Re: #(make-dynamic-script)

2006-05-31 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Vivian: What I would really like to do, though, is make a dynamic mark that included normal text (specifically sub p or sub f) subP = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line(#:normal-text #:italic sub. #:hspace -0.3 #:dynamic p ))) [Note that I put in the #:hspace -0.3 because I

Re: raise text in Scheme

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Graham: mpdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0) #:line( #:dynamic mp #:text #:italic dolce ))) Thanks for the suggestion, but I had already tried the same thing (that's what is in the docs), and was disappointed by the result -- q.v., the

Re: Fingering Type Size

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Carrick: Well, that worked just great. Thanks a lot. My pleasure! I never would have guessed how the size increment divisions worked without your help, as it seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. It is counter-intuitive if you think of them literally as divisions -- in that case, it

multiple \mark items on a single measure

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- The code included below clearly doesn't do the right thing, i.e., in the final measure, I want to have a fermata over the (leading) barline and then the tempo indication, but Lilypond appears to ignore (or, at least, replace) all but the last \mark it encounters. Is there

Re: Mixed questions

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Matthijs: - the last bar of the repeat before the alternative endings ends with a note with a slur. The slur is finished properly on the first note of the first alternative, but not so in the second alternative. Just adding a ) does not help, Lilypond complains about not being able

Re: multiple \mark items on a single measure

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Stephen: My first reponse is of course you can have only one mark per barline. By of course do you mean *Lilypond* doesn't allow multiple, or *music* doesn't require multiple? ;-) Let's say I want a rehearsal letter (e.g., K) over a barline and then in the following measure have a

artificial harmonic function

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.9.5 ] Hello, all -- Has anyone built their own artificial (string) harmonic function? Specifically, I'm thinking something like \ah { c4 f c'' } to get the c (stopped note) in the given duration, the f (touched node) as a diamond-shaped note in the same chord (i.e., sharing

Re: pageBreak fails

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, James: I had three movements, which I put into separate include files. I wanted a page break between movement one and movement two. If you're using \book (implicitly or explicitly), use breakbefore = ##t in the header after the desired page break, e.g., \score { %% mvt 1

Re: subdivided beams partially successful

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, James: The easy way is to explicitly include a connected beam around the duration of a quarter note each time, q.v., the second set of six 16th notes in %% CODE SNIPPET BEGINS \version 2.9 \relative c'' { \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set Score.beatLength =

Re: cues?

2006-05-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, James: I couldn't find cue in the index. Look in the docs (User Manual), section 8.3 Orchestral Music. [BTW: I find the PDF version of the User Manual to be most helpful, because you can search for things like cue more easily...] Best, Kieren.

raise text in Scheme

2006-05-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all! Why does the following #:raise neither work nor throw an error? Thanks, Kieren. %% CODE SNIPPET BEGINS \version 2.9.5 \paper { indent = 0\in line-width = 2\in } dynNull = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1) ) hairpinPoco = #(make-dynamic-script (markup

Re: Even and odd page-margins [slightly OT]

2006-05-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Rick: With the wider margin always falling on the binding spine. Just for the record... According to essentially every example in Robert Bringhurst's amazing book, The Elements of Typographic Style, the internal (spine) gutter should be smaller than the outside (page edge) margin.

Re: Even and odd page-margins [slightly OT]

2006-05-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Rick: the key element is still that an opened book always has mirrored margins. Of course. I suppose if you glue bound the pages on a stiff spine then you would need more room for the arc created out of the spine. This is actually what I was talking about: Bringhurst says you need

Re: raise text in Scheme

2006-05-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Nicolas: Read: markup.html Thanks! (Interesting how the addition of \hspace #0 actually raises the text automatically -- the result was that I need to LOWER the text now!!) One last thing I can't seem to do is build into

how to make dynamic+markup behave like dynamic

2006-05-24 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all! Considering the following code: %% CODE BEGINS \version 2.9.5 \paper { line-width = 4\in indent = 0\in } \relative { \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f c1\p\ c\!\f \break c\p\ c\!_\markup { \dynamic f \italic sempre } \break

