RE: dselect y tres CDs, como utilizo los tres a la vez

1998-08-14 Thread J. Parera
Hola, Si no recuerdo mal, tienes que hacerlo de uno en uno. O sea, primero instalas lo que necesites de la sección main (primer CD) y luego repites el proceso con el resto de secciones (segundo CD). El tercer CD sólo son fuentes. Como comentaron la distribución de Datom ( ha

No me arrancan los programas de libc5

1998-08-14 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos. Tengo un problema que la verdad, no se como lo voy a solucionar. Pero bueno, a ver que se nos ocurre. Ahi va : Ayer, modifique el /etc/profile, sobre todo la variable LD_CONFIG_PATH, que ahora esta como sigue: export


1998-08-14 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
On Thu, Aug 13, 1998 at 05:25:25PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote: Más datos acerca de esto: Según parece, el dominio ha desaparecido momentáneamente del DNS. Se espera que esté restablecido en breve (si *llega* este mensaje, es que ya está restablecido :-). Pues tengo el sendmail del

Re: rev_task en el /root

1998-08-14 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote: On Wed, Aug 12, 1998 at 06:37:19PM +0200, J. Parera wrote: ... para que sirve el fichero /root/rev_task? ... Al instalar Debian 2.0, al final te pregunta por el tipo de configuracion que deseas para la maquina (Estacion de Trabajo, Servidor de


1998-08-14 Thread Martin Schulze
Due to some problems on the listserver this ended up in my mailbox Regards, Joey - Forwarded message from Angel Vicente Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] - On Thu, Aug 13, 1998 at 05:25:25PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote: Más datos acerca de esto: Según parece, el dominio ha

Re: rev_task en el /root

1998-08-14 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Aug 12, 1998 at 06:37:19PM +0200, J. Parera wrote: Hola, para que sirve el fichero /root/rev_task? Puedes borrarlo tranquilamente. Sirve para suministrarselo al dpkg --set-selections y que desseleccione todos los paquetes seleccionados por defecto. Durante la instalacion se usa para

Re: rev_task en el /root

1998-08-14 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 08:53:17AM +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote: On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote: On Wed, Aug 12, 1998 at 06:37:19PM +0200, J. Parera wrote: ... para que sirve el fichero /root/rev_task? ... Al instalar Debian 2.0, al final te pregunta por el tipo de

Crear iconos en X-Windows

1998-08-14 Thread Rolando Manchado
He instalado varios programas como de X-Windows pero no se como añadir un icono al Desktop o al menu Inicio del fvwm95. == Rolando Manchado == OBTENGA GRATIS SU CORREO ELECTRÓNICO EN

instalación y LILO

1998-08-14 Thread M.G.
Hola, acabo de instalar Debian 1.3.1 que venía en el CD de la revista Linux Actual nº1. La instalación no ha tenido mayor problema de momento, imagino. Imagino, porque todavía no he podido usarlo: elegí ejecutarlo desde el disco duro con LILO; mi sorpresa fue que al reiniciar el sistema,

RE: startx y los users

1998-08-14 Thread J. Parera
Hola, al final volví ha instalar el paquete xbase y ya se soluconó el problema. Peero, ahora si ejecuto dos startx (una como user y otra como root, que es lo que he probado) la segunda vez que ejecuto startx dice que el server ya está corriendo y no me deja entrar en las Xs, cosa que antes si

RE: SB16 y hamm

1998-08-14 Thread J. Parera
Hola, antes en la bo me funcionaba la tarjeta de sonido (con el mismo kernel que ahora 2.0.34) pero ahora no me la detecta, ni siquiera al arancar la máquina. Pués antes si la había configurado mal daba un mensaje de error pero ahora ni eso. Que Hago? El que estes usando hamm no debería

RE: Problemas al arrancar y apagar la máquina

1998-08-14 Thread J. Parera
Hola, hice lo que comentaste en el mail y ya lo tengo todo solucionado. Saludos, Josep Parera On Wed, Aug 12, 1998 at 06:50:25PM +0200, J. Parera wrote: modprobe can't locate module net-pf-5. Para que sirve dicho modulo? Si quiero que no me salga dicho mensaje que he de hacer? Ya he

