thanks. How do you know for sure, those things under some of the letter?
On 4/21/05, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Turkish.
> >Just idle curiosity as it's no doubt spam, but... I am thinking
> >Indonesian? Just possibly Turkish? Let me know if anyone knows.
> >
> >thanks
> >Dan
Celebrity Deathmatch! Sweet!
> Paris Hilton apparently has one simple rule for being her best
>friend: Don't cross her.
>That's the message the Simple Life star seems to be sending via a
>statement released Wednesday regarding her old pal and soon-to-be
>former Life sidekick, Nicole Richie.
> Politically the Democrats have no choice except to oppose Mr. Bush's
> proposal and hope it fails thus creating an opening for them to push
> forward something. The problem is, they've yet to define something
> and they may not even have anything in the works.
> If we remove the political gra
>Just idle curiosity as it's no doubt spam, but... I am thinking
>Indonesian? Just possibly Turkish? Let me know if anyone knows.
>Merhaba ,
>Sahte Seyh,Sahte Profosor... ve Sapik "Haydar BAS" hakkindaki tum
>gercekleri ogrenmeniz icin asagidaki likleri LUTFEN tiklayin
Someone just came over to check me out because apparently I alarmed
some of the people sitting around me by mumbling to myself. Gee.
Doesn't everyone sit around in a graphics lab saying things like
instance_create zero comma fifty comma objEnemy?
yeah yeah yeah.
I told the nice tech I'd mumble s
Just idle curiosity as it's no doubt spam, but... I am thinking
Indonesian? Just possibly Turkish? Let me know if anyone knows.
Merhaba ,
Sahte Seyh,Sahte Profosor... ve Sapik "Haydar BAS" hakkindaki tum
gercekleri ogrenmeniz icin asagidaki likleri LUTFEN tiklayin.
> Robert wrote:
> I can only conclude that Democrats have made a calculated decision that they
> can just hold their
I don't think they're sticking their heads in the sand, I think they're saying:
1.) SS won't go underwater for a few years while Medicare/Medicaid is
already underwater,
2.) the
thank you. Now if I could only put them toward the ability to make it so :P
On 4/21/05, David Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You get extra points, my dear :D
> Dave
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Community"
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 20
> I would also like to know why is it that the government is worried
> about the fact that the government has written billions of dollars in
> IOUs for SS. Is the government worried it won't be around to pay off
> its debt to the American public?
Please. Greenspan answered that question. The
just got 2#s
gave 1/4 to neighbor who gave use 5 days worth of chilli when we first
moved in 2 weeks ago!
cooking my wife a stroganaugh now.
may get luc
Archives: http://www.ho
You get extra points, my dear :D
- Original Message -
From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community"
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: Paris & Nicole Breakup!
> hmmm... Discworld fan?
> Dana
> On 4/21/05, David Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "And
On 4/21/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gimme my frickin people who love big government can keep paying
> into these nebulous "social" funds. I wan't my frickin money!
Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell: 678.637.5072
aim: came
hmmm... Discworld fan?
On 4/21/05, David Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "And in related news, Paris Hilton suddenly underwent a Total Existence
> Failure as millions of Americans completely ceased to care about her."
> Dave
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTE
Mike D are you watching this? Actually, if I had it, I'd pay more.
On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > ok, this is a thread I'd pay money to see die (see cf-talk for context).
> >
> >
> Paris Hilton apparently has one simple rule for bein
/me sends $50 to Tony the Shark to help "straighten" Gruss's fingers. ;-)
On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to ratings many people care. Now send $50 or I'll post more
> of the article.
Sorry, that tool I mentioned looks like it's for Treo users, not
people developing for Treo.
On 4/21/05, Kevin Graeme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IIRC, the Treo (and others) use a web proxy to translate your site
> into something their browser might like.
> At the bottom of this page t
Do you accept monopoly money?
-Original Message-
From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:39 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Paris & Nicole Breakup!
> Dana wrote:
> ok, this is a thread I'd pay money to see die (see cf-talk for context).
> Dana wrote:
> ok, this is a thread I'd pay money to see die (see cf-talk for context).
Paris Hilton apparently has one simple rule for being her best
friend: Don't cross her.