Re: how to make dynamic+markup behave like dynamic

2006-05-24 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats! Thanks for the hint. It actually took a fairly long time to track down what I think you were sending me to track down: %%CODE BEGINS \version 2.9.5 fSempre = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line(#:dynamic f #:normal- text #:italic sempre ))) \paper { line-width = 4\in

Re: how to make dynamic+markup behave like dynamic

2006-05-24 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Mats: Figured it out! (At least I think so -- please correct me if I'm wrong...) Thanks! Kieren. %% CODE SNIPPET BEGINS \version 2.9.5 fSempre = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line(#:hspace 0 #:translate ( cons 6.5 0 ) #:dynamic f #:normal-text #:italic sempre ))) subP =

Re: \parallelMusic and \relative

2006-05-23 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- Some time ago, Werner started a thread with It seems that \parallelMusic doesn't work with \relative. This makes it very unnatural to work with. Any chance to implement something similar, say, a special mode where the first note in a `section' is absolute and the remaining notes

Re: Page layout frustration

2006-05-23 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Walter wrote: annotate-spacing = ##t For someone as geeky and obsessive-compulsive as I, this is one of the coolest applications of technology that I've seen since http:// Way to go, Lilypond Team! Thanks, Kieren.

set Hairpin length as percentage of normal?

2006-05-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.9.4-3 ] Hey, y'all! Just wondering if there's a way to set the length of a Hairpin as a percentage of its natural length (as determined by Lilypond) -- for example, something like \once \override Voice.Hairpin #'length = #0.8 I'm trying to come up with the easiest way to

Re: set Hairpin length as percentage of normal?

2006-05-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hairpins ending on a barline have been added to CVS, How great!!! Thank you, everyone responsible! =) Given the new code required for that, are there any new ways to get Hairpins to stop before the next note (even if it's not right after a barline) or have (e.g.) a whole note with a

Re: override barline type for entire score

2006-05-18 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Mats: \set Timing.defaultBarType = : Thanks -- that works great! Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: clef transposition: tenor - bass

2006-05-18 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Roman: Perhaps the following example will make it clear... %% CODE BEGINS \version 2.9.4 \paper { ragged-right = ##t } tromboneNotes = \relative c' { c d es f } \score { { \key c \major \clef tenor \tromboneNotes \clef bass

Re: TimeSig staff in sync with PianoStaff [TIP/TRICK]

2006-05-18 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats: You don't say how you did your TimeSig staff The main one (at the top of the entire system) I'm doing in the way shown by the docs. my guess is that it's very hard to achieve this automatically As it turns out, I found a wonderful way to do it: \new PianoStaff

Re: clef transposition: tenor - bass

2006-05-18 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Roman: My Idea was to first write the notes in tenor clef so that I can check if I did everything wright on an outprint. Afterwars I wanted to transpose everything with one command into a bass clef staff with appropriate transposed notes in the bass clef staff, but that doesn't seem to

Re: temporary second voice?

2006-05-17 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Rick: Is there any way to temporarily activate a second voice in a part? Here's some pseudocode that does what you want: notes... notes... notes... { voiceOne notes } \\ { voiceTwo notes } notes... notes... Check out the samples and tips/tricks in the documentation for more

TimeSig staff in sync with PianoStaff

2006-05-14 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all! I'm writing and engraving a piece for small ensemble. I'm using modern time signatures (i.e., on a separate line above the system), and the conductor would like a second TimeSig staff just above the piano staff (the bottom-most staff) as well. No

Re: Tutorial vs. actual printout

2006-05-11 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Rick: When I do it the measure is as wide as my page. Why is that? Try adding \paper { ragged-right = ##t } Best wishes, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

how to tweak measure padding (global setting)

2006-04-24 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all -- Just trying once again... =) I am dissatisfied (as, apparently, are some others) by the default padding at the beginning (particularly) and the end (somewhat) of measures in 2.8.1 -- see previous posts for examples/screenshots:

weird page breaking

2006-04-24 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all -- I know it's hard to diagnose a problem without sample code, but I'm too deep in a large project to try to derive a minimal example, and I'm hoping someone can help me anyway... I've got,, etc., and a which \include-s all the others.

