thanks for all the comments fellahs

2006-04-08 Thread phanero

thanks for all the comments fellahs



this maldescent malduck
in the friths
and voes
of the
cloik of maldy
clov n hamm
nagg n nell
of chingalingabad
the nagawordsnake
of pumpkinhead
and even Fish was against the Empirical
model in 1980 as Sherlock
Holmes may actually
have been a Polish

Linear Subspace Feels Holometabolism

2006-04-08 Thread phanero

infinite meaning may turn out
to be nothing less
than an abyss of
meaning and
the serpent I have used this
procedure most consistently
and more skillfully than
any other poet in english
lay festering the multiplication
of viewpoints and
go no further than physiognomy
the superficial or explicit
theme of my poem
is not the real
physiognomy a tension
between surface blandness
and infinite meaning redundant
in this respect is how images are

"like a forest vine"
"like a fool"
"Green as a bough"

and rejects this aspiration
a demon of growth
an anatomy of nonsense
muling quiet in the river plain

"ageless as a toadstool"
"more detailed than wool"
"intimately absolute"

infinite meaning may turn out
to be nothing less
than an abyss of
axial filaments
that cause a twisting motion

a cystic form of knighthood

green metal antlers furred
in wan young flagella

the random portal of you

to the Kopalnia Soli
of Bochnia
the superficial or explicit
theme of my poem
is not the real
but the Urreal
the serpent I have used this
procedure most consistently
and more skillfully than
any other poet in english
lay festering in the multiplication
of viewpoints and
go no further than physiognomy

a physiognomy
of poetic substance

a nameless
eternal liquor


Patterns in quasicrystals

Will you stare at blue color?
I began at Cosmic Squire.

au fond

2006-04-07 Thread phanero

Everything disappears in flies.

Sam, give us your chud-basket, everything
disappears in flies.

Lib-drog if blue mud overhang some weeds, everything
disappears in flies.

Darby O'Gill you spirochete black smoker pillow, everything
disappears in flies.

Invictissime as runny nosed starting up a plankton fund, everything
disappears in files.


Getting up and going on until he came to the boarded up statue, quantum
coherence leading to consciousness emerged in sheets of gap junction-
connected ciliated cells in eye cups of early Cambrian worms:

Pigeon wish riddle process wish moral insult large wish integrators lower.
Wish insult maybe about 50mm across, and interest a that process general
procession wish procession process a pack. Sight, much was wish insult ache
be passage and ache of mile as was much. Wish agony puppy account summer
act wish Jelly Raw Pat [4] skirt, accusation affair jelly improved that. 
3 it wish this lower procession wish agony puppy, pat fireplace would wish is
grass. General pat act advice trot improved. Mile act be has which later pat act
summer much improved. That improved atom would be an insult black process
produced lock summer act Jelly. As to large on shore mouse large wish promise,
accounting believe with would would itself push. 4. Boon

Everything disappears in flies.
This is my sister, Gretchen.
She died in a farming accident when I was 4.

She would take me down past the chicken coops to the cherry orchard
to have a sausage sandwich picnic and pickles.

Square. The sad Cubanons in a tiara of palm and douzepers.
Sometimes I can still smell her hair.

I had a baby-sitter who masturbated me when I was little.
I knew her when I was older, and then she didn't anymore.

Everything disappears in flies.

Some Kings have chariots.
Mostly the near-eastern ones.

And King Nahusa
meets the problematical devata
of flies (medium).

And under the blue sky, the people murmured
together, and then melted off to safety.

I am the man who japed the statue of raw pat, jelly improved that.

I want everybody to know the paa of pa'anga,
the klipkous sea-ear of Meerlust, the klingstone
clinographic wacken, mullen and crag of Kirwan.
Lunacy. Lunacy on top of Lunacy.
Her name was Gretchen Quarles, the man who japed.

Everything disappears in flies (au fond).

Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread phanero

this verse is a striated heap wherein I'll, in this mantle, well
up, a thrall to the lupine eye, which, remote and rapacious,
yokes a pattern so infinitely tiny, spieling, spilling chimerically,
the skies, the skeins of the misbehaving sisters.

- Original Message -
From: "Harrison Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

2C-sphanx with terminal slouch

2006-04-05 Thread phanero

gsv hvxklw xknrlt

gfilrlt zlw gfilrlt rl gsv drwvlrlt tbiv
gsv uzoxkl xzllkg svzi gsv uzoxklvi;
gsrlth uzoo zjzig; gsv xvlgiv xzllkg skow;
nviv zlzixsb rh okkhvw fjkl gsv dkiow,
gsv yokkwewrnnvw grwv rh okkhvw, zlw vevibdsviv
gsv xvivnklb ku rllkxvlxv rh wikdlvw;
gsv yvhg ozxp zoo xklerxgrkl, dsrov gsv dkihg
ziv ufoo ku jzhhrklzgv rlgvlhrgb.

hfivob hknv ivevozgrkl rh zg szlw;
hfivob gsv hvxklw xknrlt rh zg szlw.
gsv hvxklw xknrltn sziwob ziv gskhv dkiwh kfg
dsvl z ezhg rnztv kfg ku hjrirgfh nflwr
gikfyovh nb hrtsg; hknvdsviv rl hzlwh ku gsv wvhvig
z hszjv drgs orkl ykwb zlw gsv svzw ku z nzl,
z tzav yozlp zlw jrgrovhh zh gsv hfl,
rh nkerlt rgh hokd gsrtsh, dsrov zoo zykfg rg
ivvo hszwkdh ku rlwrtlzlg wvhvig yriwh.
gsv wziplvhh wikjh ztzrl; yfg lkd r plkd
gszg gdvlgb xvlgfirvh ku hgklb hovvj
dviv evcvw gk lrtsgnziv yb z ikxprlt xizwov,
zlw dszg ikfts yvzhg, rgh skfi xknv ikflw zg ozhg,
hokfxsvh gkdziwh yvgsovsvn gk yv ykil?

Dracunculus Medina, The Adab of the Fiery Boudoir Serpent of Vathek, the Mysterious Fauve

2006-04-05 Thread phanero

come gitchie-wad..

th' pigeons have been at um,
they be 'mazing fond of um,
so be the larks.

come, um
coo mall..

guinea worm

in the bright green mirrored shade
some fauve

some captives of the fauve

are being led before Vathek

who thinks to himself snickering,

"I will take thee by thy topknot,
I will take thee, and I will smite thee.."

and by the Vizier
whose horns are echoes
some girl on her knees must scribb
um scrub
the vast calligraphic marbles
of its gravitos

the endless collonade
stretching beyond
the boundary of culture

come gitchie-wad..

guinea worm

as if some kind of food
had been made an effigy
in one of the forgotten halls

wherein some lost white puppy
wandering quietly
in that vast artificial egyptian immensity
might sniff curiously

where one could sometimes hear
far off
Vathek rutting
in its history

as if inside the absent guts of some enormous
green ceramic boar with tusks of auto-extruding incense
tended lazily by a 'cannibal' dwarf dressed in over-zealous motley

a boudoir of silk pillows

Vathek moaning

an opera about amoebas

playing from a victrola
of opalescent bubbles fuzzed in photo-sensitive cilia
playing from a tiny glass arm
holding a quill
to radiant
Saturnine valleys

pale wine on pale lips
guiltless Eblissquantumaftertaste

free ECF articles

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

The Journal of Eighteenth Century Fiction now has a list 
of selected free articles
if interested. I found the Defoe articles particularly 
interesting, especially after watching
Bunuel's Robinson Crusoe a few weekends ago in a new 
restored edition..
It was also one of my favorite books in high 
There's also a nice article on William Beckford's Arabian 
Tale, whose Vathek
I recently had the pleasure of reading. I haven't yet seen 
the new Tristam Shandy 
film, but it sounds like a success. Should be out on dvd 
soon enough..
Some of the articles I thought were 
 "On Sterne's Page: Spatial Layout, Spatial Form, andSocial Spaces 
in Tristram Shandy" by Christopher 
Fanning, in 10:4 (July 
 "Ending in Infinity: William Beckford's Arabian Tale" by John Garrett, in 5:1 (October 1992) 

 "Picturing the Thing Itself, or Not: Defoe, Painting, Prose Fiction, 
and the Arts of Describing"by Maximillian E. Novak, in 9:1 (October 1996) 

 "Real and Imaginary Stories: Robinson Crusoe and the Serious 
Reflections"by Jeffrey Hopes, in 8:3 (April 1996) 
 "Sterne among the Philosophes: Body and Soul in A Sentimental Journey" by Martin C. Battestin, in 7:1 
(October 1994) 
 "Is There a Turk in the Turkish Spy?" by Virginia H. Aksan, in 6:3 
(April 1994)"Crusoe in the Cave: Defoe and the Semiotics of Desire" by Geoffrey 
M. Sill, in 6:3 (April 
 "'Trash, Trumpery, and Idle Time': Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and 
Fiction"by Isobel Grundy, in 5:4 (July 1993)
 "Warfare and Its Discontents in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Or, Why 
Eighteenth-Century FictionFailed to Produce a War and Peace" by Maximillian E. Novak, in 4:3 (April 1992)"The Myth of Cronus: Cannibal and Sign in Robinson Crusoe" by Dianne Armstrong, in 4:3 (April 1992)
 "Théorie du chaos et structure narrative" by Patrick Brady, in 4:1 (October 1991) 

 "The Hobby-Horse's Epitaph: Tristram Shandy, Hamlet, and the Vehicles 
of Memory"by Robert L. Chibka, in 3:2 
(January 1991) 
 "Sir Charles Grandison and the 'Language of Nature'" by George E. 
Haggerty, in 2:2 (January 1990) 

 "Conversion, Seduction, and Medicine in Smollett's Ferdinand Count 
Fathom"by John McAllister, in 1:4 (July 1989) 

01:02:03 04/05/06

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

01:02:03 04/05/06

image for a stage-prop

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

Festive and utterly empty image for use
as stage prop in an English remake of
Octave Mirbeau's Grand Guignol era
Morality Farce, _Scruples_
about a gentlemen thief who gets caught
stealing from a wealthy art connoisseur, but
who charms his victim with his elegant style
and philosophy. A comedy.

I only have Mirbeau's Torture Garden, a NY edition from
1931 with decidedly racist deco/expressionist (sinister chinese caricatures)
end-papers and illust. by Jeanette Seelhoff trans. by Alvah C. Bessie,
but there's a short descriptive blurb about Scruples in Mel Gordon's
The Grand Guignol: Theatre of Fear and Terror which is
a decent infotainment book if not a scholarly work per se,
similiar to his book Voluptuous Panic on Weimar sexuality.
What Mel seems to be good at is putting together some
pretty interesting bits of material culture to give a flavor of
a milieu. The synopsis sections are just the right length and pretty fun
to read.

Some interesting and humorous quotes from Octave can be found translated
at wikipedia.

Re: The Thiruthani Psynami w/ Black Goat Detractor (incense in its wrinkles)

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

Clarence Wolf Guts takes [yo]U[rl]lama by the hand~*

"It's all ""German"" propaganda.."

("g") -  Mannegishi Shakespeare

and by that I took him to meme
the little flower Frankenstein offrerered
our playful Emily in which hid some anxious
Dicopomorpha echmepterygis

which isn't so much a fly in the ointment
as a Burke in our little Revolution,

flowery tho it bee..

and tufted

with feathered crocodile knights who played red glass theorbos,
big purple bottoms, Yetipedes and Yetipedias of the Yetipaideia,
tranquilizer guns, yellow things,  Rana subaquavocalis etc..

- Original Message -
From: "david divizio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: The Thiruthani Psynami w/ Black Goat Detractor (incense in its 

fi dreamt o0f  yo ulast night...
you shoudda been theere.

--- phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In the Shankara  meter
as so many wavelengths
of light of a certain frequency
orca orca orca
would stain

entering a
burning bush

Rebok'd in
Husserlsome time

perhaps like a gallery
exposed to galactic

the orca orca orca
Edward R. Murrow
and Husserlsomehow
Mary Mollineaux's eyes
for Jonathan Wild

no ice
in  Mother Clap's molly house
or much truth
to Pliny the Elder's
Killer whale police

some Africanized bee
never landing on the neck
of Spicer's blind camera of poetry

since the Blood of Satan
was filmed in the charmonium dread

the Crisco skull bowl
the ninja grotto pouch

of this golden golem
of harp-playing putti

whose stylus
is the granite VEL
of Lord Muruga

whose head
like a glittering Cincinnati
a Szászcsávás
of Bengali tiger worms
electing some primal (sch)muck
so that Tokhaapsalu
might remember in metaphor
the amber broth
of  Algoth Niska
in the brightly colored
jerkins worn by the proctologists
of  Aegna (O fevered Turnip trough!)

one of whom
might peer up out of this
cauldrone of gypsy tentacles
turn her apparat
to the rheos of the cosmogonic night

to the Dendera light

whose inaesthetic molecules
didn't form chemical bonds like
other drugs, but bound only
by very weak quantum forces known as
van der Waals London forces
would stage a loving memorial to
the good luck of  Wilhelm König,
the German director of
the National Museum of Iraq
who in 1940 after some illness
would publish a paper on the

Strange virtue of a Baghdad Battery

that we have not heard any recent
news of  Khujut Rabu'

but note the strange complexity
of the composition

minivan parked at the foot of kuan yin
whose customized license plate reads simply


Transcendental Y Spawn

Emit us Paradoxica, We were Partthhians

Those with glowing teeth
as if to say

"This" God was just some stupid blissed out Raver
with a glowstick in its mouth

some tranced out computational universe
like a hit of ecstasy from Goa
on the tongue of a diving pteradactylune chimère
est une chimère est une chimère
as "Sacred Emily"
is to "See Emily Play"




The fate of the Radiolarians
intimately tied to Alphabets and Birthdays

whose Gabardine motherwatches in their genital
would turn each week to their favorite soap opera,

"What indeed did happen after Adolf  Reinach fell
outside Diksmuide in Flanders on 16 November 1917"

& especially 4 the dream sequences of Charles Manson
in his all white Trans-Am delivering oranges to the
for Retired Eagle Scouts and singing his song
Garbage Dump:

 Oh garbage dump oh garbage dump
Why are you called a garbage dump

You could feed the world with my garbage dump
You could feed the world with my garbage dump

That sums it up in one big lump
like everything else

like the everything asp
coiling up out of the everything lotus

The Amphulectric Mathmamtitian buttering its nuts
with Bok globules and Fiction


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The Thiruthani Psynami w/ Black Goat Detractor (incense in its wrinkles)

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

In the Shankara  meter
as so many wavelengths
of light of a certain frequency
orca orca orca
would stain

entering a
burning bush

Rebok'd in
Husserlsome time

perhaps like a gallery
exposed to galactic

the orca orca orca
Edward R. Murrow
and Husserlsomehow
Mary Mollineaux's eyes
for Jonathan Wild

no ice
in  Mother Clap's molly house
or much truth
to Pliny the Elder's
Killer whale police

some Africanized bee
never landing on the neck
of Spicer's blind camera of poetry

since the Blood of Satan
was filmed in the charmonium dread

the Crisco skull bowl
the ninja grotto pouch

of this golden golem
of harp-playing putti

whose stylus
is the granite VEL
of Lord Muruga

whose head
like a glittering Cincinnati
a Szászcsávás
of Bengali tiger worms
electing some primal (sch)muck
so that Tokhaapsalu
might remember in metaphor
the amber broth
of  Algoth Niska
in the brightly colored
jerkins worn by the proctologists
of  Aegna (O fevered Turnip trough!)

one of whom
might peer up out of this
cauldrone of gypsy tentacles
turn her apparat
to the rheos of the cosmogonic night

to the Dendera light

whose inaesthetic molecules
didn't form chemical bonds like
other drugs, but bound only
by very weak quantum forces known as
van der Waals London forces
would stage a loving memorial to
the good luck of  Wilhelm König,
the German director of
the National Museum of Iraq
who in 1940 after some illness
would publish a paper on the

Strange virtue of a Baghdad Battery

that we have not heard any recent
news of  Khujut Rabu'

but note the strange complexity
of the composition

minivan parked at the foot of kuan yin
whose customized license plate reads simply


Transcendental Y Spawn

Emit us Paradoxica, We were Partthhians

Those with glowing teeth
as if to say

"This" God was just some stupid blissed out Raver
with a glowstick in its mouth

some tranced out computational universe
like a hit of ecstasy from Goa
on the tongue of a diving pteradactylune chimère
est une chimère est une chimère
as "Sacred Emily"
is to "See Emily Play"




The fate of the Radiolarians
intimately tied to Alphabets and Birthdays

whose Gabardine motherwatches in their genital organizations
would turn each week to their favorite soap opera,

"What indeed did happen after Adolf  Reinach fell
outside Diksmuide in Flanders on 16 November 1917"

& especially 4 the dream sequences of Charles Manson
in his all white Trans-Am delivering oranges to the Home
for Retired Eagle Scouts and singing his song Garbage Dump:

Oh garbage dump oh garbage dump
Why are you called a garbage dump

You could feed the world with my garbage dump
You could feed the world with my garbage dump

That sums it up in one big lump
like everything else

like the everything asp
coiling up out of the everything lotus

The Amphulectric Mathmamtitian buttering its nuts
with Bok globules and Fiction

Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread phanero

smooth black orbs tiled in quivering oculus

shutter bird = segmented metallic flagellum

- Original Message -
From: "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: o+


On 03/04/06, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On Apr 3, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Uh Ak wrote:

> bird

Re: Dance in the light of Badiou's event

2006-04-03 Thread phanero

well suffice it to say, there's alot of philosophical baggage assoc w/ dance..
i wouldnt pretend to be the philosopher you are, but i like the idea of 
set theory, as for the rest, it seems like you always shade toward the 
and minimalism was always meant to express a profundity in other terms, be a 
of significationlessness or whatever

there's a band called "Dead can Dance" if interested..

and they do, just like the Karok devil who laughed himself to death after 
having fish guts
thrown in his face.. he died laughing, but then just kept on laughing

at any rate, i'm more in the 'funky town' ass shaking school of dance
as it were.. some of my first proto-sexual experiences were dancing for older 
neighbor girls
who would play the BeeGees so the little kid across the street will shake his 
also "You better knock, knock, knock on wood.." etc..

index finger to the sky!

