Re: [osdcmy] Re: Mohon Bantuan kawan-kawan

2011-05-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Already submitted just now. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy] Domain Is Now Fully Ours

2011-05-20 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I suggest to add a for syndicate blog feeds of all our it writing bloggers who are members of OSDC, so that we can have a place to seek all the open source tutorials/news updates in 1 place. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-05-19 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
If Mel's server is on 10mbps, we just put the hard disk there and run a jail on it. Ok? -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting*

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-05-11 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Mohd Imtiaz, A 1TB Seagate hard disk is just around less than RM200 only. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-05-09 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Mohd Imtiaz, I am going to prepare a Seagate 1TB, so can u also prepare another Seagate 1TB, so that both of these hard disk can be RAID up together? -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -

Re: [osdcmy] Pitch

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I agree with changing the word club to committee. In fact, this is the word I used when I told ppl about OSDC, and I almost forget the C, is actually club. Anyway, changing the C to Committee can in fact build the public confidence on us. For an example, the MOSC, sponsors will be more willing to

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Red1, I believe most of us here, dunno the skill of: U bagi ni tender kat I, I charge RM50M, RM40M ko punye. LOL And by the way, It seems like even M$ don't know there is such deals going on. Or else, they will be using this to advertise them self around. I smell something more fishy behind this

Re: [osdcmy] Pitch

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Actually what I mean is, the word Committee is better in terms of business than the word Club Mau sapu 50M also easier. :P -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Some error on my previous reply. Change the 50% to 40%, as there is less noise nowadays in the KOSTEM mailing list already. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Yeah, it is very fortunate to have the KOSTEM Dalaman mailing list where core discussion without contamination can be read peacefully. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS

Re: [osdcmy] Pitch

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
My reply to Harris: 1 2. For our logo and branding, I think it is safer to register is as Trade Mark. This can actually avoid some certain parties from using our logo to do something else without acknowledge us, which it could lead to dangerous situation. 3. I believe the OSDC scope still not

Re: [osdcmy] Pitch

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Eric, As you know, I will join you in your effort. Just let us all know what we need to do, then I shall try my best to assist you. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-05-05 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
And I support to resurrect this thread, as we all need a local mirror for all major distros. Plus another suggestion, we should only allow IPs as below to access our community mirrors: # Country: MALAYSIA # ISO Code: MY # Total Networks: 330 # Total Subnets: 6,310,400

Re: [osdcmy] We Need Brand Awareness

2011-04-30 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I am willing to work together with you in this, if there is no one stopping me from doing so. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-04-29 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
As long as our bandwidth price still expensive like this, it is very hard for us ti have a nice DC. We won't be able to have a nice Cloud if all servers only have 1mbps speed. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] Re: We Need Brand Awareness

2011-04-24 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
If put bunga raya, i think ppl will relate us with the gov. So I think we should come out with an idea which is more fresh. We r IT guys after all, rite? :P -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-04-21 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
From what I heard, the whole email platform is actually just point the MX record to the And they just develop the interface and connect to the API, and just hosting their own made web UI for us to check email. In order word, we can just use our

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-04-21 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Ihsan, check this out. --- Trying ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 29191 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 7, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION:

Re: [osdcmy] Our Own Consortium By Community For Community

2011-04-21 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
If the tender is a gov tender, then i agree to go for it. I would like to have a piece of RM50M. lol -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] Open Source is free. Your time isn't.

2011-04-19 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Could agree more with this. But it is sad that some people do not think this way. When you volunteer to help them, they expect the exact same thing they get for those support services they paid to those expensive paid softwares. And when you tell them that you are not free and delay to assist

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Install Fest Concept

2011-04-15 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Syazwan, In this thread, there is no one bashing Windows. Please read everything in this thread. We are just talking about since most computer users prefer to use Windows, even though it is pirated version, then perhaps we can make a fortune on these pirated software lovers. Again, please read.

