoming changes Feb 15th 
2021 (02/01)
From: "Hurt,Trenton W.">>

Browse the WIRELESS-LAN online 

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RE: Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors

2021-02-01 Thread Jennifer Minella
Keith, I'm curious to hear what everyone is doing. I can tell you what our 
experience has been and that is, in the last several years, all purpose-built 
overlay WIPS systems have become basically extinct. There are a few 
purpose-built, broad-spectrum wireless sensor/monitoring systems targeted for 
DoD and highly regulated environments and they're focused not only on WiFi but 
other non-802.11 wireless. Aside from that all of the standard WIPS overlays 
have really gone away. A few thoughts/bullets on that in case it helps...

  *   Dedicated WIPS were popular for organizations that needed to meet 
requirements for PCI compliance and other regulations which effective said "if 
you're using WiFi, you have to prove it's in scope and secured" and "if you're 
not using WiFi in these areas/for this purpose you have to prove there is no 
WiFi there". Those expectations have changed over the years and even now in 
federal (civ) that language is virtually non-existent. Sometimes they'll say 
there needs to be occasional validation of no WiFi in specific areas but they 
can use other tools, handheld devices, and/or free laptop software for that 
  *   Most (probably all?) manufacturers have pretty mature spectrum monitoring 
at least in the WiFi spectrum space.
  *   Although current radios can't both service clients and do containment, as 
you pointed out containment has been less of an issue especially in HED 
environments. The type of containment WIPS was good at was malicious source 
containment, but even then that is limited to managing a subset of RF-based 
attacks. The rest of the more common containment features/needs can be managed 
via endpoint and/or infrastructure settings. (e.g. keep managed devices off the 
guest network, etc.) Of course other containment like those associated with 
rogue APs has become a bit tricky due to FCC rulings about the ownership (or 
lack of) of airspace.
  *   As you already mentioned the cost and complexity of managing *anything* 
overlaid is expensive. And if you're looking at controller-based APs 
(regardless of the mfr) it gets way more messy.
  *   If someone were going to deploy an overlay (even though I don't think 
it's recommended in 95% of cases), it's probably less expensive and easier to 
use a cloud-managed solution that can be easily moved, deployed, and managed. I 
have heard of orgs deploying things like Mist to use a dedicated scanning radio 
for this purpose in limited areas. There are also 3rd party monitoring devices 
that also look at SLAs for applications - specifically I'm thinking about tools 
like 7Signal and Aruba's UXI (whatever they call it- it used to be Cape Sensor).

Just food for thought....
Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Miller, Keith C 
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2021 8:22 AM
Subject: Dedicated IDS/IPS monitors

Hello all,

I know IDS/IPS has been discussed a couple of times over the past few years, so 
I apologize if this has been asked and answered in the past, but I wanted to 
see what folks were doing across the larger EDU landscape, especially those 
using Aruba as a Wi-Fi vendor.

Despite some recent blog posts and webinars from Extreme Networks and David 
Coleman, IDS/IPS doesn't seem to be a popular topic; almost as if it's not 
worth the investment to deploy dedicated IDS/IPS especially since you typically 
cannot take action through mechanisms like containment.

Anyway, we lifecycle our APs on a fairly regular schedule here at UNC Chapel 
Hill and last night it hit me that perhaps we could reuse some of the older 
generation APs as dedicated air monitors (AM) or spectrum monitors (SM). It 
seemed like a no brainer at first, but the more I thought about it the more I 
realized this is not a decision to take lightly. To do something like this, 
we'd have to run more cables, burn additional switch ports, provide more power 
from our switches' power budgets, and manage and troubleshoot additional 
hardware should something go wrong. That's more money and time investments, but 
for how much gain? In addition, adding additional APs that aren't servicing 
clients in an environment with 10,000 APs already seems a bit ridiculous for 
alerts that we might not even have the time to fully monitor and/or pursue due 
to lack of resources.

So what are you doing if anything? Are all of your APs in AP mode? How about 
hybrid-mode? Hybrid-mode provides home channel scanning, but there could be 
some performance degradation for clients during off-channel scanning. Aruba 
recommends 1 dedicated AM per 4 APs which would likely not happen here, but 
deploying some strategically around campus that could be used as AMs or 
converted to SMs when needed might not be 

RE: Issues with Zoom in Res Halls

2021-01-25 Thread Jennifer Minella
Charles, I doubt this is the issue but I'm just sharing because we had another 
edu customer with this issue in the last 2 weeks. Students returned to the 
campus and/but were still taking instruction via Zoom (even when on campus and 
sitting in a classroom). They don't use proxies and the added bandwidth 
(latency-sensitive audio and video streams going in/out) were simply tanking 
their Internet connection and well - more specifically - not overloading the 
Internet bandwidth but overloading what their firewall/gateway security tools 
could handle. 

Not as likely in your situation but sharing anyway. 

