Italy Puglia, 3) Italy Sardinia and 4)
Italy Sicily.
Nothing to do between WGS84 and ED50, the error is still of 400-600 metres
(any idea?)
Giuseppe Aruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Hi all,
working around Edgar Soldin's Coordinate transformation
Hi Michael
>.. a precision of 1-2m (5m at worst), which is not that good.
>It is now recommended to use a grid to interpolate precise parameters which
> makes it possible to get a precision of a few centimeters..
I am aware of this. Since my original interest was the "geological map
Interesting! Landon.
I will be glad to test your plugin when ready, comparing to Edgar's one, with
Italian projections
Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
I've got a question about the best way to implement the the plug-in
I'm working on for CRS transformations.
>> in both situation there is a "Number format exception"
>> error. I wrote down on files "OJ_Kosmo error log.txt"
>> and OJ_uDig error log.txt"
>I'm sure I can handle these. Next week I'm sure I'll have an update on that.
Hi Andreas,
write me when you think to do it so I can do a test
Hi Edgar,
thanks for the answer. I tested, of coarse, the conf file without the first
entries and it works fine. I also defined today a good cs.conf file with
Italian EPSG codes (got crazy with bursa wolf) wich works fine (at least for
mapping projects).
I think I will put on the wiki this
Hi Stefan,
I added the correct link. Today I will put a sample, some figs and a link to my
CS,CONF file for Italian translations.
PS Indeed my English needs some review
Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto: Hei Sunburned and Peppe,
@Peppe: thank you for writing the s
Dear developers,
I wrote this note abou how to re-project vector datas
using OpenJUMP and Edgar Soldin's CRS plugin
I would appreciate a comment and ideas
Best regards
Tante idee per la salvaguardia del nostro Pianeta su Yaho
Dear Edgar
> .. But still If you could
> deliver the
> pictures, I would write some text on the wiki. Also
> I volunteer to do
> some spelling corrections.No logins necessary?
No need to login
> ...But as I said... the question for me is... who
> would need this and
> actively use it? Com
Thanks SS
Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
This email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There'
AIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> >> in both situation there is a "Number format exception"
> >> error. I wrote down on files "OJ_Kosmo error log.txt"
> >> and OJ_uDig error log.txt"
> >I'm sure I can
Hi London,
I saw the JPP bazar. I have a question,
Under the voices: " deegree CRS integration " there is a bounty (?) $300 .
What does it mean? Payment to have deegree CRS integration in OpoenJUMP? Or a
simple value for CRS?
there is a
Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTE
Hi London,
I saw the JPP bazar. I have a question,
Under the voices: " deegree CRS integration " there is a bounty (?) $300 .
What does it mean? Payment to have deegree CRS integration in OpoenJUMP? Or a
simple value for CRS?
Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scr
The software used for the TEST
OpenJUMP 1.2 20050515 (nightly build)
Kosmo 1.2
uDig 1.1 RC14
Scopri il Blog di Yahoo! Mail: trucchi, novità, consigli... e la tua opinione!
I starded to reorganize the on-line help pages
I also added and complete more pages, trying to give a
basic structure to the guide. Also upgraded "List of
functions" and other to the newer OJ Nightly Build.
My idea is to complete the help doc at least for th
Hi Jukka,
see Pirol csv import plugin (PirolCsv.jar), it should
do what you need (read also PIROL -CSV
--- Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ha scritto:
> I think Stefan had a plug-in that did this. Perhaps
> he will respond
> with more information.
> The Sunbur
Hi Andreas
> On another note, you wrote that Halo import does not
> work. But I'm seeing the
> Halo (at least for the Kosmo file number 2)?
You are right, I probabily did a mistake on testing
Thanks again for the job
Scopri il Blog d
Hi all,
this is simply a question:
What are the limitations to have plugin that manages
memo attribute for OJ, something that read/write DBT
files, included its relation with the database.
Scopri il Blog di Yahoo! Mail: trucchi, novità, consigli.
out 16 hours (on average) to program this
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 5:11 AM, Giuseppe Aruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
this is simply a question:
What are the limitations to have plugin that manages
memo attribute for OJ, something that read/write DBT
> 27 years of experience. 8-)
Good for you! Larry.
Anyhow my interest is to explore the possibility to
have a simplified version of OJ for PDA.
I am testing this possibility between OJ developers.
Nothing to get in 2 month, of coarse. But simply a
sort of project similar to GvSIG mobile
--- Giuseppe Aruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha
BTW Edgar Soldin's job on CRS and GPS is on this way.
Also your Skyjump KML import/export plugin.
> > 27 years of experience. 8-)
> Good for you! Larry.
