Need to add 4 hours to a variable and compare to Now()

2008-03-06 Thread Joy Holman
I need to add 4 hours to a variable. This is the variable: cfparam name=application.startFacTime default = #Dateformat(now())# / I want to compare application.startFacTime + 4 hours to Now. If Now and the variable are the same date, I want to see if adding 4 hours to the variable will result

Re: Need to add 4 hours to a variable and compare to Now()

2008-03-06 Thread Joy Holman
Thanks for your responses. I've actually been working with the Date and Time functions in CF. I can't seem to get any code to work that adds 4 hours to the variable. For instance: 1.)CFIF IsDefined(application.startFacTime) AND (

Re: Need to add 4 hours to a variable and compare to Now()

2008-03-06 Thread Joy Holman
Ian pointed you in the right direction, dateAdd() cfparam name=application.startFacTime default = #Dateformat(dateAdd('h', 4, now()))# / On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Joy Holman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This did it: cfparam name=application.startFacTime default = #dateAdd('h',4, now

Re: How create results with an Outer Join using 2 different databases

2007-09-07 Thread Joy Holman
I was able to use some sample data to create a simple Left Join and got results using 2 different databases. Thank you. I learned something. I need to learn more though. Here's kinda pseudo-code for what I need to end up with: I need the results of my first query to get the data for the

How create results with an Outer Join using 2 different databases

2007-09-05 Thread Joy Holman
ISSUE: I'm working with existing functionality, so I need to work this code in somehow or rewrite a significant amount of code. I am using tables that come from different datasources. I can't use the outer join with QofQ, right? I need to use an outer join to combine two result sets that don't

How create results with an Outer Join using 2 different databases

2007-09-05 Thread Joy Holman
ISSUE: I'm working with existing functionality, so I need to work this code in somehow or rewrite a significant amount of code. I am using tables that come from different datasources. I can't use the outer join with QofQ, right? I need to use an outer join to combine two result sets that don't

How create results with an Outer Join using 2 different databases

2007-09-05 Thread Joy Holman
ISSUE: I'm working with existing functionality, so I need to work this code in somehow or rewrite a significant amount of code. I am using tables that come from different datasources. I can't use the outer join with QofQ, right? I need to use an outer join to combine two result sets that don't

problem with spaces in value of a list in a URL that is delimited with + sign

2007-05-18 Thread Joy Holman
I've run out of ideas in how to fix this situation: Another application that uses the plus sign as a delimiter links to my site with a variable called search. It seems ColdFusion replaces the + sign with spaces before I can get at the variable values from a URL. It's only a problem if a value

Re: problem with spaces in value of a list in a URL that is delimited with + sign

2007-05-18 Thread Joy Holman
Ah hah - the CGI.query_string! Thanks much! ~| Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 Flex 2. Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial Archive:

How display value of form input file with type=file when user returned to prefilled form after validation error?

2007-04-11 Thread Joy Holman
Does anyone know of a way to redisplay what was entered in the field where a user browsed to a file to upload and then returns to the form entry screen after submission b/c of validation errors? The user has to rebrowse to the file to upload each time they are returned to the previously filled

CF string case must match SQL field value case

2007-01-25 Thread Joy Holman
I have some SQL select queries that act case-insensitive and others that only return values that match the string case between the CF string variable and the SQL field value requested. I can address it by setting the CF value with Ucase and the SQL value with UPPER, but I don't think it

Re: CF string case must match SQL field value case

2007-01-25 Thread Joy Holman
One of the queries is running on a different database, but two are running on the same database and give different results; one seems case-sensitive and the other does not. BTW - LIKE doesn't make a difference, neither does CFQUERYPARAM. Thanks for your help.

