Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Jeez, and value=URL.TryToHackThis should be value=#URL.TryToHackThis# so you see that CFQP is not that easy to use ;-)) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Closing the apostrophe is exactly how SQL injection occurs with text field Ok, you got it! BUT CFQUERY will escape that apostophe anyway, so that the SQL injection will just be part of the string stored in the field either you use CFQP or not. -- ___ REUSE

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Not if you use MySQL. That DBMS allows for an alternative way to escape those with a backslash. Ok, then lets say that CFQP should alway be used with MySQl... .. and you haven't turned off MySQL's default ways of escaping those ticks ... IF you have not turn off MySQL's default ways of

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
When your database executes a SQL statement, it generates an execution plan that best fits that statement and it caches that plan in memory for later use. Ok, this is another example where CFQP is useful, as the doc says. But if the query is not likely to be executed often, which is the case

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
If you don't really care I don't really care measuring the difference it makes, because it must certainly be marginal, and it is not because I don't care the difference it can made that I cannot make a comment about it. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
it's safe to say that avoiding * is a good idea, Now that's the kind of statement I prefer: a good idea, better than *always* or *never* :-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any

Re: (ot) Stupid HTML Question

2008-07-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
The code below did not work as you would think it should Actually, it works with Mozilla and Opera, but not with IE nor Safari. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
If several people on this list are seeing this attack, it must be pretty widespread. Until now, I just check for strings http or user in containing something else than an integer value. I now just added DECLARE in the validation. All my templates expecting id=some numeric start with

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
For what it's worth, the specific URL that was injected in the sample I saw ( doesn't seem to work anymore. The server name doesn't resolve. === Yeah, that suck, I was going to dissect it. It is broken now, but this morning I was able to see the code.

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
That's fine, until the attack pattern contains something else, like Unicode sequences. Not from the same address though, because it is banned now. And the purpose of my code is not to replace CFQUERYPARAM. It is to add an extra feature that will not only protect the database, but ALSO the

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
What other ways are there? I know of two: EXEC and EXECUTE http (http injection) and user (SQL injection) are classics. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
.and all hackers ALWAYS use the same IPcause they'd never get caught that way...hehe yes...that was meant to be sarcastic It does not look sarcastic to me, just may be a little retarded ;-) I see where you're coming from Claude, I just think (as Dave appears to) that you're wasting

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
This appears to be a botnet-driven attack. Blocking addresses may be problematic in that case. Why do you all want to interpret this as a final solution? Blocking an IP will NOT block ANY attack, it will just stop the current attack from THIS address, period. But it is safer than letting the

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
and no...not retardedjust tactless Your vocabulary is definitely richer than mine, may be less efficient, but richer ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
Bottom line: ***always*** use cfqueryparam. Period. There are no acceptable exceptions to the rule. Even with something like UPDATE myTable SET myDate = cfqueryparam value = #now()# CFSQLType = CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP? OR this: UPDATE myTable SET myValue = cfqueryparam value =

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
I too was concerned about your solution being put forward in a security context...because it's not. Yes it is. It serves two purposes: 1. check if the value is correct, and 2 detect an attack if ithe value is not correct. But if the value is not correct (a positive integer), the query is not

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
For those of you who are actually trying to learn and become better programmers/developers, I used to be a teacher myself, and I never agreed with this way of teaching beginners to do things mechanically without thinking about the reasons and the pros and cons. If you teach beginners to act

Re: cfloop

2008-07-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
Looks like you're having a list of lists now. One solution is to use some different delimiter for the elements in one of the lists. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: (ot) javascript problem

2008-07-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
You can try this. Hi, are you using it yourself? I tried it, there are a lot of interesting options, however two main flaws: 1º the error message is still the same stupidity: - it does not give the true file name the error occurs, - it gives the line number, but

Re: (ot) javascript problem

2008-07-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
Actually I have it installed but I rarely use IE except for cross browser css issues. I see. In my case, most my Javascript is used in my CMS used by administrators, and none of them use FF, so developing for IE is a must. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom

Re: (ot) javascript problem

2008-07-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
Did you try CompanionJS? I think it is just what you need. Ah ha! Now this looks better ;-) Thanks. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: (ot) javascript problem

2008-07-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
Companion.JS that works with it was helpful in my case - not perfect but helpful. (Better than nothing, certianly.) I tried it, but unfortunately it requires the MS debugger, and for some reason, I've never been able to get this piece od ?%$! to work under IE6. All I get is a new window with

Re: (ot) javascript problem

2008-07-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
You might want to take a look at IE7 stand alone. I will sure do. Thanks. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Extract text from webpage content using cfhttp

2008-07-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
Maybe wrap it in something like !- [BEGIN TEXT TO GRAB] -- This is the text you want indexed !-- [END TEXT TO GRAB] -- Pretty good idea! And the use CF_REExtract to grab it ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Sorting International Names Challenge!

