Re: extreme prices for non-extreme Airport cards

2004-09-06 Thread gf sciacca
Just for the record... there are USB Wireless cards that work with iBooks and perhaps other machines that don't have PCMCIA slots but do have USB. I have the D-Link DWL-122 USB Wireless Adapter. Comes with drivers for Mac OS X 10.2 and up (also Windows 98 and up) Works fine and cost $39.95

Re: Lombard speed-up/optimization

2004-08-18 Thread gf sciacca
Hello, I have a Lombard 333mhz with 128mb ram, 4.3gb I am currently running Mac OS 9.2.2 on it, and it runs very well. I have tried a Mac OS 10.3.5 panther install, but it was fairly sluggish to use. I am thinking of trying out Mac OS 10.0.4 or 10.1.5. Does anyone have any

Re: PB (10.3.5) to VCR/TV display

2004-08-14 Thread gf sciacca
I have an S-Video to RCA adapter (which came with my Dell laptop). I have a cable with 3-prongs (white/red/yellow) on each end. I plugged the yellow into the VCR in RCA jack and plugged the other end into the SVideo to RCA adapter and plugged that into my Powerbook. I rebooted the

OT: Address Book import from Netscape

2004-07-09 Thread gf sciacca
I finally decided to switch permanently to Address Book and exported my current contacts from Netscape as .ldif file in Panther. Upon importing into Address Book, however, I got only a small fraction of the contacts imported. At first glance, it appears as it imported only the contacts which have

D-Link USB wireless stick and Panther

2004-07-03 Thread gf sciacca
I've tried the D-Link forum to no avail, so I turn this to the G-list, hoping that someone has some experience with this wireless setup: I've tried a D-Link DWL-122 USB wireless adapter (stick) on my Lombard 333, OS 10.3.4. The D-link driver (V 1.3.1) officially supports OS 10.3.2, this may or

Re: Powerbook overheating badly

2004-06-11 Thread gf sciacca
i has a similar issue just recently with my Lombard. In this instance overheating was caused by the HD continuously seeking even in sleep mode (one could hear it). The machine however behaved normally if logging in under a different, newly created user. You might want to try this step as well

How to force shut down? (was: HD in Lombard running hot)

2004-05-27 Thread gf sciacca
I'm now stuck with a OS X installer CD as the only device the Lombard will start up from, the HD has disappeared altogheter from the installer and disk utility options and is quite hot, which indicates some weird activity inside. The question now is: how do I force a shut down in order to pull out

Re: HD in Lombard running hot

2004-05-26 Thread gf sciacca
From your Model# above, I'd say you have a Travelstar 40GNX 40GB drive. If that's the case, then Transintl says it has a 3-year warranty: ut=500 I was just reading recently where several people have had problems with

HD in Lombard running hot

2004-05-19 Thread gf sciacca
I left the Lombard sleeping yesterday (it was inactive most of the day) and today in the morning I found it very hot. The HD (hitachi travestal 40 GB, 5400 rpm, just over 1 year old), which I normally do not hear, was making some noise, a regular noise, as if it were stuck searching some data or

Re: HD in Lombard running hot

2004-05-19 Thread gf sciacca
That sounds like the hard disk. Might be a good idea to make backup of your important data. -Laurent. yep, done that. the issue is still there. Now I'll be away until monday, then I will pick up any other possible suggestions that will be posted and will report. thanks, gianfranco --

Re: iBook key pops off

2004-05-11 Thread gf sciacca
The shift key on my iBook popped off. It looks as if I should be able to pop it back on, but I can't seem to get it to lock in place. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, any tips that you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. If by key you mean the keycap, I've actually

Re: Thought I was ready to buy... OS 9 compatible computers

2004-05-11 Thread gf sciacca
I thought I was ready to buy a refurbished G4, 1GHz, 25, 40, SuperDrive from Apple for $1199 snip -What is the latest PB to boot in OS9? If the model above ia a Titanium PowerBook (as I think, given the price and the HD size), this exactly what you want, the latest model to boot in OS 9

Re: Installing OS X on USB external hard drive?

