Re: Static Linking to Net-SNMP libraries

2012-07-22 Thread Thomas Anders
Bob O'Neil wrote: I have an application that acts as a subagent under Linux on a platform where Net-SNMP is installed from source. I have created an RPM to install the application, and since Net-SNMP was installed from source rather than from an RPM, the netsnmpagent, netsnmp, and

Re: Problems writing AgentX subagent in Perl

2012-07-16 Thread Thomas Anders
Bill Melotti wrote: NET-SNMP version: [...] So I gave up on this and downloaded and build my own snmpd and perl from source. This seems even worse. It doesn’t attempt to read the config files, open a socket or even try to send or receive anything. Rather than dealing with EOL'ed

Re: Problem building net-snmp 5.7.1 with embedded Perl support (no large files) on Solaris 10

2012-01-16 Thread Thomas Anders
Joel Hansell wrote: However, when running make I get the below sequence of errors and the build terminates. Interesting. Thanks for the report. Is this a bug in the configure environment for Solaris, or am I doing something wrong with my config flags? Would a switch to GCC help? (I'd rather

Re: AgentX subagent connected but is not worked

2011-12-02 Thread Thomas Anders
SLP wrote: I load the snmpd 5.7.1 and my subagent daemon at the system startup. First - snmpd, second my subagent daemon. I view this message: NET-SNMP version 5.7.1 AgentX subagent connected in console. But I can not get my oids values - After that I login in system and restart the

Re: Using AgentX together with SNMPwalk

2011-05-18 Thread Thomas Anders
Stefan de Konink wrote: snmpwalk -v 3 ... C42-MIB::c42MIB Basically results in my data, but the actual 'walk' without the 'RootOID' still has no data. I do receive several 'requests' in the AgentX implementation, but nothing is returned. Tips are welcome. Is C42-MIB placed in your private

Re: Can't locate NETSNMP/

2011-01-07 Thread Thomas Anders
Babin, Eddie T wrote: Can't locate NETSNMP/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/ib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-tread-multi ……….) Please give *exact* full error messages via copypaste! I doubt the error message really contains that path, unless your @INC is seriously broken. Also, the example says

Re: ubuntu-10.10's snmpget doesn't understand MIB names (Unknown Object Identifier)

2010-11-08 Thread Thomas Anders
raf wrote: i've just upgraded to ubuntu-10.10 and its snmpget (v5.4.3) doesn't understand MIB names: Debian-based distros have stopped shipping IETF MIB files for legal reasons. However, there's a new snmp-mibs-downloader package ( to

Re: Net-snmp leaks memory after 5 hours

2010-09-07 Thread Thomas Anders
kavita raghunathan wrote: Hello, After 5 hours, I notice that the memory usage of net-snmp has jumped. It does not seem to depend on the application code I have written - any ideas where to look ? Would you mind giving us a bit more information to work with? What platform, what net-snmp

Re: ifTable and ifXTable

2010-09-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Shoma S Achar wrote: Could anyone please let me know if ifTable and ifXTable are implemented in net-snmp-5.5? What platform are you running? See +Thomas

Re: : RE: net-snmp 5.2.X compilation errors in QNX Momentics 6.3.0

2010-09-04 Thread Thomas Anders
Ali Mirza, Rashid wrote: I downloaded net-snmp 5.6 rc2 and did a configure on the qnx machine. After that did a make, and it seems it never finishes the make, and is in a loop, as I keep getting the questions for the snmp version and default location after its done a set of make steps. In

Re: net-snmp 5.2.X compilation errors in QNX Momentics 6.3.0

2010-08-24 Thread Thomas Anders
Ali Mirza, Rashid wrote: i have been trying to work with net-snmp-5.2.6, on a QNX momentics 6.3.0 platform. I can only second Dave's suggestion to start with net-snmp 5.6.rc1 instead which explicitely claims to support QNX6. Earlier versions don't. +Thomas

Re: Net-SNMP compilation error on AIX

2010-08-03 Thread Thomas Anders
Dana Kaempen wrote: In compiling Net-SNMP for AIX, I came upon these errors at the end of the attached make.out file: I take it that you're trying to build Net-SNMP 5.5. What configure options are you using? Do you also have other (earlier) versions of net-snmp installed on your

