Re: Grabaci?n de CD's

1999-09-30 Thread Nitebirz
Me parece que el libro oficial de FreeBSD escrito por Greg Lehey explica el origen del nombre. Aparentemente, la idea surgio durante una cena/almuerzo en un restaurante californiano del mismo nombre (El Torito) donde servian comida tex-mex. Ya que estaban discutiendo los detalles del sistema

Re: No funciona APT con el nuevo kernel?

1999-09-30 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Sep 28, 1999, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona... Tienes que borrar tambi'en /var/state/apt/cdroms.list. Luego haces un update y listo. El problema parece ser que los kernels nuevos identifican a los CDs de forma distinta que los antiguos. A mí me sigue dando problemas: # apt-cdrom -a -d


1999-09-30 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Sep 27, 1999, Fernando... Donde puedo conseguir un MAKEDEV actualizado ? Este paquete no tiene dependencias, bájate la versión de Potato. Saludos. -- Cosme ==

[off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-09-30 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos, os mando una cosilla que seguro que os gusta. Más de uno se habrá visto en una de estas. -Original Message- Subject: RV: graciosillo casos veridicos Estas son algunas anécdotas que recuerdo de cuando estaba al cargo del mantenimiento de las salas de ordenadores en

¿ que pasa con debian-user-spanish ?

1999-09-30 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
Pues eso, que no me llegan mensajes de esta lista ¿ esta por los suelos el servidor ?, ¿ me han tirado de la lista ? Un saludo. Alfredo.

Bug de Gnome?

1999-09-30 Thread yashan
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 BSD Hola gente antes que nada me presento soy Alejandro D. Yashan de Argentina hace unos 10 o 15 dias que me suscribi a la lista y dos meses mas o menos que uso Debian antes usaba Slackware, la cual use desde la 3.0 mas o menos, me parece una distro

Re: Problemas con CONSOLE_GROUP

1999-09-30 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Daniel H. Perez wrote: ... En teoria el login.defs deberia funcionar, pero tene en cuenta que si estas usando potado de esos temas ahora se encarga PAM fijate en /etc/pam.d/login ahi vas a tener que descomentar una linea mas o menos asi # auth optional y despues de

Re: alien: corrupted filesystem tarfile

1999-09-30 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
TooMany wrote: On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 07:55:14PM +, David Charro Ripa wrote: Hola lista: Estoy intentando instalar un base de datos que viene en formato rpm para RedHat6.0. Hago alien y me dice que el archivo esta corrupto. La primera vez he pensado que se trataba de un

Re: Mirror Debian

1999-09-30 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On 28/Sep/1999, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote: No se que pasa ultimamente, pero el mirror de Debian que hay en la Facultad de Informatica de la Coruña ( no me deja entrar. No se si es que han cambiado las restricciones de entrada o que está frito o que. Yo apostaría por

Re: Imprimir

1999-09-30 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Bueno: Por lo que parce solo tienes insalada la impresora lp, y la tienes instalada como postscript. Para poder imprimir archivos de texto plano directamente tienes que creear una impresora de texto plano, mas o menos en la mismo forma en que creaste la primera (modificar /etc/printcap y demas.)

Red windows sin servidor NT

1999-09-30 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Hola, Tenemos en mi casa una pequeña red (4 equipos) Windows funcionando como grupo de trabajo (lease no existe un servidor), y quisiera conectar mi equipo (con linux) como un cliente mas. Alguien puede recomendarme alguna lectura para comenzar, o darme un consejo? Gracias, Camilo Alejandro

Re: Red windows sin servidor NT

1999-09-30 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Hola, Tenemos en mi casa una pequeña red (4 equipos) Windows funcionando como grupo de trabajo (lease no existe un servidor), y quisiera conectar mi equipo (con linux) como un cliente mas. Alguien puede recomendarme alguna lectura para comenzar, o darme un consejo? Gracias, Camilo

Re: Grabaci?n de CD's

1999-09-30 Thread Daniel H. Perez
Hola * [990930 08:50] Nitebirz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia: Me parece que el libro oficial de FreeBSD escrito por Greg Lehey explica el origen del nombre. Aparentemente, la idea surgio durante una cena/almuerzo en un restaurante californiano del mismo nombre (El Torito) donde servian