That's the message the Simple Life star seems to be sending via a
statement released Wednesday regar
I'm not against it. I want to know more about it. How is it to be
administered? Who is making the commissions? What happens when some egghead
loses all his privatized funds? Is he going to be billed out anyway? What
keeps someone from being ripped off? I would hate to question the morality
Which boggles my mindyou mean the government wants me to keep my money?
This is a bad thing how?
Gimme my frickin people who love big government can keep paying
into these nebulous "social" funds. I wan't my frickin money!
>I don't remember anything about privatization during th
I don't remember anything about privatization during the Clinton years do you?
I believe that most people are more concerned with the privatization of SS than
the overhaul of SS.
-Original Message-
From: Sam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:58 PM
To: CF-Commun
> Sam wrote:
> Interesting, didn't Clinton run his re-election campaign based on the
> fact that SS needed to be overhauled?
> Then begged Dole to head it up? I guess he was only kidding :)
No, ..., it's more like how Mr. Bush ran his first election on fiscal
responsibility and no nation buildi
Interesting, didn't Clinton run his re-election campaign based on the
fact that SS needed to be overhauled?
Then begged Dole to head it up? I guess he was only kidding :)
On 4/21/05, Ken Ketsdever wrote:
> In other words:
> We need to overall Social Security. Oh wait isn't that the same story
> Ken wrote:
> In other words:
> We need to overall Social Security. Oh wait isn't that the same story that's
> been
Mr. Greenspan has been very wobbly about SS - some days he likes Mr.
Bush's proposals and other he doesn't. He seems to be torn between
his inclination for Republicans and h
In other words:
We need to overall Social Security. Oh wait isn't that the same story that's
been coming out of Washington? Isn't that part of Georgie's "lets bolster the
stock market by having people dump billions into the market under the guise of
"Private Social Security Accounts". Seem
Me, being a young person naive to current events, I would think that the
headline: "Republicans Rally Around Delay" would be they are rallying around
the delay of something (ie, something has been delayed).
Find out how
>> Kevin wrote:
>> This is reminding me more and more of the Clay Compromise leadup to
>> the Civil War where for every new slaveholder state added there was a
>> corresponding free state added.
>Well, if there's a gay civil war, I bet the north has the better uniforms.
If the uniform law h
Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. said Thursday that billionaire Warren
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has acquired a "significant" stake
in the nation's largest beermaker. The brewer's shares soared more
than 6 percent on the news.
> jerrywrote:
> That's Hot! (tm)
Purchase Studio MX with Flash Pro from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized
Affiliate and support the CF community.
I think many people who like her consider "vacuous with no perceivable
talent" to be a major plus, which actually enhance her two perceivable
Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company
-Original Message-
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 2
Yeesh...have you seen her lately? The only thing she ever had going for her
was her looks (considering she's vacuous and has no perceivable talent).
- Original Message -
From: "Tony Weeg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community"
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: Re:
That's how I felt about all the Shiavo threads.
On 4/21/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok, this is a thread I'd pay money to see die (see cf-talk for context).
> What a waste of thought processes.
> Dana
> On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/21/05, Howie Hamlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One can only hope...
> And, while I'm hoping...
> She can take the following with her:
> Michael Jackson
> Charles & Camilla
> Britney Spears
> All reality shows past/present/future
> All e
Jon Stewart never portends to be a journalist (I Tivo the daily!).
I was talking more about people like:
Diane Sawyer (who actually used to be a journalist)
Geraldo Rivera (ditto)
Ack - there are too many examples...
- Original Message -
From: "Paul Ihrig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-C
now wait one second.
John Stewart is a prophet & a gentleman.
Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble
Ticket application
Message: http://www.
On 4/21/05, Irvin Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That type of layout is easily accomplished with a simple table. An all-div
> solution is just a > pain in the neck.
> It's always useful to remember that there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with
> using a table > as a layout grid. It valida
> Tony wrote:
> and dana, i think it takes a penis to understand... sorry.
I didn't want to say it, but ... mmm ... yeah. I'd have to agree with that
Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble
All Journalists posing as Entertainers (a la John Tesh)?
The Pope
Air America
Terri Schi^h^h^h^h^h
*never mind*
Look! Behind You! A baby wolf!
Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company
-Original Message-
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 200
That's Hot! (tm)
Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company
-Original Message-
From: David Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:36 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Paris & Nicole Breakup!
"And in related news, Paris Hilton suddenly underwent a Total E
One can only hope...
And, while I'm hoping...
She can take the following with her:
Michael Jackson
Charles & Camilla
Britney Spears
All reality shows past/present/future
All entertainers posing as journalists
- Original Message -
From: "David Churvis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Commun
im torn apart.
this may endanger her being on Fox on Wednesday nights :(
thankfully i have her on tivo...
and dana, i think it takes a penis to understand... sorry.
Tony Weeg
macromedia certified coldfusion mx developer
email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
blog: http://www.rev
"And in related news, Paris Hilton suddenly underwent a Total Existence
Failure as millions of Americans completely ceased to care about her."
- Original Message -
From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community"
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Paris & Nicole
Since Mr. Greenspan last testified to Congress, the U.S. economic
recovery has shown signs of faltering -- retail sales have weakened,
housing construction has declined, stock prices have taken a dive, and
Wall Street has begun to fret about a new "soft patch" in the economy.
This week some Fed pol
ok, this is a thread I'd pay money to see die (see cf-talk for context).
What a waste of thought processes.
On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Somewhat off topic, but The best place to buy tech books in my opinion
(especially if you're in Massachusetts) is Bookpool (
They run a lot of sales and the book arrives practically instantly
(again, I'm in MA, and they're on Cape Cod, so it might be quite
different if you live
Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.
On 4/21/05, Kevin Graeme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or it could just be that the article names Bolton because DeLay isn't
> the one nominated for the Amassadorship.
> -Kevin
> On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From today
Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support
efficiency by 100%
Message: http
> Kevin wrote:
> This is reminding me more and more of the Clay Compromise leadup to
> the Civil War where for every new slaveholder state added there was a
> corresponding free state added.
Well, if there's a gay civil war, I bet the north has the better uniforms.
G wrote:
> It is called "Exhibition Stadium" is it not?
>>Or that huge stadium? Are there other teams using it? Or has it become
>>the world's largest strip club? :)
>>G wrote:
>>>How's yer baseball team doin this year?
You need to take a trip to
It is called "Exhibition Stadium" is it not?
> Or that huge stadium? Are there other teams using it? Or has it become
> the world's largest strip club? :)
> Ray
> G wrote:
>> How's yer baseball team doin this year?
>>>You need to take a trip to Montreal:))) Bad government but great s
Or that huge stadium? Are there other teams using it? Or has it become
the world's largest strip club? :)
G wrote:
> How's yer baseball team doin this year?
>>You need to take a trip to Montreal:))) Bad government but great strip
>>clubs. I haven't heard "topless club" in a while
How's yer baseball team doin this year?
> You need to take a trip to Montreal:))) Bad government but great strip
> clubs. I haven't heard "topless club" in a while. Here we only have
> "danseuses nues" :))
> and gays can be marrried.
> - Frank
You need to take a trip to Montreal:))) Bad government but great strip
clubs. I haven't heard "topless club" in a while. Here we only have
"danseuses nues" :))
and gays can be marrried.
- Frank
On 4/21/05, Marlon Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep, and I'm so glad because we know th
This is reminding me more and more of the Clay Compromise leadup to
the Civil War where for every new slaveholder state added there was a
corresponding free state added.
On 4/20/05, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROT
That type of layout is easily accomplished with a simple table. An all-div
solution is just a pain in the neck.
It's always useful to remember that there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with using
a table as a layout grid. It validates, is accessible and renders fine in all
> I have our
That type of layout is easily accomplished with a simple table. An all-div
solution is just a pain in the neck.
It's always useful to remember that there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with using
a table as a layout grid. It validates, is accessible and renders fine in all
> I have our
Or it could just be that the article names Bolton because DeLay isn't
the one nominated for the Amassadorship.
On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From today's WSJ:
> "Republicans Rally Around Bolton"
> It's interesting because it doesn't say, "Republicans Rally Aroun
IIRC, the Treo (and others) use a web proxy to translate your site
into something their browser might like.
