[Ontbirds] Osprey- Peterborough Co. plus PECo

2004-03-28 Thread Anne Anthony
Hi Maureen Smith and I did some birding yesterday (Sat March 27) and found an Osprey on a nest platform on Co Rd. 2 just of Baillieboro (which is on Hwy 28). The platform is where Co. Rd. 2 makes the first sharp turn north and overlooks Rice Lake. This is early for Osprey in southern Peterboroug

[Ontbirds] Ross's Goose, 10th Road East, Stoney Creek Mountain

2004-03-28 Thread The Holdens
Fellow birders: My husband and son called to tell me a Ross's Goose just flew over 10th Road East between Ridge Road and the railway tracks. The bird flew west south west and was in with a small flock of Canada Geese. Although it probably will not be seen in this particular area again, it may

[Ontbirds] Golden Eagle, Hermit Thrush, Forsters Tern in the generally Long Point area

2004-03-28 Thread Norm Murr
Good day all. Yesterday Stan Bajurny and I motored west and south of the Hamilton area and spent a long day in the field. High Lights are:- Horned Grebe - 2 at Townsend sewage lagoons along with 12 species of ducks Tundra Swan - 10,000+ at and between Aylmer Wildlife Management area and the Lee

[Ontbirds] Pelee Migrants - March 27

2004-03-28 Thread fred urie
Birders, New migrants at Pelee on Saturday between White Pine and the tip: E. Phoebe 17 Fox Sparrow 9 Y. B. Sapsucker 1 Tree Swallow 1 E. Towhee 4 C. Flicker 8 Field Sparrow 6 Golden Cr. Kinglet 113 Good birding, Fred Urie Windsor [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Do you Yah

[Ontbirds] Common Raven at Presqu'ile

2004-03-28 Thread Doug McRae
Greetings, This morning at 1145h Bill Gilmour, Maureen Riggs and myself saw and heard a Common Raven about 200m west of the lighthouse. It was initially being mobbed by crows, then took flight and began soaring west more or less along the shoreline. There were only three park records prior to 199

[Ontbirds] Quinte Area Bird Report

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Sprague
WEEKLY BIRD REPORT FROM PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY AND THE QUINTE AREA FOR Sunday, March 28, 2004 With the arrival of spring this past week, came the arrival of several spring migrants in response to the warmer weather. Hundreds of SONG SPARROWS greeted birders at the Prince Edward Point National Wildl

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile: Red-troated Loons and migrants

2004-03-28 Thread Bruce Di Labio
Hello Ontbirders Today, March 28th, I observed a total of 17 winter plumage Red-throated Loons in Popham Bay, between Beach #1 and Owen Point. Other migrants of note included 4 Tree swallow, 1 Eastern Phoebe, 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a Common Raven. Presqu'ile Bay still had good numbers

[Ontbirds] Beamer Hawk Watch - Sunday

2004-03-28 Thread Willie D'Anna & Betsy Potter
It was a good day. 698 raptors were tallied by the time we left at 4:30. This was in spite of the fog which lingered until 2:00. Things were clearer at the point where there were larger numbers recorded, including a Merlin, a Peregrine, and a Bald Eagle that we missed. Still, we had 4 Bald Eagle

[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwings west of Cornwall -March 28

2004-03-28 Thread Brian . Morin
While walking the trails at the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary near Ingleside (20 minutes west of Cornwall) today, I spotted three large flocks of Bohemian Waxwings in migration. There was no indication the birds had been feeding anywhere in the vicinity and the flocks followed one anoth

[Ontbirds] Algonquin Birds, Beavers and Butterflies

2004-03-28 Thread Craig S A McLauchlan
Please Excuse my spelling ,I am Dyslexic thank you for your understanding. Today Bev and I spent a great day in Algonquin Park, all though we mist out on the some of the common Alg. birds we still had a great time . Birds seen wear C Red Poll 270 + , Hoary Red Poll 1 ,C Grackle 3, Red winged b

[Ontbirds] Hall's Rd. feeders stolen ; Kinglet at Thickson's

2004-03-28 Thread Doug Lockrey
For the past number of months many birders have appreciated the viewing of birds at the feeding station alongside Hall's Rd. in southwest Whitby. Karl and crew have kept the feeders stocked. This past Saturday someone decided to steal the niger tubes and suet station!! Fortunately the large feeder

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese Glengarry County

2004-03-28 Thread Martin Bowman
A small flock of Snow Geese (with only one evident darker bird) flew over Cedar Grove Road yesterday March 27th. Another larger flock of perhaps 300 birds flew over this afternoon Sunday, March 28th. There were no dark birds in this flock. First Killdeer and Song Sparrows of the year were se

[Ontbirds] Common Terns - Cooper Marsh

2004-03-28 Thread Eve Ticknor
While down at Cooper Marsh today I saw 7 Common Terns fly overhead near the St Lawrence River. It was around 1pm. Cooper Marsh is on Rte 2 just east of South Lancaster. Earlier in the day I saw about 600 to 700 Snow Geese fly over Rte 2 near the dump area just west of Cornwall. They were headed

[Ontbirds] Golden Eagle, Bruce Peninsula

2004-03-28 Thread Alfred Raab
2 Golden Eagle together flying north west, one 1st year and the other a 2nd year, over Little Pike Bay this afternoon. Also 4 Rough-legged Hawks were migrating. 1 Merlin was seen in breeding area. Little Pike Bay is on Lake Huron, west of Lion's Head in the centre of the Bruce Peninsula. Alfred