Planet of the Gates.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd Hilarious bill,I thought you were dead. I had a dream last night,oh boy... I'm not sure where the dream came from. Maybe it was the painkillers I've been on for my twisted back (a ridiculous softball injury, reaffirming my belief that desk jockeys

RE: Aimee,mattd,Faustine Sandwich.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
>>> I'm being > followed so close my laptop was stolen. That's not close enough. ~Aimee Gee,didn't ya'all miss the scintillating wit of agent Farr.The keystone KKKops are on me like a cheap suit,aimee,go back to annoying Tim and shooting fish in a barrel.(and yrself in the foot.) How can a o

greg normon

2002-01-17 Thread mattd by Daniel Hopsicker January 14--Tampa Florida Tampas kamikaze kid pilot was (pick one): a. A Bin Laden sympathizer b. An American Patriot. c. A British Citizen. Answer: All of the above. Puzzled? So is everyone else... In an exclusive investigation

"I want jeff Gordon DEAD!,I want his family DEAD!"

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
On Jan. 17 , 1899, Al Capone , the American gangster and prohibition era crime leader , was born. Following his death on Jan. 25 , 1947, his obituary appeared in The Times. (Go to obit. | Other Birthdays) FROM 1961 In his farewell address, Pres

Fwd: (fyi) Daily Bleed: 1/16 DIAN FOSSEY; Monkey is as Monkey Do

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
>Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:30:32 -0800 >From: "David Brown, Recollection" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) >X-Accept-Language: en >To: biblioSpamaroonies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: (fyi) Daily Bleed: 1/16 DIAN FOSSEY; Monkey is

Crypto for Dummies

2002-01-17 Thread mattd "They knew I was planning to kill federal agents", proffesor rat said They were scared because I wrote athat shows a way to eliminate government. They were afraid I could convince the public that I

Aimee,mattd,Faustine Sandwich.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
Aimee wrote: >I'm so damn mad, I can't even subscribe to a mailing list. YEAH!!! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! << Idiotic Govt plants have to stick together I guess. >>But I have to admit I was rather hoping you'd come back anonymously to mix it up and give everyone a little hell in the grand ma

All Frissle No Sausage.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
>>NBL. The international organizations will merely relocate their meetings to more defensible locations.<< Qatar?Brunei? How brave of them.How assured.How telling. >>The Canadian Rockies will be a little harder to storm during the next Gang of Seven meeting. << Not without your support Dun

Fwd: Tims Mild Stroke and medication.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >From: mattd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: Tims Mild Stroke and medication. > >Textual analysis reveals Tim may have suffered a mild stroke some time >between 1994-7 and is on medication. >The spelling mistakes,content to ballast ratio and flame

Re: Hot Air Jihads.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
>> In other words there is no mechanism to prevent cheating... Sandy Sandfort pointed that out already,"rinse and repeat,".You must have the attention span of a gnat. "Imagine for a moment that, as ordinary citizens were watching the evening news, they see an act by a government employee or o

Al Qaeda Crypto

2002-01-16 Thread mattd
>>Al Qaeda computer files bought from a seller in Kabul which were encoded and encrypted<< The Horsemen are loose,the Plagues of Egypt,the Dogs of War,the Grapes of wrath.Round up the usual crypto suspects. Theoretically, because violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 have

rsa CON.

2002-01-16 Thread mattd
Qing Hua Zi Guang Shun Feng Security 2nd Floor, Bei Lu Office Building, No. 35 Cheng Fu Rd HAI DIAN DISTRICT, BEIJING 100083 Lin Guang Zhang 010-62854806 The Security officers of the ever vigilant totalitarian people's thought police caught a critical poster

Hot Air Jihads.

2002-01-16 Thread mattd has a declaration which includes many of the crypto-anarchy concepts. Found in archives circa 96 and still a valid URL. ALSO RUSH die >Salman Rushdie, in a speech I heard several years ago, said that it was >widely doubted that Iran would or could actually

NSA crippling of crypto makes Congress vulnerable to attack,Yahoo!

2002-01-16 Thread mattd
>>Something that's sad is that the National Security Agency has abdicated its role in helping to secure communications critical to these United States.<< Not to me,any division and mistrust in the enemies ranks is an opportunity to divide and rule them.It is sad how low a pseudo anarchist can s

Cypherpunk Agitprop.

