compiling projects with multiple GWT Client modules

2011-03-10 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, I have broken my Client side part of my GWT app, into several gwt modules, - a common module configuring EventBus,PlaceController,ActivityMapper, + EntryPoint) - several modules each corresponding to a Functional Area (Reports, Tasks, etc), these don't have any EntryPoint,

Re: How to solve this design problem, when using RequestFactory ? (how to enforce client and server to use same interface)

2011-03-07 Thread zixzigma
Thank You. I am trying to breaking my app into: client, server, and shared modules. in the shared module, I would like to put RequestContext, and Entity/Value Proxy interfaces, as well as server side Interfaces corresponding to RequestContext, for example, this shared module: EmployeeProxy -

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-03-06 Thread zixzigma
Thank You so much for your suggestions, also with the help from gwt-maven-plugin group, I could somehow get it working. I have questions regarding using mvn jetty, and mvn gwt:run in short, when having multi-module maven gwt projects, 1- from which directory you run mvn jetty ? (root or the

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-03-06 Thread zixzigma
just to add to my post that the problem I am facing is that since my client sub-projects contain only Java source files + module.gwt.xml, they don't have any main .html file to use as gwt-maven-plugin runTarget. and from my setup, it is the assembly sub-project, which gathers all the sources,

How to solve this design problem, when using RequestFactory ? (how to enforce client and server to use same interface)

2011-03-06 Thread zixzigma
It is often recommended that, it is a good practice, for components, such as client/server communicate through interface. when working with RequestFactory, we need to define RequestContext, which makes use of Entity/Value Proxies. these are all interfaces. however, Server side code, cannot

can GWT Compiler compile jar files containing Java .class files into JavaScript ?

2011-03-05 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, summary: can GWT Compiler take a JAR file containing Java* .class* files and compiles it to JavaScript ? (given I have followed GWT JRE Whitelist, and have not used anything that is not emulated) background: Let's say I have written code using GWT, and then I use *javac* to

is there a command line GWT Compiler ? gwtc ?

2011-03-05 Thread zixzigma
do you know if there is a command-line GWT Compiler ? something like: gwtc ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this

What is the purpose of the files hosted.html and clear.cache.gif ? should they be included in final deployment ?

2011-03-04 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, do you know what is the purpose of the files *hosted.html* and ** ? should they be included in final deployment ? I believe must be included, but not hosted.html, what do you think ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-03-04 Thread zixzigma
Thank You, following Thomas suggestions, my gwt-client maven module, has packaging of type JAR. I use gwt-maven-plugin to compile my Java Sources, and create resulting artifacts [1] I then use maven-assembly-plugin to ZIP these generated artifacts in a ZIP archive, so that I can use it as a

Questions on Compiling GWT App for deployment

2011-03-03 Thread zixzigma
Hello, in GWT, we write code in Java, that GWT Compiler , compiles to JavaScript. - when deploying the application, do you think we need compiled Java class files in our final WAR ? or we just need the generated .js ? I look inside the war file generated, and I see my client-side Java classes

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-03-03 Thread zixzigma
we do the gwt:compile in the client module (which is with packaging=jar - do you know how gwt:compile can produce a JAR ? is it possible ? - GWTCompiler job is to compile Java to JavaScript, can JavaScript in a JAR be accessible from application's .html page ? -- You received this message

is it possible to use Java 7 in GWT ?

