[CTRL] Trading With the Enemy Act

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Standing on the Dead By Marc Ash t r u t h o u t | Essay http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/012303A.ma.dead.htm Wednesday 22 January 2003 What luck for the rulers that men do not think. --Adolf Hitler In October of 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government

[CTRL] Used to be Hussein was compared to the Leetle Austrian

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- www.sfgate.com Return to regular view WAR OR PEACE? The U.S. is looking for an excuse to fight Adam Hochschild Sunday, January 19, 2003 ©2003 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback URL:http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?

[CTRL] http://abcnews.go.com/wire/Politics/ap20030122_1785.html

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- You know ... I saw this on the tube and thought it was one of those interesting little PR ploys similar to what WalMart used back in its buy American [except when we're only selling Chinese] days ... It was a little to contrived for even tellibizhun ... A:R:R President Bush

[CTRL] Rush says airing grievances is done by Fascists and Anti-American

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Rush Limbaugh calls War Protesters Fascists and Anti-American!! http://www.takebackthemedia.com/rushbusted.html List of Products and Companies to Boycott or send Complaints about Limbaugh. Haven't we had enough of this bellicose burden on the American airwaves? Are you sick and

[CTRL] [Fwd: Real State of the Union]

2003-01-23 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector- This is definitely worth checking out. At the link provided below, you can download pdf versions of the poster, but due to the dark colors and tiny print, it would probably be better to spring the $15 to buy the real thing. I've included a few of the 13 categories with their

[CTRL] Sounds like an inviation to disaster

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- 'The Last Jihad' is coming to your town http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=14391 Bill Berkowitz - WorkingForChange 01.21.03 - A well-connected conservative activist/writer develops a storyline ripped from today's headlines featuring simultaneous terrorist strikes

[CTRL] Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution

2003-01-23 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector- There's hope for us yet... From Capitol Hill Blue CHB INVESTIGATES. . . Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution By DOUG THOMPSON Jan 22, 2003, 01:18 Senior Pentagon officials are quietly urging President George W. Bush to slow down his headlong rush to war with

[CTRL] Investigation of the Munitions Industry

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Report of the Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry (The Nye Report), U.S. Congress, Senate, 74th Congress, 2nd sess., February 24, 1936, pp. 3-13. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/nye.htm FINDINGS I. NATURE OF THE MUNITIONS COMPANIES The committee

[CTRL] Munitions Industry

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmic.htm Spartacus, USA History, British History, Second World War, First World War, Germany, Political Figures, Political Events Issues, France, Slavery, Author, Search Website, Email In 1933 Dorothy Detzer, executive secretary of the

[CTRL] Japan ready to evacuate

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Print this article | Close this window Japan ready to evacuate 30,000 from South Korea By Shane Green, Herald Correspondent in Seoul January 23 2003 Japan has been reported as drawing up plans to evacuate more than 30,000 of its nationals from Seoul if war breaks out, as


2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- AMERICA FIRST COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 4, 1940 - JANUARY 29, 1942 http://www.macalester.edu/courses/hist90/amfirsti1index.html OBJECTIVE: The very lifeblood of democracy is study and analysis, conference and discussion of national issues by all citizens. Let us carry on! **

[CTRL] But WE Always have told the truth ...

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- There's and interesting little clip on one of the the history-type channels that shows Margie Thatcher in all her hairspray telling the interviewer that as long as Hussein is in power in Iraq, no one will be able to trust him. Interesting comment from the Iron Hair Lady whose own

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Lewiston, Maine decides to repeal the First Amendment

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- --- Start of forwarded message --- From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: FC: Lewiston, Maine decides to repeal the First Amendment Date: 1/23/2003 2:02:01 AM The below link no longer works, but here's one

[CTRL] Oyster-less

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Arab News SAUDI ARABIA'S FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY http://www.arabnews.com/Article.asp?ID=22155 This ‘Perle’ was not found in an oyster! By Hussein Shobokshi, Special to Arab News Published on 23 January 2003 JEDDAH, 23 January 2003 — Richard Perle, the chairman of the