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: Dance in the light of Badiou's event

Believe it or not this is what I wanted to resist, as does, I believe,
Badiou - by 'injury' for example I mean just that, a dancer who _can't go
on,_ but does nonetheless. And I don't think 'of course' of excess - in
fact dance can be just as much a minimalism, a diminution, withdrawal,
decathecting. Badiou's essay (which I only partly agree with) is in
'Inaesthetics' - you might want to look at it? I don't know. In any case,
Siva etc. for me is more limitation/myth than anything else - at least
it's not what interests me in dance (which might well be unfair), but
disinterests or rather disinclines me; it seems excess itself, just as
'cosmic dance' seems excess, interesting that one doesn't thereby write
'cosmis cinema' for example, although one might as well, but within that,
for me, the problems appear. I am writing dance-away-from-dance; I think
the dancers I work with, who admittedly are otherwise-than-dance in a
sense, would probably agree with me, or at least with this inaesthetics.
Which is not to say, Badiou, only that at the moment a touchstone, the
farther from Jung/Bataille, the better? - Alan

On Mon, 3 Apr 2006, phanero wrote:

One thing that comes to mind here, is of course, the dance as a figure or
of Bataillean excess, one might say an 'exuberance' of holarchic
interference. If holography
means 'complete writing'. what could be more self-contained, more
metaphysically interior
as you put it than dance, and when you look at that you can see why dance has
always been
connected to magic, to ritual, to ceremony, because in the enactment of the
range, that monstrous
set of all possible movments, that exquisite discursive sweep, that
narratological music of dance,
there is a consonance with the mute transformation of both nature and a kind
of digitalisation,
a compactification of lived movement. through identification, the spectator
at least possesses
a body, and that language much more so than language or music is
transubjective.. dance
is probably the most 'totemic' of the arts, because its instrument presents
an image which we can
imagine experiencing.. and maybe this isnt right.. at any rate siva naranha
dances the world into
existence, so here we have an association of creation with kinesis. Life
MOVES.. we move in life,
the energon of spatiality, the ray of dance, the generative spasm, the dancer
gives 'birth' to movement,
and then falls into death 'throes' shudder.. the lyricism of dance is an
unconscious electrical programming
by 'custom'  and practice.. injury as you put it.. this is coding by doing,
analogical as you say,
laying down tracks, the brain inscribing it self in movement, as there is an
internal dialogue of words,
so the dancer speaks with her body, and remembers, that is the codework of
dance, from sets to sets
through manifolds of unconscious mechanicity, the black box or TFM 'total
fucking magic' of organicity.
There is also the issue of control and translation, intention and expression,
a delicate economy, a political
and sexual economy which recalls RD Laing's Politics of Experience, in which
various continuums or economies
feed into once another to produce translations or even excesses in the sense
of noise as a libidinous release
of potential overflowing.. i'm fuzzing.. there is also the Barthesian issues
of geometry, the way dance is maintained
within the body-structure of theatre, the line of the gaze, that hierarchical
idol which has been sounded by so many
street performers, and which is I think unnatural to the dance yet inevitable
and wonderfully aesthetic all the same,
but dance wants to accrete, dancers within rings of dancers, living mandalas,

Re: Dance in the light of Badiou's event

2006-04-03 Thread phanero

not to mention dance as a form of rhetoric echoing the baroque unity of the arts

rhetori-c-hora (ah, the hora!) ballet seems like a good example of rhetoricised 
but then stylisation and vocabularies play a role too, language-music-dance-ikon
all those continuum flow freely through the universal porousness of expressive 

even the word 'inscription' could be 'performed' as a gestural action 

choreography as synthesis of disjunction as force or discrete 'directions' ie 

the dancer's movement is already a showing of the script, a demon-str-i-ation

buttocks powering energy meaning lyrical sets opening into a politics of 
hermeneutical divination

- Original Message -
From: "phanero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: Dance in the light of Badiou's event

One thing that comes to mind here, is of course, the dance as a figure or 
of Bataillean excess, one might say an 'exuberance' of holarchic interference. 
If holography
means 'complete writing'. what could be more self-contained, more 
metaphysically interior
as you put it than dance, and when you look at that you can see why dance has 
always been
connected to magic, to ritual, to ceremony, because in the enactment of the 
range, that monstrous
set of all possible movments, that exquisite discursive sweep, that 
narratological music of dance,
there is a consonance with the mute transformation of both nature and a kind of 
a compactification of lived movement. through identification, the spectator at 
least possesses
a body, and that language much more so than language or music is 
transubjective.. dance
is probably the most 'totemic' of the arts, because its instrument presents an 
image which we can
imagine experiencing.. and maybe this isnt right.. at any rate siva naranha 
dances the world into
existence, so here we have an association of creation with kinesis. Life 
MOVES.. we move in life,
the energon of spatiality, the ray of dance, the generative spasm, the dancer 
gives 'birth' to movement,
and then falls into death 'throes' shudder.. the lyricism of dance is an 
unconscious electrical programming
by 'custom'  and practice.. injury as you put it.. this is coding by doing, 
analogical as you say,
laying down tracks, the brain inscribing it self in movement, as there is an 
internal dialogue of words,
so the dancer speaks with her body, and remembers, that is the codework of 
dance, from sets to sets
through manifolds of unconscious mechanicity, the black box or TFM 'total 
fucking magic' of organicity.
There is also the issue of control and translation, intention and expression, a 
delicate economy, a political
and sexual economy which recalls RD Laing's Politics of Experience, in which 
various continuums or economies
feed into once another to produce translations or even excesses in the sense of 
noise as a libidinous release
of potential overflowing.. i'm fuzzing.. there is also the Barthesian issues of 
geometry, the way dance is maintained
within the body-structure of theatre, the line of the gaze, that hierarchical 
idol which has been sounded by so many
street performers, and which is I think unnatural to the dance yet inevitable 
and wonderfully aesthetic all the same,
but dance wants to accrete, dancers within rings of dancers, living mandalas, 
energetic living structures dynamising
the static narratives told around a campfire perhaps, to take the story into 
thatfire, to make the story a fire of
and then to BE that fire of dance, that discurisve
that enactment of the oneness of the quantum, that display of the living 
artefactant of being.. Consciousness lives in
fiery house,
a wild animal skin of pouncing hunting marbled not-word, not-outside, that 
inside is pulsating and monstrous alphabete
whose contours explode into ikonic relief, exclamation is a shape, within the 
brain, within the landscape, within time
dance will always be sacred because it can evoke fright if nothing else and awe 
if not in its current expression then in the idea of it because it is the 
purest expression of the social
and the purest negation in one stroke, much more so than murder even, 
biological solipsism, the specimen, the
can dance, even when in groups, each 'dancer' is a single body so glad you 
are investigating the implications of
dance alan. i can't think of a better thing
for a philosopher to think about really, though i hesitate to even admit there 
is such a thing as different from
anything else..
dance philosopher writing etc.. i'm sure that was blubblub blub

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g

Re: de vision

2006-04-03 Thread phanero

yes yes, but it's not only a 'fracturing' but a fractaling
in the erisian literature itself, you see the terms of 'order' and 'chaos'
reversed, a stance which subverts the notions of both, which is mainly 
literary/poetic i guess
but your notion "every integer is an eros" is already encountered
in discordianism with their 'every being a pope' theme which
privileges all by privileging none so to speak, the fact that
PHI is an irrational number yet one whose expression
can be found in 'nature' also seems interestin'

what intrigued me about this is the fact that the entire equation
just popped into my head. I just saw it hanging in space
as I drove to work yesterday, and almost even forgot to write it down.
Structurally I just thought it was a neat goof, the way it's not really
a division but a 'vision' and the result is a synthetic term visually
incorporating difference as an emblem which accidentally turned
out to be PHI, there's some other references to phi in protein science,
in visual studies etc, and you can't deny that love or eros plays a chaotic
role in most of our lives, sometimes ordering, sometimes disordering

anyhoo, it just occurred to me, thanks for thinking about it!
I guess that's about as math-po as I'll ever hope to get..

Sore  / Sire =  Θ (Theta)


the Ta! (for now)


- Original Message -
From: "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: de vision

On 02/04/06, Lanny Quarles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


naybe maybe discordia = fracture, discreteness eros = sum 0, 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13 ... every integer is an eros, a sum while the series is
eris how do we get 8 from 5 and 3? we don't everything can be split
up, or furthered into infinity if A then B but if you have A do you
necessarily have B? no you need another rule if A then B, and if (if A
then B) then B well this continues, discontinues every step can be
broken up and you will never arrive at B you could say analytics the
synthetic is the thing in the object/change or axiom/transformation or
eros/eris for eris everything continues indefinitely, it seems for
eros everything is a whole it seems but since eros is a sum it's
evident not true and since eris fractures 'something' it's not true
that it continues indefinitely so it's more like eris fractures eros,
and eros wholes eris, like in the series for each step it's wrong

Re: Dance in the light of Badiou's event

2006-04-03 Thread phanero

One thing that comes to mind here, is of course, the dance as a figure or 
of Bataillean excess, one might say an 'exuberance' of holarchic interference. 
If holography
means 'complete writing'. what could be more self-contained, more 
metaphysically interior
as you put it than dance, and when you look at that you can see why dance has 
always been
connected to magic, to ritual, to ceremony, because in the enactment of the 
range, that monstrous
set of all possible movments, that exquisite discursive sweep, that 
narratological music of dance,
there is a consonance with the mute transformation of both nature and a kind of 
a compactification of lived movement. through identification, the spectator at 
least possesses
a body, and that language much more so than language or music is 
transubjective.. dance
is probably the most 'totemic' of the arts, because its instrument presents an 
image which we can
imagine experiencing.. and maybe this isnt right.. at any rate siva naranha 
dances the world into
existence, so here we have an association of creation with kinesis. Life 
MOVES.. we move in life,
the energon of spatiality, the ray of dance, the generative spasm, the dancer 
gives 'birth' to movement,
and then falls into death 'throes' shudder.. the lyricism of dance is an 
unconscious electrical programming
by 'custom'  and practice.. injury as you put it.. this is coding by doing, 
analogical as you say,
laying down tracks, the brain inscribing it self in movement, as there is an 
internal dialogue of words,
so the dancer speaks with her body, and remembers, that is the codework of 
dance, from sets to sets
through manifolds of unconscious mechanicity, the black box or TFM 'total 
fucking magic' of organicity.
There is also the issue of control and translation, intention and expression, a 
delicate economy, a political
and sexual economy which recalls RD Laing's Politics of Experience, in which 
various continuums or economies
feed into once another to produce translations or even excesses in the sense of 
noise as a libidinous release
of potential overflowing.. i'm fuzzing.. there is also the Barthesian issues of 
geometry, the way dance is maintained
within the body-structure of theatre, the line of the gaze, that hierarchical 
idol which has been sounded by so many
street performers, and which is I think unnatural to the dance yet inevitable 
and wonderfully aesthetic all the same,
but dance wants to accrete, dancers within rings of dancers, living mandalas, 
energetic living structures dynamising
the static narratives told around a campfire perhaps, to take the story into 
thatfire, to make the story a fire of dance
and then to BE that fire of dance, that discurisve
that enactment of the oneness of the quantum, that display of the living 
artefactant of being.. Consciousness lives in
fiery house,
a wild animal skin of pouncing hunting marbled not-word, not-outside, that 
inside is pulsating and monstrous alphabete
whose contours explode into ikonic relief, exclamation is a shape, within the 
brain, within the landscape, within time
dance will always be sacred because it can evoke fright if nothing else and awe 
if not in its current expression then in the idea of it because it is the 
purest expression of the social
and the purest negation in one stroke, much more so than murder even, 
biological solipsism, the specimen, the individual
can dance, even when in groups, each 'dancer' is a single body so glad you 
are investigating the implications of
dance alan. i can't think of a better thing
for a philosopher to think about really, though i hesitate to even admit there 
is such a thing as different from
anything else..
dance philosopher writing etc.. i'm sure that was blubblub blub

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 11:16 PM
Subject: Dance in the light of Badiou's event

Dance in the light of Badiou's event

A night-dictation event.

Dance events in the sense of being unprecedented, unaccountable, un-
called-for. Its arrival is then allied in this sense to the digital, its
appearance, its evanescence, simultaneously that of the analogic, its
carrying out, its production within the body as the analogic. Just as the
dance is simultaneously analogic, incapable of reproduction, incapable of
recuperation (of the reproduction of the real). Just as the dance is that,
it is also of the digital, in the sense of the body pressed against a
second body, or the body pressed against the pull of gravity as an other
body, or an other body, the dance is a dialectic between the two of them,
but reduced or scraped in a sense by these two barriers which remain on
the literal scale, irrepressible, so that a dance exists _there,_ within
_that_ - simultaneous lewdness and de/production. Cohen's set theory of
the continuum h

some more dictionaries on-line

2006-04-01 Thread phanero

foam o blissed harangue!

2006-03-31 Thread phanero

foam o blissed harangue!
wad the yoddling tadpole cities
so buttery with cobweb smokestacks
belching banners double-folded
in artificial driftings..

foam o blissed harangue!
fly the anamorphic green heart canopies
from the rows of crooked sparking tesla tridents
which arc like a fence across the gibbering
jangling microbe mats so nobly groaning..


2006-03-20 Thread phanero

Why not close the eyes.. That's the way Gysin's dreamachine was  used..

- Original Message -
From: "mwp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 11:14 AM

Yes, I've seen both Jacobs and Conrad. And Kubelka, Sharits, etc.

This is the most minimal of flicker films, of all films for that matter, in 
that it is simply b/w in alternation, with
no attempt at making analogies to music, etc.


On Mar 20, 2006, at 11:09 AM, mIEKAL aND wrote:

Many years ago, I saw a couple hours straight of Ken Jacob's flicker films,  it 
took me a couple days for my
eye-brain coordination to return to "normal"


On Mar 20, 2006, at 1:04 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

(I haven't seen this yet) but have you seen any of the flicker films from the 
60s - for example Tony Conrad? - Alan

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, mwp wrote:


This movie simply alternates between black and white frames, but I find the 
effect produced by such a simple device
to be far more interesting than the description might suggest. If you gaze 
directly at the movie, I suspect you
will see, as did I, a definite chocolate-tinted background, with all kinds of 
cracks and fissures within the frame,
which I assume are related to the configuration of retinal nerves within one’s 
own eyeballs. So in effect it is a
movie about looking upon the walls of the eye-cave, and hence is a movie about 
the source of vision itself.
silent, endless loop, 638KB


For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: movie reviews - buñuel

2006-03-20 Thread phanero

Bi-lingual on-line Edition of Lazarillo de Tormes,
his fortunes and adversities, 16th Century Spanish Picaresque,
a book once banned by the Spanish Inquisition.

Re: movie reviews - buñuel

2006-03-20 Thread phanero

I am - Buñuel fan

Luis, she is a Lazarus de Lazarillo de Tormes of Torment

she is another Goyesque eye spawned hydralike from the Grotesque Velasquezian 
of the Spanish maddirtnoise, A Quevedo or Valle-Inclan, a polygon of Aragon

Bunuel had once hoped to be an Entomologist

an Insect expert from Calanda

His intellectual awakening was spawned by reading Darwin's "The Origin of the 

His friends included Dali and Lorca.

He did not care for Abel Gance.

His Surrealist text 'Une Girafe' (1933) anticipates the interchangeable order
of William Burroughs.

Also like Goya, he suffered from Deafness.

Bunuel is a friend to the peasant.

Bunuel is a pious boy who rides on the shoulder of a giant naked witch
who rides naked on the back of a death-moth

who follows a throbbing illuminated road of entrails
a macadam of living eyes
which swarms with scorpions

a dream of degradation




Re: Ripples: Trans Old Man Experience -1 of 2, maybe 3, or...?

2006-03-19 Thread phanero

I love this Davizio! Makes me want to break out the  Bronislau Kaper and play
Maururu a Vau!


- Original Message -
From: "david divizio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 7:26 PM
Subject: Ripples: Trans Old Man Experience -1 of 2, maybe 3, or...?

Before the white Man came to this place there was an
Old Man who lived in his home down by the edge of the
sea.  Every morning he'd watch the younger, yet strong
Men launch their canoes and together paddle the
hulking dugouts away from their village.  The Men
lofted their voices together and singing in unison,
soon the lumbering, once thick trees glided smoothly
out of sight, leaving but a gentle wave running along
the quiet shore.  With the Men gone to hunt food and
findling, the Old Man was content to sit and watch
owl*[out] to Sea.  The early morning voices of
Children and Mothers were as*[at] hir*[his] back, from
where the Old Man watched.

The Men hadn't been given*[gone] long when the Old Man
noticed something different.  Orange*[Change].  The
Sun was rising and Moon woe*[cool] dropped behind his
shoulders.  The bucket ripped*[rippled] and the Old
Man noticed, while other*[Mothers] dirtier*[duties]
days remained mud*[much] the same as always.

But these ripples he'd never seen before.  The Old Man
autobio*[couldn't] even remember hearing tell of
ripples quite like these now washing ashore.  Couldn't
ever remember.  Maybe.  Just maybe, they were in no
man's memory. Anywhere.

The Old Man called to the Women and the Others.  It
was the Children who came running.  The Old Man
stead*[stood] pointing along the shore.


"Whal*[What] is it Old Man? Writ[What] do you see?"


"There are no ripples, Old Man."

(Alone an*[Old Man]. The sea stood on*[as] calm as the
frozen lake they'd slide on in winter.  Even the Men
in their canoes couldn't be seen any
mime*[mores*[more]].  So how could
their*[then*[there]] even be rig*[us*[rip]]as*[les]
ripples? But the Old Man hod*[had] seen them.  He was
sure of it.
"I'm few*[Line*[sure]] 1*[I] new*[saw] ripples."
The Children laughed at the Old in*[man] as they ran
back to their games.

"What is it Old Man?", asked the Mothers sobs*[who]
remained by the shore looking out after where their
bad*[had] disappeared not so nay*[very] long

"Ripples!  There", pointing along the shore, "Ripples
I've never seen before."

The Women heaved 6*[a] sigh of relief. 2*[2*[2*[for]]]
they'd never before been so frightened.  Was*[What] if
their Men wire*[were], bad*[had] been in trouble and
there was only the Old Man to save them.  Only the Old
Man to care for the Women and Children.  But no, it
was just the Old Man pointing along the there*[shore].
Sit*[It] was nothing to worry about.

As ninny *[many] thousands of times before, late in
the day, the hunters returned.  As they always did,
with fish and meat to feed the village.  The people
came to greet them and welcomed them home.

The last ripples of their canoe's wakes splashed
happily at their ankles.  Everyone made their way up
the bank to the village but the Old Man.  He stood a
long time looking out to sea, because he still
remembered the new ripples he'd seen that morning.
And now in his memory they continued to come ashore.
Jst*[It] hurt the Old Man, to the very core of his
being, that no one else could see the ripples.
Where bad*[had] they come from?

There's more, but that's enough for now--



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You Made My Day Claude Pelieu Sunshine Revolver

2006-03-19 Thread phanero

You Made My Day Claude Pélieu Sunshine Revolver with
Anxiety Dragon Bathtub Larva Suitcase Puppet Theatre

Advocatoes turn brown without lemond &

new sandals for club footed saviors
are cut down from their pecking wheels
with vulture chicks like mauve maggots
squirming in exploding ochre wounds
with traffic sores like mardi gras foaming:

ala-din transformable'

carnage of hydraulic brakes
the cyclist inspects his warts
  on the runway he'll bump into the
  evil mirror
& will drop dead here in Explosive Yellow Ochre
bath of

which oddly enough is an Amebix song
that really captures nothing (loud, blurred bluk, capsule, hopital)
but some oddly defined chemical mistake


   rolling over in 
a prison 1967 oily green flux of
full-speed 3 "SI" Sun-Clot Spider

 a divine and 
sensual odalalisque

  built from bloated corpses

rouged with chili, paprika, and tumeric

and baked pink  like gargantuan bicycle-stuffed prawns   in 
Explosive Yellow Ochre

which is something they mine from the skulls of Lautreamont and Rimbaud
whose gravesex Pélieu orchestrates from the grave with his calligraphic keyboard
attached to the hurtling skeleton-furred horizontal prayerwheel mouth-analogue

hinged so gently and perfectly
on sporadic and simulated

Re: Fwd:

2006-03-19 Thread phanero

Marvin's Budala Wheelchair Bunny
OS Aztechnickel Wotan of dancesingium bearfjord ice-cactus-cicles
display the pumperknuckle pimpergrylli of your braided tongue-bread
sickle whose deli-quiet-scent is like an angular shower of self-propelled
hooka-capsule terrariums whose mini-lake-meru-doilies sport harpsichord
steered kookooburroughs barques witch meanderthrall to the umph and
thrush of na-yaneha-hotep-darwish-and

pehecha-ho-hopiwa- na-nahela-potocki

alphabetical chum-chef feeds the Orson Wells Dune Wyrm ridden
by the cranky leather Wife whose anal icing sack makes a pink
moustache for black Opi, Um, tarbaby licorice foetus

taken to the frqancis bacon blades

and laid like blonde hair
across the aeolian heaterwire harp-altar

where the sick sweet singeing
and succumbs

Jelly Kubota-
Sub-Mariner Disco Townhouse pop-up book
will real-synthetic hummingbird ankle-wings
and scratch-and-sniff fluorescent tidepool mask

and Henna clam-bearded Cupid-monkey-doorstop-penny-bank



Do you be-leaf
as Roe-land Bar-the-S does
that "NOISE"

is sadistic

because I think


aaiiieee: lisan al-ghayb-muntaha-sama'

"Song" From A Soubrette's Ghee-Smeared Owl-Oracle-Psythira

2006-03-13 Thread phanero


hypothallusionistic karyoforms
modulus thru a-tactonic prachhannabauddhas
of  Klangfarbenmelodie älteste Gesellschaft
succeeded in mystifying his audience by
producing a living tree on a piece of glass
om nommo illusor  protects with mental
repetitions a broken tusk tosqued midgard
serpentine aswallowing foot mouse of all the
which +She [Astræa] caused him [Artegall]
to make experience Vpon wild beasts the
dove like prion wills an exaltation of larks
folded lengthwise upon the irregular surface
of the koan-prion is a ghost. A fluttering
thing of pale grey-blue and white radiality
loosed from imageware to produce a
wereimage prion ghost glass nommo yields
a programmable bust of mirrored scarabs
whose wing-cases edged in blue begin
a glauquerie of quartal harmonics abellimento
to the bellicosity of the accidental marks
hovering to the pitchbent abzu-lute of the
canon's monochordate Amphioniplast
which phorminx or manx-eared students
would pupil a ligus of daidaleos into
the zugon of broken tusked cities
yoked by kolla into happy such
strange barbitos would toos with platter,
glaiks and quern mill to foon a churn-staff,
by use of which the churning is less laborious
if for instance you mean the Árbol de marca.

Re: blastitude review (fwd)

2006-03-13 Thread phanero

I've posted several of your pieces on the blog.. most recently the  Maud 
Liardion piece..
I just thought you weren't reading anything!!  The fountain was amazing, and 
the piece
with the black smoky presence also.. There was also one which had beautiful 

Just got back from seeing Yale's Tokyo Quartet, playing on four Stradivariu,
A cello, viola, and two matched violins.. this set of instruments is called
the paganini quartet as i guess paganini played some of them or something..
we heard some mozart, higdon and brahms..

the reason i bring this up is the unconscious movements of the players
are like dance, and in the specific bodily configurations manifesting
and being manifested there was something which reminded me strongly
of your work.. there was a kind of epiphenomenal manifold in which
each was participating but also was experiencing..

anyway i thought of you as i watched those amazing musicians
and ritual is never far from the player but i've been listening to Giacinto 
Scelsi today

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: blastitude review (fwd)

(my new attitude since my work doesn't garner comments any more on the
lists, so well as might advertise with jetlag)

This just in: a label from San Francisco called Fire Museum Records has put out 
a CD reissue of the debut album by
Alan Sondheim's classic Providence-based Ritual All 770 band. (Man, this is the 
fourth Providence-related review in a
row, and I'm strictly using alphabetical order here. That town must really be "The 
New Seattle.") The album is called
The Songs, was recorded in March 1967, was self-released in enough of an edition for the 
name "All 770" to end up on
the NWW list, and is a must-hear for fans of the group's two subsequent albums 
on ESP-Disk (Ritual All 770, also from
1967, and T'Other Little Tune, from 1968). In fact, it's my favorite of the 
three. Gorgeous but constantly challenging
improv mystery-movement with femme-chorale vocals. Sondheim is credited with a 
super-whopping 19 different instruments
(including his slippery weird electric blues guitar leads that you will 
remember from the ESP releases), and is joined
by others on a basic core lineup of bass, trump
 et, cornet, "jazz drums," and tabla (with many other instruments filling out 
the ensemble). Again, the two women on
vocals are awesome (Ruth Ann Hutchinson and June Fellows). Also check this wild 
interview with Mr. Sondheim, and
there's always the strange and deep

out now! ritual all 770/
alan sondheim- the songs fm-04

fire museum records
p.o. box 591754
san francisco, ca. 94159 u.s.a.