2011-03-03 Thread zixzigma
Hello, is it possible to use Java 7 in GWT ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-03-03 Thread zixzigma
you mentioned using maven-assembly-plugin, to be used as a war overlay. what do you think of maven-dependency-plugin [1] in this situation ? given we have app client shared server webapp * what I'm thinking is: we gwt:compile the client, and copy the generated files into

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-03-03 Thread zixzigma
ok, I am on to something, I have a very fundamental question though. as you mentioned, we GWT Compile our client files, (the result of this cimpilation is bunch of md5.html files (could have css, image, 3rd party js), correct ?) then we need to TAKE these generated files and PUT it in our

Re: User roles in GWT applications

2011-03-02 Thread zixzigma
could you please explain, why the check on client-side is necessary, if the server does the check ? and on the client-side, do you mean having a UserRoles object, which contains user's permission ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google

Re: Using HashMap with ValueProxy

2011-03-02 Thread zixzigma
I believe Map is not supported, only Set and List. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: User roles in GWT applications

2011-03-02 Thread zixzigma
if using GWT Activities, do you think it is better to perform the check in Activities themselves or in ActivityMappers (or ActivityFactories) ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: User roles in GWT applications

2011-03-01 Thread zixzigma
I am also interested in finding a decent solution for this. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-02-28 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, I would like to ask your opinion on the correct way of organizing large gwt projects. Below you can see the approach I'm thinking of, I am not sure though, and greatly appreciate your invaluable input, or experience in similar situation. GWT documentation recommends a project

Re: organization of large gwt project: how to correctly break an app into GIN, Guice, GWT and Maven modules

2011-02-28 Thread zixzigma
Thank you so much for your always invaluable feedback. I am investigating your suggestions at the moment. following your comment: splitting client/shared/server into 3 distinct modules, with a 4th one to pull client and server together into a webapp (client and server both depending on

what gwt libraries should be included in production build

2011-02-27 Thread zixzigma
do I need gwt-servlet and gwt-user library, in my pom.xml ? I was uploading my gwt app on app engine, I got the error saying gwt-user jar is too big, and I need to split it. I decided to comment out gwt-user, and I didn't get any error or warning, which made me wonder what dependencies I need to

what does this mean: Got /gwtRequest with null response, returning null

2011-02-26 Thread zixzigma
Hello, I am getting this line in my log files, but don't know what , if any, is wrong ? FINE: Got /gwtRequest with null response, returning null. also FINE: Got /App/remote_logging with null response, returning null. RequestFactory returns the result, and everything appears to be working

Re: log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.

2011-02-24 Thread zixzigma
I don't think you can use Log4J with GWT. only java.util.Logging -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

is it possible to use an SLF4J adapter in GWT to wrap java.util.logging ?

2011-02-24 Thread zixzigma
is it possible to use an SL4J adapter in GWT to wrap java.util.logging ? I would like to be able to use file to define formatting, which I believe is not possible with java.util.logging. Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: Best hosting provider for GWT app

2011-02-22 Thread zixzigma
do you have any experience with Amazon WebService Datastore services, such az AWS SimpleDB ? What is the benefit of using GAE Datastore instead of AWS SimpleDB ? What is the benefit of using non-relational Datastore ? -- You received this

Re: GWT 2.2

2011-02-22 Thread zixzigma
I am having the similar problem, I am also getting *IncompatibleClassChangeError* after upgrading to 2.2-rc1 from 2.1 I also posted on the issue page.[1] You can find the detail of my exception here: I am not doing any kind of code generation whatsoever. just using

JBOSS GWT Framework: Errai

2011-02-22 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, What do you think of JBOSS GWT Framework Errai ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this

SAXParseException when using SafeHtml Template

2011-02-19 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, I am getting SaxParseException when using a custom created SafeHtml Template, it complains that the markup is malformed, but I cannot spot the problem. do you know what I am doing wrong ? Thank You I have the following template: final Template template =

Re: SAXParseException when using SafeHtml Template

2011-02-19 Thread zixzigma
Thank you Ryan, it Worked !!! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: How to make a TextArea auto-growing...?