Probando el kppp y los primeros problemas

1998-08-14 Thread J. Parera
Hola, como hace poco que estoy en hamm y aún no tengo configurados los scripts de conexión a internet he decidido probar el kppp (finalmente he decidido instalar el kde) con el que me he encontrado los siguientes problemas: (no pongo ningún archivo de configuración simplemente por que no he

RE: Problemas para configurar la conexión al ISP con hamm

1998-08-14 Thread J. Parera
Hola, El problema, si miras los logs, es que el servidor al que te conectas está mandando AuthNak (creo que ese es el mensaje), es decir, que *no* está reconociendo tu combinación usario/clave. Mira a ver si el fichero pap_secrets los tiene bien. Conste el el no_ppp_on_boot y el

BitchX: ayuda para utilizarlo

1998-08-14 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
Hola, he intentado entrar en un canal irc con BitxhX pero no lo he conseguido. En cambio con ircII sí. - ¿ Cómo cambio el servidor por defecto ? - ¿ Como lo configuro para que utilice latin-1 ? - ¿ Cuales són las órdenes básicas ? - ¿ Puedo moverme entre ventanas ?


1998-08-14 Thread Michael . Mifsud
I have a multiple boot system one of which is Debian 2. I am using a 3c905b and during setup I used the generic 3com drive as well as 3c9x drivers. I cant seem to get my networking going. Im guessing its the card since the exact same networking configuration on

CD images

1998-08-14 Thread C.J.LAWSON
Hi, I would like to write a new set of deb-CD's (in a hurry, I want them carted off to a faraway place -- with no web access) and would like to know the follwing (1) Where on earth are the images kept? .. All the sites I have visited seem to keep refering and re-refering me to different places,

LI on boot: half a Lilo ?

1998-08-14 Thread Hank Fay
It seems I only have half of Lilo. g When I go to boot, I end up with LI on the screen, and then it stops. Background: Hamm, installed via floppy ftp. Primary partition is 150 meg partition of 1.2 gig IDE drive. Boots fine from floppy. TIA, Hank

Re: help w/ hylafax

1998-08-14 Thread Anders Hammarquist
sloth [~]$ sendfax -d 499-1941 Hello world from the fax textfmt: No font metric information found for Courier-Bold. Usage: textfmt [-1] [-2] [-B] [-c] [-D] [-f fontname] [-m N] [-o #] [-p #] [-r] [-U] [-Ml=#,r=#,t=#,b=#] [-V #] files... Default options: -f Courier -1 -p 11bp -o 0 Error

Re: removed from root nameservers

1998-08-14 Thread Michael Shields
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: this morning the domain name '' was removed from the root nameservers. A large number (reportedly 48,000!) domains were placed on hold and removed from the roots. Some are fairly high-profile like restored

1998-08-14 Thread Jason Gunthorpe
DNS appears to be restored now, everything should return to normal : Internic has not yet updated the whois database so our record still appears to be held :| Jason

What a day without the mailing list

1998-08-14 Thread Daniel Mashao
Just suprised to see one email in my Debian folder :) /--/ Daniel J. Mashao Electrical Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Cape Town

Re: Play sound with xmailbox

1998-08-14 Thread Guido Bozzetto
Subject: Re: Play sound with xmailbox Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 11:36:15 +0200 From: Guido Bozzetto [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization: Nauta S.r.l. To: Debian user Gary L.

Re: removed from root nameservers

1998-08-14 Thread Martin Schulze
Michael Shields wrote: Incidentially both the listed contacts of have left Debian; they should be changed to the new officers of SPI, I suppose, or to an We're trying to achive this since Monday... Since it needs some paper work this will take a while. Regards, Joey --

eth0 and ppp0: how to setup routing?

