[news] Beta - pregled vesti

2005-06-21 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Beta - pregled vesti zaUtorak, 21. jun 2005. u 14 časova Srbija i Crna Gora PODGORICA - Poslanici crnogorskog parlamenta počeli su u utorak raspravu o izmenama Ustavne povelje državne zajednice kojima se formalizuje dogovor Podgorice, Beograda i Brisela o odlaganju neposrednih izbora za

[news] 21. Jun 2005. Vijesti

2005-06-21 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
21. Jun 2005. Vijesti 15:30 Spisak Crnogoraca nastao objedinjavanjem birackih spiskova Ministar za drzavnu upravu i lokalnu samoupravu Zoran Loncar izjavio je da je spisak crnogorskih drzavljana koji zive u Srbiji nastao objedinjavanjem birackih spiskova koje je Ministarstvo dobilo od

[news] Srbija i Crna Gora

2005-06-21 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Srbija i Crna Gora UPR:BACC-TADICH-POSETA TADIĆ PRISUSTVOVAO OTVARANJU NARODNE KANCELARIJE U BAČU 21.6.2005 17:52 BAČ (Tanjug) - Predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić danas je, posle posete Somboru, obišao i opštinu Bač gde je prisustvovao otvaranju Narodne kancelarije u ovoj vojvođanskoj opštini. Tadić

[news] News, 21.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-21 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche WelleEnglish Service News21. 06. 2005, 17:00 UTC--Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:Blair Under Fire as EU Presidency Looms Days before Britain takes over the EU presidency, German ChancellorSchröder has lashed out at the


2005-06-21 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
NOVI SVEDOK MILOŠEVIĆEVE ODBRANE O 'KOSOVSKOJ' OPTUŽNICI21.6.2005 14:47 HAG (Tanjug) - Eskalacija terorističkih aktivnosti Oslobodilačke vojske Kosova 1998. na Kosovu i Metohiji bila je deo strategije, koju je ta organizacija zasnovala posle Dejtonskog sporazuma i čiji cilj je bio da se stvori

[news] Rugova: UNMIK to be replaced with independence not with EUMIK

2005-06-21 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Rugova: UNMIK to be replaced with independence not with EUMIK (most of the Kosovo dailies) Several dailies report that President Ibrahim Rugova has objected to reports that the United Nations Mission in Kosovo could be replaced with a European Union mission* EUMIK. Rugova is quoted as saying that

[news] News, 22.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-22 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 22.6.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Court Backs Soldier's Anti-Iraq War Stance A German court ruled Wednesday that a soldier, who refused to

[news] 6,027 Serbs Have Returned To Kosovo

2005-06-22 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
6,027 Serbs Have Returned To Kosovo 20 Jun (Lajm) The current number of Serbian returnees have so far not returned as a result of the work done by the working groups for the return of displaced people. They have been able to return for various other reasons that fall outside the

[news] Serbia offers 25 years of internationally-recognized autonomy for Kosovo

2005-06-22 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Serbia offers 25 years of internationally-recognized autonomy for Kosovo Koha Ditore carries an interview with Aleksandar Simic, advisor to Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica. Simic said that the autonomy that Serbia offers to Kosovo is a broad autonomy within Serbia and the

[news] For Serbs, a slow road back to Kosovo

2005-06-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
For Serbs, a slow road back to Kosovo (ABC) Six years after the war, only 10 percent have returned to their hometowns, to live side by side with Albanians. By Eleanor Beardsley - Milorad Pavlovic took only five minutes to make the decision to leave Kosovo in June of 1999 . But it has taken

[news] Agreed On Fact That They Are All Serbs (Blic)

2005-06-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Agreed On Fact That They Are All Serbs Belgrade, 21 June (Blic) - Leaders of Kosovo have agreed in one point - Kosovo and Metohija should stay within Serbia. At all other topics, most on whether they should participate in interim provincial institutions postures are divided. Biggest point

[news] News, 23.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 23. 06. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Follow all Confederation Cup matches with DW-WORLD's live ticker. We'll bring you all the games of the World Cup dress rehearsal between

[news] NATO's Foot Soldiers: Ceku's KLA Revamped As Kosovo 'National Army'