Re: Potato

1999-09-30 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On Sep/28/1999, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote: Con respecto a GNOME en potato, todo se deber'ia estabilizar en unos d'ias, justo seg'uns ale la nueva versi'on estable de GNOME (1.40, si no estoy equivocado). Pero s'i, parece que ahora mismito hay un buen carajal montado.

kernel con soporte ipchains

1999-09-30 Thread Pablo Vazquez
estoy compilando un kernal 2.0.38 y nesecito que soporte ipchains lei que hay que patchearlo que parche le tengo que poner y dondo}e lo podre conseguir? desde ya muchas gracias __ FREE Email for ALL! Sign up at

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-30 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On 22 Sep 1999, RESET wrote: Por curiosidad, ¿de qué versión es tu du (y tamaño, si es posible)? rainman:~# du --version du (GNU fileutils) 3.16 rainman:~# which du /usr/bin/du rainman:~# ls -l /usr/bin/du -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root13004 jul 3 1998 /usr/bin/du 'tapronto Iñaki

Restricted Shell

1999-09-30 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola! Alguien por aquí preguntó por una restricted shell estilo rsh de otros UNIX. rbash. man bash y buscar RESTICTED para ver las restricciones que aplica. 'tapronto Iñaki Llona e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' Clave pública PGP:

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-30 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Antonio Castro wrote: No creo que sea problema del lastlog. Al fin y alcabo du proporciona una información correcta y otra erronea dependiendo de las opciones. Lo más lógico es que sea un bug del du. Por ejemplo que no cuente los caracteres '\0' o algo parecido. En

Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-09-30 Thread Ricard P.G.
Buenas, A ver, ando algo loco buscando documentacion para crear los dominios virtuales en sendmail (o sea, que un mismo ordenador lleve y y pueda recibir correo a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y [EMAIL PROTECTED] diferenciandolos y todo eso) La verdad es que a parte de este problema creo

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-09-30 Thread dfm
Me gustaría saber donde encontrar más de estas... están muy bien en general aunque a algunas juraría que le faltan palabras o el que las escribio tambien es medio suagili... ¿Sabeis donde ver una web con más anécdotas de estas o dónde sacarlas? Saludos Daniel

Re: Noticia del día...

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, TooMany wrote: Creo que ésto puede ser muy muy interesante: Inprise y Corel han juntado sus esfuerzos en potenciar Linux, reflejándose más que nada en el tema del Office de Corel, y lógicamente, herramientas de desarrollo de Borland/Inprise y demás progs de Corel... (a

Re: Potato

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Miquel wrote: Todav=EDa tendremos que o=EDr quien diga que se actualiza poco, s=F3lo porque no hay un CD cada mes con un nuevo debian en las revistas... ;-) Vale, me doy por aludido ;-) Cuando tenga superCable, haré mirrors semanales o mensuales y los venderé a la gente,

Re: Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-09-30 Thread Humberto . Morell
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Ricard P.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Dominios virtuales en el sendmail To:Lista de Debian Buenas, A ver, ando algo loco buscando documentacion para crear los

Re: Bug de Gnome?

1999-09-30 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, On jue, 30 sep 1999 07:20:25 you wrote: Hola gente antes que nada me presento soy Alejandro D. Yashan de Argentina hace unos 10 o 15 dias que me suscribi a la lista y dos meses mas o menos que uso Debian antes usaba Slackware, Bienvenido :-) en estos dias he leido en varios lado


1999-09-30 Thread Ruben Dario Rojas Perez
necesito aprender a configurar el squid lo tengo montado en linux red had 6.0 por favor cualquier ayuda es buena gracias espero respuesta

Re: Mirror Debian

1999-09-30 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote: No se que pasa ultimamente, pero el mirror de Debian que hay en la Facultad de Informatica de la Coruña ( no me deja Yo apostaría por lo segundo :-) No directamente, sino algún router o cacharro similar en

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-09-30 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 30 de sep de 1999, a las 05:48:50 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] va y dice: tambien es medio suagili... ¿Sabeis donde ver una web con más anécdotas de estas o dónde sacarlas? PD: please la próxima vez evita enviar otra vez el *todo* el msg

Re: ($BL5Bj(B)

1999-09-30 Thread Miquel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 El jue, sep 30, 1999 at 09:57:19 +0900 Mamoru Suzuki va dir: una pena no tener cargado el juego de caracteres japoneses, seguro que el mensaje era muy interesante a juzgar por el subject ;) (por cierto, como password a prueba del john the ripper no


