[wsjt-devel] Yet Another Compound Call Issue

2017-12-08 Thread Scott Bidstrup

Bill et. al.,

I have identified another problem with autoseqencing with compound 
calls, that can generate and log invalid QSOs.

It seems that when someone responds to my CQ with TX2, the resulting 
standard TX3 response from me enables someone else to hijack the QSO. 
Here is an example of the problem, cut and pasted from the RX freq window:

130430  -3  0.3 1417 ~  W7RI K0GK -15 (K0GK responds to my CQ)

130430   7 -0.5 1518 ~  W7RI N3OUC FN20 (Call 1st is on, so this call is 
ignored.  It's supposed to.  So far, so good.)

130445  Tx  1415 ~  DE TI3/W7RI R-03 (I respond to K0GK with TX3)

130500   6 -0.5 1518 ~  W7RI N3OUC R-08 (N3UOC continues to call, even 
though I am in QSO with someone else. He is ignored. Great! So far, so 

130515  Tx  1415 ~  DE TI3/W7RI R-03 (K0GK has failed to respond, so 
I resend TX3)

130545  Tx  1415 ~  DE TI3/W7RI R-03 (K0GK has failed to respond, so 
I resend TX3)

130615  Tx  1415 ~  DE TI3/W7RI R-03 (K0GK has failed to respond, so 
I resend TX3)

130630  -4  0.7 1416 ~  W7RI JA2XYO RRR  (Because, for compound call 
users, TX3 does not send the call of the station I am working, JA2YXO 
responds, thinking mistakenly that I am in QSO with HIM rather than K0GK)

130645  Tx  1415 ~  DE TI3/W7RI 73 (Hearing the RRR sequence from 
JA2YXO, my software responds with the Log QSO dialog box, but populated 
with JA2YXO's callsign, and K0GK's signal report - an invalid QSO.)

This problem happens with enough frequency to be something of an issue, 
particularly when I am working a large pileup as I was this morning, 
which is a good deal of the time.

Whenever someone responds with TX2 and I send TX3, there's enough people 
out there attempting to call me that this will happen with some 
frequency - maybe once in 15 or 20 QSOs.  Configuration does not allow 
me to work around this by changing the TX3 standard message without 
forcing me to change others I don't want to change.

Maybe the software should test to see if the callsign was changed since 
the last signal report has been received before sequencing to TX5 and 
bringing up the dialog box, and not advance the sequence or allow 
logging if it has.

Regards and 73,
Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] DXPedition System Clock Sync

2017-12-07 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 07/12/2017 05:48 p.m., Dave Corsello wrote:

Then the idea of an automatic network isn’t feasible.  Maybe it could
work if every WSJT user who had access to NTP had the option to
broadcast time data periodically from their station.

Let's get real here, folks.

The SOLE utility of WSJT-X is to generate QSOs.  Full stop.

As a consequence of deliberate, well-considered design decisions, it is 
close to useless for communicating any message longer than 13 
characters, so the only time you're going to use it at all, at least in 
any serious way, is when ALL you want to do is generate contacts, not 
convey information.

If an EMP takes out your Internet service and nullifies your NTP access, 
it's because there's a friggin' WAR on, dude, and you're going to have 
much more serious problems to worry about just generating contacts for 
yet more wallpaper.

And as far as the DXpeditions are concerned, in such an event, I 
guarantee you that freezing to death in a fragile tent amidst howling 
blizzards on a rocky beach on Bouvet Island is quite likely the last 
priority you're gonna have in the midst of a war serious enough to see 
the GPS network shut down or become inoperative.

So just buy the darned $25 GPS receiver from Amazon and take it with you 
on your next DXpedition and don't worry about the theoreticals that 
you're not going to encounter in any likely scenario.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-05 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 04/12/2017 05:34 p.m., Libor Holous OK2ZO wrote:

Dear Scott..

Look.. As I said, experienced smart operator will get the call correctly..
The others can repair it in their logs anytime later.

The experienced, smart operator will.  The problem I encounter is the 
embarrassingly large number of operators that are inexperienced, not 
smart, or both.  These problems get compounded by the large number of 
operators that are still using the early-version FT8 software that will 
not sequence properly when working some unfortunate, hapless schmuck 
like me who is stuck with a compound call.

It's not your

Actually, it is, because I can't 1) get all those operators out there to 
learn how to use their software, 2) increase their 
intelligence/awareness level to a reasonable standard, or 3) teach them 
that, just because their "About" window says they are using says 
"1.8.0," that doesn't mean that they're using the largely bug-free 
general release version, rather than a thoroughly bug-ridden early 
development release candidate version that they downloaded and installed 
from that obscure web site in Outer Slobbovia, or haven't updated since 
they first heard about FT8 and downloaded it from Joe's site when FT8 
was first announced.