2005-06-24 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20050622-0640-serbiamontenegro-kosovo.htmlReutersJune 22, 2005 Kosovo gets ceremonial guard, dreams of future armyBy Shaban BuzaPRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro – Prime MinisterBajram Kosumi Wednesday took the first salute from anew ceremonial guard of

[news] News, 24.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-24 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 24. 06. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Get all the info on the World Cup dress rehearsal on DW-WORLD: For the Confederations Cup, we offer you reports, results, rankings, live

[news] Harassment, funding shortfall, hamper return of displace d in Kosovo - UN envoy

2005-06-24 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Harassment, funding shortfall, hamper return of displaced in Kosovo UN envoy 24 June 2005 Low-level harassment, curtailed freedom of movement, lack of employment opportunities and a dearth of funding were cited as obstacles to the successful return of internally

[news] News, 25.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-25 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News June 25th 2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Iran Election Spells Trouble for Nuclear Talks Iran's dramatic shift to the right with the electoral victory

[news] News, 26.06.2005, 19:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-26 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News June 26th 2005, 19:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: EU Voices Concern for Iran Nuclear Talks EU leaders face an uncertain future in their negotiations with

[news] News, 27.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-27 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 27. 06. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Follow all Confederation Cup matches with DW-WORLD's live ticker. We'll bring you all the games of the World Cup dress rehearsal between

[news] MONDAY'S ENCOUNTER / SURETI PONEDELJKOM on June 27, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.

2005-06-27 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
MONDAY'S ENCOUNTER- Serbian- Canadian Radio program - every Monday on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa at 6:00 P.M. and on line at www.ckcufm.com . To hear the show after the airing: http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep (go to CKCU and pick the show) He spoke out against the NATO war on former

[news] Serb minister pelted with eggs on Kosovo visit

2005-06-28 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Serb minister pelted with eggs on Kosovo visit PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, June 27, SPA-- Protesters demanding independence for Kosovo hurled eggs at the foreign minister of Serbia and Montenegro on Monday as he visited the province's United Nations administration. The protesters

[news] US Tells Tadic and Kostunica to Repent

2005-06-28 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: US Tells Tadic and Kostunica to Repent 2005-06-27 14:53:26 Boris Tadic and Vojislav Kostunica should repent, US Undersecretary for State Nicholas Burns said today. Burns told media that he suggested to the president and prime minister of Serbia that they need


2005-06-28 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
SERBIAN DIASPORA HOLDS PRO-YUGOSLAV RALLY IN THE HAGUEwww.slobodan-milosevic.org - June 25, 2005 On Saturday, June 25, 2005 the Serbian Diaspora organization NedaIst held its fourth annual demonstrations in The Hague. The demonstrations gathered under the slogan the aggressor shall not

[news] News, 29.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-29 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 29.06.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Europe Suffers as Mercury Soars Southern Europe is sweltering in a heat wave, raising the specter of a similar spell

[news] OSCE*s Kosovo Police School to host third *future leaders*youth camp

2005-06-29 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
OSCE’s Kosovo Police School to host third ‘future leaders’ youth camp VUSHTRRI/VUCITRN, 29 June 2005 – The OSCE-run Kosovo Police Service School will for the next week be home to nearly 300 Kosovo youths as they participate in the ‘Future leaders’ youth camp. Beginning today, young

[news] Draskovic's visit ( Kosovo media)

2005-06-29 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
DRASKOVIC: ALBANIANS SHOULD PREPARE FOR COMPROMISES (Most Kosovo dailies) Most dailies report about the second day of the visit S-M Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic and the reactions regarding this visit. Koha Ditore writes that by saying six times “battle and war”, S-M Foreign Minister Vuk

[news] News, 30.06.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-06-30 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche WelleEnglish Service NewsJune 30th 2005, 16:00 UTC--Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:Berlin Wall Memorial Faces Final Fury A controversial Berlin Wall memorial near the famed CheckpointCharlie museum is set to be razed.