1999-09-30 Thread Olafur Jens Sigurdsson
On 28. September 1999, Andrew L. Gould wrote: Petru NOTINGHER wrote: Hi. I use ppp to connect to my provider. When it connects, I can do ping, everything's OK. However, I can't do ftp or smtp or http; il lasts for years and nothing happens. When I run ftp, I get the message

Cron: daemon.log grep mail to root

1999-09-30 Thread bwarsing
Hi, I'm a newbie, butI need to set up cron to grep the auth attempts from /var/log/daemon.log and mail me (root) the results daily. Can anyone suggest a means of doing this? As it stands, it only logs weekly. As well, if there is anyone who can point me to some good info on using cron

Re: PAP Authentication Failed

1999-09-30 Thread addiction
Quoteth Olafur Jens Sigurdsson on Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 10:31:01PM +: On 25. September 1999, Wiz wrote: When i dial to my ISP i get PAP authentication failed. Whats wrong and how do i fix it? I use pppd, chat and have a dynamic IP-adress. Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]:

Any FAQ's on setting up a news server?

1999-09-30 Thread Charles Lewis
What are all the components I need in order to setup a news server so that I can connect from a remote computer. I currently have the nntp and cnews packages installed, although don't know what else to do to configure them or setup newsgroups. Do I also need suck? I can't seem to find any FAQ or

Re: .emacs setup question

1999-09-30 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
Sorry, I assumed that someone had already set this up and would know what stupid thing I missed without me having to go into any extra details. In the console when I type Ctrl-C Ctrl-C (Default View) RET View Command: dvi2tty -q -w 132 foo In X Ctrl-C Ctrl-C (Default View) RET View

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
[I don't know if you received an answer to this question, so here goes] Jonas == Jonas Steverud [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Jonas When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get Warning: Jonas /boot/ does not match kernel data. Jonas Is there some way of fixing

Re: ppp and proxy ARP?

1999-09-30 Thread John Hasler
Bruce Z. Lysik writes: I was looking through my ppp.log and I found this little line: Sep 29 13:04:27 fire pppd[15499]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP You can ignore it. -- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler) Dancing Horse Hill Elmwood, WI

Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
(1) Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of environment variables (I am running XFree- First of all : HOSTTYPE=i386-linux I have a Celeron 300A processor and have installed a new 2.2.12 kernel recently. Where is this variable getting set from ? How do I change

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Pollywog
On 30-Sep-99 Salman Ahmed wrote: If you are compiling the kernel by hand, then you need to copy the from that directory into /boot right after the kernel has been compiled. I am not sure but it might have to be named with the kernel version ie /boot/ That is what

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:39:48PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote: (1) Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of environment variables (I am running XFree- First of all : HOSTTYPE=i386-linux Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just pentiums.

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote: : : (1) : Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of : environment variables (I am running XFree- : : First of all : : : HOSTTYPE=i386-linux : : I have a Celeron 300A processor and have installed a new : 2.2.12

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
Ben == Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ben Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just Ben pentiums. You mean for the initial install off of the CDs (or whatever) ? But where is this env. var being set from ? Currently, it is not valid for my system since I am

Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread David Natkins
Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem.

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
Nathan == Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Nathan ... but the machine architecture is still i386, as in Intel Nathan CISC. Other machine architectures include m68k, powerpc, Nathan alpha, hp-ppa, etc. Nathan You don't need to worry about this. Ok, that makes sense. I

Re: Modem speed with

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
Christian == Christian Dysthe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Christian Hi, I am running Debian Potato with as dialer. I Christian am using a Diamond SupraExpress external modem (great modem Christian for Linux btw!) to connect to my two ISP's. Christian I have set

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:54:11PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote: Ben == Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ben Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just Ben pentiums. You mean for the initial install off of the CDs (or whatever) ? No I mean when the actual binaries

Apache segfaulting upon perl module load

1999-09-30 Thread Keith G. Murphy
I'm having a strange problem where apache is segfaulting when I start it. The only time I get the segfault is when loads an .so file, for example,, resulting from use DBI or use Apache::DBI in But use Apache::Status, resulting in loads of, et al, also

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Brad
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote: Nathan == Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack. Why Nathan waste

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
David Natkins wrote: Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem. -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null You can open the package list file with a text editor and fix the

re: dselect

1999-09-30 Thread Kjohn Sasitorn
I thought all my files were up to date and purged my cache (through dselect) and now it won't upgrade any packages because it says it can't find them. Any suggestions on how to remedy this problem?? Thanks. -ks

Re: Best Solution for PPP?