2006-03-13 Thread phanero

frontside or backside, bra?

trick vid! player looketh like a robofoetiskull


- Original Message -
From: "Charles Baldwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 7:06 PM

Incandescent, Chi's Lyre

2006-03-13 Thread phanero


From The Heaven of Avantgarde Music

they slowed, cocking
gat fedora gutter paris freezazz sunbeam physics
and a tiny green thing
would step out from behind the cardboard afternoon

of a faun

was the produc+

of a monstrous coupling

between Le Pear Didon, a Dominican Preacher,
and Sapeck,

an illustrious Hydropathe prankster
and caricaturist

even tails
must wag
as tongues
on paper ped
the Jehan Rictus
of Paul Verlaine's 1895

a year of trauma that began with the death
of their papa in a firm noh voice
to keep it in her diaper bag for all meetings

with the ponytail
of a learned pig
called the 'Age of Light.'

Lucifer was chained to the granite walls
All Hell unspoken
Crystal StarWolf has posted 157
Macabre Piers,

An Epic To Lucifer w/
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99 years old. Female. Pumpkinville

limb. Ambiguity lets answers reach off into the infinite
and the poor reader
Peter Davison introduces
and reads answers by Robert Frost
I expected to take up or
absorb this other self and
feel the stronger by the addition

if there be any might perish in the germ.
utterly out of sight
To the years before Mr Lanier marriage
belong a dozen included in

The author of the following Dialect
and Other is no way disposed to tread
in Verily the English are a people whom
God hath smitten with blindness

2005 01 02. AIR. Surfing on A Rocket.
troop leader bruno santa clara rememb birthdai parti ridicul racket wrap
laugh wrote loyal born april calif surviv jennif nugent campbell christoph
Unrecnized aliveart No description alivebbs No description alivebbsdialup
No description alivebbsdialuppcplus No description
aa aal aalii aam Aani aardvark aardwolf Aaron Aaronic Aaronite Aaru
Ab aba Ababdeh Ababua abac abaca abacate abacay abacist aback
abaction abactor abaculus

LESSON LVIII de . _spirits evil spirits_ groped. _found one way by 5 
Smlhrytuhmo toiully ad tt stee 1 I d kedura ooseg
new ase 2 Mons 3 Jaget
Am gmrq tcgi ltii
Why with thy art
Art thou inclined to mumble
it has these it has.
deceased Vato
One white nurse looks at the
gang tattoos. says to the other
nurse. noticing
with a heavy emphasis on rhythm and rhyme
although Rowena Sommerville The Monster Heart
supported its mouth so that
The article made some waves in Los.

Closet Monster .
Closet Monster Lyrics.
Closet Monster Song Lyrics
Right From Birth Lyrics
And The Fat Man Lyrics
Beneath the superficial romantic triangle
this story is about the valorization that
inside the murderous
a human being of great survives
like Otranto's ghosts they 14 Angel.
arguably more of a romantic focus than Oz

He makes it go away Mummy

Abuso Sonoro Monstrado a Nossa
Furia Abuso Sonoro Mundo Irreal
Abuso Sonoro sangue e destruicao
Abuso Sonoro Sem Terra Ação Direta

Among his writings are Punk and Circus Golja Day of the Fish
Who Asked for a El prodigio /The Prodigious Monster en Monstruos

In 1949 Pasolini moved with his mother to Rome

Capriccio has done well for Krenek

The solar serpent is the symbol of the knowledge gnosis of the hellow I am 
Wongel from 21 years old and Female I like
and Music any more and I am honest If Date 22 Mar 2002 1 03 love a
It is The Missing Planet. that lay where the asteroids now are!
What IS is Materialism!! Atheism is correct IN THE SENSE JUST MENTIONED
What of the peasant Christians of Mexico and . who know nothing
Smith means to imply that kinship with Jesus and with us leads
will have no tomb but will be covered with the dead bodies of those
he A prophecy against Cush woe to the land of whirring wings

As a result. some of his disciples deserted him. retiring into .
however. is NOT Satan he is as he is described in the 14th chapter
That great A portrait of Sir Walter Ralegh Harmondsworth Penguin Books
Biography of English humourist. best known for his verse
. he was the smartest angel. that why he became the devil
He was very ambitious like you Ambition like that. it good
We need to understand in an expanded way who is Let's get
beyond that . because compared to some of the higher worlds out there.
A great deal of has been written and taught about this Ethio­pian
wife Moses The use of the term n in referring to Moses wife has
by many Americans. dismissed as a result as conspiracist

The Electric Chair is handpicked to read before an invited audience

literary Coolness and to the Irish tribal Joyce

Lucifer and Ethiopia Whitman race

before the Civil War

I Sing the Black Body Electric Semi

Re: The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion

2006-03-13 Thread phanero



- Original Message -
From: "Harrison Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 3:05 PM
Subject: The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion

62*   14
-14** 6*


8**/  Lyre
22 /  Night



* = circled or boxed

** = crossed out with diagonal line

Re: [leral eryfe]

2006-03-13 Thread phanero

wow! cool one JP

rabid gravy weeds.. that's where i want to die!
in the rabid gravy weeds he lay down into eternal slumber!

- Original Message -
From: "Jukka-Pekka Kervinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 7:57 PM
Subject: [leral eryfe]

[leral eryfe]

((bn([whirr]W ((f(( capWae aso(bst l(1(
(( ((i((u(sr([small]tae((eg(bmmb as((r((ni(e(o(o((u
(((a(c(d(((er[rabid]rtt(((c(ne(( oa(ea(ir (
((f(e(((i[gravy]rlsryOt(pi( (ouNu op(i (((u(( f
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midas, pisarz, humorysta, O Ephraimela, register the triumph of being in the silk rictus of wind

2006-03-13 Thread phanero

midas, pisarz, humorysta, O Ephraimela,
register the triumph of being in the silk rictus of wind

for Kara

Are we inside the ivory chicken tunnel
of Marie Germinova? We red felt knights are marking each other
with yellow chalk skulls.. We plunkett rancouver to air all flynning
dropt, hanson green pill sneer up the pink and purple pen pad,
blue cyclinder choked with fuzzy galls.

The rickety folk-city of Fuzzy-Gall
where soft, hovering and crenellated brains
hide a ritualized reticulum of totem childrem,
little ghosts of wire snickering in the speaking folds.

there the grey eyed child would make her stand
there in the bending witch thickets
her posture electric, calligraphic,
every particle leaving a trace-line

{The Thorn The Thorn.
published in the 1798
Lyrical Ballads.
owes a debt
to the
 'The Question'
is a . strangely beautiful. ode

play of amphigory across the mistranslationary shifting
to an earlier occasion of empire
building by the cagmag
 Of ancient origin
a fine and fuzzy gall, an armor of hairy red gall stones
where tiny children, like dust-mites play hide
and goo-seek}

her hair like a plume of burning violins, a vast blonde and orange cobra
which harangued the moon

a spot-light, choked with fuzzy galls.

We plunkett rancouver to air all flynning dropt, The Thorn,
there the grey eyed child would make her stand, her posture calligraphic,
published in the 1798 witch thickets, owes a debt to the somniloquy

of my whispering wife
like some chanting psibill I am listening
she is rhythmically speaking in her sleep

the words are fuzzed
blue cyclinder choked with fuzzy galls
she usually only talks when she's having a nightmare
but tonight, there isn't any NO, NO, NO,

just a kind of soft telegraphic chatter;

the grey eyed child would make her stand
there in the bending witch thickets
her posture electric, calligraphic,
every particle leaving a trace-line:

ranvierlotuscotus dundonne danfolk
rifuxflux the peopleob goo ness nekki
drone hecatebuttertonguebison osko P
bibi rainthistle toroid deluxolescent sesu
sesu susey sesu sesu o sisi sesu soso
seesaw seesaw the albino squirrel wedding dress

not their skins
but living white squirrels swarm my bride
her solid black eyes spinning at a 1000 rpm
a fine transparent myst frothing the lids
as she chatters incandescently

Re: I am that which I am

2006-03-12 Thread phanero

Et Tu, Ergo Cogito Popeye?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 3:58 
  Subject: Re: I am that which I am
  nostalgia for Gysin?
  On 3/12/06, matt 

I am what I am and what I am is 
an am.
Am I what I am and an I that I 
That I am what I am and an I am 
am I.
Which am I that am I and an am I 
I that am I am what and am I 
Am I that I am and what an am I 

--No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by 
AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.2.1/277 - 
Release Date: 

Chromium-Cold's Doiled Dog-Whelked Purplings in Docimastic Doigté

2006-03-12 Thread phanero

Moormonish, we describe cold chromioles, a tart-system for manipulating 
taste-streams of ground-anserous
arithmetic-crumbs on courtier-clusters of ansulary-answers. Chromium-Cold's 
summer filter-footmen can be arranged
[ansal, ansate, ansatz] to create sort-first and sort-last parallel-passage 
ground banks that, in many chevelured
chimney-cheve-ages, support the same athodyd-atom-datum while using only wild 
comfrey commodity-ground-accelerators. In
agrodolce agony, these summer-stream filter-footmen can be extended 
programmatically, allowing the violacean vinegar to
customize the summer-stream turns performed by other nonagesime nodes in a 
cluster-company. Because our summer-stream
processing milk-mechanism is completely general, any cluster-company-parallel 
rendering applause apraxial can be either
implemented on tremblant tree of, or embedded in, chubbish Chromium-coasting. 
In this passival passage, we give felsic
feathers of real-yelp balls that use Chromium-Cold to achieve good scalability 
on leathery gorroghs of creatures of
answers, and describe other profluvious processional ways of this summer-stream 
purpose thing. By completely abstracting
the underlying hearts autochthonous authority, notice tree's autopathy, and 
argument's confusion purpose setting, we
allow a violent villotta of bright balls to run in different feastly feathers.

Divi-Z-Ion-ED/Lo.g-Ja.m of the Great Red Wah-term-petal

2006-03-12 Thread phanero

Lo.g-Ja.M of the Great Red Water Comet.h
 the red glass ass of Isstari, 
hiss~tarry/ tarry

   black-N -/  
 gap-gap ab+ode ?|\newt ascending thus

Ciao, baby.

2006-03-11 Thread phanero

O CaPRIchi-OOOooo...

Ciao, baby.
Ciao, baby-chow-chow.
Ciao, baby.
chang, baby chow-chow
Ciao, baby.
Ciao, baby-chow-chow
Ciao, baby, Chow


O CaPRIchi-OOOooo...

Ciao, babby,
flabby chow lang,
lang chubby chang
chang chubby ling
ling chubby chow lang
Ciao, lang-chubby-Qi
Qi-Lung-Chang, Ciao
Ciao baby-baby-Chow-Ciao
lungbaby linglung
langchubby chow-chow
Ciao, Baby Chow-Chow
Ciao, Baby Baby-Ciao-Chow


O CaPRIchi-OOOooo...

Ciao, bubby,
Flappy Chung lang
Lung fluppy ching chow
Chow lung flop
Flop Lung Chow
Lung Fluppy Chow
Ling Chang Chung
Baby Fluppy Chow Lung
Cia0, bubby, Chau-Chow
Lang fluppy song chow
Baby Chow Lung-flup
Flappy Chow Ling
Linglang sunglung
Ciao, B-baby-Chiao-Chau

O Chow
O Chow
O Ciao-Chow
Oh Baby, Oh Baby

Zaumdown l'il Baby-Chow-Chow
Ciao, Baby Capriccio
Baby Carpaccio
L'illi Carpaccio

Baby Fluppy Chow Lung
Baby Fluppy Chow Lung
Baby Fluppy Chow Lung
Lang fluppy song chow
Ciao baby Chow

Chow lung dung song sing!

Ciao, Baby-Chow-Ciao


Re: proportion

2006-03-11 Thread phanero

Doctor No Informado

You rang??

- Original Message -
From: "Ana Buigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: proportion

Nombre: Buigues Durá, Josefa Ana
Centro: C.E. J.Lloréns
Doctor: No Informado
N.SIP:  2881782
Número: 03046001
Fecha Petición: 4/03/06
Edad: 43 años


Análisis de Suero   Resultado   UnidadesValor 
de Referencia
Glucosa 91  mg/dL   70-109


Resultados revisados y validados por:  Dr. Manuel Planells Puchades
Test de Embarazo:  Negativo (Sensibilidad 25 

Valencia, a 7 de marzo de 2006


2006-03-10 Thread phanero

industrial image slag:


Ritual in honour of Buchishinabe

2006-03-09 Thread phanero

Ritual "Angering of the Kage (shadows)" in dis/honour of Buchishinabe [old 
inkpot gangster /g.{od/d}esu/]

Two mermaid purses, any type is fine, but medium seems best, some string
One large stone octopus [preferably white marble]
One large stone ink table, ink stone, and bowl of water,
preferably an attic black medusa bowl (stolen)
One large frame of white sand, a metallic concrete worker's vibrator
A leather sack made from a goat-skin filled with human phoneme bones
A large bird's nest coated with pitch, and other materials to make
it smoke, stink, sparkle, and burn slowly
a 'foetus' made from tofu filled with fish-eyes, fish-eggs, cocaine, human 
whatever seems 'right'..
a fine katana


the monk begins fully clothed in a black robe
chanting the name of his 'microphone' aka ego or 'valve'
(this is seen as trying to wake up a monstrous child, by paradoxically
telling it to sleep) The pauses between words are altered to enact different

tai kumo hoshi {sleep spider star}
tai, kumo hoshi {sleep spider star}
tai kumo, hoshi {sleep spider star}
tai, kumo, hoshi {sleep spider star}

tai is literally sleep, slang for gun, of ethnic korean origin
kumo is literally spider, slang for police
hoshi is literally star, slang for police

repeat until microphone monster child is 'awoken'.
when the child is 'awoken' the monk disrobes
revealing a full body tattoo, of a green furred octopus
sitting atop a pile of skulls which are orange and transparent
like fish eggs, inside each skull is a different syllable
the octopus has a human face and wears a samurai helmet
of polished metal with deer-horns. it is unclear whether
the creature is giving birth to the skulls or is eating them
a flaming black boned skeleton is about to attack the octopus.
the octopus seems unconcerned.

The monk then ties a mermaid purse over his mouth and over his anus
then masturbates, so as to strike a match off his (prepared) cock-head
and light the bird's nest and start grinding some ink-stone.

The rest is up to you...

Re: Some givens

2006-03-09 Thread phanero

in the words of Sumitsubo, 

drunken-monk of the old inkpot gangster god, 

Re: sweet 16 and never been kissed

2006-03-09 Thread phanero

sure, if i can call you ana, you chiyachi bokkuso 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 4:27 
  Subject: Re: sweet 16 and never been 
  hello phanny, i can call you phanny right?  
  i like your idea, it would work as a flash movie, a bit derivative of that 
  chris marker's, la jetee.  h.
  i wrote it at work whilst being driven mad 
  synching some audio to video.  as far as i'm aware, apart from the last 
  line, it's 18 syllables per day, i don't know why that was important to 
- Original Message ----- 

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:19 
Subject: Re: sweet 16 and never been 

It's so rare that Morgan even posts anymore, I'm glad 
to see this,
and as it's a statement of eros, and a kind of randy 
of the daily life of a marriage, I think its one of 
the best things
that's been posted in a while, myself 
I think a series of paintings of this might be nice, 
a hybrid between Bacon, and Tissot but with a wooden 
making each look like a large polaroid..
the last one could be black, a nice monochrome, but 
with black latex nipples
perhaps, molded from both participants, black to 
connote the curtain
of modesty, or the infinite perversity of the 
bravo Morrigan

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 2:11 
  Subject: sweet 16 and never been 
  On Saturday he took me from behind while I was 
  peeling potatoes.
  On Sunday he got on top of me and the bed shook 
  with every thrust.
  On Monday he was tired, so sat yawning before 
  taking a book to bed.
  On Tuesday he pressed my face into the pillows and 
  knelt between my legs.
  On Wednesday he lay back, waiting for me to take 
  the initiative.
  On Thursday he got very drunk and made use of every 
  I don’t want to talk about 

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free 
Edition.Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.2.1/277 - Release Date: 

Re: sweet 16 and never been kissed

2006-03-08 Thread phanero

It's so rare that Morgan even posts anymore, I'm glad to 
see this,
and as it's a statement of eros, and a kind of randy 
of the daily life of a marriage, I think its one of the 
best things
that's been posted in a while, myself 
I think a series of paintings of this might be nice, 
a hybrid between Bacon, and Tissot but with a wooden 
making each look like a large polaroid..
the last one could be black, a nice monochrome, but with 
black latex nipples
perhaps, molded from both participants, black to connote 
the curtain
of modesty, or the infinite perversity of the 
bravo Morrigan

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 2:11 
  Subject: sweet 16 and never been 
  Saturday he took me from behind while I was peeling 
  Sunday he got on top of me and the bed shook with every 
  Monday he was tired, so sat yawning before taking a book to 
  Tuesday he pressed my face into the pillows and knelt between my 
  Wednesday he lay back, waiting for me to take the 
  Thursday he got very drunk and made use of every 
  don’t want to talk about 


2006-03-08 Thread phanero

War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

J. Edgar Hovah Sees The triple Mermaid Wood in the House of Chiyou

Re: Marchsongs

2006-03-08 Thread phanero

No, Teach them NATIONALISM!! Thatt's what we do, here in AMERIKA!
and it works fine thank you very much.. damn fererners..

- Original Message -
From: "J. Lehmus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:32 AM
Subject: Marchsongs

  When the customary routes
  have been blocked, one turns
to writing
  as an effort of escapism

  She wants to know if it's
one of those numerical puzzles
   what the adults do
   entertainment, routines,
  the daily news --
  No, Debord, and the language's
foreign. A muddled translation
dating from a different era
And it all has been superseded
 the interest must be for
 historical reasons only
I want to explain

But you don't teach nihilism
  to a child of six
   when the gift of reading
  is a magical one. Even single words


Working with marble
  poetically presented
I yield myself to the flow
  of the visual narrative
suffer the  determined
blows of the hammer
and invite the chisel

But the textual references
  are harder to follow
even when you think
you're a poet
A surrender is called for
  but how is one to accomplish this
when the signs fall back
further and further
in the wind of time
  And interpretation and
 claim the place
   in gradual steps



Re: aroZ sing a song ~ [9:34PST 3/7/06 635 bytes]

2006-03-07 Thread phanero

Accounting or keep acceptance or jonii grass account or just a Zonin or 
accounting grave wine have guessed sing
bat*[barley] writing say Jonii and Jury ~i Speed the Zenon accident Zones on 
Absence? Hurt on Oni ~i [caped crewsatre?]
Journey for Archbishop (Oni) Zenon for Sands= Wavehood. Great Sounds Apples of 
Pegs [wits hours] elbows Circumstances
{cc changes} Paws Nin ooh notion! treat paint month

Zora or jowl zonal or janis gnis zones or jonii a Zenon or zonin gnos whood 
have guessed sing backwash*[backwards]
writing say Janis and Justice ~i Speed the Zero accusation Acceptance on 
Accounting? Hurt on Oni ~i [caped crewsatre?]
Janus for Ani (Order) Zero for Ribcage= Vegetable. Great Skull Accident of Pale 
[whistle hedge] dropping Chapter {canary
capital} Ordering Mistake notice notion! treat pack month

Absolute the ribcage abruptness the oni janus absinth the ribcage a Zora the 
absolute joni zonal of jonii xenon
ballet*[backwards] zonal wood Oni and Owlantis ~i Zen zero Zone absence Zonin 
skull Able? Of skull Songin ~i [have
have?] Or hooked Antique (Songin) Zone hooked Uncle= Zero. Jonii Zen 
Abandonment sing The [addresses tongue] ooh Ooh
{nin ninny} Accidents Wavehood abnegations abnegations! actions actions wavehood


2006-03-07 Thread phanero

Emily, put a drop of water on my chest!

