Re: [expert] Re-installing Linux -- Easy way to save accounts??

1999-11-08 Thread Denis Havlik
ll the window-manager, otherwise you can just wait until the whole memory gets exhousted and it crashes on its own. Easiest way to avoid this is simply removing the .gimp dirs, so that it gets re-made on next gimp start. cu Denis --------- Mag.

Re: [expert] Is kfm broken?

1999-11-08 Thread Denis Havlik
directory" full of the "subdirectories". These "subdirs" all have names of the form "NUMBER package_name". cu Denis ----- Mag. Denis Havlik University of V

[expert] strange remote printing problem

1999-11-08 Thread Denis Havlik
Hi I admit that I do not understand much about the lpd. I hope someone does... If i submitt a job to a printer localy with "lpr -Pfax -C123456, a file with: Proot Jfax.txt C123456 Lroot Nfax.txt

[expert] strange remote printing problem, part 2

1999-11-08 Thread Denis Havlik
My printing problem has become even wierder... If I submit a print-job to a remote machine, "cf*" and "df*" files appear in the spool directory with: -rw-rw 1 root root rw-rw On the other hand, if I submitt a job to a local machine, it is submitted as : -rw-rw 1 bin

Re: [expert] Problem with Pine (Pseudo-message problem)

1999-11-07 Thread Denis Havlik
features (especially the pop server) at a later time. Can anyone tell me :how to get bash to ignore the pseudo-message when deciding if you have :new mail. "YOU HAVE MAIL" != "YOU HAVE NEW MAIL" I do not see the problem. cu Denis ----

Re: [expert] Re-installing Linux -- Easy way to save accounts??

1999-11-07 Thread Denis Havlik
t;old" nad "new" files. You could also simply copy "old" over "new" files, but it is better to actually SEE what you do. cu Denis ------- Denis Havlik |||

[expert] star office balad (part X)

1999-11-03 Thread Denis Havlik
did not have this kind of problems with clients running RH 6.0 - maybe the problem is with SO5.1-a and 2.2.13 kernel? I tried installing the kernel update, but packages seam to be broken somehow- vmware does not like them at all... ideas anyone? Denis ---

Re: [expert] Sendmail configuration and PPP

1999-11-03 Thread Denis Havlik
m this host, even if we masquerade CEroot cu Denis ------- Denis Havlik ||| (@ @) [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] fax

1999-11-02 Thread Denis Havlik
(besides, "linuxconf" offers sendmail+mgetty/sendfax integration, which is something i would like to have. Is hylafax "better" than mgetty+sendfax and in which respect? cu Denis --------- Mag. Denis Havlik http://www.ap.univi

Re: [expert] Russian fonts in KMail (fwd)

1999-11-02 Thread Denis Havlik
Below is the summary from an expert .-) It is in croatian - i have translated the most important part. Basically, it boils to "wait for KDE-2". -- Forwarded message -- On Tue, 02 Nov 1999, Denis Havlik wrote: Znas stogod o ovome? Da. KMail ne moze slati pisma s

Re: [expert] Printer Woes-bug and lsmod

1999-11-02 Thread Denis Havlik
I can sing a ballade about current lpr-bugs... This is becomming utterly annoying - i have been using linux for 5 years and NEVER BEFORE have i seen such a grave bug (or is it better to say "such a beautifull bug-zoo"?) persisting for such a long time in any linux distribution. One of the

[expert] kernel-update+ vmware = YAP

1999-11-02 Thread Denis Havlik
(yet another problem) I have just updated the kernel, kernel-headers and kernel-sources. Guess what - vmware (1.1) does not work anymore. It refuses to make the new vmware-modules with words: probably there is a small difference between your kernel-sources and the running kernel. Try

[expert] fax

1999-11-01 Thread Denis Havlik
n my libstdc++2.9.0 package (standard Mandrake 6.1) Is this library just a symlink to something or is it really missing? cu Denis ------- Denis Havlik ||| (@ @) [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Netscape 4.7 Java freezes!

1999-10-31 Thread Denis Havlik
:~Dear friends: :~ :~I am using Mandrake 6.1 and the brand-new Oct. 29, 1999 Netscape 4.7 :~(all :~three files) from (linux/Mandrake/update/6.1). :~Everything is fine, but I am having problem with the Java. On certain :~sites, it starts (Java starting), then the progress bar on

Re: [expert] Cron

1999-10-31 Thread Denis Havlik
:~Crontab goes in /etc. Then there's a "cron.daily," "cron.hourly," :~etc :-) This is only for root. If you need a cron as a user, /etc/crontab co are a no-no try reading the "man crontab" cu Denis -------

Re: [expert] Star Office 5.1 weirdness

1999-10-30 Thread Denis Havlik
it first time. I will find the problem eventually, just wanted to know if it is a "known" one... If not, it must be something with my instalation... cu Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University

Re: [expert] perl modules as RPMs

1999-10-30 Thread Denis Havlik
it yourself for most of the things. cu Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179

Re: [expert] Slackware Vs Mandrake - Who is better?