The net result is that I end up aborting about one QSO in five, because 
the other guy either isn't sequencing properly or does something 
unexpected.  Most often, he's not sequencing properly because he is 
using a development version that doesn't handle compound callsigns very 

N.B. JOE:  I really wish Joe would put up a note on his web site about 
that - because the vast majority of people not involved in software 
development don't understand and have absolutely no clue about how 
software version numbering is being done these days.  It would be 
extremely helpful in getting those folks to upgrade their software.  The 
note should be placed near the download links where it can't be missed. 
Here is the wording I would suggest:

"NOTE: If you are using software that was downloaded from this or 
another OFFICIAL site prior to October 28, 2017, you are using a 
development version, even if the version number shown on your software 
is "1.8.0."  As many of the development versions (designated with -rc1, 
-rc2 or -rc3) have bugs that can cause operational problems on-air, you 
should update to this version as soon as possible to prevent problems 
on-air.  There is no guarantee that software downloaded from unofficial 
or unauthorized sites is current."

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-04 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 04/12/2017 12:57 p.m., Libor Holous OK2ZO wrote:

Experienced users will quickly know, you are from Costa Rica.. Just send
time to time CQ and standard 73 message with full call..

Libor, I understand what you are saying, but the reality is that a lot 
of fellows in the States, when they sit down for a session, will simply 
glance at the band activity window and not connect up my abbreviated 
call and my full callsign, because it may not appear on their list of 
decodes.  If my full callsign, from a CQ or 73 message doesn't appear in 
the band activity window, they will not appreciate that I am a DX station.

I do, in fact, call CQ frequently - mostly so my full callsign gets out 
there, and also because it makes starting an autosequence more sure. 
But when I'm working a pileup, as I am most of the time, I can go for 
quite a few QSOs - ten or fifteen minutes - with the software never 
sending a CQ, but simply replying to the first decode that pops up after 
my last 73 message, and Call 1st then sends to the standard messages. 
When that happens, I do not send a complete callsign at all until the 
next 73 message, (and technically, that's not legal under the rules here 
- we are supposed to transmit the full, unabbreviated call signs of ours 
and the other station's call, during the first and last transmissions in 
a QSO and "frequently" in between). And it also means my full callsign 
is transmitted far less frequently, as it appears only in the 73 
messages I send.  If the other station who might be considering calling 
me has a lot of band activity that is generating a ton of decodes, he 
may not ever notice that my full call is a DX callsign.  And very few, 
if any, ever will ever figure it out from my grid square alone.

Anybody will always put you to the cluster, so you won't have to be
worry, you not have a pileup..

That is not always true when I am working a lot of Stateside stations, 
many of which probably never realize, till my 73 message, that they've 
even worked a DX station.  Many, if not most stations in the States will 
never spot me to the cluster (because, even though I'm DX, I'm in a 
commonly worked country), and, because of my proximity to the States, 
they represent the bulk of stations I work.

I can always tell when I've been spotted to the cluster because the 
pileup instantly gets much bigger.  And that happens only infrequently 
when most of the stations I am working are Stateside.  When I am working 
a lot of Europeans, yes, at least a third of the stations I work there 
will spot me.  But that is a much less common practice in the States.

Question is, if EU is more DX than US for you? For lot of stations from
Caribean it's opposite..

For purposes of awards, they're all the same - anything outside of Costa 
Rica is DX to me - including 200km up the road in Nicaragua or 150 km 
down the road in Panamá.  If your question is whether I am more desirous 
of working E.U. than U.S., no, it doesn't matter to me as I'm not really 
much of a DX chaser, unless it's a country I haven't worked, and then I 
want it - no matter where it is.  And in E.U. all I am lacking are 
Andorra and Lichtenstein, but still lack several in Latin America, 
mostly in the Caribbean.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-04 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 04/12/2017 07:39 a.m., Rich - K1HTV wrote:

A caution to those of us who often bypass the TX1 message (calls &
grid) and start with TX2 (Calls and report).

The problem for those of us with compound calls, is that TX1 populates 
ONLY with OUR own full call - it does not include the other guy's.  So 
the other guy doesn't know if you're responding to HIM rather than 
someone else. Using TX2 fixes that problem, but...

Another problem (for me) is that if I respond with TX2, which has my 
abbreviated, U.S. call in it, the other guy often thinks I'm just yet 
another U.S. station with a 1x2 call sign, and who cares?  So they don't 
answer, not realizing they're being called by a DX station.

So the problem for those of us forced to use compound calls, is which 
problem is worse.  I seem to get more frequent responses with TX2 
nowadays so it's what I now use.

When calling a DX
station with a complex callsign, when the DX station responds, none
of the messages in his transmitted sequences will have YOUR callsign
in them. There is no way to know for sure that the DX station is
responding to you or another station.

Yup.  See the above.

The fix, when calling stations with complex callsigns, is to start
with the TX1 message.

Unless you're a DX station forced to use a compound call.  See my first 
paragraph above.

Another note, when using the alternate TX4 (RR73) message, if after
you send your "RR73" message the station you are working responds
with a TX2 (calls and report) instead of a TX5 (73) message, that
indicates that the station is probably using an older version of
WSJT-X. I've sent out numerous emails to those who have responded
that way when I worked them and almost all have responded, confirming
that they were using an older version.