Re: Build net-snmp on AIX 7.1

2010-07-31 Thread Thomas Anders
Lissa Valletta wrote: There are a lot of compiler directives for up to aix6, but I need to build on aix7 which is coming out soon. Do you have an easy way to build on aix7 or can you provide us source code that support AIX 7.1. Could you please try building the just released net-snmp

Re: Net-SNMP in AIX Setup help needed

2010-07-31 Thread Thomas Anders
Stock, Roger W wrote: I am getting a NULL return from a request for host MIB info. Can anyone tell me if they see something wrong with what I am doing? # snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost host SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.1 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.1 =

Re: configure: error: Perl support requires --enable-shared

2010-07-22 Thread Thomas Anders
Lissa Valletta wrote: Why do I get the error when I have ./configure --enable-shared --with-perl-modules I thought I was satisfying the requirement. What net-snmp version on what system? +Thomas -- This

Re: AIX5.3 net-SNMP tables

2010-07-09 Thread Thomas Anders
IanA wrote: I compiled Net-SNMP using Gcc as shown hereafter. I have a problem displaying some tables : ** *== no response (table is empty) *** *== no response (table is empty) *

Re: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/x86_64-linux/CORE/libperl.a: could not read symbols: Bad value

2010-07-09 Thread Thomas Anders
Alexander King wrote: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/x86_64-linux/CORE/libperl.a(op.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `PL_sv_yes' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

Re: Diff between smtpwalk output on debian and slack

2010-06-12 Thread Thomas Anders
Matías Sebastián Sardisco wrote: Debian$ snmpwalk -Os -v2c -c public sysUpTime.0 sysUpTime.0: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) - sysUpTime) What exact Debian version are your running? Please note that latest Debian versions don't ship MIBs by default for legal

Re: A very trifling BUG in Change Log

2010-06-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Ryota YUSHINA wrote: Change Log says snmpusm: - [PATCH 1591355]: Allow cloning to arbitrary engineIDs but, PATHCH 1591355 hasn't been applied. You're right. The patch had been applied in r17157, but has been

Re: Perl-module:make test failure

2010-05-18 Thread Thomas Anders
vineet gehlot wrote: i m presently working with net-snmp-5.5 i insatlled it properly but while i was trying to install a perl-module present in its extracted folder i faced the afolowwing error.. PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -I../blib/lib -I../blib/arch 1..90 Can't

Re: hp ux 11.23 not showing hrSWRunTable

2010-04-29 Thread Thomas Anders
SREENIVAS P wrote: I have compiled the net -snmp 5.4.2 on hp ux,but i am unable to find any entries for hrSWRunTable ,i am intrested to monitor processes using net-snmp. What's the output of net-snmp-config --configure-options? Are you running on PA-RISC or IA64? For HP-UX/IA64, please see

Re: SNMPv3: Diffie-Hellman

2010-03-08 Thread Thomas Anders
Sam V wrote: Does net-snmp support the Diffie-Hellman mode for SNMPv3 authentication and privacy keys? If it does, what versions support this? Do I need a special configuration to enable this? From : SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB

Re: Coexistence of Windows agent with HP SIM

2010-03-01 Thread Thomas Anders
Dave Ulrick wrote: I'm looking to replace the Microsoft SNMP Service on a number of Windows 2003 servers with the Net-SNMP Agent. This is straightforward unless the Microsoft SNMP Service is depended upon by other services. On many of our servers, the MS service is depended on by several

Re: make net-snmp v5.3.3 on rhel4

2010-02-23 Thread Thomas Anders wrote: I have an old system that must remain at RHEL 4x64. After downloading the source from, and upon running make I get; /usr/lib/ could not read symbols: File in wrong format. Try ./configure LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64 ... make +Thomas

Re: ERROR: You don't have the SNMP perl module installed.

