[X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-28 Thread Steve Bergman


I'm running the latest x2go server on Debian 7 Wheezy. I've got the 
x2go-printing package installed, as well as the cups-x2go package. 
Browsing is enabled in cupsd.conf. 'Client side printing support' is 
enabled in the client. And I've restarted the cups server, and logged 
out and back in after installing the print packages. But my printer is 
not appearing in MATE's list of printers. Is there something more I need 
to do?

This is operating over a vpn, so there is no firewall involved. And 
sound works fine.

Thanks for any assistance.

Steve Bergman
Oklahoma City, OK. USA
x2go-user mailing list

[X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria
Hallo Guys!

I would like to ask if anyone managed to get client-side printing work
on an ubuntu 14.04 powered x2go server.

On my installation everything seems fine. In the syslog i can only find
one error message, that x2go print could not process the print file.

Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job received from cups -> 10 root Leafpad job #2 1 PageSize=Letter
number-up=1 Resolution=300dpi
job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1420733688
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job comes from STDIN, writing incoming job to temp file
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Converting printjob with command:  /usr/bin/gs -q
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dDoNumCopies -c
.setpdfwrite -f \"/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125\"
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Querying local X2Go server for a session list...
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Retrieved session list:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Call to
printfile function with: /tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf
/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf.title eaustria.app.server
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2626 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
x2goprint root root-59-1420733655_stDLXDE_dp24
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: x2goprint is
with print job title ,,Leafpad job #2''
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2639 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: ERROR: x2goprint
failed to process print spool job for file
Jan  8 17:17:01 eaustria CRON[3464]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts
--report /etc/cron.hourly)

Thankfully Yours,

Bernhard J. Mayr

elexis-austria | Freie Software für freie Berufe
Tulpenweg 10
4600 Wels, Austria
Tel.: +43(0)7242 214046
E-Mail: bernhard.m...@elexis-austria.net
www: www.elexis-austria.net
www: www.arztsoftware.it
fb: www.facebook.com/elexis-austria
youtube: www.youtube.com/elexisaustria

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-28 Thread Steve Bergman

On 06/28/2014 10:28 AM, Steve Bergman wrote:

I'm running the latest x2go server on Debian 7 Wheezy. I've got the
x2go-printing package installed, as well as the cups-x2go package.
Browsing is enabled in cupsd.conf. 'Client side printing support' is
enabled in the client. And I've restarted the cups server, and logged
out and back in after installing the print packages. But my printer is
not appearing in MATE's list of printers. Is there something more I need
to do?

This is operating over a vpn, so there is no firewall involved. And
sound works fine.

Never mind. I found the documentation, and it's working fine. Haven't 
seen it print yet, since I'm out of ink. But it queues the job on the 
local client properly.

X2GO, like FreeNX before it, continues to be absolutely amazing. I have 
~100 business users in 4 offices in 4 cities in 2 states doing all their 
daily office work in X2GO/MATE/Debian, and it just flies over the WAN. I 
just got finished watching (and listening to) Mike Gabriel's talk at 
Debconf on YouTube via X2GO over a 6mbit connection. Impressive.

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-28 Thread Michael DePaulo
On Jun 28, 2014 5:39 PM, "Steve Bergman"  wrote:
> On 06/28/2014 10:28 AM, Steve Bergman wrote:
>> I'm running the latest x2go server on Debian 7 Wheezy. I've got the
>> x2go-printing package installed, as well as the cups-x2go package.
>> Browsing is enabled in cupsd.conf. 'Client side printing support' is
>> enabled in the client. And I've restarted the cups server, and logged
>> out and back in after installing the print packages. But my printer is
>> not appearing in MATE's list of printers. Is there something more I need
>> to do?
>> This is operating over a vpn, so there is no firewall involved. And
>> sound works fine.
> Never mind. I found the documentation, and it's working fine. Haven't
seen it print yet, since I'm out of ink. But it queues the job on the local
client properly.

Great, I'm curious as to what the problem was. A link to the documentation
step will suffice.

> X2GO, like FreeNX before it, continues to be absolutely amazing. I have
~100 business users in 4 offices in 4 cities in 2 states doing all their
daily office work in X2GO/MATE/Debian, and it just flies over the WAN. I
just got finished watching (and listening to) Mike Gabriel's talk at
Debconf on YouTube via X2GO over a 6mbit connection. Impressive.

