Re: [WSG] shrink-to-fit width in Opera

2005-11-21 Thread Andy Budd

First, which version of Opera are you testing ?

7.5blah, 8.02, 8.5

Second, what kind of content goes into that absolute positioned  
element ?


If I put an element with just some static text in, Opera 7.5 - 9  
prev display the same as Firefox (1.6a1 nightly), Camino (1.0b),  
iCab, Safari 1.2+.

Doesn't for me. One of my many irritations with Opera.

The spec doesn't specify exactly what should happen;  here is the key:
 CSS 2.1 does not define the exact algorithm

Well yes, but essentially it is either going to expand to 100%,  
shrink to the minimum width or shrink to fit the available space.

What exactly is a line break ? Does the end of a *floated* span  
constitute a line break in this context ?

New line


Andy Budd
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[WSG] shrink-to-fit width in Opera

2005-11-21 Thread Andy Budd
One of my annoyances with Opera is that it calculates the "shrink-to- 
fit" width of absolutely positioned elements to be the minimum width,  
basically adding a break after each word. I wanted to write about how  
annoying this was, but thought I'd better check the specs first, just  
in case it was actually right.

However I'm having trouble understanding the spec (no surprise there)

Here is the pertinent extract.

Calculation of the shrink-to-fit width is similar to calculating the  
width of a table cell using the automatic table layout algorithm.  
Roughly: calculate the preferred width by formatting the content  
without breaking lines other than where explicit line breaks occur,  
and also calculate the preferred minimum width, e.g., by trying all  
possible line breaks. CSS 2.1 does not define the exact algorithm.  
Thirdly, calculate the available width: this is found by solving for  
'width' after setting 'left' (in case 1) or 'right' (in case 3) to 0.

1. 'left' and 'width' are 'auto' and 'right' is not 'auto', then the  
width is shrink-to-fit. Then solve for 'left'
3. 'width' and 'right' are 'auto' and 'left' is not 'auto', then the  
width is shrink-to-fit . Then solve for 'right'

Then the shrink-to-fit width is: min(max(preferred minimum width,  
available width), preferred width).



Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-23 Thread Andy Budd

I thought it was a quite descriptive "name" for an old bug. Must be a
flaw in my Norwenglish... :-)

Your Norwenglish is good. Much better than my Englegen. I'd just  
never heard the bug name before so was curious.

I normally just do

body {
  font-size: 62.5%;

The size everything else as ems.

I officially don't care about Opera so am happy to avoid using 100.0%;


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-22 Thread Andy Budd

Why don't you ask mister Rutter?

You know what, I must have known this at some stage as I always set %  
on the body tag to avoid problems with font sizing in IE. I just  
didn't put two and two together and realise it was the same issue. I  
think the name "extreme font-resizing bug" just threw me as I've  
never heard it called that before. In all honestly I knew there were  
problems with tiny text, but I didn't realise it worked the other way  
as well. Learn something new every day and all that.


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Re: [WSG] CSS Validator Bug

2005-09-22 Thread Andy Budd

Might be worth reporting this to the validator people

I did that straight off, but it turns out its already a known bug.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-22 Thread Andy Budd
I'd say so, but wouldn't the error have more to do with the fact  
that the

value of line-height needs a unit of reference (px, % or em)?

No, line height is one of the few properties that can take a number  
without a unit. The unit acts as a multiplier, whereas an em say, is  
based on the parent font size.

So line-height: 1em; and line-height: 1; can produce very different  
results. In general, most people mean the latter, but use the former.


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[WSG] CSS Validator Bug

2005-09-22 Thread Andy Budd
It would seem that the CSS validator has a bug in its handling of  

The CSS spec says that:

A  can either be an , or it can be zero or more  
digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more digits.

So 1 and 1.0 are both valid numbers.

However if you run the following code through the validator:

which contains

h3 {
  line-height: 1.0

h4 {
  line-height: 1;

It says that 1 is not a valid number and thus marks your code as  


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-22 Thread Andy Budd

Christian Montoya wrote:

It gets worse... W3C gave you a CSS ERROR, which means they checked  
site just as you were editing, I'm sure... so the name is wrong,  
the listing
is wrong, and now you are disqualified from the featured list. Hate  
it when

that happens!

That's very odd. Anybody got any idea why the CSS validator should be  
throwing up an error on:

line-height: 1;

but is happy with

line-height: 1.0;


Looks like a bug in the validator to me.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-21 Thread Andy Budd

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

BTW: can I keep/use those screenshots in case I want to write  

about that old bug on my own site? They sure got the point through!

As long as you mention that we fixed the problem and provide a link  
to the site, I don't see any problem with it.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-21 Thread Andy Budd

Screenshots of original page on IE6/win2K-pro, window w:700/h:860:

Apart from being able to accommodate any an all wishes for 'really  

or 'really small' text :-) this bug is one we better not trigger.

That does suck. Bloody IE!

I changed the font size on the body from ems to % early this morning,  
so would you mind letting me know if those screenshots were prior to  
the change, or if the problem is still there?

Sorry to be a pain


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-21 Thread Andy Budd

Webmaster wrote:

Oh, one small encoding issue (?) which came up as well. For some  
reason I'm

getting the HTML entity and not the " in the text below.

"Download and complete our client worksheet, and we'll send you a
proposal within a week."

IE and its crappy support for named entities. I dunno!

Have changed them to numbered entities instead.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-21 Thread Andy Budd

Chris Blown wrote:

Fluid, simple, clean, valid, green yet warm, big fonts ( like big  
hair )

Nice work Andy. I like it.

Thanks Guys,

I probably should point out that I was only responsible for the  
design. Jeremy Keith did the CSS in all its fluid glory.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-21 Thread Andy Budd

No surprise that you didn't find it. The bug is mentioned here and
there, but not in great details, AFAIK. Even ALA has triggered that  

with their last re-design, so it is easy to get it wrong.

As others have mentioned already: it's the 'em' on body that triggers
that IE bug. More exactly, em-values less than 1.01 em is the usual
trigger, while larger em-values on body may work just fine.

A percentage-value on body is safe, regardless of value. 100.01% is
fine, but any other value will do as well, as long as differences
regarding the exact 'tip-over' points for converting em/% into px is
taken into account so all browsers display text (more or less) in the
same size to begin with.

It doesn't matter whether 'em' or '%' are used for text-elements  

in, since the IE-bug bug is only triggered on body itself.

Thanks for the feedback on this IE bug.

As I said I've not experienced this before, so I'm kind of intrigued.  
Out of interest, how does the bug manifest its self on our site?

It seems that a lot of people know about it and know the "fix".  
However there doesn't really seem to be much in the way of  
documentation. If anybody can find some URL's, I'd appreciate it.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-21 Thread Andy Budd

On 21 Sep 2005, at 00:56, Lindsay Evans wrote:

Hi Andy,

Site looks great, nice and clean.
And don't listen to any of these 'the font is too big' comments,  
it's just

about perfect for my aging eyes (great, now I feel old :

Thanks. Glad you like it.

* I kind of expected the entire green background of the navigation  
items to

be clickable, not a biggy though.

Yes, I agree. A few people have mentioned this so its on the todo list.


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd
Sorry, my bad. I should have been clearer. The site failed to load  
from about 3:30am Melbourne for a couple of hours. Can't remember  
when it came back, but when it did the site worked well on other  

Phew, had me worried there for a second.

I guess our servers must have got stuck with all the traffic from the  
WSG :-)


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd

A little on the boring side, where are the images, the site is just

Well I wanted to make the logo spin, but the others thought it was a  
bad idea ;-)

Seriously though, we will be adding pictures of us on the relevant  
"about" pages, as well as creating  a case study area in the not too  
distant future to highlight interesting work.

However I do think that the site is about the text rather than  
superfluous images, so we wanted to put the content at the forefront  
of the site.


Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd
Q: do you trigger the 'extreme font-resizing bug' in IE/win on  
Sure makes 'largest' large enough, but 'smallest' ends up a bit too  

I have to be honest and admit that I haven't come across that bug  
before. Did a bit of a search but couldn't find any details. Could  
you elaborate?