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Install Fest Concept

2011-04-14 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Rizer Soire, Sebab tu lah Exabytes jual hosting service yg melampau slow overload dgn harga yg mahal. Sebab org tengok harga mahal, service macam tahi pun org cakap bagus. lol @Rizer, kat sebuah shoping complex dekat tempat aku, ade weekend kiosk untuk RM80 3 hari. ko nak buat install fest

Re: [osdcmy] Have Faith In Your ISP

2011-04-12 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
it depends on areas. some place, will be as nice as yours. some place, if they are still using a faulty DSLAM, then u will see it always disconnect... like wat happen to me now -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

[osdcmy] Release Party Photos

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
To those who have uploaded the photos of the release party(OpenSuse+Debian+Gnome3), can you please post the link of the album here? -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Izzit this Bay View? -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [KOSTEM] Seeking For Volunteers

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Raja, If thats the case, we need you too! We also need 1 interviewer with this kind of skill, if possible! Muahahaha!!! -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [KOSTEM] Seeking For Volunteers

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
By the way guys, I do agree that we only broadcast some of the talks. Coz if we broadcast all talks, the ticket purchase will rate will be drop a lot also. Most of the time, when not broadcasting the talks, we stream the whole event's halls, exhibition hall, food hall, community booths, sponsor's

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [KOSTEM] Seeking For Volunteers

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I'm not sure whether the camera chaining things can be done or not, coz we might will not be using expensive equipment. But well, we can try to find a way to do so by doing research together. :) -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] Install Fest Concept

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
For me, I think the install fest will be best if do alongside with TM. Coz if TM is there, then there will be internet access. But I doubt TM will let us tumpang their roadshow... -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
If possible, it is better if the price is below RM300. Best if the price is around RM200. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] Congratulations on 20 years of Linux

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I am wondering is there any country's post office got release 1st day cover stamp. I would hope to collect stamp for this Linux anniversary. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad

Re: [osdcmy] Congratulations on 20 years of Linux

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Eh? now so cheap already ar? Last time damn expensive... -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and

Re: [osdcmy] Congratulations on 20 years of Linux

2011-04-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
But still, pay RM1.40 for a RM0.50 stamp, it is still quite expensive, lol -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Install Fest Concept

2011-04-06 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
have you guys thought of doing it like a roadshow? like what TM always did? it will somehow bring us good response by doing that. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Install Fest Concept

2011-04-06 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Haris, that would be great! -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

[osdcmy] Seeking For Volunteers

2011-04-06 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
This has been discussed in the other mailing list. I have proposed to do love video streaming during the MOSC2011. Now, I need to seek for volunteers to join the streaming team. Although I do not know will the streaming plan will be executed or not, but it is best to assemble a team and do further

Re: [osdcmy] Top5 BSDA Trainers Project

2011-03-30 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I would like to know, what is *BSDA* stands for. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and detail

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-03-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I have 1 suggestion which I already suggested during the Inter-Distro Workshop. We all collect money to buy a 1U dedicated server, and put 1TB or 2TB hard disk. Then we colo the server at any datacenter, which cost around RM250-RM350. Then, each of us sponsor RM20 or RM30 every month to pay for

Re: [osdcmy] Top10 LPI Trainers Project

2011-03-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I already submitted the form. Hopefully will get selected. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and

Re: [osdcmy] Mirror Mirror For OSS in Malaysia

2011-03-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
For the 1U server, we can actually get something cheaper, such as lower than 1.5k. If possible, get a 1U server for 1k. The most important thing is the hard disk space, which we need at least 1TB. We just host the most recent version of the distros, as well as 1 older version of the distros, just

Re: [osdcmy] Malaysian OSS Developer

2011-03-22 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Soire As long as you din lanciao gatal and kacau girls in the OSS communities and din go around say you a hacker, then you are not consider as those n00bs Lol As I know, you are a person who keen to learn something new, just like most of us here. Myself, I am also just a newbie who still

Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-18 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Lets create a new words using DBP's standard! *Words:* Connect = Konek Debian Squeeze = Debian Picit Desktop = Atas Meja Laptop = Atas Peha *Commands:* fsck = **Perkataan Ini Telah Diharamkan** cat /proc/cpuinfo = kucing /proc/cpuinfo less = kurang So, *cat /var/log/auth.log | less* will be

Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-17 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
*Terminate this window. == Jahanamkan tingkap ini. * -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and detail

Re: [osdcmy] maybe off-topic: I like Gmail

2011-03-16 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Not all the stuff they release the codes to the public... This is y i said, I am not able to denied that I like Google's stuff a lot, although we all know that Google is attempt for a World Domination -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] New article: What the heck is FreeDOS?