Re: shifting an aligned syllable further yet

2006-04-21 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Eduardo: Hello list, I wonder how can I shift these two left-aligned lyric syllable more to the right and they would still be left-aligned in relation to each other? Note that the self-alignment-X takes any number you want, and you can use spaces to increase the virtual size of a

Re: shifting an aligned syllable further yet

2006-04-21 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Eduardo: I just needed to add: \once \override LyricText #'X-offset = #-1 Very nice -- I didn't know about that one! Kudos to you for finding it (and bringing it to our attention) *AND* to the development team for putting it there in the first place. Best, Kieren.

Re: compound times and how to get back to normal ?

2006-04-20 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Wim: what is the correct way to go back to the normal notation when this is embedded inside a piece. I think you just need to: 1. Add \once before the \override; or, 2. Use \revert Staff.TimeSignature after the hack. I've included sample code for both options below. Best regards,

\bar causes line break

2006-04-20 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all -- I have \time 6/8 \partial 8*3 s4. s2.*10 \time 5/8 s4. \bar : s4 s4 \bar : s4. Unfortunately, at this measure, I get a line-break (see attached screenshot). I tried \noBreak, to \noAvail... ;-) Any thoughts? Is this expected

keep \bar subdivision out of full-measure rests

2006-04-20 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all -- I've got a subdivided bar (using \bar :) which ends up cutting through full-measure rests in other (tacet) parts, e.g., What are my options for stopping this from happening? In other words, if the staff has no music in that bar, I'd like the global bar

decreasing \score after-title-space in \book

2006-04-20 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I'm trying to create a \book with multiple \score-s within it. I'm having difficulty bringing the first system of the first piece up close to its title (see screenshot). The code I've tried is below. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Kieren. __

is measure spacing off in 2.8.1?

2006-04-20 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I've been using 2.8.1 for a while now, and it really seems to me that the spacing of measures is non-optimal. In particular, padding before extras on the first note of any measure seems way off. Recently, I've posted about this issue regarding accidentals. Here is a

how to terminate pedal bracket on full-measure rest

2006-04-20 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I can't seem to terminate a pedal bracket on a full-measure rest. I've tried a bunch of things (the version below uses a voiceII skipped note, but doesn't work). Any thoughts? [n.b., I can't use old-style pedal markings in this case...] Thanks, Kieren. p.s. I also note

change alignment of Lyric with extender

2006-04-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all! I tweak some of the lyrics in my piece(s) to make the note spacing a little more pleasing -- I have even defined some presets, e.g., lyrLH = { \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-0.5 } lyrRH = { \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X

standard fret diagrams \include file

2006-04-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I'm not a guitarist. I'm currently engraving one of my pop tunes, and would like to print a piano-guitar-vocal score with fret diagrams. I don't want to reinvent the wheel (i.e., by building every fret diagram from scratch, using my fake book as a guide) -- does anyone have

numbers in variable names

2006-04-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I use a lot of variables, especially when breaking larger works across multiple pieces (and thus .ly files). I'd like to name my variables numerically, e.g., global01 = { ... } notes01 = { ... } global02 = { ... }

Re: Extra Rests?!

2006-04-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Naomi: Your code comes out just fine here (Mac OS X, Lilypond 2.8.1) -- perhaps the error is earlier in the code, or in another part? Ensure that all of your \times (for tuplets) are not \time (which would force a time signature change). Good luck! Kieren.

changing measure/BarLine spacing defaults

2006-04-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all! I'd like to put a little extra padding around every BarLine -- i.e., I find that Lilypond puts the first note too close to the beginning of the measure and the last note too close to the end. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the right combination of

Re: What to use to edit output after the fact?