2011-02-18 Thread zixzigma
does it work with copy-and-paste scenarios ? when a user pastes a long text, will the text-area auto-grow ? paste using ctrl+v or mouse-right-click-context-menu -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send

Re: Problem with RequestFactory and two tier

2011-02-18 Thread zixzigma
Luca, could you please clarify what Locator are you talking about ? EntityLocator or ServiceLocator ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe

Re: Problem with RequestFactory and two tier

2011-02-18 Thread zixzigma
dagerber, Luca, could you please clarify which Locator are you referring to ? EntityLocator or ServiceLocator ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: Feedback Requested: Preview of new GWT Style Theme

2011-02-16 Thread zixzigma
+ Basic Button style is excellent, very professional looking + Date Picker is great + TabLayoutPanel is great, unlike a comment above, I believe it is professional looking too. - TextBox style is very poor : ( would have been nice to have a border, light background It seems to have no style

Re: Feedback Requested: Preview of new GWT Style Theme

2011-02-16 Thread zixzigma
I know its a matter of taste, but I very much love the shades of blue themes, I LOVE really LOVE TabLayoutPanel. Professional does not mean looking boring grey, for the Button, the Grey style is fantastic, but for the rest, please do not overuse grey. -- You received this message because you

CellWidget and RequestFactory the correct order of RequestFactory calls

2011-02-13 Thread zixzigma
when dealing with CellWidgets that gets their data through RequestFactory two of the steps are: 1- one requestFactory call to get the count // this is done once 2- requestFactory calls to get the data for new range, as RangeChangeEvent fires. these two steps are necessary to set CellWidget's

Re: CellWidget and RequestFactory the correct order of RequestFactory calls

2011-02-13 Thread zixzigma
forgot to add, where in code is the correct place to put the code to update the view ? getView().asHasData().setRowData should be placed in onRangeChanged or outside of it ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To

Re: CellWidget and RequestFactory the correct order of RequestFactory calls

2011-02-13 Thread zixzigma
one of my concern is as RangeChangeEvent fires, and AsyncDataProvider fetches data for new range, the CellWidget flashes, in other words from the time I click Pager, to the time data get fetched for new page(range), the CellWidget (list/table) becomes blank, with no data. (I am displaying

is it possible to add animation to CellWidgets as RangeChangeEvent fires ?

2011-02-13 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, is it possible to add animation to CellWidgets as RangeChangeEvent fires ? for example lets say our CellTable/CellList has a Pager. what can be done so that as user clicks forward/backward on Pager, the CellWidget have some sort of animation, the impression of its going right or

advice on testing RequestFactory CRUD

2011-02-11 Thread zixzigma
traditionally when unit/integration testing data access in application (CRUD), a test would be: @Test public void testInsertSucceeds(){ // 1- insert this record to DB //2- find the inserted record, to check its actually inserted //3- delete the inserted record, to keep the DB in clean state and

Re: advice on testing RequestFactory CRUD

2011-02-11 Thread zixzigma
Thank You, I agree with the delete part of it. Thank you for pointing that out. so with delete now out of the picture, lets consider the first two steps when testing whether inserting a record succeeds 1- inserting a record 2- verifying it is inserted this would require two calls on

Need advice on Logging how to format the message and tips on chosing the correct log level

2011-02-11 Thread zixzigma
1- do you know how I can configure the format of the log message displayed? every time my log messages are printed on the console, GWT adds a line above it describing the long time/date format and the long class name. as a result each log message is shown at two lines, and hard to follow.

Re: advice on testing RequestFactory CRUD

2011-02-11 Thread zixzigma
sorry for being vague, those two steps I described above, are actually within the same test @Test public void testInsertSucceeds(){ // 1- insert this record to DB //2- find the inserted record, to check its actually inserted } -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: advice on testing RequestFactory CRUD

2011-02-11 Thread zixzigma
Thank You for pointing out that InProcessRequestTransport is in fact synchronous. your other suggestion on how to make it work with GWTTestCase do you mean something like below ? having a second request placed within the first request ? this guarantees synchronicity ? Thank You

Re: advice on testing RequestFactory CRUD

2011-02-11 Thread zixzigma
Thank You very much, it was very helpful. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

what is the benefit of GAE Datastore over AmazonSimple DB when developing GWT applications ?

