Bismillah [IslamCity] Dharurah and Coercion

2009-04-13 Thread darultawhid english
Dharurah and Coercion Sarakhsi Sharh as-Siyar al-Kabeer, 4/118 #2756 The Chapter of the One Who is compelled to Drink Wine and Eat Pig By (Imam Muhammad) mentioning the narration of Ataa regarding the man who was compelled to consume wine a

Bismillah [IslamCity] The month of Dhulhijja and eid al-adha

2008-12-06 Thread darultawhid english
The month of Dhulhijja and eid al-adha Bismillahirrahmanirrahim The month of Dhulqada 1429AH was completed to 30 days therefore the first day of Dhulhijja is according to the Gregorian calendar 29 November 2008, Saturday. The first day of eid

Bismillah [IslamCity] The way of Cutting relations off from the mushrik and the murtad 1

2008-12-04 Thread darultawhid english
The way of Cutting relations off from the mushrik and the murtad Sabil an-Najat Wal-Fikak The way of Cutting relations off from the mushrik and the murtad Hamad b Atiq (d. 1301AH) Author He is the Al-Allamah, Hamad Ibn Ali Ibn Atiq, from the

Bismillah [IslamCity] Tawhid related issues Abu Butayn part 3

2008-12-04 Thread darultawhid english
Tawhid related issues Abu Butayn Is it an obligation for one to follow one of the four madhabs? (Sheikh Abu Batin Abdullah b. Abdurrahman asked the following question): Must one follow one of the four righteous madhabs? Answer (of Sheikh

Bismillah [IslamCity] Tawhid related issues Abu Butayn part 2

2008-12-04 Thread darultawhid english
Tawhid related issues Abu Butayn Will anyone who utters ‘lailahaillaAllah’ be performed takfir? Question: How can we answer someone who states this: When those came before us stated ‘lailahaillaAllah’ they had not been touched. Although we ar

Bismillah [IslamCity] Darultawhid moved to

2008-12-02 Thread darultawhid english
Darultawhid moved to   Darultawhid is now continuing its dawah at a new adress:   Darultawhid Darultawhid_English Darultawhid_Turkish Darultawhid_Russ

Bismillah [IslamCity] The attribute of ahl qiblah being evanescent

2008-11-16 Thread darultawhid english
The attribute of ahl qiblah being evanescent   "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord!" (al-Baqara 2/286) "It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord" (al-Baqara 2/198) Surely the permit men

Bismillah [IslamCity] Tahrif and its Legality

2008-11-16 Thread darultawhid english
 Tahrif and its Legality Tahrif is an Arabic word which means "corruption and forgery"; and it is changing the text through altering words from their proper meaning, changing words in form, or substituting words or letters for others. Th

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Ruling on Salaam 4

2008-11-04 Thread darultawhid english
The Ruling on Salaam   Salaam to a person whose being Muslim or kafir is unknown It was reported in the hadith that you should say salaam to those you know and those you do not (Bukhari) but this applies only to Muslims, or those who appe

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Muslimeen and the procedures of the modern day taghout 3

2008-11-02 Thread darultawhid english
The Muslimeen and the procedures of the modern day taghout   Driver’s Licences When it comes to the matter of driver’s licences as there is no evidence that obtaining a driver’s licence and using a driver’s licence is kufr we also did n

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Ruling on Salaam 2

2008-10-20 Thread darultawhid english
The Ruling on Salaam   What is makrooh is for the one who is initiating the greeting to say “ ‘Alayk al-salaam” or “ ‘Alaykum al-salaam,” because this is the greeting given to the dead as RasulAllah (saw) said. Abu Jurayy al-Hujaymi (ra

Bismillah [IslamCity] Complete list of Sheikhah (The Female Teachers) of Adh-Dhahabi

2008-08-27 Thread darultawhid english
Complete list of Sheikhah (The Female Teachers) of Adh-Dhahabi   Shams-ud-deen, Abu Abdillah, Muhammad Bin Ahmed Bin ‘Uthman Adh-Dhahabi Tarikh-ul-Islam Wa Wafayat-ul-Mashahir Wal-A’laam (The history of Islam and the decease of the famous

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sheik Al-Islam ibn Taymia "MINHAJ ASSUNA" Series

