[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/4 and 5/4

2015-05-05 Thread meredith
Rainy weather does not seem to have brought in more birds, and those at the station seem to be hunkered down. We've been open briefly and early, before the mid-morning showers have started, and have supplemented our efforts at the station nets with the nets at the feeders at the Nature Center.

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/3/15

2015-05-03 Thread meredith
Our few birds came early in the day, so the early visitors got good looks at a nice variety before things quieted to nothing by about 9:30 a.m. Banded 9, plus had some recaps from previous days this season. Red-shafted Flicker 1 House Wren 4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Orange-crowned Warbler 1 Yello

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5-1-15

2015-05-01 Thread meredith
Things continue to be slow at Chatfield. Yesterday (4/30) was so quiet that we didn't even catch any birds at the nets at the feeders at the Nature Center. Banded 3 House Wrens total for the day. Today was a little better, but not great; had hoped for a little more action with the change in t

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 4/28/15

2015-04-28 Thread meredith
Finally got back to banding, after 2 days of rain! Another typical early spring day: House Wren 5 Spotted Towhee 1 Lincoln's Sparrow 4 Brown-headed Cowbird 2 American Goldfinch 2 (a M and F; caught side-by-side in the net. After we released him, he waited for her in a nearby tree) We will be o

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/16/14

2014-05-16 Thread Meredith McBurney
Number of birds caught has returned to closer to normal for Chatfield; most of the birds brought in by the storm appear to have moved on. Numbers of new birds have been in the mid-20s the last 2 days - great for education purposes because we can take time describing each bird…..good today, as w

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/14/14

2014-05-15 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi Birders, If we just look at summary data - 63 new birds plus some recaptures, lots of species - then 5/14 looks just like 5/13. But, on Tuesday, Amber and her crew caught the birds in less than 3 hours, while our pace was a little more leisurely. There were likely fewer birds around by

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 6/1/12

2012-06-01 Thread Meredith
Banding activity low; breeding bird activity high. Caught a Gray Catbird with a brood patch today - a first during spring banding. The Black-chinned Hummer is on the nest most of the morning; she left only briefly and returned with some additional nesting material. Banded today: Western Wood

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/31/12

2012-05-31 Thread Meredith
Interesting to note the differences from day to day - yesterday the majority of our birds were previously-caught-this-season breeding Yellow Warblers; today we had more species and no clearly breeding Yellows. Here's the breakdown: Downy Woodpecker 1 banded earlier this season; male with

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/30/12

2012-05-30 Thread Meredith
The upside of this early spring for plant life is that we are getting to experience early breeding among at least some bird species - today we caught 7 female Yellow Warblers (all caught previously this season) with brood patches. I went back through our old records, and found a few late May YEWA

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/28/12

2012-05-28 Thread Meredith
Spent a very mellow Memorial Day morning, with a handful of cool birds and a fun mix of RMBO &/or ASGD board members, staff, volunteers, and master birders and other visitors. Yellow Warblers continue to dominate, particularly since there are so few other species around. We caught 2 of the many C

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/25-27/12

2012-05-27 Thread Meredith
Three more banding days with lower than normal activity. However, just checked totals on Yellow Warblers (our most commonly caught species, and a summer resident at the station) compared to last year, and for this species we are ahead. They are also breeding earlier - have had a couple of females

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/23/12

2012-05-23 Thread Meredith
This unusual season continues...Caught more year-round residents than either summer residents or migrants today, including the first 2 Downy Woodpeckers, both males, caught together in the net, both with brood patches. Don't know where the girls were! Also caught a HY Song Sparrow; I don't rememb

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/22/12

2012-05-22 Thread Meredith
Today's weird weather (windy and warm to start; then cloudy and windy; then sun, hot and calm by closing) made for a less productive banding session. 15 new birds, 5 returns from prior years, and 7 birds caught previously this season (not included below): Black-capped Chickadee 1