1998-08-14 Thread Ruud Janssen
Hi, I have both a 3COM Etherlink III (device eth0) and a standard 28.8K modem (device ppp0). I used the Etherlink III (connected to the network at the office) to download and install Debian Hamm. This goes really fast, so I want to keep the network setup I made during the install for major

Problem with normal user login

1998-08-14 Thread Erwan Esnault
I have debian 2.0 with shadow passwds enabled, and when I log in with a normal user account, I cannot get my login with e.g. id -un or whoami !. It says 'Unable to find user 1001' or something like that. I added all my accounts with the 'adduser' utility... Please HEELP me ! I have several

Problms with ISP connection over ISDN Syncppp

1998-08-14 Thread Martin Derzbach
I have the following problem, i connect to my ISP and on the ISDN side everything is ok, i get my IP Adress and a default route is set. But i cant even Ping the Remote Computer (the second IP i get). The Ping says somthing like service not available or so (i cant look now, because i wrie

Problems with a MUD

1998-08-14 Thread David L. Kocher
Hi all you Debian Guru's, My server admin recently switched to Debian from an older version of linux, now I'm having some problems compiling a MUD. Now, before I tell you the problems I'll tell you how I went about fixing it the mud was compiled using -lcrypt (gcc -o -lcrypt *.o), and I have

RE: What dist is vararg.h in?

1998-08-14 Thread Mark Mickan
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On 07-Aug-98 Doug Thistlethwaite wrote: One of them is sys/vararg.h Which package is this in what is the best way for me to figure out where these things are in the future. To find where a file is in the distribution, just download the

Re: more intellimouse

1998-08-14 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 13 Aug 98 22:34:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The mouse works OK outside of X, started via gpm -m /dev/psaux -t ps2 gpmconfig actually wants 'ms3' according to its help option, rather than ps2 but won't accept ms3 (maybe linux chokes on any 'ms' concatenation :) ). Still wanting

WARNING : libc6 Version: 2.0.7t-1 breaks resolv routines

1998-08-14 Thread Robert J. Alexander
The debugging I and a friend in IBM have been doing seem to pinpoint the resolver problems I had to the release of libc6 we just both upgraded to: Version: 2.0.7t-1 with this installed even if your /etc/nsswitch.conf and your /host.conf files point to /etc/hosts, the host command never even tries

Checking dependencies

1998-08-14 Thread Robert Ramiega
Hi! I have one problem: How can i check which packages depend on specific package? -- Robert Ramiega | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate IT Manager @ PDi || the power of Source

IRC: vhosts, clones, and bots

1998-08-14 Thread Paul Miller
Anyone know how the IRC hosts keep track of the number of bots, clients, etc. are connected? Do they record the hostname or the IP? I only have 1 IP. If I create a bunch of hostnames pointing to my IP, how can I connect with those hostnames? How about this script (root suid): #/bin/sh

cpu time

1998-08-14 Thread Paul Miller
How is the cpu time of a process calculated? Thanks -Paul

analog - I am being stupid, but please help anyway ;)

1998-08-14 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all, I have RTFM, but I can't work out what to do: I would like apache (my web server) to outpu its logs so that analog can produce statistics for more than the current month (see pick.sel for the output of analog, and you'll see what I mean). Can someone tell me (simply please) how

Re: Problem with normal user login

1998-08-14 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Erwan Esnault wrote: I have debian 2.0 with shadow passwds enabled, and when I log in with a normal user account, I cannot get my login with e.g. id -un or whoami !. It says 'Unable to find user 1001' or something like that. As far as I know, the shadow passwds

RE: vhosts, clones, and bots

1998-08-14 Thread Paul Miller
What is I purchaced an additional dynamic IP? The connection would go through my existing line, so it'd be on the same network card. Could I get bind to update on DHCP requests? How does the IRC server do a reverse lookup? The regular way, or do they ask the name server of that IP (which is

Re: IRC: vhosts, clones, and bots

1998-08-14 Thread Paul Miller
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, innocent. wrote: the way u actually do it is with ifconfig and route. you need IP Aliasing compiled in your kernel. after compiling ip aliasing in my kernel, how do I do that? Thanks -Paul

RE: Nuking damned scrambled consoles.