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text 

-Original Message-
From: Charles Rumford  
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 10:22 PM
Subject: Issues with Zoom in Res Halls

Hey -

We have started getting reports of issues with Zoom calls in our Res Halls. 
Most of the complaints have been around multiple drops during calls or lagging 
Our res halls are currently only at 40-50% capacity if that.

I was curious if anyone else has been seeing any issues with an increase of 
Zoom calls from on campus students.

Charles Rumford (he/his/him)
IT Architect
ISC Tech Services
University of Pennsylvania
OpenPGP Key ID: 0xF3D8215A

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RE: [External] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless Segmentation and NAC

2021-01-25 Thread Jennifer Minella
Joey, If you are interested in the differences between the various NAC/AAA 
solutions I can answer that privately including/especially Bradford/FortiNAC 
and ClearPass. They do not do the same things and the thing they _do_ do that 
are similar, they do in very different ways.

The TL:DR version is that 90% of the time, we integrate both together and use 
ClearPass for Wi-Fi and FortiNAC for Wired (specifically for non-RADIUS based 
enforcement). ClearPass’s built in RADIUS and TACACS+ services are amazing so 
if you’re doing AAA-only (vs non-RADIUS based auth) that is perfect. If you’re 
talking wired then that’s a different (longer) story. FortiNAC historically (as 
Bradford) did not have a RADIUS server built-in but that is changing with the 
next major release.

P.S. The Aruba Instant mode can currently operate with hundreds of APs in a 
local cluster (not 25). A cluster of Instant (when not managed with something) 
is determined by L2 adjacency. This will grow with the AOS 10 and can e 
extended even further with on-prem gateways (a tunnel aggregator/terminator not 
a controller).


Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Rodolfo Nunez 
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless Segmentation and NAC

Hi Joey,

All those are really good questions and I think most of the answers really 
depend on your architecture guidelines, needs, expertise, and risk management. 
As a data point, this is how we are doing wireless:

We are an Aruba shop, we have on prem controllers. I would rather be 
controller-less but the Aruba technical team advised against it for an 
institution of our size (1000 employees, 2600 students).
More than 1300 WAPs (this is growing since we are replacing a different 
wireless technology in three buildings)
We have 3 SSIDs: Secure, EduRoam and Guest
We have two vlans: The first vlan is for Secure that behaves like being on the 
wired network, the second vlan is for EduRoam and Guest and has very limited 
access to administrative resources.
Flat networks (it sounded more work than gain for us to split by buildings, not 
everyone is happy with this choice. Glad that the overhead and complexity has 
not been needed.) . This also helps with IP managements (used to use public IP 
addresses years ago currently we NAT) but MAC capturing is easier this way. 
Roaming seems to work better.
We use radius on prem (then again, we would rather do cloud radius but we have 
not investigated this option with our SSO cloud provider)
BYOD, IoT, gaming, all are around, it cannot be stopeed. We provide best effort 
support (unless it is an IT managed device), they connect to the Guest network.

Hope this helps.


Rodolfo Nunez
pronouns: he/him/his
Director, IT Infrastructure
Barnard College, Columbia University

On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 8:58 PM Ricardo Stella>> wrote:
Aruba + Clearpass + Eduroam

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 1:31 PM Martin MacLeod-Brown>> wrote:
We are a controller based network trying Aruba Central for the first time.
It shows promise and Im sure it is going to improve with every release but (for 
us) it is not production ready yet.
Things we have to deal with include config conflicts, or valid config that 
refuses to push to the controller, or the sheer delay between the config and 
the push to the controller..
For instance we were setting up site to site VPN’s today and some config went 
over instantly, other config took 40mins before it synced across

It seems to be a work in progress still…

Martin Macleod-Brown | Network Infrastructure Engineer | Information Technology

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of John Pertalion
Sent: 22 January 2021 16:45
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] [External] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless Segmentation 
and NAC

Aruba Instant can manage 25 access points per network.

Aruba Central can handle thousands of access points.

Moody would be best served by Central, if they wanted to go controllerless.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 11:31 AM Enfield, Chuck>> wrote:
Just curious, but for the respondents recommending Aruba, would that be the 
controller-based flavor or the Instant/Central flavor?  We have over 80K 
simultaneous clients in the normal times (I think.  The normal times seem so 
very long ago.) so we still need controllers for traf

RE: Wi-Fi 6E Branding Rant

2021-01-20 Thread Jennifer Minella
LOL. You’re not wrong… it’s a tough challenge. It *is* still WiFi 6 (802.11ax) 
so WiFi 7 would be confusing. I think the best way I’ve seen it consistently 
used with non-Wi-Fi pros is to call it “WiFi 6- Extended” meaning it’s extended 
in to other RF spectrum. That’s not official but I think even Chuck uses that 
moniker for it.

The more common confusion we run in to is people thinking the “6” in WiFi 6E 
means 6GHz.

