[WiX-users] How to grab directory of Excel.exe during installation

2009-04-14 Thread Holmgren Mathias
I'm aware of the guide at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/240794 however
that only solves half my problem.

Basically, I know that the following registry key contains the directory
I want and that it is consistent over Excel 2002/XP, Excel 2003 and
Excel 2007 (same GUID for all three versions).


The value of this registry key is something like:

I just want the directory put into another MSI property, so I can copy
another file (Excel.exe.config) to that same directory during my WiX/MSI

I have tried using ComponentSearch, DirectorySearch and FileSearch but I
can't figure out what combinations to use to get this to work since I
have no examples (http://www.wixwiki.com/index.php?title=Wix_Schema) and
the doc text is very sparse.

Here an example of what I have tried:

Property Id=EXCELDIR2002 
  ComponentSearch Id=ExcelDirSearch2002
Guid={00024500---C000-0046} Type=directory 
FileSearch Id=ExcelExeFile2002 Name=Excel.exe /

I've tried others too. Any working example of these elements, or any
pointers, would be helpful.



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[WiX-users] (no subject)

2009-04-14 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Got this to work on my own, so I'm replying to my own question here for
archive reasons.
There's another registry key that actually holds the exact installation
root path.
This works:
Property Id=EXCELDIR 
   RegistrySearch Id=ExcelRegistryInstallRoot2002 Type=raw
Root=HKLM Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Excel\InstallRoot
Name=Path /
   RegistrySearch Id=ExcelRegistryInstallRoot2003 Type=raw
Root=HKLM Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\InstallRoot
Name=Path /
   RegistrySearch Id=ExcelRegistryInstallRoot2007 Type=raw
Root=HKLM Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\InstallRoot
Name=Path /
Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
   Directory Id=EXCELDIR 
  Component Id=ExcelConfig
 File Id=ExcelConfig Name=Excel.exe.config
Source=../../Setup/Excel.exe.config Vital=yes Assembly=no /
And then use that component ref in the respective feature alternatives.
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Re: [WiX-users] Unable to install Services due to lack of privileges

2009-03-23 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Have you checked the event log for any error messages about why your
server fails to start?

 -Original Message-
 From: MacDiarmid, James D [mailto:james.macdiar...@eds.com]
 Sent: den 20 mars 2009 18:10
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Unable to install Services due to lack of
 Ok.. Here is a snippet of my XML file.  Am I missing anything from
 I'm hoping someone can offer some direction on how to proceed.  I'm in
 the process of testing an MSI package on a test server however do to
 server hardening restrictions it's not allowing my MSI package to
 install some Services.  I've contacted my SA and they seem to feel
 the account I'm logging in with has the rights to do the install.
 I be over looking something in Wix setting?

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Re: [WiX-users] Ram size checking

2009-03-18 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 Thank you for the reply.
 I tested this on windows 2008,2003 and XP, on all of these machine
 ram size is 2048MB
 But in wix it shows PhysicalMemory = 2005.
 So it's causing problem for me.
 I can't put  PhysicalMemory = 2048 condition.
 so what's the solution?
 Please help. Thank you in advance.

How about PhysicalMemory = 2000?

It's kinda funny, but I'm actually serious.

Most machines that claim to have like 1 Gb memory on paper often seem
to show up as having 1020 Mb or similar give or take a few megs, they do
in our team. Thus, you should expect some natural variation in memory
available and I'm not sure Windows Installer is actually wrong here btw.

Don't know your situation, but you might have other options than to
enforce this the hard way using Win Installer only.

For instance, on our team our app memory requirements are 1 Gb memory.
For us, this limit has been set rather arbitrary based on what our app
needs for reasonable performance while still allowing the user to do
work using a few other normal apps at the same time.

Now most customers can meet those reqs, but not all. Knowing that
hardware upgrades can be expensive (esp for a whole org) our approach
has been to give some leeway on behalf of the customer while still
enforcing our HW standards.

This is how we do this.

We allow the application to install even if the HW is sub par (512 Mb is
our minimum level to allow install at all, since we feel it would simply
not be usable at all below that).

When the app starts we instead log the sub par HW and light a warning
icon in the toolbar of the application window. When hovered, a tooltip
informs the user that he might not experience full app performance
because his HW (blabla) is below minimum reqs. We light this warning
icon for 5 min after launch so it is not too annoying.

We like this approach because we feel allowing the user to do work using
a potentially slow app is better than stopping him altogether as long as
he is informed. If the user is unhappy about performance, he hopefully
now knows he should upgrade HW first before blaming the product or
calling customer support. If not, support can read the logs and do this
for him.