1998-08-14 Thread David Wright
On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Hank Fay wrote: Well nothing seems to get rid of the little critters except shutdown. I had to switch to another VC this time, because something unknown was going on in the first one. It seems to be getting stuck in a different video mode. Well you could also try

Re: Lilo, Dos, and an interesting attempt

1998-08-14 Thread Robert Rati
I wondered if there was that limitation. Do you perhaps have an updated link that that program to hide partitions? The one you gave me is apparantly no longer valid. Also, is there a way to hide other partitions in dosemu so I can load dos under linux? Thanks for the help. Rob On Thu, 13 Aug

X11amp, sound (fixed)

1998-08-14 Thread phillip Neumann
Hi debian world. I had troubles with x11amp. After playing A LOT with configuration stuff, i made x11amp work!! What i did... I realase that x11amp works when the ``System V IPC'' option from the general tab of the kernel configuration in installed into kernel. (Now elpus work too.) But

Re: Problems with a MUD

1998-08-14 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, David L. Kocher wrote: gcc -o -lcrypt act_comm.o act_info.o act_move.o act_obj.o act_wiz.o comm.o cons t.o db.o fight.o handler.o magic.o save.o special.o update.o bit.o mem.o olc.o o lc_act.o olc_save.o string.o mob_commands.o mob_prog.o gr_magic.o id.o chat_new. o

Re: IRC: vhosts, clones, and bots

1998-08-14 Thread Chris Nelson
that won't work, tmost irc serves today use a lookup hostname then lookup IP and comparer results if they don't match mostr of the time you don't get on. You'll need multiple Ips with forward and reverse dns setup to do what you want to do. -Chris On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Paul Miller wrote:

rcp and rsh: permission denied

1998-08-14 Thread Andreas Rapp
Hi, How can I allow other hosts to rcp or run rsh on my host ? I've set all permissions in hosts.allow, so rlogin, telnet works; only for rcp and rsh the permission is denied. thanks, Andreas Rapp

hd parameters at boot up

1998-08-14 Thread Zaphod Beeblebrox
When I boot my system I have to tell the kernel the hard drive parameters. LILO: linux hda=1010,12,55 hdb=683,16,38 I would like to get this set up so I don't have to manually enter this information. I tried setting up my lilo.conf file as follows: boot=/dev/hda delay = 100 root=/dev/hda2

Re: What dist is vararg.h in?

1998-08-14 Thread Robert J. Alexander
Mark Mickan wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On 07-Aug-98 Doug Thistlethwaite wrote: One of them is sys/vararg.h Which package is this in what is the best way for me to figure out where these things are in the future. exactly ... and if you are trying to figure out which

RE: Problems with a MUD

1998-08-14 Thread Mark Mickan
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On 14-Aug-98 David L. Kocher wrote: Hi all you Debian Guru's, My server admin recently switched to Debian from an older version of linux, now I'm having some problems compiling a MUD. Now, before I tell you the problems I'll tell you how I went

Re: Problem with normal user login

1998-08-14 Thread Robert J. Alexander
Erwan Esnault wrote: I have debian 2.0 with shadow passwds enabled, and when I log in with a normal user account, I cannot get my login with e.g. id -un or whoami !. It says 'Unable to find user 1001' or something like that. I added all my accounts with the 'adduser' utility... Please

Re: sid

1998-08-14 Thread Shaleh
Essentially. Sid is where a new arch or what not goes before it is mature enough to be in a real directory like slink or hamm. George Bonser wrote: So I take it that sid is a perpetual development sandbox? George Bonser The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site

Re: Checking dependencies

1998-08-14 Thread Greg Starkes
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Robert Ramiega wrote: Hi! I have one problem: How can i check which packages depend on specific package? I know that you can do the reverse (check which packages a package depends on) using dpkg --info package-name-here

Re: Checking dependencies

1998-08-14 Thread Shaleh
dpkg -I gives you all the info on a package. It will tell you what a package depends on. If you have a package it is not as easy to find out what depends on it. The easiest way is to use dselect. unselect the package and it will tell you if anything needs it. Then just select the package

RE: vhosts, clones, and bots

1998-08-14 Thread David Schwartz
How does the IRC server do a reverse lookup? The regular way, or do they ask the name server of that IP (which is quicker)? Thanks -Paul What is the regular way? DS

8013wc card

1998-08-14 Thread Kennedy Mutio
I am trying to find out the driver that the SMC card known as EtherCard Plus Elite 16T (8013wc) uses.. I'm using Debian and I thought that it would use the NE2000 driver because I've used this before with another but different SMC card. Can anybody help? Thanks, Ken.