Glad to hear it :)

We would appreciate it if you could describe your deployment story on a
wiki page linked from here:

If you do not have a wiki account, follow these instructions:

PS: I love MATE too. Mike#1 is a Debian Developer and a MATE developer, he
helped get MATE into the Debian repos.

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-28 Thread Stefan Baur
Am 28.06.2014 23:39, schrieb Steve Bergman:
> X2GO, like FreeNX before it, continues to be absolutely amazing. I have
> ~100 business users in 4 offices in 4 cities in 2 states doing all their
> daily office work in X2GO/MATE/Debian, and it just flies over the WAN. I
> just got finished watching (and listening to) Mike Gabriel's talk at
> Debconf on YouTube via X2GO over a 6mbit connection. Impressive.

"What Mike DePaulo (Mike#2) said" - let me just add one tiny bit of
info/shameless OpenSource plug: Both of our Mikes (Mike Gabriel AKA
Mike#1 as well as Mike#2) were on FLOSS Weekly a short while ago, so
maybe you'd like to watch the recording of that, too:

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-28 Thread Steve Bergman

On 06/28/2014 04:53 PM, Michael DePaulo wrote:

Great, I'm curious as to what the problem was. A link to the
documentation step will suffice.

The documentation is great. I just hadn't read it. I was expecting the 
printers to be magically visible via CUPS's browsing protocol or 
something. But I like the way that it is done in X2GO, with the printer 
having a fixed name on the server. We have some cobol apps that don't 
understand CUPS, and need a static name hard-coded into a config file.

We would appreciate it if you could describe your deployment story on a
wiki page linked from here:

I'll write something up. I'm actually pretty proud of this site. We've 
been doing all our business desktops remote to a central Linux Gnome 2 
desktop server since the Fedora Core 3 days. We started out with VNC 
over a single T1. In retrospect, I can't believe that my users didn't 
lynch me for that, but it was the best I new how to do at the time. I 
soon found FreeNX. And even after all these years, I'm still amazed at 
the speed of NX's protocols.

PS: I love MATE too. Mike#1 is a Debian Developer and a MATE developer,
he helped get MATE into the Debian repos.

We just moved to a new 20 core Xeon E5-2690 v2, 256GB ram, 6 drive RAID 
10 box using the WD 15k rpm SAS drives. And I'm just delighted with 
everything. (Way overkill for 100 users, and the best present I ever 
got! ;-) But we'll be keeping it for 7 years.)

Debian 7, MATE 1.8, X2GO. Everything is just *perfect*. I can't think of 
anything more I could ask for.

After my search for a suitable DE for this new server, I was *so* 
thankful for MATE that I made a donation, and then turned around and 
made another. And I'm not a frequent donator to anything. But you and 
the MATE guys absolutely saved my bacon. No other combination would have 
been even remotely acceptable.

I'll definitely be checking out the Floss Weekly appearance. I'm always 
interested in anything about MATE and X2GO.


x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-29 Thread Mike Gabriel

Hi Steve,

On  Sa 28 Jun 2014 23:39:34 CEST, Steve Bergman wrote:

X2GO, like FreeNX before it, continues to be absolutely amazing. I  
have ~100 business users in 4 offices in 4 cities in 2 states doing  
all their daily office work in X2GO/MATE/Debian, and it just flies  
over the WAN. I just got finished watching (and listening to) Mike  
Gabriel's talk at Debconf on YouTube via X2GO over a 6mbit  
connection. Impressive.

then I have something delicious for you, as well:

1. Install a fresh machine as X2Go Server (e.g. with MATE).
2. Upgrade to X2Go Server from the nightly builds
3. Install mTelePlayer server-side (NEWEST stuff): apt-get install mteleplayer

4. Install PyHoca-GUI from the nightly builds on your Linux client:  
apt-get install pyhoca-gui
5. Install the client-side part of mTelePlayer: apt-get install  

Open a (not too large, we are working on performance) video file (not  
a video on a website, a real video file!) inside an X2Go session with  
mTelePlayer and be happy...


PS: note that this is all highly developmental stuff... no warranty  
given for now, at all!!!


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur
x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2014-06-29 Thread Steve Bergman

On 06/29/2014 10:13 AM, Mike Gabriel wrote:

> then I have something delicious for you, as well:

Hi Mike,

This will be quite useful to us when it makes it into the stable 
version. I have managers who receive multimedia job interviews from 
prospective employees as embedded YouTube videos on applicant broker 
sites, where the applicant gives his or her sales pitch for themselves.