We do the same based on CPU speed.

Maybe something that can help you, dunno.


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[WiX-users] Support for conditional bootstrapper pre-requisites - Burn/dotNetInstaller/fw bootstrapper/other?

2009-03-17 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Our application install scenario contains conditional pre-requisites.

What bootstrappers can do this today?

Basically, we want a bootstrapper that can support this scenario:

1A) If App1 is installed, install X1 (matching addon MSI package to
1B) If App1 is not installed, don't install X1
1C) If App1 and X1 are both installed already, do nothing (done already)
2)  Start our own application MSI installer

That is, App1 is not a pre-requisite for the bootstrapper, but if
installed its presence requires an additional pre-requisite component to
be installed.

I would want the bootstrapper to use a registry search to detect if
application App1 is installed and if so install the matching

1) dotNetInstaller
I've checked out the dotNetInstaller, which looks interesting. It seems
to be able to do everything we need, except for the above requirement.

dotNetInstaller has the InstalledCheck element, but can it be used for
this scenario? It seems to only support checking for the presence of the
very same component that is about to be installed. I can't see a way to
link a component to be conditionally installed based on the presence of
another component. Is there a way to make this work w dotNetInstaller?

2) Other bootstrapper options
Can Burn or .NET FW bootstrapper handle this scenario? Some other

By the way, I know Burn is put on hold until 3.0 ships, but what is
the current status of Burn as it exists now?

Ps. App1 is Excel v Xxxx and X1 is matching PIA v Xxxx.


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Re: [WiX-users] Ram size checking

2009-03-17 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 I want to check Ram size before i start actual installation same as
 disk space checking.

Check out launch conditions. Like this

Condition Message=Installing $(var.ApplicationFullName) requires at
least 512 Mb primary memory.
  PhysicalMemory = 512

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Re: [WiX-users] Bootstrapper selection questions -Specificscenario requirements

2009-03-13 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Good stuff, thanks again.

Only one thing I still haven't figured out from your answer. Guess my
description was a bit fuzzy on that bit.

We have an application DLL that is our code, which comes in three
different flavors (one for each Office-version we support). This is
necessary because it has to reference the corresponding Excel-assembly.

If the user has some Excel version installed, the correct version of
this app interop assembly is installed as a part of the normal app MSI

However, to support req 7 that assembly would have to be installed
separately on demand after the application has been installed, and after
the user has installed Excel (just installing PIA afterwards would not
be enough to make app excel-interop go).

Q: This gives us two scenarios for installing a version of that app DLL,
do I have to have two different MSIs?

Or worded in another way, is there a way to include a sub-MSI
component (factored step to install the app interop assembly matching
excel) in the main app MSI. This way, there is no code and/or component
duplication to maintain. That sub-component MSI could be stored on the
user's disk available to be installed on demand later. Does this make

Scenario1 = App install including sub component install w app DLL
Scenario2 = App install, then later sub component install of app DLL

If so, does that also allow for the sub component MSI to be
automatically removed when the app is uninstalled, even if it was added
on demand?

(want win installer to understand that the app DLL is part of the app
to be uninstalled, even though it was installed later  my first thought
was that RemoveFile is probably inappropriate for an app assembly?)

 I'm not sure I understand your relationship with the users of the app.
 Who is going to run your installer? The partners? Or are the partners
 giving the installer to end users, and the partner relies on you, the
 author, to provide appropriate partner-specific defaults?

Both. I think you have understood it correctly.

The partner's personnel use the app professionally and they do this
today. That is no big deal since they have their own IT-ppl in case of
any issues.

The scenarios I described are intended to support partner's distributing
the app to end home users, who are clients of those partners (think top
end stock market clients). When those customers are using the app they
should basically be experiencing that they are connecting to the
partner, and technically they will in most cases.

To make all this as no-hassle as possible (big fish can make big
splashes), partners will want our team to provide those defaults, or
rather have a process in place to produce all relevant installer files
etc customized for their needs given those property values. All they
want to do is to distribute one installer file to their clients and
everything should work.


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Re: [WiX-users] Bootstrapper selection questions-Specificscenario requirements

2009-03-13 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Good ideas.