2008-08-16 Thread darultawhid english
Sheik Al-Islam ibn Taymia "MINHAJ ASSUNA" Series     Minhaj Assuna – Part One   Sheik Al-Islam may Allah have mercy on him says:   Alhamdulillah to the one that sent the Prophets and Messengers who give glad tidings and warnings, and sent

Bismillah [IslamCity] Brothers in Islam Ali (رضي الله عنه) and Mu`awiyah (رضي الله عنه)

2008-08-04 Thread darultawhid english
Brothers in Islam Ali (رضي الله عنه) and Mu`awiyah (رضي الله عنه)   Brothers in Islam Ali (رضي الله عنه) and Mu`awiyah (رضي الله عنه) Sifatus-Safwah 1/66   After Ali died , Mu`awiyah bin Abi Sufyan said to Dirar bin Damrah “Describe ‘Ali t

Bismillah [IslamCity] Did ulama of Najd not rule the ignorants kafir nor Muslim?

2008-08-04 Thread darultawhid english
Did ulama of Najd not rule the ignorants kafir nor Muslim?   Quote "Children of Muhammad b Abdulwahab (ra), and Hamad b Nasr al-Muammar said: if he was acting kufr and Shirk due to his ignorance or due to the absence of anyo

Bismillah [IslamCity] Discussions between Abu Hanifa and Khawarij

2008-07-30 Thread darultawhid english
Discussions between Abu Hanifa and Khawarij   The Khawarij who based their thoughts on rebelling against the leader of the Muslims, accuse the sahaba -especially Abu Musa al-Ashari (ra) and Amr b As (ra)- with ‘committing kufr’ because

Bismillah [IslamCity] First 2 parts out of 4 of the book 'BEWARE of Ignorance -it is not an excuse!'

2008-07-12 Thread darultawhid english
BEWARE of Ignorance -it is not an excuse! Khutbatul Hajjah Preface Subjects of work Part  1 Although people had been living in ignorance, the evidence regarding the fact that, their attribute of mushrik had been valid prior to the Hujjah

Bismillah [IslamCity] Can the dead recognize the visitors and hear their recitation of Qur’an?

2008-07-12 Thread darultawhid english
Can the dead recognize the visitors and hear their recitation of Qur’an? 27 Fatawa Regarding Aqidah by Ibn Hajar Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (H 773-852) Q2- Will the dead person be able to recognize the one who sits near his grave? Is he

Bismillah [IslamCity] Kalimatu’l-Ikhlas ‘lailahaillaAllah’ part 1

2008-07-09 Thread darultawhid english
Kalimatu’l-Ikhlas ‘lailahaillaAllah’ Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (H 736-795)   Hamd belongs to Allah and help is from Him. The following hadith from Anas (ra) is recorded in Bukhari and Muslim:   “It is reported on the authority of Anas b. Malik (ra) that RasulAllah (saw) address

Bismillah [IslamCity] Kalimatu’l-Ikhlas ‘lailahaillaAllah’ part 2

2008-07-09 Thread darultawhid english
Kalimatu’l-Ikhlas ‘lailahaillaAllah’ First type: Those ahadith which informs the hukm of those who meet Allah with shadataiyn (both the testimonies of la ilaha illa Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah) will enter into jannah and will not be prohibited from (entering) i

Bismillah [IslamCity] doubts on Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah

2008-07-06 Thread darultawhid english
doubts on Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah   One other manipulated term of Islam is ‘ahl-sunnah’. Unfortunately from people among the graveworshipers to the people of kalam, from a very wide angle people attribute themselves to be ahl-sunnah a

Bismillah [IslamCity] Did Muhammad b Abdulwahab and ulama of Najd excuse ignorance in usuluddeen?

2008-07-01 Thread darultawhid english
Did Muhammad b Abdulwahab and ulama of Najd excuse ignorance in usuluddeen?   [quote author=Gharib link=topic=1926.msg5654#msg5654 date=1214281996] Also, Ibn Taimiyah said almost the same: ( إنا بعد معرفة ما جاء به الرسول نعلم بالضرورة أن

Bismillah [IslamCity] Excerpts regarding Al-Wala' wal Bara' from Rawdatu'l-Muhibbeen

2008-06-10 Thread darultawhid english
Excerpts regarding Al-Wala' wal Bara' from Rawdatu'l-Muhibbeen Ibn Qayyim Rawdatu'l-Muhibbeen wa Nudhatu'l-Mushtakeen "Therefore the love is 3 kinds: Love of Allah; love for Him and the love for His sake. The love for Him and the love wi

Bismillah [IslamCity] offline access to darultawhid

2008-06-10 Thread darultawhid english
offline access to darultawhid   Download "darultawhid" onto your pc or a dvd to have the archive of “the archive of the salaf and the discussion forum” for yourself to use off line in a few easy steps: 1- Download the video presentation

Bismillah [IslamCity] for the Companions of the Qur'an...