I'm using the current version and have had that happen to me.  It 
certainly happens a lot with other stations, so I don't use the 
alternate TX4 for that reason.

A more serious problem for us users of compound calls is that the 
earliest versions of FT8 software doesn't handle compound calls well at 
all, and will often hang up during auto sequencing.  So when this 
happens, I give the guy four chances to take it out of autosequence and 
advance manually, but when he fails to do so, I've taken to aborting 
auto sequence and sending a macro that says UPDATE SOFTWR.  I am still 
having to do that on about one out of every ten Qs I have.  On 20m, it's 
noticeably worse - about one in five. It's why I tend to stick to 15 and 
17 when those bands are open.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 02/12/2017 07:01 p.m., John Broughton wrote:

Here is a copy of our transmissions. Your call showed up as TI3/W7RI
on your CQ. The generated messages from me just had W7RI in them,
except my 73 message which had TI3/W7RI. Your responses during the QSO
showed W7RI with TI3/W7RI showing up again in your 73. I assume this is
the way it is supposed to work.

183015   8  1.0 1607 ~  CQ TI3/W7RI EJ89
171202_183030  Transmitting 21.074 MHz  FT8:  W7RI WB9VGJ DM34
171202_183100  Transmitting 21.074 MHz  FT8:  W7RI WB9VGJ DM34
183115   7  1.0 1607 ~  WB9VGJ W7RI +11
171202_183130  Transmitting 21.074 MHz  FT8:  W7RI WB9VGJ R+07
183145  10  1.0 1607 ~  WB9VGJ W7RI RRR
171202_183200  Transmitting 21.074 MHz  FT8:  TI3/W7RI 73
183215   5  1.0 1607 ~  DE TI3/W7RI 73

BTW, thanks for the QSO.

My pleasure, John.

Yes, that's the way it's supposed to work with compound call signs.  And 
as long as everyone uses the standard messages with the current 
software, everything works just fine with them.  The problems that arise 
happen when calls used are not in a standard message, or are not in a 
standard autosequence series.  You were not answered on the first try 
because someone else in the pileup decoded before you did, and got 
worked before you were.  I'm really looking forward to the "fox and 
hound" protocol for working pileups, which account for the bulk of 
stations I work.  It should speed things up considerably and increase my 
QSO throughput considerably from what I am hearing about it.  Other 
stations here locally I have talked to have expressed similar eagerness 
for it.

Technically, FT8 and similar protocols are of questionable legality 
here, since our local rules stipulate that the full, unabbreviated call 
signs of the station being worked, as well as my full, unabbreviated 
call sign must be transmitted at the beginning and end of a series of 
transmissions, and "frequently" in between - but they don't say anything 
about the use of abbreviated calls during a series.  But since no one 
here has yet been cited for identification infractions using FT8 or 
other WSJT modes, I suspect that it's not being considered by them to be 
a problem, since my full call sign is transmitted during the CQ, and 
during the 73 sequence, and the other station's full call is transmitted 
by me at some point in between.  Presumably, that seems to satisfy the 
regulator here locally, as they have not yet said anything about it. 
The exception would arise when I, with my compound call, will be working 
another station with a compound call.  Haven't encountered that one yet 
to see how that one works out.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 02/12/2017 05:45 p.m., Bill Somerville wrote:

you can always click the appropriate message button to continue the QSO
with him.

I have noticed that the program won't populate the standard messages if 
I click on the call in a non-standard message or a previous auto 
sequence has not been aborted.  So I've grown used to not bothering to 
try in such situations.


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Re: [wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 02/12/2017 04:40 p.m., Bill Somerville wrote:

On 02/12/2017 22:28, Scott Bidstrup wrote:


Hi Scott,

the above message is not a standard format message, it is a free text
message. WSJT-X does not try to interpret free text messages apart from
the general case of messages containing the word 73.


Thanks, Bill.  That explains it.  I appreciate the explanation.  The guy 
was quite persistent, and kept after it for a dozen or more sequences... 
 Finally, he gave up after seeing me working others...


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[wsjt-devel] Another Compound Callsign Problem

2017-12-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup
I have encountered another problem with compound call signs that needs 
attention.  If I am calling CQ and someone calls me with my full 
callsign in the decode, not just my abbreviated call, auto sequence 
won't recognize my call and begin the sequence after he responded to my 
CQ.  Note the following series copied from the RX Frequency window (auto 
seq and call 1st were both checked when this occurred):

222300  -1 -0.2 1322 ~  TI3/W7RI WY5I
222315  Tx  1323 ~  CQ TI3/W7RI EJ89
222330  -1 -0.2 1322 ~  TI3/W7RI WY5I
222345  Tx  1323 ~  CQ TI3/W7RI EJ89
222330  -1 -0.3 1323 ~  W7RI K5VP CN85
222345  Tx  1323 ~  K5VP W7RI -01

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Call change while logging

2017-11-26 Thread Scott Bidstrup

It would be preferable, I think, to simply allow the changing of the
DX call in auto sequence, but NOT change the data that is in the
dialog box that is going to go to the log file when the log dialog box
is open and then OKed.  This would solve the problem, but not cause a
problem with the next auto sequence when the log dialog box is OKed,
and then TX is then enabled.