1999-09-30 Thread Mike Werner
Thanks for the reply, but it's still not working. My /etc/ppp/peers/provider: # This file was generated by pppconfig. You can edit the following lines # but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will # confuse pppconfig. noauth #pppconfig_noauth connect

Re: One last time: smail problem

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
Ooooh! Only a guess -- but make a crontab entry that runs every five minutes that runs runq. Probably it should run as 'mail', but I can't be sure. See what this does. :) On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:39:27AM -0500, David Kanter wrote: I'll post this problem one last time: I must type runq at the

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:02:51PM +0200, Jonas Steverud wrote: When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data. Is there some way of fixing this/get rid of the message? I've compiled the kernel myself and the messages started to

Re: Cron: daemon.log grep mail to root

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
The TrinityOS document has many good ideas in it, including cron stuff -- it is based on slackware, but you should be able to adapt parts of it without too much trouble. :) On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 04:03:33PM -0700, bwarsing wrote: Hi, I'm a newbie, but I need to set up cron to grep the auth

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
You want the HOSTTYPE to say i386, since your machine IS a 386-compatible chip. :) As for that environment variable, you could parse the output of: $ uname -rm 2.0.36 i686 And build it yourself... :) On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:39:48PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote: (1) Running Debian 2.1, I

dynamic IP and exim config (different from LG #43)

1999-09-30 Thread esoR ocsirF
Greetings, I have been tinkering with a different way of setting up exim/fetchmail/mutt so that I can get mail on a dynamically assigned IP but still act like a static email address. I have [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my ISP assigned email address. I have also set up exim to think that my personal

Re: Best Solution for PPP?

1999-09-30 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:44:21PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote: Thanks for the reply, but it's still not working. snip xanadu:~# ping PING ( 56 data bytes ping: sendto: Operation not permitted ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1 ping: sendto: Operation not

Install with floppies and NFS

1999-09-30 Thread Jordan Howarth
OK. I have finally got the laptop and the time. I went to to get resc1440.bin, plus associated others, and tried to cp it to floppy BUT ... Have floppies shrunk since this stuff was put onto the site? My floppy in 1.457 Kb but resc1440.bin is 1.475 Kb. How's a guy supposed to do a

Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
The XEmacs documentation seems to imply that it can open compressed files--that is, it will automatically uncompress them, let you edit, and then recompress if you made changes. But this doesn't work for me. Opening a *.gz file just shows me the compressed form. Is there something special I

Re: Install with floppies and NFS

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
Are you using rawrite or dd, or just a straight copy? A straight copy will never work, but a rawrite (from dos) or dd (under a unix) will do the job nicely. :) On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 01:37:11PM +1000, Jordan Howarth wrote: OK. I have finally got the laptop and the time. I went to

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Dan Everton
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 06:53:32PM -0700, Seth R Arnold wrote: On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:02:51PM +0200, Jonas Steverud wrote: When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data. Is there some way of fixing this/get rid of the

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Johan Ur Riise
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:35:03PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote: David Natkins wrote: Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem. You can open the package list file with a text editor and fix the

apt package listing error.

1999-09-30 Thread Marshal Wong
I was just using dselect to try to update my potato box, when I got this message while doing a [U]date. Reading Package Lists... Error! E: Malformed Priority line E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1) E: Problem with MergeList

Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
Kristopher == Kristopher Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Kristopher The XEmacs documentation seems to imply that it can open Kristopher compressed files--that is, it will automatically uncompress Kristopher them, let you edit, and then recompress if you made Kristopher changes.