2010-02-22 Thread Thomas Anders wrote: I installed netsnmp successfully in sunOs [ 2.10 ] . BUt while running mib2c getting the error mentioned in the subject line. Is there a good reason for choosing an outdated net-snmp version for a new installation? What's the output of cat

Re: net-snmp-5.5_CrossCompiling_xscale_be

2010-02-21 Thread Thomas Anders
Queenie de Melo wrote: Iam a newbie to linux and I recently downloaded net-snmp, Iam getting errors when i try cross compiling net-snmp-5.5 for my target platform having xscale big endian architecture. +Thomas

Re: statically linking netsnmplib

2010-02-21 Thread Thomas Anders
anand prasad worte: Now, I am trying to use snmptrap command: sudo ./snmptrap -v 2c -Ci -c public NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB::netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification netSnmpExampleHeartbeatRate i 1234561 I am getting the follwing error: Cannot find module (IP-MIB): At line 0 in (none)

Re: trap sending

2010-02-21 Thread Thomas Anders
maxim maxim wrote: How i can to send a SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 traps by net-snmp api?, i need some examples of code, i know how to do it from the command line, but i need this in code. apps/snmptrap.c has the full source code of the command-line tool you're familar with. +Thomas

Re: if-mib

2010-02-10 Thread Thomas Anders
Dave Shield wrote: I've got a vague recollection of a suggestion that this behaviour should be controlled by a configure option, but it's not immediately apparent whether this was ever done. It has been discussed, but has *not* been implemented, IIRC. The one thing that confuses me is that

Re: How to disable/enable SNMP V1 and V2 on the fly?

2010-02-01 Thread Thomas Anders wrote: I remove the enable-mini-agent in the configure, But I got compile errors as following: mibII/at.c: In function `ARP_Scan_Next': mibII/at.c:830: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type mibII/at.c:836: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type mibII/at.c:839:

Re: compiling net-snmp 5.5 on AIX 6.1 fails

2010-01-26 Thread Thomas Anders
Willem Hilders wrote: When I compile net-snmp version 5.5 on my AIX 6.1 machine I get the errors underneath when I issue the make statement. Any one any idea how to solve this In file included from /usr/include/sys/cred.h:49, from /usr/include/sys/file.h:32,

Re: snmpd seg faults on AIX

2010-01-12 Thread Thomas Anders
Fulko Hew wrote: The daemon works, but now I see that there are many MIB variables missing. Important things like most of MIB-II, like the interface table, TCP connections, routing table, etc. Did I loose these when I compiled with --without-kmem-usage? Almost definitely. You might want to

Re: snmpd seg faults on AIX

2010-01-11 Thread Thomas Anders
Fulko Hew wrote: Upon further searching the mailinst archives, I find that this is an old (open) bug #1484814 that fortunately has a workaround. (./configure --without-kmem-usage) [...] In the end... that bug entry should probably (at the very least) be closed with with the suggested

Re: snmptrap (win32) tcp

2010-01-11 Thread Thomas Anders
C Wells wrote: I don't see a tcp option for snmptrap.exe so I assume it isn't there. Does anyone know of a win32 snmptrap sending utility that can send using TCP ? Try: snmptrap.exe ... tcp:desthost:162 ... (with desthost being the trap destination host) In case it doesn't work: what exact

Re: munging Perl's stack

2010-01-11 Thread Thomas Anders
Stuart Kendrick wrote: Any insights into this issue? I've replicated it under net-snmp-5.5 and perl-5.10.1, so I guess I can predict your answer Ick, gross, run away. :)

Re: Can two different versions of NET-SNMP be installed at the same time?

2009-12-29 Thread Thomas Anders
cornerbreeze wrote: If I have installed a NET-SNMP(for example,suppose its version is V1) in /usr/local/net-snmp; then can another version of NET-SNMP(suppose its version is V2) be installed in /usr/local/new-net-snmp? You can do that, *if* you know what you're doing. E.g. you should pay

Re: Replacing the net-snmp 8072 identifier

2009-12-20 Thread Thomas Anders
lanas wrote: Is it possible to easily change the 8072 identifier when, for instance, receiving an IF-MIB trap such as: 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 ('. Check the (help output for the) configure options --with-enterprise-oid and