2008-05-24 Thread darultawhid english
for the Companions of the Qur'an... The Companion of the Qur'an is the one who will be put forward (the one given predesence) in this life and in the hereafter. And they are the people of nobility and honour. >From Umar bin al-Khatt

Bismillah [IslamCity] Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!).

2008-05-22 Thread darultawhid english
Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!). (at-Takathur 102/8) Imam Baghawi (ra) in his tafsir narrated the following: 1- From Ibn Mas’oud (ra), -reporting it as a statement of RasulAllah (saw) wh

Bismillah [IslamCity] The First Friday Sermon after the Liberation of Quds by Sultan Salahuddeen Ayubi

2008-05-21 Thread darultawhid english
The First Friday Sermon after the Liberation of Quds by Sultan Salahuddeen Ayubi The First Friday Sermon after the Liberation of Quds by Sultan Salahuddeen Ayubi (May Allah have mercy on him) The first Friday sermon that was deliv

Bismillah [IslamCity] Death: the Destroyer of the Pleasures...

2008-05-21 Thread darultawhid english
Death: the Destroyer of the Pleasures... compiled from Kitabu Zuhd of Imam Aboo Daawood & Zuhd al-Kabeer of Imam al-Bayhaqee RasulAllah (saw) said: "Remember much that which destroys (cuts off) the pleasures: Death. Since

Bismillah [IslamCity] Whomsoever emigrated to Allah and His Messenger...

2008-05-15 Thread darultawhid english
Whomsoever emigrated to Allah and His Messenger... Quote - ßÊÇÈ ãÌãæÚ ÇáÝÊÇæì¡ ÇáÌÒÁ 18¡ ÕÝÍÉ 280. Þæáå ( Ýãä ßÇäÊ åÌÑÊå Åáì Çááå æÑÓæáå ÝåÌÑÊå Åáì Çááå æÑÓæáå ) áíÓ åæ ÊÍÕíá áá

Bismillah [IslamCity] We are neither Anti-Semite nor Semite

2008-05-10 Thread darultawhid english
We are neither Anti-Semite nor Semite In today’s world, one of the biggest slanders against those who try to decipher and exploit the organizations of the Jews and their allies is being anti-semite and moreover being ra

Bismillah [IslamCity] O you who asked my madhab and aqidah! by Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) -qasidah

2008-05-10 Thread darultawhid english
O you who asked my madhab and aqidah! by Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) -qasidah O you who asked my madhab and aqidah! Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) Jilau'l-Aynayn fi Muhaqamati'l-Ahmadayn, 58 O you who asked my madhab and aqidah! May the one who asks f

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] revolution and the revolutionists on the scale of tawhid

2008-05-07 Thread darultawhid english
no worries every deviant get their share: Guard Your Faith salafi appearing groups Callers of Haakimiyyah Talafis - the salafi appearing modern murjiah namely "the scholarly salafi movement" Jihaadis –warriors of deli

Bismillah [IslamCity] Talafis - the salafi appearing modern murjiah namely "the scholarly salafi movement"

2008-04-30 Thread darultawhid english
Guard Your Faith Talafis - the salafi appearing modern murjiah namely "the scholarly salafi movement" UN & International Court of Justice Saudi Salafis

Bismillah [IslamCity] revolution and the revolutionists on the scale of tawhid

2008-04-29 Thread darultawhid english
revolution and the revolutionists on the scale of tawhid All praise to Allah (awj) who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne, who gives our provisions, sent Messengers with glad tid

Bismillah [IslamCity] Announcement: Darultawhid Russian

2008-03-13 Thread darultawhid english
Our Russian forum restarted dawah services. Alhamduli'Allah Darultawhid Our Russian forum, which had been closed for awhile, restarted its dawah services. As Allah gives Muslims sabr (patience) and power, making dawah will speed up. The doubts aro

Bismillah [IslamCity] Announcement: Sunday March 09, 2008

2008-03-13 Thread darultawhid english
about it. During the past 6 weeks we (darultawhid English administrators and moderators) were away from our archive of the salaf and the discussion forum. This unplanned and unexpected detachment will end very soon. In this period so many questions were asked. We listed all the questions which

Bismillah [IslamCity] A classification of 73 firga

2007-12-29 Thread darultawhid english
A classification of 73 firga Imam Shatibi al-I’tisam, II, 232-240 Some of the scholars have the opinion that the base of these groups consist of eight groups. And some of them stated that the greatest firqa of Islam are eight.