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd

On 20 Sep 2005, at 18:33, Damian Sweeney wrote:

Hi Andy,

Great look and feel. I like the font sizes, they're refreshingly  

One wierd issue though. In Firefox on Debian (sarge), trying to use  
mousewheel dies half way down the page. I usually only encounter  
like this with things like google ads and flash animations, but  
with those

if I move the mouse away and resume using the wheel it works. With
clearleft I can't continue to scroll at all with the wheel until I  
the vertical scroll bar manually. It's a small issue to be sure,  
but if
anyone can figure it out, I guess it would be the 'web-design  

;-). I'll check the behaviour on my Mac at work when I get in.

Apparently it's a Firefox bug relating to overflow:auto.

Just went to check in a couple of other browsers - Opera is fine,  
but the

site dropped off the radar when trying to test in anything else.

Um, do you mean that the site doesn't work in any other browser other  
than Opera or Firefox? Can I ask what you tested it on?


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd

Suggestion #1: Spell-check

We have gone over the site a couple of times, however nothing on the  
web is ever finished. If you've found some particular typos, it would  
be great if you could let me know what they are.

Suggestion #2: Why 100% table design? You can't control the way  
your user
sees your site. I have a 21 inch monitor and it stretches all the  
way across

and is somewhat overwhelming.

Um, its actually a pure CSS layout, so no tables were harmed.

Part of the point of web standards in general is that the user and  
user agent have final control of the layout, not the designer. So if  
the page is too wide on a 21 inch monitor, why not reduce the window  

However I don't want to get into the whole fixed vs flexible layout  
debate or we'll be here all night :-)

Suggestion #3: Font size it too big...try dropping the size a  
little. I know

accessibility is a concern, but it coming off as trying too hard.

Not trying hard at all.

We liked the big fonts size partly for accessibility, but also partly  
because we were fed up with tiny designer sized fonts. I do wonder if  
the size is a little to big, especially on lower screen resolutions.  
However on large screen resolutions I think it works well. I guess if  
you personally find it too big, you could always knock it down a notch.

This is just my opinion...I might be wrong, good job overall however.

 Always good to hear this kind of feedback as its a good way to test  
your beliefs and assumptions.


PS - your personal website is quite nice however, clean, crisp, and  
the user

will have the same experience every time they visit, regardless of the

Yes, I must sort that out. About due for a redesign :-)


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2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd

Hi folks,

We've just launched our new company website, and would love your  


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Re: [WSG] The Big Lie about CSS

2005-09-20 Thread Andy Budd
  a) it's more efficient because the style sheet only gets  
downloaded once!

  b) you can reformat your whole site just by changing the CSS file!

and what, we just hope nobody notices that they contradict each other?

Its not a contradiction, you just need to remember to rename your CSS  
files or set a flag

i.e. basic.css?1

to force the browser to grab a new version for its cache.


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Re: [WSG] make poverty history website

2005-05-20 Thread Andy Budd
I can't see what the point is.  The W3C has no control over Java or 
many other technologies that are proprietry or closed, but that does 
not stop them from becoming or meeting W3C standards or compliance.
The original question asked why the W3C hadn't written a spec for 
Flash. My answer still stands that it's not theirs to write a spec for.

However If you can show me the W3C page that details the Java spec I 
may change my mind :-)

Andy Budd
01273 241355
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Re: [WSG] make poverty history website

2005-05-19 Thread Andy Budd
Nancy Johnson wrote:
Is it true that the W3C has not done a spec for Flash?  If that is so 
Because Flash is a proprietary product!
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] validation logos - kitemarks?

2005-02-28 Thread Andy Budd
I think most people put validation logos on their sites for peers. This 
is often just vanity/showing off. However other web developers do click 
these logos and report back if they find problems, so they can have 
their benefits.

I know, I know, we should al make sure our pages validate when they 
have been changes, but sometimes it's easy to forget, especially as 
most of the time it's not relay mission critical.

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Re: [WSG] [on-topic]wireframes

2005-02-28 Thread Andy Budd
Iva Koberg wrote:
What's stopping you from creating the prototype boxes in XHTML + CSS? 
It has the added advantage of meaning that once you've got your 
layout, you've also got your document structure. Just add the content 
and remove the "border: 1px solid black;" properties and you're done.
One of the points of using prototypes is that they are fast to build 
and thus desposable. If you're using XHTML/CSS prototypes there is the 
temptation to turn it into the final template. This either means that 
you spend too long thinking about the code/structure of a prototype 
that is likely to change, or you end up building in issues due to the 
fact that the prototype was built rapidly.

I tend to use low-fi wireframes then hi-fi prototypes, usually output 
from the Phtoshop/Fireworks templates as regular table based HTML.

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Re: [WSG] SEO, Semantics, and Web Standards

2005-02-25 Thread Andy Budd
David R wrote:
There are claims that sites manually submitted to Google reduces your 
pagerank by a few points because it didn't find your site by being 
linked to it.
This is actually a widely held belief that's been around for ages. I 
honestly don't know if it's true or if it's just another SEO meme. 
However it does sound credible. Basically the idea is that a site found 
naturally by Google in the process of it's regular crawl are worth more 
than one submitted by hand because they can easily be found on the web. 
This is exacerbated by the number of auto submission tools which spam 
the submission form, making submitted sites less valuable.

So can I hear it from the experts (ie: you guys) what the truth behind 
SEO really is. Are semantics worth anything?
There is a difference between SPAM and legitimate marketing. If you're 
selling "Grow it big" cream, you'll send out million of unsolicited 
emails in the hope that a few people will bite. It doesn't matter if 
your domain name gets blackholed or your server taken down after a 
week, because you'll just set up another one. However if your a 
legitimate company that wants to build it's brand and credibility in 
the market place, you're unlikely to resort to spamming.

The same is true of SEO. There will always be a market for spamdexing 
but if you're a legitimate company wanting to be around for a while, 
why take the risk? Rather than spamming, you want to build a long term 
SEO strategy that will deliver search engine results over a sustained 
period. To do this you want to create a site with great content that 
people want to link to.

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Re: [WSG] Quirks DTD

2005-02-17 Thread Andy Budd
I think what would be more interesting is if browsers let you set your 
rendering mode (quirks vs standards).

This would be really useful for testing purposes. However it would be 
even more useful when writing user stylesheets. I wrote an "accessible" 
user stylesheet a while back that changed text site and contrast,  
linarized tables etc. It worked fine on sites with a strict dtd. 
However most of the sites I tested didn't have a dtd, throwing the 
browser into quirks mode and screwing up my custom stylesheet.

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Re: [WSG] Re: XHTML Strict alternative to

2005-02-09 Thread Andy Budd
Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Sorry, ended up being a cyclic argument, but you see what I mean...and 
*that's* what Andy meant (if I may be so bold as to make an educated 
That's exactly what I meannt.
Go for your life :-)
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Re: [WSG] Re: XHTML Strict alternative to

2005-02-09 Thread Andy Budd
Ian Fenn wrote:
Whilst the guidelines contain explanation for some of its contents, 
nothing about the decision to go with XHTML Strict. The guidelines were
drawn up with the RNIB as consultants so they do have some integrity 
Thanks Ian,
I think the thing to bare in mind is that these are "guidelines" rather 
than "requirements". Guidelines are intended to be considered whereas 
requirements need to be met for a specific business reason.

The requirement is for the site to be accessible. The guidelines are to 
use XHTML Strict. However in certain circumstances, if the guidelines 
don't allow the requirements to be met, you need to revise the 

This issue crops up a lot with regard to accessibility and people often 
confuse an accessible site with a site that follows certain guidelines 
like the WCAG.

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Re: [WSG] Re: XHTML Strict alternative to

2005-02-08 Thread Andy Budd
Ian Fenn wrote:
Thanks for that, Douglas. Unfortunately my client has accessibility
guidelines that insist the pages are built in XHTML Strict.
So what do they believe the accessibility advantages of XHTML Strict 
are? As far as I'm aware valid and semantically correct HTML is just as 
accessible as XHTML strict. And I'm guessing they probably aren't 
serving their pages up as XML so strictly speaking they are serving 
their pages up as HTML anyway.

This kind of pettiness and misunderstanding of accessibility really 
gets my goat.

It's a damn shame if you ask me ;-)
Andy Budd
p.s. no real goats were harmed in this email
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Re: [WSG] cover me -- I'm gonna be naughty!

2005-02-04 Thread Andy Budd
Ted Drake wrote:
But if we need to do it to be competitive, would this at least protect 
those that are innocent, the people who need to use screenreaders?
I've an idea. Quite a few people run personal sites that allow people 
to leave comments. You could create a script that automatically leaves 
comments on their site along with a link. That way you'd inherit some 
of their Google juice.