Re: About latest bug corrections/patches

2009-12-18 Thread Thomas Anders
bheemesh v wrote: (X=2..5) The above link to look for CHANGES in the project SVN repository is not accesible, any firewalls blocking access? There's a typo (extra .) in the link above. For

Re: Compiling net-snmp- fails for -lperl libraries

2009-12-16 Thread Thomas Anders
Lisa Tondon wrote: I was cross compiling net-snmp- for powerpc-linux. The compilation fails for -lperl libraries [...] Am I missing anything here. Do I need to enable perl in the configure option? Does your cross-compilation environment include Perl? If not, try disabling it using

Re: compiling under x86_64

2009-12-01 Thread Thomas Anders
Stuart Kendrick wrote: I'm trying to compile net-snmp on a 64-bit box What exact version of net-snmp are you trying to compile? What's the output of perl -V for your local Perl build? +Thomas -- Join us December 9,

Re: net-snmp 5.x compile problem(and fix?) on AIX 6.1

2009-10-26 Thread Thomas Anders
Jeff Quaintance wrote: long story short, I followed the same recommendation that the coreutils developer(s) came back with and applied it to the net-snmp tree, basically wherever you are including libperfstat.h you must now also include protosw.h or you get a compile error(detailed in the bug#

Re: snmp v3 get failssnmpget: Unknown host (v) (Resource temporarily unavailable)

2009-10-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Swagatika Panda wrote: snmpget -c NETMAN v 3 -t 30 -e 881c044653 -E 881c044654 -u proxyuser1 -l noAuthNoPriv -m /home/swagatika/isstestsuite/snmp_mibtest/mibs/fscfa.mib ifMainAdminStatus.34 snmpget: Unknown host (v) (Resource temporarily unavailable) Use -v 3 (note the

Re: Compile problem

2009-09-29 Thread Thomas Anders
Андрей Долгушин wrote: ./configure --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=powerpc Are you sure that is a valid target? Please see for further instructions. +Thomas -- Come build

Re: limiting size of snmpd.log

2009-09-28 Thread Thomas Anders
Richard Gipps wrote: I was wondering if there is a way to limit the size of the log file so that the oldest messages fall of the end of the list when the file is greater than xKB? I suggest using logrotate. +Thomas

Re: Any limitation on the number of ipAddressTable entries for a given system

2009-09-26 Thread Thomas Anders
bheemesh v wrote: I'm trying to create more than 3000 VLAN's here. OK the version i am using is 5.3.1 and trace leads us to following back trace contents as below: Please try again with a recent version of net-snmp, e.g. 5.5. +Thomas

Re: Error with net-snmp on Solaris 9 sparc

2009-09-24 Thread Thomas Anders
Burkhardt, Chris wrote. It failed again. Oops, my fault. Please try snmpd -I -at ... instead. +Thomas -- Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA is the only developer event you need to

Re: Error with net-snmp on Solaris 9 sparc

2009-09-23 Thread Thomas Anders
Burkhardt, Chris wrote: Here are the results of running some more tests: Thanks. Are you able to provide the requested back trace anytime soon? Otherwise I don't see the slightest chance to get a potential fix into the upcoming 5.5 release. +Thomas

Re: Error with net-snmp on Solaris 9 sparc

2009-09-23 Thread Thomas Anders
Burkhardt, Chris wrote: #0 0xff3b05c8 in memcpy () from /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440/lib/ (gdb) bt #0 0xff3b05c8 in memcpy () from /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440/lib/ #1 0xff1f1508 in getMibstat (grid=MIB_INTERFACES, resp=0xffbfeb48,

Re: Error with net-snmp on Solaris 9 sparc

2009-09-22 Thread Thomas Anders
Burkhardt, Chris wrote: I am able to reproduce snmpd dying on the snmpwalk on both the production (E15k) and the development box (V440). Thanks for your detailed feedback so far. making all in /var/tmp/net-snmp-5.5.rc3/agent make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 333: Unexpected end of

Re: Error with net-snmp on Solaris 9 sparc

2009-09-21 Thread Thomas Anders
Burkhardt, Chris wrote: I believe I am running into an issue with too many VLAN’s or interfaces. When I bring up net-snmp (version that I downloaded precompiled from it takes over a cpu (gets a lot of CPU time) and doesn’t respond to snmpwalk. Prior to adding extra

