[julia-users] Re: so many plotting packages

2016-10-28 Thread Ben Arthur
i wasn't looking for recommendations. am happily using gadfly. started out with pyplot three years ago. rather, i just think the julia community would benefit by collecting all these packages in one place. since tbreloff appears to want to keep an iron grip

[julia-users] so many plotting packages

2016-10-28 Thread Ben Arthur
would be nice to have an organization to contain all of these. as @StefanKarpinski pointed out (i forget where exactly), it would help to encourage developers to work together. it would also help new users of julia figure out which package they want to use

[julia-users] Re: ClusterManagers timeout

2016-09-28 Thread Ben Arthur
you could custom modify your copy of ClusterManagers.jl to wait longer by changing the hard-coded "60" on this line: https://github.com/JuliaParallel/ClusterManagers.jl/blob/master/src/slurm.jl#L52

Re: [julia-users] sockets or task problem on 0.5

2016-08-24 Thread Ben Arthur
thanks for the help. i think it's a bug in julia and have filed an issue: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/18227

[julia-users] Re: List of all Tasks

2016-08-24 Thread Ben Arthur

[julia-users] sockets or task problem on 0.5

2016-08-24 Thread Ben Arthur
anyone else having problems with sockets or tasks on 0.5-rc3 ? i've got a complicated program that runs fine on 0.4.6, but hangs on 0.5. am in the process of debugging...

Re: [julia-users] how to set the maximal waiting time for ClusterManagers.addprocs_sge()?

2016-06-02 Thread Ben Arthur
i've used qrsh instead of qsub to avoid the aggressive disk buffering. it's a much better solution all around. check out this PR: https://github.com/JuliaParallel/ClusterManagers.jl/pull/11

Re: [julia-users] Re: turn off warnings?

2016-05-05 Thread Ben Arthur
looks great tim, but what i had in mind was this: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/16213

[julia-users] Re: turn off warnings?

2016-05-04 Thread Ben Arthur
+1 both matlab and python can suppress warnings. any plan to permit this in julia? http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/suppress-warnings.html https://docs.python.org/2/library/warnings.html

[julia-users] Re: New package: MixtureModels.jl

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Arthur
any plans to update this package? sure would be nice to have it work for julia 0.4

[julia-users] Re: ANN: AffineTransforms.jl

2016-03-01 Thread Ben Arthur
thanks for AffineTransforms.jl tim!

Re: [julia-users] Re: map() vs. comprehensions

2015-10-21 Thread Ben Arthur
correction-- element-wise multiplication of string vectors also works if the two are of equal length: julia> ["a","b"] .* ["c","d"] 2-element Array{ASCIIString,1}: "ac" "bd"

Re: [julia-users] Re: map() vs. comprehensions

2015-10-21 Thread Ben Arthur
element-wise multiplication of string vectors works too, but only if one vector is of length 1: julia> @time ["["] .* ["as", "sdf", "qwer"] .* ["]"] 0.33 seconds (35 allocations: 1.656 KB) 3-element Array{ASCIIString,1}: "[as]" "[sdf]" "[qwer]" if you prefer this syntax to map or compre

Re: [julia-users] Re: Julia T-shirt and Sticker

2015-10-14 Thread Ben Arthur
we really really need a t-shirt to celebrate the release of 0.4. stickers would be great too. i'd even be willing to pay an exorbitant amount for these things if the proceeds went to juliaComputing.

[julia-users] Re: Why does 0.4 error silently in parallel?

2015-09-05 Thread Ben Arthur

Re: [julia-users] Multiple lines statement?

2015-06-15 Thread Ben Arthur
in addition to adhering to mathematical typsetting conventions, permitting binary operators to be on the following line would make it easier to comment out sub-expressions. for example, if a>b || c>d || e>f end could become if a>b # || c>d || e>f end i'm not advocating for a mandator

[julia-users] run() yields in @async, why?