2002-01-16 Thread mattd "Stop the Violence!"? Policing the antiglobalization movement The antiglobalization movement will continue to build in numbers, coherence and effectiveness as evidenced by the recent events in Gothenburg, Sweden and Genoa, Italy. (This will happen despi

True Names

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
True lies...unless you use dna... Blood spilt in anti-war anger By DENNIS SCHULZ Wednesday 16 January 2002 When Ararat artist Geoff Todd decided to use his own blood as a painting medium, he was unprepared for the psychological result. Todd had chosen to paint in his blood to make a dramatic stat


2002-01-15 Thread mattd
1984  Extortionist sends letter to Queensland Primary Industries Department threatening to release foot and mouth virus unless state jails are reformed. 70 McDonalds junk food frannies are on "alert" today after a big anthrax mailout.Proffr denies any involvement and has bombproof alibi.(he wa

Lap Tops A Go Go.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
$1.2m PCs go missing By RICK WALLACE 16jan02 MORE than 500 notebook computers were lost or stolen from federal government agencies in the past year. The lost computers, some of which contain sensitive government documents, will cost taxpayers $1.2 million And bureaucrats seem to have few clues a

Proff Rat denies computer scales crack.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
Rude remarks out of order By KELLY RYAN 16jan02 A WAYWARD weighing machine that told a woman "get off fat pig" has been hastily removed from a busy shopping centre. Red-faced operators pulled the plug on the renegade scales after furious complaints about offensive comments it added to personal w

Worlds biggest Gunshops; USUK

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
#1bn arms push to India.Worlds biggest Minefield created.Nuclear sabre rattling in south west asia. Blair criticised over deal days after promoting peace. 60 Hawk jets in package promoted by ministers. by Richard Norton-Taylor and Ewen MacAskill Saturday January 12, 2002 The Guardian The gover

InterGalactic Anarchist Convention

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
InterGalactic Anarchist Convention January 17 - January 20, 2002 / New York City We have always lived in slums & holes in the wall. . . We will know how to accommodate ourselves for a time. For, you must not forget, we can also build. It is we the workers who built these palaces & cities, here

Anarchist Links:Anarchy is not a lack of order.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
1809 -- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon lives, France. Famous philosopher, economist, sociologist, often referred to as the 'father of modern anarchism'. Project Gutenberg (& other sites) has online texts of The Philosophy of Misery (written in response to Marx's attack on him, The Poverty of Philosophy) &

RE: The vital private archive

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
>>"You may not speak anonymously on CD-R". I don't know what level of work would be required to modify it. Peter Trei<< You may not speak anonymously on this list if your parole officers are reading because Peter Trei will dob you in,wont you peter? This is a nice little site to recruit rsa e

Lompoc Blues

2002-01-15 Thread mattd Jailbirds remember porridge online By Tim Richardson Posted: 14/01/2002 at 11:53 GMT The craze for reunion Web sites has taken a new twist following the creation of a site dedicated to re-uniting old jailbirds. Convicts Reunited was set up as a s

Contract out on john Perry Barlow

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
As a Republican Party official in Wyoming,he helped elect Dick Cheney to Congress.I say he is probably also responsible for cattle mutilations in the midwest and mad cow disease.I swear to pay 1 proffr dollar to soft drill this SOB.ASAP. Ill be Grateful when he's DEAD.In the spirit of Crazy Hors

No More Mr Nice Guy

2002-01-15 Thread mattd Tom Wales Fought for Gun Control. Maybe He Died for It. Photos Depiction of the murder scene Tom Wales (MARLIS DEJONGH) Wales' home (AP) Tom Wales Times Headlines Tom Wales

Re: Justine's Faust.Questions.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
>>il castrato scrive: > >Ever thought about greek birth control? The greek technique? No Skuche ala Gats, puttana? Yeah Justine,my eunuch friend and I wanna Know! No Skuche ala Gats, puttana? Klaatu Burada Nikto

East Coast Events

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
NYC Protests Planned Against World Economic Forum Over 1,000 of the world's corporate leaders, along with top political and media representatives, will meet behind closed doors in New York City from January 31 to February 4 at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting. Meanwhile thousands of

assassination politics

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
Copies of jim bell's essay,"assassination politics"essay be sent in all OS's help files. "the government serves the people; the people don't serve the motherfucking government."and "The people have the power to redeem the work of fools." Patti Smith. PEOPLE POWER!


