Re: JES2 vs. JES3

2010-09-09 Thread WalterR
WalterR wrote: Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote: In, on 09/08/2010 at 01:30 PM, Ed Finnell said: Huh? HASP was the efforts of NASA Houston and came out as Half ASP. Do you have a citation for that? I never saw the term before I

Re: JES2 vs. JES3

2010-09-08 Thread WalterR
Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote: In, on 09/08/2010 at 01:30 PM, Ed Finnell said: Huh? HASP was the efforts of NASA Houston and came out as Half ASP. Do you have a citation for that? I never saw the term before I suggested HASP is

Re: Cobol routine to convert TEXT to displayable HEX

2010-06-15 Thread WalterR
Donald Johnson wrote: Hi guys and gals! Does anyone have a routine (COBOL preferable) that converts a standard text field into its HEX values? For example, if I have a field 'BEFORE,' I want to be able to translate it to CCCDDC 256695 or to C2C5C6D6D9C5. My ultimate goal is the first choice

Re: Reading DD card information

2009-09-16 Thread WalterR
Frank Swarbrick wrote: I believe I have seen something like the following: //FJSTEST JOB NOTIFY=SYSUID //STEP01 EXEC PGM=MYPGM //DUMMME DD DUMMY,DSN='THIS.IS.A.TEST' What does MYPGM need to do in order to retrieve the DSN value of the DD named DUMMME? A general

Re: Batch ISPF Copy w/append?

2008-12-04 Thread WalterR
John McKown wrote: On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 11:32:31 -0600, Dave Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello group, I wrote an exec that renames members of a PDS. It invokes IPSF services LMINIT, LMOPEN, LMREN, LMCLOSE and LMFREE. I looked in the V1R8 ISPF services book at LMCOPY. It

Re: Convert EBCDIC to ASCII in batch?

2008-03-20 Thread WalterR
McKown, John wrote: I cannot think of an easy way to do this, so I thought that I'd ask. I want to copy a sequential file to another sequential file (both on DASD, not tape!), translating the contents from EBCDIC (CP-037) to ASCII (ISO8859-1). I can think of a way to do it using UNIX services,

Re: JCL parms

2008-01-04 Thread WalterR
Ulrich Krueger wrote: You know, guys, as much as I'd like to see the JCL PARM expanded in length, I'd hate to see the problems that will arise from it. Face it, how many of your programs that process PARM values have a hard-coded 100-byte storage area to receive the PARM string into? Just about

Re: Getting LRECL and RECFM of a dataset

2007-08-30 Thread WalterR
Michael Knigge wrote: All, is there a way to get the LRECL and RECFM (and maybe other attributes) of a dataset without opening it? I use the Catalog Search Interface to get a list of Datasets and the CSI can return me some attributes (like VOLUME and DEVICE), but to get the RECFM I have

Re: PDS to SEQ and back to PDS

2007-07-25 Thread WalterR
Earnie Allen wrote: We have PDSMAN in-shop, but I do not believe I can use it for this particular change because not only is the ACCT info different in most cases, but also because there does not now exist any standard ACCT field info to key on and do the replace. Thus the need for the project

Re: PDS to SEQ and back to PDS

2007-07-24 Thread WalterR
Earnie Allen wrote: I am in need of a fairly straightforward method of turning a PDS into a flat file (for modifications) and then back into a PDS. Having the original ISPF stats present in the final PDS is not necessarily a critical part of the process for us --- nice, but not absolutely

Re: Fw: COBOL Functions

2007-07-22 Thread WalterR
Bill Klein wrote: Although the '02 ANSI/ISO Standard does allow for user-defined functions, these are NOT supported by current releases of IBM's Enterprise COBOL. (Some vendors of Windows and Unix COBOL compilers do already support it). On the other hand, What do you mean by a function?

Re: LookAt

2007-02-02 Thread WalterR
Hunkeler Peter (KIUK 3) wrote: I remember I tried LookAt in the past but it's not so impressive to me. Anyway, your professionals use them so there must be some reasons... Well, I love the bookmanager shelves, too, and am using them all the time before going to the web. But LookAt has

IMS Version ?

2006-11-06 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?WalterR?=
I did indeed find the version identifier where you said it would be in DFSRRC00. Problem solved. Thank you, particularly Mark! Still, let me wonder why a built-in function doesn't do this instead, something like DB2's CONNECT, PL/I's SYSVERSION or LE's CEEGPID (or some standardized equivalent)?

IMS Version ?

2006-11-01 Thread WalterR
This may be OT, but I don't have an IMS list address? I am being asked to test a new version of IMS (Version 8.1), and it seems elementary to confirm what version I actually have. Like ISPF ZENVIR, does IMS have a command or DLI function that returns this in some form -- something corresponding

Re: FW: Looking for JCL interpreter for UNIX/LINUX

2006-04-28 Thread WalterR
Jan MOEYERSONS wrote: for a client of us we are searching mvs to unix migration tools. For the huge amount of batch jobs we need an easy way for JCL to script conversion. The best would be a JCL interpreter for UNIX. Does anybody know of such a tool? I

Re: MVS Batchpipes Pipe Works

2006-04-11 Thread WalterR
Tom Schmidt wrote: On Thu, 6 Apr 2006 20:30:34 -0400, Warner Mach wrote: Dear List: . We have a vendor program that produces various records at a fixed blksize. It is necessary to reformat these blocks into smaller recsize/blksize. We do this with a long set of IEBGENER jobs. It would

Re: IMS -- Old Manual

2006-03-12 Thread WalterR
James Chappell wrote: Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction I'm look for a copy of IMS/VS Low-Level Code/Continuity Check DL/I OS/VS Program Reference and Operations Manual The last manual number that I can find for LLC/CC was SH20-9047 Jim Chappell 503 745-7841 503