Re: CF string case must match SQL field value case

2007-01-25 Thread Joy Holman
Are both queries running from the same application on the same server? Are both queries using the same datasource? Answer: DIFFERENT CF APPLICATIONS (DIFFERENT DATABASES), DIFFERENT DATABSOURCES, SAME SERVER. Have you tried running the query directly in a query analyzer? Answer: THE QUERY

Re: CF string case must match SQL field value case

2007-01-25 Thread Joy Holman
Answer: THE QUERY THAT SEEMS CASE SENSITIVE IS A QofQ. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RUN THAT IN THE QUERY ANALYZER. Query-of-queries doesn't actually use your database at all. Query-of-queries is, in fact, case-sensitive. There's nothing you can do about that, except use UPPER or LOWER:

Displaying array items with Next-n Records functionality

2006-05-05 Thread Joy Holman
I want to show results from an array that's created from query results: cfif (WebEx is 0 or WebEx is ) OR (RPMSClassesUp.WebEx is 1 and Compare(#dani#,#daniNow#) gt 0 and Compare(#DateFormat(RPMSClassesUp.StartDate)#,#nowDate#) is 0) OR (RPMSClassesUp.WebEx is 1 and

problem using a text list variable in a query statement

2005-09-29 Thread Joy Holman
I create a list from form variables that I want to use in a query. This is where it fails to delete the records (though the query produces no error: cfset qualDelPhotoList = ListQualify(delPhotoList,',,,all) / cfquery name=qdelPhoto datasource=#request.optomDS# Delete from optomSitePhotos

Need to properly place query results in a display table

2005-03-24 Thread Joy Holman
I need to display the results of a query. The query runs properly. My problem is having specific results display in specific locations in the cfoutput table for the query. This is the query: CFQUERY name=q_rpt datasource=#request.DPCds# cachedwithin=#createtimespan(0,0,2,0)# SELECT DPCRptr.*,

Re: extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-14 Thread Joy Holman
-0400, Joy Holman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics Message: Archives: http

Re: extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-14 Thread Joy Holman
well, the 2nd dimension of the first array contains the # of answers to test 1 (again, minus 1 since the first element of the 2nd dimesion is specifying the test #). so loop over the first dimension and do an arrayLen() - 1 on the second dimension. cfoutput cfloop from=1

Re: extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-10 Thread Joy Holman
I got the answer using my original code. Today my question is: Using that original code, how can I dynamically determine how many questions are in Test1? The answer would be 2. ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold

Re: extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-10 Thread Joy Holman
Using this code: cfscript QstnKey = ArrayNew(3); QstnKey[1][1][1] = TEst1; QstnKey[1][2][1]=a. choice 1; QstnKey[1][2][2]=b. choice 2; QstnKey[1][2][3]=c. choice 3; QstnKey[1][3[1]=a. choice 1; QstnKey[1][3[2]=b. choice 2; QstnKey[1][3[3]=c. choice 3; QstnKey[2][1][1]=Test2; QstnKey[2][2][1]=a.

Re: extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-10 Thread Joy Holman
I appreciate your answer and will look into using structures and CFC's, but in the meantime, the answer you gave to my question, I think is assuming that each question is a test. The situation is as below, where the first test has 2 questions and each question has three choices. Using this

extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-06 Thread Joy Holman
I need to dynamically extract all the select option choices for each question in a form. The number of choices for each question vary. I have a multi-dimensional array that stores the questsions and choices for each test like the array shown below: How can I create one piece of code that can

Re: extract values from arrays dynamically

2004-12-06 Thread Joy Holman
Thanks, Charlie. I'll try that. ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - Message: Archives:

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
to placing different values in each onClick event generated by outputting the query results. I'm going to sleep on it. G'night, all and thanks for your input! On Apr 13, 2004, at 1:07 PM, Joy Holman wrote: but #linkStyle# is just the name of a CF variable, a container, if you will (this one just cones

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
you show us here menu item one: ...> menu item two: ...> menu item two: ...> view source from your browser might help clear things up for you. Or like Dick, I don't understand :( - Original Message - From: Joy Holman To: CF-Talk Se