2008-07-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
I know that you could probably sort a field by first assigning a collation such as the following Really not trivial. For some languages, a collation is not enough. I may be wrong, but I think I've learned that in Spanish for instance, the double l or ch are not considered as a two letters but

Re: Sorting International Names Challenge!

2008-07-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
Littrell Liu Liénard This is a good example. Liénard comes at the end, because apparently the sort uses the ASCII collating sequence in which é comes after all other non accented characters. A solution would be to have two columns for names, like Name key - Liénard

Re: Sorting International Names Challenge!

2008-07-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
I think Lienard (how do you bring up the symbol on a QWENTY keyboard) is after Liu because that e comes after the 26 English alphabet letters. It come at the end in the ISO character set, but alphabetic sort should not use the ASCII code Thus the problem. --

Re: Sorting International Names Challenge!

2008-07-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have not had a chance to work with international characters in the DB, so this sounds really interesting. I'm sending it by private eMail, I'm affraid that posting it here will make the message too large. It works works for strings in ISO, and may be used for databases in ISO, not UTF-8 --

Re: (ot) javascript problem

2008-07-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
Any clues on how to trace javascript errors in IE? Error messages in IE are simply retarded. The error could be in any file, and it does not even give the file name. Furthermore, the line number is always one unit higher. Then your error must be in one of the included files, at line 347. --

Paypal Sandbox server bogus?

2008-07-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, Anyone here has an application using Paypal? I'm new to this so I don't know if the problem is with me or with Paypal: I'm testing payments through the sandbox IPN server. Last Friday, it worked fine, bit since this morning, I do not receive any notify_url call back on my server. Apparently

Re: ONE Ring to Rule them all

2008-07-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Is there any practical way to use ONE Application.CFM file in ONE place for all of these sites? For all my sites, I have a virtual directory on the same common directory. Then for all sites, /common/... refers to the same directory on the server. In particular, all my Application.cfm start with:

Re: Simple cfmail driving me crazy!

2008-07-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
for grins, try this: cfset sendEmail = #getproducts.Email[1]# or even simpler: cfset sendEmail = getproducts.Email[1] -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: Interesting results with setting variables - cfset vs. using a cfscript block

2008-07-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
Note that 1º according to the docs, GetTickCount() returns a string representation of the system time, not the time spent on the CF code. The CF server is running in a time shared environment, so the system time is not really representative of the execution time. 2º There is a huge difference

Re: cfajaximport/IE issues

2008-07-01 Thread Claude Schneegans
When I import the cfwindow libraries via cfajaximport, my simple javascript menus will flicker in Internet Explorer and sometimes close themselves. This is the trouble with such libraries: they include all what you need,... but also 99% of what you don't need. Look all what you have: script

Re: submitting a form

2008-06-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Have you tried submitting the form with the same values? Same browser/OS? I haver noticed that Opera has a check box in the alert: Stop executing scripts in this page. This is at least one possibility. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: String format issue

2008-06-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
cfquery automatically escapes single ticks It does, but only if a single variable is passed in the query, not if it is a more complex expression, and apparently not even if it is a column in a query. Try this : CFSET temp = getRecord_qry.memo INSERT INTO TableName_tb (memo) VALUES ('#temp#')

CF-talk problem?

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, Is there any problem with the list? I'm recieving very few messages, and I do not see two new topics I sent yesterday and this morning. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam

SOT: submitting a form

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Is there any problem with the list? Apparently, I can answer, but not send new messages. Ok, let me answer to myself on this one ;-) I have form with a Javascript validating system. After hundreds of successful submits of the form, I recently got one form submitted with two mandatory date

Re: submitting a form

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Why not do the checks in the form statement with an 'onSubmit='? Well, good question. The main reason is that all forms in the system are independant and may have their own onSubmit. But they must all have this checkInput () procedure. The submit button, on the other hand is in a common

Re: submitting a form

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
A bot? No way, the form was filled by a real person, all the rest of the information in the field make sense, including the mail address of the submitter. It is a membership registration form in an association. It is possible to spoof anything in an HTTP request to your server. Of course,

SOT: submitting a form

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have form with a Javascript validating system. After hundreds of successful submits of the form, I recently got one form submitted with two mandatory date fields empty. If a visitor has Javascript disabled, he cannot even see the form, then I suppose it is not the issue. The Javascript