Another method would be to send lots of emails to random people. If you 
send enough you are bound to find somebody interested in your products.

I mean, if you need to be competitive you should really explore all the 

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Re: [WSG] Standards?

2005-02-02 Thread Andy Budd
designer wrote:
- Speed Development
Hey - she'll be expecting me to reduce my prices next year! :-)
If you're pricing is time based, reducing the amount of time spent on 
coding could mean that you increase the time you spend on design, IA, 
SEO and other activities that provide the client with a better ROI.

If your pricing is value based, it's good for the client because they 
will get their site 2 weeks earlier, meaning tow weeks extra benefit 
and two weeks less of their precious time wasted.

- Simplify Maintenance, Increase Opportunity
Ditto above.
Time based - spend more time on things that provide a greater ROI.
Value based - their site is down for shorter lengths of time and can 
react quicker to market changes

- Open Up Access Options
- Reduce Bandwidth Costs
Not relevant - small site, with folk increasingly being on a high speed
line. Here in UK (where it's called Broadband) the user pays a 
standard fee,
no matter how much/how long he/she uses it. (that's for small/simple 
of course)
This is about how much your hosting company charges your client, not 
how much the site visitors ISP's charge. Hosts will often charge £X 
over the YGB they give with their standard package. For most sites this 
isn't an issue but it is for popular sites.

- Improve User Experience
How?  Speed?   Broadband again - makes it MUCH less of an issue.
Download times still do matter, even if you're on broadband. Also the 
more people that get broadband the more contention issues will come 
into play.

However more than actual download speed is perceived download speed. 
Slow and unresponsive pages can often be down to rendering as much as 
they can actual download speed. In my experience, (and this is far from 
scientific) sites using CSS for layout appear to render faster than  
nested table layouts.

Turning that on it's head, what's left for a client to get excited 
Fats loading, accessible pages that Google will love. Supplier 
independence, easier maintenance and faster time to market.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Search Engines and CSS

2005-01-28 Thread Andy Budd
Mike Pepper wrote:
I have sent literally hundreds of mails to Google illustrating exactly 
the miscreants are doing and how. I take SEO seriously and know most 
if not
all the techniques. They have never responded in any way other than 
automated responders. I eventually gave up in the knowledge that I was
wasting my time and energy.

It's not unfair; it's my experience over the past 3 years.
Sorry Mike, I got the wrong end of the stick there. I thought you were 
complaining about them not "automagically" picking up on spamdexing.

While I'm not surprised that you didn't get a personal response I am a 
little surprised that the sites in question haven't been penalised. I 
wonder if you report your competition to Google and they do nothing 
about it, you'd have a case for suing them for loss of earnings?

This lack of responsiveness gives unscrupulous SEO's an good incentive 
to spam Google while hurting the more honest SEO's out there.

Now where did I put my list of keywords, my doorway pages and my 
cloaking scripts?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Search Engines and CSS

2005-01-28 Thread Andy Budd
On 28 Jan 2005, at 01:28, Mike Pepper wrote:
Take a look at some fought over keyphrases like 'website development' 
Google UK. You'll find many sites spamming with irrelevant ,
off-screen absolute positioned text, minute text, hidden layers, even 
cretins with WOW (white-on-white) text.

And you know what? Google doesn't do a damn thing about it.
I think that's a bit unfair. It's a bit like complaining that the 
police do nothing about crime in your area when none of the residents 
can be bothered to report it.

If you see a site which use dubious methods to gain a ranking 
advantage, contact Google and complain. I've a friend who's a 
professional SEO and one of the main things he and many of his 
colleagues do is report dubious sites. If after a month or so nothing 
has been done about it, then complain about it.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] a good accessibility primer

2005-01-24 Thread Andy Budd
Justin Thorp wrote:
I did a presentation on Accessibility the other night. If you're 
interested, here are my lecture notes.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] accessibility statements

2005-01-24 Thread Andy Budd
The Bo$$ wrote:
I really don't think accesskeys are all that good for accessiblity
though. See
I think that's a matter of opinion. If you use numbers for your 
accesskeys the conflicts are fairly limited. Even if few people use 
them, they aren't doing any harm.

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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Budd
Kornel Lesinski wrote:
The point is that it is not layout table.
Of course it's a layout table. You're using a table so you can lay out 
your labels next to your inputs all nice and neat. It doesn't contain 
any data yet, just a bunch of form inputs. It's not data, it's a means 
of laying out a data input interface!

It has semantic value.
It's a kind of table that can have summary, caption, headers and
contains repeating sets of data.
I don't think that has anything to do with it as you could easily argue 
that certain types of site content could also benefit from these 
things. Forms already give you the ability to associate labels with 
inputs, group sets of form controls together and give them a cation. 
You don't need a table to give form controls semantic meaning.

hairs and getting semantic, isn't all information on a website really 
just data? So why can't present it all using tables?
Because it is not *tabular* data, unlike the practicular form that this
discussion is all about.
Why? How can you say that a bunch of empty form elements are "tabular 
data" even if there isn't any data? At least a page of news stories 
actually contains something that could reasonably be described as data?

When you apply for a bank load do they give you a "table of blank data" 
to fill in or do they give you a "form" to fill in?

Table:  An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the 
data are arranged in columns and rows in an essentially rectangular 

Form:  Document with blanks for the insertion of details or information
They seem distinctly different things to me.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Budd
Mike Foskett wrote:
Sorry Andy,
I'll have to agree to disagree.
Personally speaking, the use of a table to layout tabular input is as 
valid as using a table to layout tabular output.
Kornel Lesinski wrote:
I think that inputs in a table are ok.
This is tabular data, although not output, but input, but the 
structure certainly is tabular.
It seems to me that there is a lot of post rationalisation and spurious 
justification going on here. If you want to use tables to lay out your 
forms (or anything else for that matter) then go for it. It just seems 
odd to try and justify it in this manner.

I doubt very much if tables were created as a handy way of displaying 
forms even if we can post rationalise it now. I mean, if we're 
splitting hairs and getting semantic, isn't all information on a 
website really just data? So why can't present it all using tables?

Part of the point of using CSS for layout is it gives us the ability to 
separate the content from the presentation. Slapping a form into table 
cells doesn't allow this. It makes it much harder for instance to 
restyle the form so the labels appear above, rather than next to the 
form inputs.

It's like my girlfriend not wanting to order chips because they are 
fattening and then eating half on mine instead. The intention is good, 
but it doesn't make the calories go away :-)

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Budd
Pringle, Ron wrote:
I'm sorry, I'm coming onto this thread late, so I might be misinformed 
as to
what you're trying to accomplish. So you have a form with a variable 
of fields depending on how many travelers are to be insured, correct? 
With a
maximum of 50?
Ah, now I understand what Ted is trying to do.
Frankly, there is not going to be an easy way of doing this, 
regardless of
the accessibility issues. Thats a LOT of data to enter.

I would almost think you'd want to deal with each traveler separately, 
at a time, in some sort of paged form. For instance, if I fill out the
initial part of the form and indicate 5 travelers to be insured, the 
would be submitted, the initial form fields temporarily stored, and 
then the
next form presented with fields for traveler 1. Once that is filled and
submitted, on to traveler two.
Absolutely. Doing it any other way would be a usability nightmare.
In that case, your form is broken into smaller chunks and leaving the 
on each field would be essential and not even an issue.
This would seem to make it easier for both your sighted users and 
impaired users.

My experience with forms has been that it is better to progressively 
large forms (along with an appropriate indication of where in the 
the user is). I would think that approach would increase your 
percentage as opposed to presenting a huge form with up to 50 name, 
etc. fields to be filled out at once.
Couldn't agree more. A huge form as described would scare the living 
daylights out of most people and would be ripe for errors. Much better 
to break these things down into easier to deal with chunks. Sounds like 
the problem is with Ted's form design and the accessibility 
issue/tables issue is just a symptom. Always better to treat the cause 
rather than the symptoms.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Budd
Ted Drake wrote:
I'm not one to say screw accessibility, I need my pages to look purty,
but the point of my question is: we may have 30 to 50 people
registering. If I include a label for each fieldset, the page is going
to be bulky and possibly less usable for those with sight. A table 
make life easy, but making life easy isn't justification enough to do 
wrong. I'd really like to make life easy and give some accessibility in
the process. Having 50 labels that say age1, age2, age2..age50 for the
50 age inputs doesn't seem appropriate for the average user.