> Anyhow my interest is to explore the po
--- Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ha scritto:
> Larry wrote: "Some might be able to do it in a
> couple of hours, and
> some might take a couple of weeks."
> I'm one of those programmers. :]
> SS
That means: are you between the "couple of hours"? Or
betwee the "couple of weeks"?
Hi Andreas,
I saw you did other work on SLD with OpenJUMP addinfg support for ArcMAPtoSLD
plugin. I will do other test on it. I want to wait that Kosmo 2 is ready to
test it also
Andreas Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
Hi Stefan
The page is interesting and looks more professional
:-). A simple note: the regulat black test seems too
grey on my screen and not easy to read (at least
comparing to wiki page).
Which webpage (free css) did you find?
--- Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Hi all
I wander if someboby used Dante's DXF plugin. I am interesting to its way to
export to DXF.
According to a former letter of Dante
( the
plugin was able to export attributes to DXF layer if the attribute takes t
Hi all,
this question seems probabily out-of-date:
How can I link a table (cvs) to a layer (shp)? I know how to joy them
(tool>edit attributes>join TXT tables). But I don't know how to link the two
using common filed, even not ordered at the same way.
I know this is probabily the point
Thanks for the answer Stefan
--- Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Hei Peppe,
> as far as I know we don't have a "link" function in
> OJ :(
> I recently did also though about this, and if it
> would be difficult to
> implement
Project Sigle web page is
down.I was looking for OJ the merge manual. Where ca I
get it?
Scopri il Blog di Yahoo! Mail: trucchi, novità, consigli... e la tua opinione!
--- Rahkonen Jukka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha
Hi Jukka
> 1) Menu item File - New
> Cannot be translated - key missing?
I use BabelFish to translate OpenJUMP
Using Babelfish I discover that the key "New" does
exist as i
Congratulation for the house!!
My wife and I are still looking for.
--- Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ha scritto:
> My wife and I just bought our first house, which
> needs A LOT of work.
> I'm also in the process of moving from my old house.
> The utilities are
> currently being
As far as I remember Mapmaker
( used to have tools for
undershoot and overshoot.
Anyhow I agree with Nacho (Kosmo Cad tools) , but
thousands of undeshoots seems to hard to correct.
--- Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Does anyone have a link to a web
Dear Stefan,
Thanks to ask my opinion. Even if I think that Larry and Andreas would
probabily have more authority(as developers) to answer your question then me.
Personally I would give a a vote between+ 0.5 and +1, similar to Andreas.
That means I prefer that OJ would join OSGEO but actually
I agree with Nacho,
a beanshell scripting section would be of a great benefit for users with no
java programming knowledge
--- Mer 18/6/08, Nacho Uve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] Draft of OpenJUMP Plug-in Programmer's Guide
A: "
Thanks to Italian Gfoss mail list I came to know that there is a basic ECW
plugin for GDAL
1.5.2, for Debian Linux ( I am not sure if this can help to solve ECW support for OJ in linux
If you like I can write also a small explanation about my experience with OJ
and others.
--- Gio 26/6/08, Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Da: Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP User Survey
A: "OpenJump develop and use" , [EMAIL
Hi all,
on OpenJUMP the Merge it was possible to substitute the value of attributes
using a tool "Replace value", from Layer menu.
I think this tool could be very useful ported in OpenJUMP. I ask if it is
possible. Thanks
Hai un indirizzo email difficile da ricordare?
Scegli q
ì 3 luglio 2008, 18:35
it should be the same, as I ported it - but renamed it for clarification
Larry Becker wrote:
> Hi Peppe,
> How is the "Replace value" tool different from the
"Replace Attribute
> Value" tool found under Tools -> Edit Attribut
Hi all,
I added a request on N.2013276.
Posta, news, sport, oroscopo: tutto in una sola pagina.
Crea l'home page che piace a te!
Very good Larry!
--- Mer 9/7/08, Nacho Uve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Nacho Uve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] Combine and Explode Layers
> A: "OpenJump develop and use"
> Data: Mercoledì 9 luglio 2008, 23:55
> 2008/7/9 Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > and add
Dear Larry,
Yesterday I gave a look at your ring buffer tool. I consider it a very good
idea which can be used in many situation
I had several ideas about it which probabily can improve the functionality.
a) the buffer value of the first ring (ing A) could be an arbitrary value
(lat's say L) or
It is quite interesting. We will probabily find some areas of usage (wind
dispersion of density). Thanks Larry.
--- Lun 14/7/08, Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] Plume tool
> A: "OpenJump develop and use"
> Data:
Hi Larry,
congratulation for the new realize. The new features seems to be interesting. I
am on holiday now, by the time I'll be back home I will test Skyjump and give a
feed back.