SOT: submitting a form

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have form with a Javascript validating system. After hundreds of successful submits of the form, I recently got one form submitted with two mandatory date fields empty. If a visitor has Javascript disabled, he cannot even see the form, then I suppose it is not the issue. The Javascript

Re: SOT: submitting a form

2008-06-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Your TO address is announcing itself as CF-Talk House of Fusion. It's technically correct but my code is a little too sensitive. Let me see what I can do to make it a little less sensitive. This is what I suspected. I will remove the superfluous name in the address then. Thanks. --

Re: Replace comma in replace list

2008-06-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
How do I indicate a comma in a replace list so I can replace the comma? replaceList is not the right tool for this, and since you are replacing all characters by the same one, what you need is REReplace. ie : REReplace (MyString, [##%/\\*?|:$.'@,], _, all) Example: CFSET myString =

Re: .dat files urgent help!

2008-06-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
..dat is a generic extension for ANY data. It could have been generated by ANY application in ANY format. If you see funky chars, it is probably because they are not chars, but binary data. NotePad won't give you much information about binary data. Search the web to see if you can download from

Re: Replace comma in replace list

2008-06-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
after playing with regex for 2 hours. Not bad. The average is at leat 6 hours ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: In theory - an alternative way to sort results

2008-06-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does that sound like an idea, or can somebody think of a better way to do this? Tell them you must enter their earnings in the table so you can sort the list in order of work they do, may be they will forget about their request ;-)) Not joking, I would'n take the responsibility of such a

Re: Character by Character File Compare

2008-06-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
Comparing a hash of each file would surely reduce the amount of text CF had to throw around especially if you are performing several tests with the same set of files. Apparently yes, but calculating the hash certainly takes more time than comparing two strings, and it needs to go through the

Re: Character by Character File Compare

2008-06-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'd be tempted to split the work buy doing a simple check at the start on file sizes. Well, obviously. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Looking for advice on permissions

2008-06-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
IMHO, independant permissions for viewing, adding, editing, deleting elements may be going too much into details and obviously adding to the complexity. Having only one permission for each type of element should be enough. - any one can view elements on the public site anyway, so no permission

Re: Protecting images

2008-06-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
That would prevent copying and printing. That would not prevent anything. Never forget this basic principle : The more someone is really able to reuse your images, the more skills he will have to copy it. Corollary: Any image protection scheme will only protect against those who wouldn't know

Re: List question... (having a brain [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2008-06-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Note 3: You must have a pretty good reason not making a loop, because a loop would be much more efficient than using ReplaceList(). A loop could be stopped as soon as an element in the list is found. ReplaceList() will also have a loop internally, but this one will run till the end. --

Re: List question... (having a brain [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2008-06-06 Thread Claude Schneegans
Without looping (I'd like one cfif conditional), is there any way to determine if any element from badtitlekeywords is contained within title? Yes there is, use ReplaceList(), ie: CFIF ReplaceList(title, badtitlekeywords, , , ) NEQ badtitlekeywords... then... If one element of

Re: listtoarray?

2008-06-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
-- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: listtoarray?

2008-06-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
Just because it has, does it mean it is not a bug? No, it doesn't. But in this case, it is just the way Allaire has defined it: look at all list functions, the parameter is delimiters, not delimiter, and the description says Set of delimiters used in list, not string used as delimiter The

Re: listtoarray?

2008-06-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
One has to remember that this function is now nearly 12 years since it was introduced this way. Does it still make it the right decision by Allaire? No it doesn't, but it is definitely not a bug. One could see it as a flaw in design, at a pinch, but not a bug. A bug is when something does not

Re: Best way to cause scheduled tasks to run consecutively?

2008-05-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
What's the best approach for that? Have each task schedule the next one at the end of its precess. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Flex vs Ajax?

2008-05-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Yes, the client needs Flash installed, but with AJAX you have to worry that the client has JavaScript enabled (and with that, browser compatibility questions). There is a big difference between installed and enabled. If he doesn't want to install a third party plug-in, he is perfectly

Re: FCKEditor and IE7

2008-05-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
Claude do you have any idea of the settings needed? On that particular case, no. I do not use FCKEditor, having my own system. I was just seing some similarity with an issue I worked on a couple of months ago. I this case, the problem was with special effect filters inactive because of some

Re: FCKEditor and IE7

2008-05-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
However, as far as browser compatibility. I think FCKEditor has some room for improvement. With IE, there are so many options the user can deactivate that it is not easy for the Javascript developer. There are for instance several security checks that locks ActiveX, even internal activeX

Re: What's wrong with this query?