Re: passing multiple CF values to a JavaScript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
Hi Patric, I'll try to consolidate information I've provided so far. I'm not at work today so I can't generate the exact code, but I'll do my best to simulate it. Here goes: Purpose of the code: When a user clicks on a menu link (generated by the CF code prior to the user interaction), an

Re: passing multiple CF values to a JavaScript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
Hi Patric, I'll try to consolidate information I've provided so far. I'm not at work today so I can't generate the exact code, but I'll do my best to simulate it. Here goes: Purpose of the code: When a user clicks on a menu link (generated by the CF code prior to the user interaction), an

Re: passing multiple CF values to a JavaScript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
So there was nothing wrong with my original code and I shouldn't have gotten an error saying that onClick didn't understand the CF variable #menu_bmarkLink#. Maybe it failed because there was no value for #menu_bmarkLink# when that variable was blank - which would be the case when the

Re: passing multiple CF values to a JavaScript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
Thank you for testing that,Ian. I must have jumped to the wrong conclusion. I didn't expect that onClick would read the cfelse portion of my cfif when the condition was met for the menu_nonbmarkLink. I think you might be right, when I added a row to my test query with a blank menu_bmarkLink

Re: passing multiple CF values to a JavaScript variable

2004-04-14 Thread Joy Holman
I see.I'll definitely incorporate that strategy. Thanks, Patric. Joy Joy, taht's what I think too. The code sample Dave provided does the same thing your code should render. That's why I thought you could provide a dump of your database query to see if it's serving unexpected data...

passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
I am outputting style name values using CF query-results. I'm making those values available to _javascript_ in a variable so I can use the values in an onClick event. If I only needed the variable's last style name value returned by the query, I could use the following: cfoutput script

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
I'm placing the query results of several fields into an HTML list. The href of each generated link includes an onClick event. Because of that, I need to create a _javascript_ variable that holds the values of the style name field from the query. I don't know how to populate the style name variable

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
I've got my code in the first post of this thread. Based on the code you've written, it looks like I would get all the values in one onClick event. I need to generate one value per onClick. Each onClick is within an li that holds other query results, so I can't just loop through the

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
Yes, I want to output the stylenames as the html code is generated. Sorry, I added the list after sending the previous code. (Actually, I don't care if I have a list of the stylenames or not; I just want to get one of the style name values from the query into each of the onClick events.) The

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
ia Associate Partner - Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group Founder Director ----- Original Message - From: Joy Holman To: CF-Talk Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:23 AM Subject: Re: passing multiple CF vaules t

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
tyle name? 1) when creating the html/js with CF/ 2) when the user initiates the js onClick? if 1) above, where what format is the list of styles? Dick On Apr 13, 2004, at 9:23 AM, Joy Holman wrote: [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
that contains the style name? Dick On Apr 13, 2004, at 9:53 AM, Joy Holman wrote: [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
ate with your CF code, 3) Run your query and display the output of enough rows showing the columns their values that contain the dynamic data HTH Dick On Apr 13, 2004, at 10:16 AM, Joy Holman wrote: [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
of the query results. I don't know how to loop through the that variable's values correctly. I appreciate your help. Joy Holman It sounds like you need to combine the results from the 2 queries into a single query objectOR write a more complex query to join all the tables involved to produce

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
ot; style=flashy Macromedia /a bra href="" style=opportunistic Microsoft /a I know this is not exactly what you want, but using the same technique, can you show me what you want? Dick On Apr 13, 2004, at 11:55 AM, Joy Holman wrote: [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman - Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group Founder Director - Original Message - From: Joy Holman To: CF-Talk Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:55 AM Subject: Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a _javascript_ variable

Re: passing multiple CF vaules to a javascript variable

2004-04-13 Thread Joy Holman
> menu item two: ...> menu item two: ...> view source from your browser might help clear things up for you. Or like Dick, I don't understand :( - Original Message - From: Joy Holman To: CF-Talk Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 4:12 PM Subject: Re: passing