Bismillah [IslamCity] A beneficial description of the modern Jaahiliyyah

2007-12-29 Thread darultawhid english
A beneficial description of the modern Jaahiliyyah Sayyid Qutb compiled from In the shade of the Qur'an, Al-Araf, 190-195 Today individuals have attained gods which are namely “folk”, “homeland” and “nation”. These and likes (of

Bismillah [IslamCity] Takfir according to the dar

2007-12-27 Thread darultawhid english
Takfir according to the dar Takfir according to the 'dar = land' is another manipulated area of Islam. Today seems like a dark era for the Muslim. Tawhid which is the basis of knowledge has almost diminished, jahiliyyah and s

Bismillah [IslamCity] A List of Books which Includes 'Weak, Fabricated & Baatil Ahaadeeth'

2007-12-02 Thread darultawhid english
A List of Books which Includes 'Weak, Fabricated & Baatil Ahaadeeth' Ajaebu’l-Qur’an: Mahmud Ibn Hamza al-Qirmanee Battles of Hadrath Ali: various books on this topic Araisu’l-Majalis fi Qasasi’l-Anbiya (Nafaisu’l-Arais wa al-Kashf

Bismillah [IslamCity] A Ghullaat Murji�ah Response: Takfir is a duty of Qadi

2007-11-28 Thread darultawhid english
A Ghullaat Murji’ah Response: Takfir is a duty of Qadi Takfir is a part of kalimat shahadah ‘la ilaha’. With no doubt just as the devoid of rejecting the taghout, will barricade the ‘la ilaha’ part of kalimat shahada from executin

Bismillah [IslamCity] The murji'ah brotherhood

2007-11-28 Thread darultawhid english
The murji'ah brotherhood from todays murjiah the warriors of deliverance the so called jihaadis to the Ghullaat Murjiah of today Saudi Salafees This information was compiled from one of the discussion forums in the English language by

Bismillah [IslamCity] Munabbihat

2007-11-12 Thread darultawhid english
Munabbihat Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani Counsel in Twos [1] It has been narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “There are two traits, nothing is better than them: belief in Allah and bringing benefit to th

Bismillah [IslamCity] A List of Famous Muhaddeethun Before Imam Bukhari (ra)

2007-11-03 Thread darultawhid english
A List of Famous Muhaddeethun Before Imam Bukhari (ra) Amongst the tabiin... Sa'ed b. Musayyab (H14- H93) Hasan Basri (H21-110) Ibn Shirin (H33-110) Urwa b. Zubayr (H22-94) Ali b. Husayn (Zaynal-Abidin) (H38-H94) Mujahid (

Bismillah [IslamCity] an "Edu-caution" message Muslim Children and the Schools of Taghout

2007-10-28 Thread darultawhid english
"Edu-caution" Muslim Children and the Schools of Taghout download "Edu-caution" Muslim Children and the Schools of Taghout e-book link 1 "Edu-caution" Muslim Children and the Schools of Taghout e-book link 2 read Khutbatul Hajjah Preface

Bismillah [IslamCity] O Mankind...