Hi Scott,

this is already exactly what happens.


I've actually SEEN it change the callsign in the Log QSO dialog box AS I 
was moving the mouse over to the OK button - when it happens, it is in 
the first second or two after the dialog box has opened.  The callsign 
changes, but the rest of the data in the dialog box does not.  So I know 
it can change the callsign in the dialog box, under some circumstance, 
however rare.  I've seen it happen.


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Re: [wsjt-devel] Call change while logging

2017-11-26 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 26/11/2017 01:04 p.m., Rich - K1HTV wrote:

Disabling the changing of the DX call while the logging box is open
would prevent the problems now being experienced for those that don't
act fast enough to log the previous QSO.

I've had this happen to me, too.

It would be preferable, I think, to simply allow the changing of the DX 
call in auto sequence, but NOT change the data that is in the dialog box 
that is going to go to the log file when the log dialog box is open and 
then OKed.  This would solve the problem, but not cause a problem with 
the next auto sequence when the log dialog box is OKed, and then TX is 
then enabled.

Scott Bidstrup

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[wsjt-devel] Another Issue With Auto Sequence

2017-11-26 Thread Scott Bidstrup


I have noticed another issue with Auto Sequence that should be 
addressed.  Here is a sequence series, copied and pasted from the RX 
frequency window, that exemplifies the problem:

181945   7 -0.5 1235 ~  W7RI WA2VCQ EL87 (other calls fm. a previous CQ)
182000  Tx  1236 ~  WA2VCQ W7RI +07  (I respond, auto seq. TX2)
182015   8 -0.5 1235 ~  W7RI WA2VCQ -07  (other stn. responds)
182030  Tx  1236 ~  DE TI3/W7RI R+08 (auto seq. goes to TX3)
182045  11 -0.5 1235 ~  W7RI WA2VCQ RRR  (other stn. responds)
(Log QSO dialog box comes up automatically; I clicked OK)
182100  Tx  1236 ~  DE TI3/W7RI 73   (auto seq. goes to TX5)
182115   6 -0.5 1235 ~  TI3/W7RI 73  (other stn. responds)
182130  Tx  1236 ~  WA2VCQ W7RI +06  (auto seq. goes to TX2)

Note that rather than ending the auto sequence after logging, the system 
jumped back to TX2 and attempted to continue the auto sequence again 
from there, which I had to manually abort.

This problem happens with rather considerable frequency, and if the auto 
sequencing sequences from TX2 to TX3, it will ALWAYS happen.  Usually, 
if the auto sequence jumps from TX2 to TX4 (most often the case), it 
will not happen, and the auto sequence will complete normally.

Not sure if it is related to the fact that I am cursed with having to 
use a compound call, but maybe...

Regards to all,
Scott Bidstrup

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[wsjt-devel] Aborted Auto Sequence Issue

2017-11-23 Thread Scott Bidstrup

I have noticed a small issue using F4 to abort an auto sequence in FT8.

As I am cursed with having to use a compound call, and there are still a 
surprising number of rc1 users out there whose software can't handle 
compound calls like mine very well (I am guessing about one in five), I 
frequently find myself on the other end of a QSO with a user whose auto 
sequencing gets locked up when trying to deal with my call.

F4 aborts the auto sequence for me just fine and erases the standard 
messages, and that's been a lifeline - the F4 key is now my new best 
friend.  But I have encountered a small bug using it that probably ought 
to be fixed.

If the other user gets locked up, and then I use F4 to abort and have 
not yet repopulated the standard messages, and the other user then 
unexpectedly happens to then send the next expected sequence, my 
software will then transmit a sequence that is totally empty because, 
well, I just erased the standard messages when I hit the F4 button.

Perhaps the software should look to see if the sequence about to be 
transmitted is empty, and not transmit it, if it is.

Regards from rainy Costa Rica,
Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Problem with standard message generation

2017-11-21 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 21/11/2017 06:38 a.m., Rich - K1HTV wrote:

Have you tried using the F4 key to clear the current QSO messages then click on 
the new station call that you want to work?

Yes, that works.  Thanks, Rich.  Helps enormously with pileups.

73 all,
Scott Bidstrup

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[wsjt-devel] Problem with standard message generation

2017-11-20 Thread Scott Bidstrup


Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but I've encountered a problem 
with the standard message generation and auto sequencing in FT8.

As I am a DX station, usually when I call CQ, I will get multiple 
stations answering me.  So far, not a problem.  If I have Auto Seq and 
Call 1st both checked, the messages auto generate on the first decode 
with my call in it, the system starts through the sequence and as long 
as I hear the other guy's responses in the proper sequence, all is well.