2002-01-15 Thread mattd
Minister Andre Haermeyer said he would convene a working party of police, sports bodies and venue managers to develop a uniform code of conduct for crowd behaviour at Victorian sporting events. He foreshadowed higher on-the-spot fines of up to $10,000 for drunken behaviour and ground invasions.

Gassner reaches for his luger.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
Victoria Police Commander Leigh Gassner denied police were over-reacting. "Even the Mexican wave seems pretty harmless, but when you put it into the context of people throwing things, you can't take it lightly," he said. "There's a cultural issue about where this is occurring and we have to say

Faustine the Imbecile.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
>>"autonomous decentralized network". Which, if you can believe the RAND Corporation, is apparently where it's at...<< Anarchists recognized as clear and present danger,All means to combat approved. >>Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda, or drug smuggling cartels like those in Colombia and Mexico. On t

Justine's Faust.Questions.

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
>> The Tristan Chord: Wagner and Philosophy (Bryan Magee, 2001, 397 p.) When? Last week.<< Is there any mention of Bakunin and Wagner in Dresden during an 1848 era uprising? Its been suggested Siegfried might have been modelled on Bakunin at the barricades. The reviews of this book are worth a

An Apology To mattd

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
>>Mattd, In a recent post to the cypherpunks mailing list, I implied that you were a borderline retarded, imbecilic loser with absolutely nothing of any interest to say. I was wrong.<< Actually I would have trouble arguing with that but for some few who listen and respond,not j

Victoria Police Crime Stoppers $1000 bounty

2002-01-15 Thread mattd
>>How can I receive a reward and still remain anonymous? The caller is advised to call back after a scheduled board meeting at which the reward amount will be considered. Suitable arrangements will then be made for payment of the reward. At all times the identity of the caller is safeguarded. Th

Shrubs wild years

2002-01-15 Thread mattd Skeletons in the closet and black eyes. Quotes "One of the interesting initiatives we've taken in Washington, D.C., is we've got these vampire-busting devices. A vampire is aa cell deal you can plug in the wall to charge your cell phone."Denver, CO. Aug. 14

Tim May,Gutless conservative,fake anarchist and serial pest is hiding or running?

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
Subject: Re: [Www-newswire] Fwd: [general] Bill White - Fascist and Indymedia Troll (Bill White is an east coast Tim May.) "*** wrote: > > Sounds to me like they've mixed up two groups. > > anarchists and libertarians. > > And for better or worse, there are nowadays a LOT of conservat

ENRONs END."The magic of Capitalism."

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
First a word from our sponsors,fine aussie ale and ... "You're either with us or you're with the pretzels! " Bush announces. by The Snack Food Conspiracy. 10:48am Mon Jan 14 '02 Bush addresses the nation. This morning, Bush made a

The Argentine Tightrope

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
Background on the Uprising.Acute danger of Leninist opportunism.(longish)pr. From miyachi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date Sun, 13 Jan 2002 04:38:33 -0500 (EST) A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E

Midnight express;Turkish anarchists in prison update.

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
- I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E On December 1 2001, two anarchists were taken by the police in Usak (a city in Mid-West Anatolia) with the claim of distributing illegal leaflets in a meeting organized by tra

The Other 4 Horsemen.

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
The Four Horsemen of the Frankfort School (english) by White trash Gun Nut 10:38am Mon Jan 14 '02 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Another message from you financial, social, moral and academic superior: The White Trash Gun Nut In his new book "The Death of the West" Patrick J. Buchanan examines the origin o

The Collaborators List for Immediate Targeted Action.

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
WASHINGTON, DC -- Recent moves to beef up intelligence gathering in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks have civil libertarians concerned that law enforcement agencies will entangle many law abiding citizens and social justice g

Pretzle Logic

2002-01-14 Thread mattd Theres more,best to take with a grain of salt though.

