Re: in-situ conversion to FT disk config?

2005-11-14 Thread Michael ODonnell
I've done this... you use: mdadm -f -l 1 -C /dev/md0 /dev/hdc1 creating a degraded RAID1 array (partition hdc first). Now mount /dev/md0 wherever, and copy your data over. Check to see it's there and happy. Then: mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/hda1 (assuming hda partitioned etc.). It'll

Responsibility for Enet link state

2005-11-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
What entity, if any, on an Enet-equipped system is responsible for seeing to it that the interfaces are live and operating at (somebody's definition of) the proper speed/duplex/etc? I'm asking because we have some systems running RHEL4 with some 10/100 NICs that occasionally wake up confused

Re: Responsibility for Enet link state

2005-11-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
Try adding something like ETHTOOL_OPTS=speed 100 duplex full autoneg off That looks promising. Thanks! ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Open Documents at serious risk in MA

2005-11-03 Thread Michael ODonnell
All in the public interest, of course: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@!!! ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Open Documents at serious risk in MA

2005-11-03 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm not that familiar with MA government so I don't know whether this is par for the course or not. I'm pretty sure there isn't any 4-person commission to oversee purchases of (say) motor vehicle fleets, so this just seems remarkably sleazy. If only there were somebody I could talk to about

[OT] Attack of the stupid-bots?

2005-11-01 Thread Michael ODonnell
Anybody else noticed a sudden flurry of bogus email messages from random IP addrs this week. Malformed headers, no message bodies, no Subject: line, no payload. I must have 40 or 50 by now. Weird... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

2005-10-14 Thread Michael ODonnell
Not quite sure what this is or if it's useful, but this appears to be a google interface that somehow filters search results such that they're Linux-related: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GNHLUG website (was: MonadLUG meeting)

2005-10-11 Thread Michael ODonnell has worked for me with all versions of Firefox (currently running 1.0.7) on Linux and on Windows XP. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Who here works on Subversion?

2005-10-03 Thread Michael ODonnell
But if I'm understanding correctly, at the point where you've completed that first merge, your dev branch and your main branch would be identical, right? The intent of merging changes from a branch back into the mainline is to inflict the same changes onto the mainline as you've inflicted

Re: HTML mail (was: PHP contact manager)

2005-09-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
Please, K.I.S.S... MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. MIME is not the web. In fact, it predates Tim Berners-Lee's influential hypertext project by several years. K.I.S.S. is not an invitation to osculation; it stands for the first letters of a phrase often referred

Re: VPNs.

2005-09-28 Thread Michael ODonnell
Apropos Ken's posting, this just in: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: HTML mail (was: PHP contact manager)

2005-09-28 Thread Michael ODonnell
brbrdivspan class=3Dgmail_quoteOn 9/27/05, b class=3Dgmail_send= ernameChristopher Schmidt/b lt;a href=3Dmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] et[EMAIL PROTECTED]/agt; wrote:/spanbr blockquote class=3Dgmail_quote style=3Dborder-left: 1px solid rgb(204, = 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex;

Re: static IP configuration problem

2005-09-26 Thread Michael ODonnell
I believe the Debian /etc/interfaces file requires you to indent the sub-parameters of each iface stanza. My Debian system has a pretty decent man page for interfaces in which we find this: Options are usually indented for clarity [...] but are not required to be. ...and which also

I have no style (and I'm happier)

2005-09-22 Thread Michael ODonnell
[ Other than the fact that I'm running Firefox on my Debian box, this is not a Linux-specific message, tho it does relate to previous messages posted here. ] I just wanted to rave about the bookmarklets available at: It seems to me that an

Re: [Python-talk] Python meeting - next week! 7:00 PM Thursday 22 September, Manchester

2005-09-17 Thread Michael ODonnell
(IF someone can show us that lambda is easy to read as well as to write!) That would be Fred, right? HE could show us... (*) If I were him I'd be afraid to show off my coding skills because y'all might make fun of me in public, and I've never really cared for roasted lambda chops.

Re: static IP configuration problem

2005-09-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
FWIW, here's a very simple static config file from one of my Debian boxes: # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8) # The loopback interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian installation #

Re: SEOs -- what's the prevailing attitude?

2005-09-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
Search engines are so easy to use that stuff like toolbars and other helpers seem completely unnecessary. And there are sites on the WWW (are these the optimizers you're asking about?) whose supposed value is that they present ready made collections of links about various topics, but in my

Re: Need a Linux Person!

