AW: MySQL 3.23.40 and 4.0.20 parallely on the same data-source

2004-06-09 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi, Is it possible (stable and without data loss :-)) to run e.g. mysql-3.23.40 on Port 3306 and mysql-4.0.20 on Port 3307 on the same machine (SuSE Linux with 2.4.4-kernel) yes !AND! on the same data-directory without the two versions conflicting (e.g. when both version would try

AW: ORDER BY problem

2004-06-08 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi, it is not possible to handle all cases proper. You can just handle all cases you know with the REPLACE-function, so you simply delete the prefixes in the WHERE-clause. But that only works for all prefixes you know. If you do like ORDER BY REPLACE(REPLACE(surname,'du',''),'de','') you get all

AW: C compared to C++/Java; Was: Re: InnoDB Hot Backup + MySQL em bedded?

2004-02-21 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi, this discussion is useless, object or procedure is not realy the question. You need to know how to build a good programm, if you cannot create a good programm, no matter what language. The amount of realy bad java-programs (90% i have seen were realy bad) shows, that it is maybe not a good

how setting default for SQL_SELECT_LIMIT ?

2004-02-20 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Ladies and Sirs, is ist possible to set a default for SQL_SELECT_LIMIT ? I tried to put this in my.cnf but it didn't work (server didn't start). It's MySQL 4.017 on LINUX. thank you Klaus Topaktuelle Consumer-Adressen anmieten Diese Mail ist von:

Pending results blocking mysql-server

2004-02-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Sirs and Ladies, we are porting an application from ORACLE to MySQL. The application does lot of queries and has and times out a query, if no result is back after 10 seconds. It handles queries parrallel and rasies or lowers the amount of connection variable (the programm is a server

AW: Pending results blocking mysql-server

2004-02-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
to set a timer in your app, calling that function after, for example, 20 seconds. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Stefan Hinz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Februar 2004 12:15 An: Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Re: Pending results blocking mysql-server

AW: AW: Pending results blocking mysql-server

2004-02-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Pachev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Februar 2004 14:19 An: Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA Cc: Stefan Hinz; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Re: AW: Pending results blocking mysql-server Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA wrote: Hi Stefan, thanks for your fast reply ! Would it be possible

creating index performance problem

2004-02-11 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Sirs and Ladies, i'm on the way to create some big indexes on a huge MyISAM-table(13G), using the 'ALTER TABLE ADD INDEX ..., ADD INDEX ..., ...' -Statement. After mysql copied all data to the temporary #-Tables it slowes down very much. A top shows my that it mostly runs in 'D'

repair with keycache during ADD INDEX

2003-10-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Sirs and Ladies, I tried to put some keys on a large table (more than 100.000.000 in 13G) with the Statement: ALTER TABLE mytable ADD INDEX i1 (COL1(4)), ADD INDEX i2 (COL2(4)), ADD INDEX i3 (COL3(12)), ADD INDEX i4 (COL4(12)), ADD INDEX i5 (COL5(5)), ADD INDEX i5 (COL6(11)); After about 7

timeout with mysql

2003-10-13 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi There, i tried to load a big file into a MySQL table using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ... Everything worked fine but after about 2 hours it say: Lost connection to MySQL- server during query The server was allwaiys up and I don't have a clue what happend. I thought, that maybe our intranet was

Funny behaviour with 'ü' - SQL, SELECT

2003-09-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Ladies and Sirs, I tried SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE '%ü%'; to find out if german umlauts (öäü) are imported. In the resultset where some ds with 'ü' and some with 'y'. So the charset itself seems to be OK but why did I get 'y'. They sound sometimes the same, but they are not the

Funny behaviour with 'ü' - SQL, SELECT

2003-09-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Ladies and Sirs, I tried SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE '%ü%'; to find out if german umlauts (öäü) are imported. In the resultset where some ds with 'ü' and some with 'y'. So the charset itself seems to be OK but why did I get 'y'. They sound sometimes the same, but they are not the

AW: Can't open...

2003-09-11 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi There, errno 145 means: 'Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired' You can Type on the commandline (dosbox, bash, etc-): perror ErrorNumber to get information about errors. prosit Klaus P.S.:REPAIR TABLE (manual chapter 4.4.5) might help. -- MySQL General Mailing

AW: IF, THEN ELSE statement

2003-09-10 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Rob, i think to use REPLACE would do, if there is a unique index on myid: REPACE mytable (myid, myname) VALUES (myid, mynewname); The Manual say in chapter 6.4.8: REPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old record in the table has the same value as a new record on a UNIQUE index

AW: How can I select the column names?

