i have setup axis to
run under jrun.
when i go to : http://myserver/axis/
it shows me the
"Apache Axis" page with links to "Administer Axis" and "Visit" the axis servlet.
i can start and stop the axis server so i assume everything is installed
when i try to deploy
a we
I am attempting to call all the Web Services I find in the www.xmethods.com
list by consuming the WSDL for each, and then creating a Call object for
each operation. As such I bump up against a wide variety of implementations,
including a bunch of "old" (SOAP 2.2) services.
I have various pro
>if people could
>validate/refute/comment on/etc. any or all of the items below I'd greatly
>appreciate it.
don't know much but I'd be happy to ;)
>1. A java method exposed as a doc-based service via Axis must basically
>conform to the grammar:
>public ();
> (MessageContext parameter r
Hi everyone -
I'm trying to understand exactly what the differences are when using rpc vs
document style within Axis. I think I'm getting there, but if people could
validate/refute/comment on/etc. any or all of the items below I'd greatly
appreciate it.
1. A java method exposed as a doc-based
org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement implements the SOAPHeaderElement
interface you mentioned. This stuff all seems to have drastically changed
since the beta1 so if you are picking up nightly builds you will notice
this change. So basically now you just need to create a new
I'm confused--all I see in the Axis (beta) Javadoc under
"SOAPHeaderElement" is an interface
(javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement). How are you instantiating one?
At 06:03 PM 4/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Yes, you are correct:
>call.addHeader(new SOAPHeaderElement(name
> The Sun RI also uses a custom pull-parser, which is pretty
> much the fastest parsing technology you can build. We chose
> to go with standard JAXP (SAX) APIs to allow
> developer-friendliness and the ability to use whatever parser
> you already have kicking around, though we may revisit th
- Original Message -
From: "Glen Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: Hi
> Performance is an area we've been neglecting for the past few releases,
and one which we plan to address after beta-2. Right now we're doing w
I m not able to unsubsrcibe from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
despite sending many emails for unsubscribing
Any ideas about this ???
Performance is an area we've been neglecting for the past few releases, and one which
we plan to address after beta-2. Right now we're doing way too much work during
deserialization (recording SAX events, etc) in situations where we don't need to be,
so I don't doubt that the RI is much faste
We can add an option to the local transport to switch off
serialization/deserialization if you want to use it for high-speed non-testing
purposes after beta-2.
> -Original Message-
> From: Mukund Balasubramanian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:01 PM
Yes, there is an effort to bring these two together. The problem is that
the JAX-RPC spec is still a moving target (though it's supposed to sit down
for a rest any day now). In this particular case, AXIS's jaxrpc.jar is
ahead of Sun's jaxrpc-api.jar. PARAM_MODE_IN was in JAX-RPC version 0.7.
> Can Axis really be recommended for production use? Not in my
> opinion, and you have removed any condifence I may have had in your
software by
> suggesting that in the first place.
Axis provides a wide range of functionality.
Most of the people who use it will not use all of its functions.
Yes this is possible and examples are a part of the tests.
(test\functional\TestEchoSample etc..). They use the local: URLs to
resolve locally, calling an intra VM axis engine. Serialization and
Deserialization is still enforced, though.
Mukund Balasubramanian
Vaishakhi Ajmera wrote:
>Is it
u can use the local transport for doing this. But this right now does
the serialization and deserialization.
-Original Message-
From: Vaishakhi Ajmera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: Can the webservice be called direct
Old post on a fix from me... not the best possible but works for me:
> I have no idea of this is on ongoing fix, but I am sure many of you
> should have faced this problem:
> The Javadocs task in build.xml will not work with JDK 1.4 because of
> the "java" in package names. This is an open bu
Is it possible to call the webservice directly through a local interface
without using RMI or making Http calls.
- Original Message -
From: "Howard Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Axis-User (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: javadoc 1.4.0 fail on A
I have another question regarding Lists being the returned class.