I have to admit that I'm confused by what exactly your doing. Maybe 
posting up your form would help. It sounds like you're saying that 
you're creating one massive form intended to take the input of 50 
people which sounds like madness. Why not just create a form that takes 
the input from one person at a time like most forms do?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Budd
On 12 Jan 2005, at 18:25, Mike Foskett wrote:
Creating a method of output without an equivalent method of input 
seems more than oversight.
Forms are a means of input. Tables are a means of displaying tabular 

Input and output mechanisms rarely have to be the same. I input data to 
a computer using a keyboard. It's output to screen.

An input is a data object.
Data objects stacked neatly by row and file are by definition tabular.
Sorry, but that's utter rot. If you're going to get all OOP on my ass, 
input would be a data object method, whereas the data it's self would 
be a property of the object. Completely different things!

You can come up with as many ways to justify the use of layout tables 
for forms, but it doesn't make it right!

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-12 Thread Andy Budd
On 12 Jan 2005, at 16:42, Ted Drake wrote:
I have tried hiding labels in the past. But I came across very 
inconsistent behavior. Some labels would show, some wouldn't. I was 
using display:none. I'm sure there was something else going on in my 
code, but it seemed like the inconsistency in browsers treating forms 
made the label hiding an iffy proposition.  Has anyone else had this 
Don't hide your labels. You may be able to trick bobby in giving you a 
AAA rating but hiding them won't help the accessibility of your site.

Currently, our forms do not validate as AAA WAI because I don't have 
individual labels on a group of ten age inputs. I read somewhere a 
person suggested placing objects within the label. Could I have all of 
the ages on one row and wrap the td's inside the label?
That doesn't sound like valid coding.
How do people know what to put into these inputs? Surely each one needs 
a label of some kind?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-12 Thread Andy Budd
On 12 Jan 2005, at 10:47, Mike Foskett wrote:
Andy Budd wrote:
	Personally I'd argue that a form is not a means of displaying tabular 
data, it's an input mechanism.

Er... Agreed.
I was of the opinion, perhaps incorrectly, that the form in question 
was intended to input tabular data hence the table.
I thought what I said was pretty clear so I'm a little confused how you 
can agree with it and then contradict it in the next sentence.

What I'm saying is that tables are meant to display tabular data 
however a form is an input mechanism, not data itself. Thus in my 
opinion it would be incorrect to use a table to layout a form.

The use of a label on such a table would be to aide screen readers 
Yes they can read headers but in practice this feature is rarely 
switched on.
So by using a hidden label the screen reader states the label text, 
while the display remains uncluttered.
What I'm saying is that there is no reason to hide the labels. Many 
screenreaders ignore hidden elements and allowing people to see what 
they are supposed to enter by use of a label could hardly be described 
as clutter.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-12 Thread Andy Budd
Mike Foskett wrote:
Using a table is not an issue, form data is tabular.
You say that like it's fact when it's really a matter of opinion.
Personally I'd argue that a form is not a means of displaying tabular 
data, it's an input mechanism.

It seems crazy to me that people will come up with spurious arguments 
simply to justify using a table. If you want to use a table, just do 

For accessibility I'd suggest using a label on each input but hide it 
visually using one of the standard techniques.
Um, how is hiding the label going to improve accessibility?
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] list spacing

2005-01-11 Thread Andy Budd
IE5 has a bug that can put extra space between list items. Setting the  
li to be inline fixes this issue. 

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Site check

2005-01-07 Thread Andy Budd
Chris Taylor wrote:
BrowserCam is great, but doesn't give you any help
regarding useability - other pairs of eyes are what is needed.
Before trying BrowserCam I also used to post to places like here and 
CSS-Discuss to get a wider range of browsers/OS tests and 
recommendations for fixing any CSS issues that cropped up. However if I 
wanted to get a more general opinion on usability, design etc I'd 
choose a more general web design list like evolt, rather than one 
dedicated to CSS/Web standards.

a "please check this in Mac/PC/WebTV/whatever" is pretty valid, as far
as I'm concerned.
I think when requesting help from any mailing list, it's best to be as 
specific as possible as it avoids wasting other peoples time. I'm sure 
quite a few people would have responded telling you that it looks great 
on xyz browser, only to find that you know that already. Much better to 
explicitly ask  for usability feedback if that was what you wanted. 
Probably even better to post to a general web dev mailing list or even 
a usability list.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Off-topic - Earthquake/Tsunami help

2005-01-04 Thread Andy Budd
If you have a blog, why not join BlogAid and offer to donate your site 
earnings for January to the aid agency of your choice.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] molly gets a redux makeover

2004-12-23 Thread Andy Budd
Patrick Lauke wrote:
"the lovely molly holzschlag gets a makeover courtesy of redux, stylist
to the stars.
Lol, you make yourself sound like some kind of new media hair dresser.
Nice site though.
Andy Budd
The discussion list for
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[WSG] Nav bar rounding error problem

2004-12-17 Thread Andy Budd
Hi Folks,
I'm creating a simple vertical nav bar using a styled list. Should be 
pretty easy as it's something I've done a hundred times. However this 
time I've run into problems with browser rounding errors.

I've come up with another way of doing it, but it's not as elegant as 
the initial version. I've posted up an explanation with a couple of 
test cases and I'd be grateful if the CSS geniuses on the list could 
have a look and suggest a better way of achieving the desired results.
As always your help in much appreciated.
p.s. I have to come clean and admit I've also cross posted this to 
css-discuss. Hope nobody minds.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Standards & Macromedia Contribute

2004-12-16 Thread Andy Budd
Also, I must admit I'm growing rather weary of all the negative remarks
about Dreamweaver.
I too am a Dreamweaver user. However on OS X at least, the preview mode 
still isn't up to scratch, although it is better than the previous 

Kornel Lesinski wrote:
Are you sure? Some time ago there was a deal between Macromedia and 
(oh, and Apple:
Macromedia licensed Opera to be the rendering engine on OS X. However I 
believe they use a different rendering engine on Windoze.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Changing Standard

2004-12-13 Thread Andy Budd
On 12 Dec 2004, at 02:51, berry wrote:
Why using a:link ?
   means that the word inside is a link
a { color:blue;  text-decoration:underline; }
is the same as setting
a:link { color:blue; text-decoration:underline; }
Link is a redundant tag
No it's not.
Your first example targets all anchor elements. Your second example 
targets only anchor elements that haven't been visited!

Common guys, rtfm
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] It's so frustrating. Webstandars, accesibility and Firefox as a sales argument.

2004-11-26 Thread Andy Budd
Regarding charging - like anything, the more experienced you get the
faster you get so it's a bit silly to charge across a project on the
basis of time spent.
I agree with pretty much everything you've said apart from this.
Firstly I don't necessarily think that the more experienced you are the 
*faster* the project goes. In fact I'd say that the more experienced 
you are the longer certain things can take because you want to do them 
right. For instance your beginner web designer will probably do 
everything in Drewamweaver whereas I'll hand code pretty much 

Secondly, the better you get, the higher your daily rate. Sure you can 
do things faster but this is reflected in what you charge. I honestly 
wouldn't know where to start pricing a job if it wasn't based on time 
and materials. The whole trying to guess what the client is willing to 
spend approach just smacks of unprofessionalism to me, and makes 
clients wary of web designers in general.

Apart from that I totally agree that you don't need to sell web 
standards and accessibility. They should be part of your workflow, not 
an added service. What you should do is sell your clients on the 
business benefits you provide.

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
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Re: [WSG] It's so frustrating. Webstandars, accesibility and Firefox as a sales argument.

2004-11-25 Thread Andy Budd
john wrote:
I'm not sure I understand why it would cost more to use web standards. 
Even if it did on the design and build, it would surely even out once 
maintenance costs were factored in.
The problem isn't web standards or not web standards, the problem seems 
to be quality vs cost.

If you do quality work it takes longer and so costs more. If you do a 
bodge job it gets done quicker and so costs less.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Sometimes you just cant help people ...

2004-11-25 Thread Andy Budd
Screenreaders have loads of useful features built in like the ability 
to bring up a list of all the headings on a page and then jump to that 
heading. However the vast majority of screenreader users don't use 
these advanced features.

The same goes with websites. Just because you add things in like skip 
nav and access keys, you shouldn't automatically assume that everybody 
will use them, or even know what they mean.