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Herbert Ho
don't run apt-get update again. just go on about your business after that (e.g. apt-get upgrade) and you should be fine. i am. =) Herbert Ho On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Johan Ur Riise wrote: On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:35:03PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote: David Natkins wrote: Seems to

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Paul D. Smith
I'm surprised there isn't some kind of automated format checking tool that makes sure there are no syntax errors in the Packages file before it's allowed to be uploaded from Incoming into the dist area. As I understand it that process is automated for unstable and already-available packages, so

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote: [ snip ] : Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is : Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack. Why : Nathan waste those milliseconds? : : Would you be willing to explain the technicalities

apt-get newbie question

1999-09-30 Thread michael
Hi, I decided to upgrade my slink box to potato tonight, using apt-get (0.3.10) for the first time, but I've gotten stuck: My /etc/apt/sources.list consists of one line: deb unstable main contrib non-free I first ran apt-get update, which seemed to work

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack. Why Nathan waste those milliseconds? sa Would you be willing to explain the technicalities behind that ? Sounds

Re: apt-get newbie question

1999-09-30 Thread Brad
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 30 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I decided to upgrade my slink box to potato tonight, using apt-get (0.3.10) for the first time, but I've gotten stuck: My /etc/apt/sources.list consists of one line: deb

Strange apt-get behaviour...

1999-09-30 Thread umrenic2
Please respond to the above email as I only subscribe to the digest, and not the actual mailing list. Guys, I tried running apt-get on a potato system running kernel 2.2.12 this afternoon, and when it finished downloading the Packages.gz files, apt-get exited with this error message:

Sun classic

1999-09-30 Thread Oki DZ
Hi, I'm interested in installing Debian Linux on a Sun Classic. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Oki

ppp broken, log says: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean

1999-09-30 Thread David Karlin
Hello, Upon returning home from a trip, my slink box is no longer able to connect to my ISP. Up until the time I left, it had been working fine. I was even able to telnet (ssh) into the system for the first few days I was away. Fortunately/unfortunately, my win95 system is able to connect as

Re: apt package listing error.

1999-09-30 Thread Robbie Huffman
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 12:08:15AM -0400, Marshal Wong wrote: I was just using dselect to try to update my potato box, when I got this message while doing a [U]date. Reading Package Lists... Error! E: Malformed Priority line E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1) E:

Re: dynamic IP and exim config (different from LG #43)

1999-09-30 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 07:26:22PM -0700, esoR ocsirF wrote: I have [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my ISP assigned email address. I have also set up exim to think that my personal machine is ( If I understand the setup ). I run fetchmail to retrieve my mail and use mutt to read it. You're right

Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Art Lemasters
One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory) has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing so, a couple of times. For example, in the /home directory, one user directory permission looked thusly: drwxr-sr-x 16 user user 1024 Sep 29 18:00 user

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread William T Wilson
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Art Lemasters wrote: has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing so, a couple of times. For example, in the /home directory, one user This is fine. Depending on the user this may be helpful or even necessary. Is it a real human or a program that

Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote: On a somewhat related note : is it possible to view compressed (.gz) files with pagers like more/less ? I think I remember a thread about this either on this list or on some linux NG a while back except that I was paying attention at that time! zless,

Re: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-30 Thread George Bonser
I am kind of catching up on old email so I do not know if this problem got resolved but go into your BIOS and set the IDE controller to PIO Mode 3 or LOWER and it will work. This is a problem with some UDMA drives. I used to get them all the time ... constantly as a matter of fact until I turned

Re: Best API for g++?

1999-09-30 Thread Martin Waller
Try V - free, and portable to MS shite to if you have to do that stuff. Good tutorial, helpful mailing list (hosted by, so you can view the list archives from the debian web site). Martin What's the best API (GUI) for writing/generating C/C++ code

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Jens Ritter
Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory) has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing so, a couple of times. For example, in the /home directory, one user directory permission looked thusly:

Re: Device busy

1999-09-30 Thread Martin Waller
Make sure your not in the directory where it's mounted still, e.g. if your current dir is /where/cd_mounted you can't umount the CD as you're in that back to ~. Martin From: Sami Dalouche [EMAIL PROTECTED] Often, when I want to umount a filesystem (especially the CD-Rom), it

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
Check your /etc/suid.conf file, if you have one. :) On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:20:39PM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote: One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory) has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing so, a couple of times. For example, in

su username w/o password in potato

1999-09-30 Thread Remco van de Meent
Hi, With the 'old' secure-su package, one could su to a user without a password, when set up in /etc/suauth . I was using this quite a lot :) However, with the new PAMified packages, I cannot replicate this functionality, and I can't find information about how to do it... anyone? TIA, -Remco

icmplog: destination unreachable - what is it

1999-09-30 Thread Ingo Reimann
Hi, For some minutes now i get some strange messages in my syslog: Sep 30 11:10:01 convert icmplog: destination unreachable from COMSRV03.UNI-MUENSTER.DE Sep 30 11:10:31 convert last message repeated 2233 times Sep 30 11:11:31 convert last message repeated 3266 times Sep 30 11:12:31 convert last