2006-04-17 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Doug: Does Lilypond output standard postscript? Can't answer that, but I have the same frustrations as you, so I'd love to know that answer as well... =) Is there a better program to edit the output files with? Not that I know of. However, if you run the Lilypond-generated ps

Re: Helping with the documentation

2006-04-15 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I'd like to hear other people's ideas about this. I almost exclusively use the (local) PDF docs as my first target -- full text searches are easy and complete. Next (i.e., if I don't find the answer there), I use the docs -- usually by this point, I know

Re: Scheme function problems

2006-04-15 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Jan: Thanks! Your code works great... One more question -- I want to compensate, but neither \once \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #`((first-note extra-space . ,$padding) (right-edge extra- space . -,$padding)) nor \once \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist =

Tie-Script collisions

2006-04-15 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
%% CODE BEGINS \version 2.8.1 { a4\tenuto~ a } %% CODE ENDS %% SCREENSHOT: DEFAULT OUTPUT (PNG) Hello, all! Shouldn't Ties behave like Slurs when it comes to Script collisions/ avoidance? In any case, I'm wondering how to move the beginning of the Tie to the right a few notches. I know

Concert (9x12) page size

2006-04-15 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, John (et al.) -- Just wondering what the status of this is, i.e., is Concert a built- in Lilypond page specification that is handled gracefully, and if so what version is the earliest that incorporates the change? Thanks, Kieren. ___

more programming errors

2006-04-14 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ] Hello, all -- I'm engraving my current score with modern time signature placement, as demonstrated in It's working great! (Many thanks to the TT and docs authors!) However, I'd like to get the first

Scheme function problems

2006-04-14 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- Can anyone tell me why the code \version 2.8.1 barpadding = #(define-music-function (parser location padding music) (number? ly:music?) #{ \once \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'((first-note extra- space . $padding)) $music #} ) {

Re: padding before note with accidental at beginning of standard measures

2006-04-11 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- Jan replied: Programming error messages should indicate bugs in LilyPond, no? Right. Then I'd better get this right... When I use \once \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'((first-note extra-space . 1.5)) I get programming error: No spacing entry from

trick/tip: hairpin length control

2006-04-11 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- Just in case you haven't stumbled across this one, I seem to have found a nice way of controlling the end of hairpins without instantiating extra voices... [Haven't found any negative side- effects yet, but if you can see one, please warn me!] For example, David Sanders

dynamics: integrated or separate variable?

2006-04-10 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hey, all! Just wanted to take an informal survey... How many 'Ponders put their dynamics directly in the note code, e.g., notes = { a\pp b } and why? How many 'Ponders use a separate dynamics variable, e.g., notes = { a b } dynamics = { \pp } \notes \dynamics and why? How many

Re: dynamics: integrated or separate variable?

2006-04-10 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Rick: I try to keep as much as possible OUT of the notes list Me, too! I've been thinking of using the new \parallelMusic feature as a replacement mechanism, e.g., %% CODE BEGINS \parallelMusic #'(notes dynamics) { g'4 g' g' g' | s1\f | g'4 g' g' g'

can't find voice (to attach \lyricsto)

2006-04-10 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I'm trying to engrave a two-voice piece (a cappella), but I'm getting the warning warning: cannot find Voice `she' What am I doing wrong? I've tried instantiating explict Staff contexts, adding and removing quotes, using \new Lyrics or \addlyrics, and nothing seems to

padding before note with accidental at beginning of standard measures

2006-04-10 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8 ] Hello, all -- The default spacing of (i.e., padding before) notes which begin a measure and which have an accidental is, to my eye, wonderful -- but only as long as the measure begins a system, or the note is preceded by something special (e.g., time signature, key

Re: padding before note with accidental at beginning of standard measures

2006-04-10 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all -- I think I've almost answered my own question: Is there any easy way to tweak the spacing of *just* the notes which begin a measure and have an accidental on them I'm using \once \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'((first- fixed- space . 2.0)) at the end of the

how to move one beamed eighth note

2006-04-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8 ] Hello, all -- I'm trying to even out the first three notes in the attached screenshot: Trying to move the NoteColumn doesn't seem to work. I can individually move the NoteHead and Stem (using extra-offset), but it's awkward. Is there a single grob I can tweak? Or is

Postscript doubling(s)

2006-04-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8 ] Hello, all -- Not sure if this is a bug in Lilypond, an expected behaviour, or just an artifact of ps2ps (and thus my own problem), but... When I ps2ps a Lilypond pdf, and then open it in Illustrator (for fine tweaking), I notice that every grob at the beginning of a