Fullscreen HD isn't necessary, as it's a job application and not a Star 
Wars movie. Good performance on just the standard size YouTube video 
should be fine for most business use, I should think. But the more 
efficient the better. I think we pay around 10x more for 10mbit than our 
employees pay for 55mbit cable in their homes.

It's very nice to see this kind of a push forward in X2GO development. 
FreeNX was fantastic. But it was at about the same place when I left it 
as it was so many years ago when I first deployed it.

NX really should be a huge priority for the OSS community. But for years 
and years, it's remained the greatest killer app that no one knows 
about. And I've never understood that.

BTW, did you think it was odd that Keith indicated at Debconf that he 
used ssh -C -X over the WAN and was satisfied with it? I tried bringing 
up MATE over an ssh connection last night, and ssh -C -X was just as 
excruciatingly slow as I remembered it being. Keith was the author of 
the LBX (low bandwidth X) many years ago. And he wrote up the first 
report I ever read informing us that the real problem with X over a WAN 
connection isn't bandwidth. It's latency. And he explained about all the 
round trips. He felt he could eliminate 90% of them, IIRC.

About that time I tried remote X over an external modem so that I could 
see. It was painful to watch all those requests and responses ping-pong 
back and forth on the modem lights. I expected Keith to be really 
excited about NX's solution to that problem.


x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Stefan Baur
Hash: SHA1

Am 09.01.2015 um 09:51 schrieb Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria:

> I would like to ask if anyone managed to get client-side printing 
> work on an ubuntu 14.04 powered x2go server.

Hey Bernhard,

you've posted about this before, and there was a bit of discussion, a
discovered and now fixed bug (#702), as well as another thread.

Could it be that you did not receive the replies?
Looking at the list of subscribers, it seems you have subscribed to
x2go-user, but not with the address you are currently using to post,
so maybe everything went to the digital nirvana on your end?

To make sure you get to see all the replies to your message, please
either check the mailbox of the account that is already subscribed
(you can ask me off-list if you don't remember which one that is), or
subscribe to the mailing list using the mail account you're currently
using.  The subscription registration page can be found at:

Regarding your issue, please see the list archives:

(and be sure to click through the follow-ups)

(your own, original message, again, be sure to click through the

And the bug report:

To me, it looks like you should try again with a nightly build of
x2goserver and the related packages on a test system, to see if the
fix for #702 fixes your issue, also, try PyHoCa-GUI instead of
X2GoClient to see if that makes a difference, and try to find out if
your version of Ubuntu does the same tmpdir-remount that has been
observed in Debian Jessie that breaks X2Go printing.

Especially, for a well-tested workaround, see my post
which references my old post

And let me repeat my offer:

We'be been using this approach with our X2Go-based security solution
ever since, and even wrote a (commercial) installer to automate all
these steps.
Our customers seem to be quite happy with it. ;-)

Have a look at http://www.baur-itcs.de (in German) or contact me
off-list if you need commercial assistance.

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

- -- 
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Mike Gabriel

HI Bernhard,

On  Fr 09 Jan 2015 09:51:43 CET, Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria wrote:

Hallo Guys!

I would like to ask if anyone managed to get client-side printing work
on an ubuntu 14.04 powered x2go server.

On my installation everything seems fine. In the syslog i can only find
one error message, that x2go print could not process the print file.

Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job received from cups -> 10 root Leafpad job #2 1 PageSize=Letter
number-up=1 Resolution=300dpi
job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1420733688
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job comes from STDIN, writing incoming job to temp file
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Converting printjob with command:  /usr/bin/gs -q
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dDoNumCopies -c
.setpdfwrite -f \"/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125\"
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Querying local X2Go server for a session list...
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Retrieved session list:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Call to
printfile function with: /tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf
/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf.title eaustria.app.server
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2626 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
x2goprint root root-59-1420733655_stDLXDE_dp24
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: x2goprint is
with print job title ,,Leafpad job #2''
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2639 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: ERROR: x2goprint
failed to process print spool job for file
Jan  8 17:17:01 eaustria CRON[3464]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts
--report /etc/cron.hourly)

Thankfully Yours,

Bernhard J. Mayr

first thing: don't use X2Go as root on the remote X2Go Server. Please  
avoid it if possible.

second: your issue seems unrelated to #702 (mentioned by Stefan)

third: x2goserver-printing and cups-x2go are working fine between two  
Debian jessie systems (and also other combinations), so I suppose  
there is a setup issue.