2003-09-05 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi, I am trying to select the column names from a table to be displayed in a web page. Is there anyway to select column names without desc? I don't now, if it makes a difference to 'DESCRIBE' but you can do: SHOW COLUMNS FROM TABL_NAME [LIKE ...]; prosit Klaus -- MySQL General

AW: Help with #1111 - Invalid use of group function

2003-09-05 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi, SELECT TD.project_id, P.project_manager FROM time_daily TD INNER JOIN projects P ON P.project_id = TD.time_project_id WHERE TD.time_user_id = 'xpt' AND ( SUM( TD.time_hours_worked ) '0.00' an Paul Dibois said: You cannot use aggregate functions like SUM() in the WHERE clause. And He is

MySQL LOAD zipped DATA from File

2003-08-01 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Ladies and Sirs, can anyone give me a hint please, if it is possible toimport data data from a zipped File, without unzipping it before. I'm using MySQL 3.23 on a LINUX System. I guess it is possible using a 'named pipe' and 'funzip' , but I don't lnow how. Thank you Klaus --

AW: Exists anything like Oracle TO_DATE('31/12/2003','dd/mm/yyyy' ) ? sql

2003-06-20 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Marcos, you can use simple string-functions to manage this. For example: dd/mm/ - -mm-dd CONCAT_WS('-',RIGHT('dd/mm/',4),SUBSTRING('dd/mm/',4,2),LEFT('dd/mm/',2)) CONCAT_WS(separator, string_1 ,string_2 ...)puts strings together with separato RIGTH(string,N)

AW: Remove -?

2003-03-03 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Doug, try: UPDATE table_name SET ProdKeyword = REPLACE(ProdID,-,); prosit Klaus MySQL, Query, whatever, be a keyword :o) - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

Nearly solved - Strange Bug with a working table - Silent col-def-change !

2003-02-25 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
OK, I found out, why the table grows that extraordinary. After 'CREATE TABLE new_1 SELECT * FROM output_1'; All columns of new_1 are CHAR(255) instead of VARCHAR(255) like in output_1 ( see below). Now my simple questions are: 1. Why , I saw something about silent changes in the docs,

Strange BUG? with a working table

2003-02-24 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Ladies and Sirs, I have a problem to create a tables duplicate with: CREATE TABLE new_1 SELECT * FROM output_1; The table output_1 has this structure: Field TypeNullKey af_1int(11) YES MUL af_3varchar(255)YES

AW: Strange BUG? with a working table

2003-02-24 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Chiu, It seems that you have reached the 2G file limit with many Linux system. I am not familiar with SuSe. As I know, you may try to use raid option. You may refer to MySQL doc. on 'create' for details. Yes I know, that I can just manage files to 2 GB. The question was, why is the new

AW: Checking existence of a table. query

2003-02-17 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Ed, What query would I use to check for an existence of a table within a database? SHOW TABLES LIKE 'table_name'; might help. prosit Klaus - Before posting, please check: (the

AW: stuck , mysql on SUSE

2003-02-11 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi , if you used SUSE , why didn't you just install the mysql-packages distibuted there with yast. It's very easy and I never had a problem with it. It is also possible to install foreign packages with yast later , if you want to udate your mysql-server later. The problem is , that SUSE is not

locking tables , mysql 3.23.41

2003-02-05 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to backup databases or better the whole server file-based , I'd like to know , if there is a way to get a read-Lock for all tables in a database or even better for all tables in all databases. Something like: LOCK TABLES db_name.% READ; which I tried cause

AW: Some Problems with MySQL 3.23.54

2003-01-23 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Shripal, your requests were: I can't able to do following things with MySQL 3.23.54. Sub-selects Thats right , subselects come with version 4.1 (out for a view days). About 99% of all subselects are can be done with the right JOIN. SELECT INTO TABLE Try: INSERT INTO Table_Name SELECT

AW: Socket Error

2003-01-22 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Good Morning Anthony , your question was: ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (38) I've been reading and searching the documentation for hours and I know this is simple to fix but I can't figure it out. I've been at it for our hours. The

AW: query problem

2003-01-20 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi Jon, you can : DELETE FROM db_test.tbl_dbaddr; This would delete all data in db_test.tbl_dbaddr by first dropping the whole table and then rebuild it again. You can of curse add a 'WHERE CLAUSE' to determin which rows shall be deleted. This is from the HTML-manual: Duplicates indicates

my.cnf , query , order

2002-09-20 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Ladies and Gentlemen, after a bigger Query with a SORT BY statement aborted , i found out , that my 'sort-buffer'-variable had to be bigger. Everything worked fine then , but i now read in Paul DuBois great book , that it is not recommended to make this variable to big. Please advise me , what

myisampack , sql , admin

2002-09-19 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a real bad problem with myisampack , that never occured before. I wanted to pack some of my Tables via myisampack and at any condition you i can imagin (server up , server down , database directory , different directory , running myisamchk with mostly

WG: ABUSE? , myisampack , sql , admin [T2002091901XL]

2002-09-19 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 19. September 2002 13:00 An: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Betreff: AW:ABUSE? , myisampack , sql , admin [T2002091901XL] Hi there, i received this message , after sending a request to mysql-mailing-list: Thank

sql , myisampack

2002-09-19 Thread Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA
Hi, after being mailed from a spam filter (and i still don't know why) , i am sorry , if my question my appear a second time. Myisampack crashes with 'segmentation fault' anytime i try to use it. MySQL-Version is 2.23-41-log. Linux-kernel is 2.4.10-4GB. Everything installed from SUSE