I don't necessarily think it's a naming issue, although as a number of 
people have pointed out, JAWS pronounces content differently depending 
on context. I think it's just that, while in the web accessibility 
community skip nav is a recognised convention, it hasn't seeped into 
the screenreader community at large yet.

It's a bit like adding a home link to the logo of a site. Most web 
designers do this by default, but even now, there are loads of web 
users who are unaware of this convention. If a more experienced web 
user was to show then this convention they would no doubt start using 
it. However generally web users stick to their own patters until there 
is a compelling need to deviate from them.

Maybe we should start putting a para about skip nav links in our 
accessibility statements along with a description of our accesskeys, 
compliance goals etc.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] It's so frustrating. Webstandars, accesibility and Firefox as a sales argument.

2004-11-25 Thread Andy Budd
Kristof Rutten wrote:
How do you convince your client to spend a little more on the design, 
the coding and the usability
 when the most simple logic doesn't work ?
Remember that most clients don't care a jot about accessibility and web 
standards. Sell them on the business benefits. However if the clients 
is more interested in cost than quality, there will always be somebody 
willing to do the job for less. Rather than blame the clients, you 
probably need to rethink the market you're aiming at.

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
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Re: [WSG][OT] Site Check please

2004-11-10 Thread Andy Budd
paul west wrote:
I want to go there - now!!!
Me to!
Another nice CSS site added to my bookmarks.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Mac Tools Kit for Web Standards Developer

2004-10-08 Thread Andy Budd
Not forgetting Style Master
Hugh Todd wrote:
The text editors I know of for the Mac are (in rough order):
1) BBEdit. King pin. Expensive but comprehensive, with Web Preview.

2) skEdit. Popular, shareware
3) SubEthaEdit. Includes collaborative feature.

4) jEdit. Cross-platform, Java-based.
5) TextWrangler. Cut-down BBEdit from the same source.
4) TextMate. Just released.
5) Smultron.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Web Design Scene in Christchurch

2004-10-07 Thread Andy Budd
A friends partner has just been given a job offer in Christchurch but 
it would depend on them being able to find work while they were over 

Just wondering what the scene was like and if there were any well 
respected names in Christchurch they could try.

Darren Wood wrote:
There is a little one, as far as I know...why Chch?
Andy Budd
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[WSG] Web Design Scene in Christchurch

2004-10-01 Thread Andy Budd
Sorry for the rather random and off topic post, but I wonder if anybody 
here knows what the web design scene is like in Christchurch, NZ?

Are there any particularly well known web design firms for there, 
especially those working in the web standards arena?

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] commonly used order of styles within a css class

2004-09-06 Thread Andy Budd
Cameron Adams wrote:
If you think about it, ordering IDs in the order that
they appear in the HTML goes against the grain of
XHTML/CSS separation of content and style.
If you change the position of an object in the HTML,
then you have to change it in the CSS, otherwise your
order becomes meaningless. The best way is to have an
order independent of the HTML content, such as
From a purely theoretical point of view, that makes some sense. However 
the content and presentation are separate. They just reference each 
other. It's a bit like saying that you shouldn't use a selector because 
it's referencing something in the HTML and thus it's not separate.

I agree that if you decide to change the order of the HTML then you 
really should go back and change the order of your CSS. However how 
often does that happen? By your argument you shouldn't really be 
changing the order of something in the HTML because your mark-up should 
be independent of the presentation. If you want to move something 
around you should do it in the CSS. Obviously that's neither practical 
or often either possible, but if we're talking theory...

Ordering alphabetically just seems wrong to me. It's a bit like 
ordering your PHP of Javascript functions alphabetically rather than 
the order they are used/needed in. Great of you can remember off the 
top of your head what everything is called, but a bugger if you can't.

If you order things by their appearance in the HTML then another 
developer wanting to change the text style in the footer just needs to 
open up the CSS and scroll to the bottom. They don't need to open the 
HTML first to find the name of your ID (myfooter) and then scroll 
around in the CSS looking for that ID. If you do thing alphabetically 
tou'll end up with related items (e.g. #home #myfooter) compleatly 
seporated in the CSS which could make life really difficult for a new 

I'm not saying my approach is the best, because it isn't. However it 
makes the most sense to me and is easy to use on medium sized sites. 
The problems start occurring if you have very large sites with lost of 
CSS and different page templates. Then the model starts to break down.

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] web essentials briefing/ westciv CSS Guide

2004-09-03 Thread Andy Budd
Mark Harwood wrote:
Yeah We really need summat like this in the UK!
Fancy increasing you GeekEnd's a bit Andy? ;)
Well there has been talk so you never know what may be happening next 
year ;-)

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] commonly used order of styles within a css class

2004-09-03 Thread Andy Budd
Sean wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a common way of listing styles in CSS? I 
don't mean the order of a:hover a: visited, or the order of 
specification. I am thinking more of some logical order that would be 
helpful to anyone else working on stylesheets I have created.
Are you meaning in a micro or macro sense. i.e. how to structure sets 
of statement within a stylesheet or how to structure a set of 
declarations within a statement?

If it's the former there tend to be a couple of main ways. One is to 
group statements into logical types, such as all layout goes in one 
place, all text stuff in another. However I personally break this info 
into separate stylesheets as I find it easier to manage.

Another popular way is to structure stylesheets based on selector type, 
so you may have all element selectors first, then all id's and lastly 
all classes. I can see the logic behind this but it's not something I 

The way I tend to arrange statements is by position in the flow of the 
document. So I'll have all universal statements at the top, then 
statements relating to the header, nav, content and finally footer 
statements at the bottom. This works well for me, but I do often find 
that I'll need to add a new statement later that's the same of similar 
to one I already have. Rather than taking the original statement out 
and putting it up top with the universal statements, I tend just to 
tack a new selector on. This means that sometimes statements aren't 
always exactly matching the flow of the document. This is fine if 
you've only got one person working on the CSS, but would get confusing 
if you've got multiple people using the same file.

As for arranging declarations within a statement, because statements 
don't tend to be so long, I generally don't have a format. I simply put 
them in the order I write them in.

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] web essentials briefing/ westciv CSS Guide

2004-09-03 Thread Andy Budd
Web Essentials 04 looks like is turning out to be one killer event. I 
wish it was a little closer to home so I could make it. Everybody says 
Doug is an excellent speaker, and I'd really like to see Dave Shea as 
well. Add to that the likes of Joe Clarke, John, Russ and the rest of 
the Aussie crew and you've the makings of a great conference.

I hope people will be blogging about it, and I'd love to see some of 
the presentations or even just the keynote streamed for those of us on 
the other side of the planet :-)

If you're based in Oz however you'd be a fool to miss it.
Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] GeoURL/Seach engine localisation

2004-08-27 Thread Andy Budd
Joshua Street wrote:
I was wondering if search engines (Google, I'm looking at you) can/do
make use of this "ICBM" data for localisation?  I know that it works on
IP blocks, and possibly other data, but why not this as well?  Or do
search engines use this information already?
Richard Rutter from Clagnut is using geotags on Multimap to  
geographically locate blogs. 

Which is pretty cool.
What would be cool is if you could get your mobile phone to update the  
geotags on your blog about your location, that way people would always  
know where you were. Of course you'd want to have a privacy option to  
turn it off.

Actually strike that, it's a crap idea. If you did that, it'd be great  
for thieves. They know you've got loads of cool kit because you blog  
about it, they know where you live because of your geotags and they  
know if your not home, and how far away you are from home, because your  
mobile tells them so.

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

[WSG] Best Aussie and Kiwi web standards designers

2004-08-25 Thread Andy Budd
I'm constantly amazed by how many web standards designers there seem to 
be in Australia and New Zealand. I'm sure a lot of this is to do with 
the excellent WSG list and the great work folks like Russ and Jonh have 
done to promote standards in the antipodes.

I've come across several really nice sites designed by aussies and 
kiwis, many of which I've added to my links list. However I'm always on 
the lookout for more cool, standards complains sites, so wondered who 
you guys felt which companies and individuals were turning out the best 
work down under?

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

[WSG] RE:Flash 7 CSS/markup update

2004-08-12 Thread Andy Budd
Been looking back at the archives and discovered this post from a while 
back. Just wondering if your poking around came up with anything 

on Sat, 27 Sep 2003 James Ellis wrote

Hi everyone
Further to my presentation at the last Sydney meeting (on a Flash html 
to (x)html
converter), I said
I'd take a look at the new CSS stuff available with the new Flash 
Player 7.