Re: Error with net-snmp on Solaris 9 sparc

2009-09-21 Thread Thomas Anders
Burkhardt, Chris wrote: That seems to have fixed the primary problem. There were a lot of errors (missing \'s) in the makefiles that I had to fix to get it to compile. Also, there seems to be some other bug or issue related to the snmpd process dying if you run the command snmpwalk -v 2c -c

Re: Segfault on (Redhat) when using DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB cron or repeat directives with numeric OIDs

2009-09-20 Thread Thomas Anders
Max wrote: Follow up .. GDB output: Please open a bug report on and post your full details there to make sure it won't get lost. +Thomas -- Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg;

Re: Lm-Sensors3 support

2009-09-18 Thread Thomas Anders
Billy DeVincentis wrote: I am just trying to find out if there is support for building against the newer lmsensors in any version of this program. Try 5.5.rc3 (or later) which should have some support for the v3 lmsensors API. +Thomas

Re: SNMPv3

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Anders
Samer Vazdekis wrote: I'm running net-snmp Does this version support SNMPv3? Yes, it does. What authentication and privacy algorithms are supported depends on how the package was built. You may want to run: foo# snmpd -H 21 | egrep 'def(Auth|Priv)Type' defAuthType

Re: snmptrapd ignoring/dropping traps (performance issues?)

2009-08-25 Thread Thomas Anders
Ricardo Oliveira wrote: traphandle SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. /usr/local/bin/TrapHandler --- end --- The TrapHandler is a C++ executable I made which basically receives a trap, forks and dumps the trap to a file, to try and return to the snmptrapd as fast as possible (before, I

Re: Make test failures on HP-UX Itanium (IA64)

2009-08-18 Thread Thomas Anders
Dave Shield wrote: 1: testing SNMPv1 support... FAIL As Mike says, this indicates a fairly fundamental problem. If you have a look in /tmp, there should be a series of directories, one for each failed test.Each directory will contain copies of the configuration files used, the

Re: subagent crash

2009-08-16 Thread Thomas Anders
Raghu Ramaraj wrote: I am facing problem while calling external lib API from subagent. It’s crashing the subagent. I have generated the subagent using mib2c. 1) Could you give me the points to resolve? 2) Do need to follow anything when I call external shared lib API (.so.)? I

Re: passing context to MIB library

2009-07-26 Thread Thomas Anders
Pranali Hande (phande) wrote: If you refer function set_snmp_log_params in file third-party/src/snmp/net-snmp-5.1/agent/snmp_agent.c if (asp-orig_pdu-community) { for (i=0;iasp-orig_pdu-community_len;i++) { if (asp-orig_pdu-community[i] ==

Re: Solaris 10 install issue

2009-06-21 Thread Thomas Anders
Myasin wrote: gcc -I../include -I. -I../agent -I../agent/mibgroup -I../snmplib -g -O2 -Usolaris2 -Dsolaris2=solaris2 -c snmp_vars.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/snmp_vars.o In file included from /usr/include/kvm.h:14, from kernel.h:11, from snmp_vars.c:142:

Re: bug 1369983 and building net-snmp

2009-06-18 Thread Thomas Anders
Andrew McGrail wrote: Also - is there any plan to fix the net-snmp makefile so that it can allow for parallel make build systems? Currently I am putting a local –j 1 override, but it would be nice if it looked after itself, seeing that the reason it fails is because of the dependencies.

Re: Solaris 10 and the dsk tree

2009-06-14 Thread Thomas Anders
Hamish Whittal wrote: Is this a known problem with Solaris and 5.0.9 of the agent? I guess if I need to go through a compile to get a newer version of the agent, then that's what I'll have to dobut I've been avoiding it. I your primary goal is to avoid compiling it yourself, you may want

Re: compilation on MIPS platform

2009-05-21 Thread Thomas Anders
sanjaykumar wrote: Does we need to PROVIDE any option to enable the Encryption at time of cross compilation ?? You need OpenSSL (at compile time) to enable privacy (encryption) support. +Thomas -- Register Now for

Re: Info: DLPAR and NetSNMP 5.4.1 on AIX 5.3

2009-05-18 Thread Thomas Anders
Boc(inec Juraj wrote: i'm just sending this as information, we're using NetSNMP 5.4.1 on AIX 5.3 TL9 SP2 and we have experienced crash of snmpd when dynamically adding new CPUs to LPAR, as i don't know if there is any official development of NetSNMP for AIX, i'm not posting this as a bug. We

Re: How often is pass called?

