Sounds like everything I escaped from when I discovered Clojure.
On 03/07/2019 22:38, henrik42 wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm pleased to announce the release of Deeto 0.1.0 [1]
Deeto is a Clojure library for Java developers. With Deeto you can
define your data transfer object type
typed for this
feature of Kotlin.
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shot in
the dark :)
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What would it take to implement Kotlin's null-safety in Clojure? Are
there any Clojure-specific gotchas which make it more difficult than in
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/ 42.82 Euros = $48.81
"Web Development with Clojure" - 250 pages / $24 = 21.05 Euros
O'Reilly and Prag Prog books are also better produced, IMHO, with less
of the sidebar padding you find in Packt books.
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Clojure OOP can
become intolerable. Better to get a foundation in Javascript,
Python/Ruby and Java first then add Clojure later. According to there are only 21 jobs in the UK with Clojure in the title.
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- Hapi:20.9
- Luminus: 20.0
- Ninja: 54.7
- Hapi:0.7
- Luminus: 0.0
- Rapidoid: 100.0
Any ideas?
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icular are likely to remain niche as far as paid work goes? It seems
the OO juggernaut just rolls on regardless :(
On 01/02/2016 20:54, wrote:
Hey All,
I am currently working with some of the worlds most talented FP teams in
the US to help them build out there
The complexity is compounded in Java if you want mixed-type values or
arbitrary nesting. In Clojure it is pure simplicity:
(def my-map {:key1 "value1" :key2 55 :key3 [:m1 {:k1 "val1" :k2 67} :m2
{:k1 "val1" :k2 [1 2 3 4]}] :key4 #{2 4 "name"
On 05/01/2016 13:44, Josh Kamau wrote:
Here is an extremely simple example:
Problem: add a list of numbers
java: You put something like this in a class in a method
int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,4,3} ;
int sum = 0 ;
for(int i = 0; i < sum.length; i++) {
sum = sum + i;
Have you considered approaching O'Reilly or Pragmatic? Packt books tend
to be on the slim side which might affect your potential for covering so
many topics in any kind of depth. IMHO they're also overpriced.
On 24/08/2015 07:46, Akhil Wali wrote:
If anyone is int
, Rafik. The book looks great. I just wish you'd gone with a
publisher with more realistic pricing.
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ability but I can't imagine anything without
s-expressions offering quite the same experience.
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etc. developments within it are shaping the whole client-side
development scene. Self-hosting Clojurescript, along with demand-driven
data modelling, is truly mind-blowing.
Well done.
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d-links-aspects my-id your-id link-id)
synastry (add-links-synastry my-id your-id link-id)]
{:shared shared :synastry synastry :id link-id}))
I've tried (doall (add-link to avoid lazy eval possibilities but
it didn't make any difference. What options are there for tr
ne so far
(let [[x y z] (seq {:a "aa" :b "bb" :c "cc"})] [x y z])
[[:c "cc"] [:b "bb"] [:a "aa"]] ;; Consistent with first example above
(for [[x y z] {:a "aa" :b "bb" :c "cc"}] [x y z])
([:c "cc" ni
Yes, I'm fine with the concept. Just can't remember coming across it in
the textbooks but maybe I wasn't paying attention :)
On 06/06/2015 04:08, Sean Corfield wrote:
It’s because if you treat a hash map as a sequence — as `for` does — you get a
sequence of pairs (
I must re-read "Clojure Programming" (O'Reilly) in that case as I don't
recall the authors mentioning this kind of destructuring.
On 06/06/2015 03:33, Fluid Dynamics wrote:
On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 10:07:05 PM UTC-4, g vim wrote:
That works but I missed this
(for [[email signs] (group-by :email (get-signs {:em emails}))]
{:email email, :signs (into {} (map (juxt :planet :sign) signs))}))
On 05/06/2015 21:26, James Reeves wrote:
Perhaps something like:
(defn planet-sign-map [signs]
(into {} (map (juxt :planet :sign) s
, :sign "Leo", :planet "Sun", :surname "Doe",
:first_name "Jane"}
I want to transform this data structure into a list of maps in this format:
{:email "" :planet-signs {:Sun "Libra" :Moon "Leo" :Mercury
but extending the type to Joda's DateTime rather than java.util.Date) --
or alternatively you might be OK just coercing the above to a
java.sql.Date or java.sql.Timestamp.