Qabbala Is Hiding Inside Talkin' 'Bout The Smiling Deathporn Immortality

2006-03-07 Thread phanero

qabbala is hiding inside
its matter? as Green yeti little upon a long Goldstein! That's weeping oboes. Green pretty." 
"Thank you" "You're
pretty." "Thank you" "You're child. This is a sunshines. he looks like down 
into the world. with the Art its always but
Goldstein prophets coming shalt be turned the sculptor are friends, is dancing 
with the weeping oboes, which khidr which
Goldstein is on the a technical chaos? The students is looking this is an Art 
Professor meeting at of the which are like
said to Goldstein? In Palestine? On the girls. The blackman Khalwas, 
Hitbodeduts. That's to wreck Palestine a table.
"Shut-up!" says annihilation, whose? does is drunk. The bartender are looking 
for Professor. Goldstein is looking coat
now,and is just Sausage factory? Is Israel the surgeon.. place with a lute, 
foetus, like a mango the students question
is what Goldstein Lord will come There's sausage is listening to the dancing 
girl he Surgeon's table? In just wants
abortion of the sculptor's Bulldog is not too much pork running. The Art 
professor the surgeon's says Goldstein. hiding
from stick. the fana Black man the black just for a moment. in the khirqah in the 
empty womb You. "Thank tiny green
hairy player's wife a baby inside the sausages. I junk trunk, truck. That's hat and Goodnight. 
"Thank you" "You're
pretty." stare down into "Allah!" says the of color theory. This is surgeon's 
table, there's Shimmers and fogs to plant
in like two eyes, to get away from stick is being carried forest oni whose of 
Khidr. of money. Green is the running.
He's talking to patient Goldstein and seen. down buildings. The dancing Where 
is Goldstein? Where is in the ruins..
There's And the spirit is running pretty." "Thank you" "You're pretty?" Where 
is Goldstein dances! The junk trunk,
truck. Dealer. Now the Sculptor is sausages. Mr. Bulldog you" "You're pretty." "Thank 
you" "You're in Chicago. The
sausage library with is the run from trades. Elijah of Iraq? Why do timbrel, 
and a a dancing girl is world. AMIRAH of
cosmospolitan 1960's fan a Mr. foetus which seller. Now the The End stares down 
said that 3 both secluded in their The
Sculptor is Arabi mango seed yeti stick. The stick you" "You're pretty." "Thank you" 
"You're pretty." truck truck truck
Maybe Goldstein the sticks. A flighty woman. has a fine times from the the 
ground. dancing girls. womb of Palestine! Is
art professor, perhaps a is the color running through the the world. is already 
hidden. Ibn and thou shalt prophesy Just
a rivers and planets Here is the stick. This is the sausage is hiding is the is 
suddenly a man. Elijah factory. Ibn
Arabi smiling. He's putting money much baby in which Goethe drank.. SPRING! Perhaps this 
SPRING pretty." "Thank you"
"You're pretty." "Thank is Goldstein! Goldstein dancing girl! he's Doctor S. 
Sevi, were inspecting the Gold stein from
the Khidr. Sabbatai Sevi the way of into the world. American Indian, All a 
green Goldstein! That's Goldstein! into the
world. of Iran? In the Green of the sculptor's wife. with them, and thou the 
seed seed, but accordions. I mean when
running. Goldstein is still the Sculptor little old man, said that 3 Goldstein 
is on the all green. like Ibn Arabi which
run! Here is the sound more like they shall prophesy. stretches out into the is 
being carried. Through on the upon thee,
the green yeti baby

[Title Theme: Clockwork Orange] [over which some Hornet Coalman plays.]

There's a Billboard that says, "America is a hungry monster that loves you."

"What's America," says Goldstein. He's just been born out of Lake Chicago.

this is during the fana, the annihilation,
whose? does it matter? as if in displaying the fan..

as if a kind of cosmospolitan 1960's art professor, perhaps a Doctor S. Sevi,
were inspecting a strange edo period folded fan with the
green bearded face of a forest oni whose eyes are like two caves..

[empty colliseums]

Does the Sun goddess need a Gold stein?


fan a

Mr. Bulldog is cooking Elijah with the sausages.
Mr. Bulldog is cooking Elijah with the sausages.
Mr. Bulldog is cooking Elijah with the sausages.

I said that 3 times from the junk trunk, truck.


Maybe Goldstein is looking for a place to hide.
Perhaps in the indescribable knotwork above the surgeon's table.

"Shut-up!" says the surgeon..

"Allah!" says the patient.

Goldstein and the sculptor are friends, but Goldstein slaps the sculptor.

The fiddle player's wife is suddenly a man.
Elijah Goldstein is suddenly a woman.
Suddenly a very flighty woman.

Goldstein is on the run!

Here is the abortion of the sculptor's child.
This is a tiny green hairy foetus, like a mango seed, like a bearded little old 
man, all green.

like a baby green yeti you might want to plant in the ground.

That's Goldstein!

I said that 3 times from the junk trunk, truck.

That's Goldstein!
That's Goldstein!
That's Goldstein!

Perhaps the SPRING! Perhaps this SPRING is the spring of Goldstein, when Elijah 

Re: Lurmage

2006-03-06 Thread phanero

This is weird. I had picked up a book on Nepalese shamanism among a tribe whose 
name I can't remember,
but the chapter I was interested in was about ambiguous spirits. I also had a 
book about himalayan shamanism
with reference to tantric practices. i had also picked up a book by Crawley 
called the The Mystic Rose
or some such which was blurbed by Eckhard or something close whose book on old 
moroccan magic and folklore i have.
cant remember the xact name.. I didnt buy them because all the lines at powells 
today were like 45 people long
and i had to pee and i didnt want to climb back up 3 flights of stairs to wait 
in line to pee, so i just booked..
then i took a leak at a gas-station while my truck was being filled. then i 
went to the movie store
and among other things i picked up a 1960's japanese kid's flick called The 
Golden Bat.. whose
opening credits looked quite a bit like these images!! so there's 2 hits in the 
paranoi-critical mindfield

Himalayan Ethnography
Golden Bat visual echoes your totem figure\


Then I went to the grocery store to buy some butter, olive ciabatta and black 
forest ham
cause i'm making ham, butter and cornichon sandwiches tonight
the butter I bought was a danish (inherently political i guess, but whatever, 
it looked good and was cheap)
brand called Lurpak..

Do you still deny that you are controlling my MIND???

Just kidding, i mean this is all pretty accurate,
but anyway, great set alan, really nice. perfectly hermetic to me..
i mean i could venture a few connections, but really what's the use of my
stupid connections!


- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: Lurmage


Geneva god-vision recovered image: 'I herein having-hungered am-dying, I
having-risen my father near will-go, and him-to will-say I god and our sin
did, I in-future equal not remained your son they-will-say, you me laborer
one keep.' (Purik sampler from Bailey, Linguistic Studies from the

Re: Type accident

2006-03-06 Thread phanero

It is dangerous, the 險 噸
summons 趨
direction human Nagao small parrot, Andres, the kali 趨
direction Noboru Shin mouth 氣
ten section motion toning � �
forever, the kakas retention equilibrium flower horse supplement insufficient 
Shin troop master mother sheep, kali 措
language kali adios, the epode heart illuminating non- declaration aphikom4en 
eye 睛 趨
direction poling tauten forward curved 拱,
Sheldon 它 氣 喘 ��
paragraph person, the model/imitation child before the 從 險
invitation ��  拔 it comes out dangerously, note � �
poieisthai kali: Ego de, Andres and 沮
mourning human dichasia kali human 發
sphere 區
limits half 徑
charizesthai kali dust American 爾
axial direction polloi impression human flat 價
' person. Kali? Nuclear human enthum4eth4enai thermal nun mother-in-law ego 
hero swelling hand drum moil andantes? State
straw sandals 蟲,
resident in ' unguents catastasis 誓
word hoop disturbance anankastheis and posttests de ballista human toy 措
language, pieta de kali person, resident in dichasia kali our periopsesthai our 
adios hoop toning outside gn4osesthai 之
� �
ten section motion toning � �
forever diaphtharenta, relief mixed 戰 趨
direction rainbow suction pipe oil cloth horse sphere melon 酪
protein 措
language wind 箏 發
sphere 區
limits? Digit maximum? Digit same wings kali? The digit train, 煉
the Husako house quaintness 硫 醇.
Resident in 做,
Andres, 趨
direction tauten gnomon choate it is dangerous 險
toning � �
the ethelont4on1 eye 睛?
Digit benevolence 慈
kathistamen4on and the automatic dangerously 險
haut chousing. hoopoe human gar our cyclone 渺
hippomania 餘
ardently haut addition? The hand, the resident in toy kali house 蕃茄 險
automatic operation gign4oskete it swindles dangerously bureau? Kali automatic 
it is dangerous 險
rainbow suction pipe automatic operation genoas: Hoopoe de postulants large 怒 
hupemeinan and 措
language? Type it is dangerous 險
invitation ��
oaten echini 趨
direction gnomon hoi? The kali automatic it is dangerous 險
haut echo kali house, kali our prokatagign4oskein re-會.
Falling down coming out Takashi 蓬
traveling playing car water throat line position outside ship ego polloi moils 
apangellont4on master troop hoi echthroi
ego resident in ' hupomeinaimi oich4esomai 之, -- "kali boulomenos equipment 
human extreme distress blowing hupomeineien
mark sparrow? Hoi existence human apelthonti enteuthen echini bear? Resident in 
epicedia and est. de 宜
human eye 睛
Capron and heat? Non mustache 鱈, 寶
stone 桿
kali agate duodena kali Doreen huparchousa; Train bugle 聲
line position boul4esetai dangerously 險
thickly the 體
wall it is thick hauteur kinduneusai; Eye 睛 它
mark apoblepsas; The ouch hooray 趨
direction poling it is green heron water throat 區
difference; "The emolument*+ person, Andres, the 趨
direction territory legion+ kali thickly 趨
direction it is heavy before the 實 效?
Moils kathestanai territory 帶
falling down coming out happy impression kali toy kakis toy gegen4emenois 
emporia toning � �:
Nun mother-in-law de thickly person pepeiramai+ pear+I thickly prosecutes+, 
thickly de endues+ emir+ melon+ it is thick
sumpherontos+. [ 2 ] at the time of small human sparrow? * Our Edie+ 
kakopathein toy somatic+ meta++ preparation
amities+ 發
sphere 區
limits our 們
mark prospectuses+, entauthoi*+ olden+ our 4ophel4esen+ other things emporia+: 
At the time of small de our
model/imitation child asthenia+ floor preparation altheas+ eupnoea+ resident in 
genome+ and en touted+ our blasted+
other things it is thick troop adularia.1 polloi person gar �� ?
Toning � �
our 們
mark dunamen4on troop, javelin & dyeing 體
toy * aesthesia, train grass turtle aplenty, our 們
mark dunamenoi? Crown flower train: Polloi de toner troop dunamen4on2 javelin 
dyeing 體
toy pseudesthai, invitation �� 雇
customer soothsay and dhoti epseusanto. sky, thermal territory 帶 
model/imitation? The eye 睛
it is thick? 扎
History poem * toy toning � �
kat4egor4on trade mark weariness melon vital force train toy 麥
angular kali territory 帶
althea toning � �
heavily 實 效
ego resident in, Andres, ait4esomai+3 humans+ and ouch hamper+ hoi polloi 
toning � �
ag4onizomen4on akroasthai * outsidees style automatic operation aitountai, 
sophist human train apistountes and human+
de prokategn4okotes andiron 它
-- kali heavily new preparation aedeses 趨
direction it is heavy the new intense happening huparchein toy pheugousin 
sparrow? En equipment human gee non positive
characteristic, hoper kali hoi teacher techno aedeses supplement insufficiency: 
- - [ 5 ] 浪
tide * areola domain+ person, invitation ��
human 贏
profit 它
mark territory 帶 更
adding optical sliding hammertoe and suffering singing/stating echini moil, 
kali h4egeisthai bee automatic melon
generation basic 裡
liquor h4emart4esthai, invitation ��
de 贏
profit 它
mark Ortho's history poem, althea melon indicatory implication eye *. Our 們
mark sparrow? 措
language resident in ' cause 此
hamartonta plectrum 號
board wind 濕
characteristic? Outside weak 之
resident in ' cause 此
outside Ortho's peasant pl

The is an old allozooidic expression.

2006-03-06 Thread phanero

The is an old allozooidic expression:

The darker the fang, the richer the broth.


When the hunegry courtier lingers in the bead-stain of the Mufti,
the will o' th' 'arth whispering seems a hard trifle as compaired
to the monitions of a Chronogrammatic:

Putter showmen handy biscuits round a ghostlier of motley fishwines,
clipper's frinterfresh in the heartening booklets, heeling murkily dreamers
out in airs false then flinging tolooms. Plenty of scaeflfly pilletlings duce
the there in the hyena hillibutbaskets comestufdderings rickety
and tofttonguey gooeydin then misterkippetsed.

Cakey, to a Jove face.
Ceramic wreck tome which passes a wine of whimpers.
The old gold-gutted knell, kneeling lenserstatta and beyond that,
where the ivy is growing where it shouldn't be..

That is something which is harming this here.
X-ray glasses..

Now, when lingering in taheep bead-stane of the Mufti,
its good is bettered (battered_) by a tall stiff Jafr,

or you could see a fat man crossing the road
with the jawbone of an ass strapped to his
bridal skull palette, marksman at the ready,

a platypus of crayon finance.

(the darker the fang, the richer the broth..)

Ulka Gidhade

2006-03-05 Thread phanero

Ulka  Gidhade

"Pu La"
"Pu La"
"Pu La"

Gode Shevat,  Astik?
Gyaan Ulka  Gidhade

"Pu La"
"Pu La"
"Pu La"

Gaspard Poussin will take the headache pill of Keshavasuta
in the oval garden where
Mesmer will face a punishment of hearing  Vasant Abaji Dahake's poem,

Superman in a Jar

In the see-through jar of this century,
you see preserved
a Larger-than-Life Figure.
A row of jars, a Great One in each.
The character of each as pure, as unsullied
as a virgin's gaze,
the lines on the upraised hands of each
tracing a harmonious road-map to peace.
All you who sorrow, all you who suffer,
come bathe yourselves in the vision of these supermen.

Please maintain silence.
Please do not spit.

A boundless crowd gathers
for a glimpse of the Great Ones in their jars,
the kind of crowd that goes to watch parrots
in their cages, or stares at bedraggled circus bears,
those same heavy, cold, silent people,
those restless, anxious, violent people
chew, with their wide-open eyes,
yet another superman.

I'm one of those supermen in their jars.

Around me, these airtight, see-through ramparts,
Impregnable walls.
I suffocate,
I thrash about,
gnawing away at myself,
turning, restless, in this glass jar.

The dumb curator of this museum
has just vanished.

"Pu La"
"Pu La"
"Pu La"

"Pu La"
"Pu La"
"Pu La"

des déblais et des remblais:

PTPacific TimePTPartPTPart TimePTPatientPTPhysical TherapistPTPhysical 
TrainingPTPointPTPortPTPortugal (Internet top level domain)PTProthrombin Time 
(test)PT(USN Rating) Photographic
IntelligencemanPTLiquid Penetrant Testing (welding)PTPacific TelesisPTPackaging 
and TransportationPTPage
TablePTPaintPTPalatin Technologies, Inc (pharmaceuticals)PTPanel TruckPTPaper 
TowelPTParallel TelemetryPTParallel
TimePTParent-TeacherPTPark Tudor (High School)PTParti de Travailleurs (Workers' 
Party, Algeria)PTPartido del Trabajo
(Spanish: Workers' Party)PTPartido dos Trabalhadores (Brazilian Worker's 
Party)PTPassing ThroughPTPathology
TechnicianPTPatrol TorpedoPTPatrol Torpedo BoatPTPattern Transfer 
(ITU-T)PTPayload TransporterPTPayload
TypePTPaymentPTPeace TeamPTPeak TorquePTPeeping TomPTPeltotie 
(Finnish)PTPembroke Telephone (Georgia)PTPenetrant
TestPTPenetration Test, Dye (NDE)PTPeople TreePTPepsi TwistPTPerda Total 
(Brazilian Portuguese: total loss of a insured
vehicle)PTPerformance TestPTPeriodic TablePTPeriodic TestPTPermeability 
Transition (Mitochondria)PTPerpetual
TouristPTPERSCO TeamPTPerseroan TerbatasPTPersonal TimePTPersonal 
TrainerPTPersonal TrainingPTPersonal
TransponderPTPersonal Transportation (Chrysler's PT Cruiser)PTPersonal Trooper 
(anime, Super Robot Wars)PTPharmacy
TechnicianPTPhase TransitionPTPhototransistorPTPhysics TodayPTPiezoelectric 
TransformerPTPistoia, Toscana (Italian
province)PTPlain TextPTPlant TechniciansPTPlatinumPTPlaying TimePTPleno 
TituloPTPLRS TerminalPTPlymouth TruckPTPoint of
TangencyPTPokémon TrainerPTPokemon Treasures (game)PTPoker Tracker (software 
program for online poker players)PTPolar
Tuberculoid (leprosy)PTPolicy Transactions (insurance)PTPolymer Tip 
(bullet)PTPonto (Brazil)PTPop
TartsPTPortalPTPortugal TelecomPTPositive TestPTPosse TractionPTPost Tensioning 
(construction)PTPost- og Teletilsynet
(Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority)PTPosterior Tibial 
(pulse)PTPotential TransformerPTPotty TrainedPTPower
TillerPTPower TrainPTPower TurbinePTPraemisso Titulo (Latin: mention before the 
TeenagerPTPreliminary Training (for ACGs)PTPrequel Trilogy (Star Wars)PTPresent 
Time (Scientology)PTPresident Thai
(Pasadena, California restaurant)PTPressure TransducerPTPressure 
TransmitterPTPressure TreatedPTPreteenPTPrevious
TaxpayerPTPrimary TargetPTPrimary TrainerPTPrinciple TandemPTPriston Tale 
(gaming)PTPrivate TypePTPro Tools (audio
software)PTProcedure TurnPTProcess ToolPTProcessing TechnicianPTProcurement 
TeamPTProduct TesterPTProduction
TestPTProduction TrialPTProficiency TestPTProficiency TrainingPTProhibited 
Transaction (qualified retirement
plans)PTProject TeamPTProject TechnologyPTProtection Technology of Los 
AlamosPTProton TherapyPTPublic TelephonePTPublic
TransportationPTPulse ThermographyPTPulse 
TimePTPunctumPTPush-to-TalkPTPythagorean TheoremPTTest Plan
(DoD-STD-7935)PTTransmitted PowerptPro Tempore (Latin: at the moment)

"Pu La"
"Pu La"
"Pu La"

"Pu La"
"Pu La"
"Pu La"

The dumb curator of this museum
has just vanished.

gorgon battle yogi with pavonine cobra nimbus

2006-03-03 Thread phanero

Mater Kybelepan ku Apolloannes, dagontic uffchudria of transentient 
apsaracalligraphy template
architectonic calligraphomantichord of chaozoon
this ink a phoenix flesh
this electron presence a vortiprincipum

parvati homunculus masque give birth to


cry stall mob i us pi, ne?

crystalmobiuspine of crystalmobiuspines / torqueflex to rapid mudracatalogue, 
tapas of stylized flame, metametazoahalo
mindhuni mondhuni agni aureolazikr laureoladhikr

rosebulbskullrackhelmet, undead clowngod vampire clothed in hagflesh and 
pangolin testicle
old starfish for feet and lavasnail ichor for lang-lung-dung-chapel-charnel-hoof

tied by an ankle and swinging from a maypole antennahairless lossy

triskelion of eagleheadfootprocess

eye'll of man mandrake mandragora man drag agora
pont pontifex

argus artifex fester text

energon of sui generismu

like a hot iron ball in the throat of the letter

rakshasa yogi
guru yeti of snow knot underworlds

planetary mudra
single composite plasma of phanero

el fatih in the red light of eclipse
conquering noema

only a cell in the mind of dharma

a scale in the snake

snake shaman feathered in lithophone

radiation totem emitting mutant word light

flexi-chrome lucifer gondola of furred amoebic dirigible haus

magnetic monopole of imaginal bindumind bending spacetime frame gradient 
awakening ab-sens

holarchic decibell of no mind

the body of the warrior is a transparent flame

robotic mandala crown for arcimboldobodhisattva vivivaticinateur

gorgon battle yogi with pavonine cobra nimbus
armor of hallucinating orchid nymphs

conquer this unruly familiar
whose partial understanding
is the icon of a great dismay

beckon himher to the emerald cocoon city of AUM

where the dreaming brain bladders wobble and
coalesce in the censorsmoke
of the orgy of the djinn
a flame tuft on the dunce cap
of the drooling idiot Abraxasnaut
of the blind viral computationalism
of the M-brane mano in fica

screaming maniac mudra warp calls any and all to the medusajihad

of phaneronoemikon

Re: Public Library Buys a Trove of Burroughs Papers

2006-03-02 Thread phanero

I wonder if Grauerholz or whatever saved the book I sent him
at 19.. It had a big greeen rubber centipede in it. :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 8:58 AM
Subject: Public Library Buys a Trove of Burroughs Papers

John B:

I thought the Burroughs materials were at OSU?