2004-05-04 Thread gf sciacca
I think it would be technically possible to boot from a USB extedrnal drive, but I imagine that the setup would run OS X very poorly. I second other previous recommendations and would suggest to upgrade the internal drive. I've done that myself (it's very easy) on a 333 Lombard and given new life

Re: iBook HD wierdness

2004-05-02 Thread gf sciacca
I've had exactly the opposite problem of yours, trying to install OS 9.2 coming with the same iBook as yours on a Lonbard and a TiBook 1GHz. I get the message this program cannot run on this computer. The workaround is make a copy of the OS 9 after having installed it fresh on the iBook, then

Re: password reset in Panther

2004-05-01 Thread gf sciacca
I've booted from the Panther disk following Apple directions, and reset both user and root password to new values, but I can't still log on. After this a new, uspecified user has appeared at the lon-on window, Thanks Bruce for your feedback. I've actually tried again a pwd reset from the

password reset in Panther

2004-04-29 Thread gf sciacca
All of a sudden both my root and user password no longer work (OS 10.3.2). I might have input the wrong pwd three times, although I'm not really sure about that. After that I had the TiBook rest for a week as I was on vacation and was hoping that the old password would work again (it used to do

iBook+iMac to share modem connection?

2004-02-26 Thread gf sciacca
I'm new to networking and wireless and had this question posed by my brother. He is on modem dial-up on his G3 iMac and wants to share the connection wirelessly with a new 1GHz iBook he's just got. What does he need there? Airport card on the iBook (not necessarily extreme, I guess, or does the

Re: findbycontent

2004-02-13 Thread gf sciacca
I've had the same problem on the Lombard 333 and found the culprits to be Netscape/Mozilla cache files (which were encripted). I wiped them clean and was able to index, albeit not in a blitz (it took some time). On the 1GHz TiBook, indexing is fast even with fully loades cache. You might want to

deleted data recovery: urgent help needed

2004-02-05 Thread gf sciacca
so as it happens, I've accidentally trashed the entire content of a partition holding an ongoing project on my TiBook under X.3.2. I've trashed it and emptied the trash by accident. One or two files contained data I have no backup of since a about a week, meaning that a lot of work is lost. I

Re: Trying to boot Wallstreet from external SCSI disk

2004-02-04 Thread gf sciacca
In OS 9.1 I can boot from a bootable Jaz disk connected to my Wall Street via the HDI-30 SCSI adapter by holding down the Option+Cmd+Delete+Shift keys. mmm.. it seems to make it do something differently - instead of the floating SCSI icon indicating target disk mode I get a pure white

DVI to VGA cable

2004-01-31 Thread gf sciacca
So, finally someone nicked the DVI-VGA cable I use to hook up my TiBook to an external monitor. I'm pressed to get a replacement and I'd like to know if the apple cable is strictly necessary or could I could pull any such cable (any brand) off ebay? The question may sound stupid, but I figured I'd

FW disk mode crashed host

2004-01-26 Thread gf sciacca
I have hooked up a 1 GHz TiBook (OS 10.3.2) in FW disk mode to a Lombard 333 (10.2.8) via PC card FW. This connection kept crashing the Lombard. I was only able to transfer small amounts of data at one time, but sooner or later it would crash. This surprised me, as I had previously connected a 700

Re: Panther won't boot - shell

2004-01-23 Thread gf sciacca
thanks everyone for their insights. I had gone already some steps towards the strategy suggested by Laurent, so I didn't loose any data. Was certainly not very wise on my side to use the OS 9 version to repair OS X directories. So, don't do it folks! cheers, gianfranco -- G-Books is sponsored

Re: how to boot a pismo

2004-01-23 Thread gf sciacca
I recently came into a pismo that doesn't have a dvd or cd drive and needs a system installed onto it. I have no external firewire hard drive to install a system and the only firewire disc drive I have is a burner that is not bootable. I do have a wallstreet, but is there a way to install a

Re: Panther won't boot - shell

2004-01-21 Thread gf sciacca
any idea about how to recover without having to re-install? Since I have access to the partition via the shell when trying to boot on it, there's perhaps a simple way? Two more things: Files on /private/etc/ (such as the affected master.passwd) are hidden files and I can't access them booting

Re: Panther won't boot - shell

2004-01-21 Thread gf sciacca
I also suspect that archive and install won't work, so I'm going ahead with a clean install, after backing up the book in FireWire mode My question to the list now is (perhaps I should have changed the subject?): I've read many bad accounts about Norton Utilities, is it really that bad? I have

Panther won't boot - shell

2004-01-20 Thread gf sciacca
Just got the first problematic experience with Panther (TiBook 1 GHz). After finishing setting up the OS 9 partition (which I do need right now), I ran Norton on the OS X partition as minor problems were prompted by File Saver. These were repaired, then I defrag'd and upon re-booting to X.3.2, I

