Am 05.09.2009 um 18:29 schrieb ronen:
The main thing that i would add to the docs is a trouble shooting
section that consist of common user mistakes how to check them &
possible fixes, I think that the installation procedure can be further
automated (as mentioned before me).
That's also a
Ok, iv done two steps, iv cleared my .vim & started from scratch (i
guess that i had some old version laying around there) & iv noticed an
error in my classpath (iv added clojure jar twice instead of clojure-
The main thing that i would add to the docs is a trouble shooting
section that
Am 04.09.2009 um 00:00 schrieb ronen:
Im also not getting Clojure when calling :nmap,
n * /<+.\{-1,}+>c/+>/e
n \gp * :GitPullRebase
n \gc * :GitCommit
n \gA * :GitAdd
n \ga * :GitAdd
n \gl * :GitLog
n \gs * :GitStatus
n \gD
Am 03.09.2009 um 23:01 schrieb Bokeh Sensei:
Really, the question is, what should we assume the user should know/
doesn't know/shouldn't know.
Yes. This can be a problem. What should be clear to everyone:
VimClojure is not intended to hide the complexity of Vim in any form.
If you don
Im also not getting Clojure when calling :nmap,
n * /<+.\{-1,}+>c/+>/e
n \gp * :GitPullRebase
n \gc * :GitCommit
n \gA * :GitAdd
n \ga * :GitAdd
n \gl * :GitLog
n \gs * :GitStatus
n \gD * :GitDiff --cached
n \gd * :
Hi Meikel,
I think you did a fantastic job with VimClojure!
It's really what has gotten me started with Clojure and back to Java.
I had very carefully read your instructions, including the README.txt,
but still managed to not get it to work at first.
Of course I was the one that screwed up! Prob
Am 03.09.2009 um 17:20 schrieb Nik Kolev:
+ I open a clojure module that depends (directly or indirectly on
the aforementioned jar artifacts [1])
+ When I do that I get the syntax highlighting and the omni-
This is good sign.
+ But I don't get any of the 'vimclojure comman
Am 03.09.2009 um 17:42 schrieb MarkSwanson:
1. For some reason (and only with vimclojure) I used the tilde (~) in
my classpath. It simply didn't work. When I used full pathnames it
worked.Maybe the symbolic links in my path caused problems with this.
Do not use tildes. Tilde is a shell th
I also want to say thanks for making vimclojure.
I'm just getting back into Lisp/Scheme/Clojure after not touching a
Lisp dialect or emacs for 10 years. Because it's on just about every
default Linux install, I've become very familiar and efficient in vim
and I didn't want to re-learn emacs (may
On Sep 3, 12:09 pm, MarkSwanson wrote:
> Hmm. I just spent some time writing about what I got stuck on and my
> solutions
> and suggestions but Google lost it all when I clicked submit.
Ok... I did wait a bit and refresh the page a couple of times. I guess
I just didn't wait long enough. Sorry f
Hmm. I just spent some time writing about what I got stuck on and my
and suggestions but Google lost it all when I clicked submit.
Here is an abbreviated post:
First, thanks for writing vimclojure! I think it's great!
1. README.txt contains incorrect information about what jar files a
I had trouble installing it too. Here is exactly what my problems were
and my solutions:
NOTE: Meikel -> Thank you for writing vimclojure! I think it's great!
Please accept these issues from the perspective of someone who is
trying to help you make vimclojure better.
1. For some reason (and only
not sure whether I am doing something wrong, but for a project with many jar
artifacts [1] that have to be classpath-fed to nailgun I need to armwrestle
vim(clojure) to start honoring the mappings and calling into vimclojure's
(version 2.1.2) guts and onto nailgun...
Here's what I mean by armwrest
I got vimclojure working after some pain. Perhaps checking out how I
have things set up will help:
br...@milo:~/clojure$ ls
clojure clojure-contrib programs slime swank-clojure
br...@milo:~/clojure$ pwd
I put the command to start nailgun into an exe
On Sep 3, 2:21 am, Bokeh Sensei wrote:
> vimclojure took me a whole weekend to get started.
> it's sensitive to how it's setup, but with no way to automatically
> verify the correctness of it.
Ok. I give up. Obviously I'm not able to explain how to install
VimClojure, neither with the READM
vimclojure took me a whole weekend to get started.
it's sensitive to how it's setup, but with no way to automatically
verify the correctness of it.
Try this in vim:
:call vimclojure#Repl.New()
If it fails, that probably means the vimclojure plugin can't find the
vimclojure jar on the path.
In m
Iv been trying to use the Nailgun functionlity of vimclojure but Im
stuck on a silly issue, Im hitting el inside:
(println "hello")
And nothing happens, same goes for the rest options.
In addition its not clear to me how to start the REPL the doc/
README.txt says:
"Start a Repl via the |sr| sh
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