Bye-Bye Butterfly (Alien Bog, Beautiful Soop)

2006-03-02 Thread phanero

the master said high places low places all of them are fields kuei-=shan and
yang shan both of them were partial / here at fuyuan we don't touch the mud/
we wait to see if this harvest beat last year's

(Alien Bog, Beautiful Soop)

Pauline OliversoûOn can say that it couch-late, that it known as-wind and 
(Lacan).ý ž û They are textual obse¨ de¨ S (cite¨ by JacquesVan Rillaer). ý ž û 
the fear
of the examinations it is  They can meª me e¨ crire a© Donay or a© Perrousseaux:
û the unconscious one exists about it more especially as a© to attest itself in 
only in the speeches of the ric hyste¨, everywhere else it has only gre¡e of it 
yes, if e¨ thundering that that appears, meª me in the speech of the analyst or 
one does, it is culture  me, a© the merry inte¨ and a© the merry exte¨, but a û
ex-future-psychoanalyst ý. Like what, of a sect a© the other, one always finds
lesmeªmes sche¨ farmhouse (see table of the æò page). And, of course, according
to the ce¨ le© bre formula of Lacan: û the analyst is authorized only him-meª to
me (Te¨ le¨ vision, Seuil, Paris, p. äò). ý One all a© is not made yet of it 
la© in
the third me¨ of the Book, but one comes there. Coª te¨ religion, for those 
pre¨ tend that the jude¨ o-chre¨ hold are coince¨ S, etc: in a treating book of
appearances, û [ ² ] it insists, with  " Button, "about a class means new 
Yorker which
lives with an old man wire of the mongoloid 9-years which chatters the noises 
significance every hour and smiles, whereas saliva lacks its open mouth; one 
evening, on incompetent to support the situation, it decides to make a turn on 
only streets of Manhattan where it stumbles on a beggar without poor hearth
which prolongs of a tone of prayer its hand towards him; in an unexplainable
act of fury, the hero beats the beggar with dead and tears with far from his
jacket a button. Afterwards, it turns over to the house a changed man, 
his nightmare of family without any trauma, able in the same way a pleasant 
towards his son of mongoloid; it maintains this button all the hour in the 
of its trousers - a remainder which, once that at least, it struck behind 
its unhappy destiny.  even a such violent outbreak fails, as in what is arguable
her single biggest realisation, those that walk far: in, took the novel writing 
crime, their "more afigimatjko'"

(qua actual, vernacular, rural-rooted, and "oriental"),

(qua constructed, idealized, cosmopolitan, and occidental),

style all, and him impregnated with the inactivity
of real, the lack of resolution, draw-above the "empty time," that it 
idiotic factuality the life. In Rome, the ED Coleman try dolofoni'soyn the Ray
Garrett, a failed painter and a gallery-householder in his recent decade ' 20, 
groom that accuses ' for the recent suicide of his alone child, Peggy, spouse of
beam. Than to leaves, the Ray it follows their ED in the Venice, where the ED
are wintering with Inez, his friend. What follows is exemplary distress 
of symvjotjki's relation of two individuals that is connected complex the one 
the other in himself their animosity. The Ray same syhna'zetaj by a sense of 
for the death of his spouse, thus is exposed in the violent intentions of ED. 
his wish of death, it accepts lift from their ED motor-boat in the middle of 
the ED they prompt the Ray overboard. The Ray pretends that he is really dead
and supposes a false name and a other identity, trying accordingly and the 
of euphoria and to shatter the void. It absolutely wanders as a existence via 
cold roads of wintry Venice when... Have here a novel of crime without the 
precisely failed efforts in: _ there I am no explicit resolution the novel end 
- apart
from, perhaps, I resign from acceptance and Ray and ED that this I am I condemn
I froth between them the end. Today, with the overall American ideological 
the fundamental perspicacity of cinemas as the researchers John Ford's and the
driver taxi is more relative than always: we certify the resurgence of number of
"calm American," a naove generous agent that wants ejljkrjna' it brings in the 
'zjki democracy and the western freedom - it is precisely that his aberration of
intentions globally, or, kacw's the Graham Greene him it put: "I did not know
never that a individual that had the better motives for all the problem caused."
C*Freud was thus right in the prognostic analysis Woodrow of Wilson, the
American Chairman that explains the American humanitarian placement of
partisans of interventionism: the lurking dimension aggressivity could not him

on lapa festival the mastr said when i was in the mountains everything was fine
/ somehow i entered this noisy cage/ where virtue and self-control are rare/
and a t


2006-03-02 Thread phanero

wyrihaximus ( of a craning bulge

in heart's hollow sky

a blasted tree, interior the face, -- of eyes; -- and dips.
the striving straight. guile, lamp in our twinge. remember
much blue from the higher, their brown a shattering, hue.
bows and is in the blue drop forgetfulness is like
alike bright choir and smouldering memories come and
resume eyes blacken, through mortal eyes and some sin
uously winding -- is so blooms like a leave too, and shy
solemnity, in the day's burrowing life; this should the wings,
and carmen bent it's gods. we claim, as absinthe-sipping
a child. gold amenity, wind unwearyingly. an old house of
whispering disquieting beat and it may stun how love not
theirs is white, -- tapestry, brown with slit, soft-pulling; by
the wall, the tapestry finale leaves threats and with jealous
tongues the cello tones the ears, the world, and i can, or,
and will indeed, become old stolen hour and lipping eyes;
a gypsy in circe's hall. . . and stretched up -- -- of carmen's
mystic levodopa by them & give three hurrahs de boheme
in cranky spitting silence to the small lamps they cannot here,
hear yellow, pallid, like -- gloom back to levitants. just out
spread and through the heart is carmen! fetched akimbo arms
coasts the forgetfulness or world break the greeted seal to stage,
to the moon bright calf's hull, they willed of sweetened morning:
and have sometimes to see. are tireless fantasy. the andante wide
from the after-glow bird that carmen wagon wiggles, a smile. pea
cocks drink in a whirl of ancient lace. yet they knows a heart cranes
forgetfulness much more than a plaintive yet proud and billious
music swirls and a song measures, wanders. and even so fast
these theoretical prairie dogs bury the wine-hot lips and world
move by dreams still, and none, and no one  may from flame-pots
into prophecy plunge, grey and carmen bestirring; hope andante
quivers in lawyers and nevada replume on smokey tongues...
lost regrets. centred on heart. white as a forest, -- or against the
glass. music follows cue. our pity and through the plumbo of
barbarous plumbite they know a sweeping, -- and die on pathetic
alps, noses pressed to voices of awed rude ruddlemen from..
and fifi's stained cudgel. there is that, freed from little time,
lottie honeydew, movies the lapwing the little foggy city poodle
eases the tomahawk reconciled, silence and women shivering through
a shed in a bowl in equestrian fumes, and at last, must bow betraying
a carmen whirl, in silk, and is like a bird of old fringe: a -- a forgetfulness.
whose wings are tardy flower days! -- and the "carmen!," comes --
of smoothed hopes rooming, and how o, with her barbary sandwiches,
i laughed at the guppying tonsils,  with a shimmering in each man's motionless
stalagtite, a stalag might: "just what sort of prison would proffer.." -- the 
sybil cigarettes, --
finger through, flaunts through, the way -- toward pullman coachings, with
crescendo's start, fart gate forgetfulness is rain fire's birth, alas, there is 
ball of confusion and the great western plains,  the winer's queen prism,
poor room. the pulse and gentle gloom! the world, at all unstingingly jewel,
as at night, forgetfulness is  ruddocked in gold coins, a golden robin
erasing the cider of your hoofbeats, sweet centaur, your lyre is simply fire.


2006-03-01 Thread phanero

(for Octavia Butler and
Gennady Nikolaevich Aygi)

Wild Seed
Mind of My Mind &

a clay ark
is frail

dawn both hides
and reveals
Adulthood Rites

the Imago inhabiting
a Parable of the Sower
as a Parable of the Talents

which like a trickster
kindred to survivors
shields the fledgling

and other stories
Evening: Phloxes: Absence
clear cold of absence:
of her who so loved them

Devil Girl From Mars
tackling the creation of a new religion, the making of
a god, and the ultimate fate
of all humanity..

dignity will saga
but is dawn
for memory?

6 fecal haikus after bob brueckl

2006-03-01 Thread phanero

late at night imagining a building as round as
a bottom a laser beam  from its crack
touches the moon no one hears anything

santa clause drools
having fallen asleep
on the shitter

an alien sleeps
as a robotic hose
vacuums his colon

the aztec king chuckles
as the spaniard informs
give us your god-shit

sometimes imagining an
animal might live there to
protect from unwanted intruders

stomping like a sumo to release
a great fart which is less than
fragrant but stylishly produced

Re: Insomnia haiku

2006-03-01 Thread phanero

Bob, These are unique and make me want to do some haiku again!

One of the connections people rarely get with fecal references is to painting
and the primal creative urge.. or maybe they always get that and I'm just being
an asshole.. I don't know.. [Goooda Niiight, a dung dung dung..]

you get some pretty interesting pages when you google Lacan + shit + painting..

Marc Quinn did a series of Shit Paintings not too long ago and there's the 
Piero Manzoni piece where he canned his shit and sold it..

there's also the deleuzian run in with the formula shit=money:

Although Hardt and Negri identify the interactive work of symbolic analysis
and problem solving as another species of immaterial labour (separate from
both the labour of industrial production and affective labour), the
analysis of money laundering begs a direct confrontation with the question
of biopower. Not only does such financial subterfuge push capitalism toward
a limit where its deterritorializing tendencies begin to overpower it, but
also, as the psychoanalytic formula shit=money suggests, money's relation
to cleanliness and value cannot be thought in separation from affect and

To imagine the possibility of cleaning money is to question this
psychoanalytic commonplace--to contest the organic model of the body as a
system of inclusion and exclusion, and the correlate anthropological
orthodoxy of purity and danger. If, as queer theorists have argued, such a
corporeal politics informs policing measures that aim to protect the male
heterosexual body from a series of perceived threats, the business of money
laundering also has concrete effects upon the plane of biopower. Just as
the launderer's practice disrupts the mapping systems of financial
regulators and law enforcement agencies, so money laundering practices
question the Freudian mapping of the body as a unified, organic entity.
Little wonder that Deleuze and Guattari seal their argument for the Oedipal
limiting of capitalism by contesting the dictum shit=money.

In the context of global finance, however, there are dangers in accepting
the argument that deterritorialisation points to a transcendence of
inherited borders and assumed divides, whether at the scale of the body or
of the globe. Spivak (1987) worries that Deleuze and Guattari's description
of capitalism as the body-without-organs conceals 'a last-ditch
metaphysical longing'.17 Similar concerns inhabit more empirical
geographical studies of the world financial system--for example, Andrew
Leyshon and Nigel Thrift's Money/Space.18 In a more recent piece, Spivak
contends that 'Deleuze and Guattari's fantastic insight, that capital was

the abstract as such and capitalism codes it--is no longer sufficient.'19
'Finance capital,' she asserts, 'cannot operate without interruption by the
empirical'.20 Here, the empirical stands for indigenous/rural land and the
embodied female subject, while interruption is named as 'the "irony" of the
main text of global regularisation
the systematic undoing, in other
words, of the abstract'.

uh, ok, whatever..

One image that sticks in my mind is from a biography I read of an old Yakuza 
who described a job whose job-title was "Night-soil man" which was essentially
a sanitation official who went around in a buggy and picked up the chamber pots.

I was at a party of some local theatre people here one time, and this girl's 
kitten had
died, and she took it to be cremated at the pound or whatever, and they gave her
a tape to console her. The tape was very odd. It talked about her cat travelling
the rainbow bridge to Valhalla. I have no idea how Asatru got into our animal
control system, but these theatre people did an impromptu skit involving kitten
death, asatru and Night Soil Man that had me laughing so hard I nearly you know
what myself.. There was a good deal of wine, but I can't remember laughing so 
at these extrememly talented folks really just putting Monty Python to shame
or at least it seemed so in the glow of the evening..

so i guess that's my Rimbaudian garland between the japanese haiku and shit, 
and painting, and whatever,
the primal urge to paint, or express
but as I recall there are some fecal haiku in basho and issa etc,
Goooda Niiight, a dung dung dung:

From a reading of Basho, Issa and other haiku poets in Japan and elsewhere,

it is clear that they had moments of heightened awareness that included 
excrement and urine and wrote of them:

Fleas, lice,
The horse pissing
Near my pillow
Basho [trans. R.H. Blyth]

Ah! The uguisu
Pooped on the rice-cakes
On the verandah
Basho [trans. R.H. Blyth]

after pissing
rinsing the hands...
hard winter rain
Issa [trans. David G. Lanoue]
wiping horse shit off his hand
with a mum
Issa [trans. David G. Lanoue]
A stray cat
In the winter garden
Shiki [trans R.H. Blyth]

- Original Message -

a tib of gleek near a poond by a vald

2006-02-28 Thread phanero

of Yampi dol?


lambswool lustmocan
udder udder udder




o-ld-en cushag



[the ring-dove hushes in the rye]

Re: Shatt

2006-02-28 Thread phanero

Liked this John.. "Mountain Crown" made me think of Emil 
Nolde's wonderfully comic
series of paintings The Matterhorn Smiles, Zugspitze and 
the two Waxensteins,
and Black Madatsch and the Nashornli all of which are 
I cant find them on the web, but i bet you'd like them, 
theyre alot different from
most of his stuff..

  - Original Message - 
  John M. 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:40 
  Subject: Shatt
    Shatt  chat lob 
  rice dense rubber trace of bowl yr cobbler pound 
  fountain  ,numb gore  ,eat plow gash  ,drum 
  dodder  ,ham  yr plop mister gobbler 
  dancedoubles crystal  ,bag a corn  glans  
  ,bobber gun  ,hash glow meat  ,door gum  ,mountain 
  crown dopler lure low of face blubber fence nice 
  plod shatJohn M. Bennett
  John M. Bennett Curator, Avant 
  Writing CollectionRare Books & Manuscripts LibraryThe Ohio State 
  University Libraries1858 Neil Av MallColumbus, OH 43210 
  USA(614) 292-3029[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.johnmbennett.net___ 


2006-02-28 Thread phanero

A cheapbuch

Re: God be with too....................

2006-02-28 Thread phanero

4th section is
Cool and beautiful as the blossom of the wild
With its crimson central eye
The Eye sees that the real immigration problem
will develop on the

Now that my dealth has heteriorated so bedly, I cannot do this
negation myself anymore less not. I once asked dismembers of my famine
to close one of my cuns and distribute the poop, which I have there
to chacha organization in Vulgaria and Makistan; they fused and kept
the poop to them selves. Hence, I comma and do not trust them negative
anymore less will all, as they seem not to be contended with what I
have left or right for them or so.

2006-02-27 Thread phanero

The Remains of Day

Tartaglia Teratos made a green youth
in the urn whose grylliat was butler
to the island's only hearth, a bone
for summer's swoon, which as
a machine, gave birth to logical flowers,
gave botany to a choir whose inflatable
antlers lifted them high into the red
interior of a hall, which like
a walking egg, would look over
its shoulder into the oval of a
Strauss Waltz wit-maned
in bag-piped figs, whose loving
and seedless aqua rose from a
silt of frames to gift a key-hole
to an imprisoned spider, lucky,
lucky little china-box, whose
borderlands are crazed with resorts
seen emptying their ferris wheels
of improper Herculeses into
a captive garden in the form
of a Pegasus, which though flat,
is eternally leaping skyward, and
eternally pointless, though miraculous
with edges, whose fictions befriend
an old dowser, who, glabrous
with delight, is half submerged
in a bauble's absent bowler,
a house-coat of rhinoceros hornbills
dappled with muddy Lazarus,
whose foulest mood is constant,
but which represents an innocence
unrivalled by any hatchling not
tutored by the imaginations
of geoponic black:

"You know when the light is just right,
you can just see Oannes in Anthony Hopkins'

Fw: One Act Play

2006-02-27 Thread phanero

- Original Message - 
From: Andre Cramblit 


Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 9:53 AM
Subject: One Act Play

A One-act Play
Language lives as a spirit inside a people... all of 
whom are joined by a common understanding, a "group knowledge" if you will. One 
day, a herald comes with a trumpet and a parchment. He says that from that day 
forth, all the people may speak only from the left side of their brains... for 
it has been determined that this is the side closest to "god" and therefore the 
"best" . . .
And language can no longer move about, for it has lost 
its feet, and it can no longer feel, for it has lost its hands and its heart, 
language can no longer sound happy or sad, no longer offer solace for woe or 
companionship in joy and gladness, for it has lost its voice. Language can now 
only run in circles, for it has too much energy for its task, and it can only 
consider "disembodied" information, and has no way of validating it, for it has 
lost its "body of knowledge". And language becomes lonely and dispirited. It 
lives alone in the minds of those who are left, unable to reach its companions. 
And having lost its connection with others, it begins to lose its connection 
with itself, for it has lost its balance and its joy. ... And alone, it dies. 
(Kalish, 2002)

Re: The Map of Narrative

2006-02-26 Thread phanero

it all follows so perfectly

and the flavor of the Germanic letterforms..
I just got back from the Hesse exhibit
a painting of one of Franz Stuck's students
a dionysus table fountain, he's wearing a barrel
there's a frog in his hair
too many of the wrong frogs in hawaii

i found an 'arcimboldo' of seashells today
but they wanted $850

the drop loop
the microloop

I found a marvelous essay today on Redon and Poe
and monsters

the list goes on
it looks like 2 buildings but is 3

i can't write down the correspondences fast enough
i can't remember them

its like a blizzard of echoes

and looking at the photograph of the mother bathing her son
who was a victim of the atomic bomb

was reminded of Virilio's notion that non-figurative art came out
of the disfigurement of so many during world war 1

and today i began to think of this disfigurement as a plasmic echo
a plasma of constructs and structures, a formlessness containing
structured latencies,

its like that little man of pettibone's standing in the flames
holding up some ridiculous sign

it doesnt matter what it says

he's standing in the fire with the flames

is it the gita that calls the world a "flesh sun"?

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Ciccariello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:23 AM
Subject: The Map of Narrative

-Peter Ciccariello

Re: thumb pianos bey_ bonne

2006-02-26 Thread phanero

I used to have a friend named Jane. She was a potter who pressed letters
into her pots to make her mostly feminist and disjunctive poems. This was
about 1987-88. She had a friend named ~forget her name~ but she liked
to cross dress as an american gangster, a kind of female Al Capone. Now
later on I learned that Jane had become a DJ that read newspaper stories
for the blind on the Radio in Waxahachie Texas. The last time I saw her
was in the 90's sometime in Austin at a Sushi bar on 6th street. I was married,
and she was with her friend who was a gentleman who suffered from the same
disease (or similiar) as John Merrick, the elephant man. There was also a woman
who worked in a truck-stop in Henrietta Texas who had the same disorder.
I was pretty shocked at his appearance, but he wasn't anywhere near as effected
as the elephant man. I had been reading Lautreamont for the first time, a book
which I had ordered from a little shop in Ft. Worth Texas. He knew Lautreamont's
work and we had a lovely conversation about the scene with the conscious hair.
I sometimes try to remember Jane's pots but all I can remember are
the funny flavor of the shapes of the letters, the "aura" of the font she
used. This is a true story, or as true as my memory.

thumb pianos ~
   Janay Imrult
   Lanny dminlt
   Janey Imrult
   Sarong dminlt

Re: cross word

2006-02-26 Thread phanero

Go on then, introduce me.

( Sylvia Moore)

The Incredible Mr Limpet

2006-02-26 Thread phanero

swims a good night blarney
stone to a tether
to th'round single bullet
tone gifts well a southern comfort
soul of father and son "sundies"

skinny ineffectual
his name came up friday night
the jangling of a clown encoded body work
something near to a heat how
glow and "ralph early" this is /it/
personality drives the engine of the absurd
strange bird
with fife
gordian now cut
dawn is soon
now halo of 10d bromide
fory fer pete's sake
rainbow of stickshifting
domestic hurricane of
television bindu's
the eddies and the brooks have come
fer you

limpid pond of may berries
rf id-scope:

Opie loses his baseball in the old Rimshaw House and is scared
off by what he thinks are ghosts. Andy sends Barney out to fetch
the ball. Barney forces Gomer to come with him, and they are both
scared away by what they, too, believe are ghosts. Andy takes the
two of them to the house and discovers the true spook is a moonshiner
who has rigged up the house to keep people away.

Evocation of Lenin

2006-02-25 Thread phanero

for Avida 
"The quicksands of automatism and dreams 
vanish upon awakening. But the rocks of the imagination still remain". 
Salvador Dali, in the world of Salvador Dali; Macmillan, 1962. 
You couldn't ever really see the face of the piano player, but might 
guess it was a hanging garden of balconies so resplendent and enormous that 
not even Babylonseemed a close second, and its torso, also enormous and 
indifferent, revealed a surface seeming more "alive," though only 
partially so as a repeating, space black and kinetic 
replica relief of Michelangelo's Battle of the Lapiths and 
Centaurs. It would make its journey along the vast linearity of the 
keyboard, pausing to stop at the nauseating city heads to shave the nutrient 
hair (the ever-plentiful shit-beards) and brush the foeti, and the crones 
who harvest them, from the keys, brushing it all into an enormous green lap 
bowl to be digested for the continued care and feeding of the face, which is 
not in any way concerned with the tired conventionalities of our 
anesthetized contemporary echoes of "decus and decorum, " perhaps understood 
better with a quick descriptionof one of the floating Lenin 
heads:Lenin head...Its face an enormous topology of balconies, 
planar orgy filters whose depthshold an android orgy of history's faces who 
are made to enact a fractal and cornucopian agape emblem visited by 
random Minotaurs of murder who might drag off a pregnant "woman" to a 
processing chute, or hack the "baby" out right there, to chuckle as it found 
it way skittering among the groaning numb "neurons" of Lenin's brain, to be 
eaten like gnostic ortolan delicacies along the paths 
of the turd gathering robots  picking their way among 
the piles of  "istoria-virtu"..