--- Mer 23/7/08, Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ogg
Hi Larry,
I gave a test to your new Skyjump 96 and ISA tools too.
First of all I always wander for the selection of new tools. Congratulation
again for the work and your collaboration with OJ!
A couple of ideas/thoughts:
- Annotation tool and Annotation distance seem to be extremelly usefull,
Hi Larry,
I gave a test to your new Skyjump 96 and ISA tools too.
First of all I always wander for the selection of new tools. Congratulation
again for the work and your collaboration with OJ!
A couple of ideas/thoughts:
- Annotation tool and Annotation distance seem to be extremelly usefull,
I have just given a look to Eric Javier's Openjump on OSX wiki page
( and it seems to be clean. There were many
interesting informations on it (including videos) about OSX.
Do You Yahoo!?
Hi Bing, hi Larry,
I am not sure but Chinese version but there must be a Japanese version of jump
code language that probabily we adopted from Yuji Murayama, Hisaji Ono
(see a google copy of their documentation
Hi all,
just give a look to this extension for uDig/JGrass.
It has interesting features for geologists and field surveyers.
There is also an interesting exampkle of usage here:
My thought is a similar extension for OpenJUM
Hi all,
I would like to have some informations about the status of the OpenJUMP
projects connected to Google Summer of Code 2008.
As far as I remember there were: 1) JTIN, 2) Port of SEXTANTE to OpenJUMP. Is
it correct?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
SEXTANTE seems to be an interesting group of tool for raster and vector
analysis developed from local government of Extremadura (Spain).
The official documantation is in Spanish. I read Spanish but I think many Java
developers would find it difficuklt to do.
I think I will contact the de
This is interesting!
@Sunburned Survayor
I think Leandro should read this blos spot and maybe take a contact with Victor
--- Sab 20/9/08, Nacho Uve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Nacho Uve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] SEXTANTE on OpenJUMP
> A: "OpenJump deve
Hi all,
today somebody (anonimous and coward) delated a page from the online menu help:
How it be restored (without gop back to rev1)?
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I solved it!
The page is online again
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Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto
spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi
Hi all,
Thanks to Nacho I discover that Victor Olaya is porting Sextante to other GIS
platform, included OpenJUMP:
These are some interesting pages
*) This is the blog of Victor (in Spanish) regarding the developing status: Nacho
Hi Stefan,
I read your letter only today. I am working out and I will be back home on
monday. I will replay you soon (the next weeek).
Thanks for the informations
--- Mer 8/10/08, Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: [JPP-
The up-to-come Kosmo version 2 will have imagej integration (see Erwan and
Stefan's comparition between Opensource GIS). I think you must talk with SAIG
Kosmo 2 will probabily be out at the beginning of 2009
--- Ven 10/10/08, Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da:
Hi all,
OJ nightly build ( - available from today)
with new icons seems not working. This is the error message:
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.(Unknown Source)
Hi Stefan,
I use windows XP. Actually the java version installed as jre 1.6 ver 10 (which
works fine with previous versions of OpenjUMP).
--- Mar 14/10/08, Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] new toolbar
Hi Stefan,
Now openjump-core-1.2-20081015 works fine with jre 1.6.10
The new icons are nice but they seem a little smaller than the original.
Expecially if compared with the ones in EDiting toolbox.
BTW: is it possible to have icons even on CUT - Paste items?
--- Mer 15/10/08,
> Larry Becker wrote:
> > SkyJUMP has icons for most cut and paste items.
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Stefan Steiniger
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> > Hei
> >
> > Giuseppe
Hi all,
there is the first realize of Sextante for Openjump.
You can find it at this page
The help file is available on the same page (
It is possible also to download the last source cod
> > SkyJUMP has icons for most cut and paste items.
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Stefan Steiniger
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> > Hei
> >
> > Giuseppe Aruta wrot
Hi all,
there is the first realize of Sextante for Openjump.
You can find it at this page
The help file is available on the same page ( It is a
folder (ES) which should go in the lib/ext
I forgot.
To use raster analysis you shoul load the images using the Pirol raster plugin
instead of the one embedded in OpenJUMP
--- Ven 17/10/08, Giuseppe Aruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Giuseppe Aruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUM
I agree with Jukka. The old icons are more evident than the new one, at least
on the toolbar. This probabily happens because of the smaller dimension of the
new icons.
In this moment I use a mix of jump based softwares on my projects, some with
Kosmo and OpenJUMP and other with OpenJUMP
Hi Larry,
my question is if it is possible to configure the location of JRE in SkyJUMP,
like in OpenJUMP.