2011-03-16 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Yeah, I agree that the current versions of free desktop environments are more user friendly the Windows now. People always said that Linux/BSD are not user friendly. Yeah, thats the past. Now if compare to Vista and Win7, Windows is definately not user friendly at all. Lot of the stuff, are not

Re: [osdcmy] Malaysian OSS Developer

2011-03-16 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
bros, u guys are real contributors, real activist lar! the post i posted just now are not applicable for u guys. hahahaha u 3 are real developers, contributed a lot to the community. i respect 3 of u lar. :P -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] maybe off-topic: I like Gmail

2011-03-15 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Couldn't agree more with u guys. Myself, although don't like the fact that Google is trying for World Domination But hey, stuffs from them is really cool!!! -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy] New article: What the heck is FreeDOS?

2011-03-15 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
This is the reason why, I prefer to use Debian for my DirectAdmin servers rather than using Ubuntu. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] Malaysian OSS Developer

2011-03-15 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I believe they mean by the attitude and mindset of Malaysia OSS developers and the community. As we can see now, majority of our developers and community people are fighting each others. Not united at all. Always argue about the difference and advantages of those OSS projects that they are

Re: [osdcmy] Re: FiMOS - For Malaysian, by Malaysian

2011-03-14 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@ApOgEE, I kinda agree with u... Anyway, this also reminds me of 1 of my friend who over extreme about Ubuntu. As you all know, usually when ppl buy shared hosting accounts, they will looks for cPanel at the 1st requirement. As a hosting provider, to install cPanel, I have to use CentOS (although

Re: [osdcmy] Skalicloud - Is it true ?

2011-03-14 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Well, skali is quite a reputable company, so it is not a scam. You will get the product if you pay them. While about the quality... erm you judge it yourself... Anyway, myself also plan to provide cloud hosting too. About the price... I dun think anyone of you will like the price...

Re: [osdcmy] Wassup With OSCC ?

2011-03-14 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Harisfazillah I believe the current OSCC now, need more capable people to get the jobs done nicely. Since you Eric leave OSCC, it seems like not much capable ppl left at there. Those who are capable to do work, seems like they are too overload, until == cat /proc/loadavg == 150.00 80.00 70.00 ==

Re: [osdcmy] Re: FiMOS - For Malaysian, by Malaysian

2011-03-12 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Rizer, nop, this time's Inter-Distro Workshop is the 2nd ones. The 1st ones only Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Debian, FreeBSD/PCBSD Sabily attend. @Syazwan, OshiriX is powerful. A very good distro. The developer wanted to remain anonymous, which we all should respect his decision, coz his

Re: [osdcmy] Minta petunjuk tentang LPIC-1

2011-03-11 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Bagi aku, ape-ape certification pun aku nak cuba. Asalkan exam fees cukup murah/free, ataupun ade org nak sponsor aku. hahahah -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] Re: FiMOS - For Malaysian, by Malaysian

2011-03-10 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
actually i think of Makcik PC if they rebrand it with another name, just that wat My1OS did, the Makcikc PC will be able to success. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Call For Distros Workshop

2011-03-08 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Here is the conformation from Debian. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-03-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Guys, anything about this My1OS a.k.a FiMOS, lets discuss in the 26th Inter-Distro workshop. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting

Re: [osdcmy] ERP for Education?

2011-03-06 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@riZer Enterprise it seems like you always read wrong. lol -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and

Re: [osdcmy] ERP for Education? (was: Buatkan website ?)

2011-03-04 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
It is still quite resource hungry. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Why our Unis turn out such poor quality IT grads. - long rant

2011-03-04 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
That is kucing, not harimau Muahahahahah. Miao Miao! Catz Rulez!!! -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** - *CS Squad VPS Hosting* -- To unsubscribe

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I agree with doing an inter-distro workshop again. I think it is the best way for people from different distro background to stay under the same roof and have a neat discussion face to face, in order to achieve peace. We have to stop this madness as soon as possible. It is already 2011 now,

Re: [osdcmy] Call For Distros Workshop

2011-02-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
This time, I really hope to see representative or leaders of each distros in this country will show up and have a peaceful discussion on our common future plan. For new distros, it is the best chance to thoroughly introduce their distro to the whole community of OSS distros. By doing this, it is

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Yeah, Manchester United. And they work together very well to win quite a lot of times. :P Hahahaha -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Syafiq, yeah, it will be even worse if brothers fighting among each others. :) -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group MOSC2011