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.. gives me an: #inst "1967-07-31T06:30:00.0-00:00" ,
whatever that is, so I checked the clj-time docs and it appears
to-timestamp doesn't handle timezones.
Any ideas?
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hind their Typesafe Reactive Platform
and, like Rails, plenty of resources to get new users up to speed.
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On 04/05/2015 23:49, Raoul Duke wrote:
vulnerabilities that would not exist using an integrated framework.
fwiw, web + security always makes me think of
Can you elaborate? Lift got it right or was a disaster?
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ctional world than in an
object-drill-down world.
In Rails, you don't know what you don't know.
Do the advantages you've pointed out apply to teamwork, though? That's
supposed to be where frameworks make life easier.
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r can introduce
vulnerabilities that would not exist using an integrated framework.
See the first message in the thread. That was one of my concerns.
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id for doing a job within a limited budget & timescale where
exploring all the options and how to fit them together just isn't an option.
I'm all in favour of library composition but not exclusively. In the
Python world they have Django and a tradition of do-it-yourself
lose? The current approach
will always remain an option.
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On 03/05/2015 23:55, James Reeves wrote:
On 3 May 2015 at 23:36, gvim>> wrote:
Yes, I do program in Clojure. Exclusively at the moment as I'm
currently free to work on my own startup project. I'm using Luminus
and enjoy it so I didn't sta
g Luminus and enjoy it
so I didn't start this thread out of dissatisfaction with Luminus itself
but more from a sense of frustration at seeing so little input coming
from the community compared with other languages.
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that we can at least brand and market
as well as teach to Clojure beginners.
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owledge can only go
so far with the library composition approach.
Perfection is the enemy of the good (Gustave Flaubert).
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." (Aristotle)
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for modular and (relatively :)) monolithic approaches.
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ust don't see the need to
polarise when there's such a strong business case for structured
frameworks. If you look at most of the jobs in web development at they're almost exclusively framework-based. Modular is great
but it would also be nice to see a few more Clojure jobs a
it - Jose Valim and Chris McCord -
recognised before Elixir reached 1.0 that a strong web framework was
essential to gaining mindshare.
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h a fan of Lisp's
benefits as you are but I honestly can't attribute this manpower
discrepancy to the fact that Clojure is a Lisp. I think the community's
overemphasis on library composition could be a bigger factor.
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he number of commits whose
primary purpose is to fix bugs.
Considering 3 of those languages - Elixir, Haskell and Scala - are
functional with immutable data structures and equivalent concurrency to
Clojure's I can't quite agree with you.
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mmunity and lifespan than Clojure's, has managed to put 4
times as much mindshare into its main web framework when its module
output, as measured by, is a tiny fraction of Clojure's?
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Groups &q
g the
vote for scripting languages. With more languages fragmenting the
landscape building a community and sizeable selection of libraries is
that much harder but I hope Pixie rises above the legions of
Lisp-in-language-X exercises one finds on Hacker News by the dozen.
On 01/05/2015
x27;s your source evidence for these assertions?
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On 04/03/2015 00:55, Marcus Blankenship wrote:
Have things changed in 4 years? ;-)
Figures in my last post are for London.
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Java: 3,889/4,675
Scala: 231/306
Groovy 24/58
Clojure 6/12
It seems Clojure will probably remain a niche language.
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adopting a more integrated framework.
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Bedra's excellent video - - for more
on this.
On 25/02/2015 23:36, Geraldo Lopes de Souza wrote:
I'm checking Caribou, and wanna know if anyone is using it.
It appears that it is a dormant project by the looks of the last update
. For new users might
I suggest adding a namespace table to -core, -hashers and -sign as with
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to return the proper responses if the methods
aren't supported (since Compojure will return nil and try to match
further down your list of routes.
OK, will use ANY. Still puzzled, though, as to why "Method not allowed"
was returned when I clearly specifed POST.
You re
seInt nil.
Thanks for spotting that one :). Still not there, though. Now getting
simply "Method not allowed".
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roblem but I'm still getting
errors and suspect the POST defroute isn't correct. 'Trouble all the
examples of :post submissions in the docs are mixed up with other
factors so it's difficult to isolate the correct information.
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ng wrong and why is the POST data truncated in the error
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The single bracket pair in the original leads the unwitting newcomer to
assume all the x'es are in the same scope.