I am testing a group of Java based software which all point to the same JRE
machine (Kosmo, OpenJUMP, ImageJ..). I made a portable GIS workstation on pen
drive, with the previous software
after so many chganges and improvement on OJ 1.2F NB, when is it time to 1.3
version? Just a reminder.
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Trucchi, novità e scrivi la tua opinione.
Hi all,
thanks Larry! The autoassign attribute is very usefull, I use it to define a
unique number to features on a layer which than will be combined with external
Nevertheless I can assign only numbers in sequence (0,1,2,...) but I was not
able to assign a code in sequence (AL01,AL
Hi all,
> Note that there is another dxf plugin around there, which
> is probably
> much more feature complete.
> Michaël
Daante Fuster's plugin that you can find here: under "Other Dataformats" section. It is
formed by two files: the plugin itself
thanks Larry, this is a very interesting tool: I recently had to merge and
separate a group of layers (70!!) and it was very long and boring to do it with
traditional tools. Your tool will solve the procedure: I am going to test on
monday on another project to merge geological sections.
it seems that the "list of changes"
for nightly snapshot is a bit out of date (Oct 22th).
Unisciti alla community di Io fotografo e video, il nuovo corso di
fotografia di Gazzetta dell
Hi all,
I want to give my opinion to some argumats from Michael, even if I am not a
programmer but a big user of OJ
Images still represent a problem with embedded raster plugin in OpenJUMP: a
raster image has a tendency to dissapear when zooming in/out several times on
Some times ag
; A: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "OpenJump develop and use"
> Data: Venerdì 14 novembre 2008, 13:55
> > Lähettäjä: Giuseppe Aruta
> >
> > Hi all,
> > I want to give my opinion to some argumats from
> Michael, even
> > if I am n
Hi Michael and Nacho and all
> @Giuseppe : could you install and use SEXTANTE without problem ?
I downloaded the pre-compiled version from here: (sextante The procedure to instal Sextante is the same of other plug
Hi all,
I gave a look on Eric Xavier faq and help about OpenJUMP on MacOX. I found
basically two important bugs:
a) The "default" skin in OpenJUMP basically do not show the upper menu (File,
Edit, etc) while the "Metal" menu does: this bug can be easly probabily solved
using a different batch
Hi all, Stefan ansd Larry
Really I am quite interesting about any tool which allows to add simple
test/annotation on a project: Text block and text annotation from Jython
console have this facility, without doing any programming by Change Style and
text Style.
My proposal is not specifically f
Hi all,
I made an alternative EXE file to run OJ on Windows (OJ.EXE).
This EXE basically launches the openjump.bat file in the BIN directory. It
doesn't substitute it.
This file in attached at this mail: REname OJ.ZI to OJ.ZIP and decompres it.
How I made it:
1) create another batch file in the
Hi all,
finally I set a portable version of Skyjump for my pen drive. Of coarse SkyJump
is already portable (with its own embedded JRE 1.5.0). My idea was to have only
one JRE on my pen used buy all the softwares (OpenJUMP, Kosmo, GvSIG and
The structure of the folders of my "pen GIS s
Hi all,
it seems that the link:
"Video by Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha, showing the menus" from the main page
points to a general "ourmedis" page - no reference to OpenJUMP
Also the links on "Videos of OpenJUMP as used in Brazil" page
Hi all, I discover that Jan Ruzicka did a language file for JUMP in Czech.
The file is available at his web site
( together with other
The fikle is dated back to 2005, I tested it on OpenJUMP and it semmes to work
(of coarse only for th
No comment too! waiting for the new prototype!
--- Lun 8/12/08, Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Da: Larry Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] Custom draw tools
> A: "OpenJump develop and use"
> Data: Lunedì 8 dicembre 2008, 16:29
> If there are no other c
Hi Stefan and all,
I found your Chart plugin (which you add on the plugin page) very interesting.
I wonder if it can be the base for a plugin which draw topographic profiles
(intersection between a line, the section, with a SHP isolines layer)
Basically, accorrding to an old Arcview script, a such
there are two items on the Layer list menu which need have still bugs (or
strange behaviour)
1) Image Layer Manager (Test) - It works only if I click on a single raster
layer. It doesn't work if I click on 2 or more raster layers.
It has an "Add" option which doesn't work (at least with my te
Hi Stefn,
it sounds good!
Just a couple of thoughs/ideas:
* The top/botton colour: I use a light orange colour for my tutorials. Just to
enforce the color of the kangaroo (see sample attached)
* I am not sude but I think that Paolo's Oracle plugin can save too (?)