[CTRL] China Headed Towards Financial Disaster

2003-01-23 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- Far Eastern Economic Review THE ECONOMY China Public Spending Explodes The government is spending much more than it can raise to make new jobs, stimulate growth and ensure social stability. But as the budget deficit soars and the problem of bank debts isn't solved, warnings are

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Son of Star Wars/NMD/ in Europe

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

[CTRL] Painful Questions

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- http://members.aol.com/erichuf/PainfulQuestionsTOC.html Back to Painful Questions Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid August 2002 This book discusses the aspects of the September 11th Attack and the response of the US Government that can make us wonder whether our government is

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why Drugs Won't Go Away

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

[CTRL] Fwd: King Dollar At The Guillotine

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush Family Nazi Collaboration Timeline

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: DU is still dangerous

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

[CTRL] [2] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] DU is dangerous

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why Drugs Won't Go Away

2003-01-23 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/23/2003 10:21:48 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The usual view in the States is that the problem is bribery and corruption: If we could only get Mexican officials to be honest, the trade would die out. But, as the reporter pointed out, a


2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: ADL Calls For Ban On Internet Transfers Of Gold : Say It Cou...

2003-01-23 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/22/2003 8:31:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: New York, NY, January 21, 2003 … As the government moves to freeze the finances of terror groups and their supporters, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today alerted the U.S. Customs Service


2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many


2003-01-23 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector- This excellent little article sheds light on the apparent inability of most Americans to see the reality of our situation. Some excerpts: (...) For all the sidestepping, dance arounds, word games, and confused rhetoric, the term government is easily defined; not by subjective

[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Interesting article.

2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many


2003-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector- A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many

[CTRL] Fw: D.U. Alert! - [The Herald (Scotland) ] British Troops In Gulf To Use Radioactive DU Shells

2003-01-23 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector- Forward from mart. = Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 00:30:07 -0800 (PST) From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: British Troops In Gulf To Use Radioactive DU Shells http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/archive/22-1-19103-0-15-32.html The Herald

[CTRL] White House Creates International PR Office

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,76157,00.html White House Creates International PR Office Tuesday, January 21, 2003 WASHINGTON — President Bush signed an executive order Tuesday formalizing the role of the White House Office of Global Communications, which works to improve America's image

[CTRL] A Czar Is Un-American

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://pages.zdnet.com/sartre65/wrack/id11.html A Czar is un-American by SARTRE Is Ivan the Terrible now leading the bureaucracy or is Tom Ridge a modern day Rasputin to a failed imperial house? This cenobite is faithful to the regime, but will his efforts bring salvation? More

[CTRL] Iraq Inspections Have Exposed The Hoax of the 'Dossiers'

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2003/3003iraq_inspex.html This article appears in the January 24, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. Iraq Inspections Have Exposed The Hoax of the 'Dossiers' by Michele Steinberg After UN weapons inspectors Dr. Hans Blix and Dr.

[CTRL] US begins secret talks to secure Iraq's oilfields

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.prisonplanet.com/news_alert_012303_iraqoil1.html US begins secret talks to secure Iraq's oilfields London Guardian 01/23/03: Nick Paton Original Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,880437,00.html The US military has drawn up detailed plans to secure


2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.american-reporter.com/2021/3.html Reporting: Politics SECRECY SURROUNDS A BUSH BROTHER'S ROLE IN 9/11 SECURITY by Margie Burns American Reporter Correspondent Washington, D.C. WASHINGTON, Jan 19, 2003 -- A company that provided security at New York City's World

Re: [CTRL] US begins secret talks to secure Iraq's oilfields

2003-01-23 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/23/2003 2:00:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: At the meeting, on the future of a post-Saddam Iraq - details of which have been disclosed to the Guardian - the state department stressed that protection of the oilfields was "issue number

[CTRL] Iraqi Super Weapons: They Got Em From The U.S.