2015-04-07 Thread Ben Arthur
spawn() and readandwrite() are documented as being variants of run() which do not block the command line. yet in an @async, run() seems to yield to other tasks. to wit: # bar prints first because it's the first task julia> @sync begin @async println("bar") @async (run(`sleep 10`);print

Re: [julia-users] Dealing with memory accumulation on worker processes

2015-03-31 Thread Ben Arthur
also https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6567

Re: [julia-users] @async weirdness

2015-03-11 Thread Ben Arthur
could indeed be the REPL. the output looks fine in juliabox.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Julia T-shirt and Sticker

2015-03-11 Thread Ben Arthur
i have the opposite problem-- my wife is named julia, and everyone suspects i use the language julia because of an emotional attachment to my wife, not because it is such a great language :) On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 3:10:36 PM UTC-4, Stéphane Laurent wrote: > > My ex-girl friend suspecte

Re: [julia-users] @async weirdness

2015-03-11 Thread Ben Arthur
nice catch amit. perhaps most importantly, one can demonstrate that all the commands are executed, just not printed to the REPL, with the following code. this is what i was most worried about. though the inconsistent printing does not inspire confidence. julia> @async (println("foo");println("

[julia-users] @async weirdness

2015-03-10 Thread Ben Arthur
in my continuing quest to understand Julia tasks, i have created the following contrived example which does not behave as i would expect. can anyone help explain please? thanks in advance. julia> function printfoobar() println("foo") println("bar") end printfoobar

Re: [julia-users] Referencing function scope variables from @async blocks

2015-03-10 Thread Ben Arthur
+1 for documenting whether @async introduces a scope block. is what amit said true? On Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 4:23:21 AM UTC-4, Amit Murthy wrote: > > My understanding is that "let" blocks only localize variables explicitly > specified on the first line, while @async localizes all variables

Re: [julia-users] Inserting a new line in REPL

2015-03-09 Thread Ben Arthur
just to be explicit here, in the Mac terminal you go to preferences -> settings -> keyboard and click "use option as meta key"

[julia-users] Re: Multi-line commenting

2015-02-04 Thread Ben Arthur
are multiline comments documented? nothing comes up when searching in the manual.

[julia-users] prevent yield in task

2015-02-03 Thread Ben Arthur
is there a way to mark a section of code within a task to run as an atomic unit? in other words, to prevent the scheduler from switching to a different task within this section? for example, i'd like have more than one @sync task running this same snippet of code on the same global variables:

Re: [julia-users] how to properly dis-connect from a TcpSocket

2014-12-24 Thread Ben Arthur
doh! i should've thought of that. thanks isaiah. i've submitted a PR to update the example in the documentation: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/9453

[julia-users] how to properly dis-connect from a TcpSocket

2014-12-23 Thread Ben Arthur
i'm able to setup a connection and pass messages, the problem is that when the sender is another julia process, and that process exits, the receiver is spammed with an infinite number of empty lines. how does one exit cleanly? is there a disconnect() command? code below. thanks == firs

Re: [julia-users] calling libraries of c++ or fortran90 code in Julia

2014-12-08 Thread Ben Arthur
turns out the problem wasn't name mangling, but rather that the C++ function was defined to be static. hence readelf labelling it as "local". removing "static" and recompiling fixed the ccall errors.

Re: [julia-users] calling libraries of c++ or fortran90 code in Julia

2014-11-21 Thread Ben Arthur
there might be a way to fix this, but since i'm in a hurry, i decided to just modify the C++ so as to avoid mangling. thanks for the help.

Re: [julia-users] calling libraries of c++ or fortran90 code in Julia

2014-11-21 Thread Ben Arthur
i should've mentioned i had tried removing the underscore already. didn't work.