This is where your error occurs. The problem is that the print files  
cannot be copied to the sshfs-mounted print spool mount point at  
/tmp/.x2go-$user/spool/tmp/ ($spooltmp).

We have received reports where someone says that CUPS remounts /tmp on  
processing print jobs. I could not confirm that with my running  
setups. However, I hope this gives you some help in debugging and  
tracking down the issue.

Digging deeper...

The cups.service file for CUPS in Debian jessie is this:


Description=CUPS Printing Service
Documentation=man:cupsd(8) man:cupsd.conf(5)

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/cupsd -f

Also=cups.socket cups.path

-> Maybe the PrivateTmp causes your issue...


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur
x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Robert Dinse

 I haven't tried it but since I've got x2go on a Ubuntu 14.04 server I'll
give it a try.

 Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
   Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
 See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874.

On Fri, 9 Jan 2015, Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria wrote:

Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:51:43 +0100
From: "Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria" 
To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
Subject: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

Hallo Guys!

I would like to ask if anyone managed to get client-side printing work
on an ubuntu 14.04 powered x2go server.

On my installation everything seems fine. In the syslog i can only find
one error message, that x2go print could not process the print file.

Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job received from cups -> 10 root Leafpad job #2 1 PageSize=Letter
number-up=1 Resolution=300dpi
job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1420733688
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job comes from STDIN, writing incoming job to temp file
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Converting printjob with command:  /usr/bin/gs -q
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dDoNumCopies -c
.setpdfwrite -f \"/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125\"
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Querying local X2Go server for a session list...
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Retrieved session list:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Call to
printfile function with: /tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf
/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf.title eaustria.app.server
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2626 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
x2goprint root root-59-1420733655_stDLXDE_dp24
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: x2goprint is
with print job title ,,Leafpad job #2''
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2639 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: ERROR: x2goprint
failed to process print spool job for file
Jan  8 17:17:01 eaustria CRON[3464]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts
--report /etc/cron.hourly)

Thankfully Yours,

Bernhard J. Mayr

elexis-austria | Freie Software für freie Berufe
Tulpenweg 10
4600 Wels, Austria
Tel.: +43(0)7242 214046
E-Mail: bernhard.m...@elexis-austria.net
www: www.elexis-austria.net
www: www.arztsoftware.it
fb: www.facebook.com/elexis-austria
youtube: www.youtube.com/elexisaustria

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Robert Dinse

 Well, I've tried it and I must have something setup improperly on the
client side as it pops up a window on the client displaying a PDF of whatever
I printed on the server rather than sending it to the printer.

 Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
   Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
 See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874.

On Fri, 9 Jan 2015, Robert Dinse wrote:

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 08:59:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Dinse 
To: "Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria" 
Cc: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

I haven't tried it but since I've got x2go on a Ubuntu 14.04 server I'll
give it a try.

Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
  Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874.

On Fri, 9 Jan 2015, Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria wrote:

Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:51:43 +0100
From: "Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria" 

To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
Subject: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

Hallo Guys!

I would like to ask if anyone managed to get client-side printing work
on an ubuntu 14.04 powered x2go server.

On my installation everything seems fine. In the syslog i can only find
one error message, that x2go print could not process the print file.

Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job received from cups -> 10 root Leafpad job #2 1 PageSize=Letter
number-up=1 Resolution=300dpi
job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1420733688
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Print
job comes from STDIN, writing incoming job to temp file
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Converting printjob with command:  /usr/bin/gs -q
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dDoNumCopies -c
.setpdfwrite -f \"/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125\"
Jan  8 17:14:48 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Querying local X2Go server for a session list...
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
Retrieved session list:
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]: Call to
printfile function with: /tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf
/tmp/10-root-cupsjob32125.pdf.title eaustria.app.server
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2626 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[32125]:
x2goprint root root-59-1420733655_stDLXDE_dp24
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: x2goprint is
with print job title ,,Leafpad job #2''
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2632]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 2639 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan  8 17:14:49 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint[32176]: ERROR: x2goprint
failed to process print spool job for file
Jan  8 17:17:01 eaustria CRON[3464]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts
--report /etc/cron.hourly)

Thankfully Yours,

Bernhard J. Mayr

elexis-austria | Freie Software für freie Berufe
Tulpenweg 10
4600 Wels, Austria
Tel.: +43(0)7242 214046
E-Mail: bernhard.m...@elexis-austria.net
www: www.elexis-austria.net
www: www.arztsoftware.it
fb: www.facebook.com/elexis-austria
youtube: www.youtube.com/elexisaustria

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Mike Gabriel

HI Robert,

On  Fr 09 Jan 2015 22:49:45 CET, Robert Dinse wrote:

Well, I've tried it and I must have something setup improperly on the
client side as it pops up a window on the client displaying a PDF of whatever
I printed on the server rather than sending it to the printer.

this means you have got it working...