[news] OSCE-supported inter-ethnic dialogue and resource Centre opensin Kosovo

2005-06-30 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
OSCE-supported inter-ethnic dialogue and resource Centre opens in Kosovo MITROVICË/MITROVICA, 30 June 2005 – Ambassador Werner Wnendt, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, today inaugurated the Inter-ethnic Dialogue and Resource Centre (IDRC) in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica. “The opening of

[news] SREBRENICA: THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME, by Srdja Trifkovic

2005-06-30 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
SREBRENICA: THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME Interview with Dr. Srdja Trifkovic on CKCU 93.1 FM Ottawa - June 28, 2005 A crime is a crime, regardless who is a culprit and who is the victim. We should follow a natural morality that forbids war crimes and crimes against humanity regardless of the

[news] Serbs Thwart Plan to Reopen Mitrovica Bridge

2005-07-01 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.iwpr.net/index.pl?archive/bcr3/bcr3_200506_563_3_eng.txt Institute for War Peace Reporting Balkan Crisis Report Serbs Thwart Plan to Reopen Mitrovica Bridge United Nations plan to allow free movement in divided Kosovo town meets angry reception in Serb-run northern sector.


2005-07-01 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
ROLLIE KEITH CANADIAN POLITICIAN OF INTEGRITYOttawa, June 20, 2005By Boba Borojevic, CKCU 93.1 FMhttp://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep (go to CKCU and pick the show) Rollie Keith, the retired Canadian military officer who served as a OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission observer in Kosovo

[news] The Mask of Power

2005-07-01 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://antiwar.com/malic/June 30, 2005 The Mask of Power by Nebojsa Malic Atrocity Porn, Human Rights, and EmpireThree weeks after it went public, the video of Serb militiamen shooting six Muslims in the mountains of Bosnia has turned into a media monster. Thesupposedly "irrefutable"

[news] SCOTT Taylor is a man on a mission....leading campaigner for the truth about Kosovo

2005-07-01 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/index2.php/ex/examples/features http://www.espritdecorps.ca/man_on_a_mission__christopher_ja.htm Man on a Mission CHRISTOPHER JAMES finds out why a Canadian army veteran is now a leading campaigner for the truth about Kosovo (Morning Star - June

[news] News, 01.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-01 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News July 1st 2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Schröder Loses Confidence Vote With an impassive face, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder received the

[news] The life of a Serb inmate at stake due to Hague fabrications

2005-07-01 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
ACT NOW AND SAVE THE LIFE OF VLASTIMIR PUSARA AT STAKE DUE TO HAGUE FABRICATIONS! Please circulate widely. *** Public call for help by Lili (Ljiljana) Petrovic, professor of philosophy from Montreal, niece of Zenica prison inmate

[news] News, 02.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-02 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News July 2nd 2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Berlin Live 8 Concert Attracts 150,000 Around 150,000 spectators attended Berlin's Live 8 concert. For six

[news] Blast Hits U.N. in Serbia-Montenegro

2005-07-02 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Blast Hits U.N. in Serbia-Montenegro ASSOCIATED PRESS PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro (AP) - At least two blasts rocked the center of Pristina late Saturday, and one targeted the U.N. mission headquarters. An Associated Press reporter saw at least three U.N. vehicles set ablaze in the

[news] News, 03.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-03 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News July 3rd 2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Iran the Topic in Baltic Sea Meeting Russian President Putin was meeting Sunday with French President

[news] News, 04.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-04 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 04.07.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: New Topics Pile Up On G8 Agenda Leaders of the wealthiest countries gather in Scotland this week and Britain's Tony

[news] Explosives Found at Srebrenica Memorial

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Today: July 05, 2005 at 5:43:9 PDT Explosives Found at Srebrenica Memorial By IRENA KNEZEVIC ASSOCIATED PRESS SREBRENICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - Explosives were found planted at a memorial in Srebrenica, site of the worst massacre of the Yugoslav wars, before tens of thousands of people were

[news] All-Slavic Congress denounced the Orange regime

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://en.for-ua.com/news/?id=1258 forUm news 4 JulyAll-Slavic Congress denounced the Orange regime IX All-Slavic Congress took place in Minsk and gathered more than 200 representatives from more than 10 countries. It was reported to our correspondent by the press service of KRT (Kievan

[news] News, 05.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche WelleEnglish Service NewsJuly 5th 2005, 16:00 UTC--Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:Paris, London Bicker Over Olympic Bid As members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)prepare to announce their choice for the 2012

[news] Seselj to Testify for Milosevic

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
B92 (Belgrade) July 5, 2005 SESELJ TO TESTIFY FOR MILOSEVIC The Hague -- Tuesday – Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj, himself in jail in The Hague awaiting trial on war crimes, is to give evidence in Slobodan Milosevic’s defence case. Milosevic complained to the court today that