Re: removing first system with partial bar

2006-04-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats (et al.): But it doesn't work of you include the same music both in an instrumental part where the rests have to be written out and in a full score, since then the r4 will be printed as a full measure rest. Bingo. One possibility in such a case is to use \tag to distinguish

Re: compound time signature with split measure

2006-04-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats: I think it's great that LilyPond is able to typeset it anyway, using the relatively easy solution I sent earlier today. Don't you agree? I know *I* do! =) Thanks for the tip -- I rolled it in with the docs example, and it works perfectly. Best, Kieren.

compound time signature with split measure

2006-04-08 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8 ; Mac OS X ] Hello, all! What's the easiest way to engrave a compound time signature (CTS) like 2+3 / 4 and split the measure (i.e., with a dotted barline)? Unfortunately, the example CTS hack outputs 2/4 + 3/4 (not what I want), and if I have to hack the measure split

Re: compound time signature with split measure

2006-04-08 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats: The bar numbering shouldn't be any problem, since if you insert a \bar :, it won't affect the bar numbering. Good to know -- thanks! Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

removing first system with partial bar

2006-04-08 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Lilypond 2.8 ; Mac OS X ] Hello, Lily-dippers! Just wondering how I can remove empty staves of the first system of a score when the first measure is a \partial. Because I can't use R to fill the partial bar (Lilypond makes me use r explicitly, or complains about ), the measure is not

Re: [somewhat-OT] tweaking Lilypond PS/PDF output in (e.g.) Illustrator

2006-03-05 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Han-Wen, etc.: you have to install both the Century Schoolbook font, and the feta- alphabet fonts so Illustrator recognizes it. I expect that you will need to convert the feta-alphabet* fonts to TTF, eg. using fontforge. Okay, I've installed fontforge and converted all the Lilypond

[somewhat-OT] tweaking Lilypond PS/PDF output in (e.g.) Illustrator

2006-02-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[Mac OS X 10.4.4 ; Lilypond Version 2.7.35-1 (Build from 30-12-2005 19:17) ] Hello, all! On many (especially time-sensitive) projects, I prefer to do my fine tweaks in Illustrator -- I find that fast tweaking directly in Lilypond is essentially impossible, given the multiple-try-and-

Re: [somewhat-OT] tweaking Lilypond PS/PDF output in (e.g.) Illustrator

2006-02-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Eduardo: Thanks for your comments! I had to choose the option of importing text as vector, not as text, for if I tryied otherwise all the music glyphs that are fonts would be displayed. I don't know if Illustrator gives you the option of importing text as vector. I really don't see much,

not doing staff change(s) correctly

2006-02-18 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[Mac OS X 10.4.4 ; Lilypond Version 2.7.28-2 (Build from 30-12-2005 19:17) ] Hi, everyone! Clearly I don't understand the \change Staff feature... =\ Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in the enclosed excerpt? It's adapted directly from the docs example, but clearly I introduced

Re: Help needed on Single Staff Polyphony

2006-02-12 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Kees: \version 2.6.5 \new Staff { \time 4/4 \key es \major \clef treble \relative{ Note the additional surrounding your parts here: {bes' es g4 bes es g r8 bes es g4 bes es g8} \\ {c,2 es} Then continue... } } So the syntax for

Re: short first bar, long tempo indication

2006-02-08 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats (et al.) Exactly what kind of tempo indication do you have in mind? [...] As always, I recommend to include some example .ly code to clarify exactly what you ask about. I finally reduced it to a minimal case -- looks like a full measure rest causes the first measure to extend to

short first bar, long tempo indication

2006-02-06 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.4.4 ; Lilypond 2.7.28-2 (Build from 30-12-2005 19:17 ] Howdy, y'all! When the tempo indication is longer than the first bar of music, how can I make the first bar maintain its natural length (rather than stretching to accommodate the length of the markup)? i.e., I want the

Re: sponsoring better tied chords?