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!? People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!? WTF!? @simpleLinux I do somehow agree with your points too, but the way you express it, a little bit too harsh. You are consider as an old timers in the OSS community too, so you should know that sometimes

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-26 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
No offense to those which I may offending. I realized that nowadays, a lot of newcomers in the FOSS community are those people who are not really willing to make any effort contribute anything. They do not contribute codes, when they did some enhancement on the FOSS softwares. They just keep it

Re: [osdcmy] My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-24 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Their PHD is Permanent Head Damage. And they only think 1 way only, never think another way round. And those who usually more qualified are chased away... -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Working With LPI

2011-02-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
yay!!! LPI back to Malaysia!!! I wan to signup for the exam!!! muahahha!!! -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group MOSC2011

Re: [osdcmy] Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Add me in. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group MOSC2011 MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
No offense everyone. But usually when I see there is something new suggested and started to be implemented. There is a lot of hoo-hah around. Everyone are also join in the discussion and saying that they will be part of it and work on it. But when it started to run, those who had saying that they

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [osdcmy-public] OSS Hardware Compatibility project

2011-02-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
So far I had tested the Debian kFreeBSD kernel do support my motherboard chipsets and all hardwares of my desktop. Anyway, if I wanted to submit the list of compatibility, where shall I submit to? P/S: Debian kFreeBSD uses the same kernel with FreeBSD. -- *GarfieldWTF*

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
For this moment, it is best to pray that more ppl will be willing to really really show up as volunteer. Coz it is hard to find ppl who really show up when do work. At least, those ppl who willing to show up and do work once a while are consider good enough, at least they do have the heart to

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [osdcmy-public] problems with yum (somethingtodowith python package?)

2011-02-22 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
actually, yg paling senang adalah Windows sysadmin punye style. backup semua benda, Format, then hanye guna default punye repo je. hahaha sebab Windows sysadmin punye style ni, x payah guna otak banyak, anything, just Format je hahhaahh -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community

Re: [osdcmy] FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE and 8.2-RELEASE are now available !!!

2011-02-22 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
thx for informing! :) -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group MOSC2011 MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [osdcmy-public] problems with yum (something todowith python package?)

2011-02-21 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@E1, bro, dia org semua cakap tentang zypper remove *, then rm -rf /etc hahahhaaha -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group MOSC2011

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Suse 11.3 with libgnutls.so12 ( backward compatible )

2011-02-12 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Hope that you can revise a bit for the words you are using below: On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 9:23 PM, riZer Enterprise wrote: I've heard ther are banyak sekolah sekolah khas ini. i would like a meetup and assessement samada boleh kah saya bantu mereka mereka ni Dr

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-09 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Anyway, I hope the current OSCC sysadmin will fix the scripts so that the mirror will stay updated for the benefit of everyone... -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Suse 11.3 with libgnutls.so12 ( backward compatible )

2011-02-09 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
This is why I say crazy. Anyway, this crazy idea of mine is just like what 1Malaysia really mean anyway :P -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-08 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I dun think is someone forget to how to use rsync amyway. lol coz the CentOS and Ubuntu repo is up to date. Only the Debian ones is not up to date. It seems like the syncing is disabled on purpose. Perhaps it is disabled due to they think there is not much Debian users in Malaysia... But hey,

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-08 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Maulvi, Hmm... seems like almost all of their mirrors is not up to date. The last updates on a lot of the distro's mirrors was until August or October of 2010 only Anyway, I do not believe they don't know how to rsync, coz they able to rsync it at the begining, it means they do know how to

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Suse 11.3 with libgnutls.so12 ( backward compatible )

2011-02-08 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Maulvi, Already tried the apt-get on CentOS. It breaks the dependencies. That why we need to do something which it won't break the dependencies. Then after success, there will be something new already hahahaha -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia)

[osdcmy-public] Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
To Whom Who It May Concern, Hi, I am from DebMal (Debian User Community Malaysia). I am writing this email to you with some hope and I do hope that my wish can be granted, for the benefit of a lot people in Malaysia, especially those who are using Linux as their primary operating system for daily

[osdcmy-public] Re: Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Guys, please help me to forward this to any Malaysia datacenter you know to increase the chances to have someone to host a Debian mirror in Malaysia for the benefit of everyone. Thank You! *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Suse 11.3 with libgnutls.so12 ( backward compatible )

