Rather than the PIC based terminal, why don't we work up a terminal on a Pi
Zero? There used to be a barebones terminal, but I think it needs to be
updated to work on the latest version of the Pi.
Tom Wilson
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 9:51 PM Jim Anderson wrote:
> -Original Message-
> I second that recommendation. I've got exactly that unit and it works
> perfectly with the M-100 running REXCPM, through an MVT100 and using VGA
> input.
I'm curious, how does the font look on that monitor? I've tried a few
different LCDs and the one with the lowe
Eric, thanks for pointing this out:
We should be able to do this by setting the bottom margin of the
scrolling window using the DECSTBM escape sequence (
https://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#DECSTBM ).
I didn't see that, and if I did it didn't go clunk.
so that code may address l
Since we're thinking outside of the box, couldn't we replace the FTDI
with a small arduino board?
Something like an Arduino Micro or even a Digispark should do it.
Then, it should be possible to convert the M100 additional ESC codes
to their VT100 equivalent on the fly and we will just have:
Indeed, that was one of my unusual pastimes back in the ‘90s. The Apple
ImageWriter II was my axe of choice. One of my housemates would then sample it
with his EMU Emax and fold it into other songs.
C.A. Magaret
Sent from my newfangled mobile technogizmo. Please forgive any typos,
I second that recommendation. I've got exactly that unit and it works
perfectly with the M-100 running REXCPM, through an MVT100 and using VGA
On 1/20/21 5:01 PM, ☼ wil lindsay ☼ wrote:
> If you're just looking for something small and flexible, I've had a lot
> of luck wit
Several of the capacitors on the M100 go into a large ground plane on the top
side of the board. This can make it difficult to ger enough heat to flow
through the board to adequately heat the joint enough to suck the solder out.
In these cases it is easier to 'walk' the component out. Heat one l
If you're just looking for something small and flexible, I've had a lot of
luck with these:
They have VGA and composite input, and seem very tolerant of weak signals,
such a s with a modified RCA Studio II. I've also stripped them and
remounted them in o
yes the instructions are here:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 1:54 PM Hiraghm wrote:
> So I have two M100s. Both were working when last I checked (one of them
> I have out to play with, the other I keep in the closet as a backup).
I've been reading part of the thread about connecting the Model T to a
tablet to get VGA with a MVT100 (not exactly sure what that is but I
guess it's kind of like the DVI).
Has anybody thought of getting a display from Adafruit? They have
displays everywhere from 2" to 7" that have HDMI input
So I have two M100s. Both were working when last I checked (one of them
I have out to play with, the other I keep in the closet as a backup).
I decided to get 2 recap kits and 2 batteries for them, as well as a
RexCPM (I have an original Rex in the one I play with).
Since I was going to install
Has anyone here ever made music with dot matrix printers?
Yes I realize that the stock vt100 emulation doesn't support the m100 escape
codes. I've only done this with rexcpm and it's a patched version of wordstar
that intercepts the m100 cursor keys and gets the program to do what one
expects. I actually haven't gotten around to using the more m1
The difference is that your use case is this:
'M100 (CP/M) ---> RS-232--->FTDI --> USB--->PC'
(that is to say, I think you are running M100CP/M on REXCPM)
In this case, stock VT100 works fine because there are no custom M100 ESC
Just to reiterate,
If the goal is to extend the
I think a lot of the terminal emulation programs for a PC already emulate a
I did the 'M100 (with VT100 driver) ---> RS-232--->FTDI --> USB--->PC' just
for fun, using minicom under linux. This worked just fine, the normal 'xterm'
under linux is vt100 compatible, so I could run wo
Thanks Jonathan, very cool. Stitching it together like that is a nice
combination of solutions.
So this is more representative-
M100 (with VT100 driver) --->
RS-232--->MVT100--->VGA>converter--->HDMI >video capture -->
This might be possible with a new app (like a VT100 term
Hello All,
I tried this just now but I can't seem to find a 'free' android app that
supports serial stuff (like an FTDI chip connected via usb) and is vt100
compatible. One can have either but not both, or one pays. Found one that
costs a bit but I wasn't sure how well it was supported so I pa
Yes, the description Stephen have below basically is what I did. I don't know
useful it would be to describe what I bought, since (with Brexit) I try as hard
as possible to buy things from Swedish or European sellers, but I bought a
VGA-to hdmi adapter (this might be the one I bought but
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