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.americanfreepress.net/01_17_03/Iraqi_Super_Weapons/iraqi_super_weapons.html Iraqi Super Weapons: They Got ‘Em From The U.S. While the major U.S. news media opines freely on Iraq’s 12,000-page weapons report, it should be remembered that the U.S. government seized

Re: [CTRL] Iraq Inspections Have Exposed The Hoax of the 'Dossiers'

2003-01-23 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/23/2003 1:48:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The truth is, that the more extended and successful the inspections are, the clearer it will be that the September 2002 "dossier" produced by British Prime Minister Tony Blair's government,

Re: [CTRL] White House Creates International PR Office

2003-01-23 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/23/2003 1:15:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: WASHINGTON — President Bush signed an executive order Tuesday formalizing the role of the White House Office of Global Communications, which works to improve America's image abroad by better

Re: [CTRL] US begins secret talks to secure Iraq's oilfields

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/23/2003 1:38:17 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What? My country trying to take over another country's oil? No, no, a thousand times no! We are only concerned because we think Saddam is a mean guy. heh heh...yup. Bill. A

[CTRL] Roll Reversal - Top Brass Absent

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From Capitol Hill Blue http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_1587.shtml CHB Investigates. . . Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution By DOUG THOMPSON Jan 22, 2003, 01:18 Senior Pentagon officials are quietly urging President George W. Bush to slow

[CTRL] New York Times: Bush Pushes Tax Cut as Small-Business Aid

2003-01-23 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector- Bush Pushes Tax Cut as Small-Business Aid January 23, 2003 By ELISABETH BUMILLER ST. LOUIS, Jan. 22 - President Bush pushed his economic plan in an important political swing state today, saying it would benefit America's small-business owners and was not a giveaway to the rich.

[CTRL] declare war on Muslim world

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://www.milligazette.com/images/44cartBlindKhalil.jpg http://www.milligazette.com/Archives/15112001/01.htm Zionist lobby: declare war on Muslim world President Bush and Secretary Powell are under zionist lobbyists pressure to declare a global war against the Muslim world. By

[CTRL] http://www.nyfairuse.org/action/palladium/

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Stop Palladium and TCPA now! Tell American Megatrends and Transmeta not to make chips that let others control your computer! Please use the following form to tell American Megatrends and Transmeta not to produce their AMIBIOS8 and TM5800 chips, and that you will boycott any


2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://members.cox.net/informationclearinghouse/usbases.htm A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These

[CTRL] Under The Microscope

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Janet Rehnquist Under The Microscope WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2003 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/01/22/eveningnews/main537492.sht ml It's been 17 years since Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist introduced his daughter at his confirmation hearings as Chief Justice. Now,

[CTRL] Not One to Fence With

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- from the January 23, 2003 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0123/p08s03-comv.html Lonely Saber Rattling If Iraq actually does hand over its unconventional weapons without a war, President Bush will have conducted the most convincing and expensive saber-rattling in history.


2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/lindex.html http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/scrim.jpg THE BACKGROUND OF 'MADE IN USA' BOXES WAS A PAINTED BACKDROP! The backdrop, hung on shelves, ends where indicated by the red arrows. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/chinaboxdet.jpg

[CTRL] Shakedown

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- Ariel Sharon’s Shakedown http://amconmag.com/01_13_03/buchanan7.html by Pat Buchanan “Tough Love for United,” exclaimed the Wall Street Journal, as it congratulated Uncle Sam for stiffing United Airlines’ plea for $1.8 billion in loan guarantees. Rebuffed, the beloved old airline

[CTRL] Deception Dollars

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://www.delcanton.com/otherprod/deceptiondollars.asp A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are

[CTRL] Zionist lobby: declare war on Muslim world

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.milligazette.com/adbot.htm Zionist lobby: declare war on Muslim world President Bush and Secretary Powell are under zionist lobbyists pressure to declare a global war against the Muslim world. By Michael Collins Piper A recent story in The New York Times confirms

[CTRL] Who's leading Who?

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://www.stopesso.com/funstuff/nose.html Your pointer controls the Esso logo. The motion of your pointer arrow dictates the direction the image goes. If you just move the pointer arrow around in a circle, it creates some interesting effects. The funny thing? The faster you

[CTRL] http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0301/S00097.htm

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- US Corporations Iraqi Oil, Skulduggery Since 20s Thursday, 23 January 2003, 9:51 am Opinion: Richard Becker Skulduggery Since The 1920s U.S. Corporations And Iraqi Oil By Richard Becker Workers World newspaper How and why did U.S. involvement in Iraq begin? In all the

[CTRL] Alexa Web Search - Top 500

2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500?p=TrafficDet_W_b_40_T1 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These

[CTRL] What if America was really invaded?

