RE: How to Version Control a database

2005-02-20 Thread Matt Chatterley
The method employed by the company I work for is to maintain a version controlled set of scripts, which can be used to create/update a database (many of these scripts are objects such as UDFs, Stored Procedures and so forth, which represent the 'software' layer within the database). A bespoke


2004-07-07 Thread Matt Chatterley
This is certainly the first step. Also, if you want to insert only those rows which are not already present, you can use something akin to: INSERT INTO table1 SELECT * FROM table2 t2 LEFT JOIN table1 t1 ON (unique row identifiers -- whatever these are for your data) WHERE t1.XYZ IS NULL

RE: Parent-Child Relationship Question

2004-07-02 Thread Matt Chatterley
Essentially, I think, you are asking about organizing hierarchical data. This is something which I always find tricky to wrap my head around, but, one approach I seen used successfully is to use (initially) two tables: 1. A table such as 'Places' which contains the actual data (or Locations, any

RE: Optimising SQL Statements

2004-06-25 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi Martin, Speaking more from a general standpoint (I mostly work with MS SQL, but my home projects are MySQL - these days there is precious little time for those, though).. Assuming you have appropriate indexes on tables y and y2: 1. Truncate WILL be faster than delete, as it is a non-logged

RE: Returning updated rows

2004-06-19 Thread Matt Chatterley
There are a number of approaches which you could take to this. One option would be to 'pre-assign' rows to a server - so that each server has a distinct set of rows to work through. Another would be to use transactions to handle this, so that only one set of updates actually occur at a time

RE: WHERE clause problem

2004-05-03 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hmm. Bit Odd. However, I suspect the problem is that your 'where' isn't explicit enough: Where ( month(date) = month(now()) ) or ( month(date) = month(now())-1 ) Bear in mind that if month(now()) = 1 you will be looking for records in month 0! A better way to do this might be: WHERE

RE: simplifying OR clauses

2004-05-02 Thread Matt Chatterley
As others have said, you can use 'IN'. You could also use UNION (although I don't think I would, personally, for quite what you want!): SELECT word FROM word_table WHERE id = 1 UNION SELECT word FROM word_table WHERE id = 2 Etc. Assuming your version of MySQL supports the UNION operator!

RE: Standard of Column Names

2004-05-02 Thread Matt Chatterley
To me, this is entirely a matter of personal choice - and the important thing is to pick a standard and stick to it. :) I usually end up with a table called 'People' for arguments sake, which will have an abstract PK (auto increment int) called PeopleID (I always use the table name). I also

RE: What is your mysql debugging strategy?

2004-05-02 Thread Matt Chatterley
I do something similar in my PHP applications - using an object wrapper to the SQL connection. That way, when an error occurs, the object automatically outputs the query, along with any error which was returned. Cheers, Matt -Original Message- From: Richard Bryson [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Compound Primary Key question

2004-04-24 Thread Matt Chatterley
As Jeremy says - it depends totally on what you want to do. If you have tables where there is no logical, unique way to identify that column (or the only way to do so is via a column you do not want to use for this purpose), then assigning a separate ID column as a PK makes sense. E.g: If you

LAST_INSERT_ID() and Stored Procs

2004-04-22 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi all. Another hiccup along the happy road with MySQL 5.0! The last bit of a stored procedure I have just put together does this: -- insert cluster row INSERT INTO clusters (Name) VALUES (sName); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO iNewClusterID; -- insert map row INSERT INTO map (X, Y) VALUES

RE: LAST_INSERT_ID() and Stored Procs

2004-04-22 Thread Matt Chatterley
, Matt -Original Message- From: Matt Chatterley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 23 April 2004 02:08 To: 'MySQL List' Subject: LAST_INSERT_ID() and Stored Procs Hi all. Another hiccup along the happy road with MySQL 5.0! The last bit of a stored procedure I have just put together

RE: query help

2004-04-21 Thread Matt Chatterley
I suspect you want 'IS NULL' rather than '= NULL'. :) I always find it best to think of NULL as undefined value rather than no value - which is why you need to check for it especially (using IS rather than = or other operators). Cheers, Matt -Original Message- From: Yonah Russ