2005-09-06 Thread Michael ODonnell specifically for job announcements. You're guaranteed to reach the people there who are interested in seeing job announcements. FYI: I already mentioned that to her privately and I also pointed out that it's customary to supply a job

Re: Ink jet refill kit experiences?

2005-09-01 Thread Michael ODonnell
My $0.02 - I bought a refill kit (Black only, no color) back in 2003 for my very humble Apollo 2200 (low-end DeskJet equiv) and was satisfied with the experience. Instructions were clear, drilling the hole was trivial, filling was straightforward, I plugged the hole with a hot-glue dab instead

Re: Splitting tar output

2005-08-30 Thread Michael ODonnell
Yikes! Did I attach this to your thread or is that just the way it shows up on my Kmail? I didn't mean to do that. You did, but it's no big deal. If you're going to do mea culpas about your email format I'd rather it was about your MIME headers forcing a UTF-8 charset on us...;-

IBM tutorial - Hacking the Linux Kernel

2005-08-30 Thread Michael ODonnell
I've only glanced at the first few screens of this tutorial but what I saw made it seem worth at least a mention: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Splitting tar output, Resolved

2005-08-30 Thread Michael ODonnell
You did, but it's no big deal. If you're going to do mea culpas about your email format I'd rather it was about your MIME headers forcing a UTF-8 charset on us...;- Switched to iso-8859-1. Is that better? Muy bueno! . . . It is a small gain, but I

Re: upgrading systems w/o physical access?

2005-08-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
We've been having a real problem with drive reliability lately which results in the machine in question needing to be re-installed (the re-partitioning of the drives vectors around the newly found bad sectors) If only you knew of some company that had some high-performance, fault-tolerant

Re: Splitting tar output

2005-08-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
Does anyone know how to create a tar tape archive and disk file archive at the same time? The present system does something like: cd / tar -cf $bkdir/monthly.tar ./ $bkoptions After that point I'd then instead consider just saying: dd if=$bkdir/monthly.tar of=/dev/st0 ibs=X obs=Y

LILO GRUB comparison

2005-08-26 Thread Michael ODonnell ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Stupid bash scripting question

2005-08-25 Thread Michael ODonnell
It seems that either will do the job, I'm just wondering (for the purpose of my own betterment and improved knowledge of shell scripting *grin*) about advantages of either approach. The only one I've come with so far is that Solution 2 requires a separate process to run. So does the first


2005-08-25 Thread Michael ODonnell
Anybody here got 802.3ad running? If so, which kernel are you running and what switch are you using? I've got an RHAT box (RHEL4AS with a 2.6.9 kernel plus a raft of RHAT patches) trying to dance the LACP dance with an Extreme (brand) switch that seems to work OK with Windows as the 802.3ad

Re: Laptop Suggestions

2005-08-24 Thread Michael ODonnell
You'd have to get a PCMCIA wireless card if you go that route because the Apple Airport Extreme is a Broadcom chipset, and Broadcom doesn't play well with Open Source. The butthead mentality appears to be dominant at Broadcom, doesn't it? I've got an HP zd7000 series machine that's pretty

Re: Need a quick sed recipe :-(

2005-08-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
# echo This is the replacement line /tmp/replacementFile # cat EOF /tmp/sedScript /MARKER/ { r /tmp/replacementFile d } EOF # cat EOF /tmp/testText This is the test text and the next line should have been replaced: MARKER Hi, Mom! did it work? EOF # sed -f /tmp/sedScript

Re: Mem utilization on Red Hat 9 brain tickler.

2005-08-20 Thread Michael ODonnell
The standard x86 kernels can handle 2Gb wthout any special options or parameters, so the issue is almost certainly something specific to your machine, maybe a BIOS setting? I hate getting old. :-( Understood, tho most folks agree that it's superior to all currently available alternatives...

Access ext2 filesys from Windows

2005-08-09 Thread Michael ODonnell ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Free stuff

2005-07-29 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'll also offer a free monitor: Small ( 14 ) HP monitor - D1182a A very humble unit but was in perfect working condition when put into storage last year. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

USB-IDE external adapter $10

2005-07-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
Since this sort of item gets mentioned on this channel from time to time: Free shipping, $8 each for quantity 10 or more. I don't (yet) own one and I've never done business with the company in questions, so caveat emptor...