At the bottom of this page there's a reference to a tool to help break
down your page to maybe help designing for things like the Treo:
On 4/21/05, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Semantically is another story. To get the curved corners found in the
> original [2], I had to use a lot of contextually valueless images. I am not
> very satisfied with this, so I'm looking for any viable alternatives.
This is one of m
More shtuff for those interested.
On 4/20/05, Yves Arsenault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stevie Ray
> Absolutely.
> Yves
> On 4/20/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey, something by Taj M
mmm I've already registered that you can't really call yourself
catholic and disagree with papal infallibility, and I kind of agree. I
was raised catholic and still go to mass at rare intervals, but I
don't do confession and communion and all that.
I don't think you can expect moral guidance, on m
> Brian wrote:
> We both know the common deal breaker in this...the weakness of the human
> animal. The sad part is, the church has their solution (abstinence), science
> has their alternative (condoms), and yet the people are pretty much ignoring
> BOTH of them.
One more reason to adopt internationally (although some countries
frown on gay couples as well). Add to this laws that let birth mothers
simply change their minds and take a baby back - it was no wonder my
wife and I only briefly consider adopting locally.
You know - if you go through the trouble
> Dana wrote:
> Maybe they'd just rather piss off the rest of the world than the
> voting population :)
I think the Whitehouse thinks Mr. Delay is a nutcase. I'm kind of
predicting that without explicit Whitehouse support Mr. Delay's
rhetoric will be become more extreme - after all, judges are
Isn't organized religion, by its very definition, "abdicating the right to
think for yourself on ethical issues" ?
If you are Catholic, you follow the ethical teachings of the Pope. If you
are Muslim, you follow the ethical teachings of the prophets in the Q'ran
(sp?), if you are...etc etc.
hmm and he knows the mind of god on such issues as abortion, gay
marriage and contraception? I don't think so. Moral authority is one
thing, abdicating the right to think for yourself on ethical issues is
another. I think papal infalliblility was very convenient for the
church in medieval times, is
> That's a great point and almost convincing, but I guess I just can't
> get over the point that by taking a stance you know there's a
> percentage of people that will die because of it.
> If we take the philosophy out of it and look at it actuarially, I bet
> we could say this:
> 1.) All thing
After a bit more testing, I found that my Treo 300 does not support
Well no, actually they don't' think you should have ANY ability to see boobies
outside of your matrimonial bedroom; and maybe not even there. So they are
hoping these restrictions will make these businesses non-profitable because the
customers will no longer pay and drive them out of business.
> Marlon wrote:
> dances. Now wtf is a topless club for if the dancers can't be
> topless. Are the people going in these things not adults? Do we have
> to have someone telling us what to do every-frickin-where we go
> nowadays.
I've always found this the irony of the neo-cons: they're alway
> Brian wrote:
> >
> Wellthe church really can't come out and say that, and I don't think
> they should. They teach what they believe is the correct and moral
> actionif you choose not to follow that, the church can't really be
> giving you advice on the best way to live in sin.
Maybe they'd just rather piss off the rest of the world than the
voting population :)
On 4/21/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From today's WSJ:
> "Republicans Rally Around Bolton"
> It's interesting because it doesn't say, "Republicans Rally Around
> Delay". Maybe they don
You don't need a topless club to enjoy boobies.
- Original Message -
From: "Marlon Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community"
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: Repub Gov Oks Gay Marriage
> On another note, I just went to a topless club
Yep, and I'm so glad because we know that all those hetero couples are
just chomping on the bit to be able to foster children. This should
really cut down on the long list of foster parents just waiting for
available children..or wait, shouldn't that be reverse
At least the Governor, whom
I think my favorite Millhouse line is when, after watching a cat eat a bug,
he comments:
"Sometimes I wish a cat would eat me".
> >> a liberal millhouse
> Milhouse?
> "Not only am I not learning, I'm forgetting things I used to know."
> "Don't worry ladies, there's plenty of Milhouse to go a
Thanks Guys (the 2 Jims and Adam),
Comments much appreciated!
I was actually looking for Java for ColdFusion developers as well, and
I may purchase it also. It wasn't 'in stock' at the location I was
looking. I might send for it soon.