2011-02-10 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, my GWT App uses RequestFactory to access Data. for actual data storage I would like to ask your opinion, in your experience what is the benefit of using GAE Datastore over AmazonSimpleDB ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

is it of any value to create RequestContext and EntityProxy test to validate their correctness ?

2011-02-09 Thread zixzigma
I have come across RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator class , which has many methods useful for validating RequestContext and EntityProxies. However I am not sure whether there is any value to use this Validation as part of the unit testing of our RequestFactory communication ? my idea is that

Re: is it of any value to create RequestContext and EntityProxy test to validate their correctness ?

2011-02-09 Thread zixzigma
this is what I am talking about ..., is there any value in creating tests like this ? @Test public void testRequestContextIsValid() { RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator v = new RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator( logger, new RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator.

sending image file using RequestFactory takes a long time. what is the correct way ?

2011-02-09 Thread zixzigma
What is the correct way to send images from server to the client ? this is my image proxy: public interface ImageProxy extends ValueProxy { String getName(); ListByte getImage(); } I use ListByte, because byte[] is not accepted by RequestFactory. I use Guava Bytes.toArray and

Re: To Google Team: Re: Celltable rows selection with focus

2011-02-07 Thread zixzigma
don't you think this can be achieved by using selectionModel.setSelection and selecting the first item from the current range ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to

Do ValueProxies require EntityLocator ?

2011-02-07 Thread zixzigma
Do ValueProxies require EntityLocator ? EntityProxies require EntityLocator, but what about ValueProxies ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to

Problem Styling CellList

2011-02-06 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, I modified GWT basic CellList sample, to experiment how I can style a CellList. Unfortunately I am getting exceptions, and was not successful in styling a cell list. Below you can find my basic code sample which I posted on pastebin for easy viewing. Do you know what I am

Re: Problem Styling CellList

2011-02-06 Thread zixzigma
The line highlighted as the source of problem is : CellList.Resources resources = GWT.create(MyCellResources.class); and the exception can be found here: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post

Re: Problem Styling CellList

2011-02-06 Thread zixzigma
Ok, I found what I was doing wrong : ) I should have overriden all styles defined in CellList. I had left out, .cellListWidget {} and corresponding String cellListWidget(); .cellListSelectedItem {} / String cellListSelectedItem(); I added those, and it worked. though not very critical, I am

CellTable with all rows and columns being of same Type: eg. Thumbnail Grid View

2011-02-05 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, Let me start with a concrete example: Thumbnail Grid view ! we have custom cells (images + text), layed out in X column and Y rows. with CellTable, when we are Displaying List of Items for example Contacts, each Row represents a Contact, and each Column represents a Property of

Re: History.replaceItem?

2011-02-04 Thread zixzigma
could you please clarify what do you mean by stateful view ? Pages through: stays on #List?id=aaa but *this view is stateful * (keeps information on the current page) Hits back: goes back to #List?id=aaa on the last page viewed (*because it's stateful*) and another question, why do you not

ensureDebugId or DOM.setElementAttribute

2011-02-04 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, I have read that inorder to facilitate integration with automated testing tools such as selenium which rely on DOM element id, it is a good practice to use ensureDebugId, as this can be compiled out for production release, and result in zero overhead. However I need to use

GWT CellTable: very confused about T and C in ColumnT,C and HasCellT,C

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
I am very confused about HasCellT,C and ColumnT,C. I am using Cell types available by GWT (TextCell, ActionCell etc), and I can get them to work. However, when I try to create custom Cell for CellTable, I realize I do not fully understand what I'm doing, and the confusion is from not fully

Re: Gin, SingleInstanceProvider?

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
I am using the same technique as Ryan suggested. Your comment : non-singleton class that return always the same instance isn't a non-singleton class that always return the same instance in fact the very definition of Singleton ? : ) I have read that there is a difference between Singleton

Re: Gin, SingleInstanceProvider?