You now have to play with the global settings of X2Go Client to  
enforce showing X2Go Client's print dialog window on every incoming  
print job (which allows you to route your print jobs to a PDF viewer,  
to filesystem, to a printer, etc.).



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur
x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Robert Dinse

 Ah did that and now it works great.  Only one thing, when enabled, if I do 
a 'df' in an xterm, it hangs indefinitely.  With client side printing disabled, 
it doesn't.  It seems to hang on the fuse file system.  Beyond that I wish fuse 
weren't necessary since I'm using x2go in a commercial shell server environment 
where I have over 500 users.  Additing each to the fuse group is not really 

 Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
   Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
 See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874.

On Sat, 10 Jan 2015, Mike Gabriel wrote:

Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 00:37:02 +
From: Mike Gabriel 
To: Robert Dinse 
Cc: "Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria" ,
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

HI Robert,

On  Fr 09 Jan 2015 22:49:45 CET, Robert Dinse wrote:

Well, I've tried it and I must have something setup improperly on the
client side as it pops up a window on the client displaying a PDF of 

I printed on the server rather than sending it to the printer.

this means you have got it working...

You now have to play with the global settings of X2Go Client to enforce 
showing X2Go Client's print dialog window on every incoming print job (which 
allows you to route your print jobs to a PDF viewer, to filesystem, to a 
printer, etc.).



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Stefan Baur
Hash: SHA1

Am 10.01.2015 um 02:44 schrieb Robert Dinse:
> Ah did that and now it works great.  Only one thing, when enabled, 
> if I do a 'df' in an xterm, it hangs indefinitely.  With client
> side printing disabled, it doesn't.  It seems to hang on the fuse
> file system.  Beyond that I wish fuse weren't necessary since I'm
> using x2go in a commercial shell server environment where I have
> over 500 users. Additing each to the fuse group is not really
> practical.

Not wanting to add users to the fuse group (because I don't want them
to be able to use the file sharing) is why I developed my workaround.
(See other post.)

@Mike#1: Do you think we should open a wishlist bug to integrate my
workaround with x2goclient and its ssh tunneling?
IMO, my workaround is actually the "cleaner" way of printing through
X2Go, but it might require some changes to cups-x2go and some
server-side logic for a flawless integration.

- -Stefan

- -- 
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Robert Dinse

 I'm getting these via the list, is there a place I can go to see this

 Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
   Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
 See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874.

On Sat, 10 Jan 2015, Stefan Baur wrote:

Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 04:08:40 +0100
From: Stefan Baur 
To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

Hash: SHA1

Am 10.01.2015 um 02:44 schrieb Robert Dinse:

Ah did that and now it works great.  Only one thing, when enabled,
if I do a 'df' in an xterm, it hangs indefinitely.  With client
side printing disabled, it doesn't.  It seems to hang on the fuse
file system.  Beyond that I wish fuse weren't necessary since I'm
using x2go in a commercial shell server environment where I have
over 500 users. Additing each to the fuse group is not really

Not wanting to add users to the fuse group (because I don't want them
to be able to use the file sharing) is why I developed my workaround.
(See other post.)

@Mike#1: Do you think we should open a wishlist bug to integrate my
workaround with x2goclient and its ssh tunneling?
IMO, my workaround is actually the "cleaner" way of printing through
X2Go, but it might require some changes to cups-x2go and some
server-side logic for a flawless integration.

- -Stefan

- --
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

x2go-user mailing list
x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-09 Thread Stefan Baur
Hash: SHA1

Am 10.01.2015 um 04:23 schrieb Robert Dinse:

> I'm getting these via the list, is there a place I can go to see
> this post?

In General, list archives are available at
There's a threaded view, so you can search for a subject and then just
click through the thread.

Quoting from my other post:

> Especially, for a well-tested workaround, see my post 
> http://lists.x2go.org/pipermail/x2go-user/2014-December/002719.html
which references my old post
> http://lists.x2go.org/pipermail/x2go-dev/2011-December/003137.html
> And let me repeat my offer:
> We'be been using this approach with our X2Go-based security
> solution ever since, and even wrote a (commercial) installer to
> automate all these steps. Our customers seem to be quite happy with
> it.
> Have a look at http://www.baur-itcs.de (in German) or contact me 
> off-list if you need commercial assistance.