I have been able to get a List of strings being returned from my webservice
and it is working fine.
What if I have a List of User objects being returned from the webservice.
User is a java class I have written. How does Axis send me
I have stumbled across an issue that I was wondering if the list was aware of.
I have been playing with Suns jwsdp ea2 which has a jaxrpc-api.jar which has a
definition of ParameterMode.java that is different then the one
used in Axis.
The one from Axis looks like:
public class ParameterMode
I'm not sure if this problem has been mentioned before.
Javadoc 1.4.0 cannot handle packages named *.java, like
org.apache.axis.providers.java. So to generate javadoc on Axis packages,
use jdk 1.3.* or use the work around in BugParade #4507380.
Hi Pankaj,
Thanks for clearing that up. I trust that you also conform to the following, which is
not apparent from your license
* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
*if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
* "This product includes software de
Glen's question about method signatures (included below) touches on
something that has confused me about Axis.
Where are these method signatures defined? That is, where in the API
documentation or user's guide or whatever do I look to find out what Axis
will hand me under what circumstances?
Pankaj is right. It is Apache AXIS client side code.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: Hi
> Pankaj,
> I'm sure that when you checked with HP's legal compliance they approved of
> your comments..
Hi Charlie,
I am attaching the License file for HP-WSP that mentions use of Apache-Axis,
along with a number of other third party software, in accordance with their
respective licenses.
You would need to download the software to get all the details.
> -Original Message-
> From
I'm sure that when you checked with HP's legal compliance they approved of
your comments...
I did not see any mention on the website that HPs implemenation uses the
Axis client side code - surely the Axis team deserve some credit?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 23/04/2002 13:12:01
I'm new to Axis but the problem that you are experiencing sounds a lot like
the problem that I was having earlier--the jar files that were placed in the
WEB-INF\lib directory were being ignored. The problem proved to be
associated with J2SDK 1.4. The solution is set the java.endorsed.di
> -Original Message-
> From: Deepth Dinesan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:31 AM
> How does AXIS compare with Suns Web Services developer pack ? in terms
> of
> - SOAP compliance
> - Performance
This is an axis mailing list so I may not be welcome presenti
I have a Web Service in Axis (latest version) which
can't be called by a .Net client (VB-based). I believe
the problem is with the way href's are built in .Net.
Axis uses multiRef, but .Net doesn't.
Another problem I've noticed: the WSDL file that gets
generated from the service url with the ?WSD
I just recently started using axis myself, and I ran into this problem as
My problem was that the service name that I was using in the code did not
match exactly the service name in the deployment descriptor.
look at the server-config.wsdd file in the you're appserver's WEB-INF
I have been experimenting with Axis for the last week and it has been going
I also need to be able to access the services from C and C++ and need to be
able to write services in C++. This is required because we have some legacy
code that needs to be exposed as a service as well as new
Hi ,
I have put it in package 'samples.userguide" under the
classes directory only. But it is not working.It is not able to
compile the webservice itself.Sample programs are otherwise
working fine.
Thanks & regards,
On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 Vaishakhi Ajmera wrote :
>Try putting your
Hi folks,
We are having a problem loading the service class on Solaris with iPlanet
6.0 web server and Servlet Exec 4.1 (servlet engine). This class is part of
a jar file placed in WEB-INF/lib directory. Regular servlet is able to find
this class but not AxisServlet. I see AxisClassLoader is e
I posted the following question a few days ago and have yet to hear an
I would like to know how Axis's bean serialization compares to the
serialization that is part of the new java.beans.XMLEncoder and
java.beans.XMLDecoder classes that are new to the J2SE 1.4
Will the XMLEncoder
My approach has been to take numerous small steps, and at each step,
refactor some org.apache.axis.message classes to closely match
javax.xml.soap and then make the Axis classes implement the corresponding
JAXM interfaces. Then the Axis and JAXM interfaces co-exist.
