[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 22.03.2006 02:56:32:
> How does OTRS decide when to attach an email to an existing ticket
> rather than creating a new one?
by the ticket number in the subject line only.
> Is there any way to have OTRS find the ticket number from the body
of an
> email. For ex
Hi All,
Hello brother out ther.
Can anybody help me in configuring Ticket Escalation
How to configure Generic agent??
I have gone through the documentation present in otrs.org. but it didn't helped me.
So help me?
Sudhanshu Chopra
How does OTRS decide when to attach an email to an existing ticket
rather than creating a new one?
Is there any way to have OTRS find the ticket number from the body of an
email. For example, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has an open ticket with us, and he
sends an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the tick
I am trying to compose a reply to a customer but OTRS won't let me send the
mail because it says that the email address is invalid. The address seems
correct. It looks like [EMAIL PROTECTED] but OTRS reports "* invalid
Why is this?
Wes Plate
Automatic Duck, Inc.
maybe i'm new to this but that makes no sense to
- Original Message -
To: otrs@otrs.org
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:57
Subject: AW: [otrs] How to change
Config Options: Framework ->
Config Options: Framework -> Frontend::Customer
Vielen Dank,
Shawn Beasley
Support – IT
Cargo Future
Communications GmbH
Geb. 1335
55483 Hahn-Flughafen
Tel. +49 6543 983 113
Fax +49 6543 983 119
Mobil: +49
How do you change the auto response for people who
have just added themselves as a new user?
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
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I run OTRS on FC4 and the FC1-FC3 RPM works fine
Disable SElinux and just change one thing:
In /etc/apache2/conf.d/otrs.conf, change "Apache::Reload" to "Apache2::Reload",
at lines 13 and 14.
PerlModule Apache::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
PerlModule Apache2::Reload
in 1.3.x you would have to assign the
new themee to the customer users too...
have a look a the admin part and then
custormer-User(? im not shure how it is called, i have got a german version.
on the left, 4th point from the top)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 21.03.2006 17:39:36:
> Hi !
Matthew David Evens wrote:
I'm using Fedora 4. Thank you for any help.
I believe there are some issues with running OTRS on FC4. The rpm is
for FC1-FC3. I believe you need to change at least otrs.conf (search
the mailinglist archives) and possibly your SELinux settings.
Still I don't thi
Hi !
I created a new theme by adding a new theme directory
(mkdir ~otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/NewTheme/), Copying
an existing theme into the new directors (cp
and Modifying the dtl files. Then, I inserted the new
theme int
I just ran checkModules and it gave this output:
# ./otrs.checkModules
CGI ... ok
Date::Pcalc ... ok
Date::Format ... ok
DBI ... ok
DBD::mysql ... ok
Digest::MD5 ... ok
LWP::UserAgent ... ok
Hi All,
Hello brother out ther.
Can anybody help me in configuring Ticket Escalation
How to configure Generic agent??
I have gone through the documentation present in otrs.org. but it didn't helped me.
So help me?
Sudhanshu Chopra
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
I have a job in the queue that has no information on it but this:
Software error:
Got no ArticleID! at /opt/otrs//Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleCheckPGP.pm line 32.
For help,
please send mail to the webmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
giving this error message and the time and date of the erro
В сообщении от Вторник 21 Март 2006 14:15 Mike Lykov написал(a):
> > I'm setup OTRS installation as described in INSTALL file.
> analogical thread
WONTFIX looks bad %(
it's real problem, and i find many cases when it's exist
and i find the solution now
В сообщении от Вторник 21 Март 2006 13:00 Mike Lykov написал(a):
> Hi all.
> I'm setup OTRS installation as described in INSTALL file.
analogical thread
same problem, other version, other time
more cases :
looks like what you need is a mail user agent feature, called "bounce".
not all MUAs have this, MS Outlook doesn't, for instance. but Eudora,
Mutt or Thunderbird (with extension) support this feature.
> -Original Message-
Hi all.
I'm setup OTRS installation as described in INSTALL file.
apache, mysql, perl modules are OK.
web installer are OK. (log = syslog)
visiting page
http://myhost/otrs/index.pl are OK (i see login form)
I enter [EMAIL PROTECTED] / root
and get following error
Software error:
Invalid argum
Matthew David Evens wrote:
My name is David Evens and I wanted to use the ticketing program.
It seemed to install fine; However, after I tried to close a
ticket, I get the following error:
No SASL mechanism found
at /opt/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/Authen/SASL.pm line 62
Is there anything I
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