2011-02-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
err.? cara installation suse betul-betul susah ke? mula-mula nye, i pun rasa agak susah, sebab x pernah guna suse yg version selepas 7.2. mase tu masih xde zypper lagi, hanya ade yast saje. so semalam, i cuba install guna suse 11.0 (then upgrade to 11.3). at first, memang rasa agak

[osdcmy-public] Re: Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I am glad to hear that Debian is in your planning list. Hopefully, it will be implemented soon. Thank You. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Zamri Besar wrote: Dear Debmal

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Request For Adding Debian Repo Mirror

2011-02-07 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Thank You Eric for helping to forward the mail. :) On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte wrote: I forwarded your email to my former counter part in OSCC. Eric On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Garfield WTF wrote: Guys

Re: [osdcmy-public] Debian Squeeze release party

2011-01-29 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Is there any other distro will having a release party in near time? If have, please join us in the online meeting at #debian-my on freenode this sunday 9pm. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this

Re: [osdcmy-public] Debian Squeeze release party

2011-01-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
By the way, since OpenSuse is going to do their launching party, I think it is best if we both (Debian OpenSuse) do the launching party together. By this way, we can save the cost of organizing the party, and we also can have more people to attend. The more people, the more merrier anyway.

Re: [osdcmy-public] Debian Squeeze release party

2011-01-27 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Lets do an online meeting for this to discuss, as this topic was posted to several different mailing list, where it is hard to consolidate all the suggestions. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this

Re: [osdcmy-public] Debian Squeeze release party

2011-01-27 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
ok, lets discuss about this at sunday in irc. :) -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group MOSC2011 MOSC Survey 2011

Re: [osdcmy-public] Millennium Bug 10 Years Anniversary

2010-12-31 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
To those who did attend... Sorry guys, i oversleep and when i wake up already 9.30pm Really really sorry!!! :) -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy-public] Reply oleh pembangun My1OS [baca, penting ni]

2010-12-28 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Ok, since it is opensource and they are not selling software license, then i can accept it. anyway, we can try to assist them as much as we can, and of course, observe also. if they made mistake, then inform them to avoid any issues. :) -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-27 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Saudara Haris, kalau dah set mase perjumpaan, harap boleh announce, sebab ada banyak drp kita pun nak join untuk discussion memberi nasihat kepada developer My1OS. aku pun nak pergi sibuk jugak. hahahaha -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) **

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-24 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
@Raja Iskandar masalahnye, mamat tu bukan jual packaging atau Cd punye cost, dia tu jual software license. Sebab tu masokis pergi warn dia pasal ni, tapi mamat tu ignore je... -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and

Re: [osdcmy-public] SimpleLinux - Another Linux Distro Malaysian Made

2010-12-24 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
kalau ko minat nak guna, aku boleh sponsor domain name tu. u dah check, .com sudah ade org ambik... Pasal hosting, aku pun boleh sponsor jugak, hosting tu akan berada pada server yg sama dgn :) On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-24 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
I heard that we can download RHEL 6 for free without subscription activation, and not eligible for updates only. Is that true? -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-24 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Sebenarnye banyak org dah cuba contact developer My1OS tu, tapi dia tu asyik ingore je. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User Community (Malaysia) ** -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
nasional sekalipun, bagi la kredit kat distro yang di'fork'. 2010/12/22, Garfield WTF asalkan dia tu jangan buat sampai org ingat Linux tu benda xstabil, dah cukup lah. susah-2 kita cuba nak naikkan reputasi Linux, dia tu nak hancurkan semua hardwork yg kita buat dgn

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-23 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
By the way, kalau tertimbul lawsuit, banyak pihak boleh sue sama dia tu. Conthnya: 1. Canonical/Ubuntu 2. Debian (Sebab kebanyakkan code Ubuntu pun daripada Debian 3. Linus Torvald 4. FSF - Richard Stallman (Sebab drp screenshot boot up my1os tu, dia menggunakan GNU GPL, tapu dia nak jual

Re: [osdcmy-public] my1os. The 1st Malaysian Operating System

2010-12-22 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
asalkan dia tu jangan buat sampai org ingat Linux tu benda xstabil, dah cukup lah. susah-2 kita cuba nak naikkan reputasi Linux, dia tu nak hancurkan semua hardwork yg kita buat dgn release Ubuntu remastered distro dia tu yg x lengkap.. -- *GarfieldWTF* Debian User

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