Stephen Gough,Leigh Gassner need Killing.(ahem)

2002-01-14 Thread mattd
The Victorian police being in possession of my cs latitude dell laptop and the e-mail adress [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the passwords to all the steg Ive stored online,seem intent on trying to entrap me by posting fake threats,calls to brake various laws in various places and so on.They are even tamp

Labour MPs protest as CIA gets power to snoop on any house in Britain

2002-01-13 Thread mattd
Anyone who's seen "A fish called Wanda,"knows where this could lead. Seriously though,anyone working for In-Q-tel and the new MIL/IND COM deserves close surveillance and targeted action. If the Phantom Menace of Muslimism fades they might just target us.I hear we are already being wargamed.NETFO

Re: [Reformatted] Burning down the olympics.Fautines flipped.

2002-01-13 Thread mattd
>>Your corrections notwithstanding, do you really find it rational to expect the fate of a few citizens to change national policy? Why should it.<< Read AP you trizzy little bitch...and tremble. >>>It is and always has been the policy of the Zionist Entity to regard its >>civilians as expend


2002-01-13 Thread mattd
>>Interested. Sign me up. Marc de Piolenc<< Comeback as yourself or anonymously (ricomended) and pledge to pay 1$ or equivalent Barter Unit of Money to pay the reasonable expenses of the person or persons unknown that most closely predicts the permanent retirement of ANY Govt employee.(especi

Rogue terror state violates Geneva Convention

2002-01-13 Thread mattd
US violates the Geneva Convention (english) by Idiot/Savant 3:35am Sun Jan 13 '02 (Modified on 4:34am Sun Jan 13 '02) Some of the ways in which the US is violating the Geneva Convention at Guantanamo. The US is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which specifies the conditions under which suc

Jamesd lies

2002-01-13 Thread mattd

The Mercy Seat

2002-01-13 Thread mattd
It began when they come took me from my home And put me in Dead Row, Of which I am nearly wholly innocent, you know. And I'll say it again I began to warm and chill To objects and their fields, A ragged cup, a twisted mop The face of Jesus in my soup Those sinister din

Nazi's bolt more,Dukeing it out in York.

2002-01-13 Thread mattd
Neonazis run out of York (english) by Baltimore IMC 11:16pm Sat Jan 12 '02 Black bloc and the working class (black, white, puerto rican, jewsish, men, women, young and old) kick the nazis out of York. Anti-racists showed up early morning in York, scouting locations and smashing all the white su

VIVA Agentina LIBRE!

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
>>mattd and all the other pinkos and commies<< I'm an anarchist you dickhead,one who doesnt like pinko commies and doesn't trust ex-trotskyshits like you. >>think this is the second coming of the communist revolution.<< More crap from a professional cra

The National Guard.Know your enemy.

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
Send in the National Guard Few people realize that the National Guard was a late 19th century device invented to "deal with" so called civil disturbances, also known as labor movements. The Guard was created to solve a problem: local cops could not reliably be counted on to brutalize strikers. The

VIVA Agentina LIBRE!

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina  Rioters ransacked banks, destroyed ATM machines and set fires across downtown Buenos Aires early Friday after a night of street protests against a government freeze on bank deposits turned violent. MORE We

Amerika Uber Alles

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
Amerika Uber Alles (Again) by Manuel Miles Note to anti-police-state/antiwar activists everywhere: the "new McCarthyism" is nothing new, as its name might even suggest. It's as Amerikan as apple flag and The Pie. The USA has been a goose-stepping, imperial state since at least the early ninetee


2002-01-12 Thread mattd
Cypherpunks special projects seeks all interested in investigating all avenues for the freedom of comrade Bell. "You could create a lottery. A lottery whose payoff was a reward to the person who came closest to predicting the time of death of a given government official." "They knew I wasn't p

Israel Kills Palestinian Boys For Organs!!!

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
Portnoys Complaint Its been known that the Israeli criminal snipers use dum dums and aimed to disable permanently so if they decided to harvest some organs it would be no huge extension.It might be preferable to be killed outright rather than live as para/quadraplegic in a police state thats lo

Re: more on procmail is not mattd's friend!