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:20:39PM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote: One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory) has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing so, a couple of times. For example, in the /home directory, one user directory permission

Re: Sun classic

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 12:35:40PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote: Hi, I'm interested in installing Debian Linux on a Sun Classic. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Oki There is an install text in /debian/dists/slink/main/disks-sparc. Most likely you will want to download the

Re: su username w/o password in potato

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 11:13:59AM +0200, Remco van de Meent wrote: Hi, With the 'old' secure-su package, one could su to a user without a password, when set up in /etc/suauth . I was using this quite a lot :) However, with the new PAMified packages, I cannot replicate this

where is /proc/asound?

1999-09-30 Thread rnewton3
Hallo all, I've just installed slink on my laptop and I'm trying to use the ALSA. Do you need to do any special configureation for ALSA? I've just got a vanilla system and a custom kernel ( still 2.0.36 though) and ALSA just doesn't work. I don't appear to have a /proc/asound directory and

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Marcus Johansson
( two occurrences of optionnal changed to optional) and rerunning apt-get update, the file is downloaded again and I am where I started. Try: # apt-get check That might fix the problem, not sure. /Marcus

fvwm with WM dockable apps

1999-09-30 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi, Ok, call me old fashioned. But I still like fvwm these days among so many windows managers. fvwm does not seem to be able to remeber the window's geometry, and WM dockable apss does not seem to have a -geometry option. Is there any way to tell fvwm to

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Ed Cogburn
Johan Ur Riise wrote: On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:35:03PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote: David Natkins wrote: Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem. You can open the package list

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread peter karlsson
Salman Ahmed: But where is this env. var being set from ? It's not even an environment variable, but rather an internal bash variable. -- \\// peter - - and God said: nohup make World World.log

Re: Sun classic

1999-09-30 Thread Andrew Hately
Ben Collins wrote: On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 12:35:40PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote: Hi, I'm interested in installing Debian Linux on a Sun Classic. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Oki There is an install text in /debian/dists/slink/main/disks-sparc. Most likely you

Re: su username w/o password in potato

1999-09-30 Thread peter karlsson
However, with the new PAMified packages, I cannot replicate this functionality, and I can't find information about how to do it... anyone? /etc/pam.d/su: # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation) auth sufficient -- \\// peter -

Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 30 Sep, Johann Spies wrote about Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote: On a somewhat related note : is it possible to view compressed (.gz) files with pagers like more/less ? I think I remember a thread about this either on this list or on some

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Brian Servis
The first two variables are set by the shell and are determined either at compile time or by the environment it starts up in. Read the man page for your shell. For bash it says the following: HOSTTYPE Automatically set to a string that uniquely

Re: Kernel upgrades = security upgrades - a possible solution?

1999-09-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Marcin Owsiany ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:24:54PM +0300, Martin Fluch wrote: On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Marcin Owsiany wrote: I guess this kind of kernel packages would be for people quite concerned about security but also quite lazy :) I guess, this is

daylight savings

1999-09-30 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
Hi, Where can I see the settings for daylight savings? That is, in Brazil, unfortunately, our daylight saving day changes from year to year, and as a consequence, some times my date is wrong for 1 or 2 days till it changes. We'll have a change in Oct, 3. Where can I see

info2www not finding icons

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
I have dwww and info2www installed, using apache. The pages returned by info2www don't have any pictures in them. The image files are in /usr/share/doc/info2www (next.gif, prev.gif, up.gif, etc.). The info2www-generated pages have IMG tags that look like IMG SRC=/doc/info2www/infodoc.jpg. But

Re: Modem speed

1999-09-30 Thread Marc Mongeon
Christian: The Cisco AS5200 does contain a bank of modems-- if your Windows machine is getting 42000bps, then they're likely 56K modems. Are the Windows and Linux machines calling on the same phone line? They're calling the same phone number, right? To verify that Linux isn't mis-reporting the

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Marcus Johansson wrote: Try: # apt-get check That might fix the problem, not sure. /Marcus No, apt-get check doesn't fix it. The file corruption prevents apt-get from doing anything. - Kris

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