I’m sure other folks here have some additional ideas for keeping it straight 
for non-WiFI peeps. As for us, we just constantly re-iterate what 6E is (and 
isn’t) pretty much every time the phrase comes out of our mouths, even if that 
means multiple times in a webinar, Tech Talk, or client meeting.

You’re in good company with your frustration though 

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Green, William C 
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 6:52 PM
Subject: Wi-Fi 6E Branding Rant

"Wi-Fi 6E” is not a good branding for what 6GHz provides, in my personal 
opinion.  I hope the Wi-Fi Alliance reconsiders.

I've been discussing Wi-Fi 6E in my organization for over a year-- and nobody 
can keep that “E” in their heads.  They constantly confuse "Wi-Fi 6" as the 
same as "Wi-Fi 6E" in meetings, products, and strategies.   The whole point of 
the Alliance branding was to make things more understandable to non-technical 
audiences right?  Doesn’t 6 vs 6E fly in the face of that?  I’m not good at 
naming things, so am use to recognizing branding failures like this.

I understand most of the underlying technology is the same-- other than 6GHz 
capability.  Most people don't care about the underlying technology unless it 
accomplishes something they need.  6GHz is a once in a generation 
differentiator that will enable far more than the changes from 802.11ac to 
802.11ax, which was deserving of a new number.  Not having that capability 
reflected in a more differentiated branding is causing and will continue to 
cause unneeded confusion.

I understand the Alliance has already placed a lot into marketing of the term 
"Wi-Fi 6E", but that's sunk cost.  Pick a new branding.  Perhaps, Wi-Fi 7.  You 
can leave all 6E materials and just say its the same thing as Wi-Fi 7.  Have 
everything in the futures pipeline do a +1 on their PowerPoints.  Will the 
Alliance incur some ridicule, yes, but less than continuing with 6E in my 
personal opinion.

Do I think this rant will change anything?  No.  But naming a frustration is 
sometimes useful for dealing with it.  I’m moving on.

William Green, Director of Networking and Telecommunications
The University of Texas at Austin | ITS | 512-475-9295 |<>

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RE: ArubaOS or Experiences?

2020-12-18 Thread Jennifer Minella
We have a few customers on (and similar) code and have seen some issues 
that sound similar to what you're describing below. One college case has been 
open for 2 months now, with the issue being some weirdness with a config that 
was applied to MM but didn't get pushed down correctly to the controllers; it 
caused a mismatch between controllers. the result has been issues ranging from 
controllers crashing every time a commit change is performed to HA failover not 
working (for obvious reasons). I believe we're in the final stages of getting 
that resolved but it's been painful. The other major issue at a healthcare 
customer has been resolved, and I think those are the only 2 major issues we've 
seen on the 8.5/8.6 so far.

TAC is unable to determine root cause and with the customers' resources limited 
and the fact that we're doing the work/assist for free, we've all agreed to 
just get it working and move on vs try to identify root cause; which is not my 
preferred choice but no one can afford the time to keep hammering at it.

As for the 'rare' bug it sounds similar to the original 8-code issue with some 
of the older 100-series; the bootrom version didn't support the upgrade code 
and they had to be dealt with differently. Once we knew what was going on the 
resolution was quick from Aruba, but it took us weeks to figure out the issue 
because even though there was a known bug, the manufacturer decided that notice 
should only be distributed internally for some reason. Somehow neither the 
field team nor TAC knew about it until we (jointly, our team with much 
help/time from the customer team) figured out what it was and sent it to 
product management to which they replied "oh yeah, we know - here's the 
(internal) bug notice).

Keith with that issue, I'll have to look back at my notes but I feel like Aruba 
was able to give us some incremental Bootrom update we could push without 
touching the APs and then do the firmware upgrade.


Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Miller, Keith C 
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: ArubaOS or Experiences?

Hi Christopher,

We just went to from and .9 this week and I'll be honest, I'm 
not thrilled with it. I've run into a handful of issues, some minor, some 
cosmetic, but we've also hit a couple of bugs that leave you scratching your 

1. 2 controllers in the same cluster ended up acting as VRRP master, even 
though communication was seemingly okay with L2 connected status across all 
controllers. One of those controllers had higher priority configured to control 
which controller should be master so I'm still unsure how this happened. I'm 
still having problems getting logs to TAC because we can't see the files from 
the web UI and SCP/TFTP fails from the CLI on the interesting controller. I'm 
going to have to have someone get in front of it and resort to copying the logs 
to USB.

2. We hit a "rare" bug that's only affected a small number of 515s worldwide 
where the AP gets stuck in a boot/image upgrade loop and you must physically 
console into the AP to fix it and boot from the upgraded partition.

I have no idea what the 8.6 train is like so I can't help you there, but buyer 
beware with 8.5. The penalties of trying to be proactive I suppose.

M: (803) 464-2397 O: (919) 962-6564

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse any typos.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Johnson, Christopher>>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 3:49:31 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS or Experiences?