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/15 and 16

2012-05-16 Thread Meredith
Things continue slow at Chatfield. Here are the totals for Tues and Wed: Tuesday, 5/15: Least Flycatcher1 return, banded 5/25/11 House Wren 1 new, 1 banded 5/1/07 Gray Catbird 2 new Yellow Warbler 1 new, 1 banded 5/29/07 Red-winged Blackbird

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/14/12

2012-05-14 Thread Meredith
After our interesting, relatively busy (for this season) Sunday, I hoped the sunshine today would lead to a good day. But NO, absolutely dead. Caught only 5 birds in the banding station nets (unless you count the Brown Thrasher x 3, since it managed to get caught 3 times during the course of the

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/12/12

2012-05-12 Thread Meredith
A cold, gray day, and, as Hugh Kingery noted when his group came by during their spring bird count, almost no birds that would be migrating through. We continue to band a few, plus recapturing several banded by us in years past: Warbling Vireo (FOS) 1 banded 5/22/08 House Wren 2 Gr

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/11/12

2012-05-11 Thread Meredith
This was the first "Yellow Warbler Day" in this strange season of mini-migration. We captured 11 YEWAs (yes, the code for Yellow Warblers has been changed), almost all in the 7:30 a.m. run, in nets near the big pond. (So far, there has been a pattern...the activity is in the first or second run, t

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/10/12

2012-05-10 Thread Meredith
Started the day with 2 semi-rarities for the banding station - a Redstart and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Other cool captures included 4 birds banded in prior years, including a Yellow Warbler, banded as an adult in 2006, who we have caught every year. (So, 8 or more years old!) Here's the breakdow

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/27-28/11

2011-05-28 Thread Meredith McBurney
A busy couple of days for us. Friday we banded as usual in the morning, catching 35 birds, and then banded in the evening for a special event for our partner organizations and some donors, catching 8 new birds along with a number of repeats (birds already counted this spring). Total for th

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/25/11

2011-05-26 Thread Meredith McBurney
With Yellow Warblers and Catbirds in double digits for the first day, there is finally some hope that our summer residents will come in reasonable numbers. Yellows and House Wrens so far are well below the numbers we've had in the last couple of years. Had another good day for late May bandin

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/25/11

2011-05-25 Thread Meredith McBurney
Cloudy and cold changed to partly sunny today. A moderate stream of birds all morning. 36 new, 2 returns: Willow Flycatcher (FOS) 1 Least Flycatcher 1 Dusky Flycatcher 6 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 Gray Catbird 5 Yellow Warbler 3 new, 2 returns (1 banded 2008, 1 in 2010) MacGillivray's Warbler 2

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/24/11

2011-05-24 Thread Meredith McBurney
We and the Tuesday Birders had a fun if wet day. We caught about 40 birds before the thunder, lightning and rain started about 9 a.m. We ran around, pulled the nets closed, and then all huddled under our canopy and looked at birds! Highlights were male and female Western Tanagers and Black-h

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/22/11

2011-05-22 Thread Meredith McBurney
A nice, fairly typical day for May 22 or so..a good mix (18 species) of year-round residents, summer residents, and birds just passing through. Total of 40 new birds: Downy Woodpecker 1 Dusky Flycatcher 4 Black-capped Chickadee 1 House Wren 1 Swainson's Thrush 3 Hermit Thrush 1 American R

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report 5/18/11

2011-05-19 Thread Meredith McBurney
A pretty normal mid-May day at Chatfield, catching 30 birds, mostly our "usuals" for this time of the season. Rain/hail as we were closing. Dusky Flycatcher 2 House Wren 4 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 Swainson's Thrush 2 American Robin 1 Gray Catbird 4 new, 1 return (banded 2008) Yellow Warber 3 ne