2005-08-15 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all: we only would need 6 more contributors. Anyone else? If the fix includes the tie problem I mentioned earlier (i.e., ties between two close notes on the same line/space are too tall), I'm in for 100. Cheers, Kieren. ___

Re: unsolicited praise =)

2005-08-15 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Han-Wen: ah, this is a bug. I fixed this in CVS. I mention an inconsistency in the app and it's fixed less than a day later... Why, that perfectly reflects my ten-year hel... I mean experience with Finale-Sibelius-Igor-etc. =) Thanks! Kieren.

Re: unsolicited praise =)

2005-08-14 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Han-Wen: Thanks! it's not perfect yet, but we're getting there, Agreed! Han-Wen sponsor me Nienhuys. How 'bout quoting a sponsorship cost for each of the fixes in this first measure: 1. Ties between two notes spaced closely together on inner-staff lines: too tall. 2. Tempo

Re: unsolicited praise =)

2005-08-14 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Laura: For those who just want to see the pdf's and not read the whole thread, I've posted links to them on my blog Thanks! That is quite a helpful investigation... Surprisingly, Finale makes quite a good showing in this case --

Re: sponsoring better tied chords?

2005-08-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hey, y'all: Anyone else willing to help co-sponsor Han-Wen's work on this feature, if he considers it feasible? I might be interested, depending on the ante... Cheers, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

need plain PS (not PDF) output

2005-07-22 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, everyone! First of all, WOW on the downloadable-installable-executable Mac OS X (and others) version 2.6 -- I can now start telling a LOT more of my colleagues that they should move to Lilypond... =) I need straight PS output (to manipulate in Illustrator), not PDF. However, I can't

Re: adding staves to a piano part...

2005-06-26 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Sterling: Seems I am having troubles doing it as such: drums = { \drummode notes } drums2 = { \drummode notes } etc. and then adding the drums in the \score section with '\new DrumStaff' commands. Am I going about this in a correct manor? PianoStaff is a special

Re: Jazz standard, four bars a line with equal size

2005-06-12 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, David: All the things you are A fabulous tune! Thanks for creating this program! I second that... I want to have four bars at a line and also every bar must have exactle the same size. Because this makes it much easyer to read. Because than all the bar line a on one line

indented coda system

2005-03-19 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.3.8 ; Lilypond 2.5.0 (via Fink) ] Hello, all! Looking in Gerou's Essential Dictionary of Music Notation, I see that the first system of a coda should be indented -- how would I accomplish this in Lilypond? Thanks, Kieren. ___

Re: My opinion

2005-03-17 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, 'Ponder(er)s: (PS: Also the idea of using XML as input format whould be a big step.) I disagree here. one of the best features in lilypond besides, the typographical quality is the easy and intuitive input format. it's a lot easier to type {c e g} then something like: notec/note

Re: MacOS X users: Do NOT upgrade to tetex-3.0 at the moment

2005-03-03 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Dear Matthias: If you are among the unfortunates who already executed the update I'm not, fortunately! However, I would like to take this opportunity to say, on behalf of all who benefit from your continued efforts: MANY THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!! Cheers, Kieren.

Re: MacOS X native packaged (was Re: lilypond install mac os x)

2005-03-02 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Walter: Another editor that I have enjoyed for quite some time now is TeXShop. I use TeXShop on OS X for my mathematics typesetting -- I agree that it's quite a good app. What are the steps I need to perform (if any) to prepare it for Lilypond editing? Sounds like that would be much easier

Re: MacOS X native packaged (was Re: lilypond install mac os x)

2005-02-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Han-Wen: BTW, the description of getting Lilypond up and running on a pristine MacOS X (getting XCode, lots of compilation) seems rather involved. I wonder whether there would be any interest in a native MacOS X binary of Lilypond, with a pretty installer. An binary which is up and running

Re: MacOS X native packaged (was Re: lilypond install mac os x)

2005-02-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Han-Wen (et al.): My feeling is that Lilypond is different that GB Agreed -- if any comparison is to be made, it should be with like products (Sibeilus, Finale, etc.). However, it's hard to put a price on the non-GUI-interface factor: although Lilypond is clearly the superior typesetter (just

2.5.9 not on Fink

2005-02-17 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, all! Finally back (after a long hiatus from beyond-the-Pond), and fink updated my unstable install. But the version now listed is 2.5.0, not 2.5.9 as indicated on the website -- is that expected? Thanks, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

some missing items?