In the ActionScript dictionary shipped with FlashMX04 a reasonable 
amount is spent
detailing the new
stylesheet importer. This is all pretty standard stuff although I 
noticed the examples
use classes
rather than id's in the imported stylesheets. (no # support?).
Unfortunately the CSS is, as described in the Manual, a limited set of 
the CSS1
Recommendation and
can be seen at

The most interesting thing here is the tag support in FP7 and can be 
divided into two
subsets - HTML
and XML.

FP7 supports all the HTML4 tags that FP6 supports.. P, A, B, U, FONT, 
BR, LI (still no
UL or OL).
IMG - text floats around images, I'm assuming the img floats to the 
left of the
textfield. I wonder if a class can be added to the image specifying a 
text alignment
to move it

SPAN - inline support now exists, can add classes to the tag and apply 
styles via the
class. Makes
B, U  and I redundant.

BODY - interesting ??
A:link, :hover and  :active
More interesting is that Flash Player 7 applies styles to author 
specified "xml" like

In relation to the FHTML - XHTML wysiwyg converter we could provide a 
textfield that
allows our
marketing dept users to write content according to a predefined style, 
applying tags
to the text
using mouse selections and export that resulting "XML based" markup to 
the server.
Once there we
could apply XSLT to style the content for supporting browsersor 
convert it to HTML
if we want,
saving the original xml style markup for editing by our users.

Further, if we have these user specified tags styled by CSS then 
what's stopping us
using a user
specified tag like "" or ""  that just happen to be in 
the HTML rec. ?? :D

I think a bit more experimentation is needed but a lot of this answers 
some of the
questions bought
up at the last meeting. Could be well on the way to having a 
standardised wysiwyg
editor without
having to do dodgy string replacements.

The last point is Flash Player 7 footprint.. although this is not 
really an issue
given that
something like this would be used to publish markup content for web 
users.. just have
to specify FP7
to the content managers as required.

James Ellis
Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] guide to CSS inheritance

2004-08-11 Thread Andy Budd
John Horner wrote:
However, I know I've read an article also by Eric, which says that 
those nice numbers which make so much sense at first glance are not in 
base ten.

I'm sure it was in his own personal website, but I can't seem to find 
it. I remember being puzzled by it at the time. If not base 10, then 
what? Hex? So a specificity of 11 is actually seventeen? And 17 is 
actually 23? Maybe I misinterpreted something?

I'd appreciate any light members could shed on this,
As John Allsopp mentions, the specs say that you convert the number to 
a high base number.

If you have 10 or more elements, classes or Id's in your selector, 
using base 10 could become confusing. However if you've got such overly 
complicated selectors in the first place, I think you've got more 
problems than which base to choose!

So in most practical situations I think it makes sense to use base 10, 
which is essentially what John does in his example.

And here is the article I assume John Horner was referring to
Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Are wireframes necessary when using web standards?

2004-08-09 Thread Andy Budd
Showing my ignorance:
Don't wireframes show flow only? Like the map view in Dreamweaver? Or 
it an actual possible design one creates often in Photoshop, though 
article indicated Freehand.
Hi Nancy,
Think storyboard, only without the graphical elements
Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Are wireframes necessary when using web standards?

2004-08-06 Thread Andy Budd
Ian Fenn wrote:
My client wanted something to show internal stakeholders so I started 
doing a few wireframes but suddenly wondered, "Why am I doing this? 
Why don't I just build the website using web standards?"

A day later I finished a working prototype of the website in question. 
The client is happy but another producer has been quite vocal with his 
opinion that the prototype was built too early.

From my perspective, a prototype has more value than wireframes. Web 
standards make development much more rapid, so we can respond quickly 
to any other needs thrown up before going into production.

What do you think?
Here's my take.
I think wireframes are a great first step in developing a site with a 
complex user flow. I'll often literally just sketch them on paper. They 
take no time at all and are very easy to change. Because they are 
rough, people don't get too attached to them as well, which is a bonus.

If I'm creating slightly more polished wireframes I'll do them in 
Freehand. I've all the widgets and templates created, so I can knock a 
batch of wireframes up very quickly. I can annotate them myself with 
instructions or print them out and have people scribble on them with 
suggestions. All very useful.

I can then hand them over to the client and they can sign each one off. 
This forces the client to understand and take responsibility for each 
wireframe and the signed off wireframes become part of our project 

HTML prototypes can be extremely useful as they give you and the client 
a real understanding of the user flow. It's fine looking through a 
batch of wireframes, but nothing gives you the feel of a website like, 
er, a website.

However I think you have to be a particularly gifted developer to be 
able to knock up a half descent HTML template in anything near the time 
it takes to create one in Freehand (or the graphics package of your 

Also for the HTML template to be as flexible as it's paper equivalent 
you really do need some mechanism for adding notes/instructions (like a 
div that you can toggle on and off) and allowing the client to comment 
and sign them off. Obviously as they are HTML there is no way you can 
really include them in your spec.

The other big issue is that people get very protective of their 'code'. 
I could see it being very tempting not to change something on a 
wireframe because it's a 'hassle' rather than for any strategic 
reasons. also their is the temptation to try and cut corners and turn 
your prototype into the real thing. Never a good idea in my book, as, 
by definition, a prototype is a rough, rushed version of what you 
actually want to build.

My position them would be to always wireframe and to build prototypes 
when you have the time/budget.

Andy Budd
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG]

2004-08-04 Thread Andy Budd
Tim Yang wrote:
I'm just floating an idea. I was quite interested several months ago in
re-doing some big non-standards sites like into standards
compliance for my portfolio. I also just wanted to find out if I had 
skills to meet the challenge.
Rather than make over a big site for your portfolio, why not offer your 
services to a charity or not for profit group who otherwise wouldn't be 
able to afford your design services. That way you'd have a real, 
working site to show, rather than a standards compliant clone.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Fixed vs flexible layouts

2004-08-02 Thread Andy Budd
Lee Roberts wrote:
Andy wanted to know what the WCAG working group members
had to say about fixed and scalable width layouts.  I am a
member of the working group.
Well, I gave an education and it seems the topic has grown
to now include more about mobile devices.
The purpose of variable width or elastic designs is to
help people by allowing them to increase their font size
without destroying the design.  Yes, you will end up with
right-scrolls.  It doesn't matter what you do.
Thanks for that Lee. So are you saying that the sole purpose of 
checkpoint 3.7 is to accommodate the resizing of layouts along with 

Does that mean in this case, pixels aren't being considered as relative 
units, contrary to what the specs say?

I have to admit that I have huge problems with the guidelines. Most 
notably because they don't really tell you why each checkpoint is 
necessary and how failure to comply can reduce accessibility. Some are 
obvious, but many others aren't.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Fixed vs flexible layouts

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Some very interesting discussion point here.
I think the topic of fixed vs flexible layouts tends to cover a number 
of areas.

- Accessibility
- Usability
- Device Independence
- Personal Preference
- User Control
Many people quite understandably end up mixing these issues together. 
For instance, if you create a fixed width layout and then reduce the 
browser so that the viewport is smaller than the layout width, you are 
going to get scroll bars. The same thing happens if you create an 
elastic layout and up the font size too much. However surely these are 
more usability issues than accessibility issues.

People often bring up the question of mobile phones and PDA's but where 
does accessibility end and platform independence begin? Many mobile 
developers would argue  that you should be developing specially for 
mobile devices as the needs of the users and limitations of the medium 
are very different to that of computer screens. While it's an 
idealistic goal, it's probably unrealistic to develop once then deploy 
across all internet enabled devices.

Personal preference is a bit of a red herring. It seems that as many 
people like fixed width layouts as they dislike them.

Pretty much all these areas have been covered here, and elsewhere, yet 
I'm still left feeling that we've not had a definitive reason why fixed 
layouts are bad for *accessibility*, only personal opinion. Probably 
because accessibility is a subjective concept that, at certain times, 
can include all the other areas I've mentioned.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Fixed vs flexible layouts

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Patrick Lauke wrote:
actually, I'd go even further than that and say that this is
a case in which we may need completely different sites
before anybody jumps up and down and scream bloody murder: i'm not 
about browser sniffing, but about having two or more version of the
site (ideally all powered by the same content) to allow "modal" access
to information.
I know a few people who specialise in design and development for mobile 
devices. When I asked them about CSS support for handhelds they just 

They took very much the view you're taking, often having to create 
multiple versions of the same site for different handheld devices, all 
powered by the same content obviously.

