CS: Crime-counsellor raped by youth

2001-02-20 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] She prefers to supply a gangster (according to The Times, she knew he was serving 4 years for firearms offences) with money for a __gun__, rather than take drugs to his jail mates !! This an _OFFICIAL_ drug counsellor!!! God help us all. Of

CS: Target-cybershooters competition

2001-02-12 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Put me down for which ever gets the most votes. My preference order No2, No3 and No1 Guess that the Choice No2 would even allow it to be held at many different clubs across UK (100m ranges pretty common) and results into CS to pick t

CS: Legal-Hungerford suicide by cop

2001-02-12 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Earl I live NNeast of Hungerford and on the day of Ryans killings there was fast and low military chopper activity with the incoming 2 choppers (about lunch time) coming in from the direction of Cirencester. This would give them a good

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-09 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh how reasonable a reply. But I have seen very similar ones from those defending their "self-actions" on the previous bans ie the NRA , and the Deer Society, and the many other self-interest groups who junked someone else's spo

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-06 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] CLIPPED, From: "Alex Hamilton", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] So, what is the attraction of .50 cal? Very good for long range sniping? Is that a sport? Hunting of game and vermin I understand. I also recognis

CS: Legal-suicidal gunman sentenced

2001-01-23 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cool Shooting, 7 shots,,, 2 hits,,, 1 ankle,, 1 stomach lets hope the bobbies never have to do it for real !! Be interesting to find out the contact range, pistols or rifle shots Tom C = SUICI

CS: Legal-US Gun Case web site

2001-01-20 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are looking for links to all sorts of USA gun cases then try http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/wbardwel/public/nfalist/index.html Tom Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Pol-Dunblane Scottish www site

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This been on the site before, but well worth a look to see what was proposed following Hamiltons actions http://www.official-documents.co.uk/document/scottish/dunblane/dunblane.htm Tom C Cybershooters website: http://www.cybersh

CS: Pol-Quiz to be an MP

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you fancy trying to be a MP, the Guardian has a multi part questionnaire for you to try (I got a whole 5 points and a "don't bother") http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/quiz/questions/0,5961,272078,00.html Tom C C

CS: Pol-How NRA USA Won Against the Govmt

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] We see lots of comments about how our shooting bodies should / should not act. Here is a page that shows how the NRA (USA of course - NOT UK) beat the pressures from Clinton Half way down is the key bit, talk about not taking

CS: Pol-Info to Fight Gun Bans

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Great source of info and related sites http://hematite.com/dragon/gunintro.html UK commentary as of today in Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/UK/This_Britain/2001-01/gun150101.shtml http://www.independent.co.

CS: Target-Olympics For Shooting Sports in 2002,

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Copied from http://www.clede.com/hotflash.htm is about half-way down page. Is there any other info on this?? Date / location fixed?? Also has lots other bits of info (US based) =

CS: Target-308 Round destroys MI

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Worth a look, even to remind us all of the need for proofing http://communities.prodigy.net/sportsrec/gz-762d.html Tom C Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Pol-Times Today NHS 800 Deaths

2001-01-11 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wooow, guess what was tucked away on page 2 of The Times today Jan 10th?? Well here is the TOTAL report, which was given 8 lines, a line per 100 killed ""800 Blood Deaths"" "More then 800 haemophiliacs inf

CS: Target-New Air gunners Equipment

2001-01-02 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] As there are keen air gunners on this list, perhaps they would like to look up what the latest airgun technology in the USA is offering !! Try the link http://www.thegateway.net/gyroman/default.htm This guy has built (legal in US) air ope

CS: Misc-Police corruption

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] IG I have followed your lengthy and mountainous volumes of comment on this thread. Like another poster I have to wonder if this is just to incite responses, wind-ups, or as the US say, "trolling". As you declare your p

CS: Misc-Police corruption

2000-11-20 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Surely the most blatant use of the Police to execute political "whims" was their arresting and removing from the streets the peaceable, placard carrying, protesters against the Chinese "Head Mans" visit in the last year (s

Misc-Cops Shooters tarred w. same brush?

2000-11-17 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Surely the most blatant use of the Police to execute political "whims" was their arresting and removing from the streets the peaceable, placard carrying, protesters against the Chinese "Head Mans" visit in the last year (s

Pol-Police close bad apple website

2000-11-17 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] ET Try the following which was to be their new site http://www.policecorruption.co.uk/ Tom C Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

CS: Misc-Artists Rifles

2000-11-08 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reading the "Sniping in France" by Hesketh-Prichard WWI writings of start of British Army sniping, (just got reprint from Ray Riling Books USD34.oo including air mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED] On page 58, Artists reference as follows,,, &

CS: Field-Calibres for Fallow

2000-11-01 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The link from Peter is well worth looking into. Need to find the English parts, near end of listing on right side of window. Listed are links to ballistic / impact effects / interesting series of photos of bullet fragmentation showing tha

CS: Pol-Parish Councils Referendums

2000-11-01 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] My thanks to John Hurst for finding the link providing information on how to get a referendum in your Parish / Town. Seems that 40 odd Parish Councils had to do a referendum on the Euro over last 3 weeks following action by anti-Euro Group on

CS: Field-threat to shoots

2000-10-30 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] ET Thanks for the info. Our village has about 90 homes, 300 souls. Many are of the new breed "proctectus everythingus" and to beat them on a straight vote would be neigh impossible. Unless there was a greater "proctectu