2009-05-05 Thread Thomas Anders
Wes Hardaker wrote: The overhead you're seeing with execs is best avoidable by using a better infrastructure. I'm sorry if you'd have to recode things, but to be honest the speed rates are something like this (worst to best): - pass and exec - pass_persist - embedded perl - C Not to

Re: Problem in linking shared libraries

2009-05-04 Thread Thomas Anders
nitin agrawal wrote: Sir , I am using net-snmp and when I am running my files it is reporing th error as mpi_dual: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory This file is present in the usr/local/lib directory and

Re: Again: Solaris 10 x86 on zone and max number of hrSWRunEntry

2009-04-27 Thread Thomas Anders
Dale J. Chatham wrote: I'm using SMA version of Net-SNMP. OS is Solaris 10 with latest patches. When I execute /usr/sfw/bin/snmpwalk -Os -v1 -c public hostname against a zone machine, I get a maximum of 45 entries returned. The actual number should be in the

Re: netsnmp + patch 2505837

2009-04-22 Thread Thomas Anders
Christian Kovacic wrote: I am attempting to build an RPM of netsnmp What OS are you trying to build for? You may want to use the 5.4.x SVN packages from +Thomas

Re: compilation error:

2009-04-20 Thread Thomas Anders
Gabriele Giorelli wrote: I installed libtool on the machine. now I have this: host/hr_swinst.c: In function 'init_hr_swinst': host/hr_swinst.c:210: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast host/hr_swinst.c: In function 'var_hrswinst': host/hr_swinst.c:464: error:

Re: lm-sensors doesn't report the information about fan!

2009-04-08 Thread Thomas Anders
김은영 wrote: I compiled net-snmp-5.2.2 sources and installed it. Providing output of outdated versions doesn't help much. Please re-test with latest or 5.5.pre1 and post the corresponding output. +Thomas --


2009-04-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Dave Shield wrote: But could you please try the attached patch, and confirm whether or not it fixes your problems. Works perfectly fine for me on openSUSE 11.1. +Thomas -- This email is sponsored by: High


2009-03-30 Thread Thomas Anders
Dave Shield wrote: could you possibly try the attached (temporary) patch, and let me know whether it makes any difference. (and if so, what you see) Works for me with SVN trunk: foo# snmpwalk [...] localhost hrSWRunPath HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.1 = STRING: init [5]


2009-03-29 Thread Thomas Anders
Kamil Kisiel wrote: On 26/03/09 9:33 , Dave Shield wrote: What is the result of snmpwalk ... hrSWRunPath ? The output is just: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.1 = STRING: init [5] FWIW, I can fully reproduce this problem on openSuSE 11.1 using


2009-03-29 Thread Thomas Anders
Kamil Kisiel wrote: I think that narrows it down to either some kind of configuration problem with the openSUSE 11.1 distro, or something wrong with the way they built their package. Not the latter, at least. I could reproduce the problem on openSuSE 11.1 with *all* of the following: -

Re: net-snmp Error in make :gcc: /usr/local/fnmt/lib/ No such file or directory

2009-03-24 Thread Thomas Anders
Chetan Mahadev wrote: [r...@dhcp- net-snmp_rpms]# ldd /usr/local/sbin/snmptrapd /usr/local/sbin/snmptrapd: /usr/local/fnmt/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /usr/lib/ What is /usr/local/fnmt meant to contain? You seem to have (incompatible) copies of

Re: net-snmp Error in make :gcc: /usr/local/fnmt/lib/ No such file or directory

2009-03-23 Thread Thomas Anders
Chetan Mahadev wrote: gcc -g -O2 -Ulinux -Dlinux=linux -I/usr/include/rpm -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS -DSOCKS -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/fnmt/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64

Re: ask help about engineBoots problem

2009-02-13 Thread Thomas Anders
XIANG Lei wrote: I am using net-snmp 5.2.4, I met an issue: When I restart snmpd and its agent, engineBoots can not increase by 1, why? I'd like to know how can i configure the snmpd, I can make engineBoots increase after each time restart. The engineBoots value gets

Re: AIX and Network interface issues.