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
I am not sure if this helps, but there is a feature called Binding Annotations, you can use BindingAnnotation to differentiate the Provider used in Class A, from the one used in Class B. -- You received this message because you are

Re: GWT CellTable: very confused about T and C in ColumnT,C and HasCellT,C

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
Thank You for very clear explanation, I understand it now : ) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

How to implement Expandable-Collapsible Rows in CellTable ?

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, Could you please provide some tips on how to implement Collapsible Rows in CellTable ? for example, clicking on a Row, result in Row to be expanded, and display some custom widget in it. so far, I was able to put a custom widget (label, button, text box) within the cell, this

What is the correct way for CellTable cells to communicate ?

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
I have a CellTable. when an event occurs in Cell A, I would like to take action and modify Cell B. (user clicks on Cell A, I would like to modify Cell B, in the same row to keep things simple) could you please provide some pointers on how this can be correctly implemented ? do you think we

How to create DOM Element or Node from SafeHtml

2011-02-03 Thread zixzigma
GWT has Element and Node class which are wrappers for low level DOM elements/nodes. do you know How I can convert SafeHtml to Element or Node ? for example using the code below, I create a SafeHtml. SafeHtml html = SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(trtdXXX/tdtdYYY/td/tr); but I could not find a

Re: Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-02-02 Thread zixzigma
Thank You. However I found what Prashant suggested to be easier to work with, than SafeHtml Templates. with current UiBinder, we can create custom widget as we would, by extending Composite, having Java code which is UiBinder owner, and corresponding UiBinder, just like a typical composite, we

in CellTable can we insert a new Row of different CellType right after a given row ?

2011-02-02 Thread zixzigma
I have a CellTable, when user clicks on row R, I want to insert a new row right after row R, in position R+1. however row R and row R+1 have different Cell types, row R a TextCell displaying a text, and want to insert a panel (custom cell) in row R+1. is this possible ? can we insert a new row

is there any release notes for GWT 2.2-M1 ?

2011-02-02 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, is there any release notes for GWT 2.2-M1 ? I would like to know about the features added or modification to API. Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: GWT 2.1 cell table paging bug?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
I do not think this is a bug, and in fact I found the current implementation very desirable. your table always shows X number of rows per page, even if its the last page. with this implementation your table will always have the same height, and same number of rows. and you dont have to deal

any Tips on fine-tuning Packet Analyzers for GWT client-server communication ?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
I was thinking of using a Packet Analyzer like Wireshark, to monitor what is being sent over the wire from client to server and back when using GWT in development mode. However I am getting all kinds of low level bits and have not been successful in applying some kind of filters, to display

Re: Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
after investigating CompositeCell or directly extending AbstractCell, it is my understanding that to create custom cell, the only option at the moment is to embed HTML markup in the render method as below. in other words, we cannot create a custom composite widget with UiBinder, and add it to

Re: Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
Thank You. Prashant, I am following your suggestion, I am a bit unclear about this part of your comment: set the data and getHTML should my custom widget implement HasHTML ? could you please

Re: Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
THANK YOU! it worked !! what a wonderful solution ! one other question, in your experience, - do you think it is possible to change a cell once it's rendered ? for example, implement onClick event, in a way that upon a click, another widget is added to the currently displayed row. I am trying to

Re: Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
Thank You, I tried your suggestion. In the onBrowseEvent, I capture the click event, but just capturing event does not result in re-rendering the table. I assume I need to somehow update the table for the re-rendering to happen, but I don't know how If your click event, updates the table in

Re: Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-02-01 Thread zixzigma
I realized what I was doing wrong. I was trying to do everything in the custom cell. I decided to handle things at CelLTable level, instead of cell level. so I defined a SingleSelectionModel, and when the row is selected, I change the flag within this selectionModel, which is related to the

Re: Found an inconsistent behaviour in GWT Expenses Roo application: Master-Detail Activities-Places becoming out of Sync !