We're considering doing some pre-emptive maintenance before winter-break ends 
to resolve a couple issues, and was curious if anyone is running ArubaOS or (200/220 and 270 Series APs) and what their experiences 
have been?

Christopher Johnson
Wireless Network Engineer
Office of Technology Solutions | Illinois State University
(309) 438-8444

Stay connected with ISU IT news and tips with @ISU IT Help on 
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RE: Fast transition roaming

2020-12-04 Thread Jennifer Minella
Admittedly I'm skimming here, but wanted to just throw in the note that 
ultimately it's up to whether the client supports the various roaming 
protocols. Not all do, and there's no (IMO) intuitive line there, no pattern or 
specific date, etc. at which point you can easily say "this client would 
support xyz". I'm not cool enough to remember all the details of what all 
clients support. There's some info at I refer 
to regularly - if you pop that out it has the 11v protocol but it doesn't look 
it lists 11k or 11r unfortunately. Someone else here may have another resource 
that's better for roaming info. 

+1 on CTS (Clear to Send) podcast links Jethro sent, great peeps and info!

Hope that helps a tiny bit!

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text 

-Original Message-
From: Jethro R Binks  
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: Fast transition roaming

Clear To Send podcast had several episodes/posts covering these (and v):


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Jethro R Binks, Network Manager,
Information Services Directorate, University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, 
number SC015263.

On Wed, 2 Dec 2020, Glinsky, Eric wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We are reviewing our WLAN-level settings and are curious about what others 
> institutions are doing for fast transition.
> 1.  Do you use 802.11r?
> 2.  How about .11k?
> 3.  If you do, did you notice improvements in device roaming, whether 
> they are stationary or moving?
> 4.  Were there any implementation pains?
> 5.  Would you mind sharing exactly which settings you use; in Cisco 
> terms, Fast Transition enabled or adaptive; over the DS checked or not; FT 
> 802.1x/FT psk or no; 11k neighbor list enabled or not
> 6.  If you do not use 802.11k and/or 802.11r, why not?
> We don't have 801.11r or 802.11k enabled at this point and are leery of 
> enabling it due to potential compatibility issues, though it could certainly 
> improve the client experience if it works.
> I looked through the archives and this hasn't been discussed for at least a 
> couple years, and it seemed like more of a Cisco code issue at that time, so 
> looking forward to hearing about your experiences now with the last code, 
> drivers, devices, etc.
> I found an interesting blog on various FT settings with Cisco, which leads me 
> to believe that if we were to enable 802.11r on our Cisco controller, we 
> would set it to Enabled, and check off both 802.1x and FT 802.1x for 
> compatibility. Interestingly, the Adaptive setting is specific to Cisco-Apple.
> d/
> Also the Cisco Best Practices for iOS Devices guide has a couple sections on 
> 802.11r and Adaptive 802.11r. One takeaway from that is it's best for 
> high-density, enterprise environments to use over-the-air FT (i.e. over the 
> over-the-distribution system unchecked).
> s/8-6/Enterprise_Best_Practices_for_iOS_devices_and_Mac_computers_on_C
> isco_Wireless_LAN.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A40%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22
> name%22%3A%22XYZ%22%7D%2C105%2C570%2C0%5D
> Thanks,
> Eric Glinsky
> Network Administrator
> University of Connecticut
> ITS - Network Operations
> Temporary Administration Building
> 25 Gampel Service Drive | Storrs, CT 06269-1138
> (860) 486-9199
> **
> Replies to EDUCAUSE Community Group emails are sent to the entire 
> community list. If you want to reply only to the person who sent the 
> message, copy and paste their email address and forward the email 
> reply. Additional participation and subscription information can be 
> found at

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RE: Weak Security

2020-12-02 Thread Jennifer Minella
+1 on removing TKIP as an option and staying with AES as a minimum. TKIP has 
been deprecated for years and even in a BYOD/high ed environment, it is 
exceptionally unlikely any devices won’t support the AES/CCMP suite; if they 
*don’t* support it, you may not wan them on that network anyway  With the new 
Wi-Fi security standards out, including WPA3 (in addition to Open 
Enhanced/OWE), even our current AES will be at the low end of the security 
totem pole (down the road).

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Entwistle, Bruce 
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 7:14 PM
Subject: Weak Security

Apple devices that are updating to IOS 14 are now reporting that wireless 
security is weak.   We are currently using a combination of WPA/TKIP and 
WPA2/AES for security, but are considering the move to WPA2/AES only.  I was 
looking to see what others have done and what challenges you faced in making 
these changes.

Thank you
Bruce Entwistle
Network Manager
University of Redlands

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[WIRELESS-LAN] Heads-up possible Apple update prevents WiFi Internet from working

2020-11-21 Thread Jennifer Minella
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--- Begin Message ---
Hi everyone, we think we just hit this issue with a client. With all the 
'quirks' of Apple on Wi-Fi, it took a while to uncover/search (thanks to a team 
member of mine for digging this up pretty quickly). Sharing in case someone 
notices similar issues. I don't have feedback yet on whether any of these 
recommended solutions solves the problem, still just getting this info to the 
customer tech onsite.