On 4/21/05, Jim Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> For me, I can't live with that. If I can stop it, I'll stop it. The
> same goes for birth control. While it'd be nice for everyone to be
> perfect they're not and if my actions condemn millions to death then
> maybe I'm the immoral one despite my high moral ground.
> The needs of the many
They had to, since the Governor's illicit gay affair with the boyfriend
of a businessman who was pay him kickbacks for government contracts was
murdered, and it all was coming out into the open.
Or don't you watch Law and Order?
Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company
-Original Mess
Dell Financial Services Canada
Dharmesh Goel
For on-line Reservations please go to OR call
Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer suppor
>From today's WSJ:
"Republicans Rally Around Bolton"
It's interesting because it doesn't say, "Republicans Rally Around
Delay". Maybe they don't like exterminators, maybe it's because he's
been sanctioned twice by the ethics committee, who knows; but it's
I have our new CSS based prototype [1] looking like our
designer/marketing/branding specifications, as represented in our current
website [2]; but only in Firefox. I already know I have a serious problem in
IE 5.5 and 6 that I am trying to figure out. Advice would be gratefully
accepted. I w
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Triangle Area ColdFusion User Group ]-=
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ]-=
Find out how CFTicket ca
>> a liberal millhouse
"Not only am I not learning, I'm forgetting things I used to know."
"Don't worry ladies, there's plenty of Milhouse to go around!"
- Jim
Robert Munn wrote:
>I'm bored, I thought I would stir things up a little.
> Brian wrote:
> Jesus would be the ultimate arbiter of morals, to a Christian. Now, a
> Catholic believes that the Pope is the human embodiment of Christ, on earth.
Good points, but it all seems arbitrary. That is, I understand that
you have to take a moral stand but when does that stand need a
Yes, actually. I know there have been several different versions - I
went through the Java 1.2 edition. Horton's very good - his style
reminds me of an easygoing old CompSci professor - the guy that would be
in the middle of a discussion of polymorphism then get off on a tangent
on some super
thank you adam.
thats wild that the cells are slow to change color, as they are only div's
with a background color.
On 4/21/05, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony,
> Nice look, *great* logo!
> My only issues are that the left menus are too wide, they react too slowly,
:) cant say i meant to do that... but hey, why not!
On 4/21/05, Matthew Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I like the fact that the menu gets wider as the page is elongated. It's an
> unusual feel - it does not feel like every other page out there.
> - Matt Small
> -Original Message-
I have 2 books I highly reommend for java:
1) an (obvious choice) Java for coldfusion developers
2) Thinking In Java (Bruce Eckel)
I beleive its up to the 4th editiion..but if you don't want to
get swept away with Java 1.5 stuff the 3rd edition is readily
available still, I beleive, and is c
> But faith and morals themselves sometimes seem dangerous. For example
> the AIDS in Africa thing. On the one hand you can say that it's the
> Pope's job to say, "condoms are wrong, birth control is wrong." If
> people are so weak that they break this moral truism (if you agree)
> then they d
I like the fact that the menu gets wider as the page is elongated. It's an
unusual feel - it does not feel like every other page out there.
- Matt Small
-Original Message-
From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:27 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: si
Nice look, *great* logo!
My only issues are that the left menus are too wide, they react too slowly,
and the hyperlinks should mouseover to a color other than the normal text
color. That's about my only real criticism.
Very nicely done, sir.
Adam Phillip Churvis
Member of
> Brian wrote:
> When I think of it in these more focused terms, it's not quite the monster
> it first appears.
But faith and morals themselves sometimes seem dangerous. For example
the AIDS in Africa thing. On the one hand you can say that it's the
Pope's job to say, "condoms are wrong, birt
there's an update for the webdeveloper extension for firefox...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Triangle Area ColdFusion User Group ]-=
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ]-=
Find out how CFTi
Papal infallibility is the ONLY reason you don't participate in the church?
When I first heard the term, I was up in arms.some old weirdo can't be
wrong? What the hell!? But the more I learned about it, the more it seemed
to make sense.
Think about it, he's the leader of the Church, he's co
Arcos framework includes an object oriented application model based on MVC.
Applications in this framework inherit from a base component which contains
You can reuse this application or extend it by overriding his methods.
It contains many other features.
You should have a l
95 matches
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