Re: LI All members please read

1998-05-01 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Kathy, What a nice experience it is to be asked to have your research used in school! Good luck with the project. I'm sure the students will love your stories. Joan -- From: Kath

Re: LI Lawyer in Brawley case jailed

1998-04-30 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello mac. Hope your vacation was enjoyable and informative. Glad to see you back in the list. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Lawyer in Br

Re: LI A Second Computer

1998-04-29 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Vi, I have a Gateway now and it has been very satisfactory. I'm also looking at Dell. Joan -- From: Viola Provenzano [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI A Secon

Re: LI Justice

1998-04-29 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Terry, Every effort should be made to make certain the individual arrested and tried for a crime is actually guilty. The justice system correctly comes under attack here. No innocent should be convicted and no guilty person shou

Re: LI All members please read

1998-04-29 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Kathy, Sorry you feel you must give up the position of LO, but I understand the terrific drain of time that must be required. It is understandable that you want and need time for your other interests. Is Ed willing to assume

Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-29 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Bill, I realize King was not paid for breaking the law but rather for the treatment and injuries which took place in his capture. I understand the distinction. :) Joan -- From: William J

Re: LI Justice

1998-04-29 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Terry, I agree that trials do not seem to be a search for the truth, mores the pity. However, from all I've read and heard there seems to be a long time between sentencing and the death penalty actually being carried out. Isn't it us

Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Vi, I found it unfair to the taxpayers that King and his lawyers made so much money from the incident. I remember reading at the time the lawyers were criticized for charging an inordinate amount of money. What was the case where a w

Re: LI Justice

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sody, You make a valid point as to how merciful LWP really is. Also, a point about the goal of rehab when the individual will not be released or will be released many so very many years in the future. I don't have a hard and fas

Re: LI Justice

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, That's where my feeling about life imprisonment comes from. Rehab is a different issue if you are not going to be released. The question then becomes punishment and justice. What best serves those two goals? I think som

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Yvonne, Does that sound reminiscent of the "real killer"? Will the "real" driver please come forward? They must have absolute contempt for the intelligence of people or absolute beli

Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Terry, I remembered the case but must admit I could not recall the name of the victim or of the perpetrator. I agree that whatever allowed Williams to avoid punishment was a travesty. Does Denny suffer periods of rage? Somewhere in my

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Yvonne, I will watch Dateline tonight and tomorrow I'm off to the bookstore! Joan -- From: Yvonne [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested Date: Tuesday, April

Re: LI Justice

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Terry, There appears to be no fully satisfactory solution in all cases for what to do with those who commit the crime of murder. I have felt the DP was more correct in some instances and LWOP in others. I really don't think one can

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Wasn't there a photo of Sidney in front of Rockingham some time back with a sign that her father was innocent? I thought she believed her father was innocent. Has there been anything differe

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Bill, Despite the fact that old habits die slowly, as they say :), professional behavior must prevail. I don't recall hearing of the racist comments made on the police radio, but there is no room for such comments over the radio o

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Vi, I agree. I believe the family knew Simpson was guilty. It's possible some knew but couldn't face the outcome if he were found guilty. I can understand a family being protective. I do not excuse the Simpson family for blam

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Bill, Maybe so. It would certainly be a more comfortable place to live. :) Joan -- From: William J. Foristal [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Back Home Date: Monday, April 27,

Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Bill, Seems as if Mr. King did quite nicely financially despite breaking the law. And who said crime didn't pay! G Joan -- From: William J. Foristal [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Yvonne, Arnelle was not the driver? Were there no witnesses as to whether any other person was in the car at the time and could have been the driver? If not, it appears they must believe the courts and the public are abso

Re: LI Welcome to two members

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Welcome to both Mike and Kelly. Nice to have you join us. Joan -- From: Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LI Welcome to two members Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 7:02 PM Kath

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Vi, I just bought 32 mgs of memory which will increase my present 16 mgs considerably. The only thing that will keep peace in this family is a second computer! I guess the marriage will demand that. G

Re: LI Woman 55 gives birth to 4 babies

1998-04-26 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Ron, I agree the Dr. could have called for a psychiatric evaluation. Also, isn't a Dr. free to decide whether he will or will not treat a patient if, in his professional opinion, what the patient is requestin

Re: LI Re: D.P.

1998-04-26 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, I understand the fear of teachers and their families with the wave of murderous attacks by students. I think more and more districts are putting in weapon detectors. However, as was mentioned in an earlier post, more and better g

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Vi, Glad the surgery was successful. I had a house on the market once for a year and it was a real worry since I had bought another. Glad to read your posts. We are probably the only 2 who believe King had to be subdued and the off

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Steve, I just decided to double my memory to 32 on my 486 because I think I will keep it. Can't sell it for anything and Dale and I will then not fight over the computer. Joan -- From: St

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, One can hope! What is he up to now? What news of the children? Looking forward to Petro's book. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:

Re: LI Medi-Cal paying bills for premature quadruplets

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Ron, Does this mean she was to be allowed multiple births as long as there were no more than three? Was it known that she could not support the children? Joan -- From: Ronald H

Re: LI Re: D.P.