* Jython plugin, right now, work
No SS, don't worry I can wait!! :-)
--- Lun 15/12/08, Sunburned Surveyor ha scritto:
> Da: Sunburned Surveyor
> Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] about some items on Layer list menu
> A: "OpenJump develop and use"
> Data: Lunedì 15 dicembre 2008, 17:34
> I should have known that. :]
> I will try to
Hi Stefan,
> 1. the same orange for kangaroo and the bars does not work
> really (the
> kangaroo gets lost), and it should be a darker color to
> have white
> letters in the bottom bar
> => if the actual brown is good - I don't know, any
> other ideas?
If you agree Stefan I want to use the same
Hi all,
I did some tests, following the information of Jukka
- select either draw polygon or draw linestring tool (basic, not the
constrained ones)
- RIGHT click on map and get the menu
- LEFT click on map, and there it is (the error)!
I tried using
-JRE 1.5.0_12
-JRE 1.6.0_07
-JRE 1.6.o_10
> > > Hi Peppe,
> > >
> > > Your tests seem pretty definitive. We should
> probably discourage the use
> > of
> > > Java 1.6 10 and 11, although they seem to do no
> real harm.
> > >
> > > Looks like there were a ton of changes in
> If the constrained tools extend the same MultiClickTool,
> then the same
> bug could appear.
I think Jukka wrote that they don't have this problem. I have to check his
SF.Net email is Spons
> Whodda thunk such a little bug would merit such an
> extensive discussion. :]
> SS
Happy "IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions" 2009_1.6.0_11!!
SF.Net email is Sponsored by MIX09, March 18-20, 2009 in Las Vegas,
> If they don't have the same problem, then I
> wouldn't be against
> removing them. This would make my fix unecessary. We should
> see what
> Stefan thinks.
> SS
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Giuseppe Aruta
> wrote:
> >
> >> If the c
t;> Amazing. You can even stop drawing a line, select
> point tool, insert
> >> couple of points and continue the line that was on
> hold. Larry, have you
> >> been aware of that existing possibility while
> thinking about the custom
> >> drawing tools?
Hi Larry,
finally I was able to download this new query tool and test it. It works fine.
I think it would be better to add this usefull function to Simple Query tool in
order to simlify the menu organization.
Happy new Year!
--- Mer 31/12/08, Larry Becker ha scritto:
> Da: Lar
This is my plan, for next months
For February I plan to finish the new OpenJUMP 1.3 guide (in Opendoc and
pdf). All text part is ready [except English corrections :-)]. I am working
around figures.
It will extend the "List of functions" wiki pages plus some info on OJ setup.
Not really a m
d use"
> Data: Lunedì 12 gennaio 2009, 20:37
> One comment - it should be "Table of Contents"
> 8^)
> Looks like a very worthwhile product...
> Martin
> Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> > Greetings from Santiago (Chile),
> > I am here to visit m
gt; but I think it is a bit of a long distance for him (and
> difficult to
> finance).
> Stefan
> Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> > Greetings from Santiago (Chile),
> > I am here to visit my in-laws and for job.
Hi all,
I tested isa and Jython plugins with modified file with a
Linux Xandros based OS ( a debian based one with an asus eeepc computer). while
OJ works fine, it seems that it doesn't recognize the workbench properties
adopted for the ISA (and Jython) plugin: the plugins
Hi all
I came to solve the workbench-properties.xml working with OJ in a Debian OS (at
least Xandros OS).
I wrote a modified version of the startup script for linux (
which recognizes the workbench-properties file for ISA plugins (and future
modifications). I attached the file a
all the functions are still
> accessible
> (e.g. i think I removed ISA simplification), have been put
> into a
> another menu, or if new ones have been added.
> cheers,
> Stefan
> Giuseppe Aruta schrieb:
> > Greetings from Santiago (Chile),
> > I am here to
> plugin. I also saw
> the QGIS got a push through integration of Python.
> stefan
> Giuseppe Aruta schrieb:
> > Hi all
> > I came to solve the workbench-properties.xml working
> with OJ in a Debian OS (at least Xandros OS).
> > I wrote a modified ve
Hi Andeas,
sorry but I am not adeveloper so I didn't see other problems.
I ask you some explications about your mail, please:
~/.jump/ I imaged that this is the directory where Openjump is located at
least all the files that it requires to work. Which basically was, for me, the
same of text $J
Hi Stefan,
I already check your work looking into the list of changing page: good work!
And thank very very much for your efforts.
Below there are a couple of observations
> 1 - I added the jython stuff to OJ core (thanks to Larry
> and ISA)
I am going to test it in Linux. Former plugin, despi
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