[news] The Cartoon Of The Day

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_columns_7508140_05/07/2005_58233 Kathimerini, July 5, 2005, Commentaries attachment: AID8.jpg

[news] Newton's Third Law

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://grayfalcon.blogspot.com/2005/07/newtons-third-law.html On Wednesday, June 29, there was a commentary in the Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti that captured the ire of the Serbian public over the relentless media campaign concerning the "genocide" in Srebrenica. Titled "Srebrenica and

[news] Natasa Kandic the Propaganda War against Yugoslavia

2005-07-05 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
by www.artel.co.yu [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Belgrade, July 5, 2005 Warning: If you have received this message by error or you don`t want to receive our e-mails anymore, please click on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and write

[news] Orthodox Church Says Western Human Rights Don't Suit Russi a

2005-07-06 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Orthodox Church Says Western Human Rights Don’t Suit RussiaMoscow News | 05.07.2005 Representatives of the Moscow Patriarchy have suggested Russia should work out its own distinctive view on human rights, Itar-Tass reports. The West has been trying to thrust its own opinion of the issue

[news] Vinozhito Letter to Carla del Ponte

2005-07-06 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.florina.org/html/2005/2005_del_ponte_letter.html Rainbow Vinozhito is a political party of the Macedonians in Greece Letter to Carla del Ponte Chief Prosecutor of the UNInternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia July 4, 2005 Read this page in Greek

[news] So who built America?

2005-07-06 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-1679734,00.html London Times (UK) America July 04, 2005 Freemason Scots 'laid foundations of America'By Kath Gourlay JULY 4 is a date firmly fixed in the consciousness of all Americans. Perhaps it should also be imprinted in the mind of

[news] News, 06.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-06 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 06. 07. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: London Named 2012 Olympic Host City London was announced as the host city for the 2012 Olympic Summer

[news] Prof. Raymond K. Kent :AN OPEN LETTER TO United States House of Representatives and United States Senate,

2005-07-06 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
AN OPEN LETTER TO: The Honorable Members, United States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., The Honorable Members, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. FROM: Raymond K. Kent, Emeritus History Department, University of

[news] Old Balkan hatreds play out in court case

2005-07-06 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Old Balkan hatreds play out in court case A class-action lawsuit charges the Vatican Bank with a role in the flight of pro-Nazi henchmen and loot from Europe after World War IIBy Ron GrossmanTribune staff reporterPublished July 6, 2005 Like any new pope, Benedict XVI inherits some problems

[news] The 'Golden Trumpet' of Guca

2005-07-07 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://news.serbianunity.net/bydate/2005/July_06/23.html Serbian Unity Congress The 'Golden Trumpet' of Guca Cafe Babel July 06, 2005 Three hours from Belgrade, an unusual festival that brings together the brass bands of an entire country is held: the Assembly of Trumpet Players of Guca.

[news] Radical Serbia

2005-07-07 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.angus-reid.com/polls/index.cfm/fuseaction/viewItem/itemID/7948 Angus Reid July 6, 2005 Polls Research Features Radicals First, Democrats Second in Serbia (Angus Reid Global Scan) – The Radical Party (SRS) continues to dominate the political scene in Serbia, according to a

[news] News, 07.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-07 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 07.07.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Europe Reacts to London Bombings The explosions that rocked London on Thursday morning also sent shock waves across

[news] Dutch peacekeepers want Srebrenica medal

2005-07-07 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/printpage/0,5942,15847189,00.html The Australian DEFENCE AFP 06jul05 THE HAGUE: Ten years after failing to prevent the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of nearly 8,000 Muslims the Dutch peacekeepers assigned to protect the eastern Bosnian enclave are calling

[news] Madeline Albright : I love the people of Kosovo

2005-07-08 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://kosovareport.blogspot.com/2005/07/madeline-albright-gives-interviews-to.html KOSOVOREPORT Thursday, July 07, 2005 THE LATEST NEWS AND DAILY POLITICAL ANALYSIS FROM KOSOVO Madeline Albright gives interviews to Koha Ditore, Zëri and Express In an interview for Koha Ditore,

[news] ANTIWAR: Srebrenica, 10 Years Later

2005-07-08 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.antiwar.com/malic/ ANTIWAR, Thursday, July 7, 2005 Balkan Express by Nebojsa Malic Antiwar.com Silver City Srebrenica, 10 Years Later For the past month or so, news from the Balkans has been all Srebrenica, all the time. This quiet little town in eastern Bosnia, which got its name