In our WiX app installation I already detect Excel-version like this:

  !-- value is Excel.Application.X where X is either 10, 11 or 12 for
2002, 2003 and 2007 respectively --
  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelRegistry Type=raw Root=HKCR
Key=Excel.Application\CurVer /

...and then install the corresponding Excel-interop assemblies using
conditional hidden feature elements:

Feature Id=ExcelIntegration2002 Level=0 Title=Excel integration
Description=ExcelRTD2002 integration Display=hidden
  ComponentRef Id=ExcelRTD2002 /
  ?if $(var.Configuration) = Release?
  ComponentRef Id=ExcelRTDShim2002/
  Condition Level=1EXCELVERS = Excel.Application.10/Condition


So you are saying just re-launching our MSI in repair mode would pick up
the change and install on only that feature? In that case my question
about uninstall would be a non issue.

I'll look into repair mode more, we have not found a reason to
use/support that yet. Maybe now we do, thanks.

I love the internet ;)


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Re: [WiX-users] Bootstrapper selection questions -Specificscenario requirements

2009-03-13 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 Are you certain you want hard references to Excel's primary interop
 assemblies (PIA)?
 Generally, you only reference the PIA during development.
 Once development is complete you should remove the PIA reference and
 the type of the Excel application class to 'object'.

Yeah I know what you mean if all we do is export static data to excel,
but we do more than that.

In our case we build an excel workbook with text references that excel
resolves by creating a data subscription to our application that is
updated in real time.

This is done by having excel host some of our .NET FW interop code
through a shim dll, which when activated creates a remoting cross
process channel to our real time data subscription layer in our
application process.

For this to work in retail mode, the dll that hosts our code in the
Excel process space needs to be installed into the GAC and be binary
compatible with the current Excel version, since it is Excel that calls
into our app through that assembly as the cell reference is resolved.

This allows us to setup cells that update in real time push style from
the server using native excel mechanisms with all the bells and whistles
that comes w that (live updating spread sheet objects, and whatnot).

But thanks for the heads up!


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[WiX-users] Bootstrapper selection questions - Specific scenario requirements

2009-03-12 Thread Holmgren Mathias
I've read up a bit on bootstrappers, but can't figure out yet which path
to take on this.
- We got an application MSI built using WiX 3, works great
- Application uses Office PIA* to integrate real time with Excel (data
update, app-excel)
- Depending on the Excel version, our app MSI installs a different
version of app DLL for excel-integration (refs matching PIA assembly
Now we want to streamline pre-requisite installation since distribution
through partners to private end users (ie day traders, etc) is expected
to expand (previously, pro financial institutions w their own
IT-departments was dominant customer segment).
Primary Scenario Requirements
1 - Bootstrapper should detect pre-requisites, inform user when missing
and install on demand if allowed.
1.1   - Detect OS, download and install required service pack X for this
OS as needed
1.2   - If .NET FW 2.0 SP1 is missing, download and install
1.3.1 - Detect Excel version, download and install corresponding PIA
1.3.2 - If no Excel, skip PIA install (see 7 below).
1.4   - Install app MSI
2 - Bootstrapper and app MSI should be one single downloadable file
(exe/msi or equiv, not zip).
3 - Some app MSI properties should be pre-set w different values based
on partner (server url, etc)
4 - Works painless in a modern CI environment (rel paths, text source
format, build script friendly, etc)
5 - Seamless and painless full uninstall no matter what (local copy of
all necessary MSIs, etc)
6 - Bootstrapper supports all modern Windows platforms: XP, Win Server
, Vista, Win7, etc
Note that we have different pre-reqs  app install depending on which
Excel-version the user has installed, if any.
Secondary Scenario Requirement
7 - User did not have Excel installed during app installation, but
installs it afterwards. On starting application, detect Excel version
and launch installation of the correct PIA version on demand. This
includes installing matching version of app interop assemblies. That is,
no need for user to re-install the whole application from scratch to
enable Excel-integration. Uninstall req 5 still applies.
A - Is there a bootstrapper supporting these reqs out there today, or do
we have to wait for Burn? 
B - How would you modularize the app/installation/build to support 3
and 7 specifically?
* PIA = Ms Office Primary Interop Assemblies, it's a different installer
package based on Office version.
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Re: [WiX-users] Bootstrapper selection questions - Specificscenario requirements

2009-03-12 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Thanks for the good feedback Don! My questions and comments inline,

 Removal: It sounds like you are asking the removal of your app to
 the prerequisites that the bootstrapper installed. Bootstrappers are
 designed to do this because it is a bad idea. Other programs may need
 these prerequisites, including the PIA assemblies.

I did not mean uninstall would uninstall OS SPs or the framework, I
agree that would not be a good idea.

I just want uninstall to remove all application components (ie
exe+interop dll), regardless if those components where installed at
first install (primary scenario) or in a second module install
according to the secondary scenario.