RE: Slow Connection from PHP to MySQL 5.0

2004-04-17 Thread Matt Chatterley
it installed on Windows at the moment - because it's more convenient to debug (and restart)! Cheers, Matt -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mysql-list- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 15 April 2004 20:29 To: Matt Chatterley Subject: Re: Slow Connection from PHP to MySQL 5.0 do

Slow Connection from PHP to MySQL 5.0

2004-04-15 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi Folks. I've seen similar questions asked both here, and via a google search - but I haven't found an answer which has helped yet - so heres hoping!! I run a Linux webserver which has PHP 4 installed, and am currently prototyping a design using MySQL 5.0-alpha on Windows 2K professional. The

RE: Do I specify a primary key to be primary, unique and index ?

2004-04-11 Thread Matt Chatterley
As I discovered recently, thanks to another user on this list, there is at least one situation where you WILL need to also create a KEY index on a PRIMARY KEY column - If you have a composite primary key such as (col1, col2) and you wish to place a foreign key on col2, you will ALSO have to add a


2004-04-11 Thread Matt Chatterley
Yep. Theres no reason at all why this sort of thing won't work for MSSQL too. Use SQL Enterprise Manager to generate a create script for all objects in the database, and also tell it to script referential integrity (FKs, etc). Then add anything MySQL specific, such as Type=InnoDB (which you will

RE: sql join help

2004-04-11 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hmm. SELECT o.* FROM orders o INNER JOIN orderitems oi ON o.orderid = oi.orderid INNER JOIN products p ON p.productid = oi.productid AND p.productparentid 2 WHERE o.orderstatus =2 Not sure why you are checking for a NULL ordered in orderitems? That would suggest you get back only items

5.0.0a stored procedure crash

2004-04-11 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi folks. I've just submitted the following as a 'bug' via the MySQL website, and was wondering if anyone out there had experienced the same problem? It only seems to cause a crash when a nested IF is put into a stored procedure, so the work-around is obvious - don't nest 'em! As posted to

RE: LIKE search with different orders

2004-04-10 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hmm. You might be best off using the FIND_IN_SET function (check the manual at for more information). In short, if you replace all spaces in your string to search with commas, you should be able to do something like: SELECT * FROM xyz WHERE FIND_IN_SET(test_column, your string here)

RE: Database design question

2004-04-07 Thread Matt Chatterley
I'm not 100% sure as to what you are trying to do, however, the relationship you describe could, I believe, be modeled as: Candles (candleid, description, price) Waxes (waxid, name/description) Candle_Waxes (candleid, waxid) Thus one table holds the description and price of each candle, another

RE: can't call a stored proc from another stored proc?

2004-04-03 Thread Matt Chatterley
Morning :) 1. You sure can, e.g: CREATE PROCEDURE `user_authenticate`(IN sUserName VARCHAR(25), IN sPassword CHAR(32), OUT sUserCookie CHAR(32)) BEGIN DECLARE iUserID INT; DECLARE iLogID INT; SELECT MD5(CONCAT(UserID,NOW())) INTO sUserCookie FROM users WHERE UserName = sUserName AND Password

RE: two tables with same field names into one table

2004-04-03 Thread Matt Chatterley
To select the contents of both into one table, you most likely want to use the 'UNION' operator: SELECT * FROM desktops UNION SELECT * FROM laptops If you create the computers table before hand (you can see how you would create either of the others with SHOW CREATE tablename), then you can just

5.0 InnoDB problem - ADD CONSTRAINT

2004-04-01 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi folks. I have a problem creating a foreign key constraint which I just don't seem to be able to figure out. There are three tables, for which the 'show create' output is given below: CREATE TABLE `users` ( `UserID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `ContactID` int(10) unsigned NOT

RE: Getting around 2 queries

2004-03-30 Thread Matt Chatterley
One option would be to 'union' the two queries (assuming the columns are the same type and length), allowing you to run one query string: Select serial from blacklist where serial = x Union Select serial from seriallist where serial = x Would return 1 or 2 rows, depending on whether rows are

From SQL Server: Jobs

2004-03-30 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi all, I hope I've chosen a suitable list for this post. If not, please feel free to redirect me! :) By day, I am a SQL Server (and .NET) programmer. By night, my current project (a space-based trading/strategy game to be delivered on the web, should anyone be interested in contacting me

RE: How to get around lack of views?