Designing for handhelds (and DTV for that matter) is a very different 
medium than designing for a computer screen. I know we'd all like to 
see a world where you develop once and then deploy across multiple 
platforms, however I'm really not sure how realistic this is.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Hacks

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Mark Harwood wrote:
So I pose another question, if it was a perfect world and it 
supported CSS
properly, what percentage of your development time would be saved on 
Very little now, as i've developed a standard for all my sites, which 
you can
tell via the markup.

But it would have saved me huge amount during the rather large 
learning curve
that i started with.
Lucky bugger. I tend to take around 20% of my time getting templates 
80% finished, and the rest of the time is spent fixing annoyances and 

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Hacks

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Chris Blown wrote:
Its like losing your keys.  I am the sort of person who still looks 
for my missing keys even though I have a spare set ready to go.. I 
just can seem to forget about it and find them later on, I am not 
really happy until I've found the missing set... The hack here is the 
spare set of keys, the solution until I find the missing set.. But I 
usually can't let it go.. unless I they are well and truly lost. ;)
I couldn't agree more. I think it's often the case of treating the 
symptoms rather than looking for the cause. If my CSS doesn't quite 
'work' in a particular browser I tend to spend time finding out why and 
then coming up with an alternate method that will work.

A lot of people seem to throw a hack at the problem in an almost knee 
jerk reaction. Personally I'm yet to come across a CSS issue (touch 
wood) that couldn't be fixed by taking a different approach. Of course 
this often involves changing the mark-up which some people would take 
issue with.

One question I have, Is using a CSS selector that is not support by a 
certain browser,  a hack? Some people think so..
Absolutely not. That's the beauty of CSS. Graceful degradation.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Fixed vs flexible layouts

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Patrick Griffiths wrote:
The accessibility concern with fixed (pixel) width layouts that
instantly jumps to mind is that if a user with poor eyesight decides to
bump up the text size, you're going to find yourself with fewer words
per line. If you're not careful, such an action can lead to content
being more difficult to read, especially in narrow columns. This is one
of the benefits of elastic fixed (em) width layouts - you should
maintain the same number of words on a line, no matter what the text
size (but then, the larger it gets, the greater the likelihood of
dreaded horizontal scroll bars appearing gets).
That's my problem with using ems. You maintain the 'words per line' but 
risk horizontal scrolling. Yet the horizontal scrolling/small screen 
issue seems to be the main reason why the WAI advocate using relative 
units instead of absolute units.

Oh, and then there's the accessibility problems with small-screen
devices. If you were to set your content area to 600px wide, for
example, some mobile browsers (I'm thinking Pocket PC Windows IE here)
will apply that width and you have a scrolling nightmare on screens 
will probably be much less than 600px wide.
If you are embedding widths in the HTML this is definitely an issue. 
However if you are doing it using CSS, these devices should really use 
'handheld' stylesheets instead of those intended for 'screen'.

I doubt that using a flexible layout would be that much better. Take 
your typical 3 col layout for instance. Reduced down to a mobile phone 
sized screen you'd have exactly the same issue as described in your 
first para. i.e. The text in each col would be so squashed up as to be 

The WCAG are so vague, often with a get out clause of "well, if you
can't really achieve that then if you vaguely do this to compensate 
that's alright" kind of thing. It's not that difficult to argue that
something is "AA" for example, because the guidelines give you a lot of
flexibility and are open to interpretation. This is why, personally, I
don't think WAI standards badges are that useful. Good as guidelines,
but not as rules.
Agreed. One of the reasons I posted here was because there are a few 
WCAG members on the list. I'd be interested to hear their rational 
behind this guideline. It seems to me that whether you use fixed or 
flexible layouts there will always be accessibility issues at the 
extreme ends of screen size.

Andy Budd
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[WSG] Hacks

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Whenever I trawl lists like css-discuss, I'm always surprised about the 
amount of hack related discussion there is.

People are always talking about the holy hack, the underscore hack or 
the star hack, about IE7, the high pass filter or the mid pass filter.

As somebody who is quite experienced with CSS you'd be forgiven for 
thinking that I'd know about all these hacks. However about the only 
hack I use (and have ever actually needed) is Taneks old school box 
model hack, and even this I use sparingly.

So I'm interested to hear what you folks think. Do you hack or are you 
hack free? If you hack, what methods do you use, why do you use that 
method, and more importantly, why do you need it in the first place?

Andy Budd
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[WSG] Fixed vs flexible layouts

2004-07-30 Thread Andy Budd
Hi folks,
Everybody has an opinion on fixed vs flexible layouts. Some people 
prefer how fixed width sites look, and there is little doubt that they 
are easier to build. Others hate the whitespace around fixed width 
designs, thinking they look ridiculous on large monitors.

For a site to get a AA accessibility rating, you are supposed to use 
relative units (%, em) rather than fixed units (px). However the WAI 
guidelines do say that, if you use fixed units, you must make sure that 
your site is usable.

Personal preferences aside, what "accessibility" problems to people see 
with fixed width layouts and what are the scale of these problems. 
Could the same arguments hold true for "elastic layouts" (layouts based 
on ems) and do "flexible layouts" (those based on %) have their own 
accessibility issues?

Is it acceptable for the vast majority of fixed width CSS based sites 
to claim AA compliance if all other priority 1 and 2 checkpoints are 

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] After CSS?

2004-07-23 Thread Andy Budd
sinz wrote:
Now, it took me a while to get here, but we all got to start somewhere.
But what now? How can you prepare for the next specification, new 
attributes and selectors, is there a test suite for CSS3?.  Im a 
graphic designer, who's passion for web development introduced me to 
one of the strongest client side languages available to any developer, 
now that im at a point of "speaking fluent CSS" what do i tackle next, 
what new CSS3 flavours can i focus on for the next wave of innovation?
Well you can find a lot of the working drafts for CSS3 here
Although considering how quickly (or slowly) these things take to get 
finished and implemented, I doubt you'll be writing CSS3 pages until 
you're into your late 20's.

As Jeremy Keith says, "The DOM is the new CSS" so my advice would be to 
look to the DOM as your next adventure in web standards.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] About the standard Price for our website design .

2004-07-22 Thread Andy Budd
What you charge depends on a whole range of factors but these are the 
main ones.

- The local going rate
- The type of clients you deal with
- How good you are at what you do
- Your overheads
Obviously a large agency with flash premises in the Middle of London 
dealing with blue chip clients are going to be charging a lot more than 
a bedroom designer with a knock-off copy of dreamweaver building sites 
for the local florist.

If you're a freelancer you should probably work out how much you feel 
you should be earning a year, adding on any overheads, estimate how 
many jobs you're likely to do a year and how long each job is likely to 
take. This should be enough to work out a basic daily rate.

As a guide these may be of help
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Titles Acronyms Abbr etc

2004-07-21 Thread Andy Budd
An acronym is an abbreviation that is used as a word e.g. NATO, UNICEF 

Jeffery Lowder wrote:
Hi Jackie
If it was this: VDS, then 
I'd say it's fine - as it is an acronym and needs to be marked up as 
But it isn't so there really is no need for the acronym element
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] A California meeting? was Brisbane July Meeting - Report

2004-07-19 Thread Andy Budd
Maybe I'm missing the joke but yahoo maps shows SD to LA at around 125 
miles. Push your ride to 70 mph and it's two hours max, excepting 

Sorry if I missed the joke. :-)
No Joke. I just honestly thought SD was further away that that. I guess 
I was probably taking the scenic route and keeping within the 55mph 
speed limit as well, which would explain why it took me so long.

Anyway, sorry for the OT banter.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] A California meeting? was Brisbane July Meeting - Report

2004-07-19 Thread Andy Budd
Krassy wrote:
San Diego, CA here...2 hours south of Marina Del Rey.

Blimey, you must drive fast. I spent 2 days driving between San Diego 
and LA. Sure I did stop off on the way, but even so, 2 hours!

Andy Budd
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[WSG] Sportwear/fashion sites using web standards

2004-07-14 Thread Andy Budd
Hi Folks,
I was just wondering if anybody can point me in the direction of a 
sportswear or fashion site using web standards?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] FW: What do you consider to be the minimum Accessibility level to cover legal requirements?