 You could provide separate downloads for each installation. In this
 your build process would build separate MSIs and would generate a
 bootstrapper EXE for each partner.

If at all possible, I would really want to keep the integrity of one
app MSI, so professional organizations would use this same app MSI but
without the bootstrapper. This would reduce the corp confusion and team
maintenance pain of having multiple app MSIs.

 A second alternative is to include customization dialogs as part of
 MSI that set properties based on the selected partners.

This is what I want to do, but there might not have to be any dialogs.
For a partner distribution these MSI properties should be filled in with
partner specific values at some point (not by end user who has no clue,
see below).

During installation, these MSI properties are written to app.config (or
similar). Pro customers can use msiexec to set these properties at will,
or accept the default property values.

My question for this scenario is rather my options in how to apply and
set these properties and when. Would I have to apply a transform (?) or
set them in some other way before the bootstrapper executes?

If transform, can this be applied after building the boostrapper, or
does it have to be before (CI/build issue).

Or, maybe the bootstrapper itself can include the property values in
play so all we have to have per partner is a different bootstrap exe
(and the app MSI in distributed format can be identical for all
customers and partners while avoiding transforms altogether)?

As you can see, my knowledge of Windows Installer technology is a bit
fuzzy on the whole transform thing and how to best combine it with what
a bootstrapper can do in terms of customization and what it can carry in
terms of usable payload.

 The third alternative is to design this partner-specific customization
 into the app itself, post-installation.

There will of course have to be some new code in the app that knows what
to do with these property values, which mostly has to do with how to
connect to which servers and create user configuration information the
first time the app starts. This is why some information must be provided
before install time.

The whole idea is for the customer to not have to fill in that fragile
mumbo jumbo information manually. And in doing so get the user up and
running as fast as possible by magic, while reducing customer service
issues (due to fat fingers, confusion and whatnot).

 Post-installation execution of Excel: The bootstrapper cannot really
 handle this automatically because the bootstrapper does not run again
 after the app is installed. In fact, the user may have deleted the 
 installation EXE once your app is installed. Your app should detect
 missing PIA scenario and initiate the PIA installation.

Yeah, the app would of course have to have some code to shell to msiexec
or just ask the user to install it and restart. The bootstrapper, at
most, would put some sort of installation module/MSI-thingy on disk
containing only the PIA packages and corresponding app DLLs based on
Excel-version (or the URL to that thingy in app.config).

My confusion here is not so much how a bootstrapper fits into this (or
rather not) but more about what would be *best practice* for this kind
of post install, extra MSI-module install scenario that does not
fragment the main installation scenario into a big mess of
sub-MSI-packages per Office version??

Here, I fall a little short in my knowledge about merge modules (?), how
to combine pieces of one installation into another, etc. Any pointers
would be appreciated.

 I might also suggest not trying to bootstrap OS service packs

Ok, seems reasonable. Thanks, we'll follow that advice.

 Your users should know how to uninstall a program.

Yes, you would think. I agree...! ;)

Again, I appreciate the quality response Don.


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Re: [WiX-users] Newbie questions

2008-06-04 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 I'm totally newbie about WIX. I've just downloaded the last v3 version
 (3.0.2925.0) and I'm playing around with it.
That's a pretty old release, you get the latest drop here:
 Moreover, if i try to define
 any other Culture in the Light setttings (for instance es-ES)
 getting about 500 light errors! . Is there any hint or sample to be
 to make a multi-language installer using v3?
You are probably not linking in the file with the localized Spanish
 - I'm not sure to understand how adverstised and unadvertised
 shortcuts work and are defined in WIX. My idea was to made the
 installation visible to all the users in a computer (not just the
 one that executes the installer), so what kind of shortcut should I
You have to install the application 'per machine' and not 'per user' to
achieve what you want. You do this by setting the ALLUSERS property to 1
or to use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] attribute and set it to perMachine.
About shortcuts, start by checking out the Shortcut
http://www.wixwiki.com/index.php?title=Shortcut_Element  element
(Advertise attrib specifically).
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Create EXE wrapper around my MSI?

2008-06-02 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 the SDK people surely are not the dumbest programmers around but what
 does it help. You can be smart as no-one else, you' get outperformed
 by the resourcefullness MSI Developers. They are that smart that they
 even can not follow there smartness over time ... ;-(


Man, you need to lighten up! Geez, people are trying to be polite and
helpful to you on this list and all you do is lash back at them every
time. Your posts are just reeking from pent up negative energy that you
are venting onto others. You need to ask yourself where all that stuff
is coming from? Fix that. Do not identify with negativity, don't even
allow it into your mind, it is toxic. YOU are in control of that, nobody
else. The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle. Just read it. Seriously...


