[ha-Safran]: Are these needs for Montreal?

2011-04-11 Thread Shfirsch
I believe that we need a recent passport. Should we take Canadian money with us? Sylvia Firschein, Librarian, Temple Beth Sholom, Sarasota, FL --- Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libr

[ha-Safran]: A roommate for Montreal needed for Sylvia Firschein

2011-04-04 Thread Shfirsch
Is there a female arrriviing on June 18th and leaving on June 23rd and doesn't smoke and wants a roommate.? Sylvia Firschein, Librarian of the Adult Library, Tample Beth Shalom, Sarasota, FL Call home phone 941-379-0429 email shfir...@aol.com --- Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran a

[ha-Safran]: Weeding of fiction

2011-02-10 Thread Shfirsch
We are weeding our library and find fiction the hardest. Please answer with your reasons to weed and reasons not to weed. (only fiction.) You can answer directly to me at shfir...@aol.com Thanks Sylvia Firschein, Librarian, Temple Beth Sholom, Sarasota, Florida --- Messages and opinio

[ha-Safran]: Antisemitism

2010-08-16 Thread Shfirsch
Dear Safranim, A patron came into my library and asked for a book on the origin of Antisemitism. Can you think of any books that are written well and give rational theories? Thank you in advance. Sylvia Firschein, Librarian, Sarasota, FL shfir...@aol.com --- Messages and opinions express

[ha-Safran]: DVD collections

2010-07-19 Thread Shfirsch
Dear Safranim,: In our synagogue library we have a growing video and DVD collection with Jewish content. I would like to know which ones you consider important to have. Include old ones and new ones. Many of my patrons are not taking out Holocaust films so please include more with othe

[ha-Safran]: A Request

2010-04-25 Thread Shfirsch
Dear Safranim, I am buying fiction books for my synagogue library and David Liss turned up with a few new books. In the beginning he wrote with Jewish content. Will someone please let me know which of his books have Jewish content and which don't. The reviews don't mention that. Sylvi

[ha-Safran]: Ruth Diskin Films

2010-04-08 Thread Shfirsch
Several postings recently have come from Ruth Diskin Films advertising their Israeli films. The cost is $300 for university libraries and $115 for public libraries. I wrote and asked if there could be another fee for synagogue libraries and I was answered in the negative. The libraries in ou

[ha-Safran]: Large Print additions

2010-02-11 Thread Shfirsch
I am so glad that I started this Large Print search. More libraries and more people with sight problems need these books. The more recent postings add to my list and give more choices. Sylvia Firschein, Librarian, Temple Beth Sholom, Sarasota, FL 34235 --- Messages and opinions expressed on


2010-02-08 Thread Shfirsch
Safranim, I have read several postings on Hasafran that asked for Large Print books with Jewish content. I work with Thorndike and help them to recognize Jewish content books. I have a small collection in my library and I buy from them. Here is the current list of books. They often have s

[ha-Safran]: List of books

2009-10-29 Thread Shfirsch
I have been asked by a librarian in a day school for a list of Notable Titles for Adults like the one the Cleveland Chapter made for children and teens. Does anyone know of any that exists? Thank you in advance. Sylvia Firschein, Librarian Sarasota, FL

[ha-Safran]: First-Timers to Convention Session

2009-06-03 Thread Shfirsch
Dear Officers and Committee chairs: On Sunday July 5 at 4 pm there will be an annual session for the First-Timers (includes newcomers to AJL) led by Sylvia Firschein. I am suggesting that officers and committee chairs may visit during the hour to welcome these people and speak for not more than

[ha-Safran]: "Stateless in Shanghai: A Memoir of a Turbulent

2008-07-17 Thread Shfirsch
Era" by Liliane Willens X-Original-To: Hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version X-Spam-Score: 1.30 (*) [Tag at 5.00] MISSING_SUBJECT X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) o

[ha-Safran]: A special fiction book

2008-05-27 Thread Shfirsch
A patron is asking for a fiction book for adults about Turkey or the Ottoman Empire. Please advise. Sylvia Firschein, Librarian, Temple Beth Sholom, Sarasota, FL Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Associatio

[ha-Safran]: A very old book

2008-03-03 Thread Shfirsch
Safranim: Perhaps someone knows where to go to appraise a book published in 1768 written in German to see what it is worth. A patron asked me this question and I really don't know how to find a person who especially knows how to appraise antique books. How would I look him or her up? Under

Re: [ha-Safran]: A neutral text comparing the Jewish denominations?