The problem I am encountering is when the station I am working fails to 
respond to the sequences in the series as expected by the software for 
whatever reason (and this happens with some frequency) and I have to 
abort that sequence.

Maybe I've missed something here, and if so, let me know, but the really 
annoying part is that there doesn't seem to be an easy way I have found 
to abort an auto sequence and regenerate the standard messages for a 
*different* call.  Disabling transmit doesn't do it.  Unclicking the 
Auto Seq box doesn't do it.  Clicking on the Generate Std Msgs button 
after highlighting the call doesn't do it.  Double-clicking another 
redlined call doesn't do it.  Nothing does it that I've found, except 
disabling transmit, then selecting the TX6 radio button, then enabling 
transmit and ACTUALLY SENDING a CQ sequence.  THEN I can double click on 
the call of the next guy in the pileup and it will generate the standard 
messages.  But more often than not, by the time I've done all this and 
he's gotten my first sequence in the new series, that guy's already seen 
the CQ sequence I didn't really want to have to send, and has declared 
me to be a jerk or a doofus, and has gone away.  Probably with a 
disgusted look on his face.

May I suggest that, somehow, during an incomplete auto sequence, that 
there should be an easier way to abort the current auto sequence series 
and enable the generation of new messages and start a new auto sequence.

Perhaps, during an auto sequence, double-clicking on a different 
red-lined callsign should generate a context menu button that says 
"Click To Abort Current Auto Sequence And Restart With This Call" and 
then, if that button is clicked, it would reset the standard messages to 
the new call and start a new auto sequence.  This would be enormously 
helpful in pileups when the other station gets lost or out of sequence 
for whatever reason (which seems to happen with considerable regularity) 
and balls things up with the sequencing.  If, at that context menu, one 
simply clicks on the first station's redlined call, it could simply 
restart the sequence and get it going again.  Then I wouldn't have to 
look like such a jerk to get the auto sequence software working right again.

Another, similar context menu button would be nice for working pileups. 
After the auto sequence is complete, if auto seq is checked, double 
clicking on another redlined callsign could produce a context menu 
button that says "Click To Enable/Start New Auto Sequence With This 
Call" - it would then set the standard messages, enable transmit and 
begin with the first sequence.  This would greatly facilitate working 
pileups, without having to always remember to manually enable the 
transmit separately (which I seem to have a problem remembering to do in 
time to not lose that first sequence period).

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] DXPedition System Clock Sync

2017-11-11 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 11/11/2017 11:11 a.m., Bill Shell N6WS wrote:

Thank you David for your comment.  You understand my original point in
asking for the option.  All the other comments were trending to the need
for the system clock to be accurate.  It is the framing that needs the

The several problems I foresee in using a timing average as a frame - 
it's only as accurate as the average, and if the number of decodes is 
small, and they don't happen to be particularly close and are off in the 
same direction, the average may not be particularly close to the correct 
time, so your framing reference gets set to the wrong time.  And before 
long, someone on the correct time may not get decoded.

The second problem that I can foresee is that, over time, if everyone 
were to get lazy and just switch to using that option rather than 
dealing with their system clock, sooner or later the average is likely 
to drift away from accurate time as there's nothing to correct the 
average frame reference other than probability statistics.  And if you 
come up with a new install, you're not going to get decodes (and a 
framing reference) if everyone in your bandpass is six seconds off in 
the same direction.  So I don't see using average decode timing option 
as being particularly wise - it creates a ticking time bomb (no pun 
intended) that kinda defeats the whole purpose behind standard time 

A third problem comes when you're using a cheap Chinese clone computer 
motherboard like I am that has a really terrible clock.  It runs VERY 
fast (a second and a half per hour) - and I have to set it twice a day 
at minimum for decodes to be reliable.  How would I set it to the 
consensus time frame reference (problem 2) if that reference is no 
longer the NBS standard?  No way to do that that I can see when my 
reference is far enough off that the decodes aren't decoding.

No, I think that sticking to setting the system clock to an NBS 
reference, however derived, is a better idea.  Just spring for the 
twenty bucks and take a GPS dongle with you on your next DXpedition.  In 
fact, Amazon has one that is on a USB cable, so you can stick the 
antenna out of the tent if you need to.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] DXPedition System Clock Sync

2017-11-11 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 11/11/2017 09:26 a.m., Bill Shell N6WS wrote:


While using FT8 in a DXPedition setting, there may be conditions where
there is no reliable timing source for syncing of the system clock.


When my Internet here in Costa Rica has been down, I've been able to 
sync my system clock adequately closely by using WWV and using the 
Windows clock set feature to set the clock, by simply setting to the 
next minute and then clicking the Apply button as the time comes around 
to zero seconds.  After doing it a few times, you can nearly always get 
the hang of it and get it within a second or so.  Close enough that I've 
gotten by.  It's a nuisance and takes a bit of practice, but it can be 
done in a pinch.  And it's gotten me back on the air many times.