Re: eth0 and ppp0: how to setup routing?

1998-08-14 Thread Frederic Breitwieser
I have both a 3COM Etherlink III (device eth0) and a standard 28.8K modem (device ppp0). I used the Etherlink III (connected to the network at the office) to download and install Debian Hamm. This goes really fast, so I want to keep the network setup I made during the install for major upgrades

mbr package

1998-08-14 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I was wondering how hard it is to remove/replace the mbr package. We have a single system running hamm, for which we want to disable the capability of booting from a diskette. Currently we've disabled floppy-boot in the BIOS, and configured LILO to require a password (only if kernel-options are

Re: WARNING : libc6 Version: 2.0.7t-1 breaks resolv routines

1998-08-14 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Robert J. Alexander ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): The debugging I and a friend in IBM have been doing seem to pinpoint the resolver problems I had to the release of libc6 we just both upgraded to: Version: 2.0.7t-1 with this installed even if your /etc/nsswitch.conf and your /host.conf

Re: hd parameters at boot up

1998-08-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote: : : When I boot my system I have to tell the kernel : the hard drive parameters. : : LILO: linux hda=1010,12,55 hdb=683,16,38 add a line like this: append=hda=1010,12,55 hdb=683,16,38 The append line ought to appear in the global section, so

Re: WARNING : libc6 Version: 2.0.7t-1 breaks resolv routines

1998-08-14 Thread john
Robert J. Alexander writes: The debugging I and a friend in IBM have been doing seem to pinpoint the resolver problems I had to the release of libc6 we just both upgraded to: Version: 2.0.7t-1 with this installed even if your /etc/nsswitch.conf and your /host.conf files point to /etc/hosts,

Re: removed from root nameservers

1998-08-14 Thread Bruce Perens
Note that Tim and I have both sent ACKs that we should be removed from those domains - I sent mine before the problem came up. Because of the snafu, we might have to go through that process another time. Also, moving the U.S. mail address requires a notarized document, it can't be done

Re: IRC: vhosts, clones, and bots

1998-08-14 Thread security
Anyone know how the IRC hosts keep track of the number of bots, clients, etc. are connected? Do they record the hostname or the IP? I only have 1 IP. If I create a bunch of hostnames pointing to my IP, how can I connect with those hostnames? You can't do this unless you are authorative

Re: 8013wc card

1998-08-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Kennedy Mutio wrote: : I am trying to find out the driver that the SMC card known as EtherCard : Plus Elite 16T (8013wc) uses.. I'm using Debian and I thought that it : would use the NE2000 driver because I've used this before with another but : different SMC card. :

Re: Burning Debian CDs with Windows/NT software

1998-08-14 Thread Jeremiah Cornelius
Salam Arifi! You need an iso9660 aware burning tool on NT. Don't listen to thoose who say this can't or shouldn't be done... I have Debian 2.0 Distribution and Contrib CD's I made on the the NT machine at work. You need to download this (free software):

Re: mbr package

1998-08-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Gregory T. Norris wrote: : I was wondering how hard it is to remove/replace the mbr package. We have : a single system running hamm, for which we want to disable the capability : of booting from a diskette. Currently we've disabled floppy-boot in the : BIOS, and

Netscape Navigator

1998-08-14 Thread Sheehan
Hello, i was wondering was there a .deb package for Netscape Navigator any where - I've looked at for it but all I found was some sort of install package - not actually netscape. I also tried looking in some of the FAQ's at, but nothing there either. Thanks Brian Sheehan