Celebrities explain various tech matters

2005-07-22 Thread Michael ODonnell
Simultaneously humorous and useful: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Is it okay to plug a power-strip into a UPS?

2005-06-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
MOV = (Metal Oxide Varistor) A discrete electronic component that diverts excessive voltage to the ground and/or neutral lines. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Which kernel debugger for RHAT AS4

2005-06-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
I know that there are/were some lurkers from RHAT here - would any of you know which kernel debugger is most commonly used internally at RHAT when working on the 2.6.9-flavor kernel that comes with RHAS4? Care to supply patches? ___ gnhlug-discuss

Re: [Pedantic RANT] Re: [HUMOR] End Times

2005-06-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
Get real. Navarro's Muslim never new Nietzsche's Nazi-supporter, so Wikipedia's written worship of Hitler Youth allow an Air Alestair understatement. Anywhere basic archbishop assessment referred to articles, emergent DVD enlightenment ends, however hopelessly Hopkins insufficiency impressed.

FWD: free computer equipment

2005-06-07 Thread Michael ODonnell
Forwarded from FreeCycle: From: Joshua Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 13:48:00 - Subject: [Freecycle Lowell] OFFER: Computer Equipment Lots of old mac stuff. PowerPCs, keyboards, main units, and monitors. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. Call (603)264-1092 any time

Re: C or C++?

2005-05-27 Thread Michael ODonnell
If it were me I'd pick a candidate DSP and then go and find mailing lists and USENET newsgroups oriented around that processor where folks are discussing projects similar to mine. I might end up learning that C or C++ support is better or worse than expected, or which of the available execs is

Re: [OT] Combinatronics WAS Re: /dev/random and linux security issues (kinda long)

2005-05-16 Thread Michael ODonnell
Not sure if this is relevant but FYI, on my 2.6.5 kernel the byte sequences obtained as shown below seem to be nicely random no matter how many times I read them this way: modsuse1:~ 274--- dd bs=64 count=1 if=/dev/random | od -x 000 834d df85 ac1a 32a3 15ce fb01 f83e 907a

Re: AOL access from Linux

2005-05-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
installing anything new on it, so I want to suggest she boot something like a Knoppix CD but then she'll be off the Net because dialup to AOL is how she connects. Does your mother use AOL purely for IP dialtone or does she use AOL's features? She uses it mostly for email and WWW browsing

Re: SCSI info

2005-05-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
I asked the guy in the next office (whose project currently has him chasing a bug in the SCSI mid-layer code) and he said he'd not heard of such a reference document, other than (obviously) the source codes, and he acknowledged that even with the sources in front of you the term cryptic often

Re: [OT] Help kill the Surveillance State Bill

2005-05-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
( please note and preserve the [OT] ) I recently read about some guy who built himself a wallet (not really small enough to count as wallet-sized, more like VHS cassette-sized) that has a card reader built in and will not open until a card is swiped, so when somebody asks him for his ID they

Re: (ext3 + (2.4.18 - 2.6.11)) = WTF?

2005-05-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
OK - this is now officially upgraded to a double-WTF. I haven't yet had the time to really sit down and do a bit-bashing debug session but in spare moments I've been trying to gather additional clues and I thought y'all might be amused by this one: even though with 2.6.11 I can't (directly)

Re: (ext3 + (2.4.18 - 2.6.11)) = WTF?

2005-05-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
OK - this is now officially upgraded to a double-WTF. I haven't yet had the time to really sit down and do a bit-bashing debug session but in spare moments I've been trying to gather additional clues and I thought y'all might be amused by this one: even though with 2.6.11 I can't (directly)

(ext3 + (2.4.18 - 2.6.11)) = WTF?

2005-05-01 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm trying to bring a 2.4.18 based Debian system up to kernel 2.6.11 and so far it's been painless except for one problem that's got me stumped. I've got several disks in the system (hda, hde and hdh) that are each occupied by single ext3 filesystems, with hda1 being the root. The 2.4.18 kernel

[OT?] domain registration durations

2005-04-28 Thread Michael ODonnell
Years ago I purchased a ten-year registration for a domain and that arrangement has worked as expected. Today I spoke with a different outfit about registering another domain for ten years and they said that ALL domains are only ever registered for one year and that a ten-year registration was

Re: Ripping wav files from iso image

2005-04-26 Thread Michael ODonnell
Good source of info re: CD stuff: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Walmart-Xandors

2005-04-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
Almost (but not quite entirely) OT is this review that I just happened to be reading when your query came by: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Freecycle, was: Desire for a new kind of list?