Subject: Lombard L2 failure, was Re: Lombard cooling fan

2004-01-18 Thread gf sciacca
Does anyone know what the determining factors are for the cooling fan in a Lombard to run? What controls it? How to test it? The reason I'm asking is that my Lombard 333 (O/C'd to 433) with 512 MB running X.3.2 has been running at 100% CPU and heavy disk and CD activity for about an hour now

Subject: Re: RAM needed for OS X on Lombard

2004-01-18 Thread gf sciacca
I was thinking about getting a 256 and using it with my 128 for a total of 384. Think that would be enough? And I'm sure this problem has been discussed before, but I have heard often that any more than 256 megs of RAM in a Lombard causes problems with OS X. Should this still be a concern,

Re: Fwd: OSX won't let me boot OS9

2004-01-18 Thread gf sciacca
- I have a Wallstreet 266 mhz and I finally got a big enough hard drive - for something besides OS9. I put OS9 on the second partition, then - installed OSX on the first partition of 7.5 gigs, and after that it - wouldn't let me boot into OS9. What am I doing wrong? - Have you tried

Re: OS 10.2 Jaguar modem problem reported

2004-01-08 Thread gf sciacca
I'm not sure this is entirely related, but I have also reported a couple of weeks ago an internal modem problem on a Lombard under OS 10.2.8, but got no replies. I have not tried a dial-up connection as I'm on DSL since installing OS X, running fine and afraid to disrupt the harmony, but when

OS X Mail problem on Lombard

2004-01-05 Thread gf sciacca
hello and best wishes for this new year to you all! I run OS 10.2.8 on a Lombard 333, 384 MB RAM and I have an irritating problem when using OS X Mail: it runs generally ok, but as soon as I hit one of the menus, the rotating wheel start spinning and I'm stuck for a time ranging from one to a few

powerbook G4 keyboards

2003-12-25 Thread gf sciacca
Are keyboards with different layouts (US / German / Italian etc.) simply interchangable for the G4 powerbooks? cheers, gianfranco -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished Drives | -- Check our web site for

Lombard int. modem puzzle

2003-12-25 Thread gf sciacca
hello, while I can use FAXstf on my Lombard 333 under OS 9.2.2 just fine, I can't under OS 10.2.8. The internal modem does not show up in Print Center and Modem Center. Also I can't find any mention of the modem running System Profiler in both OS 9 and X. I'm puzzled, as i was positively sure

Lombard + SCSI (was: Lombard won't boot up)

2003-11-17 Thread gf sciacca
I have a Jaz drive, an ancient Apple CD drive and a Plextor burner hooked up smoothly via SCSI to my Lombard 333, OS 10.2.8. I haven't tried to burn as of yet, though it should not pose a problem, as CDs are mounted ok on the Plextor. The only minor problem I've noticed, just yesterday, is that a

Re: Last iBook/PowerBook that starts up on OS9?

2003-11-16 Thread gf sciacca
whuups, my understanding was that new AlBooks or the 1GHz TiBook won't run Classic at all? Have I completely mis-read that? (so I hope!). Does Panther include Classic mode as well? And by the way, where Airport range problems fixed with the 1 GHz 15 TiBook? cheers, gianfranco The benefit I

Re: frequent freezes?

2003-11-02 Thread gf sciacca
I have a lombard 333mhz running sys 9.2.2 but it is having frequent freezes. Any idea what could be the cause? I have a similar problem. I found out (with DiskLight) it is related in my case to the external JAZ SCSI drive. I does not occour in OSX and it seems to be relaetd to drive spin down

international keyboards

2003-10-23 Thread gf sciacca
dear listers, I'm slightly confused concerning the following issue, any advice from experts will be greatly appreciated: say i want to convert a German or French keyboard to a US or UK one on a PB G3 or G4. Is it sufficient to set the appropriate keyboard layout from the system, then swap the

PCMCIA Card FireWire question

2003-07-14 Thread gf sciacca
Are there any performance issues concerning PCMCIA FireWire against built in FireWire on a G3 Powerbook? I'm willing to use a Lombard 333 with a MOTU FirwWire audio interface (828 MKII) for HD recording and I was warned by a vendor about possible hitces with PCMCIA FireWire and OS 9.x. He was not

Lombard HD upgrade: IBM Vs. Toshiba

2003-07-11 Thread gf sciacca
hello list, I've read great reports from this list about the IBM (Hitachi) Travelstar 40GNX (5400 rpm) and I wonder if anyone would know how it compares to the Toshiba 40 GAX (also 5400 rpm but 16 MB cache as opposed to 8 MB of the IBM). I was about to shell out for the 40GNX, but the 40GAX comes