2004-07-06 Thread Andy Budd
Mike Foskett wrote:
I'm about to rewrite the technical standards for the acceptance of 
external, and independent, web resources.
At present they are only guidelines and they suggest:
	. Compliance to WAI priority one (plus a little).
	. W3C validated coding with allowable exceptions. E.g. Flash / 
I know it's a little vague, but I'd say something like
Must reach a minimum of WAI priority 1 checkpoints and aim to comply 
with all priority 2 checkpoints. Sites should be developed using web 
standards and aim to validate to a correct doctype. Exceptions will be 
given in rare circumstances such as dealing with legacy, non standards 
complaint content management systems.

OK, it's not great, but better than writing your own set of criteria.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] OZEWAI 2004 (Australian Web Accessibility Initiative)

2004-07-06 Thread Andy Budd
Geoff Deering wrote:
I'd just like to plug OZEWAI 2004 (  It 
be great if people from the Web Standards Group could bring their 
and expertise to this conference.  It's an annual event.
I think one big problem people associate with accessibility is dull, 
circa 1990 style sites. This used to also be the case with web 
standards but sites like the zen garden have helped clear up that myth. 
To really promote accessibility (to web design firms and clients 
anyway) I think we should try and let people know that accessibility 
doesn't have to be dull and boring.

Take the site. It's a great idea and I hope the conference 
is a big hit. However looking at it, it's really not dispelling any 
myths about accessibility.

I personally don't have much time at the moment but would be happy to 
donate an old design/stylesheet that I'm not using to you guys.
It's by no means perfect (I'm aware of at least one glitch), but may 
help jazz up the site a little. Alternatively somebody out there may 
have some spare time on their hands and be willing to help you out with 
a new design. Maybe as a portfolio piece?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Styling Text... (Andy Budd Accessibility Quiz)

2004-07-05 Thread Andy Budd
Geoff Deering wrote:
That is a very very poor quiz, and shows the author does not 
understand WCAG1 very well at all.  Actually, it shows more that he 
does not know how to form the proper questions.
The quality of the questions and quiz aside, why do you think the 
author doesn't understand WCAG!? My impression was the opposite.
Hi Geoff,
How sweet.
Obviously it was just meant to be a bit of fun, but I guess you always 
get one or two party poopers.

I'm planning to post up my answers later this evening, so please feel 
free to come by my site and rip them/me apart in person.

Andy Budd
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[WSG] Quick Accessibility Quiz

2004-07-01 Thread Andy Budd
I've just posted up a quick accessibility quiz on my site. 

The first 3 people with the correct answers and reasoning (as judged by  
me) will win a free GMail account (assuming I can remember my  

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] New mobile standards body

2004-06-24 Thread Andy Budd
Interesting Idea, but isn't this something the web standards project 
is/should be doing?

Kyle Barrow wrote:
OMTP is a new standards body attempting to promote open standards 
amongst mobile manufacturers.

With the messy state of Web standards compliance on mobiles, an 
organisation like this is long overdue although I noticed NTT DoCoMo 
is a member which is rather like inviting Hannibal Lector for 

Their Web site ( was up earlier today but appears 
to have been replaced with the ubiquitous "hello world" message; 
somewhat embarrassing for an organisation with 100,000 Euro membership 

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Accessability testing

2004-06-24 Thread Andy Budd
I think there is a problem inherent in using these tools.
HTML validators work because they check a document against a 'machine 
readable' set of grammars. Accessibility tools can't do this. What they 
do is look at a site based on a set of guidelines. However these 
guidelines are open to interpretation. Thus all tools like Bobby can do 
is help you spot obvious mistakes, they can't actually 'validate' your 

Problems occur when clients/developers mistake the tools for the actual 
guidelines/checklists. A site should try to conform to a priority 
level, not an accessibility tool. I've seen a number of instances where 
'Bobby' thinks a site doesn't comply, but from reading the guidelines I 
disagree. The point isn't to naively follow a set of rules. The point 
is to make your site more accessible too people. If your site complies 
to all the priority 3 guidelines but fails to comply one priority 2 
guidelines, does this make the site less accessible than one that 
comply to all priority 2 guidelines, but no priority 3?

I think the clue really is in the language. These things are 
guidelines, not absolutes.

James Cowperthwaite wrote:
Hi - does anyone still use Bobby these days?
I ask because we really have only used:
Cynthia™ Says - Web Content Accessibility Report
On a site we are developing we pass all Checklist items up to and
including Priority 3 Verification with Cynthia, however our client is
testing using Bobby and Usablenet, stating these are the 'industry
Is this the case? If not could anyone hit me with a nice list objective

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] OT - Standards Compliant Websites Directory

2004-06-24 Thread Andy Budd
A directory is a good idea, however there are quite a few sites doing 
similar things these days.

Somebody could write a bot that validates as it crawls. Then you could 
have a standards compliant SE.

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Recommended Books

2004-06-24 Thread Andy Budd
James Ellis wrote:
First taxi off the rank is Andy Budd's book listing at - Andy, feel free to 
update the listing.
Cheers James.
I probably should add some of my articles as well, shouldn't I?
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Recommended Books

2004-06-22 Thread Andy Budd
Here are my book recommendations.
Jamie Mason wrote:
Hey all,
The Head of Design here is ordering in some books soon for the 
designer's reference, I was wondering whether anyone has any 
recommended books on;
  Designing for Web Standards
 HCI (A study on how people interact with computers)
And ideally, some kind of book on advice on implementing the above 
across a very large business involving teams seperate design, 
development and editorial teams.
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Mac testers please

2004-06-22 Thread Andy Budd
Very slick.
Marc Greenstock wrote:
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could be so kind as to test my site using IE 
Mac 5+ and Safari
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Quick accessibility question

2004-06-16 Thread Andy Budd
Richard Rutter wrote:
If you want something doing...
A script which uses the DOM to automatically underline the letter of a 
link text which matches its accesskey:

Any use? In some ways this could be using JavaScript to increase 
accessibility, or least stop mark-up getting in the way.
I hope you're gonna use that for your SkillSwap :-)
Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] Quick accessibility question

2004-06-15 Thread Andy Budd
Patrick Lauke wrote:
Tested with JAWS 4.02, and yes, it reads it as "search".
That's not to say, though, that all screenreaders behave this way...
Let me guess...underlines for accesskeys ?
That's the fella
One thing that worries me about doing those sorts of things is that
the result is very...non semantic. Not sure how, say, search
engines would react to seeing Words broken up like that. Would
they still index the word itself, or would they see an "S" and
"earch"? (sure, in this case it doesn't make a difference, but
I'm thinking in more general terms, e.g. headings using an image
as an ornate initial or something - search engines would presumably
not recognise the designer's intention - why should they? - and
not see the word as a whole).
 I agree with you. It's not the nicest way of doing this. I think using 
the :first-letter pseudo-element selector would probably be a better 

Andy Budd
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[WSG] Quick accessibility question

2004-06-15 Thread Andy Budd
Here's a quick (and probably stupid) accessibility question regarding 
screen readers.

I assume the a screen reader will read this out as "Search" and not "S 

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] re: using wildcard * in css

2004-06-14 Thread Andy Budd
Sorry to dash your hopes, but that's just the Universal Selector
Neerav wrote:
I was trying to think of a way to set the same margin for all elements 
inside my "content" div at and decided to try

.content *
  margin-left: 15px;
Just for the heck of it. To my surprise, this worked in Firefox 0.8, 
IE6, and Opera 7.23

So have I accidentally stumbled on a perfectly valid use of css, or am 
I exploiting some bug? Will the margin display properly 
cross-browsers/platforms ?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] SkillSwap

2004-06-03 Thread Andy Budd
Well if somebody wants to pay for my airfare over, I'd be more than 
happy to run a few sessions :-)

If somebody in NZ or OZ want's to give me a well paid job, even better. 
Loverly part of the world.

Alternatively you may be to open up a NZ branch of the WSG and then you 
could run your own events. webmaster wrote:
can you get it in New Zealand?

Andy Budd
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Re: [WSG] SkillSwap

2004-06-03 Thread Andy Budd
Sorry folks. Somehow I managed to send this to the wrong mailing list 

Don't I feel like a prat!
Andy Budd wrote:
The next SkillSwap is running this monday. For more info, see
Andy Budd
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