2008-05-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
So image name conflict won't be a problem. I see, then checking in the query is your solution. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Friday CF Puzzler...

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I would create a regExp for each character, in a structure ie: RE['i'] = [i89okju] RE['b] = [bvghn] RE['m] = [jk,n] replace every character by it's equivalent regexp ibm = [i89okju][bvghn][jk,n] And search using this expression But you should also take care of inversions, probably even more

Re: Friday CF Puzzler...

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
Becuase See what I mean about inversion typos ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Friday CF Puzzler...

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I figured that some uber-cf-wiz here would know some java or undocumented trick that could determine the surrounding keys This will almost certainly take more time to find than typing them once for all on the keyboard. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;

Re: What's wrong with this query?

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I don't remember ever running a query like this one, so I'm not sure it's even a valid approach. My approach is to rename every file using CreateUUID Functions53.html#1102827() function. to make sure there is no duplicate problem. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use

Re: What's wrong with this query?

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
Can you be a little more explicit about how you do that, Claude? I've never used CreateUUID before. I rename the file when it is uploaded. Ie: CFSET fileName = #CreateUUID()#.temp CFIF fileUpload NEQ !--- File received --- CFFILE ACTION=Upload FILEFIELD=#fileUpload#

Re: What's wrong with this query?

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
So how do I modify the query, which now looks like this... This is it, a unique index will detect the error, but it will not solve it. Checking if the file already exists will not solve the problem either. So better make sure the file name is unique first and eliminate the possibility of a

Re: What's wrong with this query?

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I don't want to rename the files and include them, I want to avoid adding the files to the directory completely. I see, but what if two users want to enter two different images having the same file name? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: image editing

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
Or if you are cheap like me there is always cfx_image. ;) CFX_image has been the best for a long time, but it is really missing image quality in resizing. ImageCR3 is definitely the best. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: image editing

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I still recommend ImageCR3 from Efflare But why pay for a commercial product when there are free solutions? ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL

Re: image editing

2008-05-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
yes, i'm making a point. . and I subscribe to it 100%. It was just some kind of inside joke especially intended to Bobby ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: CFGRID / SQL - am I dreaming?

2008-05-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'd need someting like IF create_d between 3 months ago and now Then INSERT(title,0,0,'span style=font-style:bold;color:#00;NEW/span') AS new_title Check if you can use the IIf function in your database, ie: SELECT IIF (create_d 3 months ago, 'span

Re: Simple List Question

2008-05-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
How do I take a word like, apple and loop through each letter? Try this: CFSET word = apple CFLOOP INDEX=c FROM=1 TO=#len(word)# CFSET currentChar = mid(word,c,1) CFOUTPUTcurrentChar = #currentChar#BR/CFOUTPUT /CFLOOP -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
find how many lines in it with ListLen() and then a ListGetAt() to get the last line. or simply use listLast(). -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: CF hash function - why uppercase?

2008-05-01 Thread Claude Schneegans
Well, traditionally, hexadecimal values were written in upper case, so IMHO, CF is right. If other applications expects hash values in lower case, it is your responsibility to deal with this particularity. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion®

Re: cflloop over the form.

2008-04-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
How can i trim this variable Try this: listLast (field, _) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: cflloop over the form.

2008-04-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
How can i skip insertion of the button since i am using the form.fieldnames Add a test for the submit name in your loop, ans skip the query if the test succeeds. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Compare digits as strings not integers.

2008-04-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Use the Compare() function, ie: CFSET oldcompany = '033' CFSET newcompany = '0033' CFOUTPUT#(oldcompany EQ newcompany)#BR #(Compare(oldcompany, newcompany) EQ 0)# /CFOUTPUT -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: This is what I need at home.

2008-04-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
Opps hit the wrong list Looks like your computer is due for an upgrade ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: How do I select multiple fields as multiple aliases?

2008-04-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Would this work? Like this no, but this should work: select sap.photo_filename as prop_photo_filename_01, sap.photo_filename as prop_photo_filename_02, sap.photo_filename as prop_photo_filename_03 from smlc_acr_photos sap where sap.photo_mls_number = sa.mls_number limit 3 --

Re: Regex issue

2008-04-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Well... i have a javascript validation script that can take a regex pattern to check against. Are you named Web Exp for Web Expert? Regexp are good at checking strings, not integer values. Your javascript validation script that can take a regex is just not the good tool. You would need just a

Re: Reading data from a website

2008-04-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
below is the link to the website that contains the data I require. Ok, you definitely need CF_REextract: You can even test it on your page here: 1.