SOLVED: Xwrapper Netscape problems

1998-08-14 Thread Jeremiah Cornelius
Thanks to Patrick, and all for help here. In earlier debugging, I had inadvertantly deleted /etc/X11/X, and made this a symbolic link to the xserver (hard-linked to /usr/X11R6/bin/X). This is a good way to hose your setup with the wrapper! It's nice to see that Debian will just plain refuse to

Re: Netscape Navigator

1998-08-14 Thread Ehren Wilson
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Sheehan wrote: Hello, i was wondering was there a .deb package for Netscape Navigator any where - I've looked at for it but all I found was some sort of install package - not actually netscape. I also tried looking in some of the FAQ's at, but

Re: Netscape Navigator

1998-08-14 Thread Will Lowe
i was wondering was there a .deb package for Netscape Navigator any where - I've looked at for it but all I found was some sort of install package - not actually netscape. I also tried looking in some of the FAQ's at, but nothing there either. The netscape license

All of about to be banned.

1998-08-14 Thread Igor Grobman
In the last 3 weeks, the debian lists and their subscribers have been attacked by spammer(s) from Since the time I started handling spam for Debian, comprised about one third of the spam that Debian has gotten, but lately it has been darn close to 100%. This is too much, IMO,

Solved Re: 8013wc card

1998-08-14 Thread Kennedy Mutio
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote: On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Kennedy Mutio wrote: : I am trying to find out the driver that the SMC card known as EtherCard : Plus Elite 16T (8013wc) uses.. I'm using Debian and I thought that it : would use the NE2000 driver because I've used this

Re: mbr package

1998-08-14 Thread Liran Zvibel
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Gregory T. Norris wrote: I was wondering how hard it is to remove/replace the mbr package. We have a single system running hamm, for which we want to disable the capability of booting from a diskette. Currently we've disabled floppy-boot in the BIOS, and configured

New machine spec: any comments?

1998-08-14 Thread Tony Robinson
I'm planning on building several Debian/Linux compute and disk servers, the aim is for maximum remote workstation performance with no frills. The target hardware is: * Dual processor PII 400MHz (450MHz if they were available) * 512Mbyte or 1Gbyte RAM (likely to be limited by 4 slots at 128Mbyte)

Mud problems

1998-08-14 Thread David L. Kocher
Hi, I'm coding for a mud and I've run into some problems porting it to Debian... The write functions seems to be different... my previous declaration gave it's vars as (( int fd, char *buf, int nbyte )) The Debian declaration gives them as (( int fd, const char *bug, int nbyte )) When I

RE: Nuking damned scrambled consoles.

1998-08-14 Thread Hank Fay
Yup; it affects all vc's, just as you say. It looks like I need to reset the video card to another mode; the question is how. s My current approach is to nuke the partitions and start over. g Hank Using VFP: MS's OOP Production Tool

refocus photo?

1998-08-14 Thread Joost Witteveen
Hi, I've got (at least) one photo taken while the camera was moving. I'd really like to get rid of the vageness caused by this motion. I *know* it should be possible to get rid of this vagueness, but I've never actually seen a programme that does it (only the 'sharpen' options in the Gipm, xv,

dual boot hardware problem

1998-08-14 Thread Bob McGowan
I have a system I wish to set up for dual boot with WinNT and Debian. I have gotten the mini How-To for setting up the NT boot loader to access the Debian system, and have installed on the second partition of what I thought was my boot disk. But Debian thinks its on the second disk. I have a

kernel-image problem

1998-08-14 Thread Ralph Winslow
I've re-built my kernel so as to enable the sound card nad noe deselect(apt) wants desparately to upgrade my kernel-image to a newer version. I minused it, and now it asks to remove the kernel and when I decline, it gives a configuration error. How can I trick dselect into accepting my kernel

Keyboard problem

1998-08-14 Thread Stephen A. Witt
I'm having an intermittant but recurring problem with the keyboard of my computer. Every so often (maybe about 5 or 6 times a day), when I begin typing, the first keystroke that seems to be received is the ` key. Also, about every 30 days or so (although its done it twice today) the keyboards