g_b Dostana!

2009-01-05 Thread Ridgeet Roy
Dostana! It's not exactly a review of the latest Hindi Movie that caused quite a spur with its urban expat lifestyle statement, or the apparent homosexual theme (if thats a theme that is, though I do congratulate some of the dialogues that was there), or even more for that kiss between the

g_b [Ridgeet Writes ...] Dostana!

2009-01-05 Thread The World of Ridgeet Roy
all the cynics will agree that no matter what brought them together and what made them to continue at first, it was friendship that survived the test of time.(Dedicated to my own Fag Hag, PP, whose embarking on a new journey in her life) -- Posted By The World of Ridgeet Roy to Ridgeet Writes

g_b The 2009 Wishlist

2009-01-04 Thread Ridgeet Roy
The 2009 WishList... Finally the issue with the Blog Posting got resolved... These past many months it was tough not to express all that I wanted to write... God help the Google Team 4 having the document model for us to scribble notes as and when we want... Well, I promise to all those who

g_b SWOT Of Gays

2006-01-13 Thread ridgeet roy
StrengthsHigh Creative Quotient Compassion Empathy towards friends and family Better Dressing Sense Dedication in relationship Sense of Style WeaknessesLess commitment Strong sexual drive Closeted OpportunitiesRedefining relationships and parenthood Fashion, Entertainment,

g_b Raising Tom ...

2006-01-11 Thread ridgeet roy
As a single GAY parent, or as a couple, does one dread that moment when the explanantion about dad and dad, or mom and mom, is due? I remember asking someone if it had been difficult explaining to his adolescent daughter whothose uncles were, the ones who often spend the night in dad's

g_b Freak, Frisk, Fright, Fantasy...

2006-01-10 Thread ridgeet roy
FreakEver felt bugged by that constant whining of a certain online entity ? or the constant pop up asking for sex inspite of telling him the last time that you were not interested ... or even that strange one who seems more interested in knowing your personal whereabouts... or worse, the

g_b One Sky - Chapter 9 : Blood and Semen

2006-01-07 Thread ridgeet roy
Blood and SemenThe blow was quite hard. When I woke up, my head was still reeling and for a moment I couldn’t feel a thing. As the realization of th pain hit me, I groaned. I still saw patches of yellow and blue and dark, which gradually faded and revealed a room. My room. As I

g_b Daddy, Whats Gay ?

2006-01-02 Thread ridgeet roy
My Cousin recently faced a very difficult situation. My 10 year old nephew asked him what was the meaning of "Gay"... naturally the parents was alarmed and asked where did he come across this word... and he said that he heardfrom some TV Channel that Vin Diesel was Gay ......As my

g_b One Sky - Chapter 8 : Just another day

2006-01-02 Thread ridgeet roy
Just another day --As Manish helped his brother up the stairs to his room, Shelly smirked at the thought of her half-brother being bed-ridden for weeks. After all, what could be a bigger punishment to a hardcore party boy but to make him chained to his bed … especially

g_b A tale of 2 Cubicles ...

2005-12-29 Thread ridgeet roy
Calculate the number of hours you spend with your family. Now do the same for your friends.And then do for your place of work.Who won?...Well... if that be the case, wouldn't one be surprised if sometimes, our primal instincts takes the better of us... and we fall for the

g_b That Kiss ...

2005-12-28 Thread ridgeet roy
Why are some men scared of kissing ?Or should I rephrase that to tops... but then again, lets not generalize... inspite of whatever the statistics says ...So what is so taboo about kissing a guy ? And by kiss I mean a real one.. not a diplomatic peck ... Hmm some theories,1 ) It

g_b from me to you ...

2005-12-28 Thread ridgeet roy
Hi ...At this late hour I thought you would be dreaming of a wonderful year ahead. As you smile in your dream thinking about all that you desire from your heart, I sit here, miles away, infront of my laptop, with silence all around me, and memories ... and nothing but wishes and prayers

g_b A World of Our Own ...

2005-12-26 Thread ridgeet roy
Lets start with an apology from the heart. G-Parties are not all that bad. Now dont think why am I changing my tone all of a sudden... No I didnt meet anyone mind-blowing last night, but just that last night was an eye opener. After a lot of deliberation I had decided to visit my very first

g_b Another Christmas...