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
>>Cover traffic. -- "Those without creative minds and agile fingers are of course welcome to hurry up with my fries. And they'll probably use a GUI to take my order, too." - Tom Christiansen<< That the remailers can be hassled about and allows mass revenge spamming here,Does petro have a creati

Burning down Peter Trei, spammeister,liar and coward.

2002-01-12 Thread mattd
Im glad you like Ockam's razor pete,its almost as good as Ockers razor.That's the one that's going to remind this list every time you post that you exposed another list member to a parole officer's bust. That this may have been accidental stupidity is what Ockams tells me. That it was Peter Trei

Re: Prosperity through punishment (was Re: more on procmail is not

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
>>...the real fun part is that Nature is publishing a pro-AP article, elevating it to the level of "science". That poor sod in jail was just doing applied science, no ? Of course that people would pay to punish. (agent Gordon pay attention now !) 9 out of 10 cpunk list subscribers ("The Movem

Last Rites for Joshua.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Last rites for joshua. Jeff looked up as his son left for school,little did he realize that was the last time he would ever see his son happy and alive.He was running a bit late that day having been up late exchanging e-mail and moderating a new subversive website.His work involved infiltrating

Johansen charged in Norway

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Loud sound of slamming barn doors.Norway as a nation must have terminal Scandinavian suicidal angst. It is the middle of winter. Please supply address's for immediate PAP(peoples assassination politics) smears to be made of these raindeer meatball eaters. Do they know we have black belt karate e

Hard as a Rocco.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Breillat brilliance Controversial and confronting . . . novelist and film-maker Catherine Breillat and, below, a scene from an earlier work, Romance. It's hard to ruffle the French where sex is concerned. Unless you're Catherine Breillat. By John Baxter Love is the road to hell", says French n

Photo of mysterious "Proffr"

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
You'll have to hack into victorian motorbike and car license database for me but theres a cute little rattus australis here Soldering on: laser fusion changes microsurgery Sew far so good ... Professor Owen with leg-transplant rat. Photo

Toads Walkinshaw."To dry for rats."

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Cane toads found in Alice From AAP 11jan02 A SECOND cane toad has been found in Alice Springs within a month. The Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife Commission today warned motorists to beware of toads hitching a ride, accelerating the spread of the toxic pest. The two toads were found in sub

Kanadian Kolonization by Krapeaters.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Canada, Skwelkwek'welt Update Here is a chronology of what has happened at Skwekwek'welt (in Secwepemc Territory, "bc, kanada") in the last 2 months: November 4, 2001 - Lorne Dunn of the Sun Peaks Snowmobile Tours drives his snowmobile into MacGillvray Lake and deliberately creates a situation bla

Vital Anarchist Text.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Hello Friends and comrades: Back in 1979, when I was a prisoner at the federal penitentiary in Marion, Illinois (USA), I managed to put together a manuscript for a small booklet called Anarchism and the Black Revolution, and smuggled it past prison authorities. It was my 3rd attempt because every

Public Image Ltd.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
wake up! wake up! It's yer moderate voice of anarchic reason SchNEWS Published in Brighton by Justice? - Brighton's Direct Action collective ISSUE 337, January 11th, 2002 FULL OF MELCHETT "The majority of NGOs and activists do not understand how public relations firms are helping corporations m

Cornholing as Contraception.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed Special report: GM crops debate Robin McKie, science editor SundaySeptember 9, 2001 The Observer Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation. The pregnancy p


2002-01-11 Thread mattd
After Genoa,where the black bloc was probably infiltrated by 600 nazi's,and 9-11 that unleashed the jingo monster,many anarchists are casting around for new ways to take down the state.Greenpeace just copped a humungous fine and might also be seaking alternative protest strategies.While all tha

Re: Mr Mc Catohead.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
>>At 10:10 PM 1/11/2002 +1100, mattd wrote: <...> Your manner of compressing quoted text is offensive to me. Don't bother, I'm letting myself out. >All Punks should know what a Hoe McCato head is. I'd say you were the rake, you cannot even retype the subject

Tim May;Bombastic conservative,pseudo anarchist and serial pest.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
Forgot what I was going to say...sorry.