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://ellisctaylor.homestead.com/whatifamerica.html What if America was really invaded? By John Kaminski [EMAIL PROTECTED] 22nd January 2003 What if America was really invaded?    If the U.S. government's defensive response was anything like it was on 9/11/2001, and the

[CTRL] Hitler and Bush:Parallels

2003-01-23 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector- --- Forwarded message follows --- To: Recipient.list.suppressed From: iNFoWaRZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:SNET: Hitler and Bush:Parallels Date sent: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 22:51:34 -0500 Send reply to:

Re: [CTRL] Hitler and Bush:Parallels

2003-01-23 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector- And of course the other parallel is LIES LIES LIES POC * http://www.geocities.com/partyofcitizens ** On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Steve Wingate wrote: -Caveat Lector- --- Forwarded message follows --- To: Recipient.list.suppressed

[CTRL] stress reactions, tracking, clergy moved, foia, neural meds, Iraq, Tyree

2003-01-23 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector- also has France, Germany and Russia on Iraq Russia Military See U.S. Iraq Attack in Feb this may be heavy for survivors Stress Reactions in Ghettos and DID Psychotherapy: theory, practice, research, training, Fall, 1996 Similarities in Responses to Extreme and Unremitting

[CTRL] MRC Alert: Media Reality Check: Networks Ignored Massive March for Life (fwd)

2003-01-23 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector- I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one Nation under God,indivisible,with liberty and justice for all. visit my web site at http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904 for a precise list of the powers

Re: [CTRL] Zionist lobby: declare war on Muslim world

2003-01-23 Thread Joe Gillaspie
-Caveat Lector- FYI http://www.milligazette.com/adbot.htm Zionist lobby: declare war on Muslim world President Bush and Secretary Powell are under zionist lobbyists pressure to declare a global war against the Muslim world. By Michael Collins Piper A recent story in The New York Times

Re: [CTRL] China Headed Towards Financial Disaster

2003-01-23 Thread James Hayman
-Caveat Lector- Isn't the Bush Family heavily invested in China? Could W's war on Iraq be an effort to funnel monies into Family coffers to offset losses expected in China? -Original Message- From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of flw Sent:

[CTRL] The Forgotten Exodus

2003-01-23 Thread Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector- Link sources at bottom. The Forgotten Exodus On the eve of Israel's War of Independence, there were nearly 900,000 Jews living in communities throughout the Arab world, some of which were the oldest in the Diaspora, dating back 2,600 years. The Jews' sojourn in Arab lands was

[CTRL] The Largest Dollar Volume Of Prime Contract Awards - Fiscal Year 2002 DOD

2003-01-23 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector- http://www.dior.whs.mil/peidhome/procstat/p01/fy2002/top100.htm [Procurement][Procurement Statistics] 100 Companies Receiving The Largest Dollar Volume Of Prime Contract Awards - Fiscal Year 2002 FOREWORD 100 Companies Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: World Forum, Back in Davos, Confronts Slow Growth

2003-01-23 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector- This article from NYTimes.com has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED] World Forum, Back in Davos, Confronts Slow Growth January 23, 2003 By REUTERS Filed at 12:09 p.m. ET DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Worries over a fragile global recovery haunted the opening of the

[CTRL] Impassioned response to a negative journalist on the anti-war demonstrations

2003-01-23 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector- For the most part, media response to the anti-war demonstrations last weekend was surprisingly positive, and it’s had a good impact on American (and I believe international) public opinion. But there will always be a few negative reports made. Although I haven’t seen the


2003-01-23 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector- --- Forwarded message follows --- To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: northerntowns [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date sent: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 05:40:45 - Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] TARGET: SCOTT RITTER Send

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: World Forum, Back in Davos, Confronts Slow Growth

2003-01-23 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector- This article from NYTimes.com has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED] World Forum, Back in Davos, Confronts Slow Growth January 23, 2003 By REUTERS Filed at 12:09 p.m. ET DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Worries over a fragile global recovery haunted the opening of the