2005-04-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
I've been a member of FreeCycle for some time and both given and gotten a number of items; it's real and it works fairly well. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

OT: spamming tech question

2005-04-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
It's normal to receive SPAM containing email addrs and URLs that are tagged in various ways such that the spammer can detect which of his victims has actually responded because info about the victim is somehow encoded in the item. Example:

OT: PanAm from Pease to Orlando

2005-04-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm considering flying PanAm from the Pease International TradePort to Orlando and I'd be grateful to receive any comments or war stories from anybody who's flown out of that airfield near Portsmouth. Parking? Service? Convenience? etc... Respond via private email, please, unless it seems

Re: OT: spamming tech question

2005-04-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
FWIW, as a DNS query is not guaranteed to hit the authoritative nameserver every time, spammers are more likely looking at the Host: header your HTTP/1.0-compliant User Agent is sending to their web server when you request the resource. Since the spammer only knows me by my email address

Re: OT: spamming tech question

2005-04-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
nslookup on Debian cheerfully decoded those URLs with ampersands, while the SamSpade site did not. We should keep in mind that the definition of valid is not the behavior of some random app as coded by some random programmer, but instead (as Ben indicates) what the RFC says. Unless

Re: OT: spamming tech question

2005-04-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
I suspect you misunderstand what the Host HTTP header does You're right - I'd thought the Host: value string supplied info about the requesting machine rather than the server machine, sorta like the User-Agent: string. So you're also correct about that info being the lower-hanging fruit, as

Re: Dereferencing links

2005-04-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
When you say this: tar --help tells you about --dereference (and a lot of other stuff, too) ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: php/mysql setup issues

2005-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
I know absolutely nothing about PHP and such, but does that .so extension in the diagnostic msg mean we're talking about a shared library? If so, which binary wants to link to it? What happens when you say ldd thatBinary ? Does that .so file show as being properly resolved?

rdesktop: Linux-XP

2005-03-31 Thread Michael ODonnell
Can anybody provide a clue as to what the proper sequence of steps might be that would result in (A) getting a Windows XP (Home Edition) machine rigged to accept a connection from the Linux rdesktop client and then (B) what the command line might be from Linux to properly invoke rdesktop to

Re: rdesktop: Linux-XP

2005-03-31 Thread Michael ODonnell
Can anybody provide a clue as to what the proper sequence of steps might be that would result in (A) getting a Windows XP (Home Edition) machine rigged to accept a connection from the Linux rdesktop client Win XP Home doesn't include Remote Desktop Connection. That's one of the things Win

Dell laptops (was: Knoppix)

2005-03-28 Thread Michael ODonnell
Just FYI, speaking of hosed-up Dell laptop adapter HW: Fire hazard! I have an Inspiron 7500 with one of the affected units (I always did think it got a little toasty) so I signed up for a replacement adapter thru that site in October of 2004 -

Re: automount on debian help

2005-03-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
More info, please... For starters, which automounter thingy are you trying to use? The amd? autofs? How do you configure automounting in your environment? NIS? files? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: automount on debian help

2005-03-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
Try saying ypcat auto.master ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: automount on debian help

2005-03-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
To find out what's installed on a Debian box, I often define this function: function dlgrep() { # dpkg list grep COLUMNS=300 dpkg -l | tr -s '[:blank:]' ' ' | grep $* } ...which you could use thus: dlgrep -i autofs dlgrep -i amd If you have NIS installed you

Re: automount on debian help

2005-03-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
That seems really unlikely; autofs (automounter) and amd are two different methods of accomplishing the same thing... It would be strange to be using both at the same time. autofs is generally considered to be the better of the two, so chances are that's what you're using, not amd.

ip vs. if{up,down}

2005-03-11 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm wondering about the history of the various bits of network management infrastructure. For example, sometimes I see ifup mentioned as the way to bring an interface up and sometimes I see ip up mentioned. Is there a reason to prefer one or the other?

Re: Anyone know how to fix a problem with libtool?