Re: Mr Mc Catohead.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
>>mattd rote: >Agent faustine...seem[s] to hate my guts Golly-gee-willikers Batman, I wonder why. [Way-back machine entry, late last year] Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 12:27:13 +1100 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: mattd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> AT FIRST FAUSTINE WASN'T SURE ABOUT

Mr Mc Catohead.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
't know how to e-mail apparently.1 reporter e-mailed declan though, from Dacron.(HA!) >>an Australian journalist<< Frank Sinatra summed them up nicely once.They are still better than the spook/shill/celebrity/rabid hack united snakes crowd. >>confirms mattd/proffr lives there (h

weasl words

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
>>unmedicated outbursts<< Coming from you thats hilarious. >>Has anyone here considered that mattd may be a form of DOS attack? That he/she/it may in fact be a paid (or otherwise compensated) proxy of Gordon's? Surely I can't be the only one who has seriously c

Joshua's been naughty,very naughty.

2002-01-11 Thread mattd
January 10: An upskirt poser from Joshua >>Why should I killfile fools like mattd and others??<<(A melon head) Indeed,use PAP.(peoples assassination politics,your anonymous,right?) >> its MORE FUN to use procmail << Su

Slashdot | Cooperation Works if Majority Can Punish Freeloaders

2002-01-10 Thread mattd
With new improved APster cooperation works brilliantly as a MINORITY severely punish Freeloaders. "Encryption can pose potentially insurmountable challenges to law enforcement when used in conjunction with communication or plans for executing serious terrorist and criminal acts." "Encryption,

Breaking News from London;anarchists occupy Argentine embassy.

2002-01-10 Thread mattd
Anarchist occupy argentinian embassy in London!! (english) by @narchy 5:57am Thu Jan 10 '02 [EMAIL PROTECTED] A group of Anarchists are occupying the Argentinian Embassy in support of the peoples' rejection of their "leaders". For immediate release: Argentinian Embassy occupied by Anarchists Tho

Anti-Capitalist Convergence Against the World Economic Forum in NYC soon.

2002-01-10 Thread mattd JOIN US AS NEW YORKERS STRIKE BACK AGAINST CORPORATE TERROR! SHUTDOWN THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ! Join us January 31st (Thursday) through February 1st (Friday) in NYC for two days of workshops, infosessions, and teach-ins held in conjunction with The Another World Is Possib


2002-01-10 Thread mattd
Mr Godsell rejected criticism that AngloGold's proposal to form a global co-operation pact with Canadian gold giant Barrick Gold was not clear. No formal deal has been signed, but the miners propose to extract synergies from neighbouring assets, starting in Australia and Africa. In particular,

Uncrackable one time keys...for a price.

2002-01-10 Thread mattd
Your secret's safe The ephemeral signals that flood the airwaves are the key to creating an uncrackable code, says Michael Brooks 5-jan-02 New Scientist.Looks like this... or same difference http://w

The foul Peter Trei file.Sloppy corporate shill or Snitch?You decide.

2002-01-10 Thread mattd
Thread Index for the period of 2001.12.17-2001.12.23 Near top-CNN on remailers- >>...This does not invalidate my point - that such special treatment could lead a remop into legal problems. We have two different problems, with mutually undesirable solutions. Peter Trei ubject: CDR: RE: CNN.c

Application for return of dell heard.+ burning down the olympics.

2002-01-10 Thread mattd
1) Anyone interested can write me direct. 2) Thanks to andrew woods for advice on filtering eudora. 3) There's been another anthrax outbreak in OZ. In 97 victoria was hit,this time its Queensland.Aussi still has a "clean green" beef industry though US secret agents could be expected to release f

Unbreakable "top secret crypto," pseudo-random, one-time-pad,

2002-01-10 Thread mattd
There have been several purveyors of (potential) snake oil here. Predictably, critics have been drawn into "trying to break" these allegedly strong systems. Some of the purveyors are even saying things like [paraphrased, but with charming misspellings emulated]: "See, even the smarty-pants Cyphur

IRS removal

2002-01-09 Thread mattd
>My purpose on this thread is to examine the limits of Jim Bell's idea of >Assassination Politics. My ground rules are to assume that it is a natural >outgrowth of the technologies of anonymous cash and anonymous remailers. >As such arguments that it is immoral are only valid to the extent th

Agent Faustines 6 year itch.