Reported issue: Apple devices were connecting to Wi-Fi, getting IP address, 
etc. but then not able to access any Internet resources.
Fix iPhone Connected To WiFi But No Internet Access After iOS 13.3 Update
Last Updated on: November 3, 2020

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

Visit for tech articles and news.

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Heads-up possible Apple update prevents WiFi Internet from working

2020-11-10 Thread Jennifer Minella
Hi everyone, we think we just hit this issue with a client. With all the 
'quirks' of Apple on Wi-Fi, it took a while to uncover/search (thanks to a team 
member of mine for digging this up pretty quickly). Sharing in case someone 
notices similar issues. I don't have feedback yet on whether any of these 
recommended solutions solves the problem, still just getting this info to the 
customer tech onsite.

Reported issue: Apple devices were connecting to Wi-Fi, getting IP address, 
etc. but then not able to access any Internet resources.
Fix iPhone Connected To WiFi But No Internet Access After iOS 13.3 Update
Last Updated on: November 3, 2020

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

Visit for tech articles and news.

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RE: Wireless Device Policy Questions

2020-09-25 Thread Jennifer Minella
I've seen a range from "no lifeguard on duty" aka "good luck" with a basic 
low-security Internet-only network to managing specific device registrations 
tied to the user; typically the personal device registrations are going to be 
MAC -based, and I've seen several unis with home-grown MAC registration systems 
tied to user accounts and of course as Tim and Mike mentioned, ClearPass also 
does this. There are some caveats (or specific requirements) with ClearPass 
though, if you want it (the MAC-registered device) tied to the user's account 
then you need to be using a user-based authentication at the SSID profile 
level; meaning, last I saw in POCs, there wasn't a way to have a 
self-registration portal within CPPM that allowed a user to enter those 
credentials on something like the portal, then tie a MAC-registration to it. 
Other products like FortiNAC do meet that specific use case, as possibly other 
products as well.

Most schools we've worked with do have some type of limit for devices that can 
be registered but those do all have some type of self-service portal so the 
students can add/remove their devices. The allowed number of devices ranges.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Michael Dickson 
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Wireless Device Policy Questions

We use Clearpass for user MAC reg portal and for device fingerprinting. We have 
a special bit set in LDAP (AD) that we check for when a device seeks to auth 
onto a wireless network. If we need to prevent all user devices from getting 
connected we disable the bit. A relatively short reauth interval will prevent 


Michael Dickson

Network Engineer

Information Technology

University of Massachusetts Amherst


PGP: 0x16777D39
On 9/25/20 10:25 AM, Tim Cappalli wrote:
If you're using Aruba ClearPass, you can add an account check during 

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Tristan Gulyas 
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 20:34
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless Device Policy Questions


We're considering this approach, however we need a way to die this in with AD 
account status/expiry which needs to be near-instant, i.e. if an AD 
account/identity for a user is disabled, we need to immediately deregister or 
suspend ALL devices they have registered to their identity, otherwise things 
get ugly from an infosec perspective.

I'm assuming freeradius+web-based front end for registration? How do you 
perform the device fingerprinting? That's a very cool solution!

Senior Network Engineer

Technology Services, eSolutions
Monash University
738 Blackburn Road
Clayton 3168


On 25 Sep 2020, at 3:11 am, Michael Dickson>> wrote:

We created a PSK SSID with MAC auth registration for devices. We limit device 
types to essentially the "consumer grade entertainment devices" genre. We use 
device fingerprinting to accomplish this. We started from a "deny all then 
allow" paradigm. Only game consoles during pilot. Then added video streaming 
devices then AppleTV, Echo, SmartTVs, etc. Easier to add device types then take 
away. 802.1x capable devices get denied. We also limit number of devices a user 
can register. All helps to mitigate the flood of industrial IT devices coming 
in from campus wide vendors, some of which may fall into the life-safety genre. 
Vendors get stuck and end up asking how they can add "a lot" of sensors (e.g. 
HVAC) to our wireless. We have a discussion, give it a thumbs up or down, and 
create rules/policies/networks as needed. Good but not perfect. But starting 
off closed then letting out the line has helped. Having a PSK network also 
solves the issue of devices that can't connect to open SSIDs. And if we end up 
just allowing all on the devices network at least we have a sp

Free Wi-Fi conference next week - CWNP Wireless Technology Forum

2020-09-23 Thread Jennifer Minella
Hi everyone,
Next week is CWNP's (Certified Wireless Network Professional) annual 
conference, formerly WiFi Trek, now named Wireless Technology Forum (or aptly 
for 2020 "WTF").  CWNP is a vendor-neutral wireless technology training and 
certification organization. They've recently expanded from just Wi-Fi (802.11 
wireless) to IoT-based wireless technologies.