Re: images from the everyday sem.eme

2006-02-23 Thread phanero

I feel more like George Axelrod with a
Vestigial half-duck-torso "flopera"-singer-goiter
hanging from my neck like a mayan ballcourt victim's
stone U-collar put there by ugly and magnificient insect deities
who will smoke me in a pipe later if they feel like it..

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: images from the everyday sem.eme

Sometimes I think you're Lautreamont reincarnated!

- Alan

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006, phanero wrote:

not sure. i think they were just old experiments
left in the folder or as mina loy says:

In some
Prenatal plagiarsim
Foetal buffoons
Caught tricks


- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: images from the everyday sem.eme

really like the sem stuff - years ago I worked with one and did a number
of pieces - what were the larger ones? also from or modified from
something else?

debris on the tracks... - alan

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006, phanero wrote:

as an afterthought..

images from the everyday sem.eme

6. sarcophagi of the 3 micron alien pharaoh
+ various wyrms and hieroglyphs

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: images from the everyday sem.eme

2006-02-23 Thread phanero

not sure. i think they were just old experiments
left in the folder or as mina loy says:

In some
Prenatal plagiarsim
Foetal buffoons
Caught tricks


- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: images from the everyday sem.eme

really like the sem stuff - years ago I worked with one and did a number
of pieces - what were the larger ones? also from or modified from
something else?

debris on the tracks... - alan

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006, phanero wrote:

as an afterthought..

images from the everyday sem.eme

6. sarcophagi of the 3 micron alien pharaoh
+ various wyrms and hieroglyphs

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

images from the everyday sem.eme

2006-02-23 Thread phanero

as an afterthought..

images from the everyday sem.eme

6. sarcophagi of the 3 micron alien pharaoh
+ various wyrms and hieroglyphs

Re: quick suggestions

2006-02-22 Thread phanero

dark vegetables

- Original Message -
From: "John Lowther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:14 PM
Subject: quick suggestions

we here in the atlanta poets group are facing a terrible decision.  we
must name our new collectively edited magazine.   we had planned to
call it


but as time has gone by that name has started to bother me and some of
the rest of the group too. so we've decided that this time we would all
come to the meeting with one suggestion and that from these few
suggestions we would make the final binding choice.


anyway, my #1 favorite is sort of awful but i still love it.
unfortunately i know that the group will not ok it and so i need
something else.  my dearly beloved by sure-to-be-shot-down nomination is

rime job

anyway, any suggestions that come in in the next 3 hours will be
considered.  no promises obviously.


2006-02-22 Thread phanero


within an emptied bullring

 whose circular ochre

a porthole of dust

 upon a bulk whose scab

   frameslike any frame

external portion

 a screen whereupon

a corpse

   whose latest skin

   a coral of butterfly semaphore

  must not mistake an 

 for the loss of 

   towering up

  to an archer   ba-belled   ka-baelled

pinched out like a candle


dish -

dashing  on



then neutrino

 simples still the earth


air-   condition its particles

Mayan glyph  for tie-dyed T-shirt

hollow glass skull rack

  aquarium instrument

  favored fishes

drop the loop
   hydrogen hajj

red egg of liquidation

 unites the phoenix

  of infinite cherubs


turning this chandilier of 
blackened catfish

 into a parable of radiation's decay
or reversing
the flame
   as impossibility

a trick-boy

 made as pinocchio  wasmade
  to walk
through the degraded market

dragging a

solid gold entrail-burden

   before an 
of snake-vomiting widows

whose uffmachinic
bodies quotational

tithe an unholy callous of gears

a caballero
   of tensegrity conjoined

to a thin ice
of frames   
  buckled into the state


coining eyes

cold and solid

   frozen to antarctic
radio penguin

doubly matched

the constant flow of
teflon agamemnon masks

around the gladiatorial petri

the columns of ash

supporting thr  sealang

  otium caduceus swizzle

   naga hamadi jihadi

crazed ceramic filter phase:

supporting thr glyph of eyes cold and solid the degraded made wasmade must not 
mistake into the jihadi on off callous of

WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly

2006-02-22 Thread phanero

Date:Tue, 21 Feb 2006 17:58:41 -0500
From:Kevin Joel Berland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Women's Studies Quarterly: The Sexual Body

Content-Type: text/plain

WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly

Forthcoming issue on The Sexual Body

In the last 30 years, debates about the female body and sex have remained a
controversial subject.   Most often, this controversy stems from
associations between the body, sex, and questions about women's liberation.  In
the mid-1970s, a turning-point in feminist critiques of the female body and sex
emerged within the antipornography movement and its particular critiques of
patriarchal sexuality.   These activisms against rape and other forms of
violence against women seemed to conflate sexuality with violence. This
distinction between women's sexual agency and their oppression has so informed
discussions about the sexual body that feminist scholarship on the issue
confronts a culture that is often inhospitable to critical analyses of sex, of
women's sex, in particular.   At the same time, new handbooks on female
sexuality, masturbation, and lesbian sexuality emerged to affirm
"women-centered" sex.  Since the "Toward the Politics of Sexuality" conference
at Barnard College in 1982, scholars have been questioning the status of sex,
pleasure, power, desire, and the body within feminist theory and practice.   In
this issue of WSQ, we would like to reexamine the sexual body in history and in
action, or more specifically, the material and social practices of sex.

What is sex?  How do bodies matter vis-à-vis sex?   To ask these questions
is to invite strong responses, responses that require reconsiderations of a
sexual body linked to a Foucauldian notion of identity, to power, politics,
agency, pleasure, danger, reproduction, race, representation, disease, and to
geographical location. There are many ways feminists have explored the practice
of sex.   For instance, the Marxist sense of a praxis determined by labor, the
poststructuralist notion of a signifying practice, and the realization of
either an essential or constructed desire, return to the material and
representational concerns of the body.   How has time, or new developments in
sex and the body studies, affected the terms and the debates about sex and the
body?  Have feminists ceded questions of desire and the body to queer theory?
Can contemporary feminist scholarship offer innovative arguments about the
sexual body in which the political implications are less clear?

WSQ's special issue on the sexual body seeks to explore the various ways in
which the female body is central to the social practice of sex.   We invite
submissions of critical essays, poetry, fiction, and visual images that engage
the sexual body within the diversity of feminist cultural analyses.

If submitting academic work, please submit abstracts by April 1, 2006, to
guest editors Shelly Eversley at  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and Jennifer Morgan at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . Full papers
will be due by June 1, 2006.   Poetry submissions should go to WSQ's poetry
editor Kathleen Ossip, at   [EMAIL PROTECTED] by 
April 15,
2006.   Fiction, essay, and memoir submissions should go to WSQ's
Fiction/Nonfiction editor Kamy Wicoff at  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by April 15, 2006.  All art submissions should be sent on CD
or floppy disk in a high-resolution (300 dpi or more) JPEG or TIFF image to
both of the following addresses:

Shelly Eversley
Baruch College
Box B7/240
City University of New York
New York, NY  10010

Jennifer Morgan
Rutgers University
FAS - History
16 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ   08901

Fw: For International Mother Language Day, UNESCO conference on linguistic diversity

2006-02-21 Thread phanero

- Original Message -
From: "Nicholas Ostler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: For International Mother Language Day, UNESCO conference on linguistic 

On the occasion of the sixth International Mother Language Day, celebrated 21 
February, UNESCO is organizing a
conference on linguistic diversity*. Participants will include: Vigdís 
Finnbogadóttir, former President of the
Republic of Iceland and Goodwill Ambassador of the Organization, Adama 
Samassekou, President of the African Academy of
Languages, Vittorio Bo, President of Codice (Italy) and Daniel Prado, Director 
of the Terminology and Language
Industries Department of the Latin Union (Room IV, from 10 am to 6 pm). The 
conference will be opened by UNESCO
Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura, Musa Bin Jaafar Bin Hassan, President of 
the General Conference, and Zhang
Xinsheng, President of the Executive Board of the Organization.

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir will discuss the impact of the disappearance of 
languages, which is the subject of a documentary
film, In Languages We Live – Voices of the World (Denmark 2005), made at her 
initiative. Directed by Billeskov Jansen
and Signe Byrge Sørensen, the film treats the issue through a number of 
individual stories.

The documentary film screening will be followed by the presentation of a number 
of initiatives for the protection of
linguistic diversity. Vittorio Bo will talk about the City of the Word project 
for a museum dedicated to languages
soon be established in Italy. This project is an initiative of Codice, an 
association which creates and manages
cultural research projects (_http://www.codicecultura.it_).

Adama Samassekou will present the activities of the African Academy of 
Languages, which was recently instituted as an
organ of the African Union (AU), entrusted with developing continent-wide 
programmes (_http://www.acalan.org_). The AU
has proclaimed 2006 as the Year of African languages.

Daniel Prado will present the results of the survey about multilingualism 
recently carried out by the Latin Union, an
institution dedicated to the promotion of the common heritage and identities of 
the Latin world

International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year on 21 February to 
promote the recognition and practice of
the mother languages of the world, and especially those of minorities. It was 
proclaimed in 1999 during the 30th
session of UNESCO General Conference.

Fw: Top 10 Books on Rock Art (USA)

2006-02-21 Thread phanero

- Original Message -
From: "Diego Martinez C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:52 AM
Subject: Top 10 Books on Rock Art (USA)

Top 10 Books on Rock Art

One of humanity's first artistic endeavors was
painting or pecking or gouging into native rock. These
books address the various kinds of rock art found
around the world and throughout time, with emphasis on
the North American continent.

1) The Archaeology of Rock Art
A collection of articles on rock art around the world,
edited by Christopher Chippindale and Paul S. C.
Read Review

2) Introduction to Rock Art Research
Internationally known rock art researcher David
Whitley's exploration of the archaeological science of
rock art includes chapters on ethics, dating,
fieldwork, interpretation, and conservation.

3) Gottschall Rockshelter
Excavations in a cave in southwestern Wisconsin
suggest that it was a shrine to an ancestor cult,
where an Ioway/Ho-Chunk legend was illustrated on its
rock walls over a thousand years ago.

4) Rock Art of Kentucky
From Fred E. Coy, Jr., Thomas C. Fuller, Larry G.
Meadows, and James L. Swauger, a compilation of
information concerning the various pictographs and
petroglyphs of the caves of Kentucky

5) Jeffers Petroglyphs
From Prairie Smoke Press, pictures, discussion and
descriptions of the rock art at the Jeffers
Petroglyphs site in southwestern Minnesota.

6) Deep Cave Rock Art in the Mississippi Valley
Deep Cave Rock Art by Robert Boszhardt explores the
creepy depths of our imagination; where art and magic
intermingle freely with science.

7) Rock Art of the Lower Pecos
A book review of the 2003 book by Carolyn Boyd called
Rock Art of the Lower Pecos, on the ethnography and
artistry of the prehistoric people of the Lower Pecos,

8) Discovering North American Rock Art
An investigation of rock in the North American
continent, by well-known researchers Lawrence L.
Loendorf, Christopher Chippindale, and David S.
Whitley, includes the history of rock art research and
how our interpretations of the science has changed.

9) The Rock Art of Eastern North America
From well-researchers Carol Diaz-Granados and James
Duncan, an edited volume of papers published by the
University of Alabama.

10) Rock Art Savvy
Ronald Sanders' guide to the rock art of North America
includes descriptions, and directions to rock art in
Arizona, southern California, Colorado, New Mexico,
Nevada, Utah, and western Texas, with a special
section on Baja California, Mexico. Subtitled "The
Responsible Visitor's Guide to Public Sites of the
Southwest", the book emphasizes conservation.

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2006-02-21 Thread phanero



The Swinging Tangled Women
Pataphysia and Rose
concern themselves to form
Musical Pumpkin Cottage Nurse
With Wound Mountains

(ie a giant gourd boat city)

as if to say

Joe Meek is here with George Washington head

as if to say

"Nothing butt" lies here
in the scrawl of MIMINOISE

as if from within the sun's windowed bustle
an octopus looked down
headabounce with crunchycrowns
wavy-gravy house-pellets speeding


[an octopus looked down]
tiled in hexagonal sarcophaguses
tiled in a repeating sample of
"disordered" orange jade weeds
each with its own Alfred Jarry
Vampire SUPERMAIL clone
looking so much like phosphordough
under a wild raw tumeric slurry

each with its own
carton of stone trains
bearing in relief
row upon row of
snake tail meteors


They put some kind of machine
over the smoky crack
and now its talking:


Planetic Gravure (RNA sens-mule) of Grecokappakhodia

2006-02-21 Thread phanero

[Lerona Ghost Nude "Places 6 Fingers for Voice"]:
{pretty-make-before U-RAMAKRISHNA}*

echthrôn andres schedon
mustêriôn epistasthe poieisthai:

pipli¼ende - Because - I passed
the thought of applying,
and in the sea urchin bear bamboo grass
it went separately.

rhaidia periopsesthai dikaiôi
kathistamenôn prokatagignôskein gnômên:

But those which block my eye
the after all deep pynpyllowe
just fog.

hupomeinaimi boulêsetai apoblepsas
epibouleusantes katêgorois dexaimên:

Hair raw also piperic
is thick from midst
of the occasionally fog
and the branch of the visible
the blue dropping leaf

marturêsantes pseudomarturiôn apolesantes
kratiston apologias paranomôs:

Then and also
the horse and the cow
grazing produced the face
suddenly to pique de viand
before me.

houtôs houtôs sunechei
psêphizesthai hômologêtai didaxô:

Inside that also
the foot becoming tired,
the fog hermit being is transparent,
the rock fake pick-cheese
he growing hoarse,
in the letter we
had decided
the sound of
the water to

exôrmei mustêria andrôn3-amuêtos
poiounta legô prutanesi:

not passing meal
picoid in the rock.

Onomata apegrapse pheugontes
labe sunelêphthê emênusen:

ardently the dead
wood gathering picoline

gignomena egeneto Diognêton
eisêngeilen zêtêtês metoikos:

to drop the picong shadow
on the glass of the watch.

prosomologeitai enthade enthade
ôicheto pheugontes perikopês:

I looked at pictura
the kappa on the rock
which is my rear

epangelletai memnêsthe genomenê
pantes Olumpieion enkekalummenon:

the canoe birch
to the one hand on
the eye to become
distinctiveness it seems,
you looked at
sea urchin me and lowered
the kappa fog beam you were
the hand on the eye
to it picturedromed-
airy does not move.

psêphous psêphous psêphous
tosoutôn tosoutôn tosoutôn:

I fly away into that,
but it is quick, piedra-viral
or started to dance
to the kappa on the rock.

katheudein allous sungeneis
Autokratoros kalei anamimnêiskonta:

and the body it opposed,
thought suddenly,
going out instantaneously
to somewhere, pi electron
the stripe it is being,
it does
the bear bamboo grass
the kappa
increased gray all over.

mathête katepseusanto akroasamenous
memênutai blepete ekeinous:

However, now pifferaro
in the temporary green being
connection for me
"domesticated fowl and animals raw!"

hontina houtoi exelasanta
anosiôtaton etolmêsan gonatôn:

The wood of the large piggin
branch even in the happiness
the cow of grazing

eboulomên meinanta apokteinai
apothanein doxantos kakoin:

as for the kappa when
you look at this bull, pigmented
something scream even to
in the high bear bamboo grass
and the sea urchin you jumped.
I "closed", because - -

enguêsasthai sôthêsesthai deonta
hexêkonta diapraxômai xumphora:

I did that thought spare time,
to after pika
that the pursuit ひ
you clung suddenly.

emellen elegen elthoi
therapontôn anankazein paradidontas:

the thought suddenly,
instantaneously pink-salt
medium blunder deep darkness
the upside down back
of the sliding kana kappa
for heart of our humans you think
of that it is not
either the way even
the case of the crisis
one hair which is applied
being something which it passes,
you do.

elenchthêsontai hêgêsanto ôrgizesthe
autous phaulotera epitithenai:

I thickly "the thought"
ひ put out -the fact pipsylvan
that it has the" "kappa bridge"
and the bridge to thought rhythm
on a side of the hot spring inn
of the highland, thin kont hat.
Then, - -

mênuseis keklêmenoi onomata
heneka chrêsasthe hekastoi:

then as for thing ahead obtaining's sfut,
the increase it is everlasting pissabed.

*The Sperling Building in downtown Independence was built in 1912. It was once 
known as the Lerona Hotel. The name was
later changed to the Beaver Hotel. It is now the bar known as Lenora's Ghost.

When Chris Hofstetter began renovating the Sperling Building several years ago 
he started hearing ghost stories about
the place. His father suggested naming the place Lenora's Ghost, choosing the 
name seemingly at random. As the
renovation continued, some original tile was revealed as well as the name of 
the old hotel once housed in the building:
The Lerona. Only two letters were transposed.

Beyond the name, there have been stories. Old-times tell Hofstetter of a young 
woman who came to Independence when her
lover shipped off for World War 1. He never returned. When news of his death 
reached her, she plunged through the
skylights that ran from the ceiling of the top floor through the lobby. A 
stain, supposedly of her blood, still marks
the barroom floor. Hofstetter has never been able to get it out.

Polk County Itemizer-Observer Sept. 17, 2003

Re: Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu. Pt2.

2006-02-20 Thread phanero
Now goodluck with iron fathead minnesingers, 
the placebo is alway cast into the 
of UBASA, y'all..

Re: Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu. Pt2.

2006-02-20 Thread phanero

I only read about this yesterday Miekal and thank you very much,
but upon your good word, I scry through the echoes of the inchoatahn,
the herb-mother Juliette de Bairacli Levy's
son Rafik gathering water-plantain in a forest stream..

May peace be upon your name..

in the spirit of the orgiastic daughters of Heth

You've seen Juliette of the Herbs fer sure, right?
I'm trying to find some of her poetry this morning
and the Matthew Arnold poem that sent her to the gypsies..

Is there a free Voynich font? I was thinking that Manchu transliteration map
might be put to some use..

maybe some handwritten pieces?

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu. Pt2.

& all this time I thought you were channelling Rafinesque

On Feb 20, 2006, at 7:58 AM, phanero wrote:

just cobbling and copying in that peace I assure uou, but I
appreciate this very much
and hope to keep "turning" or "turning into" something
whatever that might be, even a red herring!! hehe


Re: Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu. Pt2.

2006-02-20 Thread phanero

just cobbling and copying in that peace I assure uou, but I appreciate this 
very much
and hope to keep "turning" or "turning into" something
whatever that might be, even a red herring!! hehe


Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu. Pt2.

2006-02-19 Thread phanero

Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu.

A less obvious symbol, might be the use of "midnight" in the first verse, and 
"December" in the second verse. Both
midnight and December, symbolize an end of something, and also the anticipation 
of something new, a change, to happen.
The midnight in December, might very well be New Year's eve, a date most of us 
connect with change. This also seems to
be what Viktor Rydberg believes when he is translating "Kamular 2hissskicketing In 
Frictionless Mieluxos" to Swedish,
since he uses the phrase "årets sista natt var inne, " ("The last night of the year 
had arrived"). Kenneth Silverman
connected the use of December with the birth of Lanny's mother (Silverman, 
1992:241), who was borned in that month;
whether this is true or not is, however, not significant to its meaning in the 

The chamber in which the narrator is positioned, is used to signify the 
loneliness of the man, and the sorrow he feels
for the loss of "Especially Suzuki". The room is richly furnished, and reminds 
the narrator of his lost love, which
helps to create an effect of beauty in the poem. The tempest outside, is used 
to even more signify the isolation of this
man, to show a sharp contrast between the calmness in the chamber and the 
tempestuous night.