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Re: [WiX-users] Installer options

2008-06-02 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 1. How do I make a feature mandatory?
 2. How can I have a default of don't install?

Check out the Feature element, specifically the Absent and Level


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Re: [WiX-users] service fail to install due to networkServiceaccount

2008-05-28 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Try this:
Account=NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
Complete example that works on my machine (tm):
ServiceInstall Id=ServiceEXE Name=$(var.ApplicationFullName) 
DisplayName=$(var.ApplicationFullName) Type=ownProcess 
Interactive=no Start=auto 
Account=NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService 
Vital=yes ErrorControl=normal/
ServiceControl Id=ServiceEXE Name=$(var.ApplicationFullName) 
Start=install Stop=both Remove=uninstall Wait=yes/
If you need to set additional disk access permissions, check out
util:PermissionEx ... 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ryan
Sent: den 28 maj 2008 05:08
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] service fail to install due to
To All,
So when I attempted to do this in my service install element I am still
getting the Failed because of required permissions.  Would it be
possible to see a complete snippet of this being used?
My ServiceInstall Element is nested under a Component element with a
File element whose keypath is set to yes.  If I take out the Account
attribute all is fine and the service is installed as 'Local System', if
I leave the Account and Password attributes and use a created Service
Account all is good and the service is installed.
All of these configurations for 'Network Service' have failed though:
ServiceInstall Id=MyServiceInstall Name=MyService
  Description=My Description
  DisplayName=Transaction Service Host
  Account=[ComputerName]\Network Service
  Vital=yes ErrorControl=normal
  Type=ownProcess /
ServiceControl Id=MyServiceControl Name=MyService
Remove=uninstall Stop=both Wait=yes /
ServiceInstall Id=MyServiceInstall Name=MyService
  Description=My Description
  DisplayName=Transaction Service Host
  Vital=yes ErrorControl=normal
  Type=ownProcess /
ServiceControl Id=MyServiceControl Name=MyService
Remove=uninstall Stop=both Wait=yes /
ServiceInstall Id=MyServiceInstall Name=MyService
  Description=My Description
  DisplayName=Transaction Service Host
  Vital=yes ErrorControl=normal
  Type=ownProcess /
ServiceControl Id=MyServiceControl Name=MyService
Remove=uninstall Stop=both Wait=yes /
 Solved. The network service account needs to be specified with its
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] yep - back to being 100% frustrated

2008-05-15 Thread Holmgren Mathias
 Don't blame the tools as there are plenty of people out there using
these tools and making them work seemlessly and quickly on a day to day


Well, you can't just disregard the large majority of people who are
struggling a lot with this. And you can't disregard the developer
perspective, because developers are the people that have to deal with


Sure, one part of the story is about expectations and the learning curve
of installation. Before building an installation package, you expect it
to be pretty easy, like a couple of days work. Then when you start doing
it you find out that the level of investment necessary to complete a
working real world installer is not 10 but maybe 100 times greater than
what you expected, or more (yes, for real, I'm not making this up). And
we are talking very experienced people here, not rookie devs.


Having to invest your time so heavily to get so little tangible result
back is a shock to most people. And when all the bumps, twists and turns
of the technology are added on top of that learning process there will
be frustration.


Now, I'm not much for nursing cry baby mentality either. It will get you
nowhere. But I do feel that there is a case to be made here about not
putting up with things that are overburdening. This is the other part of
the story.


If the tools can be improved to make installation simpler, why settle
for less?

Or are installer technology and the tools already as good as they can
ever become?


No. Identify the stuff that can be made easier with better tools. Reduce
some of the burden of that complexity you are referring to and
streamline the more common stories to ease the learning curve. That's
what should be done.




Domain lookup of that comes up blank. Do you have another link? I sure
could use some info on those undocumented features.



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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. 
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Re: [WiX-users] references of WIX 3

2008-05-14 Thread Holmgren Mathias

also recommend the latest source at http://wix.sourceforge.net/releases/



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Evan Kim
Sent: den 13 maj 2008 20:22
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] references of WIX 3


Is there any manual or referece about WIX3?

I'm using version 2 now because there's tutorial and manual of it but I
couldn't find any for WIX3.