I worked with a team for the content curation for the main conference sessions 
and so it's with some bias that I say there's an *amazing* lineup of speakers 
and the conference is FREE. I'll send this to the COMMTECH crew too.

Bootcamps: These are 3-day classes Sunday-Tuesday, two are on WiFi topics - 
CWNA (Admin) and CWDP (Design) and two are for IoT- CWICP (IoT Connectivity) 
and CWIIP (IoT Integration)

Conference: FREE! And there are some heavy hitting speakers including Chuck 
Lukaszewski (of IEEE WG and Aruba's CTO office) speaking on WiFi 6e; Stephen 
Orr (of WiFi Alliance and Cisco Distinguished Architect) speaking on the new 
WPA3 security protocols. Dave Wright (of the CBRS Alliance) speaking on CBRS 
and Private LTE, and the list goes on. Yes, I'm also speaking on security.  You 
can register free here-

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

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Concealed enclosures > Re: [WIRELESS-LAN]

2020-09-02 Thread Jennifer Minella
Jeff & co,
Several manufacturers offer a variety of “aesthetics” and concealment 
enclosures to disguise APs in what look like lights and other more visually 
pleasing/accepted fixtures. Ventev even has an omni antenna designed to go in 
existing light fixtures. Other manufacturers have enclosures that are smooth 
edge or disguised as something else, and many can be painted (with non-metallic 
paint of course) to blend in to the surroundings.

I don’t have all the links at my fingertips, but here’s one of the Ventev 
options and some Oberon links.

Ventev's 2.4/5 GHz 6 dBi Omnidirectional Wi-Fi Antenna for LED Light Globes 
transforms outdoor light globes into Wi-Fi hot spots. This unique antenna 
installs inside outdoor lighting globes to ensure concealed, high-performance 

Other bollards are low and green and can be hidden in landscaping

Here’s an Oberon bollard and some less obvious outdoor enclosures

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Kushner, Jeff 
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 28 Aug 2020 to 
29 Aug 2020 (#2020-156)


That is an interesting solution. Our university is very concerned about 
aesthetics. Just getting APs on the light poles is a battle. Could you send a 
picture of how and where the batteries are located?


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Ricardo Stella
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 10:11 PM
28 Aug 2020 to 29 Aug 2020 (#2020-156)

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

I think are are in the 5th year and so far we haven’t had to replace the 
batteries. But they seem to be standard 12v type. I’ll take a look tomorrow 
since once those go, they go..


On Aug 31, 2020, at 9:25 PM, Glinsky, Eric>> wrote:

Ricardo, have you had to replace the batteries in those yet? Are they similar 
in lifecycle, type, and cost of replacement to those in a typical small UPS?

Eric Glinsky
Network Administrator
University of Connecticut
ITS – Network Operations
Temporary Administration Building
25 Gampel Service Drive | Storrs, CT 06269-1138
(860) 486-9199<>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Ricardo Stella>>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 6:21:31 PM
28 Aug 2020 to 29 Aug 2020 (#2020-156)

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

A few years ago we had to "light up" a couple of parking lots. The light poles 
there are on timers, so there is no power during the day. Trenching was cost 
prohibitive as well.

We ended up setting up a mesh from a nearby building to send data to these two 
APs. And for power, we used continuous power bridges from Solis Energy. At 
night, the light circuit provides power (which is 240v) to the bridge, which in 
turns provides power to the access point while at the same time charging up a 
battery. Once power is disconnected, the battery kicks in and powers the AP 
during the day. Only issue we had when they were configured was they gave us 
802.11af injectors instead of 802.11at ones, which was required for the AP to 

On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 4:17 PM Brian Helman>> wrote:

I wasn’t planning on powering the AP’s from the poles.  I assumed the lights on 
the poles were locally switched though, so pre-switch should be possible.   
It’s something to verify though.  The

RE: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 28 Aug 2020 to 29 Aug 2020 (#2020-156)

2020-08-31 Thread Jennifer Minella
This isn't exactly what you were asking but most enclosure manufacturers (like 
Ventev) make AP concealment / aesthetics products for both indoor and outdoor. 
As an example, these bollards are popular with several of our university 
clients. Note, I just skimmed the question/responses and apologize if someone 
already mentioned these.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of WIRELESS-LAN automatic digest 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2020 5:00 PM
Subject: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 28 Aug 2020 to 29 Aug 2020 (#2020-156)

[LISTSERV mailing list manager]<>
[LISTSERV 15.0]<>

WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 28 Aug 2020 to 29 Aug 2020 (#2020-156)
Table of contents:

  *   Antenna mounting suggestions (3)

  1.  Antenna mounting suggestions
 *   Re: Antenna mounting suggestions 
From: "Enfield, Chuck">>
 *   Re: Antenna mounting suggestions 
From: "Enfield, Chuck">>
 *   Re: Antenna mounting suggestions 
From: John Turner>>

Browse the WIRELESS-LAN online 

 by the LISTSERV Email List 

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Re: IoT and Wireless

2020-08-24 Thread Jennifer Minella
Ooh I just won $5 珞 thanks Lee #sawthatcoming

Jennifer Minella, CISSP
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 x0 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

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Re IoT and Wireless.eml
Description: Re IoT and Wireless.eml

RE: High DNS Lookup Time - Aruba Sensor

2020-07-27 Thread Jennifer Minella
Hi Aaron (and Lee!)!

