Re:RE: Debug output order

2003-11-07 Thread jlangevin
That's what I was afraid of.  Thanks for the info.   We're running version 3.04.  Every time I have to troubleshoot anything in this version I want to quit web development! --Jeff _ Jeff Langevin  

Debug output order

2003-11-07 Thread jlangevin
Hi folks, I am running CF5 on Win2k and I am trying to debug something in AbleCommerce (hold your groans).   I have set all debug info to be dumped to the screen in cf administrator.  I would like to see the order that templates are getting processed.  However, the template execution list is in a


2003-08-18 Thread jlangevin
You really should only select the individual columns you need. Selecting the customer ID twice is inefficient since it has the same data. But if you must have it, try something like: SELECT orders.customerID as OrdCustomerID, customers.customerID as CustCustomerID etc, etc. And my guess is th

Re:RE: Search engine safe urls

2003-08-04 Thread jlangevin
Are you on IIS? Perhaps the lockdown tool has been used. Check the settings in (usually at this path) c:/winnt/system32/inetsrv/urlscan/urlscan.ini if you can. I had a problem with SES URLs due to the server not allowing multiple "." in the URL and the setting in this file was the culprit. --Jef

Re:efficient solution, problems with

2003-06-13 Thread jlangevin
You could do it on the SQL side with a custom field. At least you would be offloading the heavy lifting to SQL. Not sure if it makes sense to tackle it this way, but just I tested this and it works... SELECT dbo.test.organization, dbo.test.address,, dbo.test.contactPerson, CASE

Re:Boston CFUG Revived

2003-06-12 Thread jlangevin
Hi Jim, Today's email was actually the third email notification we sent out (in addition to one from Macromedia, though I do not know the extent of that mailing). At which email address did you receive today's notice? I do not see any email addresses included in the email lis

Re:OT: Outer Join

2003-04-04 Thread jlangevin
I think changing "INNER JOIN csite c" to "FULL OUTER JOIN csite c" will work. And I think you might have to add "OR IS NULL" ~| Archives: Subscription: http://www.

Re:Count(*) Query

2003-04-04 Thread jlangevin
Actually, didn't need the "WITH ROLLUP". It works just fine like this as well. "WITH ROLLUP" gives you a grand total as well which you probably don't need. SELECT number, COUNT(number) AS total FROMnumberTable GROUP BYnumber ORDER BYnumber ~

Re:Count(*) Query

2003-04-04 Thread jlangevin
Use the aggregate functions GROUP BY and WITH ROLLUP. I just tested this and it should work just fine for what you're trying to do. Good luck. SELECT numberColumn, COUNT(numberColumn) AS total FROMnumberTable GROUP BYnumberColumn WITH ROLLUP ORDER BYnumberColumn ~~

Re:SQL: Deleting items older than 7 days from today

2003-04-02 Thread jlangevin
Try this... SELECT * FROMtblEvents WHERE tblEvents.estarttime < '#dateFormat(dateAdd("d",-7,now()),"MM/DD/")#' ~| Archives: Subscription:

Re:RE: application.cfm

2003-03-27 Thread jlangevin
CF5 does not allow for a blank application.cfm. It will throw an error. I in fact just ran into that last week. :) You can use something simple like and you will be all set. ~| Archives:

Re:ColdFusion and ArcIMS

2003-03-27 Thread jlangevin
We use ArcIMS for displaying data from our research department. So far it works great for us. We also are having discussions about some much larger projects which would utilize the system. Ironically, we found that the most tricky part of it all is the in

Problem with Error Handling with Fusebox 3

2003-03-21 Thread jlangevin
I am trying to implement site-wide error handling on a fusebox 3 site and am having a problem. The site is working just fine. However, I am "simulating" the database being down by turning off execute rights to a stored procedure on MSSQL. This throws an error a nice error against which I can tes

Re[2]: verity and sort order

2003-03-19 Thread jlangevin
Thanks for the info Stephen. That did help clarify things a bit. Due to the complexity of what I needed to do, I ended up getting it working with MSSQL full text search and . At some point (when I have a bit of free time? HA!) I'll play with QofQ and and see what it can do. Thanks! --Jeff ~~

Re[2]: cfstoredproc questions SOT

2003-03-18 Thread jlangevin
Hmmm... didn't realize that you could do that in admin. Obviously haven't been spending enough time in there lately... I agree that it makes sense. I was disabling rights in SQL Server, not in CF admin. However, that confuses me. Then what is the point of doing so? I assumed that this was don

verity and sort order

2003-03-18 Thread jlangevin
When using (and CF5) can you do a custom sort order. I am interested in using verity for full text searching, but I am not interested in the weighting it gives to results. I would like to dynamically tell it the order of columns. For instance one time tell it sort on date, then title, then loca

cfstoredproc questions SOT

2003-03-18 Thread jlangevin
Hey Folks, First, the on-topic question. When using is there an easy way to return a recordcount like that which is returned by ? Now for the SOT question... Sorry for this question, but I have searched high and low for this info and am now at my wits end so I am posting here. I have read in a