If anyone knows, please tip me off

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] To Prevent Install on Windows 2008

2008-05-13 Thread Holmgren Mathias

Condition Message=Only Vista install supported VersionNT = 600 AND
ServicePackLevel = 1/Condition

For more, see this link:



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anidil
Sent: den 13 maj 2008 09:31
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] To Prevent Install on Windows 2008



I have an MSI that is intended for Only Vista and Vista SP1.Can anybody

me some hints to prevent install on Windows 2008? I have tried the

condition but it doesn't work

Condition Message=  blah blah WindowsBuild = 6000 OR WindowsBuild =

6001 AND ServicePackLevel = 1/Condition


NB: For Windows 2008 and Vista SP1,VersionNT and WindowsBuild numbers

600 and 6001 respectively


View this message in context:

Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.




This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft 

Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. 



WiX-users mailing list



This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Managed custom actions in Wix 3

2008-04-29 Thread Holmgren Mathias
AFAIK, MSI can not call your managed code directly and there is no
supported way to easily call into custom actions written in managed


But you can use InstallUtilLib.dll from the framework directory to host
an AppDomain and load+call your managed code custom action. I got the
below to work by using dark to reverse engineer what Visual Studio does
with it's own setup projects.


WARNING - As far as I know this is all undocumented and likely very
unsupported stuff. And I might not understand all the implications of
what I did here.


But it works - no C++ or unmanaged code necessary. :-)


!--Binary Id=InstallUtil
ll /--

Binary Id=InstallUtil
.dll /

Binary Id=VSDNETCFG SourceFile=./VSDNETCFG.config /

Binary Id=MSVBDPCADLL SourceFile=../../Assemblies/MSVBDPCA.DLL




!-- DIRCA_CheckFX will check for .NET FW, but also, as a side
effect, set required MSI properties (AFAIK required for using
InstallUtilLib.dll) --

CustomAction Id=DIRCA_CheckFX BinaryKey=MSVBDPCADLL
DllEntry=CheckFX /

CustomAction Id=CAInstall.install BinaryKey=InstallUtil
DllEntry=ManagedInstall Execute=deferred /

CustomAction Id=CAInstall.install.SetProperty
Property=CAInstall.install Value=/installtype=notransaction
/action=install /LogFile= /PS_DEF=[PS_DEF] /PS_ADR=quot;[PS_ADR]quot;
/PS_BYP=[PS_BYP] quot;[#ClientEXE]quot; quot;[VSDFxConfigFile]quot;

CustomAction Id=CACommit.commit BinaryKey=InstallUtil
DllEntry=ManagedInstall Execute=commit /

CustomAction Id=CACommit.commit.SetProperty
Property=CACommit.commit Value=/installtype=notransaction
/action=commit /LogFile= quot;[#ClientEXE]quot;
quot;[VSDFxConfigFile]quot; /





  Custom Action=DIRCA_CheckFX Sequence=1 /

  Custom Action=CAInstall.install.SetProperty

  Custom Action=CAInstall.install

  Custom Action=CACommit.commit.SetProperty

  Custom Action=CACommit.commit




As you can see, you have to explicitly pass in all MSI properties used
by your custom actions for your code to access them. They are not
automatically available. This is an inherit MSI limitation.


The quot;[#ClientEXE]quot; param above is a file reference to the
custom action assembly. In our case a File Id=ClientEXE ... 
assembly file in one component of the install package.


Note on the dependent files:

The VSDNETCFG.config is a .net config file (w. lots of assembly
bindingRedirects). You also need MSVBDPCA.DLL. Both these files are
embedded in VS setup project MSI-files as a binary stream. Get them by
darking an existing VS setup project or e-mail me and I'll send the ones
I extracted.



PS. If somebody knows a better/recommended way to call managed CAs,
please let me know too.



This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Managed custom actions in Wix 3

2008-04-29 Thread Holmgren Mathias
And BTW, this topic is obviously an old beaten horse...





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Holmgren
Sent: den 29 april 2008 14:39
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Managed custom actions in Wix 3


AFAIK, MSI can not call your managed code directly and there is no
supported way to easily call into custom actions written in managed


But you can use InstallUtilLib.dll from the framework directory to host
an AppDomain and load+call your managed code custom action. I got the
below to work by using dark to reverse engineer what Visual Studio does
with it's own setup projects.


WARNING - As far as I know this is all undocumented and likely very
unsupported stuff. And I might not understand all the implications of
what I did here.