[news] Pilger: From Iraq To The G8

2005-07-08 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
From Iraq To The G8 The Polite Crushing Of Dissent And Truth John Pilger, ZNet July 07, 2005 Over the past two weeks, the contrast between two related "global" events has been salutary. The first was the World Tribunal on Iraq

[news] News, 08.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-08 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 08. 07. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: London Hunts for Bombers A massive hunt was on Friday for the bombers who brought carnage to the heart of

[news] NATO To Hold Karadzic's Son Indefinitely

2005-07-08 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
NATO To Hold Karadzic's Son Indefinitely Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic (file photo) (RFE/RL)8 July 2005 (RFE/RL) -- NATO says it will keep the son of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic in custody until he reveals information that may

[news] News, 09.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-09 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 09.07.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Still No Arrests in London Bomb Attacks There have been no arrests so far over the deadly London terrorist

[news] Dark Secrets of the 7/7 Attacks

2005-07-09 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/print.asp?ID=3320 The Truth Seeker Dark Secrets of the 7/7 Attacks North Star Zone July 7, 2005 To those of us aware of how the true sources of terror in the world operate, it's clear to see the political and numerological importance behind the July 7

[news] Special Report: Srebrenica and the Politics of War Crimes

2005-07-09 Thread ANTIC.org-snn
Special Report: Srebrenica and the Politics of War Crimes, EXCERPT Defense Foreign Affairs June 27, 2005 Defense Foreign Affairs Special Analysis Founded in 1972. Formerly Defense Foreign Affairs Daily. Volume XXIII, No. 62 Friday, June 17, 2005 C 2005, Global Information

[news] News, 09.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-09 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
DW-WORLD Newsletter Saturday, 09.07.05, 18:30 UTC DAILY BULLETIN from DW-WORLD ' DW-WORLD's Click Back monthly review quiz for July is waiting for you and will test your knowledge of stories we've written. If you answer all

[news] BOSNIA: THE BIRTHPLACE OF AL-QAEDA by Stella L. Jatras - Jihad Watch

2005-07-09 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/007042.php « Islamic reformist hosts website used by group to claim responsibility | Main July 09, 2005 Jatras: Bosnia: The Birthplace of Al-Qaeda Stella L. Jatras details jihadist activity in Bosnia and some of its implications: A series of bombs

[news] To Use a War

2005-07-10 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
[EXCERPT] To Use a War by Diana Johnstone Richard Holbrooke, TO END A WAR (New York: Random House, 1998); 408 pages, $27.95. Throughout three years of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the United States showed less interest in ending the war than in denouncing any possible European-brokered

[news] News, 10.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-10 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 10.07.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Luxembourg Backs EU Constitution Luxembourg voters approved the EU's constitution Sunday, according to

[news] Chronicles Foreign Editor In Danger by Thomas Fleming

2005-07-10 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/cgi-bin/hardright.cgi 09 Jul 2005 Chronicles Foreign Editor In Dangerby Thomas Fleming Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles foreign editor, is in serious danger of his life. After a successful series of meetings in Montenegro, warning Montenegrins about the

[news] Genocide or propaganda?

2005-07-11 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Genocide or propaganda?Christopher James questions the one-sided portrayal of the fall of Srebrenica 10 years on.Morning Star (UK) Monday 11 July 2005DOESN'T everybody know the Srebrenica story all too well by now? One week of bloody slaughter in and around the war-torn Bosnian town,

[news] FOR PUBLICATION // Trifkovic Challenges Djukanovic

2005-07-11 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
MONTENEGRO: A FARCE, AND PERHAPS A TRAGEDY IN THE MAKING Srdja Trifkovic When Ambassador James Bissett, Professor Ronald Hatchett and I accepted an invitation to give public lectures in Montenegro as guests of the Movement for the Common State of Serbia and Montenegro, we knew that what we had

[news] Letter of Chairman Bissett to PM Djukanovic

2005-07-11 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
The Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies P.O.Box 5252 Ottawa, ON. K2E 6M2, Canada Mr. Milo Djukanovic Prime Minister of the Republic of Montenegro July 11, 2005 Dear Prime Minister Djukanovic: I am writing to you to ask that you intervene on behalf of Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, the