Re:CFFILE and carriage returns

2003-02-26 Thread jlangevin
Thanks folks. chr(10)& chr(13) works beautifully! ~| Archives: Subscription: FAQ: http://www.t

CFFILE and carriage returns

2003-02-26 Thread jlangevin
I am trying to write files using and I would like to have carriage returns in the file to make it look something like below: Workshop Registration Information startDate: blah endDate: blah workshopID: blah title: blah ... Right now, I am creating a variable called orderInfo and writing that to t

Re:query to get tablenames

2003-02-14 Thread jlangevin
SELECT Name FROMSysObjects WHERE Type = 'U' ~| Archives: Subscription: FAQ: http://ww

Re[2]: PGP and CF5

2003-02-10 Thread jlangevin
Also, I've heard that there are security issues with cfexecute. SHould I avoid that solution and try wirting something as a custom tag in java? While I am not really strong in Java, I can probably figure it out. --Jeff ~| Archi

Re[2]: PGP and CF5

2003-02-10 Thread jlangevin
When the below line is run from a command prompt, it works flawlessly. c:\pgpnt\pgp.exe -e -a c:\pgpnt\scratch\myfile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED] -o c:\pgpnt\history\myfile.asc When I run the following, it does create a text file. But, when you open the file in a text editor there is no encrypte

PGP and CF5

2003-02-06 Thread jlangevin
I was wondering what folks do for encrypting files using pgp and ColdFusion. We're running CF5 on Win2K and I need to be able to encrypt files (using PGP v6.5.8) which will then be emailed. I don't have the $400 for CFX_PGP off of the exchange. I came across a reference during a google search to

Re[2]: Pushing a file to a specified port?

2002-11-27 Thread jlangevin
Hmmm... I didn't read that quite closely enough the first time Sounds like if the Win32 app is listening on the port, it should be doing the writing of the file to the file system for you. If that is the case, just open a socket (using java custom tag perhaps) and send the data in the correct

Re:Pushing a file to a specified port?

2002-11-27 Thread jlangevin
Do you have any access to the server receiving the file?If so you could write a java client/server app. I am in a somewhat similar position with integrating a reservation system with our web site. The reservation system came with a java client/server socket app. The client passes the data

HELP! CFStudio customization

2002-10-23 Thread jlangevin
I am trying to edit the color coding in Studio 4.5 and am having a problem. Specifically, I want the background to be black instead of white. That is no problem. However, I use studio for editing both .cfm and .java files. The problem is that in the elements for .java files the curly braces, se


2002-10-22 Thread jlangevin
Here is a link to the install doc for ArcIMS. Not everything you're looking for, but might help get a feel for the app. pdf You can buy a copy of the user manual on their site. It's about $30. http://gisstore.esri.

RE: Content management systems - help!

2002-06-11 Thread jlangevin
Thanks for the info. I am still in the process of gathering info on these systems for presentation to the budget folks. Not sure if this is within our range. Though I will admit that the functionality sounds quite good. It would get my vote if the dollars are $. Do you know if this can be run

Content management systems - help!

2002-06-10 Thread jlangevin
We are looking to implement a content management system and am interested what you folks out there are using. Below are some of the features we would like. We currently have a Win2k server with CF5 and MSSQL2000. Preferably we would like to utilize this system. One product which we are conside

Securing a new CF installation

2002-04-23 Thread jlangevin
Hi folks, I am working on setting up a new server which is running Win2K Server, CF Server 5 Pro, and SQL Server 2K. I have ordered the O'Reilly book on securing Win 2K for the internet. I have found a few docs on securing SQL as well, but any suggestions would be helpful. What I really am int

Re:FYI: AbleCommerce checkout rounding bug

2002-01-17 Thread jlangevin
Additionally, you'll need to alter the queries in the _emailWsp and _emailWOsp files in order for your notifications to correctly reflect the totals. Note: Since we are not currently using the real-time CC processing, this solution works for us. However, I have yet to look into that process. I

FYI: AbleCommerce checkout rounding bug

2002-01-16 Thread jlangevin
The other day I found an obscure bug in the way AbleCommerce sums pricing for totals and subtotals. In my case, it exhibited itself when I discounted an ite m using a 10% discount. This caused products to have three decimal places in the discounted price ($14.95 discounted 10% is $13.455). The