But it works - no C++ or unmanaged code necessary. :-)


!--Binary Id=InstallUtil
ll /--

Binary Id=InstallUtil
.dll /

Binary Id=VSDNETCFG SourceFile=./VSDNETCFG.config /

Binary Id=MSVBDPCADLL SourceFile=../../Assemblies/MSVBDPCA.DLL




!-- DIRCA_CheckFX will check for .NET FW, but also, as a side
effect, set required MSI properties (AFAIK required for using
InstallUtilLib.dll) --

CustomAction Id=DIRCA_CheckFX BinaryKey=MSVBDPCADLL
DllEntry=CheckFX /

CustomAction Id=CAInstall.install BinaryKey=InstallUtil
DllEntry=ManagedInstall Execute=deferred /

CustomAction Id=CAInstall.install.SetProperty
Property=CAInstall.install Value=/installtype=notransaction
/action=install /LogFile= /PS_DEF=[PS_DEF] /PS_ADR=quot;[PS_ADR]quot;
/PS_BYP=[PS_BYP] quot;[#ClientEXE]quot; quot;[VSDFxConfigFile]quot;

CustomAction Id=CACommit.commit BinaryKey=InstallUtil
DllEntry=ManagedInstall Execute=commit /

CustomAction Id=CACommit.commit.SetProperty
Property=CACommit.commit Value=/installtype=notransaction
/action=commit /LogFile= quot;[#ClientEXE]quot;
quot;[VSDFxConfigFile]quot; /





  Custom Action=DIRCA_CheckFX Sequence=1 /

  Custom Action=CAInstall.install.SetProperty

  Custom Action=CAInstall.install

  Custom Action=CACommit.commit.SetProperty

  Custom Action=CACommit.commit




As you can see, you have to explicitly pass in all MSI properties used
by your custom actions for your code to access them. They are not
automatically available. This is an inherit MSI limitation.


The quot;[#ClientEXE]quot; param above is a file reference to the
custom action assembly. In our case a File Id=ClientEXE ... 
assembly file in one component of the install package.


Note on the dependent files:

The VSDNETCFG.config is a .net config file (w. lots of assembly
bindingRedirects). You also need MSVBDPCA.DLL. Both these files are
embedded in VS setup project MSI-files as a binary stream. Get them by
darking an existing VS setup project or e-mail me and I'll send the ones
I extracted.



PS. If somebody knows a better/recommended way to call managed CAs,
please let me know too.



This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Release 3.0.4014.0 requires MsBuild 3.5?

2008-04-25 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Replying to my own thread here just for search archives completeness.

I just installed 3.0.4025 and this issue is now resolved.
Quoting history.txt: Use 2.0 MSBuild tasks instead of 3.5

This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Release 3.0.4014.0 requires MsBuild 3.5?

2008-04-25 Thread Holmgren Mathias
Seems I jumped the gun a little on this one.

Issue in 3.0.4025.0:

- The first time VS builds my Wix project, all goes well (= improvement
over previous drop).
- The second time the same VS process builds the same Wix project
(without restarting VS) I get the following exception:

Error   1   The build was aborted because of an internal failure.
Microsoft.Build.Shared.InternalErrorException: Internal MSBuild Error:
Project shouldn't be in ProjectManager already.
   at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError(Boolean
showAssert, String unformattedMessage, Object[] args)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.BuildProject(Project project,
String[] targetNames, IDictionary targetOutputs, BuildSettings
buildFlags, Boolean fireProjectStartedFinishedEvents)
C:\Source\StingModules\AddinModule\AddinModule.csproj   0   1

Seems some in process state (in the MsBuild ProjectManager) remains
between builds.

I have also gotten this build output error on the second build:
Unhandled Exception:The build was aborted because of an unexpected
logger failure.
Error: The build was aborted because of an unexpected logger failure.

As before, I'm using .NET FW 2.0 SP1.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Holmgren
Sent: den 25 april 2008 16:47
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Release 3.0.4014.0 requires MsBuild 3.5?

Replying to my own thread here just for search archives completeness.

I just installed 3.0.4025 and this issue is now resolved.
Quoting history.txt: Use 2.0 MSBuild tasks instead of 3.5

This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Release 3.0.4014.0 requires MsBuild 3.5?

2008-04-24 Thread Holmgren Mathias
I just installed the latest drop of WiX, 3.0.4014.0, and now I get a
compile error saying assembly Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5 is required to

Full error stack:
Error  3   The ResolveNonMSBuildProjectOutput task could not be
loaded from the assembly Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a. Could not load file or
assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the UsingTask declaration
is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are
available.  C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX\v3.0\Wix.targets
680 6   SixEdgeSetupWix

Our team are using VS2005 and .NET FW 2.0 SP1.

Is version 3.5 of the .NET Framework required to use the latest version
of Wix, or is something in my project setup missing? If 3.5 is required,
is there a workaround for .NET FW 2.0?