2005-12-24 Thread ridgeet roy
Elton marries and so does countless other men and women in UK; Countries show their disapproval in acknowledging the union of the same sex; Vatican opposes; US teens approves; 22 Arabians rebels in love; Brokeback Mountains redefines onscreen love... and another christmas is here... marking

Re: g_b tops n bots

2005-12-24 Thread ridgeet roy
You make us sound like a commodity Aakash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Agreed TotallyMany times guys gont like to Say that they are FUCKED,so at times they catagorise as toPS and bots, but asone can find an understanding in sex, all areversatile, its just that they have not tasted theOther

g_b Single among Couples ...

2005-12-13 Thread ridgeet roy
Okay... continuing with my wretched trip in Mumbai... ( My cell is running in negative balance, the company for which I came offered a totally not-for-me profile, and the weather here sucks ) ... I am stuck here for another 36 hours or so ... I didnt listen to my roommate so left my laptop

g_b On the 8th Day of Christmas

2005-12-04 Thread ridgeet roy
Wonder what is Edward II thinking right now ?...United Kingdom finally joins the new world. And on 21st December some fortunate souls gets a chance to stand in front of God, family and friends, and unite in the name of marriage, in the name of social status (and tax savings...), and in

g_b Alone on a Park Bench ...

2005-12-04 Thread ridgeet roy
4 o' clock in the morning - My mind is filled with a thousand thoughts of you; And how you left without a warning, But looking back I am sure you are trying to ... But if I could, I know I would ... Girl, I am sorry now; You're the last thing on my mindAre you running

g_b God, Humans, and 11 stories of love

2005-11-28 Thread ridgeet roy
Did you read the news about that mass marriage in UAE... between 22 men... and the raid which took them... and their apparent punishment ?If you havent then its ok. It will happen again. And again. And one day it will stop coming in the right hand side of Yahoo! ...As the middle

g_b Does Size Matters ...

2005-11-20 Thread ridgeet roy
Often I facethe strange question - "Whats the biggest one you have taken?"No offense meant to the ones who do that, but why is that important? Is it like some kind of a credibility check? The bigger I can take, the better or more comfortable I am... or uncomfortable !!!It seems that

g_b No Day but Today ...

2005-11-15 Thread ridgeet roy
With every passing day I find more and more people talking about our rights. I dont know if its me who is finding more information (which otherwise had always been there, just I hadnt seen any ...) or life as we know it, is finally changing.As I read mails about hate crimes on the group

g_b Today for you, Tomorrow for me ...

2005-11-14 Thread ridgeet roy
They say, when bed relations are over, bad relations start. ...Of late I feel that the intensity of love decreases with time, and the force of passion change directions as the relationship moves from one direction to another. All my friends, be it straight or gay, seems to be

g_b Touched by an Angel ...

2005-11-10 Thread ridgeet roy
Just when you think that life is all bull shit, and you are never meant to be happy, you bounce right in ... hmmm ... some might think that I am generalising again, but I just wanna tell you it happens ... trust me ... When you just go on and on looking for the right guy, someone who would

g_b Sex and Bangalore City

2005-11-10 Thread ridgeet roy
Bangalore. Where can you find gay men? 1. Cubbon Park 2. Ching Lung Bar (on Saturday Nights) 3. 4. 5. ... Someone once did give me the names of the 10 gay cruising places in this city. And I was surprised to know that Bombay and several other cities in the world actually registers a list

Re: g_b Re: Why doesn't it snow in Bangalore ?

2005-11-09 Thread ridgeet roy
hello ut, No I dont blog... just this only ... rijutkarsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey Rij, do yo blog? What's ur url?lemme know,Ut.--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, ridgeet roy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I just love chocolate fantasy! Now before anybody starts imagining the application

g_b Why doesn't it snow in Bangalore ?

2005-11-07 Thread ridgeet roy
I just love chocolate fantasy! Now before anybody starts imagining the application of the cake elsewhere, or associating its colourwith a similar object (quite prevalent in many), lemme caution you that I hereby speak of savouring thecake and only the cake. So stop imagining... Neway... As

g_b One Sky - Chapter 7 : Three Wishes and a Dream

2005-11-06 Thread ridgeet roy
ThreeWishes and a Dream - It was another sleepless night. As I lay wide awake I kept thinking what he had said. Is it something about me that is causing me to feel like this? How could be that after all these years I am feeling like this again. I thought

g_b My Best Friends Wedding ...

2005-11-05 Thread ridgeet roy
Remember Mel Gibson's braveheart? Amidst all the other storylines, it had the story of a prince - the crown prince of England. And the pain of a doomed lover who watched him exchange vows toa princess. ... Many a times I have come across people who havetold me abouttheir childhood crushes