2004-10-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.3.5 ; Lilypond 2.3.20 via Fink ] Hey, y'all! Just curious -- is it just me, or is Lilypond missing rf (as opposed to rfz) and the articulation mark for a natural harmonic (o)? Couldn't find them anywhere in the docs... Cheers, Kieren.

Re: some missing items?

2004-10-25 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Mats: you can easily add your own favourite dynamic indications using rf = #(make-dynamic-script rf) Awesome -- thanks! How about the \flageolet listed among all other articulations in the manual? Is that really considered the accepted harmonic articulation? I saw it, but it didn't look

grace plus repeat ending bug?

2004-09-06 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.3.5; Lilypond 2.3.13 via Fink] Hello, all! Just wondering if this is a bug, or if I'm doing something wrong... NOTE: The unexpected thing only happens when the global stuff and the notes are split into two blocks; when the volta definition is in the same block as the grace notes,

slur attachment tweak not working

2004-09-05 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.3.5; Lilypond 2.3.10 via Fink ] Hello, all -- Just wondering why my tweak isn't working any more: slurHS = \once \override Voice.Slur #'attachment = #'(head . stem) I looked through the docs, and it seems like this is no longer an option -- i.e., it has been replaced by different

Re: SubEthaEdit Highlight Mode?

2004-08-31 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Ted: Do any of you Mac OS X users use SubEthaEdit to edit Lilypond files? Yes. If so, have any of you created a syntax highlight mode file for Lilypond? It's got a built in LaTeX syntax option, which is good enough for me. If you need more/different, duplicate and expand the original! Best

grace notes come before time signature?

2004-08-22 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.3.5 ; Lilypond 2.3.10 (Fink, unstable) ] Hello, all -- Why do I get this when I have grace notes at the beginning of a measure which includes a time signature change? Thanks! Kieren.___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: grace notes before time signature?

2004-08-22 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Graham: A workaround is to include a tiny spacer rest right before your grace notes: That definitely works -- thanks! However, now my barcheck is off (by the amount of the rest) -- can I fix that somehow (e.g., shift or reset the bar checking mechanism)? Thanks again, Kieren.

Re: grace notes before time signature?

2004-08-22 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Erik: (ugly, but it should work) Yup (to both!)... ;-) Thanks! BTW: is this a known bug/feature, or should I report it? Thanks, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Basic questions about LilyPond.

2004-04-07 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Michael! because I have hard disk space problems and this is a very active list Don't forget the archives (searchable!) and digest mode... =) Finale: User interface seems awkward and difficult, not sufficiently keyboard-based. Oh, I got pretty good with the keyboard (even did a fair bit

Re: Extent of graphic or text interface with LilyPond.

2004-04-07 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Michael: I'm almost [...] getting the impression that LilyPond doesn't display the music on the screen at all Technically, that's true, I suppose... Lilypond converts a text source into an engraving using (La)TeX and some other magic code. Since this is fundamentally a batch process:

are tweaks additive?

2004-03-29 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.3.3, via Fink; Lilypond 2.1.35-1 ] Hey, y'all -- Once again, I can't keep up with HW, J, and M (the Finkster): the versions are coming too fast and furious! ;-) From the Release Notes, I noticed that somewhere along the way, Tweaks made with \override and \revert no longer hide

Re: other trill-spanner stuff

2004-03-24 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Han-Wen: Does anyone want to take on this task? It would be very similar to existing code, so it is relatively easy. I might be interested -- this could be a great way for me to ease into the contributor pool -- but I have a couple of questions: 1. Would this particular code be in C(++)

Re: Mac OS X- 2.1.28

2004-03-13 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Matthias Neeracher has updated lilypond-unstable to 2.1.28 for Fink. Thanks! Kieren. ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Line / page breaks

2004-03-01 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Zbynek: I don't know if this is the optimal technique, but in each .ly file, I have a layout block the sole purpose of which is to dictate line breaks: layout = \notes { s4*4*5 \break s4*4*3 \break % etc. } Then I just roll it into the \score block: \score { {

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