Re: URLs being appended to query string

2008-04-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
The frequency of the occurrences, and the constantly changing URL and client IP, suggests a bot. Exact, and also the fact that the user agent is always the same: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; ..NET CLR 1.1.4322) The fact that the IP address changes,

Re: CFHTTP with a login page

2008-04-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
To pass the username and password to this page, but I had no luck. First I would check the CFHTTP content to see if the login was succesful. Then the site must have some scheme to keep track of the session. Look if it stores a cookie in your browser, and try to support it in your CFHTTP call.

Re: ajax submit form

2008-04-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
I don't want to re-write my pages, I just want the submit to not refresh the page and return the results on the same page as the search form. I've done something similar without Ajax. There are two main problems if you do it in Ajax: 1º robots like Google do not see the sub pages your site

Re: Strange Behavior - stumped

2008-04-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
Can you see this page ok? Looks OK to me with IE 6. Opera 9.27 Safari 3.03 Firefox 2.0.0 -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Lots of bugs with cold fusion 8 (standard edition)

2008-04-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
My comment did have value. It is a fact that it is a waste of time to report a bug on an out of date platform, Especially when the bug is classified RTFM ;-) Why didn't someone call me? That's the destiny of falling stars ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom

Re: Multiple forms on same page and client side data validation

2008-04-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Unfortunately multi-tab form is parallel (I believe) while my case is sequential processing There is no sequential processing of multiple forms possible in HTML. You can have several forms in a page, but only one can submit. Tab forms is a solution to temporarily hide parts of a form, but only

Re: Multiple forms on same page and client side data validation

2008-04-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Are you an expert in, say, DOM? Yes. To my knowledge, each and all web/script page, be it written in cf, jsp, asp, php, would be rendered by a UA (browser here), and the underlying technology for that is DOM, so, it does not matter how many HTML forms on a 'page'/script the web server

Re: Multiple forms on same page and client side data validation

2008-04-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
My key point was, to re-use cfform's built-in client data validation capability for my case if that's possible, Well, if you use CFFORM, it should be possible for sure, or do you mean you want to use CFFORM validation WITHOUT using CFFORM? for instance, do you build you own credit card

Re: Passwod recovery strategies

2008-04-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
* User clicks forgot my password link * They enter their user name and e-mail address What if he forgot his user name? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: Passwod recovery strategies

2008-04-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
But make sure to send it to the email on record That was my point. Just ask for the email he used to register, and send him his code and password, period. have the user who gets that email click a link which authorizes the change of password. What for? If anyone gets the message

Re: looking for some help creating a char index

2008-04-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
this is what i have so far. A probably better idea, if you can modify the table, would be to have two fields in the table, ie: - objectiveNo - parentObjective Then your list 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, would be represented by objectiveNoparentObjective 0

Re: simple loop

2008-04-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, Your approach looks weid to me Why do you need the first query to get the serial number to be used in the second query if you already know the serial number? Any way, shouldn't be at least something like where serialnumber = '#serialnumber#' in the first query? Are serial numbers text

Re: Can Regex find and replace the 7th and 8th character of a line.

2008-04-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
However you do it, I'd look at a Java StringBuilder or StringBuffer, because any string manipulation with CF over that many lines is going to blow up with a Java out of memory exception since every concatenation or string function call creates another string in memory. I would rather write a


2008-04-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
if the title in the DB is Blade Runner (DVD) and someone searches for Blade Runner then IMO, the soundex algorithm is not appropriate in this case. Soundex extract a key which essentially depends on the first syllable of the string. It has been develop mostly for names, not for any kind of


2008-04-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
As far as I can tell it would work perfectly for this... Not if you want to get dvd blade runner or Harrison Ford blade runner in the same query. Anyway, you can test soudex here for instance: -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use

Re: TOT - FireFox memory issues

2008-04-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does anyone have any suggestions? Sure: find some discussion forum about Firefox. Here in CF_talk, we talk about ColdFusion. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: How to get this part of this string...

2008-03-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
How would I select falls_bridge left(string, len(string) - len(listLast(string), _) - 1) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Date Range Search Problem - when it's integers stored and not dates - My Solution

2008-03-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
So, if they only enter 2007 and nothing else, 01/01/2007 is getting recorded Well, this will be fine when looking for events = 06/30/2007 for instance, since 0/0/2007 stands for any date in 2007. but what if looking for events = 06/302007? 01/01/2007 won't come out and it should, since it could

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