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
1- so all the effort that goes into creating a Bookmarkable and Navigable Master/Detail Activity goes to waste ? 2- what is the point of using Activity/Places to create this Master/Detail scenario, if it is not going to function properly ? 3- can you think of a User Experience that says it is ok

Re: SEVERE: The Cell Widget is attempting to render itself within the render loop

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
I am getting this exception more and more now. I am not using a Date type, but I manipulate the range the table is showing using table.setVisibleRange. My problem is that I don't understand what exactly is that I am doing wrong, and how to change my code to avoid this exception. in other words,

Re: Multiple entry points in a single project

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
could you please explain what is the rationale behind using multiple entry points ? what is the benefit of using them ? and how it relates to code-splitting and gin-modules ? Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To

Re: paging in trees

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
I would also like to know the answer to this. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: Found an inconsistent behaviour in GWT Expenses Roo application: Master-Detail Activities-Places becoming out of Sync !

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
Thank You : ) your post gave me some comfort : ) Yes, the problem is related to paging, and not necessarily activity/places. as for your opinion of master/detail, I think it is a shame to not take advantage of the fact that we can display master/detail side by side, without a full page reload,

Re: comprehension problem events

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
I might be wrong, but please do remember that the Java code you write, are compiled to JavaScript, therefore in your statement: I do not understand how is it possible to get the value of the symbol variable after the button has been created and sent to client.?? button is not sent to the

Re: GWT Support Options and Quality

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
in my experience, support has been fantastic. if the question is complex that developers cannot answer, google experts weigh in. as for GWT being used for mission critical systems, many of Google applications , are built using GWT. maybe others can name the specific app. I know of Google Wave

Re: Found an inconsistent behaviour in GWT Expenses Roo application: Master-Detail Activities-Places becoming out of Sync !

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
THANK YOU !! You have been extremely helpful, you are truly an asset for GWT community. Thank You ! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe

How to Display a Loading message when transitioning between Activities and Places ?

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
it is a common practice to display a Loading message/icon when we have an operation that possibly would take some time to complete. for example when retrieving data from Datastore, etc. I was wondering how we can do the same for Activities/Places. in GWT MVP, when navigating from one place to

Re: How to Display a Loading message when transitioning between Activities and Places ?

2011-01-31 Thread zixzigma
Thank You, I understand the mechanics of hiding/showing, what I am not clear is the timing of it, when dealing with Activities and Places. do we need to use onStop method of one activity and start method of another, to signal when one is stopped/started and use events for these two activities to

Found an inconsistent behaviour in GWT Expenses Roo application: Master-Detail Activities-Places becoming out of Sync !

2011-01-30 Thread zixzigma
I found an inconsistent behaviour in GWT Expenses Roo application. Actually I found it in my own sample app inspired by Expenses app, and when I checked GWT Expenses Roo for reference, I realized it is the case there also. Problem Summary: ** When Hitting Browser Back Button, Master and Detail

can we use equals() to see if two EntityProxy or ValueProxy are equal ?

2011-01-30 Thread zixzigma
can we use equals() to see if two EntityProxy or ValueProxy are equal ? in other words, is equals() already overriden for our custom Entity/Value proxies, or we need to override it ourselves, or it does not make sense to compare two proxies ? Thank You -- You received this message because you

CellTable does not take us to the correct page when using selectionModel.setSelected

2011-01-30 Thread zixzigma
I have a CellTable displaying a list of items. this table has a SimplePager. I have defined a SingleSelectionModel for this CellTable. when I want to select an item, i use selectionModel.setSelected(item, true); this works fine. however there is an inconsistent behaviour in the following

Can CellWidgets contain custom composite widgets ?

2011-01-30 Thread zixzigma
Can I create custom composite widgets ( panels containing label, button, edit box), and include these custom widgets within the CellWidgets (CellTable, CellTree) ? for example, when clicking on a node, instead of displaying just a text, be able to display a composite widget, or including

does calling CellTable's setVisibleRange result in RangeChange Event being fired ?