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/16/11

2011-05-16 Thread Meredith McBurney
Just to summarize our 2011 banding experience to date: Almost 2 1/2 weeks with mostly single digit days, waiting for the vegetation to green up and the birds to arrive. Then rained out for 2 days; then 79 birds; then rained out another day; then 70 birds. Our 2nd and 3rd highest days ever in

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/14/11

2011-05-14 Thread Meredith McBurney
On this very cold, gray, almost but not quite rainy, birdy Saturday, we had the second best banding day ever at this station! 73 banded, 6 returns = 79. Thanks to Andy Doll, DMNS Ornithology Fellow, for his help banding, and the great crew of volunteers who got birds out of the nets while And

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/13/11

2011-05-13 Thread Meredith McBurney
After being rained out for 2 days, it was great to be banding again, on a crisp, cool day that turned sunny after about 8 a.m. Perhaps not as busy as we were hoping/expecting, it still was our best day this season, catching 30 new birds. Also the highest number of species this spring, at 17,

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report, 5/10/11

2011-05-10 Thread Meredith McBurney
For the first time this season, the Catbirds were competing with the Red-winged Blackbirds for the noisiest birds in the area; we had the first of season in the net within minutes of opening. Totals for the day: House Wren 2 new, 1 return (banded 2009) Hermit Thrush 1 Gray Catbird (FOS) 2

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, the weekend and Monday

2011-05-09 Thread Meredith McBurney
We had a weekend with over 100 visitors and few birds (single digits both days if we don't count the Nature Center feeder birds). Total for Saturday and Sunday (combined): House Wren 6 American Robin 1 return (Banded 2010) Yellow Warbler 1 return (Male, banded 2005, recaught 07, 08, 09, 10.

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, Friday, 5/6

2011-05-06 Thread Meredith McBurney
Started to feel like spring migration today. Six warbler species, including FOS Yellows and a Common Yellowthroat. Lots of Yellow-rumpeds around, but up high. House Wrens and Spotted Towhees singing like crazy early in the morning. Just in time for a weekend with lots of visitors expected!

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/3-5

2011-05-05 Thread Meredith McBurney
Things at Chatfield Banding Station continue to be SLOW. Totals for the 3 days were: House Wren 3 Hermit Thrush 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 2 Wilson's Warbler (fos) 2 Spotted Towhee 1 Song Sparrow 1 Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow 1 Red-winged Blackbird 1 F recapture (banded 2010) Common G

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/1

2011-05-02 Thread Meredith McBurney
At least got into the double digits in terms of birds before the late morning thunderstorm dropped snow pellets on us! Here's the totals: House Wren 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (FOS) 1 Hermit Thrush 2 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle 2 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon 2 Song Sparrow 1 Red-winged Blackb

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/1/11

2011-05-01 Thread Meredith McBurney
Continued slow today..in addition to relatively few birds around, we also had a pair of Sharp-shinned Hawks looking for brunch, which kept those birds that were around in hiding. Finally caught the female mid-morning, and that kept us and visitors entertained for awhile! Sharp-shinned Ha

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report 4/30

2011-04-30 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi COBirders, We arrived to a winter wonderland this morning - sunshine, a crystal clear blue sky, and SNOW (29 degrees). We spent close to 2 hours getting the nets defrosted and open. Between the Nature Center and the banding station, we caught 8 new birds (plus a few others that we had ca

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Report 4/27-29

2011-04-29 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi COBirders, Three days with lots of wind and few birds. Very similar to the same days last year. A total of 20 birds banded in the 3 days: Wednesday, 4/27: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 1 Song Sparrow 1 Lincoln Sparrow (FOS) 1 Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow 6 Mountain White-crowned Sparr

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station

2011-04-26 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi COBirders, Another quiet early spring day at Chatfield. Finished 2 days of training for RMBO and Audubon Naturalists; school groups start tomorrow. We continued to welcome back bird friends from previous seasons (or maybe it's the other way around.some of our recaps likely never left

