That didn't fix it. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
fingers's Profile:
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Ok... I think I found it and deleted the ID3v1 tags in the particular
albums in question. I am re-scanning the libary now and keeping my
fingers crossed ;)
fingers's Profile:
fingers Wrote:
> However, I am not able to remove the ID3v1 tags.
Configure Mp3tag in Options. Essentially you want to leave ID3v2 but
remove all other types (you may want to keep APEv2 if you use MP3Gain).
Then once you have that configured, press the delete tags button, the
red "X".
I'm awa
ceejay Wrote:
> OK, I don't use godfather myself but I know others do. As for that
> annoying behaviour of mp3tag - its very easy to fix: it remembers the
> last directory you were looking at when it next starts up, so all you
> have to do is point it at a single CD directory, say, before you cl
fingers Wrote:
> Is there any new news on this issue? How does one get in touch with
> SlimDevices support?
Here you go:
aubuti's Profile:
Is there any new news on this issue? How does one get in touch with
SlimDevices support?
fingers's Profile:
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ceejay Wrote:
> OAs for that annoying behaviour of mp3tag - its very easy to fix: it
> remembers the last directory you were looking at when it next starts
> up, so all you have to do is point it at a single CD directory, say,
> before you close it down.
Actually you can specify the directory it
ceejay Wrote:
> To aswer the mp3tag question: in the options dialog, tags/mp3 section,
> you tick the box that says "remove ID3v1 tags". OK the dialog. Then
> select the relevant files and click the "remove tag" button (red X). It
> will remove the v1 tags !
Got it. Thanks!
ceejay Wrote:
> Fingers - did re-ripping with just v2 tags solve your problem?
> Ceejay.
Instead of ripping into seperate .mp3 files this time I ripped it into
one. The reason is that the album is a continuous Trance/Dance album
where each track melds into the next. This causes them t
Its not so much that slimserver objects whenever v1 and v2 tags are
present (I have quite a few tracks with both), its just that the
behaviour may not be what you expect if both tags are present and they
contain different information. Some people here before have found this
an explanation of unex
aubuti Wrote:
> Sorry for jumping in here, but first, thanks ceejay for explaining this
> tip, which is a big help to me. Second, I don't see how where in the
> Tools / Options menus I can delete the ID3v1 tags. There are various
> options for Read, Write, and Remove different kinds of tags, but
ceejay Wrote:
> 2 - check that you don't have both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in your file -
> slimserver really doesn't like this. I don't know how you do this in
> The godfather, but in mp3tag you:
> - from the menu, View - Customise columns
> - click the star button in the middle of the dialog box t
fingers Wrote:
> Not sure what you mean by this as MP3tag doesn't list all the album
> folders (at least by default). It lists all the .mp3 files total. I
> don't see what you are describing here or how to change the app so that
> it displays the album folders as does Godfather and also ID3TagI
I also downloaded and installed ID3TagIT3. It also shows the track tags
EZ CD-DA Extractor has the option to ENABLE ID3V1 & ID3V2. Both are
enabled by DEFAULT. Which one should I select when ripping?
Here's something new. As the album in question here is an
Ambience/Dance compilat
OK, I don't use godfather myself but I know others do. As for that
annoying behaviour of mp3tag - its very easy to fix: it remembers the
last directory you were looking at when it next starts up, so all you
have to do is point it at a single CD directory, say, before you close
it down. I rarely
The format is MP3. I am using a program called THE GODFATHER to confirm
the tag values. I have tried Mp3Tag before but found that it rescans
the music folder each and everytime it is launched which takes a
considerable amount of time. It also is much more combersome to use
than The Godfather (ha
fingers Wrote:
> probably not as puzzled as me ;)
> I am pretty much a newbie at all of this. I have confirmed that the ID
> tags do show 2 digits per track (01, 02, 03 etc). Is there a
> configuration setting within SlimServer that I can order the tracks by?
No, there is no configuration s
probably not as puzzled as me ;)
I am pretty much a newbie at all of this.
fingers's Profile:
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fingers Wrote:
> My tags are setup as follows: \\ -
> . Can you please explain what I need to change in order to have
> a leading 0 in front of the single digit track numbers?
> Thanks
I'm puzzled by this comment - this sounds like you're describing the
file path (directories and file
Hey ceejay, I am using method 2, browsing via Artwork to the album and
playing. As I mentioned earler, when I browse to the album and open
it, all the tracks display in correct order. However, when I tell it
to play is when the order is not in sync. I did check the tags and
they have the correc
fingers Wrote:
> u this is more than greek to me. The ripper is Easy CD-DA
> Extractor.
First question then - how are you finding the album to be able to play
it? Are you
(1) using Browse Music folder to navigate through your directory
structure till you find the folder that has the
u this is more than greek to me. The ripper is Easy CD-DA
fingers's Profile:
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If you play from the Browse Music Folder, it does that: it deliberately
ignores tags (you did ask to look at the folder structure..) so
filenames matter.
Your ripper -should- number things with leading 0's so that they sort
correctly even when looked at in the plain directory order.
What ripper
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