- -Stefan

- -- 
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-10 Thread Mike Gabriel

HI Robert, hi Stefan,

On  Sa 10 Jan 2015 04:08:40 CET, Stefan Baur wrote:

Am 10.01.2015 um 02:44 schrieb Robert Dinse:

Ah did that and now it works great.  Only one thing, when enabled,
if I do a 'df' in an xterm, it hangs indefinitely.  With client
side printing disabled, it doesn't.  It seems to hang on the fuse
file system.  Beyond that I wish fuse weren't necessary since I'm
using x2go in a commercial shell server environment where I have
over 500 users. Additing each to the fuse group is not really

Use pam_group.so with /etc/security/group.conf. With that, you can  
push (e.g. LDAP) users temporarily into system groups (or other  
groups) once they log in. Only that login shell "thinks" that those  
user are in those groups, they don't get added into /etc/group or such.

Not wanting to add users to the fuse group (because I don't want them
to be able to use the file sharing) is why I developed my workaround.
(See other post.)

@Mike#1: Do you think we should open a wishlist bug to integrate my
workaround with x2goclient and its ssh tunneling?
IMO, my workaround is actually the "cleaner" way of printing through
X2Go, but it might require some changes to cups-x2go and some
server-side logic for a flawless integration.

@Stefan: I have re-read your suggestion about tunneling LPR/LPD-like  
traffic. I don't think we should follow that road in X2Go because:

  o adding another SSH tunnel to the X2Go session DB is a PITA I have  
just gone through for telekinesis.

  o (actually, using telekinesis maybe an approach of the future...)
  o people on the client-side are required to do additional steps  
(intalling lpd from the Windows CD e.g.)
  o people on the CUPS server have to deal with the client-side  
printer drivers

I think, that the current concept of remote printing is quite ok in  
these respects:

  o create a printable file on the server-side that can be handled by  
all sorts of clients
  o print that file on the client with the hardware/printer-drivers  
of the client

The only question is: is fuse/sshfs the best way of shoving that  
printable over to the client...



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur
x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-10 Thread Stefan Baur
Hash: SHA1

Am 10.01.2015 um 09:39 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
>> @Mike#1: Do you think we should open a wishlist bug to integrate
>> my workaround with x2goclient and its ssh tunneling? IMO, my
>> workaround is actually the "cleaner" way of printing through 
>> X2Go, but it might require some changes to cups-x2go and some 
>> server-side logic for a flawless integration.
> @Stefan: I have re-read your suggestion about tunneling
> LPR/LPD-like traffic. I don't think we should follow that road in
> X2Go because:
> o adding another SSH tunnel to the X2Go session DB is a PITA I
> have just gone through for telekinesis.

I'm not sure why it would have to go into the session DB? *headscratch*
What I was thinking of was a way to specify port forwardings in the
X2GoClient sessions file, the same way you can add arbitrary port
forwardings in PuTTY.

> o people on the client-side are required to do additional steps 
> (intalling lpd from the Windows CD e.g.)

With any Windows version beyond XP, the lpd is already present on the
hard disk, so we could request Admin Permissions and trigger
installation - IF we want to print using a local lpd (which is what my
solution does, admittedly - but it could be solved differently,
without needing a client-side lpd, see below).

> o people on the CUPS server have to deal with the client-side
> printer drivers

No.  No, they do not.
They can use one generic PDF printer driver like CUPS-PDF or CUPS-X2GO.
Specifying the printer on the CUPS server is only neccessary if you
don't want to go the PDF way (for example, because the CUPS driver for
a particular printer has special features that you want to use, which
cannot be set by printing to PDF - but that's a problem the current
implementation also has, AFAIU).

> I think, that the current concept of remote printing is quite ok
> in these respects:
> o create a printable file on the server-side that can be handled
> by all sorts of clients o print that file on the client with the
> hardware/printer-drivers of the client

Dude, that's exactly what my solution does, too.  Only without the
kludgy fuse/file sharing requirement inbetween.

> The only question is: is fuse/sshfs the best way of shoving that 
> printable over to the client...