2011-01-29 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, does calling CellTable's setVisibleRange result in RangeChange Event being fired ? in my experiments, it appears so, I want to confirm this, and may I ask why ? : ) Thank You -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

SEVERE: The Cell Widget is attempting to render itself within the render loop

2011-01-29 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, I was going back and forth within my CellTable, I got this random Severe exception which I couldn't reproduce. other than this random exception my table seems to be stable and everything seem to be fine. the IDE highlights this line within my code: table.addColumn(new

Is it possible to set the CellTable height to 100% to fill the available remaining space ?

2011-01-29 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, Is it possible to set the CellTable height to 100% to fill the available remaining space ? when I set the width to 100%, it works for width, but I tried setting the height to 100%, it didnt work. do you have any suggestions ? Thank You -- You received this message because you

how to handle cases where a user Repeatedly presses browser Refresh button in the middle of server call ?

2011-01-29 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, do you have any suggestion on how we can handle situations where a user repeatedly presses browser Refresh button during a server call ? (F5) I am displaying data in a CellTable which uses RequestFactory to retrieve data. if I press F5, couple of times during call to the

Re: Two parallel asynchronous rpc calls possible?

2011-01-27 Thread zixzigma
I think what you suggested, will result in Synchronous/Blocking calls. it won't be Parallel nor Asynchronous. Why not just make one call to a service and call different methods within your service object? You can put methods in your serviceImpl that are not RPC methods. -- You received this

Re: when to use AsyncDataProvider instead of CellTable.setRowData ?

2011-01-27 Thread zixzigma
I have included the relevant code from Roo generated Expenses app here: in onRangeChanged method, getView().asHasData().setRowData(range.getStart(), values); the code invokes setRowData on CellTable, and it makes use of onRangeChanged event, and in fact displays

Re: RequestFactory and Client side Caching

2011-01-27 Thread zixzigma
Thank You. I looked into ProxyStore and ProxySerializer. I can see we can put individual entityproxies in ProxyStore, and later retrieve it. This is great. - do you know if it is possible to put a List of proxies in the store, and later retrieve the list as a whole, instead of an individual

when to use AsyncDataProvider instead of CellTable.setRowData ?

2011-01-26 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone, do you know when we need to use AsyncDataProvider instead of CellTable.setRowData ? what is difference between the two, and when to use one over the other ? I have looked at the documentation, and have experimented with both in code, but still do not understand when and why I

Re: when to use AsyncDataProvider instead of CellTable.setRowData ?

2011-01-26 Thread zixzigma
If there are multiple displays, a* single data provider* can manage all of them in one place. do you mean a single* AsyncDataProvider* ? When setRowData() is called on a data provider, the provider calls setRowData() on every attached display. I think setRowData is called on CellTable not

dilemma in identifying correct Activities, Presenters and Views in New Google Group-like app

2011-01-26 Thread zixzigma
I am facing a dilemma best explained using a concrete example. Look at the *New* Google Group application. (taking gwt group as an example) when we are in the main place: #!forum/google-web-toolkit there is a display region/activity to the left, which holds Home/Favorite a display

Re: when to use AsyncDataProvider instead of CellTable.setRowData ?

2011-01-26 Thread zixzigma
Thank You, I understand the difference between AsyncdataProvider and ListDataProvider. my question was about AsyncDataProvider vs CellTable.setRowData. I believe CellTable.setRowData can also load data Asynchronously. I think Y2i is correct, this is my understanding of Y2i comment, I might be

Re: scroll to node in CellTree

2011-01-26 Thread zixzigma
I would also like to know the solution to this. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: do you think RangeChange of CellTable should update the History Token ?

2011-01-21 Thread zixzigma
Y2i, by storing the range on the server, you make the server responsible for knowing at what page of result you currently are, instead of putting the responsibility on the client ? in other words, your client tells the server, give me the next page of result, the client doesnt specifically says,

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