2008-01-21 Thread Shfirsch
Shalom Alba, Sylvia Firschein writing. You must have back issues of Hadassah Magazine to know that information. Too bad that most of us have not kept issues from so far back. Perhaps we should ask Hadassah to publish this article in a booklet for librarians or they or someone else can put it

[ha-Safran]: Todah Rabah

2007-08-12 Thread Shfirsch
Thank you very much to the librarians who answered me with suggestions of poetry books in English by Jewish writers with Jewish content. I knew I could count on Hasafran. The organizational meeting for the Poetry Reading Group will be on August 22 and I am hoping it will be a go. If anyone e

[ha-Safran]: Poetry Books

2007-07-31 Thread Shfirsch
Dear Safranim v'Safranot, We are planning to start a Poetry Reading Group with Judaic Content in our synagogue library. Please respond online (maybe others are as interested as I am) regarding suggested books to purchase. All must be in translation and can originate from any time period . We

[ha-Safran]: Officers at First-Timers Meeting

2007-06-12 Thread Shfirsch
Shalom AJL Officers: On Sunday, June 17 at 4-5 pm in Room Sonora C we will be holding the First-Timers Session. It will be good if some of you will come and introduce yourselves because it gives them the idea that we are all together working for AJL. We already have some committee c

[ha-Safran]: Convention Committee Chairs

2007-05-29 Thread Shfirsch
The Convention session for First-Timers will be on Sunday at 4-5 p.m. If you are a Committee Chair and would like to promote your program with newcomers please let me know and I will schedule you to say a few words to the group. See you in Phoenix. Sylvia Firschein, Librarian Temple Beth Shol

[ha-Safran]: Cleaning DVDs

2007-01-11 Thread Shfirsch
In response to the posting about DVDs I don't know about scratches but I do know that many glitches are caused by fingerprints. Netflix suggests that one should spray Windex on the side that is played and take an old soft cloth with no lint and clean in rows from the hole to the rim and never


2006-12-11 Thread Shfirsch
Some of you have asked on Hasafran for recommendations of authors who are good speakers. I am suggesting Carla Danziger who spoke recently at a Jewish Book Month session in Sarasota, FL. She is the author of Hidden Falls, a fascinating mystery novel with Jewish content. All there admired

[ha-Safran]: An answer to Helen Katz and anyone else who

2006-10-12 Thread Shfirsch
needs to know X-Original-To: hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version X-Spam-Score: 0.00 () [Tag at 5.00] X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) on X-Listpr

[ha-Safran]: A book that needs to be published

2006-07-17 Thread Shfirsch
(This request was on Hasafran just before Convention and many of you may not have seen it.) Dr. Liliane Willens has completed a memoir of her life in Shanghai where she was born to Jewish parents who emigrated from Russia. She is looking for an agent for this book, preferably a Jewish one. Dr

[ha-Safran]: Important book re: Jewish nurses for your library

2006-07-02 Thread Shfirsch
Dear Librarians, Author Evelyn Rose Benson was at the Convention on Monday morning signing her book. She ran out of flyers and books and I was asked by several attendees to put the following information on Hasafran. AS WE SEE OURSELVES: JEWISH WOMEN IN NURSING by Evelyn Rose Benson was

[ha-Safran]: Agent need for book author

2006-06-15 Thread Shfirsch
From Sylvia Firschein [EMAIL PROTECTED] A very dear friend of mine has completed a memoir of her life in Shanghai where she was born to Jewish parents from Russia. She grew up during a turbulent political era--civil wars, Japanese occupation of China, fight