No, no, and no.
Use a port forwarding, transfer the PDF as a bitstream, pipe that into
a local file on the client, if neccessary (neccessary == your
PDF-to-printer tool on the client can't handle a bitstream), convert
PDF data to a format suitable for the windows printer driver.
SumatraPDF is a GPL'ed PDF viewer that I've been using fo years now,
for this exact purpose.  Due to the lack of tunneling in X2GoClient,
I'm using Redmon to catch the bitstream and convert it to a temporary
But since both SumatraPDF and X2GoClient are GPL, it should be
possible to integrate the relevant parts of SumatraPDF into
X2GoClient, at least for the windows build.  (For Linux and Mac, I'm
assuming that dumping PDF data into the local CUPS will automagically
trigger the required steps). That way, we could probably even
eliminate the step with the temporary file, and also add compression
to further accelerate the transfer of the printjob (I've piped print
jobs through gzip, bzip2 and xz before, the speed improvement can be
pretty surprising.  A PCL print job that would take 6 minutes to
transfer went down to 1 minute with bzip2.)

So, in short, I'd like to see (== have wishlist bugs for) two things
in X2GoClient:

1) An option to be able to add arbitrary portforwardings to a session,
like in PuTTY.  This would probably be handy for so much more than
just printing.

2) An integrated, GPL-based PDF viewer that is stripped down to "grab
bitstream, convert it to printable file for the locally installed
printer driver".

- -Stefan

- -- 
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-10 Thread Mike Gabriel

HI Stefan,

On  Sa 10 Jan 2015 10:18:03 CET, Stefan Baur wrote:

Am 10.01.2015 um 09:39 schrieb Mike Gabriel:

@Mike#1: Do you think we should open a wishlist bug to integrate
my workaround with x2goclient and its ssh tunneling? IMO, my
workaround is actually the "cleaner" way of printing through
X2Go, but it might require some changes to cups-x2go and some
server-side logic for a flawless integration.

@Stefan: I have re-read your suggestion about tunneling
LPR/LPD-like traffic. I don't think we should follow that road in
X2Go because:

o adding another SSH tunnel to the X2Go session DB is a PITA I
have just gone through for telekinesis.

I'm not sure why it would have to go into the session DB? *headscratch*
What I was thinking of was a way to specify port forwardings in the
X2GoClient sessions file, the same way you can add arbitrary port
forwardings in PuTTY.

Every SSH tunneled port forwardings must be know on the X2Go Server  
side. This is handled via the X2Go session DB.

On multi-user system you will run into immense troubles, if there  
isn't $SOMETHING, that is aware of all ports in use.

Also for session resuming, you have to "remember" what SSH port got  
tunneled to where.

o people on the client-side are required to do additional steps
(intalling lpd from the Windows CD e.g.)

With any Windows version beyond XP, the lpd is already present on the
hard disk, so we could request Admin Permissions and trigger
installation - IF we want to print using a local lpd (which is what my
solution does, admittedly - but it could be solved differently,
without needing a client-side lpd, see below).

Ack. Not feasible for X2Go Client in portable mode.

Unix system don't use lpr/lpd by default anymore (only ipp://), so  
this has to be handled, as well.

Also, as a sysadmin for Linux, I probably don't want lpd listening on  
my X2Go Client system. A firewall then has to modified for this, as  
well (because cups-bsd's lpd listens on every IP assigned to a system  
by default).

o people on the CUPS server have to deal with the client-side
printer drivers

No.  No, they do not.
They can use one generic PDF printer driver like CUPS-PDF or CUPS-X2GO.
Specifying the printer on the CUPS server is only neccessary if you
don't want to go the PDF way (for example, because the CUPS driver for
a particular printer has special features that you want to use, which
cannot be set by printing to PDF - but that's a problem the current
implementation also has, AFAIU).


I think, that the current concept of remote printing is quite ok
in these respects:

o create a printable file on the server-side that can be handled
by all sorts of clients o print that file on the client with the
hardware/printer-drivers of the client

Dude, that's exactly what my solution does, too.  Only without the
kludgy fuse/file sharing requirement inbetween.

The only question is: is fuse/sshfs the best way of shoving that
printable over to the client...

No, no, and no.
Use a port forwarding, transfer the PDF as a bitstream, pipe that into
a local file on the client, if neccessary (neccessary == your
PDF-to-printer tool on the client can't handle a bitstream), convert
PDF data to a format suitable for the windows printer driver.
SumatraPDF is a GPL'ed PDF viewer that I've been using fo years now,
for this exact purpose.  Due to the lack of tunneling in X2GoClient,
I'm using Redmon to catch the bitstream and convert it to a temporary
But since both SumatraPDF and X2GoClient are GPL, it should be
possible to integrate the relevant parts of SumatraPDF into
X2GoClient, at least for the windows build.  (For Linux and Mac, I'm
assuming that dumping PDF data into the local CUPS will automagically
trigger the required steps). That way, we could probably even
eliminate the step with the temporary file, and also add compression
to further accelerate the transfer of the printjob (I've piped print
jobs through gzip, bzip2 and xz before, the speed improvement can be
pretty surprising.  A PCL print job that would take 6 minutes to
transfer went down to 1 minute with bzip2.)