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t the values assigned to it. I don't quite get
it as x seems to behave here like any old mutable variable in Ruby or
Python even if it's not called mutation. I suppose I've just never
really "got" this (big) one :(
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inst the grain of what I find elsewhere in the language.
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Sorry if my reply suggested any responsibility on your part. It was
meant as a general observation.
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Contrasts sharply with cljs-cheatsheet which is now 3 years old:
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It's just that the no-cost lead-in is such an attractive
proposition for more conservative clients.
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Note that posts
Thanks. Working now. Great work!
Slightly OT: for low cost VPS hosting with only 512Mb or 1Gb RAM Node.js
is often the only option. A full-stack Clojurescript option built on
similar tech as Sente would be fantastic.
On 21/01/2015 12:46, Henrik Mohr wrote:
Thanks for your comment
ublic/js/app.js" from ("src/rente/client" "dev")...
Compiling "resources/public/js/app.js" failed. resources/public/js/app.js (No such file
or directory)
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-to-server mode).
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Are there currently any Clojure ecommerce packages or libraries,
preferably open source? Something like Shopify. Failing that, what are
Clojure developers using to build ecommerce sites?
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Considering Clojure has a compile phase why is it more dependent on
function definition order than scripting languages like Perl? My naive
assumption is that one of the benefits of a compile phase is that every
definition is defined ahead of runtime.
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es or network issues.
If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment
Could not find template splat on the classpath.
No proxy involved so I'm not sure where to start.
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I've just setup a `lein new chestnut` project and after:
$ lein repl
Activity Monitor shows 3 Java processes:
main: 953Mb
main: 747Mb
java: 634Mb
Over 2.3Gb RAM just to get a CLJS browser repl? I haven't even added
Lighttable into the mix or IntelliJ
accustomed to working with Java/JVM languages this may not be such a big
deal but to me it matters as I work on my laptop much of the time.
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on anyone trumpeting the advantages
of Emacs. For Clojurescript the current state of play seems to favour
Lighttable and Cursive.
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To post to this group, send email to clojure@googleg seems to be broken. Typing into the search boxes freezes
after a few characters and searches often produce a 404 page. I'm on OS
X 10.8. Same result with Chrome and Safari.
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chance of an updated cljs-cheatsheet? The one listed on the same
github page is 3 years old.
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e use coroutine based sockets to work with
Apache http client , Solr client ,etc. Coroutines are cooperative
and cheaper than threads and be created as much as our memory can bear.
Thanks. Very informative. 'Looks like Nginx-Clojure is a good option.
You received th
ltiple JVMs/1 per worker sounds like a
much bigger memory footprint but, as I said, I'm new to Java.
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Note that posts fro
to make the usage easier (issue #37)
7. Enhancement: Fix--On Windows a little many write events happen and
these events seem useless (issue #35)
What are the trade-offs, if any, compared with Immutant + Wildfly (on
CentOS 6)? Memory usage is of particular interest.
You recei
. Someone on IRC
pointed me to `(pst)` within Emacs cider which displays the full stack
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ttom and ->> does the reverse. From what you're
saying the choice also affects which position the argument is inserted?
If so this presents a complication in that threading through several
functions may require the argument to be inserted in different positions?
You received
Now I'm using a let form but the error is similar.
2014-08-30 16:47 GMT+03:00 gvim>>:
I have a long function which produces `list-of-lists` :
(("Sun" "21" "li" "13" "201.213941
meant let-binding for plan, dec, min and long, use :let modifier
(you can find example in documentation -
Yes, of course :) I confused list comp bindings with let bindings. Thanks.
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ng.RT.seqFrom (
I've tested all the bindings in the repl and they produce the desired
data so it seems the final construction of the map is where the problem
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Has 2.4.3 been fixed yet? I had to revert to 2.4.2 due to clojure.nrepl
namespace errors. Could this be due to the release of cider-nrepl 0.7.0
which I have loaded in my .lein/profile.clj?
On 24/08/2014 02:27, Dave Sann wrote:
Do exclusions apply to plugins?
if I have
r you?
Because the original error made no mention of this. Only a reference to
the last function call:
(testf 42)
I'm also pretty sure I had the function containing this Java call
working in my Emacs buffer before I added the testf function.
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is the source of the original problem the error messages are
very misleading and need some work.
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On 21/08/2014 09:39, Serzh Nechyporchuk wrote:
Can you put all file that you try to load?