Re: [julia-users] calling libraries of c++ or fortran90 code in Julia

2014-11-21 Thread Ben Arthur
i'm trying to use readelf and ccall as suggested for a C++ shared library, and get the following error. any ideas? thanks. $ readelf -sW /path/to/lib/libengine.so | grep resampler | grep init 101: 3f10 832 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 11 _ZL7initGPUP9resamplerPKjS2_j 102: 4dc4

[julia-users] type cannot be constructed

2014-10-20 Thread Ben Arthur
are there any circumstances where int32(x) should fail and convert(Int32,x) succeed? i have a strange case of this buried inside an @eval inside a module and am wondering whether it's something peculiar to my situation or worth creating a minimal test case and filing a bug report. windows7, j

Re: [julia-users] Re: Benchmarking julia parallel computing

2014-10-06 Thread Ben Arthur
thanks for your post erik. could you please elaborate why Julia does not scale well to larger clusters? also, what would it take to get Julia to utilize InfiniBand were it available. thanks, ben On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 12:26:11 PM UTC-4, Erik Schnetter wrote: > > For example, when run

[julia-users] windows 7: cut&paste, window width&position, etc

2014-09-23 Thread Ben Arthur
normally i use mac or linux, but am now having to use windows as well, and have the following questions: 1. i can make the julia repl window taller, but not wider. is the latter possible? 2. i can paste into the julia repl, but not copy anything from it. again, possible? 3. is there any way

Re: [julia-users] Where to place .juliarc.jl on Windows?

2014-09-16 Thread Ben Arthur
if you have a domain account and "echo %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%" on the windows command prompt is not to your liking then your sysadmin will have to change it as described here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc783578(v=ws.10).aspx

[julia-users] ANN: NIDAQ.jl

2014-09-12 Thread Ben Arthur
national instruments data acquisition package now available. it's still a work in progress, but the skeleton is there and working: https://github.com/JaneliaSciComp/NIDAQ.jl i'm open to all comments... ben

[julia-users] convert symbol to Function ?

2014-09-12 Thread Ben Arthur
is there a way to convert a symbol to a function. right now i'm resorting to: julia> names(Base)[1] :isexecutable julia> methods(names(Base)[1]) ERROR: `methods` has no method matching methods(::Symbol) julia> eval(parse("methods("*string(names(Base)[1])*")")) # 2 methods for generic func

Re: [julia-users] exporting dynamically defined functions

2014-09-05 Thread Ben Arthur
sorry to resurrect this old post, but what is the definitive answer to whether it's possible to "@eval export ..."sure would be handy. On Monday, December 3, 2012 1:04:27 PM UTC-5, Stefan Karpinski wrote: > > I'm not sure if this is possible (Jeff will have to answer that), but I > would say

[julia-users] tk button background color, dynamically change

2014-08-28 Thread Ben Arthur
i'm new to Tk and am having trouble dynamically setting the background color of a button. all i get is: julia> configure(myButton, background="red") ERROR: TclError("unknown option \"-background\"") ditto for "bg", etc. more generally, is there a way to get a list of all available options?

Re: [julia-users] ++ as string concatenation operator

2014-07-22 Thread Ben Arthur
relatedly, is there a thread somewhere that explains why * is used for string concatenation and ^ for string repetition?

[julia-users] Re: Call for Unicode julia source examples

2014-07-17 Thread Ben Arthur
thanks for the reply. i didn't not realize, and am glad to hear, that many functions have unicode equivalents in base.

[julia-users] Re: Call for Unicode julia source examples

2014-07-16 Thread Ben Arthur
i'm not sure whether i'm doing something wrong, or whether this is the expected behavior, but it might be an error: julia> const ∪ = union Warning: imported binding for ∪ overwritten in module Main union (generic function with 7 methods) julia> ∪([1 2 3],[3 4 5]) 5-element Array{Int64,1}: 1

Re: [julia-users] worker/proc nomenclature

2014-03-27 Thread Ben Arthur
i guess i should be more explicit in my suggestion that we rename addprocs() to addworkers(), and rmprocs() to rmworkers(). this new nomenclature would be more precise, b/c you can't just add/rm any proc with these functions, just worker procs. to be even more consistent, we should probably al

[julia-users] worker/proc nomenclature

2014-03-26 Thread Ben Arthur
if "procs() Returns a list of all process identifiers." and "workers() Returns a list of all worker process identifiers." then why do we "rmprocs(pids...) Removes the specified workers." instead of rmworkers()? particularly since julia> rmprocs(1) WARNING: rmprocs: process 1 not removed :ok si