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station

2011-04-25 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi CoBirders, Today was opening day at the Chatfield Banding Station and we had a pretty typical late April day. We caught 9 birds in the banding station nets, 8 new, plus a return Song Sparrow that was banded in 2007 and has been a regular visitor ever since. We are trying to get a handle on

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/26/10

2010-05-26 Thread M MC*BURNEY
Hi Birders, We are really into our resident species now, and more of them are coming into breeding condition - House Wrens, Yellow Warblers, Chats, Spotted Towhees are all hyped up and a little more stressed in the net and the hand. In addition to the new and return birds each day, we are

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/21 and 5/22

2010-05-22 Thread M MC*BURNEY
Hi Birders, Friday was another good day; today not so much - hot and windy, and we gave up after about 3 hours, high wind gusts and almost no birds - banded 2 Catbirds, 3 Yellow Warblers and 1 Chat. Here's the Friday breakdown: Dusky Flycatcher 1 Warbling Vireo 1 new, 1 return from

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/20/10

2010-05-20 Thread M MC*BURNEY
Hi Birders, On our first really warm day this spring, we banded 41 new and had 3 returns from prior seasons. Had our first vireo on the season. Lots of likely Chatfield summer residents - Catbirds, Yellow Warblers, Chats. Least Flycatcher 1 Dusky Flycatcher 3 Warbling Vireo 1 Black-

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/8/10

2010-05-08 Thread M MC*BURNEY
Another modestly solid day - 21 birds banded, plus 2 Grey Catbird returns from prior years. 15 species: Least Flycatcher (FOS) 2 Dusky Flycatcher (FOS) 3 Black-capped Chickadee 1 House Wren 1 American Robin 1 Grey Catbird 3 Orange-crowned Warbler 1 Virginia's Warbler 1 Audubon Warble

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/7/10

2010-05-07 Thread M MC*BURNEY
Hi All, After a slow-ish day yesterday, we had a good solid day today, with 30 birds banded, including 5 first of season species: Downy Woodpecker 1 Cordilleran Flycatcher (FOS) 1 Black-capped Chickadee 1 House Wren 6 Blue-grey Gnatcatcher (FOS) 1 Hermit Thrush 2 Grey Catbird (FOS)

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/'5/10

2010-05-05 Thread M MC*BURNEY
Por fin! After 10 mostly dismal days, Jim and Karen Schmoker, Bill Eden, Tom Parchman and I enjoyed what felt like the first real day of spring migration. Banded 32 birds, 13 species, including first of the season Yellow Warblers, Common Yellowthroat, and Spizellas. And, for the second time

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, 5/2 and 5/3

2010-05-03 Thread M MC*BURNEY
I don't know if the question is "When will migration really start?" or "Is there going to be a migration?" I'm pretty sure I've never spent this much time at a banding station with so little action! Sunday, we banded 6 birds - 3 Audubon Warblers, 1 Downy Woodpecker, and 2 Say's Phoebes (fi

Re: [cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, Apr 30-May 1

2010-05-01 Thread Greg Pasquariello
I'm about 3 or 4 miles north on Wadsworth, and bushtits have been increasing here. Not seen 10 years ago, now uncommon but regular in my yard. This has been occurring over the past 3 or 4 years. Sent from my iPad Greg pasquariello Littleton On May 1, 2010, at 9:34 PM, "Meredith McBurney"

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station, Apr 30-May 1

2010-05-01 Thread Meredith McBurney
Friday was a good day (14 banded; 2 returns from prior years); Saturday was slow (5 banded). We are catching most of our birds in just a few nets where the bushes have leafed out and/or are flowering. Most foliage just beginning to sprout leaves. We caught one new species for the banding stat

[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station "Dress Rehearsal"

2010-04-25 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi Birders, We banded a little today as we finished setting up nets and clearing the area. Caught 8 birds. First bird of the season was a White-crowned Sparrow. Then, species came in pairs – American Robins (both males), Black-capped Chickadees (sex unknown), Downy Woodpeckers (both males),