[news] 'So what if we globalized al Qaeda!' by Julia Gorin (Excellent Article)

2005-07-11 Thread ANTIC.org-snn
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/julia/gorin_2005_07_11.php3?printer_friendly Jewish World Review July 11, 2005 / 4 Tamuz, 5765 Remember Srebrenica — a.k.a. ‘So what if we globalized al Qaeda!’ By Julia Gorin Excerpts "Serbs are the universal punching bag; there are no repercussions

[news] THE SERBIAN QUESTION by Dobrica Cosic (translator prof. R.K.Kent)

2005-07-12 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
THE SERBIAN QUESTION by Dobrica Cosic (translator R.K.Kent) Translators Introduction Toward the end of 1986, a Belgrade newspaper found its way into an as yet unfinished Memorandum. Penned by several members of the Serb Academy of Sciences and Arts it was attributed to its

[news] News, 12.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-12 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 12. 07. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- We'd like to introduce you to our latest newsletter: Germany Light give you a weekly look at Germany's cultural, peculiar and sometimes

[news] Bajram Kosumi for Kosova Live

2005-07-12 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Prishtina, July 11, 2005 (KosovaLive) - Prime Minister Bajram Kosumi said that Belgrade has no power to determine Kosova’s future – Kosovar citizens will make this decision. He made these comments at a seminar on status organized today by Forum Kosova 2015, where the report “The Status

[news] Milo's Montenegro: A Farce and Perhaps a Tragedy in the Ma king

2005-07-12 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://news.serbianunity.net/bydate/2005/July_12/5.html Milo’s Montenegro: A Farce and Perhaps a Tragedy in the Making Chronicles Magazine -July 12, 2005 News Views by Srdja Trifkovic When Ambassador James Bissett, Professor Ronald Hatchett, and I accepted an invitation to give public

[news] MISSION TO PODGORICA Srdja Trifkovic

2005-07-13 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
MISSION TO PODGORICA Srdja Trifkovic On July 11 I made the decision to go to Podgorica and hold a press conference about the accusations against me that were printed there over the weekend. In spite of many well-meaning friends and associates suggesting otherwise, I trusted the publicity

[news] News, 13.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-13 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 2005, 13 July 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Germany Divided Over Security Response While 51 percent of Germans express concern at the prospect of their country

[news] World Bank in Serbia

2005-07-13 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
[I can say that if someone had told me five years ago that Serbia would make so much progress in so many areas in such a short time, I would have said he was dreaming. ] The Centre for the Peace in the Balkans http://www.balkanpeace.org/hed/archive/jul05/hed7094.shtml World Bank via

[news] Thaçi: Resolution 1244 neither Bible nor Koran

2005-07-13 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Thaçi: Resolution 1244 neither Bible nor Koran” (Most dailies) Most dailies report that the PDK chairman Hashim Thaçi sent a message to the Russia Federation Ambassador in Belgrade Alexandar Aleksijev that UN SC Resolution 1244 is neither Bible nor Koran, and as such it can be changed.

[news] News, 14.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 14.07.2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Greater Surveillance of German Muslims? Conservative German politicians Thursday called for increased surveillance of

[news] US has no final stand on Kosovo

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Goldberg: US has no final stand on Kosovo (Tanjug) The US does not have a final stand on Kosovos future status nor it wants to take at this moment a firm position on that issue, stated Philip Goldberg, Head of the US Office in Pristina. Kosovos status will not be the decision of

[news] Gunmen open fire on Macedonian police station

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Gunmen open fire on Macedonian police station Tue 12 Jul 2005 7:15 AM ET SKOPJE, July 12 (Reuters) - Attackers armed with automatic weapons and a grenade launcher opened fire on a police station in western Macedonia overnight, in one of the most serious incidents there since a 2001 peace deal

[news] Adem Demaci announces new violence against Serbs

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Adem Demaci announces new violence against Serbs It will be worse than March 17th The Serbs in Kosovo will be faced with violence of such dimensions that the March 17th 2004 will be forgotten, says for Blic Adem Demaci, political analyst and the Kosovo Novelists Union President. - The Albanian