  1.  Where is the new wildcard cert, specifically?
  2.  RE: Switches, we have completed several upgrades of legacy Provision 
(Aruba OS) to Aruba CX, totaling ~ 300+ switches for several clients and 
haven't seen any DNS latency issues. That doesn't mean there's not some 
relation but we haven't hit in with customers or in our lab to date.
  3.  Lee- yes the UXI is the rebranding of Cape Sensors, although they've 
added some stuff now, have new form factors, integrated it with other 
Aruba-stuffs, etc.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Letts, Richard J 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: High DNS Lookup Time - Aruba Sensor

I had experience of an aruba product flagging high DHCP response times, and it 
was somewhat frustrating because there was no evidence in the DHCP server logs 
that anything was amiss: every received packet had a subsecond response time, 
there were no drops on any of the network interfaces statistics, but the alerts 
continued to accumulate.

After much digging it turned out that the Linux kernel did not have a large 
enough internal buffer for received UDP packets and was dropping them after 
receipt, but before the DHCP server
Check to see if you have drops recorded in /proc/net/udp
[the statistics are reset when processes restart. The kernel uses more than the 
data received size to buffer and the limit for all received UDP packets is by 
default only 131071 bytes, so a relatively small number of packets could 
overload the buffer]. I'm going to suggest on linux-based DNS and DHCP servers 
this limit probably wants to be a LOT larger. I've not run DHCP on Windows.

Next, you might want to check what the actual DNS lookup is being performed. 
The default DNS UDP packet size is 512 bytes, so if the queries have a reply 
larger than that the client MAY switch to TCP, which will cause a redo of the 
lookups, and latency. I see this in places with AD-connected DNS servers where 
the DNS server role is added to all of the AD servers or you've a lot of TXT 
records associated with a domain.
[the 'ANY' reply for for example is over 1600 bytes]

Hope these pointers provide some help to someone.

Richard Letts
Director, Networking and Telecommunications
Purdue University<>
O: 765-496-1663
C: 206-790-5837

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Ian Lyons
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] High DNS Lookup Time - Aruba Sensor

I too have alot of False positives with "high dns". However, dont throw the 
baby out with the bathwater

I have found 3 problems with flapping circuits or errors of configuration as a 
result of having these sensors on premise.  Mostly in my student vlans-where 
during the summer I have no users and it is also when I make changes... So 
helpful big brother.


Ian J Lyons
Senior Network Engineer - Rollins College
401.413.1661 Cell
407.628.6396 Desk

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Lee H Badman 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 8:47
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] High DNS Lookup Time - Aruba Sensor

* External Email *


If the UX sensors are evolved from Aruba's Cape acquisition, I can tell you 
that I had a lot, as in A LOT, of false positives on High DNS lookup times that 
absolutely could not be replicated by any other sensor or manual attempt when I 
was evaluating them. See attached- my inbox would fill with these, and again, 
there were no corroborating data points. It didn't matter where I put the 
sensors on multiple networks, this alert to many target endpoints that were 
doing just fine were a fact of life.

The sensors were awesome in many other ways, but in this regard became one more 
thing to ignore, FWIW. Again, I'm assuming that Cape is the underlying 
technology here. If not, then disregard.

Lee Badman | Network Architect (CWNE#200)

Information Technology Services
(NDD Group)
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244

t 315.443.3003   e<> w

Campus Wireless Policy:

RE: Device visibility in Aruba AirGroup + ClearPass

2020-03-06 Thread Jennifer Minella
Hi Craig,
AirGroups can function with CPPM I think two primarily ways (that I know of).

  1.  Location-based, which is just what it sounds like. I don’t remember the 
exact boundary definition of the location (e.g. single AP, or group, etc) but 
it’s based on where the things are.
  2.  User-based, with ClearPass you can enable user-based Airgroups, this does 
require the users register devices while authenticated via 802.1X-secured 
network with something identifying the user (vs just the machine).

Hope that helps!

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Yahya M. Jaber 
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: Device visibility in Aruba AirGroup + ClearPass


We were in similar position to provide home like access to the students here.
The way to solve this was to use Cisco 1815 series AP’s as OEAP, this will give 
the user an option to access the AP GUI and create his own SSID “and other 
options” while still being managed by the WLC “having the campus SSID’s also”.

We have looked into many vendors, only Cisco provides this functionality.