1999-10-29 Thread Denis Havlik
eed... cu Denis -- Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

[expert] Star Office 5.1 weirdness

1999-10-29 Thread Denis Havlik
lled it from the same tgz package. It is possible that my M. are not installed properly (i made update from RH xy versions, followed with "rpm -Fh --oldpackage *" to get rid of the RH packages), but everything else works OK. Any sugestions? cu Denis ---

Re: [expert] HP LaserJet 4/5/6 driver?

1999-10-29 Thread Denis Havlik
ng has changed a lot from the 2.0.x to 2.2.x kernels... I had some problems with printer-ports too. cu Denis --------- Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAI

[expert] redhat convert...

1999-10-28 Thread Denis Havlik
Hi I have just converted several RH X.Y machines to Mandrake 6.1. It was/is an interesting expirience... First the "good news": i like the Mandrake, will probably stay with it for a while. It is very similar to redhat, and i have not expirienced any compatibility problems yet. Actually findina

Re: [expert] Re:

1999-01-17 Thread Denis Havlik
fully found out. The worse of all is that some of the bugs which appear after an "Upgrade" from RH X.Y to Mandrake 6.1 are very subtle, and not easy to find and eliminate later. cheers Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

[expert] two bugs in M6.1 and a whish

1999-01-17 Thread Denis Havlik
ly subscribe both of them, or where to post in order to reach both developers and "experts". - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Corel Linux

1999-01-17 Thread Denis Havlik
... Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

[expert] Re: [expert] Problme de configuration ALIAS IP

1999-01-16 Thread Denis Havlik
lessons for me? cu Denis --- Denis Havlik ||| (@ @) [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] how do I allow users to ftp in

1999-01-16 Thread Denis Havlik
file. What is a problem with copying the passwd+shadow? By the way, could someone explain me what are the MD5 passwords? D. - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [expert] lp doesn't delete jobs

1999-01-16 Thread Denis Havlik
te the filter in order to use the "-J" instead if "-C", only to realise that the filter does not get this information on its STDIN, and cannot read the "cf*" files because they are owned by root and have 660 permissions. Does anybody know what can be done here? cheers

Re: [expert] Logitech Scanman Color

1999-01-16 Thread Denis Havlik
page few days ago. Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Re: [expert] Problème de configuration ALIAS IP

1999-01-16 Thread Denis Havlik
address. What would I gain by actually hawing TWO ip-addresses at the same interface? Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria

Re: [expert] Configuring PINE -- Last step

1999-01-04 Thread Denis Havlik
:~I have not yet figured out how to configure the printer for Pine, which :~must be done from within Pine (Setup, Configure Printer), but you can :~always export any message to your home directory and then print it from :~there. I like using "enscript" for that. Your mileage may vary. Below is

Re: [expert] Internet Mail?

1999-01-04 Thread Denis Havlik
- Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Remove core magically -- Opinion

1999-01-04 Thread Denis Havlik
. cu Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Configuring PINE -- Last step

1999-01-04 Thread Denis Havlik
uot;local" is just for me... So you have to put the name of your printer instead. What I do not understand is why don't you let pine do the configuration for you? Configure/Printer - fill in hte blanks. cu Denis - Mag. Deni

Re: [expert] Copying user accounts

1999-01-04 Thread Denis Havlik
:~Sure does! Thx! Wasn't sure, if there is something else to worry about. Sure. End of the world is nearing .-) cu Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: [expert] Academia

1999-01-03 Thread Denis Havlik
M$ word format is a "standard", you are DOA with anything but M$ stuff. cu Denis ------- Denis Havlik ||| (@ @) [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] fax

1999-01-03 Thread Denis Havlik
Denis PS. Has anybody got the "KSendfax" working? ------- Denis Havlik ||| (@ @) [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Sendmail configuration and PPP

1999-01-02 Thread Denis Havlik
Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Sendmail configuration and PPP

1999-01-02 Thread Denis Havlik
- Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

Re: [expert] Sendmail configuration and PPP

1999-01-02 Thread Denis Havlik
ise you will end up with higher telephone bills and problems with anti-spam checks all over the place. cu Denis - Mag. Denis Havlik University of Vienna||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Austria(@ @) tel: (++431) 4277/51179 ---oOO--(_)--OOo-

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