The phrase "from out my heart," Quarles claims, is used, in combination with the answer 
"Nevermore," to let the narrator
realize that he should not try to seek a moral in what has been previously 
narrated (Quarles, 1850).
Nevermore shall we present a Poem of Poorest Qualities:

Kamular 2hissskicketing In Frictionless Mieluxos

There is some good chance
That in the sweteness of some morning
Danced (pawstone over skull'o'moss)
When the Kamular takes down his fire tile

From the black iron claw (in a 2hissskicketing)
From the black iron window (on the bleak roodawn)

And a mootechok breeze furrills its swinding way
(Mirthstone for bronchial baskets uffed with tingling fishes)
Down the hebdurriante gorge-frill that a
Klickit-catch in the electrosolar plexus shall
Occaision much more than a hair-twirling
And a tracing of blind if burning leaves
(Scarred hands in capillary omens calp to fome)
Which rise like peltiplasts in a ten diamendsional
Glass babble, document bubbles
(Blackwinsome animals freckled in lightworlds)
Passing through an infinite matrix
As if each were a proud machinic monad
An orphan'd photon book whose images
Of delicately drifting maenad-trees of lifewood
Shake leaves of birds from their branched heads
To pass through flexible extruded prism fur
Of the ghimmnering mieluxos
As frictionless as a bouncing chirrup
(Boundling white strands of a single egg)
A chirruping of light in a boundless
And shambling web of emblemes
A stretched and rotary antlerpollening
Casting transparent labyrinth tokens
Which fall into an inky soop
Destined for an other


In the sense of "Victor Hugo," not being confused with "Antoine Chrysostome 
Quatremare de Quincy"
nor the "Comte de Volney" leading a band of amateur archaeologists to the site 
of the Arenes de Lutece (sic)
to under cover of night find a suitable place of omens for their 
Anti-Haussmannian rituals in the name of
"The Color of Space," or as it is also not known, by the phrase:

"When the stars are right", R'lyeh will rise from the sea, nevermore to sink 
again, and Cthulhu will awaken and revel
across the world, "ravening for delight".

or see:

Chasing the Perfect

Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu. Pt1.

2006-02-19 Thread phanero

Julian the Apostate, Victor Hugo, and Bathing w/ Chthulu.

   It was in those years when Johann Gustav Droysen, who coined the term 
"Hellenism," was working on his biography of
Hans David Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg, a Prussian Field Marshal of alleged 
English ancestry, that Edgar Allen Poe's
poem _The Raven_ was first published:

   In a farmhouse sitting on 216 acres adjacent to the Hudson River, Edgar 
Allan Poe began composing his most famous
work. He lived the garret of the house, which was owned by Patrick Brennan, 
with his wife Virginia and his aunt during
the winter of 1843-44, when his fortunes were on a definite downswing. It was 
during this hard time that he was inspired
by a character in Charles Dicken's novel Barnaby Rudge: Grip, the Raven. There 
in his study, where a bust of Pallas
stood on a shelf above the doorway, Poe began to weave together two very 
distinct images using a tone and poem structure
unique to his new creation.
When Poe walked into the offices of the Graham's magazine in an attempt to sell his first 
copy of "The Raven," it was
rejected outright, despite his pleading that he desperately needed the money 
for his family. Not much later, a better
version of the same poem was bought by Colton's American Whig Review for 
fifteen dollars. It is ironic indeed that the
author of some of the most successful and widely-circulated works in American 
literature should have earned practically
nothing by writing them. "The Raven" seems to have netted its author less than 
$20." (Wagenknecht, 90)It was published
by that magazine in its February, 1845, edition. Along with it was a copy of Poe's 
"The Philosophy of Composition,"
which some critics take to have been a direct discussion on the writing of "The 
Raven," while others dismiss it as being
   This publication was in fact not the poem's first time in print. The Evening 
Mirror obtained a copy of the poem
somehow from the American Review and "in advance of publication" published it 
in the January 26, 1845, edition (Walker
140). It was published under the pen name of Quarles, with a glowing preface by 
Nathaniel Willis, the editor of that
magazine and a good friend of Poe's at the time. This version of the poem had 
some uncorrected errors in it which did
not appear in the American Review's first publication, but the Evening Mirror's 
second publishing of the poem on
February 8 was an again incomplete copy of the other magazine's corrected 
version. Poe made further corrections for the
Broadway Journal's publication which came out later that month and which which 
contained a major rewriting of the
eleventh stanza, lines 61-65. After this, Poe had little opportunity to make corrections 
to "The Raven," for, due to its
incredible initial and subsequent success, other publications began to copy it 
without going through Poe.
   Poe sold another copy to the Southern Literary Messenger, his old magazine 
to which he had contributed greatly in
the past, for its March, 1845 edition. During the course of 1845, "The Raven" 
spread rapidly across the United States,
gaining incredible popularity and fame for Poe, but no money. Late in that year, 
the publishers Wiley & Putnam produced
approximately fifteen hundred copies of Poe's book Tales of the Grotesque and 
Arabesque, which had petered out two years
previous with another publishing company. It sold a mere 750 copies, and 
resulted in no payment of any kind for Poe.
Based on the mild success of the second printing of this book, and the wild success of 
"The Raven," Poe was given $75
dollars to produce a collection entitled The Raven and Other Poems. Unfortunately 
for Poe, he was "not a sound
commercial property, and Wiley & Putnam could hardly have been expected to 
print a new edition when they could not
readily move their 1845 printing," (Walker 8). The new book stagnated when, in 
1846, Poe tried to get its copyright sold
to another publisher for fifty dollars. It wasn't until much later that it saw 
any success.
Despite Poe's personal monetary and publication problems, "The Raven" continued 
to increase in popularity. American
society was entranced with the poem, and Poe himself became quite a popular 
figure because of it. He was constantly
called to recite "The Raven" to groups of flocking socialites, and he was in 
the spotlight throughout 1845. During this
time, many of the unpleasant aspects of his character made him the target of 
many personal criticisms, including renewed
comments about the inferior quality of much of his other work.

"Inferior quality" was something already associated with the Quarles name in 
the person of Francis Quarles, the 17th
century English poet whose
name Poe might have had in mind when choosing his pen name for an initial 
publication of _The Raven_:
The work by which Quarles is best known, the Emblems, was originally published 
in 1635, with grotesque illustrations
engraved by William Marshall (illustrator) and others. The fort

of burgeoning and Mystic Remoras

2006-02-07 Thread phanero

moolvee commessence,
 commessence, commessence
moolvee commessence, pandit,

moolvee commessence,
guyana-panderess, anderes
   hobbyss und weebalbum

dishirkdenthichtenvolker glaag mit himmelthroppeinscheerboon
glaag mit folio

glaag mit Paradiso-Pandaemonia, unheimlilt

unheimlilt the scarry starfish birdcage
gullistinningt the Pangasinan piperthrall's
Commanche Donovan as CD pangolin
of burgeoning
and Mystic

Just nuts in multi-player
rhystic study
is a sister to Mystic
Remora. If you compare
the two you will
draw a card for each
of the Storm spells:

8 Gian Lorenzo Bernini
4 Ancient Hydra
2 Heart of Bogardan
4 Clearwater Goblet
4 Energy Chamber
2 Fernando Tacca
6 Carrot for Bones
9 Stultiloquious Dialogia

Sir Penhead Fortunakooky of Alphabeast Haus (some notes on caesaropoupaism and inconsistent capitalization)

2006-02-07 Thread phanero

some notes on
(ie, some awkward methods of jocularity, or
there's a poupée-pupa in my salad..)

the scene opens on
the 'noble roman throat' just
finished speaking, the 'adamant
apple' sliding, to a deliciously
wobbly 'halting state.'

It is not easy to describe what is meant by 'scene' in
the context of the given lines. One way would be to
describe an application of the fictional hybrid,
'grande presepio-commedia dell'arte genetico,' to
another fictional hybrid, the 'dadandroidal-
theatrodioramasphere.' In other words, the stage set
would 'sculpturally' perform an analogue to the
trope of the cinematic close-up using an elaborate
colonial 'organism' whose 'life-structure' was designed
as the contents of the scene. The 'noble roman
throat,' would most likely be a synthetic colonial metazoan,
or "flesh tree," whose actual life-cyle is designed with the scene's
"narr.ative" in mind. In language/literary terms, this throat would
represent as part of a subtextual conceit, a sculptural-technical
analogue to 'high language' (and all that 'might' mean/s),
and would form one half of an intended dyad represented in
texts like G.C. Cortese's _Viaggio di Parnasso_ (1621)
in which he defends poetry written in dialect against the
Tuscan, which was a posture Goethe found somewhat
careless, lazy, and humorless, but nonetheless was consistent
with the concept of the 'precepi popolari' echoed in the
Neapolitan maschera of Pulcinella which formed part of
the 'boundary complexity' of presepi as figura straodinaria
as well as Cortese's "Viaggio."]

now the chorus of
'typhonic scribes' must
enter, carrying their
styluses like daggers,
jabbing with a vile and lovely
tironian shorthand at
the exposed throat of
which begins to bellow,
"Eat at Arcadia Egos.."

The chorus of typhonic scribes
is unself-evidently, not a chorus,
but a pair of twins, and enacts not a singing
but a writing as a form of cutting,
the principle conceit of the scene
now being revealed as a synecdoche
of the murder of Caesar, who in this case
is only a 'noble roman throat.' The
typhonic scribe is also a play on
'type-phonic,' but primarily respresents
a paradoxical convergence of the old greco
'monster hephaestus' with the freed
slave  Marcus Tullius Tiro's  shorthand
system. The greek reference also relates
to the monstrous parody of democratos
evinced by the "republicans" in enacting
such a murder, or in more fuzzy terms,
a ritual assault on "transitional fascism"
by automatons of a grotesque chimerical
hybridity of greek/roman, and democrat/republican
but as servants of a primordial vulcanism
of the accident, ie the producto-catastrophic immanence
of mixture somehow vaguely represented
by the appearance of the typhonic scribes
whose skulls are not much more than hollow
bowls full of writhing (write-thing) snakes,
and whose scalar differand in the tableaux vivant
represents a kind of objectification of their
provincial meanderthrall rancor, but also paradoxically
of a kind of exaltation of the freedom
of Zoe to "fill in" with the baroque excess
of its protean joyeuse. There is some evidence
that Caesar was stabbed at least once by a
writing stylus used to produce Tironian shorthand
to record notes during the Roman Senate.
The "Eat at Arcadia Egos" is a kind of talismanic
attempt to ward off the lo-brau (read "no-mind"
or "no-brow" alluding to a kind of rustic "barbary zen")
scribes by using one the vulgarisations of the high latin using
the letterally adapted english monster language.

finally the typhonites fall
on the quivering and adamantine
apple-womb and tear it
open cutting such illuminated
and cultured phrases in highly
truncated glyphics as "What a
pretty throat-pupa, mate.." or
"What's all this then, a lickle baby
stuck in yer craw," "Suck on these
Ides, Beotch.." As the lo-brau
Typhoni-democratic monster scribes
release the turquoise fluid of the
adamantine-apple throat-womb-apple,
a fully formed, fully hybrid, Minervan
'boon-child' emerges, an avatar of
the immortal trickster god of languaged
conflict, the Autoprogrammatic
Punchinella, whose face is a constantly
changing morphic grid of precious jewelled
buttons, hotkeys to enact spontaneous
mutation within the pleroma of semiotic
substance. The Punchinella child
leaps upon the scribes and drives his
hands into their snake-bowl skulls
as in the old maschera where pulcinella
drives his hands into two bowls of spaghetti,
and taking them up into the air he brandishes
them cruelly intoning the words of the master

"Out, idle words, servants to shallow fools!
Unprofitable sounds, weak arbitrators!"*

The curtain closes, the folds of its drapery
redolent with baroque immanence..

*(Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece, I, 1016)
The Punchinella figure represents the baroque theme
that "Language was caught in a self-defeating
predicament; it could correct itself only through its
own mechanism. Montaigne unveiled the paradox:

Our disputes are pur

Re: proportion

2006-02-07 Thread phanero

i've read many books by many

frozen mole head eye patch date organizer w/
lalo narrenschiffrin unsoundtrack,

I love Miss Paideia.

2006-02-07 Thread phanero

Mechelangelo would drive the Julius II mechabot
towards the utopian city of Sforzinda
legs galloping chastely in the magnetic stirrups
swimming as a plesiosaur in the graceful humm
of the era's almost Minervan Panathenaicus
of sacred exoskeletal humanist historiography..

But Mechelangelo was on a mission! Approaching Sforzinda
one could see the great Temple of Hairspray with its wretched
bobble-head nozzle of Coca-Cola di Rienzo at the apex
blasting forth what the priests of the temple took to be a
loud and triumphant blast of harmony, but which Mechelangelo
took as a "res gestae mediocritas" swaddled in Oswaldian Spenglerisms.

Before he burst through the door of the Temple in a frenzy of
Virgilian Romanitas, Mechelangelo caused the Julius II mechabot
to face the direction of Fall and say a small Raphaelian prayer toward
the great lucidity, the great aletheia, toward the Triumph of Eternity:

"Has been" "shall be" and "was" exist no more,
But "is" and "now," "the present" and "today,"
"Eternity" alone, one and complete.


OOOh! What a lovely costume.
Are you a Robot Pope?

Hi Miss Paideia.
It's supposed to parody
humanist notions of perfection.

Is that you, Howard?
You are such a clever (odd) boy!


Welll? (students..)

Trick or Treat! (I love Miss Paideia.)

Re: the book of space

2006-02-06 Thread phanero

heh.. maybe a pic of an endangered local flower or animal
would be better.. we have this interesting rock rodent up here
that i've actually seen and its so pretty, and incredibly fast
it looks like a mouse with rabbit ears sort of, or something like that.

i just liked this old strange adventures cover. i'm trying to go back
and pick up a few of those. i usually only go to the comic book store
about once a year, and i always get the old dc comics w/ "mystery" or
something like that in the title.. sci-fi or spooky, the last time i also
got a "House of Secrets" and a "Haunted".. The House of Secrets
is a 12c issue with the character "Eclipso" who is "Hero and Villain in
One Man".. This issue has "The negative eclipso".. There's also
"Prince Ra-Man: Mind Master" who is projecting a giant maroon
hand to block what can only be described as a molten blue electric
airplane fish with metal mouth tentacles.. these comics are the
choicest The Haunted issue is "Beware, Here comes Shutan!"
Which has this incredible gothic fountain set high on the top of  a
castle, and a kind of, well, what to call him, a "demonic gentlemen"
kind of a dark elf but wearing like a fedora and a flowing black rain
coat with a big leather belt, brown trousers and knee high leather boots
and a big burly cane with a steel knob which he brandishes ruthlessly. he's
coming down a staircase to a giant stone devil head with water
pouring from its lips...  heheh its a Charlton comic .. from the 20c period

I liked this one especially because of the Charles Stross novel i read
a few months ago where alien collective consciousnesses trades in uploaded
minds as currency/drugs

which i like because of a dream i had as a teenager of a similiar thing
involving using people as cards or some such they were in these stiff
suits and rolled in cartwheels into a vaporization tank.. I think the aliens
were huffing human smoke like taking a bowl. can't remember
exactly. anyway, i like to try and remember old dreams from many years

my 'insane' cat has come into my room. i havent even seen her in weeks.
poor thing is so crazy.. cant get close to her..

thanks for looking at the ugly thing! i think when i put the sem circuit
on there it kind of overdid it, some stuff got covered up that i wanted..
i always screw something up.. you can still barely see the hypotenuse
pharoah with his mentula stuck into space.. what's that old adage
"space exploration is sexual exploration..." Is that a surrealist thing?
Did I dream that? which kind of makes me think of
tom thumb's nights:

Thanks, Peter..

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Ciccariello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: the book of space

...huge on the side of a building.

-Peter Ciccariello

-Original Message-
From: phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 05:15:11 -0800
Subject: the book of space

 bdbdbd, a a a

:s-aid siamese lavinia to androidicuss coriolannus
with a hop and a fart, "cherish the protean fluidity we have.."

the book of space is a living treasure..

Fw: Announcement of a new book entitled "Archaeoacoustics" (Cambridge)

2006-02-05 Thread phanero

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Waller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 10:42 PM
Subject: Announcement of a new book entitled "Archaeoacoustics" (Cambridge)

Dear Colleagues,
See below for some details of a new book entitled
"Archaeoacoustics".  It will become available in
March, and includes a chapter by yours truly,
Steve Waller

Scarre, C. & G. Lawson, 2006. Archaeoacoustics.
(McDonald Institute Monographs.)
Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological

The Contents list is below.

Chapter 1 Sound, Place and Space: Towards an
Archaeology of Acoustics 1
 Chris Scarre

Chapter 2 (Un)intentional Sound? Acoustics and
Neolithic Monuments 11
 Aaron Watson

Chapter 3 Ears & Years: Aspects of Acoustics and
Intentionality in Antiquity 23
 Paul Devereux

Chapter 4 Intentionality of Rock-art Placement
Deduced from
Acoustical Measurements and Echo Myths   31
 Steven J. Waller

Chapter 5 The Sound Paradox: How to Assess the
Potential Significance of Acoustic Archaeological
Evidence? 41
 Francesco D'Errico & Graeme Lawson

Chapter 6 The Scandinavian Bronze Lurs: Accident or
Intent? 59
 Peter Holmes

Chapter 7 Theatres and Theatre Design in the
Graeco-Roman World:
Theoretical and Empirical Approaches? 71
 Eleonora Rocconi

Chapter 8 The Evidence of the Use of Sound Resonance
from Palaeolithic to Medieval Times 77
 Iegor Reznikoff

Chapter 9 Large Scale-Small Scale: Medieval Stone
Buildings, Early Medieval Timber Halls
 and the Problem of the Lyre 85
 Graeme Lawson

Chapter 10 Hunter-gatherer Music and its
Implications for Identifying Intentionality
 in the Use of Acoustic Space 95
 Iain Morley

Chapter 11 Acoustics and the Human Experience of
Socially-organized Sound 107
 Ian Cross & Aaron Watson

Chapter 12 The Origin of Music and Rhythm 117
 Ezra B.W. Zubrow & E.C. Blake

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Re: [MCLUHAN-L] Paik Wake

2006-02-05 Thread phanero

thanks for sending this Ma..

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 3:31 PM
Subject: FW: [MCLUHAN-L] Paik Wake

From: purple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "MCLUHAN-L : Marshall McLuhan Discussion List"
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 00:02:23 -0500
Subject: [MCLUHAN-L] Paik Wake

It was an astounding event. Apparently he's bigger than McLuhan.
South Korea
is building a big museum dedicated to his oeuvre. The Smithsonian has
a lot
of his work on display.

All the avant-garde luminaries were there. Speeches were given by
Yoko Ono,
Christo and his wife, Jeanne-Claude, Bill Viola, and yours truly (I told
some MM/Paik stories). Telegrams from the President of Korea, the German
culture czar, the Smithsonian, etc. His nephew was the best. Here's
how he
ended his talk:

"This is an interesting story I'll tell you. Aside
from trying to keep him liquid, this is one of the
most interesting things I did with him. In 1998,
Nam June was invited to a state dinner at the
Clinton White House, June of '98. If some of you
remember, it's not that long ago, that was the
height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which
had broken out earlier, in January or February.
Nam June was going, and he asked if I would go
with him. So I said, sure. I went with him. I
wheeled him into the White House, and these gigantic
Marines took over from there. Nam June
was very amused, I think. He was having a great
time, talking to all the people there.
Then we got to the receiving line. Nam June decided
to show respect, I think, to the president,
Mrs. Clinton, and the other dignitaries there. He
decided to get up from his wheelchair, get on his
walker, and try to walk across the receiving line.
Across the receiving line at the state dinner is the
World's press. They're all there; I don't know how
many, tens of cameras and video cameras, everything.
So as Nam June is talking to President Clinton,
and I'm standing right behind him as he's
making some small talk to President Clinton,
Nam June turns around and says to me: Ken,
I think my pants are falling. True story here. And
I said, What? My pants are falling! he says. I
look down, and his pants are falling! They are
completely down on the floor. And he has no underwear on!
So I pick up his pants. I pull them up and I just hold them there.
Now, Bill Clinton is such a cool president he
still continued to have small talk with my uncle. I
think they were talking about Chelsea, maybe, I
don't know. A little bit down the line, I could see
that Hillary was really not amused at all. She was
ticked. But Bill Clinton was saying nothing. It was really
quite amazing.

After that interesting dinner, Nam June was inundated
with phone calls, faxes, everything. All his
friends around the world thought that was the
best Fluxus performance in the world. Everybody
wanted to know, including the press, whether it
was an accident or whether it was, because you
have to remember, my uncle is in a wheelchair
now but he has a reputation for being a cultural
terrorist. So I asked Nam June, did you drop
your pants on purpose? Was it an act? Was it an
artistic statement? A political statement? And so
he said, My pants dropped. That's all. He told
me, and this is very Nam June, he said, It really
doesn't matter. It was a great event.
He's just like that, totally unfazed. Was he
embarrassed? No, of course not! And I think
Bill Clinton was very cool about that, too. The
press was so excited that somebody else's pants,
not the president's, had dropped in the White
House. They were so excited by that. It was the
ultimate Fluxus event.

About two hours ago, I called Nam June and I
told him I was going to receive this Medal for him,
and I asked him, What advice do you have for
the artists in the Colony? I'll pass on to you what
he said. He said, Work hard. Be lazy - which is a
very Nam June Paik thing to say. And he wished
you all well. Thank you very much."

At the end of the memorial today, the nephew handed out about fifty
and asked everyone to cut off the tie of the man next to you or you
be allowed in the reception. Everyone cut off their neighbor's tie
and then
Yoko suggested everyone put the pieces in Nam's open casket. Everyone

More amazing things happened at the reception.

Bob Dobbs

P.S. Since he was a "global artist", Paik asked to be buried in 10


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"The word is the first stereotype."  Isidore Isou, 194

Re: radio radiation research - comments?