2007-10-18 Thread darultawhid english
O mankind... O mankind... You did not lend your ear to the prophets You would not pay attention to me You scared everyone who is not like you And you will even be scared of yourself. If you were Ibrahim (as) You would have sold

Bismillah [IslamCity] Seeking Judgment from Taghout

2007-10-14 Thread darultawhid english
Seeking Judgment from Taghout Khutbatul Hajjah Preface The Meaning of Taghout Muhakama is an ibadah The Relationship between Walayah & Tahkim Statements from the 'ulama regarding this matter Doubts concerning the issue and their clarifi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A list of sahaba who narrated regarding "Ru�yah"

2007-10-03 Thread darultawhid english
A list of sahaba who narrated regarding "Ru’yah" (the believer’s seeing of Allah in the Hereafter) Darultawhid > Forum > Aqeedah & Tawheed > Tawheed > Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat > A list of sahaba who narrated regarding Ru’yah 1- Abu Bakr (ra) -Ahmad; Musnad, Haythami; Majmau'z-Zawa

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The first obligation, which is imposed upon the Mukalleef

2007-09-25 Thread darultawhid english
The first obligation, which is imposed upon the Mukalleef In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful First of all it would be much more appropriate if the term Mukalleef is described before the explanatory given. Mukalleef: A person legally responsible; one

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Whose books are these?

2007-09-24 Thread darultawhid english
Darultawhid > Forum > Al-Farq bayn al-Firaq > Guard Your Faith > Callers of Haakimiyyah -Al-Qudsiyya wa Taifatul Adavetulilhaq > Whose books are these? Whose books are these? With the leadership of the Dr. Diyaaud-deen Al-Qudsy, this group published a dozen of books in different languages.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Clarification of the doubts about the Hatib (ra)'s incident -part 2

2007-09-22 Thread darultawhid english
Clarification of the doubts about the Hatib (ra)'s incident Darultawhid > Forum The incident of Hatib bin Abi Belte’a can be analyzed from various views. Assisting and helping kuffar against Muslims is kufr 1- The incident of Hatib (ra) is one of the greatest evidences in rel

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ibn Abbas�s (ra) debate with Harooreyya (Hawarej)

2007-09-21 Thread darultawhid english
Ibn Abbas’s (ra) debate with Harooreyya (Hawarej) Darultawhid > Forum Abdurrazzak, Abu Nuaym, Bayhakee and others Narrated from Ibn Abbas, He said: Hawarij came together in a place with hatred and agreed upon to oppose (by fighting) with Ali (ra) and the Prophet (saw)’s ashab (companions)

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Clarification of the doubts about the Hatib (ra)'s incident

2007-09-21 Thread darultawhid english
Clarification of the doubts about the Hatib (ra)'s incident Darultawhid > Forum When Allah has deviated an individual there is no other to give him hidayah. An individual who has not comprehended the basis of Islam; which is tawhid, will undoubtedly have kufr in his life because he has n

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Some Sunans (Sunnahs) Related with as-Sawn (Fasting)

2007-09-17 Thread darultawhid english
Some Sunans (Sunnahs) Related with as-Sawn (Fasting) Darultawhid > Forum > Pre-dawn meal (suhoor): It is narrated on the authority of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said that the Messenger of Allah said: "Have the pre-dawn meal. Verily in the pre-dawn meal is blessing" [Agreed

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Qur'anic Studies

2007-09-17 Thread darultawhid english
Darultawhid > Forum > Islamic Sciences > Quran > Qur'anic Studies Ayaths Regarding signs of hypocrites in The Quran * Sign: Causing Corruption and Mischief upon the earth "And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: ‘We are only peacemakers.’ Verily! Th

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A List of Fatawa Givers in the first two generations

2007-09-16 Thread darultawhid english
A List of Fatawa Givers in the first two generations Darultawhid > Forum Archive of the salaf and the discussion forum The Companions Who Gave Fatawa and the Generation Subsequent to Them in the Order According to the Number of Fatawa They Gave Ýbn Hazm Jawâmiu’s-Sira This risala, i

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sawm

2007-09-16 Thread darultawhid english
Darultawhid > Forum > Ibaadah > Sawm The Purpose of Fasting Voluntary Fasting FASTING (SIYAM) reciting the whole Quran during the night prayer of Ramadan Kitaab as-Siyaam - Buloogh al-Maraam The Third Foundation of Islam -Sawm- The wisdom behind Fasting On the Day of `Aashoo

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Month of Qur'an: teach kids Qur'an

2007-09-13 Thread darultawhid english
al-fatiha al-jumua al-munafiqoon al-muzzammil al-qiyama al-mursalat al-abasa at-takwir al-intifar al-inshiqaq al-burooj at-tariq al-ala al-ghashiya al-fajr al-balad ash-shams al-lail ad-dhuha al-inshirah at-tin al-alaq al-qadr al-bayyina al-zalzala al-adiyat al-qaria al-takathur al-asr al-humaza al