CS: Field-threat to shoots

2000-10-26 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] ET The meetings are open for people to go along, and sit, and watch. The issue is when you want to add something. Unless the "Chair" asks, you aren't supposed to speak. If you do, they can ignore your point totally. No obligatio

CS: Legal-Ryan

2000-10-22 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bob, Yes they were evil, but as long as the public see the potential for a licensed gun owner to do a "Ryan / Hamilton" then why should they think favourably towards shooters? The objective is to show the public that neither of thes

CS: Field-threat to shoots

2000-10-20 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Over the last 8 months we have had "complaints" from concerned people in respect of game shooting 1st was to Woodland trust who own nearby (1/2 mile) woodland to a local pheasant shoot. They wrote along lines of "public c

CS: Pol-BBC Crime Squad letter

2000-10-18 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Crime Squad New Broadcasting House PO Box 27 Oxford Road MANCHESTERM60 1SJ Tuesday, 17 October 2000 ProgrammeMonday, 16 October 2000 7,30pm Dear Sir or Madam: Firstly a ôthank youö for dealing with the principle violent cr

CS: Pol-Crime Squad

2000-10-17 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Watched TV and thought shooting people came over OK, certainly the kids 22 rifle shooting in Bristol. Thought the lady interviewer looked favourably on them as well. Contacted the BBC phone number as listed below, she could take notes, bu

CS: Target-Pipe ranges

2000-10-01 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] In and around Devizes Wiltshire, there is a whole League of pubs with pipe ranges. Its run a bit like darts teams, with competitions "home and away". The target is a steel plate with a ,25 hole in it. The whole bullet has to

CS: Target-Olympic 50m Rifle Event

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Been watching the shooting results (sadly not on TV) and have asked a couple of people about the _50m 3 Position_, and the _50m Rifle_ Events in Olympics. Does anyone have details on exactly what the course of fire is? what positions are

CS: Target-21st UK Practical Rifle Comp

2000-09-15 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well on the 8 / 9 / 10th Sept the 21st UK Practical Rifle Championship was held at Bisley (and Ash Range) With about 70 competitors over the 3 days it was well attended. The overall winner was Nigel Greenaway with 1,615 points, 2nd To

CS: Pol-Stolen Guns

2000-08-07 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, About 6 months ago we had a discussion about the system that was used by the all? / Wiltshire police to advise RFDs on the serial no, make, type of gun lost / stolen etc etc. It also advised on lost FAC and SGC certificates. I mentio

CS: Pol-Who to Vote For??

2000-07-17 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your message "NOT to vote for the Tories" Who is left to vote for?? Labour? those to thank for pistol gut-reaction and legions of controls on shooting, and the coming country sports controls / elimination??? Liberal? well that w

CS: Target-Shooting on TV

2000-07-16 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peter, Wow, I remember shooting the Muddy Fox and it was a real tester, offering challenge, Grade A style. Did it not get some negatives from the "regular" shooters at Bisley? I understood that they thought all this haring

CS: Target-Shooters Support Airgunners

2000-07-14 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jim, Fantastic to see your support for all forms of shooters, we need more good souls like you. I think we all agree that the volume of airgunners are not into clubs and are therefore impossible to get organised. But what is going to h

CS: Target-Shooters Support Airgunners

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it me, or have we seen a remarkable amount of "defend gun users (well actually us airgunners)" interest from the Airgun world over the last few months compared to the years before?? Could it be that now THEIR sport is in th

CS: Misc-Books

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yep, its on Amazon Lone Wolf Pan Pantziarka ISBN 0753504375 ú5.59 Publisher James Marriott [EMAIL PROTECTED] Looks at "Spree Killings" worldwide, 7 key cases, "exhaustive detail, in unflinching detail, interviews

CS: Target-Norway Shoot

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I shot this at a place about 50km north of Oslo about 8 years ago. Was outstanding Military range complex, I think out to 4/500m. Best practice was a 100m range with an "Indiana Jones" mining rail track laying across range, the

CS: Target-newcomers

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, from my talks with possible "newcomers" they are concerned as to what they can and cannot do on a days shooting, as are the clubs !! Seems the belief is that the law says they can't use guns, except in very limited cases,

CS: Pol-legitimate uses

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul, as in all comments there is good / bad I must disagree with you cars legitimate reason AK47's don't. I used to use similar weapon in UK for pract. rifle (I still use an AK47 in Norway). It was a legit use then and the minute you/we

CS: Target-newcomers

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, could you advise on ages, as "get em young" may apply if Dad coming along from work?? Thanks Tom -- Erm, I always get confused with the age limits. If it's on a minature rifle range with an airgun or a .22, there is no age

CS: Misc-websites

2000-07-12 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Site mentioned on the "sportsman's" www site which is http://venus.beseen.com/boardroom/d/26347/ Go see, has lots of comments / info www.cybersurf.co.uk/johnny/dunblane Worth a look Tom C Cybershooters website: http://www.cyb

CS: Target-prize money

2000-07-11 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Big prize money will get more NON shooters interested in taking up the sport. But who will put up the money, and it will need to be for a few years to get the numbers higher. It will get little TV etc in meantime. A Negative thought, even

CS: Target-Civilian Service Rifle Bisley

2000-07-11 Thread Tom Charnock
From: "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The NRA Service Rifle shoot was held on the 3 4 July. By kind invitation of the Army Rifle Association 3 teams (of 6 shooters) entered the Methuen inter divisional match held on Wednesday 5 July. This is only the second time since the