Per your request, though, I envision a clock set feature whereby you 
would set the receiver to zero-beat WWV, and call a special clock set 
routine that would look for the top-of-the-minute tone at the right 
audio frequency and at approximately the top of the minute.  When it 
sees the tone appear at the right frequency, and at about the right 
time, it sets the system clock accordingly.  In my professional work, 
before the advent of the Internet, I used hardware clocks based on such 
a system, and they seem to have worked reasonably well most (though not 
all) of the time.

That would only work, however, in parts of the world where WWV is 
available.  When I lived in Africa many years ago, however, WWV was 
rarely audible, but there was a different time signal that I could hear, 
a digital signal of some sort, and I have no idea where it originated 
from (EU maybe?) or what the protocol was.  Something that uses that or 
other protocols might be useful in those regions.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X 1.8.0 Waterfall freezes

2017-11-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 02/11/2017 02:01 p.m., Ervin Hegedüs wrote:

I confirm this bug - until the Debian package test, I also had
this problem.

I have also seen this happen from time to time on my XP64 platform.  I 
attributed it to ancient, potentially unstable hardware, but maybe not. 
 When this happens to me, the program itself becomes unresponsive and 
won't do anything until it's closed and restarted, frequently requiring 
the task manager to kill it.

I have also had problems with the program crashing on occasion and 
closes itself, and Windows asks if I want to sent MS a crash report. 
When this happens, restarting the program resumes without problems.

Scott B.

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Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT 1.8.0 RC3

2017-10-18 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 18/10/2017 01:27 p.m., Bill Somerville wrote:

both parties to a QSO on the same frequency is conceptually simpler but
in theory one party may have QRM from half of another QSO or local QRN,
in that case moving improves the number of successful QSOs overall.

For us DX stations who make most of our contacts in pileups, it's 
actually BETTER to have folks transmitting wherever they can find a 
clear spot in their own RX bandpass, rather than always on their QSO 
partner's transmit frequency.

On PSK31, for example, where simplex is the norm, I have a terrible 
problem with that - when ten or twelve people are calling me on my exact 
freq, I copy NO ONE, including, often, the party with whom I am having a 
current QSO.  On FT8, on the other hand, it's an advantage to have them 
scattered throughout my RX bandpass, because more of them get decoded, 
and the guy I am currently working is less likely to be QRMed, and I can 
pick and choose among the calling stations.

So, the more I think about it, the better I like not having TX and RX 
locked together.  Everyone just needs to get used to the idea that, on 
FT8, the other guy doesn't need to be on your exact frequency.  As long 
as he's in your RX bandpass, you can decode his sequences, work him 
efficiently, and it's OK.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Compound behavior

2017-10-06 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 06/10/2017 09:07 a.m., Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Does anybody use TX1 for full call?  Never seen one.

I usually do.  And most of the compound call users I know here in Costa 
Rica also do, too.

The problem that those of us DX stations cursed with having to use a 
compound call have, is that if we answer a CQ with TX2, we can often be 
(in fact, usually are) ignored - who cares about yet another W7 (they 
never bother to note that the grid square is not in the U.S., unless 
they're grid hunters)?

The problem with responding with TX1 is that the station to whom we are 
responding aren't always sure that we are responding to THEM.

So we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't.

Several of the other gringo hams I know here in Costa Rica are faced 
with the same issue.  So the question becomes, which is the least 
problematic.  And a lot of use over a long period of time, everyone here 
seems to settle on TX1.  And as a result, most of us have taken to using 
TX1 to avoid being frequently ignored.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Experimental changes in r8125

2017-09-28 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 28/09/2017 03:44 p.m., xx wrote:

Scott, i don't like it. Normal operation is TX=RX; split is an occasional
mode for most. The extra steps should be in the split mode and simplex
should be default.Phil

Understand, Phil.  I feel exactly the same way - for me, TX=RX (simplex) 
is also BY FAR the most common mode I use (rarely use split), since I'm 
neither a DX chaser nor a contester.  It's the logical mode for both 
casual users and new users that are naïve to all the subtleties of how 
to use this software casually.  But we'll see what comes of it. I'll 
pass along your comment to the development list...

...List readers: The above is from a list non-member, but who compiles 
his own latest versions, and tried this, but doesn't like it, as, like 
me, he is a casual user, and is neither DX chaser nor contester (and I 
have a suspicion that there are more users like us than are in those two 
categories).  He's told me in a previous message that he found it 
sufficiently inconvenient that he uninstalled 8133 and went back to a 
previous version that doesn't have this change.

I would suggest that if this is going to become a permanent feature, it 
should be part of a feature set that is active ONLY when a 
"contesting/DX chasing mode" tick box is checked.  Which, for Phil and 
I, it almost never will be.


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Re: [wsjt-devel] Feature Request - Wide Graph Size

2017-09-12 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 12/09/2017 08:37 a.m., Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Just figured out...if you turn off the controls it shrinks a lot further.