2004-03-30 Thread Matt Chatterley
The only idea which presents itself (be warned, this is ugly) is to maintain a set of tables which hold the same data, partitioned out by privilege, and to grant access on those tables to appropriate users. These tables could be maintained (or recreated) from the source data at regular intervals.

RE: INSERT ... SELECT question

2004-03-29 Thread Matt Chatterley
Can you roughly outline the schema of the two tables? If the key value doesn't have to match from the input to the final result, you can always insert into a list of fields, skipping the auto_increment/key column, and they will continue to be generated.. Assuming you have two tables with id_col,

RE: INSERT ... SELECT question

2004-03-29 Thread Matt Chatterley
the temporary table back into the original. I don't like that at all, though. It seems messy. Hopefully someone here can come up with a better idea! Cheers, Matt -Original Message- From: Eric J. Janus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 March 2004 20:12 To: Matt Chatterley; 'MySQL' Subject: RE

RE: Speeding up MySQL server

2004-03-25 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hmm. Taking a stab in the dark here, but.. If it's purely a 'hit counter' type affair, and you're updating a single row, perhaps performance could be gained by instead inserting into a table (presumably this can be done with single-row level locking - at least in InnoDB?), and running a regular

RE: SQL statement

2004-03-24 Thread Matt Chatterley
Very straightforward if the new column is NULLable OR has a deterministic value, e.g. INSERT INTO newtable (col1, col2) SELECT col1, 1 FROM oldtable WHERE ID = xxx Or if NULLable: INSERT INTO newtable (col1) SELECT col1 FROM oldtable WHERE ID = xxx Equally you could populate 'col2' from an

RE: multiple databases: design question

2004-03-21 Thread Matt Chatterley
The not very useful answer would be: It depends on what you are trying to achieve. More usefully (I hope): I work with a complex web application which is also strongly modularized. This system is generally delivered using several databases, residing on different servers, to allow us to cope with

RE: Newbie Can't Add a User to MySQL

2004-03-21 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi. Bit off-topic (ish) I know, however: You are missing a semi-colon in the 'forum snippet'. The line: $conn = mysql_connect(localhost, forums, forumuser, somepass) or die(mysql_error()) should be: $conn = mysql_connect(localhost, forums, forumuser, somepass) or

RE: retrieving last record for all distinct users

2004-03-20 Thread Matt Chatterley
Making the assumption that you are running a version of MySQL which supports subqueries, I believe you could use: SELECT Login, TimeStamp, IP FROMSessions S INNER JOIN ( SELECT MAX(TimeStamp) TimeStamp, Login FROMSessions

RE: retrieving last record for all distinct users

2004-03-20 Thread Matt Chatterley
Had my brain been in gear, I would have typed the 'AND Latest.TimeStamp = S.TimeStamp' which you will also need on that join.. Cheers, Matt -Original Message- From: Matt Chatterley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 20 March 2004 19:51 To: 'motorpsychkill'; 'mysql' Subject: RE

RE: Stored Procs and Commit/Rollback Transactions

2004-03-20 Thread Matt Chatterley
Possibly veering off topic, but I have a strong urge to comment on this, and shall! I am a M$ .NET developer (primarily ASP.NET with SQL Server), and have recently embarked on a project at home, and wished to apply the same sort of principles that I use at work - for example, keeping all 'system

RE: Guru's advice needed ........[Security: SQL injection]

2004-03-19 Thread Matt Chatterley
This reply has two purposes. Firstly, a small suggestion (modest compared to the others which will follow, no doubt!) - check out mysql_escape_string() - this may be useful to you. Secondly, a further question: In addition to protecting against SQL Injection, has anyone here experimented with