PS. I just upgraded from WiX version 3.0.2925.0 where I had no problems
with my project setup.


This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] wix mailing lists open to public = more spam

2008-04-23 Thread Holmgren Mathias
I agree, for me this is normal for a mailing list. Join to post. Agree
also on reducing the spam in the searchable archives by doing this. No
spam filter there.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dale Quigg
Sent: den 22 april 2008 22:12
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] wix mailing lists open to public = more spam

I think that having to subscribe to wix-users is a reasonable
prerequisite for people wishing to post.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rob
Sent: 22 April 2008 18:29
To: Rob Hamflett; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] wix mailing lists open to public = more spam

If anyone has any other opinions on this topic, please do make your
heard. I'm still following this thread and trying to figure out if I
lock non-members out of the list.  I'm still very hesitant to do that
it raises the bar for people just starting to get involved with WiX (and
don't need to make anything *harder* smile/).

This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Build behavior for WiX projects

2008-04-17 Thread Holmgren Mathias
I might be the only one, but I was not surprised by the WiX project not
building since it is consistent with the behaviour of Visual Studio
Setup Projects. Confusing? Yes, but OTOH I had already paid for that
confusion before so it was not confusing any more.


What is best? Not sure, but I am fine with the explicit build as is. I
don't want it to slow me down every time I compile my code. The setup
project should only be built on the integration server anyway.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rob
Sent: den 17 april 2008 07:53
To: dB.; Candy Chiang; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Build behavior for WiX projects


I basically agree. I understand the desire to avoid having the WiX
projects rebuild every time you hit F5, but this behavior is going to be
very difficult to puzzle out without searching the wix-users archive.
Personally, I would pick only building by default in the Release
configuration over this new behavior. Although, building all the time
might be okay too... especially if validation didn't take so freaking
long (a different battle to tackle)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dB.
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 22:01
To: Candy Chiang; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Build behavior for WiX projects


I am a little confused by this change. In my opinion this should behave
exactly like any other project in the solution, whether it's written in
C++, C# or even LOGO :)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Candy
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:11 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Build behavior for WiX projects


In the recent builds, we have changed the build behavior of WiX project
so that it only builds by default if it is the only project in the
solution. If you have more than one project in a solution, the WiX
project will not build automatically. This allows you to skip building
the WiX project with no overhead when you make tweaks in your
application code until you have all your bits ready to be packaged. 


This implies that when you build the solution using MSBuild on the
command line, the WiX project in the solution (assuming there is more
than one project) will not be built. If you want the WiX project to
build with the solution, you will need to change the build configuration
via the Configuration Manager console in Visual Studio. Alternatively,
you may choose to build the .wixproj separately through another process.


We want to get a feel from the community how this new build behavior is
working out for people. A few things to consider:

* How do you like this new build behavior? Is it intuitive and
easier to use?

* Consider other options and how those might be better:

o   Make WiX project to always build by default in the solution.  

o   Make WiX project to only build by default in Release configuration
but not in Debug configuration.

o   Others suggestions?


Please let us know your thoughts.  


This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Problem controlling dialog sequencing with custom dialog

2008-04-16 Thread Holmgren Mathias

This is my first post on this list, tried searching the archive but did
not help.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VERSION INFO - I'm using Wix-3.0.2925.0.msi, Votive3.msi
(Votive-3.0.2015.0.zip) with some intermittent support from
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've made a custom dialog and I am having problems sequencing it. I want
it to appear after the CustomizableDlg and before the VerifyReadyDlg.

When I try to specify where in the sequence I want my custom dialog I
can't compile my Wix project.

My code:

  UIRef Id=WixUI_Mondo /
  UIRef Id=WixUI_ErrorProgressText /

  Dialog Id=HelloWorldDlg ... [snip] /

Show Dialog=HelloWorldDlg Before=VerifyReadyDlg /

i.e. when I use the code above I get this link exception.

Error LGHT0094: Unresolved reference to symbol
'WixAction:InstallUISequence/VerifyReadyDlg' in section

I have added a project reference to WixUIExtension.dll and my linker is
configured to build output for the en-US culture.

If I try After=CustomizeDlg, linking fails just as above.

If I try scheduling my dialog after say MigrateFeatureStates (or
relative WelcomeDlg) instead it compiles, but I seem to have no control
of the dialog order or dialog navigation gets all screwed up.

I have tried a bunch of other random things, including trying to use the
DialogRef element, but nothing seems to work.

What am I missing? I am assuming (hoping) I don't have to roll my own
UIExtension assembly just to do this?


This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
Use priority code J8TL2D2. 
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