I just discovered an issue with that.  If you have it shrunk down, then 
turn on the controls, it will resize to accommodate the controls - but 
then, when you turn the controls back off, it does NOT re-shrink to the 
size it was before you turned the controls on.  You have to manually 
resize it again to where you want it.  That's something of an annoyance.

Scott  TI3/W7RI

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Feature Request - Wide Graph Size

2017-09-12 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 12/09/2017 08:37 a.m., Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Just figured out...if you turn off the controls it shrinks a lot further.

de Mike W9MDB

Ah, that should be noted in the user guide.  I think that's what tripped 
me up.  Thanks, Mike.

Scott  TI3/W7RI

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Feature Request - Wide Graph Size

2017-09-12 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 12/09/2017 08:11 a.m., Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

There's no such thing as "configured bandwidth".  WSJT-X has no idea
what the width on your rig is.

How much smaller than this do you need the window to be?  See the window
on the upper left here?  It's about half the width of the minimum WSJT-X
window size.
You need it smaller than this?

This is interesting.  I think there may be a small bug.

When I first installed this release and ran it from the installer 
checkbox, and tried to resize the wide graph window to fit my monitor, 
it stubbornly refused to allow me to set the width to less than about 
1/3 of my monitor width (the initial run did not recognize either the 
window position or sizing settings from the previous install's 
configuration, but instead went to default).  So that was what prompted 
the bins/pixel and repositioning workaround, which I have used ever 
since the first time I ran the new release, on the assumption that the 
size limitation I encountered was permanent.

Now, when I just tried it, it WILL allow me to resize to about a fifth 
of the screen size, just fine, no problem.  That is adequately small to 
do what I need.

So something has clearly changed from my initial run to now.  I have no 
idea what, but now I can do what I need - so if this is a bug you don't 
want to mess with, fine, sorry for the trouble, I'm in good shape now. 
But this problem should be noted if it leads to some other issue, 
elsewhere, or maybe make a note of it in the user guide so that others 
don't embarrass themselves as I just have.


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[wsjt-devel] Feature Request - Wide Graph Size

2017-09-12 Thread Scott Bidstrup


I have a small feature request.

I have an issue with the wide-graph window size.  Seems that I cannot 
reduce the size to allow it to fit on the screen the way I would like 
anymore.  It was not an issue in RC1, but it is in the current release.

My computer monitor is of rather limited size, and I like having another 
program up and visible on the left, but with the wide graph running on 
the right hand side, so I can watch for evidence of a 6m opening 
beginning to appear.  But I can no longer shrink the wide graph to the 
size I need.

I am working around this limitation by greatly increasing the bins per 
pixel to where the entire audio bandwidth is visible in the portion of 
the wide graph I can use, and then position the unused portion of the 
wide-graph window off of the right hand end of the monitor.  It works, 
but strikes me as a rather crude workaround.

Would it not be possible to set the minimum window width on the wide 
graph window to the number of pixels required to display the configured 
bandwidth at the current bins per pixel setting?  This would provide a 
cleaner solution to this problem.

Thanks for a great program that is revolutionizing six meters and weak 
signal communications.  You guys are doing great!

Regards from sunny Costa Rica,
Scott Bidstrup TI3/W7RI

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Re: [wsjt-devel] RC2 bug report

2017-09-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 02/09/2017 08:41 a.m., Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Settings/Frequences right-click and Reset

Seems to me we need to detect this and provide a dialog to notify and
reset when no frequencies are loaded.

It would be super-nice if previous edits weren't lost but that's
probably asking too much.

de Mike W9MDB

Mike, Joe, et.al.,

My apologies for the trouble.  I'd heard about the release and had 
downloaded and installed it before I'd received the email from Joe via 
this list, and so I didn't know about the need to do the reset when 
upgrading from the RC1 release version I was using.  So... I apologize 
for getting ahead of myself, Joe.

But note that the reset didn't "take" on the first try.  I had to do the 
reset per the instructions four or five times (it would appear in the 
frequencies window, but nothing would happen on the user interface), and 
had to close and restart the software twice before the drop-down 
frequency list finally appeared on the user interface (all that would 
appear on the drop-down was a frequency I had previously entered 
manually).  So there would still appear to me to be a problem that might 
need some attention. If I had trouble doing the reset, others probably 
will too - yeah, I'm your problem child.

My apologies, Joe, for not noticing your comment at the bottom of your 
announcement email.  I'm too easily distracted. :)

73 to all,

*From:* Scott Bidstrup 
*To:* wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
*Sent:* Saturday, September 2, 2017 9:38 AM
*Subject:* [wsjt-devel] RC2 bug report


I have downloaded and installed the RC2 release software, and am
delighted to report that, for the most part, it is working.

One problem I have noted, though, is that the drop-down frequency list,
in all modes, seems to be missing in the new version (downloaded from
sourceforge) - it's stuck on the last frequency I used in the old
version, and can't be changed so far as I know. Mark and replace does
not work, and there's nothing at all in the drop-down list in any mode
to select from.