I don't think the Axis interf
Title: Nachricht
I've got a problem to use the code generated by
WSDL2Java. I've got three packages generated : java, javax, localhost. In the
localhost package there are some exception classes like ClassNotFoundException,
NaminException, etc... These classes extends from org.apac
Title: RE: What is the Relationship between JAXM and AXIS?
I'm not one of the decision makers on this, but I can certainly tell you my preference.
I'd prefer to see the related Axis classes become implementations of the JAXM interfaces.
> -Original Message-
> From: L Rutker [mailto:[
I had trouble with this before also. After much searching on
the web, I've found out that there is no standard SOAP encoding
for Map. Axis uses a what is known as "Apache Map standard" that is
used by some toolkits (e.g. Apache SOAP, GLUE) but this is not
recognized by .NET. See here for interest
Anybody attempting to run Axis with
J2SDK 1.4 will need to set the Java system property
"Note: The system property
java.endorsed.dirs specifies oneor more directories where the Java runtime
environment searchesfor JAR files. You must set this system property only
The JAXM interfaces seem to overlap and provide the same interfaces that the
Axis classes do.
Will these Axis classes become implementations of JAXM? Will they coexist?
Will the Axis interfaces disappear?
I guess my expectation is that something like JAXP will unify all Java
Good stuff.
Thanks to you for pointing that out.
-Original Message-
From: robert woodley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: Method Over-loading
Sylvain -
I should have been more specific.
I start with a java
Sylvain -
I should have been more specific.
I start with a java interface, generate the WSDL, then
generate the stubs. Earlier posts by R J Scheuerle on
this mail list (3/15) confirm that there is a problem
with method over-loading and round-tripping
But your answer shows m
In this article, Bill Wagner describes 3 styles of web services that .NET is
capable of producing:
document/literal (Listing 1 in article, and default for .NET)
rpc/encoded(Listing 2 in article)
document/encoded (Listing 3 in article)
Does Axis support all three?
Try putting your webservice under axis/web-inf/classes and see if it works.
i.e if your webservice is in the package 'samples.userguide' for example
then put the samples directory under the classes directory.
- Original Message -
From: "Jitender Singh Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAI
I found the solution for the problem with the
content-length: 0,
looks like the version of 7 April doesn't need the
tt-bytecode.jar in the
classpath, in the last version it
I just need jaxrpc.jar, commons-logging.jar,
tt-bytecode.jar, axis.jar
and my project classes and it w
I am not sure I follow here, I do extensive method overloading and it works
(at least it used to) consider the following signatures from my PortType
public java.math.BigInteger
copy(java.lang.String search, java.lang.String target,
com.cognos.developer.CopyOptions options)
Hello all,
How does AXIS compare with Suns Web Services developer pack ? in terms
- SOAP compliance
- Performance
- (Any known implementations ? )
Thanks in advance
tel;work:91-44-2435321 Ext 814
I still have question whether do u support xml choice element in wsdl
even in beta2 release.
At present it is just generating a java class having all choice
So could u please gim me reply.
I have been testing axis for a while and my opinion
is you have been doing a good work.
Here we use ATG Dynamo, and we are developing some
webservices, my problem
is that after 7 April version, I'm
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:14:
You have getOperation() method in MessageContext. I don't
know if that is what you want. Regards.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 4:40 PM
> Subject: RE: Deployment
> > When you
Adam Greene wrote:
You need to set the username and password on the THTTPRio (if it's like Delphi).
Unfortunately, it don't make any sense!Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
I am novice in field of axis.I have successfully deployed the
service and calling its methods using JWS File Deployment.When I
am trying to use custom Deployment using WSDD, it is throwing
following error.
Exception in thread "main" The AXIS engine could not find a target
JAXM is a specification (NB. not an implementation) of two sets of
interfaces: javax.xml.soap and javax.xml.messaging.
Axis currently implements *some* of the javax.xml.soap interfaces, although
these are not mentioned in the list of published interfaces in the Axis
Users Guide as the job is onl
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