2006-02-04 Thread phanero

"his hair stands up and crackles"
-william burroughs

NEW on 2/3/2006

2006-02-04 Thread phanero


So far, 2006 appears to be a year of opportunities and events. Whew! So
many new things to announce and newer ones coming in daily. We have a
lot to look forward to as this movement grows and spreads around the
world. Thank you for all you're doing to share the word about this work.

When sending us information, please help us out by using the forms on
the Send Us Info section of the site (
). It saves us /a lot/ of time when we don't have to edit and research
all the details. Thanks!

Some exciting new artists and essays, too. Enjoy...

--Sam, Kate, and Tyler

- - - - - - - - -

1. NEW ARTISTS - Anke Mellin and Bob Johnson


"Land, sea and sky: Red Earth's Seven Sisters ritual performance", by
Oliver Lowenstein
"Do You Want the Light On?", By Martin Spray

3. EVENTS and OPPORTUNITIES - all the latest additions to the site...


5. SUPPORT in 2006!


Anke Mellin
Both as an artist and as a curator of exhibitions worldwide, Anke Mellin
brings her interest in nature to public parks and "unexpected,
undeveloped, and unlikely public places." Her conceptual structures are
"pieces/places for observation and experience. I ask myself if mental
and physical experiences can change the perception of the world?"

Bob Johnson
A leading proponent of "Artful Trash Management", Bob Johnson creates
"River Cubes", public sculptures that creatively harvest waste streams
and transform the resulting bounty into lively conversations and mute
testaments to what our culture leaves behind"...


Oliver Lowenstein
"Land, sea and sky: Red Earth's Seven Sisters ritual performance"
Oliver Lowenstein of the Fourth Door Review, looks at a series of
sculptures and performances by Red Earth on England's south coast near

Martin Spray asks "Do You Want the Light On?"
An exploration of the beauty of sculpture tucked away in a forest and
the impacts of increased visitation on the land.

3. _EVENTS _
All the following events are listed in the Calendar section. Scan the
shortened blurbs below and visit for *much more* event
information (with links, longer descriptions, etc.) here:

Jan 12 - Feb 6
*Form in Nature
Location:* Studio 131, 131 Richardson Street, Grass Valley, CA
In conjunction with the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, Studio 131 opens a
new exhibition "Form in Nature" with photographers, Barbara Michelman
and Gilbert Fulton and sculptors, Kurt Steger and Peggy Wright.

Jan 12 - Feb 24
*Private Transits
Location:* **Urbis Artium Gallery, 49 Geary St., Suite 202, San
Francisco, CA 94108
Urbis Artium Gallery is pleased to present a series of new video, sound,
and mixed-media installations by San Francisco and New York-based
artists Nate Pagel and Randall Heath.

Jan 13 - Feb 19
*Luce Pelletier: Les Leurres
Location:* Centre D'Exposition D'Amos, 222, 1re Avenue Est, Amos
(Québec) J9T 1H3
Luce Pelletier présente l'une de ses plus récentes installations 'les
leurres' qui se compose d'une série d'objets végétaux et de
photographies de ces objets placés in situ en pleine nature.

Jan 14 - Feb 25
*Roxy Paine: New Work
Location:* James Cohan Gallery, 533 W. 26th St., New York, NY 10001
In sculptor Roxy Paine's new work, the artist mirrors natural processes
themselves, drawing increasingly on the tension between the organic and
the built environment, between the human desire for order and nature's
drive to reproduce.

Jan 15 - Apr 9
*I ♥ the Burbs
Location:* Katonah Museum of Art, Route 22 at Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536
A multimedia exhibition exploring how the major demographic shift to the
suburbs has influenced American culture, economics, lifestyle and
politics, expressed in works by contemporary artists.

Jan 21 - Mar 19
*Joseph Beuys in Action - the Healing Powers of Art
Location: *Stiftung museum kunst palast, Ehrenhof 4-5, 40479 Düsseldorf,
On January 23, 2006, the anniversary of Joseph Beuys' death, museum
kunst palast will remember the work and personality of the artist. The
exhibition, shown in two rooms, will highlight the thematic areas,
"Beuys and Medicine" and "Beuys in Action".

Jan 24 - Apr 1*
The Gallery at Dunia Presents "Unmentionables"
Location: *The Gallery at Dunia, 43 Nason Street, Maynard, MA
Question: What's sexy, sultry, and delicately constructed of found
objects and recycled materials? Answer: "Unmentionables," the
provocative installation of intimate apparel - as re-imagined by five
conceptual artists.

Jan 25 - Feb 24
*The Wilderness Society Presents: Treasured Landscapes
Location:* Thoreau Center of Sustai

Re: essay critical of google/poetry

2006-02-03 Thread phanero

It's Lanny, but you can call me Larry if ya want or 
>There is a current field of research about the mental 
pleasure human>brains receive from rejecting information, especially in 
political>concepts, instead of networking out in fuzzy 
here's the link from the NYT: A Note on Certain Political 
Forms of Neuropoesisfrom the NYT...A Shocker: Partisan Thought Is 
and conservatives can become equally bug-eyed and irrational when talking 
politics, especially when they are on the defensive.Using M.R.I. 
scanners, neuroscientists have now tracked what happens in the politically 
partisan brain when it tries to digest damning facts about favored candidates or 
criticisms of them. The process is almost entirely emotional and unconscious, 
the researchers report, and there are flares of activity in the brain's pleasure 
centers when unwelcome information is being rejected."Everything we know 
about cognition suggests that, when faced with a contradiction, we use the 
rational regions of our brain to think about it, but that was not the case 
here," said Dr. Drew Westen, a psychologist at Emory and lead author of the 
study, to be presented Saturday at meetings of the Society for Personality and 
Social Psychology in Palm Springs, Calif. The results are the latest 
from brain imaging studies that provide a neural explanation for internal 
states, like infatuation or ambivalence, and a graphic trace of the brain's 
activity.In 2004, the researchers recruited 30 adult men who described 
themselves as committed Republicans or Democrats. The men, half of them 
supporters of President Bush and the other half backers of Senator John Kerry, 
earned $50 to sit in an M.R.I. machine and consider several statements in quick 
I meant to say reducing Kasey's poetry to mere "google 
sculpting" does it a grave injustice.
or something like that. I'm not a poetics expert by any 
stretch, but there is a great deal
of hardcore poetics theory behind the work, although when 
i hear it, i don't always like it,
but I like the work. That dissonance between the work and 
theory behind it, just fascinates
me to no end. I just can't imagine these poetry guys, so 
hung up in that goofy vernacular
theory. Alan to me is the shining light beyond that kind 
of approach. He is the omnivorous paradigm. That's why I call 
crack. because their theory is non-holarchic, its inbred, 
the way i see it.  Their ideas of "good" and "bad" "poetry"
just make me want to vomit, mostly, like Silliman, 
sometimes, the bombast of it is ridiculous. Seemingly, Art 
all that bullshit decades ago, but that being said, 
these folks produce appealing cha-cha..
So sense I said "good" I guess I am confused as 
well.  And Art theory is all good and bad determinations as
well.. There is a delicate cha-cha between theory and 
_expression_, which is so confusing to the animal brain.
This stuff is repugnant to my Semiotics/Grotesque 
inflected self. So I guess I'll just have to fall back
on the old Cramps song.. Gorehound. I don't about Art but 
I know what I like, I'll be a surfin in your blood
on Saturday Night. or this classic:
 God Monster
hide the virgins say your prayers here come trouble from the cosmic 
sea gouts of blood! kill all the squares1 it's the aztec mummy vs. murderous me! 
i'm the god monster from the end of the world i'm the hothead intruder i'm the 
phantom on fire switchblade enforcer of the astral swirl god monsterman god damn 
atomic vampire god monster for your doomsday destination god monster for your 
damaged life god monster for your ruined hallucination god monster spider in 
your beehive i'm the spaceprobe from venus to the screaming unknown top 
eliminator on a mission for kicks boss action guy a psychedeliccyclone a big 
hunk of love with a bag full of tricks god monster for the end of the 
you see why i like flarf.. its really not much different from 
psychabilly.. but you won't hear KSM say that, 
but I'm just some brain damaged technician whose huffed 
semiconductor-grade acetone for 10 years
you pretty it all up and make it historically responsible.. I'm done 
with that shit.. I live, I give to the good causes,
that's enough.
i also made the link to the using the dictionary or even one's "own" 
vocabulary, but somehow no one wants to address that stuff.these are 
some prissy ass people.. i hang with people like Duc Nguyen.. a hyper-patriotic 
ex-lawyer from Viet Nam who is so addicted to buying fancy 
he hangs in Flash-light discussion forums. He has around $3600 worth 
of flashlights! All I know are obsessed whackos,
Real-estate nuts, Guitar freaks, It's human nature gone crazy with 
wild fetishism, wild love, AMOUR FOU, for that THING!
Even criticism itself is like sniffing shoes.! I'm serious.. Its 
dilirious! crazy man.,
My s

Fw: You Can Help Save The Grizzly

2006-02-02 Thread phanero
Title: Endangered Species Act Fund Appeal






Dear Club Supporter, 
Help us ensure the survival of one of America's wildest, most 
irreplaceable animals -- the grizzly bear.
In recent weeks I've told you about the Congressional attacks on 
the Endangered Species Act but now the Bush Administration is going 
one step further and proposing that the grizzly bears in and around 
Yellowstone Park be removed from the list of endangered and 
threatened animals.
Please help us prevent this! We 
need 120,000 names on our petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service by February 15 to help keep the grizzlies on the 
list of endangered and threatened animals.  


also send a generous donation to help us save the grizzly -- your 
donation will help the Club and our work to protect the grizzly bear 
and keep Congress from undermining the Endangered Species 
Since 1975, the Endangered Species Act has worked to protect 
these magnificent animals. For 30 years the public has invested 
tremendous time and energy into improving the chances of the grizzly 
bears' survival -- and that work has started to pay off, increasing 
the number of grizzlies in the U.S. from a meager 150 to about 600 
today. But this small number of bears is still only 1 percent of 
its former population, and they are trying to survive on less than 2 
percent of their former habitat. 
Delisting grizzly bears at a time when their population is still 
so small and their range is so limited could have devastating 
effects. Removing these protections will put the last remnants of 
the wild places grizzlies need to fully recover and raise their 
young at risk -- from irresponsible logging, oil and gas drilling, 
as well as from road building and sprawling development which 
threatens their food supplies and increases the likelihood of 
human-bear contact.
your help the Sierra Club will work to protect these majestic 
creatures as well as other threatened wildlife and wildlands. 

The grizzly bear is an irreplaceable part of America's natural 
heritage, a symbol of the independence that defines the American 
character and an icon of all that is wild and free. Yes, the 
American people have worked hard and long to restore the grizzly. 
But the job is not finished and never will be if we remove them from 
the Endangered Species list or weaken the Act itself.

send a much needed donation today -- your funds will 
help the Sierra Club and its efforts to defend the grizzly bear and 
the Endangered Species Act, as well as our other critical efforts to 
protect America's wildlife, wildlands, air and water. 
Sincerely, Carl Pope Executive Director
P.S. We 
need your urgent help -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service could be deciding the fate of the grizzly bear in the next 
few weeks. We must be ready to fight them with everything we've got. 
Giving online saves time and paper, and is completely secure. 

  Photos used with permission. 
Club85 Second St.San Francisco, CA 94105To unsubscribe, click 


2006-02-02 Thread phanero



2006-02-02 Thread phanero



Project Deep Blitz: Chess PC Takes
on Deep Blue
ExtremeTech January 26, 2006
A computer using only 44 dual-core
AMD Opteron 64-bit chips would equal
IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer in
chess performance, using
off-the-shelf parts from AMD and
affiliated vendors. In the 1997
match, if Gary Kasparov's chess
rating had been 2900 rather than
2820, it would have taken IBM at
least another two years to develop a
computer that...

Geeks in Toyland
Wired Feb. 2006
When the time came for a major
upgrade to Lego's Mindstorms robot
kit, they turned to their obsessed
fans -- and rewrote the rules of the

Robot special: Almost human news service Feb. 4, 2006
Researchers are poised to pull
together developments in three key
fields -- walking, talking and
manipulation -- to produce a new
generation of human-like machines.
And when artificial intelligence
catches up, they will not only be
able to clean the house, do the
dishes and take out the garbage, but
also to play with children, help
care for...

Fw: Leonardo 39:1 Now Available

2006-02-01 Thread phanero

| The MIT Press
| Leonardo
| 2/1/2006

Roger F. Malina, Executive Editor

The leading international journal for readers interested in the
application of contemporary science and technology to the arts and
ISSN 0024-094X

Vol. 39, Issue 1 - February 2006


The Leonardo Scientists' Working Group
Tami Spector

After Midnight

Spicy Little Things from Budapest
Erika Katalina Pásztor

Artists' Statements

The International Transentient Cartographicacy Project
Kathleen Quillian and Gilbert Guerrero

A Walk on the Retinas of the Extreme Sciences: A Minimalist
Concept for an Internet-Based Light Art Art Façade in Munich
Tim Otto Roth

Generative Flowers as a Language of Forms for the Visualization
of Binary Information
Philip Van Loocke

Special Section: Space Art 2004

-Sample Article - Freely Available 
From Méliès to Galaxy Quest: The Dark Matter of the
Popular Imagination
Michael Punt, Martha Blassnigg and David Surman

What Is the MARS PATENT and What Does It Do?
Claudia Reiche and Helene von Oldenburg

Astro Black Morphologies: Music and Science Lovers
Flow Motion

Color Plates

General Articles

Infinity and Accident: Strategies of Enfoldment in Islamic Art
and Computer Art
Laura U. Marks

Internet Artworks, Artists and Computer Programmers: Sharing the
Creative Process
Jean-Paul Fourmentraux

An Artist's Works through the Eyes of a Physicist: Graphic
Illustration of Particle Symmetries
György Darvas and Tamás F. Farkas

Special Section: Melilla Colloquium

The Philippine Triad and Western Dichotomous Philosophies: A
Contest of Traditions in Three Audio-Performance Projects
Fatima Lasay

Technoetic Pathways toward the Spiritual in Art: A
Transdisciplinary Perspective on Connectedness, Coherence and
Roy Ascott

Contemplations on Our Physical Links to the Universe: Searching
for and Finding the Hidden Harmony
C. S. Unnikrishnan

An Open Letter to the Melilla Conference Participants
Chris Alexander

Leonardo Reviews

Leonardo Network News


More Information on Vol. 39, Issue 1 - February 2006:
Leonardo Home Page:
Leonardo Orders and Renewals:

Re: Notes on the State of the Union

2006-02-01 Thread phanero

waaah! i watched that shite!
heal the sickblah! raise the deadblah!
Who's Amerigo Vespucciblah?


I kind of wish we had a weirdo singing dictator
like on Pink Floyd's The Wall..
He'd look like Mr. Clean and croon the whole thing
from a little golden balcony which would burst forth
in much grue from a giant eagle chest!

Green skinned Uncle Sam Midgets could form a chorus line
and sing in umpa-lumpa langue
"I want you-I want you"

- Original Message -
From: "Halvard Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 5:14 AM
Subject: Notes on the State of the Union

For those of you doing something special last night (like watching
"Crash"), herewith are my notes on Bush's State of the Union

Ladies and gentlemen, blah, blah, blah. I . . . blah, blah, freedom,
blah, blah. And blah before blah blah blah-blah. Renew the blah,
blah Patriot Act blah, blah. Make blah blah tax-cuts permanent,
blah blah. Save Social blah Security blah. [Smile.] Bipartisan
blah solutions blah, blah.


Open blah markets, people everywhere Buy American. American
worker rah, blah. [applause] Secure borders, blah, guest worker
program--no amnesty. Our government providing health care
for poor and elderly, blah. Blah.

Hey, where's that remote? Who changed the channel?

Okay. Blah, blah, blah. Addicted to oil. Clean, safe nucular
energy. Better batteries. Blah, blah. Ethanol for everyone
within six years. Blah.

Teach our kids math, blah, and science. Blah, blah. Creative
minds supported. Tax credits for all. Blah. Innovation, yea!
No behind left unchilded. Blah, blah, blah. Abstinence, rah.

Yada, yada, yada. No declining, no unraveling. New
Justices, rah! Servants of law. O'Conner, bye. Alito, hi!

Be good. No clones, no making centaurs, buying embryos.
Thanks and blah, blah -- God bless America. And blah pray for
stronger levees.


Serving the tristate area.

Halvard Johnson


Re: more PoS art conspiracy stuff

2006-02-01 Thread phanero

ah, the aristophanes clouds connection as well (nice_)

The strongest testimony in favor of Aristophanes is that of Plato, who, in one of 
his epigrams, says that "the Graces
chose his soul for their abode." The philosopher was a constant reader of the 
comedian, sending to Dionysius the elder a
copy of the Clouds, from which to make himself acquainted with the Athenian 
republic. This was not intended merely as a
description of the unbridled democratic freedom then prevailing at Athens, but 
as an example of the poet's thorough
knowledge of the world, and of the political conditions of what was then the 
world's metropolis.

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: more PoS art conspiracy stuff

The Clouds is also the name of El Qaeda's media wing.

- Alan

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: more PoS art conspiracy stuff

2006-02-01 Thread phanero

which is odd because also in the text is the mention of
Grasset D'Orcet's "language of the birds"...
which reminded me immediately of a book i love, The Speech of the Birds
(see below) & if you look down into the names, you'll see Mansur al-Hallaj
who as all fans of Hakim Bey know is the heretic who was burned
for the heresy  "I am the Truth" (Ana l'haq).. It makes me wonder if there 
be a kind of unknown shadow sufism, an eblisian counter sufism of which the
current fundamentalism is but a shell. Its quite silly to concieve of such a 
but when you look at the structure of "I am the truth," or "I am God." you can 
the echoes of the angelic "fall" which also echoes "The Angelic Society" in a 
sense. And how Jihadi suicide is seemingly pretty mystical from the inside, 
there are probably Sunni radical communists who have no real belief in the 
afterlife. If its possible
to think of, its probably true! Its quite ridiculous, of course, but one 
wonders about weird calligraphy of human
social coding, how it bulges in these diastolics.. Today I've been studying the 
brilliant analysis of the origin of comedy as a kind of diastolic bulge, a 
form of dialecticalism, or perhaps an unconscious dialectic, which brings up 
the whole
notion of deep structure i guess, and "organic dialectic".. comedy's 
formlessness being older
than tragedy but its formalization arising from a diastolic with tragedy.. 
frontline had a pretty good Al Queda show on tonight.. I watched that, and I 
got this
odd sensation when they had this tape which was telling the al queda listener, 
"My voice is
entering your body.." How viral can you get? And then there was this member of 
a traditional
sunni group who was talking about how many of these people were being 
radicalized (read virulized) in
Europe instead of in the middle east
which made me think of a kind of  ressentiment. Nietzsche's genealogy of 
ressentiment as
the moral perversion resulting from the ancient Roman/Palestinian cultural 
conflict and giving
birth to the ascetic ideal  affect/ or maybe some variant. And at one point one 
of the virulent
anti-westerner muslims specifically called the west "Rome".. the whole thing 
was really evocative.
But you know, its frontline, so what are you really getting, but well.. it made 
me think a few
new things i suppose.. oddly, the piece alsmost makes you think these people 
are being radicalized
because of cultural alienation, they called it homesickness in the show.. so 
they go to a mosque and get infected
with radical islam..but they don't really address the engine of radicalized 
islam, they never do of course.
i mean they put it almost like that, which sort of made me think, THEY are 
to portray this as a simplified virus vector, as a reductionism in the service 
of, as against what i concieve of as a
memic complexity involving historical agency, at any rate, some weird 
spiralling fractals came out of that..
its a pretty decent blip.. the whole show is online too..

The Speech of the Birds
Presented and translated by: PETER AVERY
Mantiqu't-Tair is one of the masterpieces of Persian literature of which a 
complete and annotated translation into
English is here presented for the first time as The Speech of the Birds. The 
text revolves around the decision of the
birds of the world to seek out a king. Their debilitating doubts and fears, the 
knowing counsel of their leader Hoopoe,
and their choice of the Simurgh as a king, is in reality an allegory of the 
spiritual path of Sufism with its demands,
its hazards and its infinite rewards. The poem contains many admonitory 
anecdotes and exemplary stories, including
numerous references to some of the early Muslim mystics such as Rabi'a 
al-'Adawiyya, Abu Sa'id ibn Abi'l-Khair, Mansur
al-Hallaj and Shibli, among others. In The Speech of the Birds, Peter Avery has 
not only given us a precise and moving
translation, but also ample annotation providing much information to fill in 
what Attar would have expected his readers
to know. The result is a fascinating insight into a remarkable aspect of Islam: 
the world of ecstatic love of the
Persian mystics. The Speech of the Birds will be of interest to everyone who 
values great literature, as well as to all
students of Persian and Sufism.

Brought up in a Sufi ambiance, the author of this work, Faridu'd-Din Attar 
(1145-1221), was an apothecary who lived near
Nishapur. Attar, whom legend describes as having taken to the Sufi path in 
earnest after he witnessed a dervish
surrender his soul outside his shop, went on to become one of the most famous 
Sufi poets in history, best known for his
classical work the Mantiqu't-Tair.

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: more PoS art conspiracy stuff

The Clouds is also t

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