2002-01-09 Thread mattd
>It seems likely that any overt organization operating an Assasination >Politics scheme will be outlawed... even though the most logical reading of >current laws says that it isn't illegal (except for the gambling part). An >anonymously constructed one seems a lot more likely - which Lotus cou

jimbo's last theorem

2002-01-09 Thread mattd
Subject: Re: CyberAngels From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy C. May) Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 22:52:40 -0800 Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] At 5:30 AM 2/15/96, Medea wrote: > I bet if you use the word "cryptology" in a sentence, the CyberAsses >would have no idea what you were taking about. "Cripology?"

Re: Dear Declan,you suck.

2002-01-09 Thread mattd
>>mattd recently babbled incoherently:<< Yet you dont quote anything I said.Que? >>"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice; socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality." Bakunin. >>Another dead russian. Why not Stalin? "One dea

The Pinko Rose of Texas

2002-01-09 Thread mattd
This is an open letter to the person/s unknown who mailed anthrax letters recently.I reckon your a true blue american patriot and I ask you to not only keep up the good work but consider going for the real commiesymps in power.Such as so called president bush.This nigger loving puke is bringing


2002-01-08 Thread mattd
Our Allies, the "Pakis" White House officials are insisting President Bush meant no direspect when he referred yesterday to the people of Pakistan as "Pakis" -- a term considered a grievous ethnic slur in Britain and Canada. The Pakistani ambassador to the US brushed the blooper aside, but it

Paper tiger dollars days are numbered.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd Just as the initial euphoria from the introduction of notes and coins wears off, the euro has received a boost from news that China could be buying more euros to reduce its reliance on the dollar. "China has always thought th

State dept. alternative APster trial.Proof of concept?

2002-01-08 Thread mattd
State Department Officer Charged With Attempted Murder The Associated Press Published: Jan 9, 2002 WASHINGTON (AP) - A veteran State Department foreign service officer has been charged with attempting to murder her friend's estranged husband. Police say Margery L. Landry, 48, broke into the house

The liberation of Timothy C.May.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd
Black Funeral Directors Concerned Over Corporate Takeover By Michael Dabney Associated Press Writer Published: Jan 9, 2002 PHILADELPHIA (AP) - At one time, blacks turned to their own community when it came to the most critical times of life. They were often born at home with the help of black do

Laura's Bush.A closer look at the 1st lady.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd "We learned to be patient observers like the owl. We learned cleverness from the crow, and courage from the jay, who will attack an owl ten times its size to drive it off its territory. But above all of them ranked the chickad

Repression Lite.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd
Political Dissent Can Bring Federal Agents to Your Door posted by Drew on Tuesday January 08 2002 @ 03:20PM PST HOUSTON - It was 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 7 when the two men showed up. Donna Huanca was alone, getting ready to open Houston's Art Car Museum. "They looked like robots," she says. She told

Profiling the International Terrorist:Know your Enemy.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd
Among the top echelon of the Bush terror network, Donald Rumsfeld is one of the more disturbing characters. Donald Rumsfeld occupies the position of the U.S. Secretary of War (officially known as Secretary of Defense). His aliases range from "Rummy" and "Dr. Strangelove" to "Darth Vader." Rumsfeld

Scott McInnis needs killing

2002-01-08 Thread mattd


2002-01-08 Thread mattd
Keeping Tabs >by Jaggi Singh January 7, 2002 An extreme rightwing Web page lists progressive, radical and cultural groups in Montreal and Quebec City, calling them enemies of our people and our race. The list includes addresses, telephone numbers and, in some cases, specific names. There ar

Bomb Bomb.Rock the Nation,Take over television and radio stations.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd
We livin' in a mean time and an aggressive time a painful time, a time where cynicism rots to the vine in a time where violence blocks the summer shine lifetimes, go by in a flash in search for love, in search for cash everybody wanna be some fat tycoon everybody wanna be on a tropic honeymoon

Re: Spooky noises and untracable strong vengeance in the night

2002-01-08 Thread mattd
>>Last week in the UK there was a story about a woman being murdered for her cell phone, of all things. Who in their right mind would rely on scum criminals to play by the same middle-class standards of behavior as they normally do? << Scum criminals are all lower than middle class? None are eve

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