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Ron, Has there been any mention as yet what his defense is or will be? I've read nothing about the case thus far. Joan -- From: Ronald Helm [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subje

Re: LI Re: D.P.

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, What is the cause of our hands being tied? Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Re: D.P. Date: Saturday, April 25, 1998 3:02 PM Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECT

Re: LI Woman 55 gives birth to 4 babies

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, From Ron's post, it seems the Dr. may have some excuse . However, why impregnate anyone who has not the means to care for the child or children. IMO that is irresponsible. Joan --

Re: LI Joan: Dateline

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Thank you. I haven't caught up with TV, or anything else, for that matter. I'll be watching. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LI Joan:

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Regardless of the original intent, the tape became a propaganda weapon. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Back Home Date: Saturday

Re: LI Furhman off probation

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Terry, I don't know the content of his remarks, but I believe there are still those who support Simpson and his accusations about Fuhrman or others stirs up hatred and racism. Certainly, that was probably

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Vi, Sounds like you had a terrible period to get through. The taxes are not a problem for me, but selling a house and having surgery - those are problems! how are you

Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, I heard just the tail end of that report on the car radio. I'm not surprised OJ did not show up. Guess she is not free from problems either. How is the brother doing? Didn't he have some brush with the law? Saw a brief cli

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Steve, Since there are so many advances coming in the near future, I have ordered 2 16 memory chips for my 486 computer. Thought about the expenditure on my old lady, but I plan on keeping it anyway and so will have a little more f

Re: LI Woman 55 gives birth to 4 babies

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Perhaps she thought having many babies would guarantee her financial help and she would have financial support for many years. What's the Dr.'s excuse? Why was a woman with no husband and no means of support impregnate

Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part one

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Interesting that this is now coming out. I think it was clear from the onset, that King had behaved in such a way as to cause much of what happened. He was a criminal before the incident and despite money and help, he is little bett

Re: LI Furhman off probation

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Nice to think OJ might be disturbed. Glad to hear Fuhrman might be able to go on with his life. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LI F

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-23 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Ron, Thanks for the welcome. It sure is good to have some time to myself again. TTYL :-) Joan -- From: Ronald Helm [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Back

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-23 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Bill, Glad to be back. The season was successful, but that goes hand in hand with total fatigue! I look forward to getting in on the discussions once again. :-) Joan -- From: William J

Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-23 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Missed you all also. Good to be talking to you again. :-) Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Back Home Date: Thursday, April 23, 199

LI Greetings

1998-04-12 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Good Morning All, I send you good wishes for this Easter/Passover season. Joan Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues

Re: LI Upgrading your PC's News Update

1998-04-05 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Steve, In the office on our day off to catch up on work, but can't resist a little time on the net. I am going to get a new computer, probably in the fall. I've been reading up on some of the new things out or soon to be out. I've

Re: LI Windows 98 the rundown.

1998-03-14 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Steve, If Win 98 will be the last version, would it be better to wait for one of the coming flavors of WinNT: Consumer, Workstation, Server? I know nothing about any of the three. Joan --

Re: LI Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-14 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Steve, Wow! 1000mhz. Can't imagine needing that much power. I will take your advice about the 300 as opposed to the 333. Have you any thoughts on Dell Vs Gateway or some other manufacturer?

Re: LI Please test my connectivity

1998-03-14 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Steve, I received this at 5:21 PM on Saturday, Mar. 14. Joan -- From: Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Law Issues [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LI Please test my connectivity Date: Saturday, March 14, 19

Re: LI Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-13 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, We're in Pa until April 20-21 or so. IRS filing deadline is 4/15 and it takes us a few days to finish and close up. We have 'phone mail but do not keep the office open the rest of the year. We head south as soon as we can. We are

Re: LI Anti-batterer custody bill OK constitutionally, SJC rules

1998-03-13 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, This sounds encouraging. IMO, it would be beneficial to the children. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LI Anti-batterer custody bill OK constitutionally,

Re: LI Louise Woodward

1998-03-13 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Kathy, I have no compassion for LW either. Small price she has paid for the death of the baby. Joan -- From: Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: LI Louise Wood

Re: LI Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-12 Thread Joan Moyer
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello Sue, Just finished work. Want to ask if you or anyone knows much about Win 98. Joan -- From: Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LI Report: Windows 98 Will B