So, in short, I'd like to see (== have wishlist bugs for) two things
in X2GoClient:

1) An option to be able to add arbitrary portforwardings to a session,
like in PuTTY.  This would probably be handy for so much more than
just printing.

2) An integrated, GPL-based PDF viewer that is stripped down to "grab
bitstream, convert it to printable file for the locally installed
printer driver".

Please add those wishlist bugs. Lift this discussion to x2go-dev ML  
and let's get feedback from others. At the end someone has to modify  
the code as you propose... (and I am not convinced that the gain of  
this change will be worth the hassle of redesigning the printing stuff  
completely inside X2Go).



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-12 Thread Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria
Thank you for help and your gentle offer. Yet I would like to get x2go
work out of the box. especially as our users own different platforms
(linux, windows, mac).

After research on cups in ubuntu 14.04 I found out that I had to install
the cups-bsd compatibility package. Now the error log changed:

excerpt from the syslog:

Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[1874]: Call to
printfile function with: /tmp/20-bmayr-cupsjob1874.pdf
/tmp/20-bmayr-cupsjob1874.pdf.title eaustria.app.server
Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[1874]:
x2goprint bmayr bmayr-55-1421082562_stRPUBLISHED_dp24
Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria console-kit-daemon[2915]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source
ID 1124 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint.orig[1903]: ERROR: x2goprint
was called with a wrong number of cmd line args, x2goprint exits now!

What should be the right number of arguments and how can I change them?

Thanks, Bernhard

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] x2go client side printing

2015-01-12 Thread Mike Gabriel

Hi Bernhard,

On  Mo 12 Jan 2015 18:34:29 CET, Mayr, Bernhard J. | elexis-austria wrote:

Thank you for help and your gentle offer. Yet I would like to get x2go
work out of the box. especially as our users own different platforms
(linux, windows, mac).

I understand that.

After research on cups in ubuntu 14.04 I found out that I had to install
the cups-bsd compatibility package. Now the error log changed:

Well... I just checked the content of the cups-bsd package and it  
seems absolutely unrelated to X2Go's client-side printing mech.

The only thing that might be relevant is the list of dependencies:

libc6 (>= 2.4), libcups2 (>= 1.4.0), debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0,  
cups-client (= 1.5.3-5+deb7u4), update-inetd, cups-common

""" -> on Debian jessie

Could you check /var/log/dpkg.log for other packages that got pulled  
in with the installation of cups-bsd? If you are right that a package  
has been missing, we need to add it as a dependency for cups-x2go  
and/or x2goserver-printing.

excerpt from the syslog:

Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[1874]: Call to
printfile function with: /tmp/20-bmayr-cupsjob1874.pdf
/tmp/20-bmayr-cupsjob1874.pdf.title eaustria.app.server
Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-x2go[1874]:

x2goprint bmayr bmayr-55-1421082562_stRPUBLISHED_dp24

In the above log message I count command (x2goprint) plus four  
arguments, right?

Jan 12 18:33:40 eaustria /usr/bin/x2goprint.orig[1903]: ERROR: x2goprint
was called with a wrong number of cmd line args, x2goprint exits now!

What should be the right number of arguments and how can I change them?

The code that triggers the error message is this:

elsif (scalar(@ARGV) != 4)
		syslog('err', "ERROR: x2goprint was called with a wrong number of  
cmd line args, x2goprint exits now!");
		print { \*STDERR } "ERROR: Usage:\nx2goprint user session file  
titleFile\nx2goprint user\n";

exit 1;

I see that not x2goprint is called, but x2goprint.orig. Did you change  
anything in that script? Did you use a wrapper?

Please get everything back in place and use the default installation  
of x2goserver-printing for testing or fix the test setup (the wrapper  
script you use).

You can also enable debugging for x2goserver-printing in  
/etc/x2go/x2goserver.conf. That should show you how x2goprint(.orig)  
gets launched, including the used cmdline options.



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur
x2go-user mailing list