[ha-Safran]: Pirke Avot takeoff

2005-12-22 Thread Shfirsch
A while ago someone posted a long reading about libraries that was written in the style of, I think, Pirke Avot. I cannot find it in the Archives. If you are that person or you have the reading please send it to me or post it again. Thanks. Sylvia Firschein [EMAIL

[ha-Safran]: Library readings

2005-12-01 Thread Shfirsch
My synagogue library volunteers and I are being honored with Library Shabbat on Saturday morning, December 17. I am now making the schedule of assignments and I am looking for good short positive Judaic-origin English readings at the services on libraries, books, reading.Please put what you

[ha-Safran]: Jewish computer disks for children

2005-05-09 Thread Shfirsch
A question for all who deal with children... A while ago a member of our AJL Chapter here on the West Coast of Florida endowed a children's library in the local JCC in memory of her son. The space has now become a computer room. She has asked the help of our members to recommend Jewish childre

[ha-Safran]: History of Jewish population

2005-05-01 Thread Shfirsch
A patron asked me this question and I need your help with answers and/or to lead him to the right sources: "What was the Jewish population in various European countries 1000-1200 C.E.? References are needed." Sylvia Firschein, Librarian Idelson Library, Temple Beth Sholom Sarasota, FL Messa

[ha-Safran]: Convention Problem

2005-03-15 Thread Shfirsch
I may need to arrive in Oakland on Saturday and leave on Thursday or Friday. If you would like to share a room for either of these times please contact me at my email address. Thanks. Sylvia Firschein [EMAIL PROTECTED] Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran ar

[ha-Safran]: Query about Jewish magazines

2005-02-20 Thread Shfirsch
Shalom, I have a patron who is a writer and asks if anyone knows of Jewish magazines that publish personal memoirs or short fiction. Thanks for your help in advance. I have always solved my library problems on Hasafran. Sylvia Firschein Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are thos

[ha-Safran]: Florida West Coast Chapter Invitation

2005-01-23 Thread Shfirsch
Hi, Our chapter on the West Coast of Florida is doing very well at being of service to each other. We want to expand to include more Judaic librarians on the West Coast. At present we have members in the Sarasota and Naples areas. We are thinking of St. Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater and other

[ha-Safran]: Pirke Avot Question

2004-12-30 Thread Shfirsch
An open message to Yossi Galron: All of the answers to my question advised me that Ben Shahn never illustrated Pirke Avot but Saul Raskin did. To have my problem solved within one day was a miracle and I thank Yossi for making Hasafran possible. A Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year to us all.

[ha-Safran]: Pirke Avot

2004-12-28 Thread Shfirsch
A library patron asked me to find out where she could buy a copy of Pirke Avot illustrated by Ben Shahn. She says she used to have one. I have tried every avenue I know to find it and I have not succeeded and I wonder if there ever was such a book. If you know the answer please let me know. S

A children's book

2004-03-27 Thread Shfirsch
A patron has asked for a book to explain "What is Torah?" to a 10 year old boy. I have been online to several sources and cannot find anything like this. It could even be a textbook. Please help. Sylvia Firschein, Sarasota, FL === Subm

[ha-Safran]: Responses to "Computer Software for Youth"

2003-11-13 Thread Shfirsch
I promised to share my responses on this list. Here they are. And thank you to those who responded. If anyone has any more ideas please post them. Manufacturers and Distributors 1. www.torahtots.com (Orthodox point of view)---games and CD-ROMs 2. www.Davka.com 3. www.j

[Ha-Safran] Computer Software for Youth

2003-10-15 Thread Shfirsch
One of our members of the Florida West Coasst AJL Chapter is setting up a Judaica Youth Media Center in a JCC computer room. She needs some recommendations of computer software for young children and teens with Jewish content that has been popular and worked well for other librarians. Also pl