2009-02-10 Thread Thomas Anders
Paul Hogan wrote: I did a search in the config.log and I didn't find a match to the issue you are stating. Sounds like the interfaces may not be typically supported though? If you're running a 64-bit AIX kernel, interface information currently isn't supported by net-snmp. As Dave said:

Re: compile error when upgrading from to with gcc 2.96

2009-01-20 Thread Thomas Anders
PoWah Wong wrote: The file oamp_shm.h is not missing, that is why net-snmp- compile. If I use the compile instructions generated by to compile, or, then they all compile ok. The question is, in, how to generate the same compile instructions

Re: compile error when upgrading from to with gcc 2.96

2009-01-20 Thread Thomas Anders
Mike Ayers wrote: Isn't there a file or command that prints out the original configure command and args used to build? I believe this is what the OP is looking for, in order to build with the same args that worked so well for net-snmp-config --configure-options

Re: net-snmp compile problem

2009-01-14 Thread Thomas Anders
spectrum wrote: have a compile problem with Net-SNMP ./configure --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared proceed without any error. What Linux distro are you using? What Perl packages do you have installed? What's the output of 'perl -V'? make ... gcc -I../include -I. -I../agent

Re: net-snmp and vlan-interfaces on FreeBSD box

2009-01-09 Thread Thomas Anders
Alexander Shikoff wrote: Thank you very much! --enable-mfd-rewrites helped. Could you please leave an appropriate note in the corresponding bug tracker item? +Thomas -- Check out the new Marketplace.

Re: net-snmp and vlan-interfaces on FreeBSD box

2009-01-09 Thread Thomas Anders
Alexander Shikoff wrote: On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 08:58:10AM +, Dave Shield wrote: Where do think I found the suggestion in the first place? :-) :) I've looked onto bug tracker not very intently. The solution was on the top, but I've scrolled page to the bottom... Thanks again! :) OK, I

Re: Cannot seem to get the notification sinks table compiled in

2009-01-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Shachar Shemesh wrote: It would appear the answer is no. My config.log has: default_mibs_install=' SNMPv2-MIB.txt RFC1213-MIB.txt SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.txt SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.txt SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt SNMP-MPD-MIB.txt SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.txt SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.txt' The main

Re: Cannot seem to get the notification sinks table compiled in

2009-01-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Shachar Shemesh wrote: ./net-snmp-config --snmpd-module-list | tr \n mibII/snmp_mib mibII/system_mib mibII/sysORTable mibII/vacm_vars mibII/vacm_conf utilities/execute snmpv3/snmpEngine snmpv3/snmpMPDStats snmpv3/usmStats snmpv3/usmConf snmpv3/usmUser util_funcs

Re: Retrieving Bit-Field/Hex-String with Perl

2009-01-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Nikos Balkanas wrote: Actually, according to the link that Mike posted, you should altogether uninstall Net::SNMP, as it will clash with the snmp/net-snmp perl module. Not really. They do *not* clash and uninstalling Net::SNMP will *not* solve the OP's problem. +Thomas

Re: Cannot seem to get the notification sinks table compiled in

2009-01-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Shachar Shemesh wrote: Thomas Anders wrote: As you can see, there's no sign of notification. Try adding --with-mib-modules=notification to your configure options. I have tried removing all --with-out-mib-modules, and that did not solve the problem. I then tried explicitly adding

Re: snmp v3 authentication

2008-12-22 Thread Thomas Anders
Nikos Balkanas wrote: Server2:~/work/.../snmp/tutorial- snmpget -v 3 -u sysUpTime.0 snmpget: Unknown user name (Sub-id not found: (top) - sysUpTime) But I give user-name ()! snmpd is 5.4.1 and os is Solaris 10.5. I also specify noAuthNoPriv in snmp.conf The *agent*

Re: How can I add a v3 user successfully?