Here it is. Just bits and pieces for practice:
(ns gh1.core)
(defn foo
"I don't do a whole lot."
(println x "Hello, World!"))
(foo "Garry")
(doseq [x [1 2 3 4 5]
y [11 22 33 44 55]]
I can't work out why this code produces an exception:
(defn fints [& args]
(assert (every? integer? args))
(vec args))
(defn testf [x]
(fints x))
(testf 42)
IllegalStateException Attempting to call unbound fn: #'gh1.core/testf
clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.throwArity (Var.j
On 20/08/2014 14:18, Larry Staton Jr. wrote:
Immutant behind nginx behind Elastic Load Balancer on AWS. Deploy tool
of choice is make.
I understood that Immutant is now a library which runs on something like
Wildfly 8. Anyone using Wildfly as I'm considering it for an app?
place then.
How long ago was that?
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"Clojure for Lisp Programmers Part 1" by Rich Hickey:
seems to have become corrupted. Can anyone re-upload the original?
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e when function called as :when in the body of a let
statement so could you elaborate on this non-macro example? I need to be
clear on when it is preferable to use a keyword function rather than a
normal function call.
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ta.json :as json-lib]
[clojure.xml :as xml-core]))
... and
(ns org.currylogic.damages.http.expenses
(require [ :as json-lib]
[clojure.xml :as xml-core]))
When is it idiomatic or even preferable to substitute a function with a
keyword equival
map at the very top of the chain at the end.
Hope this helps.
Great, thanks. These are the kind of pointers I was looking for without
expecting anyone to do the whole job :). Someone on IRC also mentioned
prismatic/plumbing as possibly helpful.
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esn't emulate
Ruby's each_with_index, as in the example, as far as I'm aware. I'm
fairly new to Clojure so the obvious may not be so obvious to me yet :)
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On 18/06/2014 17:07, Gary Trakhman wrote:
I couldn't get anywhere near what was so easy in Ruby. Nested
enumeration seems difficult in Clojure.
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uired. Map could also get a bit messy here.
SIGNS = { ar:'Aries', ta:'Taurus', ge:'Gemini', cn:'Cancer', le:'Leo',
li:'Libra', sc:&
profiles.clj file?
Running `lein help new` from ~/.lein . By process of elimination I
discovered the culprit is:
[co.paralleluniverse/pulsar "0.5.1"]
It's still weird, though, because I'm almost certain I checked this when
I set about debugging my profiles.clj fi
On 18/06/2014 04:05, Sean Corfield wrote:
"works for me"...
Leiningen 2.4.2; Java build 1.8.0_05-b13; OS X 10.8.5 - lein help new
works fine outside of a project and also inside the context of a
project that depends on Clojure 1.6.0.
Are you running lein inside a project or outside? What do you
on classpath:
at clojure.lang.RT.load(
Everything was working before the recent Leiningen upgrade.
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On 14/06/2014 21:59, Michael Klishin wrote:
2014-06-14 20:49 GMT+04:00 gvim>>:
Can't think why it's not baked into the library, though, as it must
be a common requirement.
Feel free to submit a pull request and a few tests. The clj-time
On 14/06/2014 17:59, Stephen Gilardi wrote:
You're welcome.
As another small refinement, I noticed that there's a var for the utc
(t/time-zone-for-offset 0)
can be replaced with
I tried t/utc in place of your function but it didn't produce the
t/time-zone-for-id "America/Caracas")))
Thanks. Can't think why it's not baked into the library, though, as it
must be a common requirement.
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to give me:
Even the (t/from-time-zone []) output would do if I could read the UTC
date and time straight from it.
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I would expect this to work:
(exec/sh ["/Users/zephyr/html/astro/bin/swetest" "-p0123456789t"
"-fPZl" "-b14.10.1960" "-ut13:45" "-roundmin" "-head" "-true"
Got it. Thanks very much.
Then why does this work when executed manually in the shell?
./swetest -p0123456789t -fPZl -b14.10.1960 -ut13:45 -roundmin
-head -true -eswe
On 09/06/2014 08:21, Ray Miller wrote:
On 9 June 2014 02:03, gvim wrote:
(ns gh1.tmp
(:require [clj-commons-exec :as exec
ception #Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1)>}
Why has exec/sh added a newline to the command line? How to get rid of it?
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g the
closing paren. Got it now. The road to Emacs/Clojure enlightenment is
once more open :)
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