Yahya Jaber.
Sr. Wireless Engineer
IT Network & Communications – Engineering
Building 14, Level 3, Rm 308-WS07
KAUST 23955-6900 Thuwal, KSA

Office +966 (0) 12 8081237
Mobile +966 (0) 558697555
On Call Rotation Mobile: +966 54 470 1177

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Craig D Rice
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 18:19
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Device visibility in Aruba AirGroup + ClearPass

We are an Aruba shop and are evaluating AirGroup + ClearPass to provide 
students a more home-like experience in their residence halls. That is, we 
would like students to be able to register and see only their registered 

If a user registers a device in ClearPass, is that device visible to 
non-registered devices (or devices registered to another user) -- even if the 
devices are associated with the same AP?

We have received conflicting answers from our Aruba SEs, account exec, and TAC, 
so we are hoping to learn how to limit device visibility from others who are 
using ClearPass.

Thanks for your advice!

Craig D. Rice
Director of Enterprise Infrastructure | IT
[Image removed by sender. St. Olaf College]
Office: +1-507-786-3631
1510 St. Olaf Avenue Northfield, MN 55057-1097  USA

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RE: Wi-Fi in the Elevator Car

2019-11-20 Thread Jennifer Minella
Stephen, I'm curious as to yours and others' experience because in working with 
healthcare (specifically hospitals with VoWiFI nurse paging systems) in every 
state we've worked, the safety regulations for elevators have specifically 
precluded/prohibited installation of such devices within the shaft or attached 
to the car.


Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text 

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Belcher  
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 08:58
Subject: Re: Wi-Fi in the Elevator Car

We use Fluidmesh to create a wireless bridge between a base unit at the top of 
the shaft and a mobile unit on top of the car. This setup is used for security 
cameras with no issue. We have tested Wi-Fi and it also works although we don't 
have any in production at the moment. 

It's fairly inexpensive to install so you can run a pilot without a ton of 


-Original Message-
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of Curtis K. Larsen
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 1:26 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wi-Fi in the Elevator Car


Has anyone designed Wi-Fi specifically to work in the elevator car itself?  
Willing to share your experience?


Curtis K. Larsen
Senior Wi-Fi Network Engineer
University of Utah Network Services
Office 801-587-1313

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Re: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs

2019-10-09 Thread Jennifer Minella
I don't believe ClearPass Device Insight shows driver details - I just skimmed 
through endpoint details page and attributes and don't see it.
At the risk of asking a dumb question, is there a reason not to simply deploy 
the 500-series with backwards compatibility enabled? That would allow you to 
offer a seamless experience for clients in a mixed-PHY-standard environment and 
support current clients on n/ac and even a/b/g etc.

Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.<><>
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Michael Davis <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 7:57 AM
Subject: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs

We currently have the Wi-Fi 6 extensions disabled because of the Intel
Driver issues

We've been notifying clients and were updating drivers until instructed
to just turn off Wi-Fi 6.
This begs the question of trying to identify the problematic machines
and seek them out, or
just announce a future date to turn on Wi-Fi 6 and go back to dealing
with updating drivers as
they come up.  We'll have a mix (currently ~15% Wi-Fi 6) of AP models
for a while, so the issues
won't all show right away.

Anyone looked into identifying the machines needing updated through
(Aruba Insight or Airwave or Clearpass ) ?

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of WIRELESS-LAN automatic digest 
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 15:00
Subject: WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 8 Oct 2019 to 9 Oct 2019 (#2019-167)

[LISTSERV mailing list manager]<>
[LISTSERV 15.0]<>

WIRELESS-LAN Digest - 8 Oct 2019 to 9 Oct 2019 (#2019-167)
Table of contents:

  *   WLC & ISE combo issues (5)
  *   Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs
  *   [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs (3)
  *   Wi-Fi Design Consulting (3)

  1.  WLC & ISE combo issues
 *   Re: WLC & ISE combo issues (10/09)
From: Mathieu Sturm>>
 *   Re: WLC & ISE combo issues (10/09)
From: "Kenny, Eric">>
 *   Re: WLC & ISE combo issues (10/09)
From: Dennis Xu>>
 *   Re: WLC & ISE combo issues (10/09)
From: Kitri Waterman>>
 *   Re: WLC & ISE combo issues (10/09)
From: "Heavrin, Lynn">>
  2.  Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs
 *   Re: Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs (10/09)
From: Michael Davis>>
  3.  [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 APs
 *   Re: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 
APs (10/09)
From: "Sweetser, Frank E">>
 *   Re: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 
APs (10/09)
From: Michael Davis>>
 *   Re: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba Wi-Gi 6 
APs (10/09)
From: "Sweetser, Frank E">>
  4.  Wi-Fi Design Consulting
 *   Wi-Fi Design Consulting (10/09)
From: "Enfield, Chuck">>
 *   Re: Wi-Fi Design Consulting (10/09)
From: Bryan Ward>>
 *   Re: Wi-Fi Design Consulting (10/09)
From: "Enfield, Chuck">>

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