2008-12-10 Thread Thomas Anders
BOMB wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] net-snmp-]# rwuser initial -bash: rwuser: command not found [EMAIL PROTECTED] net-snmp-]# rwuser wes -bash: rwuser: command not found Both lines need to go into your regular snmpd.conf file instead of your shell. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pr_size value in psinfo for 64 bit applications on Solaris 10

2008-12-06 Thread Thomas Anders
Frans Grotepass wrote: I received no response on this question... I dove into the code and added the following patch. This results in suitable behaviour with a 32 bit build accessing the data from 64 bit applications. The patch was done on v5.4.2 and tested on Solaris 10. Hopefully this

Re: IPV6 support

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Anders
Reza Salehi wrote: Finally I could get it working and got the same result as yours. I should copy all libraries over to make it working. Anyhow as you mentioned there are some serious issues in IPV6 MIB implementation(like not seeing the ipv6 address) .Hopefully net-snmp committee can address

Re: net-snmp with perl

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Anders
Ambika Tripathy wrote: what is the suitable flag at configuration time to include perl module? Please give a sample example. ./configure --with-perl-modules If you also want embedded Perl support in snmpd and snmptrapd, add --enable-embedded-perl (now default). +Thomas

Re: net-snmp with perl

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Anders
Ambika Tripathy wrote: checking for Perl cc... Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .). BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

Re: Newbie MIB questions on Windows

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Anders
= No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Not implemented for Windows. See README.agent-mibs as shipped with the source. Patches always appreciated. :-) +Thomas -- Thomas Anders (thomas.anders at

Re: snmpd suddenly stopped working

2008-12-01 Thread Thomas Anders
Julius wrote: Connection from UDP: []-[]:-5226 REFUSED [...] On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 18:23 +0100, Jan Houtsma wrote: Isn't that the same as the one i posted before (Re: Fedora 10+x86_64+snmpd gives segfault in at startup)? The first symptom of snmpd not starting

Re: Compile error when cross compiling net-snmp

2008-12-01 Thread Thomas Anders
Mike Ayers wrote: It appears that the system is building perl modules, which have their own set of flags. I would suggest using the --disable-embedded-perl flag to hopefully eliminate perl connections altogether. If you will have perl on the target system, you can try the

Re: lm_sensors support from net-snmp

2008-12-01 Thread Thomas Anders
Reza Salehi wrote: I need lm_sensor support from net_snmp. I am running net-snmp 5.4.2. How can I configure snmpd to support lm-sensors? I can retrieve temperature using sensors -f I can see in /usr/lib directory ,as well. Are you building from source? If

Re: IPV6 support

2008-12-01 Thread Thomas Anders
Reza Salehi wrote: snmpwalk -v 2c localhost -c TC IPV6-MIB::ipv6IfTable IPV6-MIB::ipv6IfTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID I am wonder what I am missing here. What net-snmp version are you using? What OS version are you running on? What's the output of

Re: Question about setting up IEXpress net-snmp for HP UX 11.23.

2008-11-25 Thread Thomas Anders
Paul Hogan wrote: Through some threads on the internet I was able to find the IEXpress net-snmp bundle that is out of HP's web site and download it. [...] Can someone give me a step by step on how to set this up on this type of system? If you have problems using a vendor's Net-SNMP package,

Re: extending snmpd.conf defaults to type string

2008-11-22 Thread Thomas Anders
ntwrkd wrote: I have a few questions about this: 1) How can I force the data in question to an INTEGER or GAUGE by using the extending snmpd.conf method Use pass or pass_persist instead of exec/extend. It's a bit more complex, but gives you more flexibility (like returning data with a type

Re: NetSNMP and RPM Support

2008-11-19 Thread Thomas Anders
Jorge Patrão wrote: My question is: is NetSNMP RPM support important or not? Should I install beecrypt or NetSNMP without RPM support? RPM support is needed for implementation of the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB. If you don't need that one, you should be fine without RPM support. If in doubt, install

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