[news] Kosumi: Germany has made steps forward in creation of state ofKosovo

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
PM Kosumi: Germany has made steps forward in creation of state of Kosovo The visit to Germany was a very important one, with multilateral positive effects said PM Kosumi upon his return from the official visit in that country. During this visit, PM Kosumi had a lot of meetings with

[news] Fuzzy Math and Genocide

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Fuzzy Math and "Genocide" I should have noted this Monday, when I first read the article, but was so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of articles about Srebrenica - the vast majority repeating exactly the same tired propaganda - that I haven't got around to it. But this article, in the London

[news] An appeal against terrorism

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Title: HTML Message TRANSLATOR ?N.B. A part from this forwarded message below, I just wrote - in French - an article "In London, the war against Iran has started". I am looking for a translator in English. (Spanish soon available). Thanks!Against terrorism, in defense of humanity:an

[news] La Vérité sur Srebrenica

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN

[news] Globe and Mail: The real story behind Srebrenica

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Title: Globe and Mail: The real story behind Srebrenica http://www.balkanpeace.org/hed/archive/jul05/hed7098.shtml The Globe and Mail (Canada), July 14, 2005The real story behind SrebrenicaBy LEWIS MacKENZIEThis week marked the 10th anniversary of the United Nations' second greatest

[news] ANTIWAR: Smokescreen: Using Srebrenica

2005-07-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
http://www.antiwar.com/malic/ ANTIWAR, Thursday, July 14, 2005 Balkan Express by Nebojsa Malic Antiwar.com Smokescreen: Using Srebrenica The deafening din of propaganda surrounding the eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica reached its crescendo Monday, on the 10th anniversary of its fall to

[news] News, 15.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-15 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News 15. 07. 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Anti-Terror Efforts Increase as Italy Braces Italy appears to be taking a warning from the group which claimed

[news] Danke Deutschland!

2005-07-15 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
KOSOVOREPORT THE LATEST NEWS AND DAILY POLITICAL ANALYSIS FROM KOSOVO http://kosovareport.blogspot.com/2005/07/kosumi-germany-and-other-key-european.html Kosumi: Germany and other key European countries are looking at possibilities how to achieve Kosovo's independence All dailies

[news] Once CIA, always CIA

2005-07-16 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
The Truth Seeker http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2005/150705busbombing.htm London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing Suspicious Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet | July 15 2005 We received an e mail from an employee of Stagecoach, the company responsible for the majority of

[news] News, 16.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-16 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News July 16th 2005, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Merkel Speaks Out on Taxes, Iraq Revealing more details of what she would do if elected German

[news] News, 17.07.2005, 17:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-17 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News July 17th 2005, 17:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: Goodbye PDS, Hello Left Party After much back and forth, Germany's reform communist PDS party on

[news] News, 18.07.2005, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2005-07-18 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche WelleEnglish Service News18. 07. 2005, 17:00 UTC--Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:G4, AU Still at a Stalemate Over UN Reforms Brazil, Germany, India and Japan reached no compromise with theAfrican Union (AU) Sunday, but

[news] Srebrenica, Mon Amour

2005-07-18 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Srebrenica, Mon Amour An Ostracized Narrative http://www.swans.com/library/art11/ga195.html by Gilles d'Aymery (Swans - July 18, 2005) A long-time defender of historical justice in the Balkans recently wrote, I have become so disillusioned with this whole situation. The media and our

[news] Kosovo media about freedom of movement ( 15.07.2005)

2005-07-18 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
GOVERNMENT: FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT EXISTS IN 92% OF KOSOVO TERRITORY (All dailies) All dailies report about the meeting of working group for Freedom of Movement and Sustainable Returns, which concluded that full freedom of movement exists in 92% of Kosovo territory. Koha Ditore reads

[news] To the Editor of Toronto Sun

2005-07-18 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
The article The slaughter at Srebrenica By ERIC MARGOLIS (Toronto Sun, July 17, 2005, http://torontosun.canoe.ca/News/Columnists/Margolis_Eric/2005/07/16/1134865. html) is a landmark of an anti-Serb biased and even hate mongering. Here is what Margolis chose not to mention in his article on

[news] Churchill Revisited

2005-07-19 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Below's an excerpt from Rethinking Churchill - the old goat's support of Tito, http://www.lewrockwell.com/raico/churchill-full.html Churchill's supporters often claim that, unlike the Americans, the seasoned and crafty British statesman foresaw the danger from the Soviet Union and worked

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