2005-03-06 Thread Michael ODonnell
FWIW, below please find a copy of the /usr/lib/ from a SLES9 machine. I find no such file on my main Debian system, even though dpkg -l indicates libtool is installed there. Good luck, and allow me to suggest that if you plan on trying to figure out how to make productive use of


2005-03-06 Thread Michael ODonnell
Contact: Linda lindar3722 at We have 4 Avid 63GB SCSI Towers used with Avid editors. Each contain 7 9GB drives. A few SCSI cables included. Very heavy items. Bring some muscle :-) Pickup in Tewksbury. These will be left outside. Trash day Tuesday. Take one or take em'

FWD: FREE - old-tech printers

2005-03-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
I don't know the person (contact info below) or the printers in question, but here's a description, FWIW: These printers are now in front of our house 20 Harold Place (Rogers and North Billerica Rd) Tewksbury, pink house Trash is on Tuesday, so they're into the landfill unless grabbed

Re: Desire for a new kind of list?

2005-03-01 Thread Michael ODonnell
I keep saying we need to take the GNHLUG public, and this could be a good first step. I'd follow such a list with interest and participate as Copious Spare Time allows... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Michael ODonnell
If any of Messrs. Wittbrodt/Freeman/Puissante will be there I'll also show up to deliver the free gear they've claimed from me. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: new member looking forward

2005-02-22 Thread Michael ODonnell
I wasn't sure from your description what the actual problem is that you're dealing with, but I believe it's considered a security risk to load a kernel module that is either not owned by root or which is marked writable by somebody other than root, so if you're having trouble loading a

Re: This has got to drive RMS nuts

2005-02-22 Thread Michael ODonnell
As everybody knows, RMS is an acronym for Root Mean Square, a.k.a. Donald Rumsfeld... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Debian question

2005-02-15 Thread Michael ODonnell
Someone gave the idea for listing the directory /usr/share/doc and sorting that by date. Every package has a folder under /usr/share/doc. That works for me... is there some need you have that this doesn't satisfy? That's probably not a reliable approach since users like me frequently

Re: Debian question

2005-02-14 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm still not quite sure what y'all are looking for. If you want a tool that generates reports like on this date you installed this pkg, which touched these files, and then on this date you deinstalled this pkg, which touched these files, and then on this date you reinstalled this pkg but

FREE: D1182A crt VGA monitor

2005-02-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
This is a small (14 or 15) CRT from HP, model D1182A. Was working fine when taken out of service. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Debian question

2005-02-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
That idea doesn't work for me anyway, but I'd look at the diff between /var/lib/dpkg/status and /var/lib/dpkg/status-old. Those represent the status of all packages available and the difference between them should be the difference in package lists from now and before your last apt-get

FREE: partial spool of cat5 cable

2005-02-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
Plenum grade, I think. Solid conductor. One wrap-layer remains on the spool core, plus aprox another 1/3 of a layer. Since each wrap seems to yield approx 1 foot of cable I'm guessing there's 50 to 100 feet of cable left. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing

CLAIMED: partial spool of cat5 cable

2005-02-13 Thread Michael ODonnell
Cable is claimed. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Multiple list addrs (was Debian flamewar)

2005-02-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
To:, Greater NH Linux User Group [EMAIL PROTECTED] Aaaiiieee! I ask again: can we please do something about this? That is, decide what the canonical posting address is for the GNHLUG discussion list and then disable (or re-target on the fly) all

Multiple list addrs (was Debian flamewar)

2005-02-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
To:, Greater NH Linux User Group [EMAIL PROTECTED] Aaaiiieee! I ask again: can we please do something about this? That is, decide what the canonical posting address is for the GNHLUG discussion list and then disable (or re-target on the fly) all

Re: Multiple list addrs (was Debian flamewar)

2005-02-10 Thread Michael ODonnell
IIRC, the other day I subscribed Gmane to because that is the address that the footer told me to use. So, at the very least, let's not completely get rid of this. It seems clear that is the official list address ince it's

Re: OpenOffice documentation on Sarge

2005-02-08 Thread Michael ODonnell
You probably want to say: apt-get install indicated by saying: apt-cache search openoffice | fgrep help ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

FREE: ZyXEL U-1496E external modem

2005-02-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
Capabilities: V.32bis/V.32/V.22bis/V.22/V.42bis/G3fax (whoop-dee-doo!) Includes all original packaging, accessories and docs. ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Donating old [E]ISA/10base2 Enet gear

2005-02-05 Thread Michael ODonnell
I have a number of Enet cards - mostly [E]ISA but a couple of PCI, mostly 10base2 but a few 10baseT, plus a bunch of coax cables, T-connectors and terminators, as well as a 19 rackmount 10baseT hub (w/MAU and 10base2 access ports) and a few related miscellaneous items. All are in working order

Genetics - Open Source in reverse?