Since I can't change the frequency, this is a serious problem for
logging and reporting.  Is there a quick and easy fix for this?  Please
don't tell me I'm going to have to manually enter ALL the frequencies
for ALL the modes...  Not sure I have that much patience.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] RC2 bug report

2017-09-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 02/09/2017 08:41 a.m., Ulderico Arcidiaco wrote:


Please read Joe's note below:

Depending on what code revision you upgrade from, it may be
necessary to do a one-time reset of the default list of suggested
operating frequencies.  Go to *File->Settings->Frequencies*, right
click on the table and select *Reset*.

Thanks, Ulde.

I tried that, and only after several retries, including re-starting the 
software twice, did that finally work - might still be a problem there 
that will need looking into.  But I do have it working now.  Thanks again.

73, Scott TI3/W7RI

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[wsjt-devel] RC2 bug report

2017-09-02 Thread Scott Bidstrup


I have downloaded and installed the RC2 release software, and am 
delighted to report that, for the most part, it is working.

One problem I have noted, though, is that the drop-down frequency list, 
in all modes, seems to be missing in the new version (downloaded from 
sourceforge) - it's stuck on the last frequency I used in the old 
version, and can't be changed so far as I know. Mark and replace does 
not work, and there's nothing at all in the drop-down list in any mode 
to select from.

Since I can't change the frequency, this is a serious problem for 
logging and reporting.  Is there a quick and easy fix for this?  Please 
don't tell me I'm going to have to manually enter ALL the frequencies 
for ALL the modes...  Not sure I have that much patience.

Scott Bidstrup

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Signalink USB issue

2017-08-28 Thread Scott Bidstrup

On 28/08/2017 04:23 p.m., Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

I've resigned myself to wait until rc2 is released for my W9MDB/QRP
sign.  Once the majority of users upgrade (you can see on pskreporter
what versions are being used) I'll start trying again.

This is why my little campaign statement in the last paragraph of my 
previous message, begging and pleading for a repaired -rc2 official 
release, sooner rather than later.

I suspect that few developers on this list who are not using compound 
call signs, have any idea at all of what an operational issue this 
actually is - especially for DX stations like me, who have to deal with 
this problem in pileups for most of our 6m QSOs.

I figure that at least a half, maybe two thirds of the QSOs I get 
involved with, end up taking far longer to complete than they need to 
(if they complete at all) because of this autoseqencing issue in -rc1. 
And as a result, my productivity in giving folks my country or my 
quite-rare grid square, is probably half or even less of what it could 
be. That doesn't just affect me, it affects the people who are trying 
desperately for my grid or my country prefix...

I did a little testing over the weekend and made a couple QSOsbut it
took the responders several iterations before they figured out what they
had to do to continue the QSO.

...And frustration is leading to people just giving up.  And not trying.

Well, I am at least trying, but all too frequently not succeeding during 
the ultra-short 6m openings I live with at this latitude - most of the 
6m openings I am trying to work, which have to be at least two hops to 
get anywhere with population, last three minutes or less.  So conserving 
time and maximizing throughput is urgent.

73 to all,

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[wsjt-devel] Signalink USB issue

2017-08-28 Thread Scott Bidstrup


As the God-cursed holder of a compound callsign, I'm *desperate* to get 
off the current -rc1 release version with its compound callsign handling 
problems in FT8 Autosequence.

I've tried a recent development version that has fixed that issue, but 
it failed to run, saying that input audio failed due to an "unrecognized 
format on device."  I am using a Signalink USB interface, and I have 
heard from other Signalink USB users that they have had similar problems 
as well.  I had to uninstall it and, sadly, go back to the aggravating 
-rc1 release version.

As the problems with the compound callsign handling in -rc1 are serious 
for me as they are for other DX stations forced to use them, I'm 
desperate to get off of the -rc1 release version.  They make QSOs very 
time consuming and confusing to the other guy, who, more often than not, 
does not understand what is going on.  This is a serious problem when 
trying to handle a pileup, which I do more often than not on 6m, and 
often doubles, or more, the time required to complete a QSO.

My question is this:  Is there a build available that 1) has the 
compound call fix, and 2) also supports Signalink USB?  If there is, I 
would be deeply grateful if given access to the binary so I can download 
and install it - and give lots more folks a rare grid square and a new 
country during our all-too-infrequent 6m opening pileups, than I am able 
to do now.

I would also like to take this opportunity to campaign for an -rc2 
release as soon as possible so that we can get the -rc1 version 
displaced among the user base, with the serious operational problems it 
is causing due to users who are naïve to the problem.  Often as not, 
they'll turn on autosequence, send a reply to me, but their software 
won't advance the sequence, causing the same sequence to be sent over 
and over and over and over (for more than two minutes, till the band 
faded out, in once case I remember)  And the offender either isn't there 
(assuming autosequence is going to complete his Q while he's off to 
work), or is totally clueless and confused as to what to do about the 
endless repeats...

Regards to all from sunny TI,
Scott Bidstrup

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