2005-02-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
The cooperation described in this article seems somehow familiar: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: cron job verification

2005-02-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
rsync options if ! $? ; then echo -e \nrsync completed successfully!\n else echo -e \nrsync failed!\n! fi BTW, it's legit (and sometimes clearer) to do it like this: if rsync options then echo -e \nrsync completed successfully!\n else echo -e

Re: cron job verification

2005-02-02 Thread Michael ODonnell
If I'm not mistaken, If #!/bin/sh is used the shell will use what is set for the user variable $SHELL when a user logs in. You're mistaken. The value of your $SHELL variable has nothing to do with which interpreter handles a given script when that script is directly executed by the kernel.

Re: Dual booting may be a necessary evil, or perhaps a good thing?

2005-01-28 Thread Michael ODonnell
My laptop dual boots for various PITA windows only things (specifically, our new backup server -REQUIRES- IE to log into it and create new backup shares, we have opened this as a bug trouble ticket with the company) If the people who wrote your backup software show such poor judgement that

Re: HP/Compaq Presario and Linux

2005-01-27 Thread Michael ODonnell
So I repartition the drive, reboot and it detected a partition corruption and it -FORCED- me, from the BIOS to re-install WinXP home from the rescue partition. (sigh) A middle-finger once again lifted in Linux's general direction. This sort of dainbramage is still too common... Well, IIRC

Re: mail archives

2005-01-27 Thread Michael ODonnell
It seems clear that everybody agrees that the following are true: - Publicly accessible/searchable archives = GOOD - Harvestable email addrs = BAD Given that, our course seems clear: we start obfuscating email addrs ASAP and nothing else has to change. What else is there to discuss? except

Re: BillG strikes beefcake poses for Teen Beat magazine

2005-01-19 Thread Michael ODonnell
I'm glad I use weasel-words like supposedly because it turns out to have only been MOSTLY true... ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

BillG strikes beefcake poses for Teen Beat magazine

2005-01-18 Thread Michael ODonnell
One smokin' hunka man-flesh: (supposedly from a photo spread circa 1983) ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Duplicate GNHLUG msgs

2005-01-11 Thread Michael ODonnell
Can somebody who's in a position to do so please make a determination as to which one of these email addresses is the proper one for the GNHLUG discussion list: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and then disable the other? I'm not sure why some people have been mentioning

Re: cron job verification

2005-01-11 Thread Michael ODonnell
On my Debian boxes, cron jobs send me an email if and only if they have any output. IIRC, it's slightly more subtle than that. I think the user on whose behalf the script in question is running gets mail if stdout/stderr haven't been redirected, regardless of whether any output was actually

Re: [OT] Re: America. The land of the not-so-free (economy)

2005-01-06 Thread Michael ODonnell
Or perhaps I should create a political Linux thread if there is enough interest. Well, OF COURSE there's enough interest - I think that's a great idea! And please allow me to urge you to create another mailing list (similar to gnhlug-jobs or gnhlug-announce) on which that thread is to

We apologize for the... doh!!

2004-12-27 Thread Michael ODonnell
Enjoy this typo before they fix it: ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: NFS Mounting under FC3

2004-12-27 Thread Michael ODonnell
randomShotsInTheDark If your exports file isn't %100 wide open maybe you're no longer satisfying whatever constraints it expresses? Maybe some hostname or dmain info got scrogged? Do both the client and server still think they have the same hostnames in the same (sub)domains (on the same

Re: Looking for a good portable linux system

2004-12-20 Thread Michael ODonnell
Ah. I had thought the requirements for MP were more crisp. But if MP has simply been spec'd a general hedge against GUI update latencies or other human interface quality issues, I'll bet you a beer that a single hyperthreaded core will address most such issues (assuming there is any MP aspect

Re: Looking for a good portable linux system

2004-12-20 Thread Michael ODonnell
Hyperthreading uses two execution pipelines, but shares L1/L2 cache. So if the apps share some of the same memory and is CPU-bound, you'll see a performance benefit, since the two threads can hit L1/L2 cache. So what happens when you run two different apps? One app has a cache miss

Re: Looking for a good portable linux system

2004-12-19 Thread Michael ODonnell
SMP was mentioned as a requirement. Does the hyperthreading offered by certain Intel CPUs meet that requirement, or will only two physically distinct CPU packages suffice? ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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